SEO Forum - 40 Day Challenge - Top 5 in Google Within 40 Days!

Profile picture of JosephA
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1177 replies
Hi, my name is Joseph Archibald (some of you may know me for my article writing on the Warrior Forum) and I welcome you to this 40 day Challenge - "top 5 in Google within 40 days!".

Let me just clarify this a bit please. Forgive me here - its rather a long definition and explanation as to what I intend to do, but its fully necessary just to make it as crystal clear as I can do so. For anyone remotely interested in SEO it should be interesting reading nevertheless.

One of the recent posts on the WF in this part of the forum was along the lines of "how to define a good to great keyword?".

Excellent question! But one that can only be answered truly by the person who wishes to make the definition. Meaning one of the following:

* would you wish to attain a high ranking for a keyword phrase that is going to bring you buyers regardless there are perhaps only around 2 thousand searches per month in Google stats? (Very possibly a long-tail keyword).

* or are you looking to rank a keyword phrase that has 50,000 + searches a month and not too concerned about it being a buyer-related keyword? After all, with a large search volume, no matter your chosen keyword you should get at the very least a few sales, right (or wrong)?

* or perhaps the definition for you relates much more about how much competition there is in the likes of Google. If I stipulate something along the lines of 20 million competition for the same keyword phrase you wish to rank for, does that mean its a good or great keyword if you can indeed rank highly for it?

I know there are other ways to define a good or great keyword - some based more upon your own personal reasoning and requirements, perhaps. A good or great keyword is in the eye of the beholder - yes, similar to beauty...

For me then, a good or great keyword (or beautiful keyword, if you like) for this particular exercise would have to encompass a number of those points above, if not all 3 together. Namely:

1. must have potential buyers (not necessarily long tail however)

2. must have over 50 thousand searches a month as per Google stats in the Google External keyword tool - this is the EXACT MATCH and not BROAD

3. well okay, the competition as per the Google stats is not what I would focus on at all. I don't care if there are 5,000 comp or 50 million comp. There are other factors more important at play than this sort of competition. But for the sake of many, I shall indeed mention the competition of my chosen keyword

Okay, onwards. My intention is to detail the process of ranking my chosen keyword/keyword phrase - call it what you will, in Google, in the top 5 within a 40 day time frame from very start (once I have chosen my keyword and announced this on this thread) to very end. I shall only purchase the chosen keyword AFTER this challenge begins, and would expect it to be Google indexed some 5 days or so after I make the purchase.

40 days may be too short a time for a top 5 - this has yet to be seen. There can be no guarantee because ultimately its up to Google, and there are a number of other factors that I am obviously unable to control. I will however, do my best!

Why am I doing this? Why do I want to expose my deep SEO secrets to you, a stranger? And why would I wish to risk my reputation on the Warrior Forum (and beyond). Hmmmm.... good question really - its rather nerve racking!

There are a number of reasons, but one is to help to educate and offer support for many folks who are really struggling with choosing keywords and ranking webpages in the likes of Google. I do totally and absolutely know how incredibly frustrating and seemingly unattainable this whole process seems, particularly when new at the "game" of SEO. I spent a load of time and a load of money (most of which was a waste) on trying out new techniques in an effort to make money online.

Fairly early on however, I realized that perhaps the best way was to learn SEO. And thus I embarked upon learning the ropes and putting into practice various techniques until I had honed my skills enough as to be at least relatively successful.

And no, I shall not reel off my successes and boost my flagging ego - how much money I make, how many sites I have ranking in the top 5 or 10 of Google and how many at number 1... Its not relevant to the Challenge.

Let this Challenge speak for itself as to whether I know and understand the world of search engine optimization or not (SEO Google fashion, that is). If you gain something from it that you can add this to your own ability for ranking a decent keyword, then you can argue that the Challenge has indeed justified itself, at least for you.

After all, ranking sites/keywords/keyword phrases on a regular basis only comes with practice and with practice comes improvement. If you can learn from others who have made a ton of mistakes beforehand (that's me!) then you are a big step forward indeed! Less mistakes for you to make, which means success should come sooner rather than later.

Finally, I shall relay to you in my posts on this thread every aspect to my campaign for the chosen keyword. That's not at all to say that I do this for all my campaigns. It depends upon the competition, the target market and how motivated I am haha!

And for sure, I am not claiming I am some form of genius (ah, if only!). I merely wish to show one way - one set of techniques in reaching a potential goal as far as SEO is concerned.

There are many other ways to go about reaching the same goal - what I shall show to you here is just a single method that can be learned by anyone with half a notion. You are then free to utilize this method or to build on it for perhaps even more successes of your own.

The method I am going to outline here is far and away from being perfect, or indeed its not at all one of the best. Its just one way to achieve high rankings, and to achieve high rankings very regularly - if you have the motivation to do so.

If you've read this far, then many thanks for that - you may be one of few! Lol!

Oh, and further information can be found at my blog here
The Thrill of Good Quality SEO makes my Life a Better Place!

Its fairly new hence there is not a vast amount of content. Interesting reading nevertheless.

I shall make a diary of progress and my reasons why I do things on the blog too.

Now sit back and enjoy the ride!

To our success!

Kind regards
Joseph Archibald

As a postscript, and a la Terry Kyle style, if you feel that this thread is of value then do please feel free to provide a vote of thanks by clicking the Thanks button which is just below and on the right side, thank you!
#40 day challenge #challenge #day #days #google #high google ranking #high ranking in google #joseph archibald #rank high in google #top
  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Midas3 Consulting
    Profile picture of Midas3 Consulting
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, I'll look forward to it.
    • Profile picture of the author terenceyang
      Profile picture of terenceyang
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph,

      After reading your post from the start to the very end, I am sure that I will follow you from the start of your project here to the very end too...

      All the best of luck and JUICE...
      Signature's First Multilingual Neighbourhood Social Network!
    • Profile picture of the author jacked
      Profile picture of jacked
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      great thread, still have to finish reading but I have learned a lot from this when I read through most of it a month ago and so far have had great success, one of my sites which I built 3 weeks ago is already on the first page for a competitive adsense keyword with over 48k searches per month


      Comments, Profiles, Pyramids, Bookmarks, Article Submissions, Web 2.0 Creation, & Much MORE
      • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
        Martin N Smith
        Profile picture of Martin N Smith
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph,

        Thanks for your response again yesterday. Like Matt above, I've read most of the thread now but will be purchasing the ebook when I'm back at the office next Tuesday as a way of saying THANK YOU for providing such awesome content.

        I think I'm pretty much there now although I'd appreciate you firming up on the 'volume' of articles we're talking about here:

        1. For the anchor directories / web 2.0 sites etc - 1 unique article per site. This I do know.

        2. Next, for UAW, can you tell me exactly how many articles you submit to these? You've mentioned 500. Is this about right?

        3. Finally, for BB, how many c 100 - 120 word snippets are we talking about here?

        Thanks again
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Jacked,
          many thanks for the feedback! Its great you are having real success by using this system and I hope you go on to make a ton of cash via AdSense!

          Kind regards

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your support guys! Much appreciated (and much needed too!)
    Best wishes...
  • Profile picture of the author wnatc1
    Profile picture of wnatc1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Looks like a good thing to follow. Look fwd to it
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm using Scroogle Scraper here to work out who is who on my potential top 5 rankings. In the case you don't know about Scroogle Scraper - its a software (website) that allows you to search for Google rankings and its unbiased. Thus, it will not necessarily show up your own site as being number one, simply because its unbiased towards you, whereas Google is not. Google will take a bias towards your own search requirements.

      Also, for purposes of this challenge, Scroogle Scraper is okay - albeit it does provide different results in different countries. Over-all though, its probably fairer to assess for a top ranking using the Scroogle rather than a general Google search query.

      I could fire up another software I have (paid for) - SEO Elite, and do further assessments, but this is not entirely necessary I think. I don't want folks to go buying all forms of software for keyword searches and all sorts, when to be honest much of the best research can be done totally and absolutely free.

      Take the Google External Keyword Tool as a perfect example of free at its best!!

      I think I've finally got my keyword.

      More on that shortly...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        When I'm checking out my comp on Google I'll go into Scroogle Scraper, as mentioned, and then one by one I will check through each website of the top 10 on Goog.

        Forget the idea about all this who's ranking for your chosen keywords in "" (is that parenthethis?) and who is not. I spent what feels like most of my life using this technique and generally by doing so managed to rank for nothing worthy of ranking for.

        So many folks get all worked up about the fact that when they check Google and see there is 25 million other sites ranking for the same keyword that they want - well, that means it can't possibly be done. Waaaa.... not true!!

        What I highly encourage you to do, if you are not already doing so is to check for your potential keyword who is top 10 to top 20 in Google. These are your true competition, make no mistake!

        Its these guys and gals who KNOW how to rank their sites by using both on-page and off-page techniques. Either they know or they got oodles of cash to splash on some SEO company.

        I'll talk more about this very soon...

      • Profile picture of the author terenceyang
        Profile picture of terenceyang
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        Thank you for letting us into your mind and look over your shoulder while you do your stuff.

        Can you help me in this...

        How do you narrow down to the keyword that you think you may have found? Do you start off with any random seed keyword or do you find out a rising trend or whatever did you do before you move on to narrow it down?

        Pardon me if I am not quick to catch any hint(s) that you may have mentioned.

        Thank you.

        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Take the Google External Keyword Tool as a perfect example of free at its best!!

        I think I've finally got my keyword.

        More on that shortly...

        Signature's First Multilingual Neighbourhood Social Network!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Terence,
          thanks for following the thread here!

          With regards your question...
          "How do you narrow down to the keyword that you think you may have found? Do you start off with any random seed keyword or do you find out a rising trend or whatever did you do before you move on to narrow it down?"

          Do you mean how do I start out on my niche and then narrow down to a particular keyword, or are you referring to when I have my niche area defined and now wish to search out a hot keyword to target?


          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Okay now, I've chosen my keyword and snapped up a relevant domain name! Let's take a quick look at what I have:


            This domain is targeting the keywords "Twilight Poster", in case you did not realize.

            Of course, is not going to be available! Hence I inserted the "z" to make it sound like Twilight Posters. Its of little consequence to my requirements. I should still be able to rank nicely for this regardless of the "z" sticking on the end a bit like a sore thumb sticks out!

            Sounds perhaps a little bland (not perhaps the right word), but Twilight being such a SIZZLING HOT topic there are indeed sales to be made here!

            I was looking at "New Moon Poster" which according to the Google Keyword Tool has over 165,000 EXACT global searches. Now we are clear as to what Global and Local searches mean, right?

            Global is as it says - based on Google search figures from around the world over the period of the preceding year, broken down to a monthly average.

            Local stats are for the previous month alone (no average over the year) for the Google server that you have chosen to use. Ya, you can use this feature on the free Google Keyword tool, which is very neat! There's a tab at the top where you can change to your desired country to get Google traffic stats for that country alone.

            "Twilight Poster" has some 60.5k exact Google searches globally - as an average per month. Its a little risky to base my "presumptions" on this being a really hot keyword on this figure. Let me explain why.

            Let's say I want to tie this product in with okay?
   are based in and around North America, right? If I'm targeting "global" then this may include a load of ladies and gents for the likes of Russia. And I don't think that many Russians who live in Russia would be buying from - do you?

            Sure has happened to me before. Where I load up my Google Analytics to see some nice figures for a couple of my sites - high level of unique hits. I go a bit deeper cos I see a lack of sales of my affiliate products and hey, its mostly Russian (from Russia) who are hitting up on my sites. Nothing against Russians of course (my ex was one of 'em). But they are not the buying crowd that I'm looking for!

            So keep this in mind when you are assessing stats for your own keywords!

            Why not just use AdSense? If you have a look see, the potential income for "Twilight Poster" is just below the US dollar mark - 93 cents. Which literally means that I potentially would earn around 25 cents a click. Hmmm, okay I suppose, but perhaps I can do a bit better hooking up with the likes of or eBay. I can always change these about later on and see what happens.

            If one monetizing platform performs not so well, then its good to keep other possibilities in mind. So, for product-related stuff this becomes relatively easy. Just take AdSense off (if its AdSense you have been trying out) and hook into a product from the likes of Amazon or eBay etc.

            Say I initially found a nice product-related keyword that was going to pay me around the dollar mark per click. Yes, I go for that! I check it in SpyFu (or where-ever) to ensure that there are advertisers for the exact keyword. That's the basic SpyFu, so its free!

            Lo-and-behold, there are 17 advertisers - great!

            But what if, for some very odd reason, my sparkly site is nicely ranked, getting some good amount of uniques now that its gotten into top 10 in Google, but its not pulling many clicks. How come?

            Sure thing, would not take too many clicks to make some really good profits at around 1 buck a click, but you see my point, I'm sure. I mean, let's imagine we get $1 per click, we are ranked at say... 9th in Google, we are getting some 150 uniques a day and our site is set up so that we can pull a click through average of 12% per day (pulling a higher click % is indeed very possible!).

            This would work out at... 18 bucks a day for one single highly optimized web page! Nice work! Getting away from the point though...

            Due to the fact that my site is product-related its now a simple matter for me to go check or or something and see if I can find highly-related products that I can affiliate for. Well, yes, of course there are!

            Get me here? You are covered for different angles should one thing not work out for you at the start.

            You are hardly going to start up selling your own physical product here but you can indeed turn to the likes of Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction etc. to get some great products that you can aff for, should your AdSense fall flat!


            I'll make another post to carry on with this discussion or else it may turn out to be a tome like the last post I made

            (If you did miss my point here (I do waffle on a bit, sorry) the main thing I'm saying is - if you are not so sure about a niche and whether you'll get buyers/AdSense clickers, its no bad thing to cover more than one base - AdSense, eBay, Amazon etc. Thus, should one option fail then you can try out one of the others. You can think about that when next going for a different niche). You don't have to change all your site articles etc. if you want to change from one monetization base to the other, if you thought this through at the start.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Promojack, thanks for stopping by!

              I hope my techniques are as effective as they sound too

              The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.

              However, I do think that many folks who know SEO to some extent are possibly sitting up and taking some notice here. Cos what I'm divulging is what I use day to day. And what I'm divulging is based not only on my own "fiddling" around but upon many other TOP SEO'ers and what they do too, day in day out.

              What I've done is to take a bit of many different techniques, experimented with them myself and then do what works for me.

              Thus these techniques are actually almost totally tried and tested and found to be very workable and very successful too.

              I'm not one for re-inventing the wheel when the wheel works really well. All I do is to tweak the wheel to make it work that much better for me!

              Good luck!
          • Profile picture of the author terenceyang
            Profile picture of terenceyang
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Hi Terence,
            thanks for following the thread here!

            With regards your question...
            "How do you narrow down to the keyword that you think you may have found? Do you start off with any random seed keyword or do you find out a rising trend or whatever did you do before you move on to narrow it down?"

            Do you mean how do I start out on my niche and then narrow down to a particular keyword, or are you referring to when I have my niche area defined and now wish to search out a hot keyword to target?



            Hi Joseph,

            I am referring how you would pick your niche to start with... Especially for this challenge here.
  's First Multilingual Neighbourhood Social Network!
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Terence, with respect to this particular challenge it was a case of pick something out of the blue, really. I did not want to go with AdSense cos I would not be able to provide the domain name on the Warrior Forum if I did so.

              So it had to be something that I could either have no product at all - no monetization, or something that even if it was to be viewed a thousand times via the forum and clicked through with no sales to speak of, there would be no harm done. No repercussions to my account (if it were AdSense I'd be banned in no time).

              At the same time, I wanted to pick a niche that everyone is aware of - so even if not Twilight fans, at least they know of Twilight. I'm no Twilight fan myself, but I do enjoy the movies and my girlfriend daughters love Twilight, so I'm at least aware of it to say the least.

              Further, I wanted to "hit" my initial criteria for the Challenge. In this case I did not entirely do so, but the last one - 20 million competing in Google is neither here nor there to be honest. As mentioned, there are other ways to determine the true level of competition.


              In general and not related to the Challenge, I would pick a niche depending on whether I'm following the technique I just talked about - the products-based stuff. That narrows things down a bit. And then all I do is to get my notepad that I've written down about 200 ideas in over the past couple weeks and check out what's what with both the Google Keyword Tool (great piece of kit that is!) and with Micro Niche Finder software (James Jones product).

              Its good to just write down stuff as you walk around the shops. As you see TV ads - loads of stuff on TV in general to generate great niche ideas from. Or just talking to folks - someone says something about something and my brain is suddenly ticking over about a potential hot niche. Weird perhaps

              I think its just being always open to ideas and potential markets. Heck, even sometimes when I wake up early in the morning I have an idea about a new niche that I will write down or go straight online and check it out there and then.

              Niches are almost everywhere around us, its just a case of "seeing" things as potentially your next hot niche! And it need not at all be product related. There are so many other things that are worth checking out for their potential.

              Hope that helps Terence!

              Best wishes to you...
  • Profile picture of the author PolarBearAK
    Profile picture of PolarBearAK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    This is going to be a very interesting thread and I plan to follow it.

    Thanks for the information, and best wishes in reaching your goal.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Wnatc, Rhodie and Polar Bear - really appreciate your support on this! Its gonna be a fun ride for all (I hope)!

    Just a note to anyone who is following the thread but not made any comment as yet. Please do so - I welcome all comments (within reason) - and I really do appreciate just a simple comment like those who have very kindly just done so. I really do!

    Even if you have not posted before on this forum I want to hear from you. This thread is for anyone that feels it will be of benefit be that you are making a whole heap of money on the internet and your marketing efforts or that you have still to make a single buck!

    I don't care - this is for you regardless where you are at with regards to your SEO!

    Best wishes to everyone, and thanks again for reading along!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So, what am I looking for when assessing my comp in Google?

      Yup, top 10 to top 20 ranking in Google for my desired keyword.

      I will then go through each of them - check them out - my potential competition in Google that is. Assess their website.

      To be honest, I'm not going to be winning any ranking prizes for my site design skills (please read my recent post (30 April on my website

      I Made a Mess of Working on an HTML – Based Site


      Simple and fast is what turns me on (I'm discussing websites here). So when I'm checking some of these sites now (my potential top competition in Google) - well, they are indeed very arty and nice to look at. Some are a bit clunky though - difficult to navigate around. This puts me off. I like nice simple interfaces.

      Take Go Daddy for example. Nice and glossy for sure, but geeee - so difficult to navigate. Far too many offers all over the place. I don't use Go Daddy at all now - in part due to this clunky set up/interface, and in part cos they've caused me all sorts of problems when trying to register a simple domain name. Their security measures seem to me to be way over the top!

      I use Dynadot for ALL my new site registrations. Its fairly simple and gloss-free. Its also a bit cheaper than Go Daddy, unless you want .info domains, which are incredibly cheap on Go Daddy - last time I looked anyhow.

      After a while, you get what is called "bulk-buy" discounts on Dynadot. Thus, I can get a .com for a low price of $7.50 (almost 11 bucks on Go Daddy!) or a .net for only $5.99. Fantastic! I think .org is about $8 or so.

      Hmmm... I got sidetracked...

      I look firstly for Google PR when assessing my potential competition. Say my competition in the top 10 all have PR5s or so, well then, I have a job on my hands! If the keyword is really worth going for (its going to offer really good pay-back in one form or another) then this will not necessarily put me off.

      What else? How many pages are Goog indexed? Many of the big boys and girls who are ranking at the top for the best keywords (best here I mean by most searched for) have massive websites with often in excess of half a million pages indexed. Don't let that put you off in entirety. But keep it in mind that if you do come across smaller sites your job may be made rather easier to outrank them.

      What next? Well of course - backlinks!! Sure thing, you will NEVER find out how many backlinks your comp really have, but you can get a very rough idea by doing a Yahoo search for the site in question (see * below) and then you should at least double that figure and more. Yahoo shows up more backlinks to a site than do Google (by a long way!).

      There is a feature in Google Webmaster account where you can find the number of links to a site, which I understand is possibly a more accurate assessment. Don't know though, I stick with the Yahoo determination of backlinks to a site.

      There is no software product that I know about that will be able to show all the backlinks to any website. I use SEO Elite on occasion - a product by Brad Callen and his brother Matt, but even this fairly expensive software will not tell me all I need to know.

      Now if you were really doing your homework you would also check out these backlinks. Where are they coming from? What is the PR of the sites that they are coming from? Are they very much related sites to the one we are researching - the one we are just about to build?

      Unfortunately you can't see the hyperlinked text in the backlink (maybe you could if you want to load up each individual website but that would take days to do).

      Next up - domain age. The older the domain the more established it is, and this gives it "weight" and makes it more difficult (although not impossible!) to outrank.

      And finally, the Alexa ranking. Obviously if you are competing against a site that is top thousand ranking in Alexa, then again, you have a job on your hands. Stand up all those who work a lot on product-related domains. You all know precisely what I mean here, right? Your Amazons, your eBays, your NextTags, and your YouTubes and EzineArticles etc.

      Quite frankly these sites are a pain in the behind if you want to rank high for product-related stuff, for example, toys, work tools, jewelry and so forth. But, one thing you got in your favor against such mighty sites as these is...

      Most of 'em don't have time to get backlinks to their specific product webpage. Thus the page will not be ranking on backlinks but on the other factors just mentioned. Well okay then, we all know that backlinks are mighty powerful in the eyes of the major search engines, right? Dang sure they are too! So we can't compete with these mighty sites on most of the above factors can we? But, we most certainly can when it comes to high quality backlinks to our sites/web pages, which is PRECISELY WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO! Wow, we're on a roll now!

      YOu see, ranking in the search engines is really about being just that bit more savvy than your competition - and that includes those massively powerful guys and girls up there that we all know so well. THEY CAN AND WILL BE BEATEN BY US LITTLE (VERY SMART) FOLKS!!

      Mmmmm... there is something else here too that can go in our favor/favour - our choice in domain name! Now okay, I don't work much with nor with Yahoo! Search, so I don't really know for sure if they really rate a relevant domain name like Google does. I suspect they actually do though - and I say this because I have obviously done some checking with regards my own sites in the past, and often times I've been ranking rather nicely in Yahoo and in Bing too. More on this to come.

      Okay, so what do I mean by our choice in domain name? Most IM'ers (internet marketers) know that by plucking out a domain name with an exact match to our keywords/keyword phrase we wish to rank for, we will certainly be given some advantage, some kudos in and by Google.

      I have to say that its not so unusual to see some site with a PR0 that is less than a year old that is ranking well against some other sites that have high PR and are years and years old. Furthermore, sometimes these PR0 sites have little to no backlinks to be seen.

      So what the heck is going on here?

      The site owner nabbed the domain name that was up for grabs that was a 100% match to their desired keywords. For example... desired keywords "toys for Christmas 2010". Our domain name would be (or .org or .net). Hmmm, I ain't checked to see if that domain is available... If not, what about Christmas 2011 and so on...?? If we were to get those domain names some years in advance imagine the power they would have in Google's eyes come Christmas time of that particular year. There you have a hot tip for free!

      Okay, I will not labor on about this as most of us get it anyhow. Its not so easy to get decent domain names now anyhow, if this is your game. I have another method however, that it seems to me to provide equally good results, and ultimately "can" lead to top Goog rankings.

      No secret but its often overlooked by folks who are glued to the idea of getting a precise match no matter what!

      There is one more thing I did not mention - cache. If the site has been cached recently it generally means that its been updated, which is no bad thing. After all, we are told that one of the advantages of a blog (no matter its a WordPress blog or what) is that its set up to be updated fairly regularly, thus it will be cached in Google etc fairly often.

      To be honest, I don't necessarily think this makes a large difference because it seems to me that many of the top-ranking sites are not updated often at all. By all means come back to me if you have a different opinion on this, thanks.

      More soon...


      * If you use Firefox for your searches then you should if not already done so, download the SEO Quake tool. Free, of course! Once you have this installed, for every web search you make you will see (provided you turn the tool on for use) all the stats for Google PR's, the number of indexed pages in Google, Yahoo and, age of domain etc. etc. Totally
      if you want to do regular SEO work for your own websites, it really is!
    • Profile picture of the author rehema
      Profile picture of rehema
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Joseph thank you this is really marvelous I did not really believe that you will make it to this fare that you have reached. Please keep on with the good were on you shoulders peeping on your screen thanking for welcoming are
      Re: 40 Day Challenge - Top 5 in Google Within 40 Days! Okay then, here is what I have managed to do so far today. Still a few hours left for more, of course!

      I completed my spinning of an article I wrote late last night to provide me with some 250 different versions of this article with around a 50% uniqueness over-all. Having used a few of those articles today for submissions etc. (including to who happily accepted the article), I find that they are not absolutely perfect with regards syntax. This is to be expected though, particularly when you are trying to write/compose articles when the old brain is a bit tired.

      Nevertheless, I do go through each article before submission to any article directory or to my own site (or submission to any where for that matter) and ensure the article is at the very least good quality. Its a stipulation that I ensure I fulfill these days, at least for the vast majority of my submissions. These are not Pulitzer-prize winners. They are not even on par with my writing work on the WF for clients - those were generally very high quality stuff - go read the feedback on my other thread if you wish to see for yourself. You know my username on here so just search for it.

      Enough banging my own drum. Do forgive me!

      I then went on to submit to the 6 Do-Follow article directories mentioned in a previous post. Rather than submitting the same article to each directory I submit my spun articles instead, thus reducing any potential for a footprint, particularly thinking about Google here! I don't just change the title and the bio box. I actually change every thing and also vary the hyper-text too in the bios.

      By the way, if you are interested, the spinning software I use is Jon Ledger's The Best Spinner. Its simply superb! Before using this piece of software I tried a number of other spinners but I simply disliked them rather intensely. Now its a different matter.

      Here is my own personal review of The Best Spinner

      The Best Spinner Review

      It saves so much time that in my opinion if you are serious about SEO'ing your sites this is a MUST HAVE! Providing you don't already use spinning software that is.

      I then took a couple of paragraphs from my previously spun article and did a further spin on those to provide me with 120 word snippets. What do I use the snippets for?

      I can use the snippets to then insert a link back to my web page of choice. A single hyper-text link per 100+ word snippet. The hyper-text can be anything of choice, albeit no vulgarity or sex stuff or gambling related.

      I find creating snippets of text like this a breeze! Even when your motivation is flagging (my own certainly does at times!), writing out some snippets with the spinner is simple. Thus it does not take much motivation to make progress.

      I love using snippets like this for getting a link back to my site, its simply so simple, it simply is!

      But, you are asking, what do I do with the snippets of text?

      I use a service called Blog Blueprint to upload the text snippets and then these are drip-fed at the rate of 20 per day to blogs and other websites, thus I am able to attain rather a lot of very nice little text links without too much work.

      Want to learn more about Blog Blueprint?

      Yup, you guessed it, I did a review of that one too on my site which you can find here...
      Blog BluePrint Review

      I have reviewed most of the tools I use very, very regularly for my SEO work and posted those to my website at...

      The Thrill of Good Quality SEO makes my Life a Better Place!

      I think this is a fair way for people such as yourself to see for yourself what actually really does work, and work well, with regards to attaining backlinks or for other jobs that we SEO'ers have to do regularly.

      And please, before anyone takes a swipe at me for hard-sell. This is merely telling people who come to read this thread about great bits and pieces of software. Its informing my fellow SEO'ers, as I would do a good friend really!

      More to come....

      bearing with us.
    • Profile picture of the author dcjones21
      Profile picture of dcjones21
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great post - Pat Flynn at referred me to this post
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi DC, thanks for the feedback!

        I just heard from Pat a couple of hours ago. In his next blog post he'll be sharing the actual tools he used to get his first place ranking in Goog - within, what was it - about 10 weeks I think.

        If you've read thru the posts on here then you'll already know what he used to achieve his ranking.

        Best wishes DC!

    • Profile picture of the author GCooper
      Profile picture of GCooper
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great info, thanks very much.

  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Mohammad Afaq
    Profile picture of Mohammad Afaq
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just bookmarked this thread and I'll keep an eye on it

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

    • Profile picture of the author Jeena
      Profile picture of Jeena
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Joseph,
      Interesting to follow . . .

      Jeena White - Hey I'm new here but this is the first thing that has actually WORKED for me. lol... Please use Activation Code = Jeena;
      Local Websites For only $97.00
      Thanks.... Hope we all make alot of money.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jeena, thanks for coming by and leaving your thoughts. You're located in the Phils? I would be looking to get there some time fairly soon - stunningly gorgeous country for sure!

        Kind regards!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Charles, you signed up on my opt-in, right?

        I'm not going to be able to post up more info on here tonight regards the $1000 a pop affilate scheme, but will be keeping everyone on my opt-in fully informed as to what's going on.

        For sure though I will be trying my utmost to be posting more info on here the WF thread tomorrow! The affil scheme does not open doors till next month anyhow, so there is still time.

        All the best!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Marie, the release of the eBook will be anounced forthwith. I was planning on doing more proofing and editing today but time has escaped me. Have to wait till tomorrow for that, but I'm really gonna push to get this eBook up and ready as soon as I can!

        I will (promise) keep you updated on this as much as possible! Its not something I can outsource either as the whole writing up of the eBook has been outsourced.

        Thanks for your interest Marie!

  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    Profile picture of UMS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Regarding domain names, I couldn't agree more about Godaddy. They are an absolutely awful site to navigate.

    The other popular domain provider that a lot of IMers use and recommend it Namecheap. If you check, before registering a domain, you can always get a coupon to knock of a dollar or two.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Mohammad, welcome and thank s for stopping by! Enjoy the "ride"!

      UMS, yup, totally! Go Daddy should now be called "SLOW DADDY". I find the site so, so slow to work with cos its gotten so clunky and big.

      Good tip about and the coupons being available. I'm sure I checked them out a couple months back for a small glut of domains I was going to bye up only to find that cos it was the beginning of a new month all the coupons had expired. Life goes on, huh...

  • Profile picture of the author seoforu
    Profile picture of seoforu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi..Joseph...really looking forward to your article...and good luck for your success.

    Guest post links are effective when they are contextual and natural!!

  • Profile picture of the author edd fulus
    edd fulus
    Profile picture of edd fulus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    what a great thread..tq joseph for the sharing
  • Profile picture of the author terenceyang
    Profile picture of terenceyang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes Joseph,

    Thank you for taking the time to explain my simple question in great detail. Now I am able to follow you tighter since I know your starting point now.

    Thank you and JUICE Joseph!

    Signature's First Multilingual Neighbourhood Social Network!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      SEOForU, LordGryn, Edd Fulus - many thanks for stopping by and offering up your support guys - much appreciated indeed! I've a lot more coming your way so please bookmark the thread - a lot more real juicy stuff coming up!

      Terence, pleasure is mine! Anything else that's not clear then please let me know and I shall do my best to explain it further. I've just been out to one of Kuching's (Malaysia) wonderful hawker centers - wow, the food is soooo delicious! Anyhow, I was thinking - mmmm... is there a niche for chopsticks? You know, the really decorative ones that you get in this part of the world. Worth having a quick check, no?

      My girlfriend is often wondering what's on my mind when I look in a bit of a daze... well, there you have it!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Here's where I'm at now... its gone midnight in Malaysia so I'll be "retiring" for a few hours, shortly.

        I've set the site up and its ready for content. Not much to see right now but just to show you that its actually live, here it is...

        Really needs a nice header, so if anyone can do this for me (paid, of course) or can suggest someone to me, I would be obliged!

        When I look at the domain name written here it looks good - got something neat about it. Anyhow, its up and its running, which is the key thing.

        I've also managed to write up one article tonight, which I shall work on early tomorrow morning to create much more content. I'll discuss what I intend to do to begin getting backlinks tomorrow. I did wish to begin this process tonight but it was not to be. No worries.

        I have a post that I put together in Notepad earlier on today which is still sitting on my desktop. I wrote it up when WF was down for maintenance, so I shall post that straight after this one as its important to explain the processes further. Sorry, this makes the process seem a bit disjointed. Hopefully it ties in reasonably well without causing confusion.

        Best to all!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Back to my choice in keywords.

          As I was saying, I was checking out the keywords/phrase "New Moon Poster" simply because it has 110,000 exact global searches according to the Google Keyword Tool. This is a nice amount of searches going here for sure! But to rank for it in top 10, let alone top 5 is going to take quite some doing.

          Thus for this particular WF Challenge, where I am trying to rank top 5 within 40 days, its best I go for something a bit less tricky.

          Let's see if I'm meeting my original criteria for a "good to great keyword"...

          1. Exact search stats in Google are 60,500 per month.

          My requirement was a minimum of 50k exact per month.

          2. A buyer keyword/keyphrase? Yes, no doubt about that! Although I would expect Christmas time sales (November and December) to perhaps even equal that of the rest of the year in sales! Although when a new movie comes out (could be in November, as it has been in the past couple of years) it does of course generate extra sales of Twilight-related merchandise*.

          3. What about the Google results if I do a basic search without the parenthesis?

          Oh, its only 6 million 220 thousand. I wonder if I would be forgiven that one please? As I mentioned before, this has got nothing to do with ranking a site/web page. It is simply not something I would even consider now.

          Anyhow, I guess ranking top 5 within 40 days of buying the domain name for the site is still impressive when there are suppossedly around 6 and a quarter million competing webpages for the same keyword. Agreed?

          Let's go through the criteria that I mentioned before to give me the reason to go for this particular keyword with regards to the competition for it on the front page of Google (according to the Scroogle Scraper search, that is!).

          In first place for "Twilight Poster"

          Ultimate Twilight Shop Twilight Posters, Official Twilight Merchandise, Twilight Jewelry, Books, DVDs, CDs

          PR1; Pages indexed in Google: 493; Links according to Yahoo: 67; Alexa rank: 5,180,735; Age: no matches (so its not an old domain).

          Can I get to number one without it taking me the next 6 months? It sure looks possible. Not sure if I could do it within 40 days however.

          Let's peek at number 2 in Google rankings for the same keyword:

          Twilight Posters at

          PR2; Indexed in Google: 591,000; Links according to Yahoo: 19; Alexa ranking: 2148; Domain Age: Jan 1999.

          Now for this particular web page or site if you prefer, there are some tough things to outrank it for, as you can see. Indexed pages, Alexa ranking and Domain name age are all going very nicely in its favor! However, how many backlinks to this site and are they even relevant I wonder? I'll take a peek right now...

          Seems like they've done well on their backlinking campaign. Seems like a nice mix of domains linking back and many of which are relevant to the product they are selling.

          Therefore, its interesting why this web page is not ranked first. But that's Google for you. Having said this, perhaps the hyper text they use in their backlinks is not ideal. Could be a number of factors. I've not checked for on-page SEO which might be playing a part here.

          Let's look at third place for those keywords:

          PR3; Google indexed: over 2 million; Backlinks: 5; Alexa rank: 597,990; Domain age: September 2006.

          Fourth place:
          Yup, a YouTube video.
          PR4; Google indexed 580 million; Backlinks: 3; Alexa: 3 (ouch!); Domain age: April 2005

          ... and so forth... you get the point.

          You may be thinking when you look at those stats that its going to take a heap of work to outrank these sites, and thus its going to take quite a bit of time too. That's to be seen, but I "sense" that I can still do this within my time frame. And if I can't do it, I shall not be far off. That's my thinking, anyhow! The proof is in the pudding, so to speak!


          Seems that the WF was down for quite a while.

          I have my domain, I've pointed my nameservers to my hosting account. I use having relocated from my previous company some 8 months ago. I use 2 seperate accounts with Hostgator due to my own requirements at this time. And I've gotta hand it to them - Hostgator are as good as all the reviews say!

          Its time to build this hot dang website!

          *** I wonder if anyone who's reading this is decent at producing headers? I'll pay of course. The topic as you know will be Twilight Posters. ***

          I'll be using the most up-to-date platform. Its about the only thing I can use cos my programming skills are next to nil!

          I used to be a landscaper back in the UK and my eye is pretty good - relatively decent with regards to artistry. And so the site should look reasonably good too. Mind you, any pointers to the contrary would be appreciated (no real rude comments please!).

          I'll spend some time (usually I can get up a simple looking WP site within 25 mins or so - practice makes faster!) setting up the site, but obviously because setting up WP is not what I'm discussing here, there will be no "tutorials", thank you.

          I'll be back to posting on here shortly...

          Best to all!


          * WaHa! I just heard that the new Twilight Movie is to be released on the 30th June of this year. How's this for good timing regards picking a Twilight-related domain name?!
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    really interesting thread, will definitely follow.

    btw, the alexa rank for that particular youtube video is wrong. its which has the alexy rank of 3!

    Unfortunately you can't see the hyperlinked text in the backlink (maybe you could if you want to load up each individual website but that would take days to do).
    I am sure you know where the linktext of backlinks is also shown.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi SOED, thanks for stopping by and leaving your feedback. Nice to have you following along!

      As I mentioned in a previous post, its not the Alexa rank of the particular web page that I am discussing here, its the over-all Alexa ranking of the sites that I am competing against that I'm looking at.

      Thus YouTube is 3, is something around 130 etc.

      Its the "juice" that is given by these sort of factors which then has a number of other knock-on effects, which I was interested in here, not the actual Alexa ranking of the video itself.

      Thanks for pointing that out however.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Shock horror!

        Well no, not horror at all - the site is already indexed in Google and in Yahoo. No content up yet either. I bought the domain some 12 hours ago!

        Funny that - most of my sites struggle to get indexed in Google within 7 days. This one is indexed within 12 hours, even with no content!

        Flying start, kind of...:p
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    lol, interesting. have you done anything to it?
    btw, why do you use this kind of template?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Nothing what-so-ever SEOD!

      I suspect its due to the traffic generated from the forum here, hence big ol' Goog is sitting up and paying attention, which is PRECISELY what I want!!

      The template on my site? Its cos I CAN use it very easily. I like the very simple set up and I am not one for fiddling around with such things - I'm not at all good at it!!

      I have of course tried various other templates in the past - paid hundreds of dollars for this that and the other, but I much prefer this simple one by Denis Bernardy (who is a very helpful chap indeed!).

      Furthermore, I find that such a simple set up is great for click thru on AdSense. Some of my sites, even though they get little traffic, generate regular very high click thrus cos of their simplicity. Works a treat!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        This morning I spun my first article to make a whole heap of good quality articles. I took my time composing the first spun version - I try to be very meticulous with this part of the process simply because:

        1. it saves me time from having to thoroughly check every spun version for bad syntax (does still happen but its kept to an absolute minimum!).

        2. I am not comfortable with the thought of producing rubbish and posting it on the net. In my early days it was a case of churning out a whole heap of stuff, no matter that it was very far from perfect. Now however, I'm looking much more at quality of my articles and content. I feel its only right to put effort into quality writing. Plus, over-all, I would say that the benefits are going to be far greater than churning out rubbish. This depends to some extent on the type of niche you have or type of site you are creating...

        Next up after creating a heap of spun (high quality) content, I have to have some pages to link the content to, right? So I went into my site's back office department, had a coffee with my feet on the desk (sorry, just having silly fun!) and set up a couple of posts which will target these keywords:

        Twilight posters
        New Moon poster

        Further, I then set up a page (static, in WordPress) for my main keyword - Twilight poster.

        So now I have 3 keywords to target (I shall generate a few more to enhance the variety for my backlinks). I have 3 places to send the backlinks - 2 posts and one static page. I will create at least another page before completing the structure of the site.

        Twilight Posters for the Discerning Twilight Fan!

        Next, I shall post different articles to various DO-Follow article directories, which will be used for what I call my "anchor articles".

        I shall then generate a further set of articles which will be used to "smack-up" those anchor articles. Meaning, I'll backlink to the main articles in the DO-Follow directories, just to give them some juice.

        I can't do that of course until the articles are published, which they should be within about 3 days.

        More to come soon...

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Here is the list of article directories that I use most often for posting my articles to for SEO purposes...

          The last one there take an age to approved and publish, but its probably worth while simply for the quality of the single backlink - do-follow. All the others are published within 3 days, which is ideal for a fast-track ranking campaign like this one!

          All these are DO-Follows which is obviously highly beneficial for hyper-text links and SEO.

          I also have a up-to-date list of 25 DO-Follow Social bookmarking sites ranging from PR3 to PR8 (if memory serves me well!) on my own website here...

          DO FOLLOW Social Bookmarking Sites

          Be sure to bookmark this page and come back for updates!
  • Profile picture of the author refernshare
    Profile picture of refernshare
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey J,

    Thank you much for your insight on the subject. I am following very closely and I have picked up some few things.

    Good luck on this challenge and I will be following you, NOT ON Twitter but on this thread.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi ReferNShare (nice username!),

      thanks for following along! Its good I can be of some help to your own campaigns in future - that's what this is all about, really. Its not perfection in itself and there is room for some improvements. Although having said that the internet is fast moving so we all have to constantly try to adapt as best we can do.

      Twitter - I'm missing out on Twittering actually. Its not something I have embraced nearly enough. So there is one imperfection of my technique for sure!

      I would certainly be appreciative of anyone who wishes to Twitter and Tweet this thread! The more people who I can help and encourage, then the more I feel I have done my "job".

      Actually, once this 40 day challenge is complete I am going to further embrace the social-media type scene - Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon etc. Although I have learned that "this sort" of site visitor is not going to be a buyer, there is much more to be gained than this somewhat blinkered view would suggest.

      Furthermore, because I now put much more emphasis on real quality stuff - giving much more to the community, so to speak, I suspect that my work is going to be much more appealing to the social networks than it was previously.

      Thus there will be a much more natural progression in the search engines rather than so much "falsity" in the pursuit of attaining backlinks.

      This is my point of view as an SEO'er and I don't mean to offend anyone. I just think that SEO should be much more natural - where internet searchers actually choose the best content for their needs, rather than trying to force feed them what is not actually best for them.

      Hope this makes sense. Its a bit of a rant actually....

      Onwards with the Challenge!

      Thanks again...
  • Profile picture of the author bbdirect
    Profile picture of bbdirect
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi BBDirect, thanks for stopping by and reading ALL my posts!

      I agree - everything I post is well worth reading. To skip any of it is simply potentially missing out on something really juicy that can benefit someone no-end in their own SEO methods, and more besides.

      I don't say that to bang my own drum here. Much of what I have learned I have taken from some of the top SEO'ers around on the internet. Most of it I had to pay quite a lot of money to get access to. Thus its very high quality and workable stuff I'm providing. And no, I'm not breaking copyright - this stuff has been tweaked around by me, so if you like, its all my own stuff (unique content), although without re-inventing the proverbial wheel.

      Add to this the fact that I have tried out and tested the methods I am discussing. Some can be improved upon as I just mentioned re Twitter for example, but even if you were to use a few of the methods I have discussed and will be discussing in the coming days to weeks, you will be pushing your own SEO campaigns forward, perhaps even by leaps and bounds!

      To your success!
  • Profile picture of the author angelarichard
    Profile picture of angelarichard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Angela, thanks for popping by!

      Did you notice the lack of lady SEO'ers on this thread? I'm unsure as to why that is. So from that point of view a special welcome to you!

      As mentioned Angela, yup, the site was indexed by Goog within about 12 hours - and the reason why I can only suspect is the traffic its getting from the forum here.

      For sure there are already a number of backlinks to the site - from this thread and perhaps from other webmasters or Twitterers etc. This should also help no doubt!

      Its a bit too much effort to make to merely get rapid indexing, sure you agree Angela.

      You wish to index your backlinks to your site/s. So for example here, you want to ensure your articles are all indexed by Google, is this what you are asking me?

      If so, you can ping them using various online ping services such as this very handy tool...


      Or you can indeed supply those articles or your social media posts etc with some backlinks. I shall be doing some of this in the coming days.

      However, if you are mass producing stuff and sending it out all over the web then its impossible to trace everything - or, if not impossible, simply not worth your time doing that. There are other ways to utilize your time that is/are much more productive.

      Check out Andy Black's website for finding out your stuff that's not yet indexed and how to index. His site is full of good content.

      How To Find Out Your Competitors Top Keywords | Andy Black: Online Entrepreneur

      Hope this helps!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks NouseForAName! Nice to have you here too!

        What a thoroughly interesting usename you have! Got a laugh out of me so well done on that one!

  • Profile picture of the author nouseforaname
    Profile picture of nouseforaname
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    Just subscribed to your thread, looking forward your progress. Good luck to you!


  • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl
    Profile picture of mllnsgrl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph..

    Great thread you've got going. I'm listening in and enjoying the ride. Looking forward to more posts from you

    To your great success!


    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Liz, great to have you here!

      As the saying goes... "all for one and one for all!".

      Yes, The Three Musketeers...

      You are here for me and "pushing" me along and really motivating me, while I am here for you in providing some HOT stuff that's gonna help kick-start your campaigns, if they are struggling to be kick-started in the first place that is

      To your health and well-being!
  • Profile picture of the author Dan B Rusu
    Dan B Rusu
    Profile picture of Dan B Rusu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Looking forward to seeing your results.

    Now lets stop beating around the bush, what seo techniques are you using (forum profiles, linkwheels, ect) to get this site ranking?

    Or is this something your gonna try to sell us as a wso.
  • Profile picture of the author tdpubs
    Profile picture of tdpubs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm looking forward to your progress in this test. I'll definitely take notes.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, thanks for stopping by!

      I have been "revealing" my SEO techniques from the get-go and am certainly not hiding anything. As surely you noticed, no? So there is no beating about the bush as you quaintly put it.

      And as for a WSO at the conclusion of the Challenge. No actually, not something I had thought about, but thanks for the suggestion anyhow.


      , good to see you here! Hope you can learn a lot from the process I am going through with my own site. Should be fun!

  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    Profile picture of fated82
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second might want to consider writing an ebook about your challenge....
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Fated, thanks for bookmarking!

      An ebook... Yes, I'm open to all forms of possibilities really. But never did set out with the intention of profiteering directly from this thread, as some would suggest.

      I'm utterly driven by ranking sites and not much else comes close to that when we're talking motivation. And trying to impress on others that it can be done and it does not take years to do, simply drives me even more.

      Thus it may be a good move to set up a forum and "teach" various techniques to all those in need of some direction when it comes to SEO'ing. Would be good to get some feedback from everyone on this approach.

      But for sure, we all have bills to pay and we all crave for a decent lifestyle.

      We'll see how things pan out Fated. Maybe this whole Challenge will fall well short of expectation, and everyone departs in total disappointment

      Thanks again and look forward to seeing you again on here!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Okay then, here is what I have managed to do so far today. Still a few hours left for more, of course!

        I completed my spinning of an article I wrote late last night to provide me with some 250 different versions of this article with around a 50% uniqueness over-all. Having used a few of those articles today for submissions etc. (including to who happily accepted the article), I find that they are not absolutely perfect with regards syntax. This is to be expected though, particularly when you are trying to write/compose articles when the old brain is a bit tired.

        Nevertheless, I do go through each article before submission to any article directory or to my own site (or submission to any where for that matter) and ensure the article is at the very least good quality. Its a stipulation that I ensure I fulfill these days, at least for the vast majority of my submissions. These are not Pulitzer-prize winners. They are not even on par with my writing work on the WF for clients - those were generally very high quality stuff - go read the feedback on my other thread if you wish to see for yourself. You know my username on here so just search for it.

        Enough banging my own drum. Do forgive me!

        I then went on to submit to the 6 Do-Follow article directories mentioned in a previous post. Rather than submitting the same article to each directory I submit my spun articles instead, thus reducing any potential for a footprint, particularly thinking about Google here! I don't just change the title and the bio box. I actually change every thing and also vary the hyper-text too in the bios.

        By the way, if you are interested, the spinning software I use is Jon Ledger's The Best Spinner. Its simply superb! Before using this piece of software I tried a number of other spinners but I simply disliked them rather intensely. Now its a different matter.

        Here is my own personal review of The Best Spinner

        The Best Spinner Review

        It saves so much time that in my opinion if you are serious about SEO'ing your sites this is a MUST HAVE! Providing you don't already use spinning software that is.

        I then took a couple of paragraphs from my previously spun article and did a further spin on those to provide me with 120 word snippets. What do I use the snippets for?

        I can use the snippets to then insert a link back to my web page of choice. A single hyper-text link per 100+ word snippet. The hyper-text can be anything of choice, albeit no vulgarity or sex stuff or gambling related.

        I find creating snippets of text like this a breeze! Even when your motivation is flagging (my own certainly does at times!), writing out some snippets with the spinner is simple. Thus it does not take much motivation to make progress.

        I love using snippets like this for getting a link back to my site, its simply so simple, it simply is!

        But, you are asking, what do I do with the snippets of text?

        I use a service called Blog Blueprint to upload the text snippets and then these are drip-fed at the rate of 20 per day to blogs and other websites, thus I am able to attain rather a lot of very nice little text links without too much work.

        Want to learn more about Blog Blueprint?

        Yup, you guessed it, I did a review of that one too on my site which you can find here...
        Blog BluePrint Review

        I have reviewed most of the tools I use very, very regularly for my SEO work and posted those to my website at...

        The Thrill of Good Quality SEO makes my Life a Better Place!

        I think this is a fair way for people such as yourself to see for yourself what actually really does work, and work well, with regards to attaining backlinks or for other jobs that we SEO'ers have to do regularly.

        And please, before anyone takes a swipe at me for hard-sell. This is merely telling people who come to read this thread about great bits and pieces of software. Its informing my fellow SEO'ers, as I would do a good friend really!

        More to come....

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I updated my website at Twilight Posters.

          Well, not quite updated rather than posted some content to it. So its starting to look like a website now. Go have a look and do please give me feedback if you feel inclined. Again, I am no web programmer, I think that's obvious, right?

          I should discuss a bit about how I do on-page SEO, or at least did for this particular website.

          The main thing for me was to get some fresh content. I don't find writing about products in general to be particularly easy or fun. So what I decided to do was to bring in some posts from re Twilight posters of course, and then spruce up the content a bit.

          I will go back again and do more sprucing to ensure that this stuff is unique, particularly the home page (static page) of the site, as this is where my main keyword is and this is the page I am trying to rank for.

          Try ranking a page where your content is not unique and you could be in for a hard struggle!

          Its well worth the initial effort of gaining some uniqueness for your web content where you wish to try and rank for a particular keyword. otherwise, its very probable that the amount of backlinks you need will be a lot more than if your content is relatively unique.

          How unique does it have to be? Not too sure is my answer to that. I've tried various techniques - change the first paragraph and last paragraph, change some sentences around, change some paragraphs around. Its a tough call but you can only really tell by trying it out for yourself.

          However, if you are really keen on ranking a web page then I would suggest you go for a minimum of 50% unique. That should be just fine for Google and for the others too. That's my experience anyhow.

          After all, its totally impossible to write a fully unique article if you think about it. You would have to invent a new language!

          You've heard about silo structures for sites etc. right? Well, this sort of thing bores me to tears and I switch off so fast as soon as I begin to read about it. So don't ask me for a run-down of what it is and what it is not, thank you!

          The Twilight Poster site only has 5 pages of content (I think :p) so the way I go about optimizing that bit more is to pop in links throughout the pages with my chosen keywords as hyper-text. Most of the links will go back to my home-page with a variety of hyper-text, and not just my main keyword. Some others will go to other relevant pages.

          Nothing at all tricky here whatsoever, and lo-and-behold, very, very often I find that when I'm ranking top 5 or 10 for my keyword of choice, I've got another page of my site hanging on in the top rankings at the same time. I guess I must be doing something right here, right?

          If I don't get 2 pages in the top 10 then I will sometimes go back to the site in question and put in a few more hyper-text links from one page to another. Maybe just 3 or 4.

          Certainly not an over-haul! Generally this will do the trick and I'll see my newly-optimized page rising up nicely.

          What else?

          Of course you need to get your keywords in your title (or H1 tags if you prefer). I often captitalize these too. You know why? Cos if I'm ranking say at number 3 for a keyword and I have those precise keywords that have just been searched for all capitalized and also BOLDED by Google due to their relevancy in the search, then my site's page is going to really stand out!

          I've tried this myself a number of times. Often in a Google search I will forgo the top-ranked site if I see another site a few places below that have my precise search keywords bolded out by Google and CAPITALIZED by the web site owner.

          I don't always use this technique, it depends on the subject matter - the niche. If I sense it has to be treated with some delicacy then I may not place the page title in capital letters.

          And ya, you should ensure you hyper-text your chosen keyword that you are trying to rank for. I kinda mentioned that before - just up there. So if I'm trying to rank for "pigeon food" then I would have to get those keywords in a link on my page. Fairly obvious stuff I know, but not to everyone. At one time not that long ago I would have been baffled by this!

          Another thing which is not exactly on-page SEO... I try to make it that there are not many clickable things on the page other than where I want the page visitor to click. So this would be things like AdSense of course, maybe a search box if my site is large, my own hyper-text links, which really don't go anyplace - just to my own site, or to an affiliate link which could be through an image or a plain text link.

          Otherwise, I want my recent posts showing and perahps categories for a larger site. Occasionally pages, and its required that you insert a privacy policy link if you use AdSense as we all know.

          Other than this, that would be it really. I don't want folks clicking away from my site unless I'm producing really hot stuff and I know that they will come back anyhow. In this case its no bad thing to pop in some links to other websites that are offering your site visitor relevant info or whatever. It heightens the user experience, it really does.

          If your own site is of good to excellent calibre, you should have no concern about popping in a few links to other good sites that will be helpful to the visitor. After all, this is what the internet is about - sharing good quality info with one another, agreed?

          Image alt text is also a decent way of on-page optimizing. Its so easy now with WordPress that I shall not go into it.

          If you've got problems with your own site regarding on-page optimization then do give me a shout. I'm no big time expert on it, but I can quickly pick up a few things that seem not quite right and I am very happy to provide pointers where I am able to do so!

          I think that's it for on-page SEO, although I've probably forgotten something. I just write all my posts off the top of my head so I do sometimes forget things. Old age, huh?

          More to come later on - Social Bookmarking etc. Its a long day!

          Best wishes!
          • Profile picture of the author Hajath
            Profile picture of Hajath
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            thanks mate for your 40 day challenge.
          • Profile picture of the author bangbangun
            Profile picture of bangbangun
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hem ... thanks for your sharing buddy ..
          • Profile picture of the author titanindustria
            Profile picture of titanindustria
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          • Profile picture of the author cooljazz
            Profile picture of cooljazz
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            is it possible to get top 5 in 40 days??? i doubt it
            Everything You Wanted To Know About How To Create a Your Own WebSite .
            Need Help Finding Profitable Niche ?
            Free Website Templetes
          • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
            Profile picture of joanagoldman
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            The Twilight Poster site only has 5 pages of content (I think :p) so the way I go about optimizing that bit more is to pop in links throughout the pages with my chosen keywords as hyper-text. Most of the links will go back to my home-page with a variety of hyper-text, and not just my main keyword. Some others will go to other relevant pages.

            Nothing at all tricky here whatsoever, and lo-and-behold, very, very often I find that when I'm ranking top 5 or 10 for my keyword of choice, I've got another page of my site hanging on in the top rankings at the same time. I guess I must be doing something right here, right?

            If I don't get 2 pages in the top 10 then I will sometimes go back to the site in question and put in a few more hyper-text links from one page to another. Maybe just 3 or 4.
            i hear from people that this tactic does not work anymore as google does not like it when you build links inside your website.

            what is everybody's opinion? would it still be useful to link pages inside your site?
        • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
          Profile picture of Toby.T
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Amazing thread.

          I consider myself a novice poster.

          I am slowly reading through all of your posts, I can see now where I go wrong with some of my SEO. Posting 5-10 fresh articles to different databases works.. but not as well if I spun them and posted 100.

          Thanks for the all work, keep it up.

          I have subscribed to this thread now.

          Would be good if you could post the effectiveness of the site (eg. ctr fromy your monetizing methods as well) after you make first page (I know you will).
        • Profile picture of the author agentdrew
          Profile picture of agentdrew
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Joseph, what an inspiration you are! I've been following your adventure for about 3 days and am hooked!

          So my question has absolutely nothing to do with SEO and perhaps is a "trade secret," but I take it you don't just happen to be the biggest Twilight fan on earth and just happen to have an overstock of posters you are trying to unload, right? A big player like Amazon actually does warehouse much of their product, but how does a small fry one person webmaster do it?

          Thanks again for the inspiration!
          • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
            Profile picture of Toby.T
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by agentdrew View Post

            Hi Joseph, what an inspiration you are! I've been following your adventure for about 3 days and am hooked!

            So my question has absolutely nothing to do with SEO and perhaps is a "trade secret," but I take it you don't just happen to be the biggest Twilight fan on earth and just happen to have an overstock of posters you are trying to unload, right? A big player like Amazon actually does warehouse much of their product, but how does a small fry one person webmaster do it?

            Thanks again for the inspiration!
            Two words.
            Amazon Affiliates
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi AgentAndrew, and thanks for coming by and leaving such a pleasant comment!


            Well Andrew, the problem would be that to get Amazon to deliver to Sarawak in Malaysia it would cost so much that I doubt it would be worth while doing it like that. Further, not that I checked recently, but the sales from that site via eBay are not exactly flying off the shelves (yet, anyhow).

            So no, I gotta hook into the likes of Amazon and eBay purely for a piddly affiliate commission. Not piddly on high end stuff, but for posters its piddly.

            But, fact is, if you can do this SEO stuff and do it well, you don't have to just sit back and take in the piddly commissions. Its a case of "the world is indeed your oyster". (Hence why companies and individuals pay top dollar for top SEO'ers).

            I have a project that I'm gonna focus on (if I can muster the energy and motivation) after the Challenge which should indeed be more lucrative than the posters are, even though the search volume is no where near 60k monthly. Its AdSense based, and should be paying around $5 - $6 a click (I do mean cash-in-hand after Goog takes their commissions etc.).

            Easy money when you know how!

            Hope you continue to enjoy the fun!
            Best wishes!
        • Profile picture of the author JonasHastings
          Profile picture of JonasHastings
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          This is really interesting! I was just wondering if the trick would still work this time. I am seeing a great change on how Google sees our site. I still can't figure this out, its just that nowadays I am seeing 0 cached link from Google but sees site who is doing well in the SERP's. This is really odd.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Inter, I know that Market Samurai do some stats and I remember the top ranked site was the same stat - some 42% search traffic goes to the top ranked site in Google or the others. Don't remember what they quoted for the other sites - 2nd, 3rd and so on.

            I got these stats from here... How Much Money is a Top Google Ranking Worth to Your Business?

            About a third down the page is a graph showing the stats.

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Jonas, I'm not entirely sure about the problem you are seeing but you are right - Goog is changing and they seem to be changing rather fast too. We as SEO'ers and IM'ers have to try keeping abreast of the changes as much as we can. Mind you its tough cos Goog is so secretive, so we just have to be aware of what others are seeing in their own sites rankings etc etc and try to learn from this.

              Thanks for coming by!

              Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author telugucinimalu
          Profile picture of telugucinimalu
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I wish you all the best Joseph.I will be following hereafter.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Whoa! You've been very busy on that blog Teluguc!

            Is AdSense your only income or you have another source on the blog?

            If AdSense is your only source how are you finding click thrus?

            I'm presuming due to the amount of postings you got on there you do get quite a bit of traffic?

            Look forward to hearing from you Teluguc!

            • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
              Profile picture of csgcsg
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Oh goodness $9??? I'll reserve 2 and when you are ready, I'll be the first to buy! One for myself and another to give away to whoever needs it.

              Penang weather is great, a little rain here and there and sunny most of the time. It is time for durians! Not sure you like it though.

              Yes the best spinner is another must have tool for IM. It simplifies things so much and the ability to product tens or more unique articles makes life so much easier.

              Another use for the best spinner is sometimes I do rewrite for college, uni students and get paid some extra money for rewriting 1000 word article.

              Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
              MSN -

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Charles, yup, 9 bucks! This way its affordable to everyone, plus the advantage to me is that it circulates much more than if I priced it up at say $77 or something. Yes please, do buy as many as you would like and give them away as Christmas presents, birthday presents, Mom's day presents - whatever tickles your fancy, really!

                Durians! Em, not quite got the taste for them, no. I remember when I was in Kuala Lumpur when I first came to live here in Kuching, in the hotel lift there was a sign saying "please, do not enter if durian consumed beforehand!".

                Says it all about durian!

                The Best Spinner can be a touch buggy and this is a bit frustrating, but on the whole its an incredible tool. The amount of time I have saved in writing, well, I just can't even begin to try to work that out!

                Sounds like a very good idea Charles - re-writing quality articles for students. If you can sell bulk quantities - even 9 or 10 at a go, there must be some good money to be made by doing so, if done regularly.

                This place is lovely - Malaysia, I mean. I walk down to the shop regularly at about 6.30 in the evening and almost every time there are different cloud formations that amaze me. You know - the big white fluffy sort, but these ones are often tainted and tinged in reds, oranges, golden yellows and silver. And the flowers are so incredibly bright too. Gardens all nicely manicured. Gorgeous orchids growing all over. I think to myself how wonderful it is to be alive!

                Enjoy your evening/night Charles!
        • Profile picture of the author martin b
          martin b
          Profile picture of martin b
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          goode luck joseph, but what are the kywords?
        • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
          Profile picture of joanagoldman
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Joseph,

          What program are you using in order to spin your articles? are there any free ones that are good?
      • Profile picture of the author tsampson
        Profile picture of tsampson
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Great thread, lots of good info. I'm going to watch for more. ty

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Chris, thanks for your comments!

          Yes, I could have chosen an entirely different niche and gotten hold of the exact keywords for the domain name, but due to it becoming very difficult to obtain an exact match with the original criteria I set for the Challenge, that was almost certainly not do-able.

          I suspect it would have taken me perhaps days to locate a domain name whereby the exact Google search volume was above the 50k a month mark. I want this to be fast and somewhat furious so I preferred not to spend days on keyword research - it took me around 1.5 hours at most.

          This goes to show others who are following the thread that doing keyword research for something really decent (regards to search volume) need not take a week (or however long).

          Furthermore, I also wanted to show that it was not necessary to obtain an exact match domain to make this stuff work. So for example, where the "-" (dash) is concerned, this is very workable even though many people don't go for such domain names. I say its their loss really. I've seen quite a few websites with a nice little dash popped in the domain name some-place that are ranking at or very near the top in Google. So why not?

          Thus the "z" at the end of the domain name here. I really should have little problem ranking that domain name regardless its got an odd "z" at the end, which is precisely what I want to show to others that are following the thread.

          Its merely trying to simplify things that tend to be portrayed as being very difficult Chris, to show that anyone with a notion can do it.


          TSampson, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments - much appreciated!

          • Profile picture of the author ChrisGuthrie
            Profile picture of ChrisGuthrie
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Hi Chris, thanks for your comments!

            Yes, I could have chosen an entirely different niche and gotten hold of the exact keywords for the domain name, but due to it becoming very difficult to obtain an exact match with the original criteria I set for the Challenge, that was almost certainly not do-able.

            I suspect it would have taken me perhaps days to locate a domain name whereby the exact Google search volume was above the 50k a month mark. I want this to be fast and somewhat furious so I preferred not to spend days on keyword research - it took me around 1.5 hours at most.

            This goes to show others who are following the thread that doing keyword research for something really decent (regards to search volume) need not take a week (or however long).

            Furthermore, I also wanted to show that it was not necessary to obtain an exact match domain to make this stuff work. So for example, where the "-" (dash) is concerned, this is very workable even though many people don't go for such domain names. I say its their loss really. I've seen quite a few websites with a nice little dash popped in the domain name some-place that are ranking at or very near the top in Google. So why not?

            Thus the "z" at the end of the domain name here. I really should have little problem ranking that domain name regardless its got an odd "z" at the end, which is precisely what I want to show to others that are following the thread.

            Its merely trying to simplify things that tend to be portrayed as being very difficult Chris, to show that anyone with a notion can do it.


            TSampson, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments - much appreciated!

            Hey Joseph,

            I believe your logic and reasoning behind the decision is sound and I suppose it's foolhardy for me to believe any decent exact match domains would be available with that search traffic volume.

            Thanks for the follow up. Do you have a blog?
      • Profile picture of the author fattaah
        Profile picture of fattaah
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        i will definetly try the method in your link to get top 5 in 40 days and sure to get back you if i face any problem.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Fattaah, that will be superb!

          You may wish to start with a somewhat easier keyword (depending on your circumstances and experience) and see how that goes.

          And then you can "up" this to whatever you want really. I sense that with persistence using these methods its possible to obtain top 5 in Google with lots of really tough keywords.

          Good luck and please let me know how things are progressing!


          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            I just did a quick search on Yahoo. I know Yahoo does not bias like Google does, although I would very much expect search results are still different for various servers located in various countries.

            I got the TwilightPosterz .com site in 3rd spot.

            And, for "Twilight posters" I see it in 5th spot in Yahoo.

            Anyone verify with these ranks please?

            Just 6 days after domain name purchase - I think that's relatively good going...

            Not showing in just yet. I'll watch out for it there - don't you just love the stunning images that uses on its search page?!

      • Profile picture of the author amdr114
        Profile picture of amdr114
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Sounds interesting, will be following it for sure
        Good Luck
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Banel, web 2.0 "anchors". The "anchors" is a term that I made up myself to describe the web 2.0 type of sites that I often use for driving backlinks to and through.

          By through I mean that I use these "anchors" to take the heat of getting quite a lot of backlinks in a fairly short space of time, which then in turn provides juice for my primary (or money) site.

          Its just a way of protecting the money site. If I had not used "anchors" then its 100% certain that the pages I am trying to rank would be some place in the sandbox or whatever you want to call it. And I would have no idea when it would come out again. Thus Challenge would be almost over and done and a total failure just as I was starting out.

          Hope that's clear...



          Hi AMDR, thanks for popping by! Hope you enjoy your time on here, and also the forum as a whole!
          Best to you!
      • Profile picture of the author Maestrok12
        Profile picture of Maestrok12
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Man after my own heart...I went through the 30Day challenge with similar intentions.
        A few differences were most of the data that you get from various places, we got through the market samurai tool(majorly improved since initial release). Also, they do target "low hanging fruit" as the goal is to make a profit from ground zero in 30 days.
        I must say they mostly used web 2.0 sites to achieve ranking.
        Truthfully, I actually had success and took it to an offline biz in a very crowded industry. To top it off I ranked on first page not only 3 places in goog, but also in bing and yah. (2k searches local mnthly, 80k competition).
        And Yeah with an exclamation...TIME CONSUMING!!!!!!!!!!! But t helped me to better understand the process and appreciate tools, tech, and outsourcing.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Maestrok, nice to meet you on here!

          I imagine that the MS software is far better now - its packed full of goodies and for sure cuts the time for keyword research and identifying very attainable niche areas. Again however, I personally do not feel its necessary for helping with my own success. Not to take anything away from its capabilities.

          I have to imagine with the sort of stats you are talking its not tooo tough to rank in all 3 of the main search engines, but I tend to stick with Google and anything else is a nice bonus.

          I mean, after all, where is the true skill in ranking within Yahoo Search, even when there are supposedly some 58 million competing webpages. The Twilight Posterz site did that within about 6 days of buying the domain, in at second place (not that I am beating my own drum - just pointing out the facts). There seems little true skill in this, and so it would appear that Google is the true asset to conquer, time and time again.

          Nevertheless, its great to have done what you have done - transferred your skills to working with offline businesses. I admire you for that Maestrok. If you are providing a valueable service and ranking businesses local to yourself then my hat comes off to you!

          And I could not agree more with you - actually DOING this stuff is where the education is at. One must read - and read a lot too, but one must practice to make perfections and progress.

          Nice chatting with you Maestrok!

          Hope all is going well with your business!
          Regards, Joseph
  • Profile picture of the author farahato
    Profile picture of farahato
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That is a really interesting thread, and I am looking forward to following all your updates!
    And I have to tell you that this was a very smart choice of keywords
    - Moe
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Moe, many thanks for coming by here!

      I kinda like the idea about the new Twilight movie (Eclipse, so I found out today) being out in the States at the very end of June. So if I can indeed rank top 5 for the Twilight Poster site by then its really nice timing!

      However, I think the bulk of sales are still going to be for November/December.

      But yes, the keywords/site can be turned around quickly if one form of monetizing does not work. If eBay does not pull in some sales then I may just slap up some AdSense and leave the site content pretty much as is right now.

      How long would that take me? Minutes!

      Enjoy the fun Moe!


  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hm, Blog Blueprint seems to be a nice thing, however, $57/month isnt a steal either for most of us. Maybe you could offer us to use it as a kind of service?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi SEOD, yes Blog Blueprint is pretty good although its been having a fair amount of teething problems. Still working out though. As you said, $57 a month is not within the affordable range for many IM'ers.

      The problem with offering up a service for posting to BB for others is that its limited to 20 posts per day. That equates to 20 links and if you have say 20 sites its only 1 link per site per day.

      There are other services that offer a similar set up and indeed I shall be discussing one a little further down the pathway. But these tend to be even more costly. However, there are more flexible ways around meeting costs for other services. Again, I may well go into that a little later on.

      I'm very much one for trying to figure a way to allow "things" to be more affordable for anyone who wants to use a particular service to further their online career. Providing it does not entail being banned from a particular service due to some form of "abuse". I had a very close call recently with regards such an incident, where I was merely trying to do someone a favor.

      Take care!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        What else have I been up to in the past few hours?

        Other than the fiddling with spinning some content and then posting to my anchor article directories, and then fiddling on the Twilight Poster website to make things look more presentable and on-page SEO the set-up, I created a personal account with the Social Bookmarking site Mr Wong which is at

        Why do that when I could potentially use some free Social Bookmarking software to send out semi-automated bookmarking posts?

        In a sense I see Mr Wong as being something akin to

        Who in their right mind would automate article submissions to

        Although Mr Wong seems run-of-the-mill as far as Social Bookmarking sites, in my opinion its pretty much near the top. Not to say I use any Social Bookmarking site much at all really, but if I was then Mr Wong for me would be at or near to the top of "to-do's".

        I know some of you would go for something else and that's fine. I don't use much SB sites - not to make hand submissions anyhow, so I'm not one to make the judgement call.

        Having said this, its my intention to use these sites a lot more in the coming months. I'm going to be getting involved with much more interactive campaigns with regards my online career once the WF Challenge is complete. Just seems to me a much more genuine approach to building an online presence. More about that at a later date.

        Mr Wong is a Google PR8, which would tend to suggest that its possible to get a little of that strong PR juice heading off to our own sites. No one knows this for sure, but we all live in hope. I know Angela from Angela's Backlinks fame would always argue that you do indeed get much of the juice from a high PR site.

        I have a few doubts (I change my mind about this one every few months) but I do think there are other benefits besides the PR from these sort of sites.

        On occasion I check out my website's backlinks - see who I'm getting a link from and who I'm not. You know, you go to so much time and effort in getting backlinks, only to find that most of 'em never show up. Is this to say they don't exist, or that they just don't show?

        Anyhow, I have noticed on a number of occasions, even when I've made quite a few automated submissions to various Social Bookmarking sites, that very few of the links show up. It always leaves me with doubts - they very rarely if ever show up.

        That's not to say that Mr Wong does not show up. He does (is it a he?), and he has shown up quite a few times too. And further, he's providing me with a DO-Follow link!

        Thus I do place faith in Mr Wong and thus I do now take the time to hand-submit to he/him/it.

        I would indeed be interested in what others have to say about their own experiences with Social Bookmarking sites.

        I suspect that in the past year or so their link juice has been watered down somewhat where Google is concerned due to the amount of spamming that was going on. Anyone else feel this is the case?

        I have more to add regarding submissions to Social Bookmarking sites but I think I shall leave that till tomorrow as its getting rather late here and my brain is closing down a bit.

        Till then, I wish your campaigns lots of JUICE!


        Keep the comments coming please, thanks! If anyone wants to do a bit of Tweeting re the WF thread here, then that would be most welcome!
        • Profile picture of the author NenadR
          Profile picture of NenadR
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Wow this is an amazing thread, which parallels what I am trying to do, although with a bit less competitive keyword, and with far less experience, knowledge and insight. I might actually post a case study about that, this one from the point of view of a newbie to SEO.

          Just reading your thread has given me so many ideas, including a niche that I would like to target once I am finished with my current project.

          Looking forward to reading the updates!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi NenadR

            thanks for stopping by and leaving some feedback!

            Using less competitve keywords is for many SEO'ers where its at now. Long gone are the days when it was possible to go grabbing the single-word or two-word keyword domain and then ranking for it within a few days with a couple of backlinks.

            Now its much more about grabbing the low-hanging fruit and making profits that way.

            Having said that of course, if you have some decent knowledge (very sound principles) and have a lot of motivation you can still target some of the hotter keywords and have a lot of success. It just takes a LOT more effort and a lot more time too. It is still possible though.

            Just make a good assessment of your competition, make sure you have a reasonable idea as to what's going to be involved in ranking at or very near the top and then off we go.

            Its the same process as I am outlining here, just that it would be better to pace it out a bit more evenly (otherwise you'd have no marriage, boyfriend, girlfriend or social life to speak of!). Oh yes, it does cause frictions!!

            Obviously if the top domains are ranking for really hot stuff then its best to leave them well alone. Chances are good that these domains are owned by larger companies who have huge clout and can afford to hire really good SEO'ers to work for them, day to day, week to week. Not to mention domain age etc. etc.

            Just make sure you check out your comp for any weeknesses before you target any keyword! Saves so much time in the short and long term!

            How many times have I myself targeted a keyword only to find that no matter how hard I tried I could not hit the top? Very often, let me tell you.

            But, there is something to be said about making these sort of mistakes - you can disprove theory. Almost everyone will be saying "can't be done, can't be done". You in your total ignorance try and do it only to find that a few months after you start out (if you are still plodding along with it) you are actually highly ranked for a keyword that "supposedly" was not do-able.

            Okay, I must make some progress. Its very early here but when you can't get back to sleep due to thinking about your day ahead... what to do but to put things into action, right?

            Thanks again for coming by!

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              DO-Follow Backlink showing up within 16 hours!

              Just thought I would make an update to progress. I just checked the Twilight Poster site to find that there is a Do-Follow backlink showing up on there already. That's about 16 hours its taken to show up - probably even less!

              Who from?

              One of the anchor article directories - its called

              Its a PR5 and allows you to submit an article and provides you with INSTANT publication! I don't know of any other really good article directories that would do that, do you?

              Here's to!
  • Profile picture of the author Adder Noggins
    Adder Noggins
    Profile picture of Adder Noggins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think i'm about to burst with new information. I'm just getting into article writing to help improve my SEO skills and stumbled across this great thread whilst looking for a re-writer / spinner. Thanks JosephA and good luck, am definitelly following this thread
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi AdderNoggins, thanks for coming by and commenting!

      With regards all this info on the thread - if you are kinda new to this then I suggest taking notes and then tackling things stage by stage. I'm doing all this start to finish as I would with any other of my sites, except to say this is FULL ON. Usually I plod a bit here and a bit there.

      So its just a case of generally following the same format but perhaps at a slower pace to suit your own situation.

      Change bits here and there to suit yourself. I do - I do not use precisely the same techniques time and again. I'm going full out to try and meet/beat the Challenge, but otherwise my techniques would change a bit to suit whatever I'm working on, and my mood too. :p

      Article marketing is a fantastic method for SEO'ing, as most people would tell you. It can be hard work though and it does require a lot of motivation, particularly if you are seeing little to no hard-cash for your efforts!

      Therefore, spinning software is actually a big help here cos it makes light of really "heavy" work.

      As previously mentioned, The Best Spinner by Jon Ledger is the best spinner I've come across to date! My own opinion however. Its only a buck for the first week so well worth giving it a shot!

      Best to you AdderNoggins!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          HOT NICHE IDEA

          I best calm down on the commenting on my own thread cos I'll be accused of bumping it!

          I was out for a short while last night and it came to my mind another potential niche that some of you may wish to check out for yourselves...


          You see, there are thousands and thousands of air conditioning products here in Malaysia so of course, for someone like me it makes sense to check out such a thing for a potential hot niche product.

          I fired up my Micro Niche Finder software to check out the potential for it and it would certainly appear there is money to be made here!

          Some of the keywords are of course really tough. But some I did notice that had fairly high search volume - like 8 to 25k global a month and looked very do-able, providing your SEO techniques are "do-able" too.

          Check out the AdSense too - there's quite a lot offering upwards of paying out a dollar a click here.

          Make sure you check out your REAL Google competition before taking on any new keyword!

          If you don't have Micro Niche Finder or Market Samurai or whatever, then go for the fantastic Google Keyword Tool instead! I would suggest DO NOT purchase any software you cannot really afford - don't go hungry cos you splashed out $150 on some piece of software. There generally is something free available online that will do the same job relatively well, if not necessarily quite to the same degree of a paid for product.

          Struggling to make head or tail with regards these keywords?

          Give me a shout cos I may be able to help...
          • Profile picture of the author BrentHodgson
            Profile picture of BrentHodgson
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Great thread - loving the generosity here!

            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            If you don't have Micro Niche Finder or Market Samurai or whatever, then go for the fantastic Google Keyword Tool instead! I would suggest DO NOT purchase any software you cannot really afford - don't go hungry cos you splashed out $150 on some piece of software. There generally is something free available online that will do the same job relatively well, if not necessarily quite to the same degree of a paid for product.

            Software should help your finances - not stress your finances.

            It should be like buying a new machine for your factory - or hiring a new staff member for your store...

            For what it's worth, if you're going to use Market Samurai, you can get a free 12 day trial off the site (this is enough to at least get people started).

            And the keyword research module doesn't expire when the trial does - so if all you need is the keyword research tools, then you can keep using Market Samurai for free.

            AND Market Samurai pulls data from the Google Keyword tool (listed above).

            I hope this helps people out.

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Nice one Brent!

              To be honest, if I could I would allow lots of people to use the software I have for their own use, but I would get shot by the product owners, either that or dumped in prison for being too generous!

              I like your analogies too...

              "Software should help your finances - not stress your finances.

              It should be like buying a new machine for your factory - or hiring a new staff member for your store..."

              Market Samurai is a really useful tool and thanks very much for your tips there about using some functions free - it is pricey.

              For me though, it was a bit clunky when I used it for a bit. I need fairly simple tools to use them regularly otherwise, like SEO Elite by Brad and Matt Callen, it would be dumped in the closet, only to be used when absolutely necessary.

              Perhaps I did not give it enough of a shot to be fair to the software producers, and there is no doubt its amongst the most popular software products for IM'ers!

              I can get by without it but that's not to say its a valuable tool to equip yourself with with regards niche keyword research and keeping tabs on your own site rankings and those rankings of your competitors, if you can comfortably afford it. If not, then do what Brent says and take advantage of it that way.

              Thanks again for your insights and contribution!

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                So what's been happening since 5am this morning when I last posted an update re my progress?

                I tried to create a account so that I can add to my anchor directories, or in this case, blog service. I've never used tumblr before. I still can't use them either - the site kept crashing on me.

                I did manage to set up a Squid lens (which I actually did yesterday) and you can see that here...


                Kinda basic but its got some nice picies and some nice videos so does the job of imparting decent information to the end user rather well I think. Now don't get hooked on the videos! They are rather "persuasive" actually! Squidoo offers good quality do-follow backlinks so I'm very happy to use them for anything and everything SEO! FREE too, of course!

                Now, I've been informed by a kind gentleman on my SEO website (The Thrill of Good Quality SEO makes my Life a Better Place!) that its a misnomer to use the term "do-follow". But no-follow is okay. I have not looked into the intricacies of this and really don't have time. All I know is that do-follow is a vastly common term utilized on the internet and that most IM'ers have an understanding of the term do-follow.

                As such in my own mind this means that regardless of the term being recognized in Chambers English Dictionary, its a term worthy of regular use. Thus I shall continue to use it. But I do thank the gentleman who corrected me in this. Maybe the term should be regarded as an internet slang or something. Fair enough.

                I'm the sort of bloke who relishes going against the norm anyhow. I enjoy nothing more than to get away from the "follow the herd mentality", hence the reasons I now work full-time on the internet and now live my life in Malaysia (having upped from the UK) not far from the Orang-Utans, the swamp crocodiles and the forest-orchids.

                Its a lovely life here in Malaysia - simple but lovely!

                Next up...

                Twilight Joys

                Similar to the Squid lens really, but for all you YouTube video lovers (or Twilight lovers) there is indeed a different video on there.

                Note that the content is also different - not vastly by any stretch of the imagination, but enough to avoid a potential for Google footprint.

                And next...

                Twilight And Stephenie Meyer

                Same thing again, different video and different text. I got a bit hooked up on this particular video re the new movie coming out in June.

                I then made a couple more article submissions to 2 more do-follow article directories...

                - iSnare (must be 500 word+ article for publication - too long for me normally - I'm a bit lazy!)

                - Article Rich

                Not sure about submission-to-publication times on these directories but they should provide a couple more valuable backlinks nevertheless.

                I then got to submitting about 30 posts to Blog Blueprint (actually did this last night). The posts are still awaiting publication, although they have all been accepted. Too slow for my liking! Nevertheless, valuable links to be had straight back to my site.

                I also Stumbled my AffordableSEOTipsandTricks site, just to try to stir a little more interest in the WF 40 Day Challenge, really. I don't know how to use StumbleUpon to best effect. Something that I would like to learn after the Challenge is complete (or perhaps during it).

                Finally (I think), I used some article submission software. Let me explain this in another post though as its worth discussing at some length for a few reasons...

                Thanks and regards!
                • Profile picture of the author reynaerde
                  Profile picture of reynaerde
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Joseph, been reading for a couple of days now, very nice thread!

                  I was quite interested in your mention of in-site links (if that is the proper term, I mean links going from one page of your site to another page on the same site). Are you indeed talking about links in the body of the text?
                  How does this compare to having a sidebar (navigation bar) with links?
                  Or do you have both?


                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Reynaerde, thanks for reading along and contributing!

                    Sure thing, sidebar links or header links or whatever - are valuable of course, not only for the search engine spiders to find your other content on the site rather than just your homepage, but also to provide direction for your site visitor. And to give your inner site pages some juice. It all works nicely. So yes, these sort of links are very important.

                    (Some people may argue that you only want to provide the juice to your main page/s - cut the workload. I don't agree (unless your site is very small of course). I think it wise to give juice to many pages of the site - just seems to make the site that much stronger as a whole. And furthermore, if and when you do get around to targeting your site's inner pages for keywords (which is often a wise pursuit - use of time and resources), if you've already gotten a few links - internal and external, its then much easier to bump up those pages, as a general rule.)

                    I also "shove" in a few links in the text body though. I read some time back that Goog loves in-text links, which I suppose enhances the latent semantic indexing (LSI) philosophy. I'll get a link to an explanation of LSI for those who are not familiar...


                    That's LSI for you a la Dr Ralph Wilson who is an aficionado!

                    So just imagine a nice paragraph of text which reads nicely to your site visitor and also reads nicely to Google (if you will) in that the text is all very "sweetly" related and on-topic and you've popped a little hyper-text link in there too. I think you'd have Google doing a little dance, if you see what I mean here Reynaerde. :p

                    Hope that's helped out a bit!

                    Regards to you...
                    • Profile picture of the author reynaerde
                      Profile picture of reynaerde
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Thanks Joseph. I really like your style in trying to optimize for both visitors and spiders alike, makes a lot of sense to me. This way you'll never have to worry about a SE changing their algorithm etc.
                      Very curious to see where you'll send up in the SERPs after the 40 days are over!

                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Reynaerde,

                        you are most welcome!

                        Yes, I believe whole-heartedly now that one should be highly mindful to try to optimize for both spiders and for visitors. Although, I do think that in time I shall be moving away from concerns about the spiders and just be thinking with regards my site's visitors. Just the way my thoughts are heading right now.

                        I'm very curious too Reynaerde re where my site is going to end up. It just came to mind that I may be able to rank 2 different sites in the top 10 within those 40 days. We'll see about that though!

                        Oh, did I just say that, did I, did I????

                  • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
                    Profile picture of joanagoldman
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    you mention here that squidoo give do-follow backlinks. i do use squidoo as well but i do not see any backlinks coming in from them.
          • Profile picture of the author UMS
            Profile picture of UMS
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            If you don't have Micro Niche Finder or Market Samurai or whatever, then go for the fantastic Google Keyword Tool instead! I would suggest DO NOT purchase any software you cannot really afford - don't go hungry cos you splashed out $150 on some piece of software. There generally is something free available online that will do the same job relatively well, if not necessarily quite to the same degree of a paid for product.
            I find Traffic Travis is a fantastic free tool for doing keyword research, SEO analysis and search engine rankings.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Peter, thanks for that advice re Traffic Travis! Is this software developed by Travis Sago and team, of The Bum Marketing Method fame and fortune?

              I'll be checking out that software for sure, once I get a bit of time anyhow!

              Thanks again!
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Why I Do not Use HubPages for SEO

                Its a pain is why!

                Let me clarify.

                I've got a few hubs for various purposes that I've made over the months (first one I made was perhaps about 13 months ago (much later than I fiddled with a Squidoo account)) - but trying to rank them high enough (in the Hub ranking system) to attain that all-important outbound link, that much-craved-for oh-so-dear hyper-link that's going to sit nicely when it comes to helping my websites rank a little better in the SERPS; well, its simply a very tough job indeed!

                I suspect I've got more chance of ranking number one in Google for my Twilight Poster site within another 2 weeks, than I do in getting the much covetted do-follow link from any of my hubs!

                This is why if any of you are wondering, I have not made mention of building any hubs with regards the current 40 day Challenge.

                Yes sure, if I put even more work into them than I have already then it may be so that Mr or Mrs Hub will indeed finally grant me my wish, and I will be crowned with an outward bound hub link which is finally a "not no-follow" link to my choice of destination! Is it worth the further time commitment however?

                But for now, sorry Mr or Mrs Hub, I'm not going anywhere near you because you'll take delight in wasting my time as you do, every time! (Maybe I'm simply incompetent! - who's nodding?

                Over and done with my rant!

                Thanks for listening and by all means do please prove me wrong here. Do tell me that you yourself have some hubs that have do-follow (or non no-follow if you prefer) outbound links to your chosen destinations. Please, please!

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Actually it just dawned on me - Monsieur Hub does not want me to get outbound links!

                  Monsieur Hub wants to keep me all for himself!

                  He wants me to rank my (HIS) Hub nice and high in Google so that he gets much of the accolade.

                  Of course! That's it!

                  Okay then, so its a case that when we want to work with Hubs then we must be prepared to work with them solely, and not concern ourselves with obtaining outbounds from Hub to our own domain.

                  And to be honest, there is much to say for ranking Hubs simply because they possess such a powerhouse of JUICE already! And they are FREE!

                  Apologies Mnsr Hub, I got you all wrong from the get-go! :rolleyes:

                  Regardez vous!

                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    A quick run-down of my progress today...

                    Wrote out another 2 articles re Twilight Saga and then spun both of these to give me a total of 500 fresh articles of around 50% uniqueness, which is plenty to avoid a Google footprint - this would be my main concern by far.

                    Once again, for every single spun article, I will then fairly meticulously go through it to ensure the syntax is good and the actual article is good - at least that it reads well.

                    Why bother? I believe now more than ever before that any content I submit to the internet should be at a minimum of decent quality.

                    And why? Good question - after all much of what is submitted to the internet is possibly never even seen by the human eye.

                    For me personally, I just get this sense that for the extra effort I make early on - to ensure that my stuff is decent, there is more chance of it being circulated around the internet - webmasters (is there such a word as "webmistresses"?) - webmasters and webmistresses may come along in search of content for their own site, see a quality article (such as mine - I hope), and grab it for their own site.

                    Another webmaster/webmistress then notices the article on the new site and swipes it for their site, so on...

                    Chances are that if we are in the habit of submitting sub-par content it has little chance of circulating any place other than the trash can!

                    Chances are that if you are in the habit of submitting quality content then at the very least some of it will find its way a LOT further afield than simply its original destination.

                    So what am I doing with this new content?

                    I will not submit it to Hubpages that's for sure! Sorry Hubs!

                    And I will not make further submissions to the article directories that I have already used and listed in previous posts. For your information, here they are again...





           (still awaiting publication)

           (still awaiting publication)

                    and a couple of new ones...

           (still awaiting publication)


                    Why not make further submissions to those article directories where I can get some really healthy backlinks to my site?

                    Well, the more I ponder this, the more I believe that once you have a link back from another site then that's that, the IP address that it sits on is "spent" - as far as Google is concerned anyhow. (Anyone with thoughts about this do please contribute, thanks!). Providing of course that the particular page you are seeking the backlink from has been indexed.

                    This last point does cause confusion, but I would have very serious doubts that a link back from any web page that is not indexed (in this case, let's say indexed in Google) would count as anything at all. There's no juice going to come from a page that has not been indexed.

                    There are ways and means to encourage indexing of these pages, such as pinging the page with the likes of or by "pushing" backlinks to the pages.

                    Further, I posted up another 30 post snippets to Blog Blueprint, ready for tomorrow's 20 post submissions, with a few left over.

                    I've also began to use a new software just last night to make some submissions in a very much drip-feed manner - slow but sure. This is not good if you want a mass of fast backlinks for whatever purpose, but if you are looking to rank a relatively new website such as the Twilight Posters for the Discerning Twilight Fan! site, then attaining links in this slow drip feed way is perfect!

                    Perfect for Google, anyhow.

                    Don't get me wrong here, and this is something that you should pay attention to as its been a subject for confusion for long enough.

                    Let's say you did a blog post on a new blog that was really hot. Somebody who was searching around the net stumbled across your web page and thought "dang, this is great stuff - I got to let others know about it!".

                    Sure enough, others do find out about it and they feel exactly the same, your content is so hot, its just about too hot to handle! The snowball effect begins - rolling down the hill and getting bigger and faster with every second.

                    What's almost certain to happen here?

                    You will find that simply because your content is precisely what a lot of people want, you will get a lot of "natural" backlinks in a very short space of time!

                    Now, is Google going to like this? After all, we hear all the time that Google wants us to

                    see backlinks to our web pages, but if we get them too quickly we will be "sand-boxed" (call this what you will... here is a definition of "sand-boxed" for anyone who requires further understanding (I think we all do - its one of those Google secret things where they don't really tell anyone much)
                    Sandbox effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    If our page gets sandboxed it may not be seen again by any web searchers for months! All that hard work for nothing, right?

                    But this concept is not entirely true. If our web page/s were to attain truly natural backlinks even at a rate of knots, we will tend to find that those pages are going to be heading up fast in the search engines rankings. Its of no consequence that the links are coming very thick and very fast - they are natural links after all and Google is totally fine with this!

                    Its when the links are unnatural that the problems begin. If you were to attain a mass of backlinks in a week from say, a few different websites or a few different IP addresses, I suggest you'll have problems, at least for some time to come. Big ol' Goog is not going to like this at all!

                    Keep this in mind when next you are considering your own backlinking campaign. The more natural your backlinks appear (are) the more you will be rewarded (as a general rule) by the likes of our beloved Google!

                    The software I mentioned re drip feeding of backlinks - I've yet to do a review of on my site, so - sorry, but I'll discuss this further sometime soon. Please also remember that I do not recommend ANY software products that I have not used myself and have not benefited from myself! I value you as my reader as much as to say that I want the best for you, as I do for myself, and that's that!

                    I can't be any fairer than this so please, no shots at me down the broadside, thanks!If I am to provide a review for this particular software I mention, its not due to the SEO results I'll be seeing with it already. Obviously SEO does not usually work that quickly (it can, but under certain circumstances). I used this software previously so I am already familiar with it. More about this a little later.

                    Next, I used my Unique Article Wizard account to make two sets of article submissions. These articles usually take around 3 days to be accepted and published, but they are in the pipeline, so to speak.

                    I don't just mass submit my articles using this type of software however. That would be imprudent in the highest degree of imprudence, for reasons I've just discussed. However, I use these articles (backlinks from the articles) in a fashion that may not be commonly practiced.

                    Now, I mentioned this before and I am sorry to keep "teasing". I want to leave this at the moment - get a slightly earlier night so I can make a nice early start in the morning, and make some healthy progress!

                    I shall make a point to discuss how I use Unique Article Wizard tomorrow, and that's a promise! Its nothing ground-breaking but its most probably something that many of us have never even considered before - is all I shall say right now.

                    Best wishes and to your success!

                    • Profile picture of the author inter123
                      Profile picture of inter123
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      As an extension I am wondering what happens if you have seveal domains with the same host. Unless you got unique C class IP (if this the right terminalogy), it is possible many of your sites are on the same server.

                      And how would this effect link juice from ezine articles or other directories. If there are numerous sites on the same server, would link juice diminish as more are backlinks added, even though the links are pointing to different domains?

                      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                      Well, the more I ponder this, the more I believe that once you have a link back from another site then that's that, the IP address that it sits on is "spent" - as far as Google is concerned anyhow. (Anyone with thoughts about this do please contribute, thanks!). Providing of course that the particular page you are seeking the backlink from has been indexed.
                    • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
                      Profile picture of joanagoldman
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi Joseph,

                      you mention that when you write an article you spun it afterwards via blog blueprint and you end up with circa 500 fresh articles. Afterwards you say that you are using this new articles to place them on the 6 article directories. my questions is are you placeing all these 500 new articles on 6 article databases? or what exactly are you doing?

                      then you say you write another article that you again spun it and this time you do not place the fresh articles on the article directories. What do you do with these new articles then?
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Golly gosh Joana, you have been busy!

                        - what program do I use for spinning content? I've been using The Best Spinner now since it came out almost 18 months ago, so I don't know of any free spinners around I'm afraid. You can trial this spinner for a 7 day period for 7 bucks (check out my blog (resources tab at top) for a special offer on it).

                        - I'm not sure where you got the info about not linking your pages together within your site, but its wrong - utterly wrong! If you don't link up your site, how are your visitors going to find their way around?

                        - Squidoo - yes, they still do and I believe they will continue to offer do-follow backlinks (unlike Hubpages, which just got heavily penalized by Google - was that due to their no-do-follow policy??). Don't worry about what links do show up and don't show up Joana. You will never see the quarter of them no matter which tool you use to assess your backlink count.

                        - I used to spin up to 200 articles - many of which were for use in Blog Blueprint. Others were for various article directories, and sometimes for content for my actual websites. Any that were left over could be used in the weeks and months to come for whatever purpose.

                        Hope that helps to shed some more light Joana!

                  • Profile picture of the author WareTime
                    Profile picture of WareTime
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                    Actually it just dawned on me - Monsieur Hub does not want me to get outbound links!

                    Monsieur Hub wants to keep me all for himself!

                    He wants me to rank my (HIS) Hub nice and high in Google so that he gets much of the accolade.

                    Of course! That's it!

                    Welcome to Web 2.0. Not meaning that as a put down to you Joseph, but as a wake up to some others that keep building other people's sites for them.

                    P.S. Thanks for a good thread. Nice change from "do Angela's backlinks still work"
                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi WareTime, thanks for your comments!

                      I suspect that, just as for me, many IM'ers are "wisely" informed to get backlinks via the likes of Hubpages etc. simply because its a nice strong and quality backlink. Little do those who are doing the informing realize that the attaining of backlinks via a Hub is so tough to achieve (now, anyhow - perhaps it was easier a while back) that its simply not a wise investment of one's time to even try.

                      This is my opinion only, but I think it rather a sensible opinion as I base it 100% upon my own experience with Hubs.

                      Nevertheless, Hubs as stand-alone money-earners are a really great method for any IM'er - no matter a beginner or a long termer, to make a very nice income! Even without any private domains in their arsenal (that may be a risky option - all eggs in one basket, so to speak!).

                      Its a matter of honing your skills regards choice of keywords to the point that most of the time you pick out the winners rather than the so-called "duds" and then doing the old backlinking game as you would any other website.

                      Thus there is a LOT to be said for Hubs indeed, and I don't wish to knock them much, its just that they perhaps should not be utilized as a "hub" in an SEO backlinking campaign.

                      Re Angela's backlinks - I suspect they have been and are ravished by so many - either spammers or those who simply don't understand how to use them properly, that the quality of Angela's (and her husband's) work is gone within hours of her releasing her new monthly packet. Which is a real pity because its a thoroughly valuable and of course free method of attaining really good quality backlinks, when approached with the right philosophy - quality work really goes a long way to gaining quality backlinks in return!

                      Thanks again for coming by here!

                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Good day Inter!

                      That's a good question - if you have numerous domains (websites) on the same C class IP address, would links from the likes of etc. be less worthy than if you had domains on various IP addresses, perhaps even with various hosting companies.

                      I am no SEO scientist (as mentioned, reading some of the really deep techie stuff simply makes me go off to sleep, fast! Even though I have a science-based degree (a rotten scientist I would make!!)).

                      I base all my current knowledge upon my own experience, and if its not on my own experience then I've still to really learn the truth behind the concept to put my own mind at ease.

                      And that said - nope, if you have 100 domains (sites or whatever) on a single server, with the single web hosting company and you point links back via ezinearticles, goarticles, squidoos, etc. etc. then you will indeed still be provided with as much "juice" as you would if you had all domains spread all over different IP's.

                      I do have very good reason for trusting in this but I can't go into it right now because it would take me another hour to give you my own examples to prove the theory. Furthermore, how many other hundreds of thousands of SEO'ers and IM'ers utilize this strategy day-in and day-out to provide for at least some success in their own website rankings...

                      Just let's say that I myself have numerous domains on the same class C IP and I utilize the same "anchors" time and again, only to see the vast majority of my sites climb very nicely up the Google rankings, often to sit within top 5 or so - and this is relatively often using only 5 or 6 article direcotories without any web 2.0 help whatsoever.

                      I suspect that in itself goes some way to prove the theory, do you agree?

                      Cheers Inter!

                      • Profile picture of the author k0brik
                        Profile picture of k0brik
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        hi Joseph

                        i'm not so much of a poster but you got me in with this interesting thread, my first post here also.

                        I look forward to see your results!
                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Hi K0brik, I'm not much of a poster either, hence I've only just passed the 100 post mark even though I've been "lurking" on the forum for almost 2 years now:p

                          I tend to find that many discussion threads are not particularly inviting to join in (or I simply don't have the time, unfortunately).

                          I want to try and make this thread as inviting as I can for anyone and everyone to join in, no matter the level of SEO or Internet Marketing experience!

                          Really good to have you here!

                      • Profile picture of the author inter123
                        Profile picture of inter123
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Thats good to hear, if nothing else, at least it will reduce expenses!

                        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                        Good day Inter!
                        Just let's say that I myself have numerous domains on the same class C IP and I utilize the same "anchors" time and again, only to see the vast majority of my sites climb very nicely up the Google rankings, often to sit within top 5 or so - and this is relatively often using only 5 or 6 article direcotories without any web 2.0 help whatsoever.

                        I suspect that in itself goes some way to prove the theory, do you agree?

                        Cheers Inter!

                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Indeed so Inter!

                          It would be a real shame should we need to set up a number of different IP's simply to succeed at SEO. I suspect very few people would entertain the idea simply due to the costs!

                          Talking about costs, I'm currently "toying" with some ideas as to how to make the whole business of SEO rather a lot more affordable for anyone and everyone who would care to endeavour in the pursuit of ranking their sites high but cannot meet the price tag.

                          This would be my way of helping to make the game of SEO a more level playing field for all.

                          There's a lot of thought required though so I can't make any guarantees right now.

                          Watch this space and I'll see what I can come up with. I'll be posting on my website too in the coming days and weeks re money savers that I intend to be simply so hot that it would be really difficult to turn it down!

                          Altruistic? Not at all - I'm actually very selfish! Its just that doing this sort of thing makes me feel really good, which is indeed a selfish notion - but for a nice change to the norm, this selfishness allows a ton of other SEO'ers and IM'ers to enjoy the benefits too!

                          We'll see what comes of this...

                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            Unique Article Wizard HOT TECHNIQUE!!

                            Please, what I'm about to share with you is exciting stuff, so put down what you are doing and focus your thoughts while you read through. You will have no regrets if you do!

                            I've been blabbing a bit about this technique in a couple of previous posts so let's get on and spill the beans. Its not ground-breaking or earth-shattering but for many of us, its certainly worth incorporating into an over-all approach to our own SEO efforts.

                            Let's progress...

                            Using my UAW (Unique Article Wizard) software (you can of course use a similar-style software if you prefer), I fire it up with my 3 unique articles and there-after submit them for publication, which usually takes about 3 days.

                            Of course, previous to this, I have set up my "anchor" article directories and Web 2.0 properties - such as Squidoo etc. Now, its important to realize that these "anchors" need not be indexed. Its of no consequence for us. After what we are about to do the "anchors" will be indexed 100 times over, if that were possible!

                            When I'm in the process of setting up my bio boxes in my UAW account for these new article submissions, I DO NOT put in links to my own website that I am trying to rank for.

                            Why not?

                            Simply because, for now, I don't entirely trust the integrity of UAW and where they are sending out my articles for me to get my backlinks. Sorry UAW and Dr Noel, I'm not really picking on you here, just that I want to be very cautious in my approach to ranking my site. Otherwise your UAW is indeed excellent, thank you!

                            So what do I do?

                            Instead of pummeling my site with a variety of good to not-so-good backlinks, I merely pummel my "anchors" instead!

                            That's right. I set up my bios in UAW to link straight back to my "anchors" and I set my target submission rate for the day at 800!!

                            Not at all, actually!

                            I've found that by "pummeling" my "anchors" the "anchors" are strong enough to handle such a mass on-slaught that they don't buckle under the weight as would a relatively new website (or even one that's a bit more mature).

                            After all, don't foget that these "anchors" are already massively strong, even though your own "anchor" article or Squid lens or whatever - is brand new. That new "anchor" article gains a lot of strength from the juice passed to it by the directory or by the Web 2.0 property. It can happily live with the strain of mass backlinks!

                            Thus, what in essense is going to happen here is that the "anchors" are going to pass on much of this juice to our own website's pages, while at the same time, the "anchors" are soaking up the abuse of sudden mass backlinking and any dodgy backlinks, thus protecting our own site 100%!!

                            Let me give you a nice example of how effective this method actually is.

                            Not long ago, I set up a site for some eBay products to be sold and targeted a keyword in the niche of archery (a tasty niche for sure!).

                            I then set up a few "anchors" including that of, which is one I use EVERY time!

                            Within about 3 weeks or so of my UAW articles being published and perhaps 4 - 5 weeks after I'd bought the domain name from I found out that Google had just done an update of their PR (the last one to be done - a few weeks back).

                            I decided to check out my sites rankings only to find that my ezine article had shot past my site, waving as it fled past! That was my mistake actually, and not really the point I wanted to make.

                            I am looking now at where I am ranked for this particular keyword in Scroogle Scraper. Bear in mind that the keyword has a global exact monthly search of around 15k according to Google stats. I'm ranking 4th for my site (often times I get another of my web pages sitting on the home-page's tail in 5th place) and currently my ezine article is 5th in Scroogle's Google - I use Scroogle, if you remember from a previous post, to provide me with an unbiased point of view. I suspect in the USA or elsewhere my site and article are perhaps higher than they are showing me in Scroogle. Who knows - its often the case, its often not - there's simply no telling what Goog is doing next.

                            Now okay, 15k exact searches globally a month is not going to have you retiring any time soon to sit and soak up the sun by your own private swimming pool , just cos you got a website ranking very nicely for such a search volume.

                            But what if you could emulate this, say - even merely 20 times in the next year to year and a half?

                            Obviously I can't project income figures but it would put your own site at or very near the top of the Google rankings where, according to Google stats, you could expect a total of around 300k searches per month!

                            Now, I leave it for you to do some more stats with this figure in mind!!

                            What have I done with this site and/or ezine article since my initial onslaught using UAW?

                            Nowt, as they say in North of England! Nothing, nada, zilcho!

                            Actually, I tell you a little lie there - about 12 days ago, I set up a Squidoo lens to get a further quality backlink. Only 12 days ago, so any further juice may well be limited, if having any effect at all as yet on my SEO and my current ranking stat.

                            And yes, it could be someone scraped some of my quality content from my "anchor" articles. I simply have not bothered to check for that.

                            How long did it take me to assess my keywords, build the site, fill it with content, and then publish my "anchor" articles (5 of which, no more than that - as we speak!) and then to publish my articles via UAW? Remember, I use the spinning software for all content which saves me ooooooodles of time!!

                            How long to do all this?

                            Perhaps 3, maybe 4 hours tops!

                            How many times could you yourself do this in the next 6 months??

                            (here's my telephone number... I charge $500 an hour! ). Sorry, just having a joke with you, of course!

                            Now, my site is ranking around 4th or something (who cares right now) but if I wanted to spend a further 45 mins using my already spun articles that I did a couple months previously and then submitting them firstly to a couple more quality do-follow article directories, then making up a blog with a video and couple of images (ya, watch out for copyright here!), and then a blog. And then I submitted a couple of "editions" of my spun articles via UAW to smack, bang wallop my "anchors", don't you reckon I would be in top position in Google before the month's out? I can't help but think so!

                            I'm too lazy to bother actually. I get my motivation from discussing things with you and (potentially) training others how to do what I do!!

                            Actually, I'm REALLY EXCITED simply telling you all this stuff cos I know you will be really excited too!!

                            But there is indeed something else I gotta tell you too cos this is not all!

                            I mentioned that Google did its re-appraisal for the PR's a few weeks back. I decided to check out that particular article in just for the fun of it. It was of course a PR n/a because it was only about 3 weeks old or so.

                            Guess what PR it was "awarded" after the Google update?

                            I'll tell you... a PR4.... a PR4 in 3 weeks from publication and within 3 weeks of it first being indexed in Google!! Hot dang! What the heck!!!

                            Don't get me wrong (he says again...) here - I'm not proposing that high Google PR is the be-all-and-end-all. Its not! But you surely begin to see the SHEER POWER of this technique, right?

                            The other articles making up my "anchors" had not been treated quite as favorably if truth be told. But on last checking, they vary between a PR1 and PR2. Nothing shabby!! Its all really strong juice that's now feeding back to my website, thus I can't help but feel, even though I've only got about 12 links or so to that site, its gonna be ranking very high for quite some time to come, even though I don't go anywhere near it! (bar the recent Squid ).

                            This technique I have picked up over the past previous months - you read posts here and there on the forums, you pick up ideas and then you tweak those ideas to suit your own particular requirements. Thus I cannot take all the credit for this technique, nor really for any other techniques that I use!

                            I must bow down and give credence to many other SEO'ers who are hot at this game! But then, they have done precisely as I also do - "borrow and tweak". I am merely "discussing" these techniques and philosophies with my friends here on this thread, is all, right? I don't profit monetarily, I profit from within - my life is better - by sharing with you, so that you can gain in the process!

                            I see, I do, I tweak, until it works for me!! Kinda similar to the saying - "monkey sees, monkey do's (or is that - Monkey does hehe!).

                            In my case its more...Monkey sees, monkey do's, monkey tweaks! (Me being the monkey!)

                            Quite easy to remember this little saying, right? Its a great way to move forward and base your own techniques upon using this same methodology!

                            Now even if I "retired" from this thread right at this moment in time, I suspect I really have fulifilled all that I would need to, regardless the fact we have still to see where my rankings are going to be within the next 35 days re the CHALLENGE.

                            Don't worry however, I'm hanging on in here for the duration, providing my girlfriend does not lose all her patience with me - hmmm a bit late for that!

                            Yay, its tough holding down a relationship when your passions are divided (between your "work" and your partner) and your time is somewhat unfairly devoted (in your partners eyes at least). Best I say no more, you all know what I mean I guess.

                            Now go and succeed in doing what I just discussed with you - there is no time to lose!!

                            Best to all!

                            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                              Profile picture of JosephA
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              Good day to all!

                              I'm not going to update on my progress today simply because its much the same as the previous day, really. Yup, SEO is a bit of a slog! Its not the glossy, fun work that a lot of folks make it out to be, and because its not, it does take some serious determination to succeed, as we all are very much aware!

                              I do of course wish to keep updating the thread on a regular basis and will do until the Challenge is complete. Accepting questions too, if anyone is not clear about something then I'll try my best to provide as clear an explanation as I can. I'm happy to have a question and answer session, or call it what you will.

                              There is something I would like to share with you this night (night time in Malaysia).

                              My UAW articles have been accepted and posted through, so the service is quicker than its been for some time, which is always nice of course!

                              Thus, I decided to check the rankings in the Scroogle Scraper. In case you are wondering why I use Scroogle Scraper - its because the Scroogle does not provide me with a bias, as would a standard Google search from where I am in Malaysia for my own sites. Scroogle does still offer up differing results for different countries.

                              If I were to do a standard Google search then its probable that my own sites will be shown to rank higher than they actually are (not always the case however). And this is because Google "knows" that I spend time on my site, thus is biased to my supposed needs when I carry out a search for the same keywords and will show me my site perhaps a bit higher than it really is.

                              I hope that makes sense. Please let me know if not.

                              So what I saw there in the Scroogle Scraper pleases me!

                              Of course I carried out a search for my chosen keywords which are "Twilight poster".

                              Now let's remember that there is going to be a Google dance, and the Google dance takes place within milliseconds or something like that.

                              As an example of this, type in any keyword you wish into the Scroogle and check out the top 10 or so, then hit the search key again as soon as you like and you will see the results are a bit different. Yup - dancing around like a merry maid! This happens in a normal Google search too but its much slower. You check one day for your site to see it in 9th position. You check the next day to see its in 20th.

                              So let's keep in mind that for each different country there are somewhat differing results - the US will be different to the UK. Australia different to Singapore, and so on...

                              I put my own keywords into the search and lo-and-behold, there's my Squid lens in 8th! I went down the page a bit and I see my target site ( for this Challenge is in 13th!

                              Let's not get too carried away here though. I hit the search key again and I see my Squid in 13th and my target site is out of top 20.

                              Funnily enough, I just carried out the same search with standard Google (the Google server I use will have a bias towards Malaysian results even though I DO NOT choose the tab for pages from Malaysia). I see that my Squid is 14th and interestingly enough, my TwilightPosterz site is sitting right behind in 15th!

                              My good friend just informed me that in Singapore the TwilightPosterz is sitting 11th in Google, whereas the Squid is down quite a bit further.

                              With more "sweet" backlinks it is a case of waiting around for a while as my sites do the dance a bit. I'll be patient. Relaxed (reasonably!).

                              Let's not forget however that breaking into the top 10 is really the tough part. Its all very well to get excited now but the work is really just beginning. If I am to rank in the top 5 then there is still some serious graft (slog!) to be done!

                              So don't get bored just yet! I've still got some way to go with this Challenge before my initial goals are well and truly fulfilled!

                              Sit back, have fun and let's enjoy the Google ride together!

                              Its time for a beer!

                              • Profile picture of the author terenceyang
                                Profile picture of terenceyang
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                Gees, Joseph, you really amazed me and opened up my eyes to how this challenge can be fulfilled. You really sent my heart racing with you with every of your update.

                                Here's wishing you success and I am glad that I am following this thread.

                                Thank you.

                      's First Multilingual Neighbourhood Social Network!
                                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                  Profile picture of JosephA
                                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                  Hi Terence, many thanks for your kind words! Its good that I can help you to see things that much more "clearly". And I hope you can now implement some of what I've been discussing here into your own campaigns thereby enhancing your own results when it comes to ranking well in Google.

                                  Thanks again and best wishes!
                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi DHex, many thanks for following along and for leaving some feedback - its always really appreciated to know that others such as yourself are enjoying this journey, while we work to dispel some myths and prove other theories that abound on the net.

                      Kind regards and thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author o0haco0o
    Profile picture of o0haco0o
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First let me start by saying thanks for all the wonderful information that you are providing here. I am in the process of starting up a web hosting/design company and this is really helping me to understand the important factors with SEO.

    I do have a problem choosing good keywords and the market that im targeting is highly competitive. The domain name does not include any keyword. Domain name: kjinnovations dot net.

    I dont have many options for keywords most have high up people like godaddy and hostgator. I wanted to use something along the lines of "professional web hosting"
    "quality web hosting", "affordable professional web hosting". Any pointers? Ive done some light research on the keywords but not much as i am not available to right now.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi o0haco0o,

      thanks for coming by here and for your question re keywords for your hosting company.

      At first sight/thought, and as you stated, hosting is one heck of a hot topic simply due to the amount of money that can be made. And that's not only for the hosting company itself but also for affiliates there-of.

      What do they pay out for aff commissions now? Something in the region of $100 plus for each sign-up? Therefore its not easy money for most - not any longer, simply due to the sheer competitive nature of the domain (pardon the pun!).

      I'll see what there is around. Perhaps wise to start off with low-hanging fruit where the monthly search volume is not so high, but the competition is not so hot that its gonna take a year to rank.

      Over time, as you build up your site/blog (depending on how you wish to point your main targeting efforts to boost traffic), its a good idea to begin going for the bigger rewards due to your own website gaining "accolade" in the likes of Google's eyes.

      That's not to say you should not endeavour to rank for high comp keywords from the very outset. I suspect I would myself! Just that its best to realize that faster rewards are to be had from picking the low hangers and working your way up. This keeps your own goals fresh and motivation high cos you can see relatively early results.

      I'll PM you with some potentials a little later o0haco0o

      See what you make of them...

      Since you can't PM me my email is

      • Profile picture of the author Jake03
        Profile picture of Jake03
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks for sharing your journey. I'll be watching with interest.

        BTW - Namecheap recycles their coupon codes each year. So if you don't find one advertised, look for the one for the same month last year and it will usually work. I think May is MOTHERSLOVE.

  • Profile picture of the author jorjefarnandis
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Jake, thanks for coming by!
      Nice tip re Namecheap and thanks for sharing that!
      No doubt this will benefit a lot of folks who are reading along on this thread!
      Great stuff!

      Hi jorjefarnandis, yup, I know exactly where you're coming from!
      For months, even years I too was thoroughly troubled by getting good Google rankings. No matter what I seemed to try did not seem to fit.

      I never gave up though, even though there is MANY a time when I thought it would be a wise move to pack my bags and move on (this was also the thinking of many of those close to me - friends etc.). I can be incredibly stubborn however, so no matter what anyone says to me, I know when its best to persevere with something.

      Now this is not to say I make a mass of money every year. But, let's see how this WF Challenge pans out and then we can all make a few more judgement calls if the techniques I'm using for this actually work or not.

      I think that what I've written up so far is fairly sound SEO stuff, hence the reason so many folks are following along. Folks know a good thing when they see/sense it, so to speak.

      Let's hope for everyone that what I am doing does get the results I/we seek. Cos if it does then its merely a case of emulating my tactics to achieve similar results, time and time and time again!

      • Profile picture of the author inter123
        Profile picture of inter123
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph.

        Thanks for starting this great thread.

        I have been reading that the more backlinks a domain provides, the less valueable links further down the line become. If its the case, how many links would you recommend receiving from each article directory?


        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Inter123, nice to have you here!

          You are asking how many links per article directory to the same domain?

          If so, then its not such an easy determination, Inter. However, what I do is to get my main keywords in my bios - a couple at a go, and the most articles I would submit for SEO backlinking purposes would be 2. I suspect there is little worth submitting any more than this, and it may be that 1 is all you truly get any juice for.

          If you wish to get traffic via articles, via the directories and via other webmasters scraping your content, then the more good quality articles the merrier! And this technique also helps out for SEO in that yes, webmasters may well grab your content (bio box intact), thus gaining more links from all over.

          But getting a number of backlinks from the same IP address is, it could be argued, merely wasting precious backlinking time.

          Experiment and see what works out for you. Each to their own really.

          Best to you!
  • Profile picture of the author o0haco0o
    Profile picture of o0haco0o
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok i got your message Joseph but unfortunately my post count is not high enough to PM you back lol. I have an idea that i wanted to share with you that may narrow this down somewhat if not alot. Honest opinion is great because it may or may not be a good idea. Im also going to offering web deisgn/hosting packages. Im not sure if i can incorporate web design and hosting into the same keyword effectively or if it is even a good idea. Let me know what you think. Like i said i can read your PM's but i can only respond here. Thanks for all your help it is greatly appreciated.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Oohoaco, that sounds like a very workable combination really. I know my own hosting company offer up the same combination but they don't seem to push it much (or, I may be wrong there).

      No doubt there's a massive demand for both skills on a seperate basis so it would make sense that the combination would be thoroughly workable, particularly with a very personalized service provided, I suspect.

      If you could manage to provide the personal "touch" with your service and still make the venture nicely profitable - yup, that's potential for winner in my mind!

      Anyhow, I shall let you get back to me via email so we can continue this discussion further.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi o0hac, you can email me at

    I'll PM you that email too in case you're not checking out the thread.

  • Profile picture of the author NetWorth
    Profile picture of NetWorth
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dependent on the key words that your shooting for it not "that" hard to get inside the top 5 in Google. 40 days is definately a reasonable time frame for a reasonable set of key words. Best of Luck!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Networth, thanks for coming by!

      Yes indeed that is the case - some keywords can be ranked for within days if you so wish, but at the sacrifice (generally) of potential traffic and thus potential profits.

      My aim here is to tackle a rather tough keyword in a relatively short time frame to hopefully prove that it is possible to attain results - even with a somewhat tricky agenda. Thus in essence, its also proving (in many ways) that you can make decent money on the internet even now that it is soooo competitive.

      Thanks again...
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I mentioned that I would make a specific post re article submitting using software, so here we go...

        I've tried a number of article submitting software products over the months and years but the best one for me (I feel comfortable with it) is Unique Article Wizard (UAW).

        Now before some of you begin poo-poo-ing UAW - I understand that its had some bad press on the Warrior Forum of recent, and probably for good reason actually; I would like to have my say about it, if I may.

        I've been using this software on and off for around 15 months now, so I've got a fair bit of experience with it. I dip in and out with it as it costs $67 a month and some months I focus on other aspects of my business than mass article submission. No point paying up when you are not using the service, right?

        Early days with it I had problems no doubt. I found that although I was sticking within the "guidelines" - 25 submissions a day etc. I was not getting the results that I wanted and expected. I checked this out with some members of an IM forum I was frequenting back then and received good feedback in general about it - UAW. So I persevered, thinking that if others are getting good results then so must I.

        Well, to cut a long story shorter, I was not entirely satisfied with the results. The philosophy is sound - submit articles to many directories and blogs and other websites all on different IP's to get sound backlinks. Seems good, no?

        I did manage to get some reasonably good results with it... some top 10'ers in Google and Yahoo and Bing too, even where the keywords were pretty tough. Although these web pages yoyo-d tremendously. But one thing I have also noticed is that, even though many of those pages I hit hard with UAW a while back are no-where near top 10 in Google or any of the other search engines, if I set up a small campaign to get some quality backlinks now to those same web pages, it does not take too much to really get them pumping up the ranks.

        Thus, there does appear to be an "innate" strength left over from days gone by if UAW has been used. That's food for thought I think!

        An example: I have a site that I thought I could rank fairly easily - I spent a lot of money on it - outsourced the writing and outsourced some of the programming (tweaking). In fact, I was paying a young lady to go buy the books, read them and then write a review about them.

        Kinda dumb perhaps! Hindsight is a good thing, no doubt. :rolleyes:

        The site managed to get into top 10 - 8th was the highest in Google, for its main keyword, which was a tough keyword, simply because I blasted it (to death) with UAW articles. It was up and down for a long time. In and out. But finally settled around 8th position in Google (I think it got to about 5th in Yahoo).

        Another related keyword it was ranking in Google around 6th, which also
        was bringing in quite a bit of traffic.

        Let me just check where this site is now for those keywords.

        6th for the main keyword and 3rd for the secondary. Not bad.

        The point is though that lately I sent a few links (around 25 only) back to it via Blog Blueprint which I mentioned before and other than this I have done nothing with the site for months.

        I suspect if I took time to send a few more links via Blog Blueprint or some other quality tool (or perhaps setting up Squids etc. then I could get those rankings just that bit higher.

        And considering my site is only a PR1 (those particular web pages that are ranking are PR1), and the site is around 18 months old, its doing well. Its outranking a few PR6's that also have high Alexa rankings, domain age and a number of other things besides.

        Hmmm... what does this tell you?

        There is another way I use UAW too which I shall write up in another post coming soon.

        Sorry for going on a bit there - its been a long hard struggle with Unique Article Wizard but just by observing the longer term results and experimenting a bit here and there with some techniques, I think UAW can be utilized to really pump up the volume, so to speak.

        If you yourself decide to invest in it, just don't go mad with it. Its easy to mass submit to get lots of links back to your site in short shrift, but this is not wise if you want to rank in Google. In Yahoo and Bing, I suspect they are more forgiving about those mass, fast linking techniques.

        I'll discuss a way to actually blast out your links from UAW (or any similar software) without it hurting your site in the slightest way, while providing some really nice juice to your chosen site pages. That's coming up!

        • Profile picture of the author ChrisGuthrie
          Profile picture of ChrisGuthrie
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Interesting challenge, but if you're targeting a specific keyphrase is there any reason why you didn't try and go after the exact match domain when you were choosing what to build?

          I know that the .org, .net and .com are taken in this situation so is there a reason why you just didn't pick another keyword?

          In either case I wish you the best of luck. I think it will be very difficult to outrank those top sites based on how old they are and how many links they have incoming (both to the main page and the url that's ranking).
  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the great stuff, I am with you through the challenge...
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Tamtu, thanks for coming by, its really nice to have you following along with the Challenge! Hope you gain some benefit!

      Kind regards
      • Profile picture of the author wealth definer
        wealth definer
        Profile picture of wealth definer
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph,

        After you spun an article and have like 250 versions of it, do you submit all different versions of it to the article directories?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Wealth Definer, thanks for coming by!

          Well, in a sense yes, but in a sense no - let me explain this further.

          I don't submit all 250 spun articles to my "anchor" directories. I don't feel it at all necessary to go seeking out 250 quality article directories for the purposes of trying to rank any keyword.

          I will submit my articles BY HAND to my key article directories as mentioned above, all of which are do-follow. That's currently 8 directories. I then I use these as my anchors, along with Squidoo, with and with (there may be 2 or 3 more to come, but right now this is what I am focusing on).

          However, I am about to explain further (as promised) how I go about using Unique Article Wizard to enhance my "anchors".

          Its very much two seperate processes, in essence. I'll qualify this shortly Wealth Definer.

  • Profile picture of the author Doubleup
    Profile picture of Doubleup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread, I'm following your steps like a hawk.

    I only got into the SEO game about a month ago, after stumbling across a thread on a similar forum, and I'm kicking myself, as I've been using the internet as a consumer for well over 10 years, but didn't see things from this angle. At the moment i have my first site up and running, and I'm taking action and soaking in as much info as possible, and threads like this definitely help.
  • Profile picture of the author Brankas
    Profile picture of Brankas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice share for me a new member in here.. permission to bookmarks
  • Profile picture of the author dhex
    Profile picture of dhex
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just subscribed to this thread. I will be following your progress till the end. Case studies are great to clear myths. Thanks for doing this Joseph.
  • Profile picture of the author jason_simpson
    Profile picture of jason_simpson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    you have really made this thread quiet interesting. its has a lot of stuff for me to learn. I would really try each and every thing that you have mentioned here.

    Thanks for the wonderful discussion. Have bookmarked this page so that I can keep following it.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Jason, you caught me just before I turned off my laptop for the night, but as I'm a total "work-a-holic" I thought I'd get back to you immediately

      Many thanks for your kind words and encouragement!

      I think it wise to try each and every thing I have mentioned, but after that, do find your own way for doing things. I do things my way - it suits my abilities (or lack of!) and it suits my "lazy" style. Kinda odd that - a lazy work-a-holic!

      Just keep on tweaking and find what is comfortable for you - make it personal - you'll enjoy it much more! Try to keep aware of any big changes that are occuring with Google, with Yahoo or with Bing. Just touch base with the forums occasionally as there's always chat - much of which is very much hear-say, occasionally its factual.

      In fact, I don't do much watching of the forums myself, but over the months to years I've hooked in with some of the best SEO'ers and their auto-responders - email messages. Takes time to work out who is really TOP and who is simply all talk. Comes with experience though - you can soon tell.

      Its a pretty good way to monitor what's going on out there without spending lots of time searching around.

      Kind regards to you Jason and thanks again!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        I just wanted to point something out in case you have not quite seen things from this point of view. Of course - many of you will, so please forgive me if I'm going over something you are familiar with.

        You know full well that I had a bit of a blast at Hubpages with regards their use for SEO'ing other websites - attaining a do-follow backlink from the Hub.

        You also know that I said that Hubs on their own are to be thoroughly admired indeed for what you can do with them over-all as a standalone website.

        Sure thing, I think for AdSense, Amazon and eBay, they take a cut of 40% of your profits because you are using their free platform to display your work. I think its 40%, but do correct me on this if otherwise.

        Well, that leaves 60% for you to pocket at your leisure.

        Now let's envisage a scenario (very losely). Let's imagine you find a nice very hot keyword that's getting some 30k exact global searches a month. Let's also imagine that for that keyword Goog AdSense are offering up to pay something in the region of $1.50 per click. And I do mean they are going to PAY you that to you.

        Okay then, let's do some figures here shall we...

        * Goog pays out $1.50 a click.

        * Hub takes 40% of that as their cut, which leaves you with 90 cents.

        Now let's imagine that you can indeed get the top spot with this hub. The search vol is nicely high for sure and its going to be tough going no doubt. But let's see the benefits here of using a Hub...

        1. Its strong already! You got automatic juice as soon as you begin, thus ranking it some place in top 30 is not going to be too much of an ordeal, possibly even with little to no backlinking.

        2. You can smack it with all sorts of backlinks and you can smack it with 100 backlinks a day or however many and chances are that it will happily soak up this abuse, very much unlike our delicate new website, which would fade away rather rapidly with that sort of backlinking strategy. Our own private domain has to be treated as we would a baby - softly does it!

        3. You can pick out a copy-righted domain name and not be concerned about infringement. This is NOT the case with your own private domain. You could be told to take the site off the net
        if you infringe copyright. You may even be sued for infringement. I don't know of a case where that's happened but it will for sure. Its only a matter of time!

        For example, let's presume I want to go for a hot product and thus a hot domain name...

        Of course that's not available but if it were, do you think that Sony is going to sit back and let me use that name? Ah, I doubt it! But for a Hub, no worries! And, chances are reasonable that this domain name is going to be available too under the Hub name anyhow.

        Okay, not so much Sony, but let's say the name of some other common product names.

        The domain name may be "watered down" a bit due to it being something like this...


        But you are still getting the keyword in the domain name. And I suspect that Goog is very happy about that!

        Further, if you do fairly regular Goog searches, how often do you see a Hub someplace in the top 30 rankings (if you go down that far)? Quite a lot!

        Now let's imagine that the guy or girl who produced that hub had a good idea about how to attain a few really good quality backlinks to that hub. Do you think that this hub would still be sitting in 30th? I seriously doubt it! Its a sinch to get that hub running up the rankings faster than you can say the proverbial "Jack Daniels", it really is!

        But the poor old hubmaster (or hubmistress) simply has no idea how to go about the business.

        You do!

        Let's get back to the stats - the income potential for this hub...

        You/we get 90 cents per click - in our pocket, after expenses.

        The search volume per month (let's just take the global for this example) is indeed 30k EXACT.

        Let's imagine we can get the top spot in Goog here.

        Let's take a figure that is commonly bandied about as being the approx amount of people who are doing a search to visit the top ranked site for that search... the site that is ranked at number 1...


        Let us take a click through rate of... 5%, which seems fairly average (its obviously possible to ramp this up on a private domain - and ramp it up a whole lot too!).

        Figure crunching...

        $567 a month!

        Yup, $567 a month from one single HUB!

        You've spent no money - no domain name, no software tools, no nothing!

        Sure thing, it would be faster to use a couple of software tools in pursuit of top place in Google, but its not entirely necessary. Use a few of the techniques I discussed already and you'll be onto a good thing. Just leave out the software tools is all. Takes longer, more graft, but its very much achievable!

        You can do this with Squidoo lens too. Not long ago - 2 years - Google LOVED Squidoo lens and they were really easy to rank high with not much work at all. Then suddenly, Squidoo's went through what is termed as a "Google Slap", and it was a hard slap too. All sorts of things went awry with Squidoo lens. Lens masters and mistresses were losing all their lens
        over night (even the PotPieGirl lost her Squidoo account! Albeit briefly), or Google was simply re-ranking those lens way further down than they had been previously.

        Check now though. Check on the net. Do a few Google searches. What do you see? I know what I'm seeing! And its Squids leaping up all over. Thus, don't you think that Google is back in love? I sense that Google and Squidoo are partying together again, after so many months of squabble and disagreement. They've patched up their differences and they are partying once more together. Its nice to see, it really is.

        Squids - free! Same setup as Hubs I think - you have to share some of the income generated on the Squid with Squid. However, don't forget that you can also use Squidoo lens to get high quality backlinks to another site that you have. If you wanna do that in future, then the Squid is nicely placed for you to do so.

        Getting my point here?

        Making seriously good income on the net need not mean you have to spend a lot (or anything) of your hard-earned.

        Ya, ya, I know this all sounds easy peeeezy lemon squeezy. I guess you may be saying...

        "ah, its ok for Joseph, he knows how to do all this, he's been doing it for a while, he knows". I do know, that's why I'm telling you now how to do it, so you can do it just like I could be doing it, if I targeted Squids and Hubs. Right now my hands are too full. I simply don't have the time. However, I do like the idea very much, so I may do exactly as I preach in future
        and set up some more Hubs and Squids precisely for this purpose.

        Something else - when is Christmas?

        ..... just over 7 months away.

        When do Christmas sales begin?

        ..... in the main, from the start of November... 6 months from now.

        Seems far off, right? Its not actually. That time passes so fast you don't know where you are sometimes!

        Do you know that sales more than quadruple at Christmas time? (It may be more, I don't know the exact stats).

        For me, I set up a few sites, and ranked a few of 'em for last Christmas 2009 - I think I had maybe 3 in top place in Goog, a few others nicely placed in top 10.

        I made the same income within November and December that I'd make the whole of the other 10 months put together!!

        And do you know, hubs and squids are the perfect set up for Christmas time purchases!! AdSense! Or eBay! Or Amazon! With AdSense you don't have to do anything, just enter your AdSense account details in your Squid or Hub account. With Amazon and eBay, do the same as for AdSense and then add one of the specialist modules for books, products, whatever... Its a sinch, it really is!

        Enough chat from me for now - I got work to do. Remember, I'm a lazy work-a-holic!

        Till next time!

        Best wishes to you!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          I just wanted to point something out in case you have not quite seen things from this point of view. Of course - many of you will, so please forgive me if I'm going over something you are familiar with.

          You know full well that I had a bit of a blast at Hubpages with regards their use for SEO'ing other websites - attaining a do-follow backlink from the Hub.

          You also know that I said that Hubs on their own are to be thoroughly admired indeed for what you can do with them over-all as a standalone website.

          Sure thing, I think for AdSense, Amazon and eBay, they take a cut of 40% of your profits because you are using their free platform to display your work. I think its 40%, but do correct me on this if otherwise.

          Well, that leaves 60% for you to pocket at your leisure.

          Now let's envisage a scenario (very losely). Let's imagine you find a nice very hot keyword that's getting some 30k exact global searches a month. Let's also imagine that for that keyword Goog AdSense are offering up to pay something in the region of $1.50 per click. And I do mean they are going to PAY you that to you.

          Okay then, let's do some figures here shall we...

          * Goog pays out $1.50 a click.

          * Hub takes 40% of that as their cut, which leaves you with 90 cents.

          Now let's imagine that you can indeed get the top spot with this hub. The search vol is nicely high for sure and its going to be tough going no doubt. But let's see the benefits here of using a Hub...

          1. Its strong already! You got automatic juice as soon as you begin, thus ranking it some place in top 30 is not going to be too much of an ordeal, possibly even with little to no backlinking.

          2. You can smack it with all sorts of backlinks and you can smack it with 100 backlinks a day or however many and chances are that it will happily soak up this abuse, very much unlike our delicate new website, which would fade away rather rapidly with that sort of backlinking strategy. Our own private domain has to be treated as we would a baby - softly does it!

          3. You can pick out a copy-righted domain name and not be concerned about infringement. This is NOT the case with your own private domain. You could be told to take the site off the net if you infringe copyright. You may even be sued for infringement. I don't know of a case where that's happened but it will for sure. Its only a matter of time!

          For example, let's presume I want to go for a hot product and thus a hot domain name...

          Of course that's not available but if it were, do you think that Sony is going to sit back and let me use that name? Ah, I doubt it! But for a Hub, no worries! And, chances are reasonable that this domain name is going to be available too under the Hub name anyhow.

          Okay, not so much Sony, but let's say the name of some other common product names.

          The domain name may be "watered down" a bit due to it being something like this...

          http://hubpages/domain name of choice... The domain name will show like this one here in hyper-text...


          Ya, that's one of my hubs. I have a domain for the same product sitting kinda nicely in Google for my chosen keywords right now - there is no AdSense on it (I hope) so I'll give you the details here so you can check it out and you know I'm not all hot air ...

          "Twilight Turtle" (totally unrelated to Twilight Saga - this is a children's constellation night light).

          My domain is the twilightturtle .net (I can't join that up cos it goes to hyper link text when I post it up).

          Is it 5th, 4th? Whatever, it should be ranked some place in top 10 at the least.

          It gets just over 18k global exact searches a month according to Google. At Christmas expect that to at least double!

          But hey, do you think I'm going to let it sit "nicely" when its coming up to Christmas?? Nope - I'm gonna get the TOP SPOT!!! Don't believe me? Pop back in November and check the same keywords...

          More about the massive potential of Christmas sales and how YOU can reap rewards lower down on this post...

          Anyhow, back to what I was saying re picking a Hub domain name...

          But you are still getting the keyword in the domain name. And I suspect that Goog is very happy about that!

          Further, if you do fairly regular Goog searches, how often do you see a Hub someplace in the top 30 rankings (if you go down that far)? Quite a lot!

          Now let's imagine that the guy or girl who produced that hub had a good idea about how to attain a few really good quality backlinks to that hub. Do you think that this hub would still be sitting in 30th? I seriously doubt it! Its a sinch to get that hub running up the rankings faster than you can say the proverbial "Jack Daniels", it really is!

          But the poor old hubmaster (or hubmistress) simply has no idea how to go about the business.

          You do!

          Let's get back to the stats - the income potential for this hub...

          You/we get 90 cents per click - in our pocket, after expenses.

          The search volume per month (let's just take the global for this example) is indeed 30k EXACT.

          Let's imagine we can get the top spot in Goog here.

          Let's take a figure that is commonly bandied about as being the approx amount of people who are doing a search to visit the top ranked site for that search... the site that is ranked at number 1...


          Let us take a click through rate of... 5%, which seems fairly average (its obviously possible to ramp this up on a private domain - and ramp it up a whole lot too!).

          Figure crunching...

          $567 a month!

          Yup, $567 a month from one single HUB!

          You've spent no money - no domain name, no software tools, no nothing!

          Sure thing, it would be faster to use a couple of software tools in pursuit of top place in Google, but its not entirely necessary. Use a few of the techniques I discussed already and you'll be onto a good thing. Just leave out the software tools is all. Takes longer, more graft, but its very much achievable!

          You can do this with Squidoo lens too. Not long ago - 2 years - Google LOVED Squidoo lens and they were really easy to rank high with not much work at all. Then suddenly, Squidoo's went through what is termed as a "Google Slap", and it was a hard slap too. All sorts of things went awry with Squidoo lens. Lens masters and mistresses were losing all their lens
          over night (even the PotPieGirl lost her Squidoo account! Albeit briefly), or Google was simply re-ranking those lens way further down than they had been previously.

          Check now though. Check on the net. Do a few Google searches. What do you see? I know what I'm seeing! And its Squids leaping up all over. Thus, don't you think that Google is back in love? I sense that Google and Squidoo are partying together again, after so many months of squabble and disagreement. They've patched up their differences and they are partying once more together. Its nice to see, it really is.

          Squids - free! Same setup as Hubs I think - you have to share some of the income generated on the Squid with Squid. However, don't forget that you can also use Squidoo lens to get high quality backlinks to another site that you have. If you wanna do that in future, then the Squid is nicely placed for you to do so.

          Getting my point here?

          Making seriously good income on the net need not mean you have to spend a lot (or anything) of your hard-earned.

          Ya, ya, I know this all sounds easy peeeezy lemon squeezy. I guess you may be saying...

          "ah, its ok for Joseph, he knows how to do all this, he's been doing it for a while, he knows". I do know, that's why I'm telling you now how to do it, so you can do it just like I could be doing it, if I targeted Squids and Hubs. Right now my hands are too full. I simply don't have the time. However, I do like the idea very much, so I may do exactly as I preach in future
          and set up some more Hubs and Squids precisely for this purpose.

          Something else - when is Christmas?

          ..... just over 7 months away.

          When do Christmas sales begin?

          ..... in the main, from the start of November... 6 months from now.

          Seems far off, right? Its not actually. That time passes so fast you don't know where you are sometimes!

          Do you know that sales more than quadruple at Christmas time? (It may be more, I don't know the exact stats).

          For me, I set up a few sites, and ranked a few of 'em for last Christmas 2009 - I think I had maybe 3 in top place in Goog, a few others nicely placed in top 10.

          I made the same income within November and December that I'd make the whole of the other 10 months put together!!

          And do you know, hubs and squids are the perfect set up for Christmas time purchases!! AdSense! Or eBay! Or Amazon! With AdSense you don't have to do anything, just enter your AdSense account details in your Squid or Hub account. With Amazon and eBay, do the same as for AdSense and then add one of the specialist modules for books, products, whatever... Its a sinch, it really is!

          Enough chat from me for now - I got work to do. Remember, I'm a lazy work-a-holic!

          Till next time!

          Best wishes to you!

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Just a quick update here - I don't want to spend too much time writing another great long post, nor to bore you either

            Update on what I was talking about yesterday and related to today's post too - the last post I made re Squids.

            I just checked that archery-related product site I was telling you about yesterday. It seems to have nudged up a place to 3rd, with the ezinearticle following along nicely - 4th (its odd how these "things" tend to glue together - seemingly due to a common hyper-text link between them).

            Again, this is what I'm seeing in Scroogle, thus results are going to be a little different elsewhere and with other software, search engine server locations etc. But, my point really is that this is the first time I've seen this page showing in 3rd and I can only but suspect it has something to do with the Squidoo lens I put up for a backlink just a few days ago - 13 days now.

            Its ranking for other keywords too, but this is my main target due to the search volume, and it is a decent buyer keyword phrase, so I'm kinda happy about that too.

            Actually, I should discuss "buyer" keywords because, if you get this wrong when studying potential keywords, it matters not where you rank in the search engines, you will make little to no sales! And that includes AdSense.

            I'll make a note of this and come back to you in due course. I've made a ton of mistakes regards "buyer" keywords, so you can call me something of a pro now due to falling flat on my face a hundred times and more when assessing for a market to target!

            I only started to get it right when reading something I purchased from Chris Rempel - the Lazy Marketer, on a flight back to the UK from my current home of Malaysia. Thanks Chris - I owe you one!

            Back to the archery-related site...

            I see the Squidoo lens backlink is now showing in the Yahoo link checker - Yahoo Site Explorer. It has no PR but then its new, and there are no backlinks to that lens.

            Its easy to make presumptions here about the strength that the lens is giving to my page ranking. There is no way to determine for sure, and don't forget I have that PR4 ezinearticle pointing directly to my site!

            However, apart from the Squidoo lens, I have not touched this site with regards backlinks or anything for weeks and it has been languishing between 5 and 11 for a while. I put the Squid up and voila! Its very nicely popped up at or very near the top!

            Remember, this is a 15k a month search term I'm ranking well for, and it took me around 4 hours of work to do so, from very start to very finish!

            And yes, you can do this too - trust me!!

            Another point - very briefly. If you've not seen my site - Twilight posters (Twilight Posters for the Discerning Twilight Fan!) today, then go check it out now! Its looking oh-so gorgeous!

            I'll talk a bit more about this in the coming post a little later on today. I'm sure you agree the young lady designer has made a lovely job of it, to say the very least!

            (Feedback required please - does the site look better as it is, or with the recent posts down the right side as it was previously? Thanks for any thoughts - all welcome!)

            Chat soon!

  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I thought the header panel would blend well with rest of the page if it is also a little rounded at the edge as the main panel, just my thought needn't take it up.
    The best part is your tip is real gold thanks a lot.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Tamtu, thanks for you comments! I went with the designer's choice and because she's done such a lovely job with no money exchanging hands (I provided a link to her site form the Twilight Poster site in the footer there) I'm inclined not to pester her to tweak things

      By the way, I like the site you have linked in your sig. Its very pretty and simple. Very cute!

      Take care!
  • Profile picture of the author enwereuzo
    Profile picture of enwereuzo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    I an building a new blog on software, my question to you is this; you know software niche is a highly competitve niche.What is the best approach do you advise me to follow. Secondly how many unique articles and reviews can i write in a day to make upto $500 per day in adsense alone
    What do i do in respect of seo.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Enwereuzo, thanks for your query!

      Software - a broad niche for sure. Is there a specific area that you are interested in and have knowledge about? If so you can research this niche to find a sub-niche where the search volumes are lower but the amount of comp is also much lower.

      Having said that, I spoke with a gentleman the other day who was also targetting an immensely competitive niche. When it came down to it, even the low comp niches were fairly much dominated by high PR sites and mature domains. Very tough!

      However, he eventually decided that he would take a long term approach and target some of those competitive keywords (not much choice) simply because the end reward would be very much worth it.

      He'd made his goal, which is very much a large part of what SEO is actually about. Setting short term and long term goals and being realistic about what you can and cannot achieve within the time frame and with your current "assets" (software etc.), so to speak.

      Do take into account that it is very easy to become disillusioned unless you assess and reassess your goals. I'm no psychologist so perhaps enough of this semi-psycho talk from me. I know how it feels to be THOROUGHLY disillusioned regarding the game of SEO however, and its no pleasant experience that's for sure!

      So therefore, it depends on many factors which only you can decide. You can of course persevere and go for a tight niche with fewer comp and thus reap faster rewards with the sacrifice of lesser returns, or you could go long term for a tougher niche area but with richer pickings at the sacrifice of it not coming any time soon.

      And this latter option also is dependent on your own confidence in being able to rank for those tough keywords too.

      I suggest to you if you use some of the techniques I have discussed, in time (depending on your software, your work ethic, your motivation etc.) you will indeed be able to rank for some of the tougher keywords if you so desire it. No guarantee can be made from me about that until I could see what you were actually up against.


      With regards your second question - that's too tough a call to make with any possibility of being any where near accurate.

      Due to a high number of software-related keywords being high value for click-thrus, I do suspect you would not have too much problem attaining this sort of income, providing your site/s are ranking well for what will no doubt be a tough niche (or tough niches) to crack. Again, it would be imprudent of me to provide a definitive answer here.

      Its all possible, it really is, but I suspect you will have to plan longer term for this to come about. If you are comfortable with that then you already have a headstart. Mindset is very important!

      I could go on and on Enwereuzo but I hope you get the gist of this scenario. Its not possible to give you any definite answers as there are so many variables here to consider.

      Good luck and kind regards!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        What have I been up to today?

        First off, I managed to get a banner designer for the Twilight Poster website. If you've not taken a look yet then please do so, by all means. Personally I think it looks great!

        Although I can't link to the designer's specific WF ad, I can of course mention name and business website, so here goes...


        I shall needless to say be using FlipDiva again, probably fairly often too, and I obviously endorse her design skills wholeheartedly!

        Thanks again FlipDiva!

        That's my advertising speel done and dusted, so what else today?

        I fiddled around with the site and changed the colour/color to match the theme a little better. I also added content to all the posts thereby avoiding any footprint for Google to sniff out. That would be a very basic mistake to make, it really would! Call yourself an SEO'er Joseph?

        I then turned my attention to writing a further article for UAW submission. This one was about Halloween - its origins. Interesting! The line of thought is it is and old Celtic tradition/belief, thus its origins are probably in either Ireland or Scotland. And being Scots myself, that's an interesting fact for me to mull over. I have a real passion for history!

        One problem associated with product-related sites is that its very possible to struggle in coming up with fresh content.

        Now this in actual fact, is not necessarily a problem. Let me tell you exactly why!

        Those article directories that I have used - the ones I have previously listed with exception to and simply because I'm not yet sure about them, well they have a feature that you can take advantage of should the desire or even need arise.

        What's that then?

        You can if you so wish, submit articles that are entirely unrelated to the destination of your links - the links in the article bio boxes. Does that make sense? Let me say it a slightly different way.

        You can if you find it tough to come up with content for your niche, write articles that are totally unrelated to that niche but still pop in a bio box that has links specific to your chosen niche.

        Thus, let's say your niche is baseball bats - MacGregor (ya, check out that niche (baseball bats) - when I last checked it many months ago it had some hot micro niches which were very do-able! I seem to remember the AdSense stats were good too). And let's say you don't really have much of a passion for baseball. What do you do here? Churn out articles re baseball bats?

        How laborious! How tedious! If you don't have a passion for baseball then chances are this would indeed be a troublesome task. So, no, you don't actually. You write about a subject - a niche that you love. Horses, games, handbags, soccer (football as we call it), jewelry/jewellery. You get the idea...

        You then take your original niche which is baseball bats or MacGregor baseball bats for a nice sub-niche and you build up a few different bio boxes for those.

        You would then submit your articles and within a few days have them all very happily published, thank you!


        There is absolutely no problem with this! Even who is known to be the biggest stickler for its quality articles and demand for unique content and all the other stipulations it sets, even is happy with this set-up!

        So there you go, no more writing of thoroughly tedious articles if you want to submit to a variety of quality article directories!

        However, UAW for example. Try that with them and you get a big ol' nope! No way!

        Its no problem however cos you already have your "anchors" set up and written about a subject matter you love. So of course you either spin the original articles you've already written (which I thoroughly suggest you do, providing you put good effort into ensuring that the syntax is sensible throughout the article). Or you write out some more fresh content for submission to the likes of Unique Article Wizard or some other proprietary article submission software of your choice.

        Thus, writing articles for backlinking to your chosen niche need not be such a laborious task after all.

        So there you go, a nice little tip to help ease the way to SEO glories and hopefully in the process improving your over-all income too!

        Later on, as I mentioned, I will discuss this issues re "buyers keywords". I know many of you who are reading along are well versed in the pursuit of buyers keywords, but I also realize that many of you most probably struggle with this, as I have done myself many a time!

        And as I said, if you get this wrong it can mean the difference between real success or utter failure in your endeavors. So its vitally important to get this right as soon as you can!

        Have a great day/evening!


        • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
          Profile picture of Aussie_Al
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Great Thread - I have been trying to read the whole thing through out the day

          Yeah the logo/header looks great!

          Keep up the great work Joseph
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Aussie_Al, thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!

            Yes, I love the header too! I tried making my own some time ago - got the free GIMP software, which is a fantastic product, but geez - for someone like me it would take me months to fathom it! I even purchased videos to go along with it but...

            I hear that Artisteer is a fantastic free product to use for banner/header grafics. I did try that out too a while back, but let's face it - and its something that very many internet marketers struggle with - we cannot be good at everything! Its real tough being an all-rounder when it comes to making money online.

            Please, let me know your own thoughts and experiences on this point as I know it will hit home with very many of you!

            Which makes me think about discussing something else in future - the subject of outsourcing. A lot of forum chat about outsourcing and quite a few glossy products around on the subject too, that cost a pretty penny and will leave you with little money left to pay for the actual outsourcing.

            I believe there is one thing above all else that we have to keep in mind regards to outsourcing which will go quite a long way towards really increasing profits, as opposed to leaving your bank account totally dry and your ego in shatters (like mine was on both counts)!

            More on that to come...

            Great to have you here Al and hope you are really enjoying the chats we are having!


            PS. this is for all those who are watching along but not making their own points - please do contribute to the thread, please, please... I'm not sure if they moderate this forum as they used to do and as many other forums do - but it still might be the case that if the thread starter is making most of the comments then he/she could be accused of bumping their own thread and thus they will be excluded from commenting. And that would be no good whatsoever! I should of course check this with the mods and indeed I will now, but its also a "ploy" to get lots of chat and lots of ideas from you so we can really have a lot of fun on here! So please, do contribute to the thread - your thoughts, your opinions and your contributions are very valueable to me (as I'm sure they are to everyone else too), they really are!! Hence the reason I am always very thankful for each comment that you guys and girls are making!
            • Profile picture of the author k0brik
              Profile picture of k0brik
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I did a quick search in and scroogle for twilight poster and your site is on the 2nd page, 12th and 13th position.
              Nicely done.

              I'm curious to see how it will dance in the next days.
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi again K0brik, thanks for checking that out and feeding back!

                Yes seems that its about 13th here too - much of the time with not much in the way of dancing for the past 30 hours or so.

                Its actually very tricky - I'm limited with time thus the urge is to shoot off lots of backlinks asap! However, if I do that then I will inevitably pay the penalty and it could be that the site/page only returns after the 40 days are done and dusted.

                So its a case of kid gloves with the links but at the same time just pushing that much harder than I would normally. Such a delicate operation it really is! Fun to be doing all the same!

                Regards and thanks again for feeding back!

            • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
              Profile picture of Writingman1421
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              So far, I am very impressed. I've been on a bit of a hiatus and haven't been working nearly as much as I should. This is mainly because its time for me to start on a new niche and I always wind up with a mental block when it comes to research, competition, and monetizing. This "journey" that you are sharing with all of us, however, has helped me break through my mental block and start working again, which i sincerely thank you for.

              I am going to keep following along and even start copying your techniques, as they appear to be producing results.

              Now on to a few questions...

              1. Competition wise, how do you evaluate whether the keyword is worth going for? By that, I mean what is your "defining factor" for determining if keyword is a GO or a big NO. Is it backlinks?

              This is one of those blocks I have. Im confident on how to make money off of a niche and get traffic, but I often wind up picking the wrong keyword (high comp. not enough searches, etc.) and then wasting my time. I assume the keyword is doable even with a high competition (my ego mainly) and then I just fail miserably because it was next to impossible to get in the first place. I just seem to have trouble evaluating those top 10 successfully. I need to know what constitutes a "STAY AWAY" keyword and a "GO FOR IT BABY" keyword

              2. In regards to Unique Article Wizard, I often find that the amount of sites the UAW submits to is quite low. I did some health articles, picked the general health topic, submitted them, and then the end result was about 300 submissions total. To me, this is a bit low for what I am spending per month, especially when the before submission estimate was in the 900-1000 site range. Combine that with the fact that I wrote unique articles and (perhaps) spun each of them individually and I feel like a total baffoon.

              I know this is probably a question for UAW support, but I just wanted to get your thoughts about it. I like the idea about using UAW to build backlinks to anchor articles and web 2.0 properties, seems like a solid idea.

              3. Spinning. I'm a bit confused -- dumbfounded is more the word tbh -- when you said 250, and 500, spun articles at a 50% uniqueness rating. That blows my F'in mind!

              My question is, how many versions of the article do you write? And then, do you rewrite each sentence numerous times within each of those unique articles? I.E. You write 5 articles on the same topic. You then rewrite every sentence in each of those 5 articles 5 or more times. How long does it take you to do this spinning? Thats a big pet peeve of mine as well, cause I somehow convince myself im only writing one article for the day and wasting my time -- even though thats not really the case.

              Once you have these spun articles -- 200+ versions -- what in the world do you do with them all? I mean besides from submitting them your anchor article directors? Do you just put the variations into UAW? OR, are you doing something else with them?

              4. iSnare. I tend to use paid submissions for my articles as they are sent out faster. That said, do you also do paid submissions or do you stick with free submissions? You may have stated this (I can't recall), but there is no spinning option over at iSnare, so are you comfortable with just mass submitting the article and have it pointing back to your main site? OR, do you point it back to an "anchor" article instead?

              Alright, I hope I was thorough enough with my questions. I wish you the best of luck and will be back often to check on your progress.

              - Sean

        • Profile picture of the author Terri Tutten
          Terri Tutten
          Profile picture of Terri Tutten
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thanks for the mention, Joseph!

          I've been reading through your entire thread, and now I'm busy changing up some of the promotion I've been doing for my own site - so this is a double thanks! :p

          • Profile picture of the author inter123
            Profile picture of inter123
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey Joe

            Will you be doing any other types of backlinking other then article marketing and web2.0 ?
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey everyone - its the FLIPDIVA!

            Hi Terri, many thanks for stopping by and reading some of the posts. I know your schedule is packed so its nice you can take a bit of time and come on over here.

            I've been getting some feedback - on the thread here as you see and on my website re the Twilight site banner - "Fantastic"! Each time I look at it I'm enthralled! Got a link to your own site in the footer of TwilightPosterz incase you did not see.

            Hey, perhaps we can JointVenture in something - I know you offer up UAW submissions as part of your service range.

            You take care Terri and hope business continues to thrive!

            Regards Joseph


            Hi Inter, nice to see you on here again!

            The answer to your question is no. Simple as that. I never found the need simply because of the style and format of my sites and the way I work - suits me well.

            There is another tool I use that it very neat and I will be discussing that soon - its re social bookmarking and its FREE. But this is not something I put a lot of emphasis on because I'm concerned that the value of these sort of links is not quite the quality it once was.

            I may be wrong though, so if anyone would care to argue otherwise, let me stand corrected. And further, its fairly easy to go overboard with this system and that would be highly detrimental to my current needs.

            I do intend to use social media much more in future. I remember a few weeks back reading a post by Shoestring on about John Chow and how he went totally against Google and totally against SEO principles. Goog banned his blog but there was so much demand for it due to the social media sites in particular, that Goog had to accept the site or else they would be infringing their own policies - provide the content that the PEOPLE want and not what Goog dictates.

            The site now ranks at the very top of the rankings for many different and highly competitive keywords! What does this tell you??

            I gotta say Inter, I LOVE that so much that in many ways I can't help but want to embrace it with all my creative energies. Thus I will be edging away from PURE SEO practices and edging towards sheer popularity - creating my own sites in future for PEOPLE and not for Google!!!

            Sorry Goog but you do manage to p... me off at times with your oh-so-mighty principles!

            So there you go - that's where I'm at right now. Its fun, its exciting and I want to spread the word.

            Take care!

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Oh and Inter, please don't forget that although I am an insanely hard worker, I'm also lazy (if that should make any sense), thus if I can cut down on the variety of things I have to keep account of then that indeed is to my utter benefit!

              Ask me to get out of bed very early each morning when I have only 4 different SEO tasks to do and I will be up and at it pronto! Ask me to get up out of bed early each morning when I have 20 different tasks to accomplish and I would sooner stay in bed!

              Hands up all those who feel the same way?



              Hi WritingMan, thanks for coming by and for your kind words and also for your questions!

              I'll have to get back to you on those if I may. I wanna finish something first and then I'll be straight back with you to answer as best I can!

              Thanks again...
              • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
                Profile picture of AllanCollins
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Joseph,

                Thanks for this very inspirational thread.
                From the looks of things, I've got your site on page one of Google for "twilight posters" (without quotes, of course) and #15 on Scroogle.

                Have you noticed a jump in organic traffic yet?

                I'm interested to see how you are going to monetize it. Would you share your earning results? I'm just really curious... :-)

                Please keep up the good work, I will continue to watch this thread for more inspiration. Thanks again.
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Can I just make mention here please that tonight I have been booked up! My girlfriend has been complaining somewhat bitterly that I'm always glued to my work. Thus she has "recommended" I take Friday night off and spend quality time with her - one-to-one for some romantic moments, good food, couple beers etc. You all know what I mean .

                Should I not do as she has asked I suspect I will be hung, drawn and then quartered, after which my head will be stuck on a spike a la William Wallace (Braveheart) style, God rest his sole!

                So do forgive me in the event I am not quite as swift in returning comments on the thread, thanks for your understanding!

                Sean, thanks again for following along and for giving me some credit in helping you overcome the block. Even the very best writers suffer this, so why not us SEO'ers? JK Rowlings used to live only a few miles from where I did in Edinburgh, Scotland - I bet she suffered block at times too! I think its just a way of your mind telling you to slow down so that it can recuperate its creative juices.

                In answer to your questions...

                1. Keyword a GO or a big N-O?

                A massive stumbling block for most of us! As I mentioned way back at the beginning I throw out all the stuff that most SEO'ers learn at or near the beginning of their online pursuit of glory.

                I will check my Micro Niche Finder keyword tool and then double check with the free Goog Keyword Tool to retrieve the basic info - search volumes (exact) and in MNF I can check if the exact domain name is available. Hmmm... that's about it as far as those keyword tools are concerned.

                Of course, if I want to go for sales I gotta be creative enough to come up with some form of buyer (ish) type of keyword. Post on that later. In this case I put myself in the place of a potential buyer or someone who is looking for a service. If it hits home then its worth further research.

                Then, its a case of checking out my comp in Google (I don't bother with Yahoo or Bing for reasons already given). I mentioned all this above too but its simply about the backlinks of those sites in top 10, the domain age, the PR of course, Alexa ranking... But even if the sites are all PR3 and over I still may well go for it. I am not intimidated too much by that alone. This also depends however upon if its time well spent - is my time worth investing in pursuit of this particular keyword phrase? Obviously if I'm monetizing with AdSense on my site and they are offering 20 cents a click... you know what I mean Sean...

                There is a formula that Courtney Tuttle and Mark Butler (2 of the very top SEO'ers around!) came up with that I use loosely for determination of a profitable keyword. I think the Market Samurai does a similar job - cool bit of kit that is, although I don't personally use it.

                Let me see if I can remember cos its been a while since I actually used the precise method...

                search vol (exact) x 0.4 (approx. 40% of the search traffic will go for the top ranked site) x adsense cost per click given in the Google keyword tool x 0.25 (this is approx. how much Google actually pay you of the shown click value provided by the GK tool) x 0.05 (this is the click through rate on the average adsense site)

                Now according to Mark and Court, they would target a keyword phrase that will offer them $50 US and above per month, once they have assessed the top 10 ranking sites in Google to see it the keyword is do-able.

                Its a very neat algorithm/equation that is relatively accurate given that you can indeed attain the top spot in the Goog ranks...

                Hope that covers your question and if I missed anything or something not clear pls let me know.

                2. Yes using UAW or similar software for building backlinks to web 2's and solid articles is a really healthy technique to use. I take your point Sean regards the fact you do not get as many submissions as you were "promised". What I do if I have only around 300 or so submissions is that I will go back into UAW and fiddle with my keyword choice a bit, then I will fiddle with the categories a bit, where possible, and often it is possible. I then re-submit and viola! Often times I'll get a further pile of submissions, thus perhaps 500 - 700 over the two submissions. Does not always work out this way but you MUST try to get the best out of this or its leaving your money on the proverbial table, it really is!

                3. Spinning - I write one version of a single article and then spin it to provide me 250 uniques - generally in the range of around 50%, which will often be sufficient for even unless I sniped an article from their database. If that's the case then I would have to up that unique level to 60% and perhaps just over.

                Spinning - I am lazy! I don't mix this and mix that. I simply go through a quality article that I have located on, on - any place as long as its good quality. I will re-write with synonyms up to around 50% uniqueness, taking time as I do this to ensure its gonna be almost perfect. I would then go through each article again just before any submissions to any directory, site, blog whatever, to ensure it reads perfectly.

                And that's it. Not too taxing at all. If its too taxing I'll sooner watch TV (and moan about my lack of progress while doing so )!

                If you are able to make 250 quality article from one re-write even though it takes you 2 hours to do so, this is indeed incredible investment of one's time Sean! So you should indeed forgo the thought that you are not being productive enough.

                Once I have all these articles I have content sitting waiting to use. It takes a teeny bit of my hard drive, its really good quality, its unique and its thoroughly useable for almost anything I can think of regards the attainment of backlinks. Well okay, not quite anything, but you get my point I'm sure.

                I use articles for my 100+ word snippets - a lot of the time! If I have a campaign going where the keyword is tough, I will need this amount of fresh content and more besides.

                Nothing is going to waste, my dear friend! I LOATHE with a vengence wasting any precious time - its just the way I'm built. Hence I can't hold down a simple JOB haha!

                4. iSnare - I only started using them for this particular campaign cos I'm lazy haha! How many times have I said that - but its so true. If I can't see a good reason for doing something then I can't motivate myself to do it. And if I do manage to motivate myself it will not last long. iSnare demand 500+ word articles and that's simply too much for me, unless I am writing for my clients that is. I have far more motivation in writing for clients than I do for myself, which is really very odd because I am such a free spirit!

                And to be honest Sean, no, I would not be comfortable with mass submission of any of my articles unless they are at least relatively unique in content (the stats would depend upon what I was using it for but I tend to go for 45% and above) and I have checked each one over thoroughly for any form of mistakes - at which time I add a bit here and there so most of my articles are actually around 50% unique and sometimes quite a bit more.

                You see, I've done enough stuff in my time whereby I'm just churning out over and over - its tedious, its not really rewarding in itself, and I'm a bit fed up of it.

                That old argument that we all hear about when we are new to internet marketing - for me - that rings true more and more as the days and weeks pass. And that is - if you are not passionate about a subject don't go anyplace near it!

                Many IM'ers totally disagree but then, are they in this game purely for the money and thus are simply mechanical in their practices and principles?

                I've had enough of that now. I am from now on going to be writing for PEOPLE and not for the spiders. I will be writing about what I love and will not be touching anything that simply does not turn me on. This way, its guaranteed to be received with open arms and smiling faces, and at the same time, its going to make some hearts pump faster than they were before they saw my work!

                Always got something to say, I know. I have really strong feelings about some things and I can't just sit back and let things happen without getting a tad hot under the collar. Its purely because my passion for this stuff cannot be locked away - its gotta come out one way or the other, and thus the internet really does suit me only too well because its a fantastic way to vent one's passions, frustrations, annoyance, love... you name it!

                I hope this answers your concerns and questions adequately. Let me know if you have any other things on your mind and We'll talk them through. I'd be only too happy to see you surge ahead with your internet work! Do keep in touch and let me know how things are progressing!

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Allan, thanks for coming along and commenting - much appreciated indeed!

                  Good to know - you got me page one on Goog and you are in Colorado. I learned from a lady last night (comment on my blog at SEO Tips - link in my sig below) that she sees my site in 4th on Google, which is obvioulsy very encouraging as this would mean I had fulfilled my original goal with weeks to spare!!

                  Nevertheless, I'll persevere with my current tactics and see what happens over the coming days. Wouldn't mind that much covetted top spot, actually!

                  As for organic traffic, I've simply been so busy with other things that I've not taken the time to look sorry to say. I get quite a bit from the WF thread - 90 hits from here alone a couple days back.

                  The site is actually monetized Allan - eBay - you can click on the image at the top of any post/page and be directed to eBay, or you can click on the "click here now" (or whatever it says) hyper-text.

                  Unfortunately I've recently been hit by an eBay slap and I'm too busy to try and alter that right now. Too busy to re-monetize my sites too. Therefore, come the end of the Challenge, I may be begging for work as my income has taken quite a hit due to this decision made by eBay. Thanks eBay!

                  Anyone want a pro SEO'er to consult for them??

                  Thus, to provide details of income from the site as it currently stands would merely provide erroneous data. However, I may change it to Amazon when I get a chance and can thus report back some stats when that happens.

                  Take care and thanks again!

                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi Sheena, I don't use iSnare for article submission but I just checked out the prices page and it would appear that if you want to submit a few articles a month then iSnare is a cheaper option than is UAW.

                      However should you wish to publish rather more then iSnare comes with a hefty price tag.

                      See here please...
                      Article Distribution Service - Free Reprint Articles

                      I have not studied that page closely but it appears to me to be an expensive option if you really want to ramp up your SEO efforts.

                      Hope that helps Sheena!

                      • Profile picture of the author tamtu
                        Profile picture of tamtu
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Thanks Joseph for clarifying, its only because isnare has a cheaper option I asked about it.
                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Pleasure Sheena!

                          Yes, I imagine if you want to take the slower and longer term approach then iSnare is certainly a highly credible option and alternative to the rather costly UAW at $67 a month!

                          On another note, I'll be going off fairly soon for the night - back tomorrow morning so keep the questions and the feedback coming please!!

                          I had intended on writing up a post on buyer keywords but I'm afraid that will have to wait until - most probably tomorrow. Sorry about that!

                          Have a lovely day everyone and I'll chat with you tomorrow (Malaysia is GMT +7).

                          Best wishes with your SEO!

  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    Is there any difference in distribution of articles through UAW from distribution through isnare, don't they do the same job or is there something I am missing about the concept.

    Thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author Braden4u
    Profile picture of Braden4u
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author rwtbkk
      Profile picture of rwtbkk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Joesph this is a great thread, normally I am a "lurker" but I had to come up long enough to say thanks. I have to admit though you lost me thoroughly on the article backlinking strategy.
  • Profile picture of the author 1mauigirl
    Profile picture of 1mauigirl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mahalo nui loa (heartfelt thanks) for this thread that can show those who are stuck in information overload which actions to take when.

    As of right now I see the 'z' site sitting a #6 on Google 1st page. Look out number one 'cause you might just scoot them over by the end of your challenge!

    Hats off to you for making sites for people and not just spiders! It does work as you know, that writing for people is the way to go!

    My first auto-pilot site was put up 6 years ago written only for those who sought the study guide information within ... well, it does have the usual domain, title, alt tag optimization because that is how we were trained back then. But. it is a straight html site without even W3 documentation stuff and it still sits for 6 years on Page 1, position 1 and other 1st page positions (last look was 7 of the top 10) for all its keyword search terms.

    Many people ask me how can it be that I have sites put up so long ago that bring automatic income every month without my even touching them, linking to them or even looking at them (then I might be tempted to waste time making them look better haha).

    You are telling them how to do it in today's world wide web. I'll be pointing them to this thread. Hats Off 2 U!

    Oh and I'm not writing here to call attention to myself or my accomplishments in this field. You can tell by my longevity on this forum and lack of prolific posting that is not my intention.

    Having moderated a forum of 300,000 for a 2 year term, I heeded your plea to keep the moderators happy ... Aloha Moderators! Say Aloha to Allen for me!

    Po maika`i (Blessings) ~S~
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm back!

      Haha, not gone for tooo long!

      Great, super and a big thanks to those of you have left comments over the past few hours while I was otherwise entertained.

      I'll be getting back to you shortly and then will go ahead with some more hot info that should be a really nice pointer to (hopefully) quite a few of you reading this thread.

      Further, I would appreciate some thoughts as to "what's next" once the conclusion of the 40 day Challenge has indeed - concluded.

      How can I help to push forward more of YOUR SEO campaigns and IM riches?

      Any and all ideas about this will be kindly received - let's have a chat about it - I'd really like to know what YOU want!

      I'll see you again soon!

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author .
    Profile picture of .
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph

    Great info mate, very generous..

    I'm just curious about your position about directory submission, social bookmarking and blog commenting?



    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Braden, thanks indeed and I hope to see you here over the coming few weeks! Its exciting to see the progress, hope you agree!


      RWT, nice to see you here and thanks for the postive feedback! Yes, I know all about forum "lurking" but sometimes I gotta come out of the background and add my piece too. Its real good you have done the same!

      What part of the article marketing strategy is not too clear? All of it??

      By all means let me know what you are having issues with and I'll try to re-word it for you RWT.


      1MauiGirl, thanks indeed for your "heartfelt" thanks! Ya, info overload comes to most of us, right? Me too, for sure!

      So, you got the Twilight Poster"z" site sitting 6th in Goog in Maui - that's cool! Indeed MauiGirl - 'you watch your back numero uno cos I'm coming for you now!!' (is this the point I fall flat on my face hehehe!).

      Sites for people is where I'm heading MauiGirl. I don't wanna be doing the churning out content any more. Actully, has to be said that I am really enjoying writing articles for the Twilight site, even though I would find it tough to write about the Twilight Saga alone. I just wrote one about vampires yesterday - the original vamp - by Bram Stoker. It was crafted way back in 1897, so its even older than me!

      I guess what I'm saying is that for many niche topics you can perhaps find a "slant" to them that fits relatively nicely with your own true interests. Makes this whole thing about writing a mass of quality content so much easier and so much more rewarding - and that is precisely how it should be! I know you agree.

      You been doing this stuff for a long while now! I started back around then too - 2004, with a Corey Rudl (God rest his soul!) product, but sad to say I did not progress to building a site like you did. That came a bit later after purchase of a Jim Edwards DVD set.

      Could you PM me the site name perhaps MauiGirl? I'd love to have a look-see! It is indeed thoroughly admirable to have your sites sitting top 10 for so long and still making money, even though you don't touch them. What would you put that down to? Domain age, PR, length of time visitor spends on your site, something else, everything together?

      Yup, I can see you been on the WF for "donkey's years" but yet your post count is low. Must take a whole lot to get you to post on a thread! Makes me even happier you have done so on this thread, it surely does!

      Yes, please do tell your friends about this MauiGirl! I would certainly appreciate it and I suspect that they would too, providing they need a bit of a booster or whatever it may be.

      The more people that find out about this thread, about my site in my Sig (I best not do more promoting it cos the mods may wrap my fingers - ouch!). The more people I can help then the better for all of us! Tweet, social bookmark, blog about it, chat on other forums - anything and everything is fantastic, thanks so much!

      I'm interested to know the forum you moded too. You obviously have a mass of knowledge - hoping you can communicate a bit more about this please, although I most definitely respect your desire for privacy if you'd prefer that.

      I love the Hawaiian language (not that I know it well at all). I love the sound of the words, the names! Po maika.

      Hope to hear from you again soon MauiGirl and thanks again for contributing to this thread - very much appreciated!


      Gabriel, thanks a lot for coming by here and contributing!

      Directory submissions? You mean like DMoz and Yahoo Directory? If so, unless I'm working for someone else and they are targeting a VERY tough keyword phrase, then I would not bother. Although, if I really covette a top spot for one of my sites and just need that little something extra, I would then consider it further.

      Social bookmarking - yup, I do a bit, but not so much these days. I kinda use it to "tickle" sites, just to maybe push them that bit more than they otherwise may be pushed. And for SB I utilize a very cool tool that I'll talk about in the coming days. Na, not the likes of BookMarking Demon or BookMark Wiz. This is a FREE and very COOL tool! And the product owner is one of the best! Here's to you CM!

      Blog commenting - again, its something I used to spend time with. Quite a while back I purchased Paul Forcey's Comment Hut (hi Paul!) which was a neat tool for raking through and finding decent quality blogs. There's another one around now - what's it called again... can't remember.

      These sort of tools are great for sifting through spammy "rubbish" and finding the little gems out there. After all, there are so, so many no do-follow blogs now that you can waste so much precious time commenting, if you are indeed commenting for backlinking purposes. I steer clear of it in the main. Having said that, if I do find a good blog that's "up my street" so to speak, then I will absolutely comment - time and again, but it is NOT for purposes of SEO. Its purely cos I love the blog and I love the community spirit (and perhaps, sorry to admit this, I need my ego boosted a little bit, cos its been flagging of late - this SEO stuff can be incredibly solitary work/life!) Hands up all those who know precisely what I'm talking about here!

      Court Tuttle and Mark Buttler (I mention these guys a fair bit) do talk about trying to obtain a backlink from a high ranking site in your niche. But, how many site owners are going to bother doing that - give you a link to your site, particularly if they are ranking top 10 for a tricky keyword phrase?

      I think/know for sure that this methodolgy WILL WORK if there is an incentive for the blog/site owner however. The incentive should perhaps be based on the niche topic in question. A bit like "you scratch my back and I'll be happy to scratch yours". After all, its human nature to share for mutual benefit.

      Actually, that last point is a biggie on and offline too, of course. I'm almost always seeing things and asking "how can WE mutually benefit from this scenario?". However, most people are not thinking that at all. They just see "ME, ME, ME".

      Perhaps then, in our case, its more about trying to get them to see how we can both/all benefit and thus attain super-high-quality backlinks that way.

      What a ramble that was - hope my message is clear however. Thanks again for stopping by and contributing Gabriel!

      Kind regards to all!

  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Question about the blogblueprint tool....

    You said you take content from your articles as the snippet for blogblueprint. How does that work exactly? You just take any paragraph from your collection of spun articles and submit it with anchor text? Is this how you do all your blog blueprint snippets? Do you ever just write the snippets and spin them from the start rather than take them from the spun articles?

    i'm not sure I understand how this works nor how this is even seen as natural, as the blog your snippet is posted to might be about anything from snapping turtles to termites -- yet you have a 100 word paragraph that talks about twilight posters out of the blue.

    Could you elaborate on how this works a bit more, as I am eager to sign up and get started with it.


    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Sean, Blog Blueprint - yup, I do both. I take some of my already spun articles and use some of the content in there, or I take something else from or whereever and spin the daylights out of that to give me around 120 words or so per snippet, of truly fresh content that I can then add to my BB account ready for approval and publishing.

      I've been using Blog Blueprint now for about a month and have NEVER had a single snippet of content rejected. Thus the uniqueness of the snippets must be relatively high - at least to the requirement of the BB editors. And all using The Best Spinner software!

      As for how the BB works - its really a question for their support as I am not savvy on everything they utilize. However, they have numerous blogs and websites on all forms of topics/categories. These blogs/sites are populated with loosely related posts (snippets) that are hopefully picked up by the search engines and indexed over time. Therefore, the snippet text link therein is tracked back to your own site/s thus providing a very nice link, thank you!

      There are a number of other providers offering a similar-type set up so it does work and can work very well too, providing it is used in tandem with a variety of other backlinking processes.

      Take LinkVana as a very good example of a longer term and more established offering that uses the same principles as does the Blog Blueprint. LinkVana however is priced at $147 a month, which is out of reach of many of us SEO'ers. I got a special on that coming up though, so I hope that some folks take advantage of it as its very useful indeed.

      Sorry I can't do the BlogBlueprint as a special - they don't have a specific affiliate program for it, which is an oversight on their part!

      Most of the BB network of blogs/sites have a fair bit of juice because of age, amount of indexed pages, PR and whatever else (again - something to ask their support team if you need more info).

      They've been going through some problems recently due to up and moving to another hosting company, but everything seems to have settled down now and posts are being published every day - 20 per day without fail.

      All in all, my experience with them over the past month and the results I've been witnessing relatively quickly upon a number of my own site's rankings means that the cost of $57 a month is truly value for money!

      No, this method of attaining backlinks is not natural, but then how many techniques that are used by SEO'ers and IM'ers are "natural"? Its becoming a big bee in my bonnet, but I've huffed and puffed about that over the past couple of days, so I best not do so again now. This software suits my requirements for now as it works well, but will I be following this "unnatural" strategy in 6 months from now? Watch this space...

      Hope that makes the use of Blog Blueprint that much clearer Sean. Its a quality product is how I shall finish off here...

      • Profile picture of the author rhodie
        Profile picture of rhodie
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        You are sitting in 15th place when searching from Australia. Well done. I can see you really enjoy writing by the amount of posts here.

        I was just wondering how you monetize your site with Ebay. How does it work, and what sort of return do you get on a $10 poster?

        Thanks once again for providing this great resource of information.

        Edit: Another question. Do you believe this site would do well with Adsense or Adbrite?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Rhodie, thanks for coming by and for telling me about the ranking in your part of the world!

          Yes, you are right, if I have a highly receptive and encouraging "audience" (such as on this thread) then I'm very much one for showing my appreciation by writing and writing and writing and... Merely a way of saying THANKS to everyone who contributes a post or 2 or anyone who is following along regardless they choose not to post. I get quite a lot of feedback via email, via my SEO site which is in my sig on my posts here, and via other avenues too - quite a few of the thread followers prefer to remain entirely incognito.

          A word about eBay - they do not accept domain names that may (or may not) be potentially infringing copyright. They have to cover their own back simply because it is so huge. Its fine for me and for millions of other individuals who knock up a few websites - if we receive an email informing us to "REMOVE THE SITE OR ELSE", then so be it. We move on...

          The Twilight Poster site may get away with this for a bit but eBay will no doubt sniff it out, at which point any profit will be gone!

          On the other hand, as far as I know (I have never bothered to check and I have had a lot of Amazon-related product sites) they have no issue with this whatsoever.

          Just keep this in mind Rhodie if you're going down the road of picking your domain names based on product names or company names or any copyrighted name. On the other hand, as mentioned - you can slap up a Hub or a Squid or a blog with the domain name as the product name and that's all fine! You can also use the product name as a sub-domain to a privately owned domain name if you prefer that.

          Ya, returns on a 10 buck poster is/are not great - its well worth mentioning. Amazon use a % criteria for payouts - get above a certain amount of sales each month and your % commission goes up. The highest rate is about 10% I think, but this is not roll-over. You have to start from the beginning every calendar month.

          eBay use a thing called EPC, which is based on a complex algorithm and provides a monthly quality score value. Payouts are based on this, on the whole. And if you really are keen to find out how they determine this EPC then its wise to contact them and you'll most probably get a reply along the lines of a Google reply, which would be unfathomable to say the least.

          So, if you wanna use eBay, stay away from the product domain names etc. Amazon are fine with it however (Amazon only pay out checks to those who do not have a US-based bank account - a bug-bear for me, but its not too difficult to get one if its important enough to do so).

          This site is just an example of what you can do if you put your mind to it. I will change it about when I have time and upon completion of the Challenge.

          Thanks and kind regards to you in Australia Rhodie!



          Lila, thanks a lot for you kind words! Nice to have you "on-board" so to speak! I hope you gain a lot from at least some of the tips! Give me a shout if there is anything that's not clear please.

          Kind regards

  • Profile picture of the author Lasse
    Profile picture of Lasse
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wixked challenge - gonna be fun
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Lasse, yes its been a whole lot of fun already, and just into the second week now!

      I'm excited (as is everyone it seems) about what's going to be the end result - things are coming together very nicely albeit I'm a little worried that my Squid may outrank the primary target site

      The primary target site will take a little longer to mature and only then could hit the very top (yes - I'm gunning for FIRST SPOT) - have to wait and see however....

      Thanks for coming by and enjoy the thrills!

      Kind regards
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I have a question please. Do the moderators tell you when they remove a post from your thread? Thanks for any replies to that!

        Just before I get to my next info-related post, a quick update on the site/s regards Twilight Poster.

        No doubt they're about to dance as soon as I post this...

        Yahoo obviously is in love with the primary site - they got the site in 2nd now! And that's for the kwds "Twilight poster" for the TwilightPosterz .com site. For "Twilight posters" they have it in at 4th. Nothing showing for my other sites (Squid, or the Blogspot) within the top 10 in Yahoo.

        Google - I don't often check the standard Google here in Malaysia, so for Scroogle (the Google representative, if you like) for the .com posterz site I'm at 14th, which looks safe and secure - not much dancing going on. So now I just need to ease it up place by place.

        Squid however I have in 6th for Scroogle search. Cool!

        I've been receiving feedback from others who are following the WF thread and are situated in various regions around the world that they've been seeing the TwilightPosterz .com site ranking (using a standard Goog search) at anything between 4th and 14th. Some say a bit further out.

        For "Twilight posters", Scroog is showing my Squid at 8th and the .com posterz site at 14th.

        For the other keywords I've been hitting - "New Moon poster" and "New Moon posters" I've not taken time to check but don't think I would be ranking for those as they are certainly not my main keywords - they are just to spruce my linking strategy that much more.

        A point to note for you perhaps. If I had really targeted my ezine article for the keywords "Twilight poster" I would expect to see that shooting up the rankings by round about now.

        However, I have not been targeting those particular keywords with the article hence the reason for no-show.


        What are "buyer keywords"?**

        This is the way I see it, but I've made things simple (as always) and I will not go anywhere near metrics and stats etc. Its not my game at all! Furthermore, the following account is not the be-all-and-end-all of "buyer keywords", but its a solid pointer in the right direction that works well for me.

        In simple terms they are keywords or keyword phrases that are used by SEO'ers and IM'ers to "ensure" they make sales from their web pages or website.

        The best way to explain this really is to provide some examples because you can then see for yourself what it graphically means, if you like.

        Okay, let's say I'm out enjoying some lovely food here in Kuching, Malaysia. I'm sitting looking around and I see all these air conditioning units (yup, I mentioned this as a potential hot niche a few days back).

        I "look" into the mind of a person who is in DESPERATE need of new air conditioning.

        Obviously this is very much a buyer-related theme here. Its a product after all, so it will have a market and there will be demand for it.

        But if I were desperately keen on buying a new air conditioning set up, what am I going to search for in Yahoo or Google or Bing?

        Think for a moment and get into the mind of the searcher - the potential buyer...

        If I'm a buyer I'm gonna be searching for...

        "where to buy air conditioning unit"
        "where can I buy air conditioning in Kuching"
        "where to purchase air conditioning units in Kuching"
        "purchase air conditioning units in Kuching"

        and so on...

        What 'key' words turn up over again?

        BUY and PURCHASE

        Also, due to the buyer being located in Kuching, he or she is going to narrow down their search to... you guessed it - Kuching.

        Now obviously if its a very physically small product (or indeed an info product) then it need not be located in Kuching. It may be way over in Japan or Australia or where-ever.

        However, let's imagine its a service that someone needs - chances are that the service will be fairly local to where they live or work.

        "lawyers in San Antonio"
        "Chapter 13 lawyer in Denver"

        You see how tight these searches are? How specific?

        This on the whole is how a buyer is going to locate his or her product or service - they already have done their general searching and now are getting to the point of actually buying. Thus the search is much more specific than it was at the beginning, in the research stage. These are long-tail keywords. Short-tail (or no-tail, depending how short hehe) keywords for example may be something like...

        "air conditioning"

        or in the case of lawyers...

        "bankruptcy lawyer"

        These short tail keywords are so "loose" that if you target them in your own campaigns, not only are you going to be hitting a "dud" - you'll never be able to rank right at the top for such short tails - but even if you did, are you gonna be making a lot of "sales" or just getting a mass of searchers coming to your site looking for very general information?

        That's the general rule anyhow and the philosophy is indeed sound!

        Let's take another example.


        "purchase Sony HD459LN" (whatever the model name and number is).

        So specific here simply because the buyer is at the buying stage and is very precise about what they have decided they wish to buy!

        "Shelby GT500 for sale"

        Very lovely cars by the way - so lovely to look at! Anyone drive one? Any chance of me taking it for a spin? So yes, of course I have a website on Shelby GT500 for sale (.com), don't I!

        Now, its obvious that by using these sort of long-tails we are not going to be getting nearly the same search volume as we would if we were using 2-word keyphrases...

        Shelby GT500; Sony HDTV; bankruptcy lawyer...

        But simply because our keywords are so tightly targeted to the actual buyer we are very possibly going to receive a good to great visitor-buyer ratio. And I don't know about you but I would much prefer to spend a bit of time ranking for a long-tail that's gonna bring me quite a lot of sales per visit than I would spend a whole heap of time and energy trying to rank for some short keyphrase that may be lucky to bring me a single sale a week or something.

        Of course, this rule is not written in stone. Take "Twilight Poster". Its 2 word and its not seemingly buyer-related at all. Reason I chose that keyword phrase though was - check the search volume for "Twilight posters for sale" and chances are it will be so low that its not worth bothering about.

        Whereas, if I were looking to buy Twilight posters, I suspect I would search for "Twilight poster" or "Twilight posters". For sure, I could be more specific here - "Twilight Edward poster"; "New Moon poster", but you get the point I hope. I just enter the mind of the potential buyer before I target any keyword phrase and take my keyword research from that point onwards.

        Think BUYER and you'll get this keyword game really working in your favor if you have not managed to do so already!

        Hope that helps! If you are still struggling, just ask - I'll try my best to help you out with your niche keyword choice!


        ** This is an additional observation which should have been included in the original post...

        A further determining factor for a true buyers keyword phrase is to do the following:

        Take your keyword phrase and enter it into a Google search. Upon the results showing, glance to the right hand side and see if there are some ads. If there are a few, or a lot, then you got yourself a true buyers keyword! After all, who in their right mind would be advertising and paying good money for it too, if they were not making any sales? Thus, the more ads that show on a Google search, the better!
  • Profile picture of the author michaell
    Profile picture of michaell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Michaell, I'm very happy you've found the thread and hope you get a whole lot of benefit from it! I'm obviously not sure where you're at regards your own internet "career" but by all means implement a few of the techniques I've discussed and see what's comfortable for you. Then tweak them here and there to suit your needs and your particular choice in niches.

      Enjoy the fun we'll have on this thread!


  • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
    Profile picture of AllanCollins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    Quick update on your rankings from the States. You have got "twilight poster" on page one of Google. 49.5k Exact / $0.69 CPC. Given the Adsense earnings formula from a previous post, you have the potential to earn $239.75 per month.
    (Did I do the math right?)

    Ultimately, this thread has helped me learn so much.

    Take Care.

  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author StephA
      Profile picture of StephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph!

      I've been following along with your challenge as well, mainly on the blog (don't visit here too often as I get sucked in and nothing gets done )...

      I'm seeing your site at number 6 on my Google, with the Squidoo lens at number 7.

      Now, I did have a question for you. I've been trying the Blog Blueprint, and I noticed that the blogs it posts the snippets on are, how should I say this, kind of random. I was kind of thinking they were going to be in the same general category, like all arts and crafts type blogs, or ect.

      Does this hurt your blog to have posts from a nonrelated site? I've always been under the impression that you needed to have relevant links. Even though the page rank of the sites I found my snippets on were at least 3, the blog itself did not seem to be that stellar. Will that cause harm in the long run?

      I've been enjoying your progress so far! I'm rooting for you to make it to number 1!

      • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
        Profile picture of Writingman1421
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I just wrote my snippet and then spun it using power article rewriter (my spinner of choice for the moment). It took me at least 2 hours to do that one small paragraph, with an average of 50% uniqueness all the way through. I'm shooting for 40-60 unique versions to use with article blueprint.

        I come now to the submission part and am blown away by the pace -- its SOOOO slow. I have to copy each snippet, paste it, find the keyword within the snippet then replace it with...... {anchor text|} ......... and then hit submit. Is this how you do it? I feel like i'm moving at a snails pace doing it this way. And then i'd have to do this every 2 days or so if I want to get my money's worth out of blog blueprint.

        Of course, I would spin the snippet with...... {anchor text|} ....... included, but those brackets they ask you to use make it impossible because they are used by the spinning software when inputting variations.

        Could you elaborate on how you do this a bit more with the spinning? Do you manually enter in the link with each blog blueprint post or is there an easier way that i am just not seeing?

        On a side note, I think spinning an article for UAW and then taking a paragraph from that is a much smarter route to take as you suggested. Just make a couple of changes, re-spin it, and you're ready to go -- definitely better than doing a 100% new snippet from scratch. Lesson learned.

        As I can see, im not the only one interested on blog blueprint, so hopefully I am not being too selfish with my questions here

        Thanks Again,


        Edit -----

        When putting your anchor text link, do you put in WITHIN the snippet, do you just plop it down on the end?

  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just want to say THANKS for the tip on scroogle -- unreal. Before I was jumping ALL over the place with my own searches. I had to disable customization again and again and i would STILL get different results in IE and firefox. I use scroogle and after a few searches I start to more accurate see where I am located. Awesome tool, thanks for mentioning it!

    I'm checking this thread everyday now, lol -- juicy stuff!


    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Allan, hey - thanks for doing that - its not something that even occurred to me, really! I'm so focused on the Challenge that I'd really forgotten about the potential monetary value of this thing!

      I went through some figures myself Allan and here is what I came up with regards AdSense (pity it was not nearly as high as your own figure!):

      twilight posters search vol: 33k x .4 (traffic visiting 1st position) x .25 (/adsense click) x . $1.04 (adsense value) x .05 (clickthru)

      $171.60 per month

      twilight poster 49,500 x .4 x .25 x 0.96 x .05 = $237.60

      ("Twilight poster" search volume has gone down from 65k to 49.5k but this month the average should be pushing upwards again due to the movie coming out at the end of June).

      TOTAL for both keywords ranking 1st in Google (only Google, so this is not counting the potential for Yahoo which is looking very "sweet"!) $409/ month

      That's not bad really - once the work is done, its merely a case of ensuring the site remains in top position for both keyword phrases, which generally does not take much time at all - its the initial effort that takes all the effort.

      Spyfu figures:

      Twilight posters 22 advertisers at N/A cpc (not sure why this is showing an N/A)

      Twilight poster 5 advertisers at 0.32 - 0.74 cpc (a bit above the calculation figures, which is often the case in reality anyhow).

      Now let's not forget that these are rough figures. All sorts of issues can crop up - click through could be rubbish (should not be the case because there are enough advertisers for both keywords) (I'm scratching my head trying to think of others....), click thru rate could be much higher - its not difficult to ramp the calculation that we use which is 5% clickthru right up to 15 -30% (sometimes even more!). So even if we are to manage a 10% click thru rate then that's a very serious jump in monthly income!

      Fancy dumping the day job and making a fantastic monthly income on the internet anyone??

      Anyone got any questions about any of this then please shout out! Thanks!

      That's great Allan, thanks for shedding some light on the potential of that scenario!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Steph,
        thanks for coming to the thread and leaving a message - much appreciated! Yes, I know you follow me on my blog - we've "chatted" already, huh? Hope your Hubs are really going great Steph!

        Haha, I know full well about being "sucked in" and getting little to nothing done! I also avoid the WF most of the time for exactly the same reason!

        Aha! TwilightPosterz .com at 6th and Squid at 7th. Now those are the sort of stats that get a big smile on my face and have me dancing around like a newly ranked website in Google's top ten!! Superb!

        Good question re Blog Blueprint Steph!

        I also follow blogs of a couple of others who have been using this product for longer than me and one even provides a detailed account of her stats (thank you for that S!) which is very useful indeed - just to allow for further monitoring of how things are progressing when using the BB software.

        To be honest with you Steph, I'd not be concerned about some of your snippets being posted on somewhat random blogs - it certainly will not hurt your site whatsoever! A good quality backlink is a good quality backlink, regardless its from a non-related niche site. Makes no odds. I suggest you don't get hooked on that. What you should be hooked on is - are you seeing progess in your site's rankings? Or are you seeing them drop?

        Whichever of those - then you'll know what to do.

        Further, if you are mixing in a number of other types of backlinking strategies, then the occasional poor quality link here and there should have little to no effect on your overall rankings.

        And even further, I think you are using Hubs for all your sites, is that right? If so, Hubs are so, so strong that they will happily soak up all sorts of abuse and come out the other end smiling. I'm not suggesting you don't care where you get your backlinks from - not at all. But, if your strategies are reasonably sound then a Hub will love you for it, or rather - Google will love your Hub for it!

        See that Twilight Poster Squid? Its had a lot of linking abuse but its still ranking above my other site - my primary site. And that's because Google loves Squids, as it does Hubs!

        Hope that's put your mind at ease Steph.

        And yes, I'm really now shooting for top spot in Google (AND IN YAHOO!) for "Twilight poster". And I'm thinking I may have 2 sites top 5. And, if I can rank top 5 for "Twilight posters" then all the better!

        Take care and very best wishes!

  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, I think you did it, you are on #3! for Twilight Poster. I use a US proxy called Hidemyass. So, how much traffic do you get now? You did it in about 10 days! Unbelievable.
    However, the services you used are of course very nice but most of us cannot use it as they have a certain monthly subscription to pay for.

    How about offering the services you used as a service for us?

    Moreover, it would be nice if you could write down in short words what exactly your approach was.

    • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
      Profile picture of AllanCollins
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Looks like my math was way off. DOH!

      So, I wrote a basic calculator in Javascript based on the formula to make things easier. (formula.txt - save as an .html or .htm for it to work)
      • Profile picture of the author MAtkins
        Profile picture of MAtkins
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        A programmer I'm guessing you write php too?
        Too bad we can't still make bank doing that huh?
        I used to charge $125.00 per hour for it.
        Now $25.00 is a stretch

        Oh well, work on my SEO skills
        Maybe we can collaborate sometime.

        I used to write VB, then ASP.NET C#, lately a lot of php.
        Been writing cURL scrapers lately.
        • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
          Profile picture of AllanCollins
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by MAtkins View Post

          A programmer I'm guessing you write php too?
          Too bad we can't still make bank doing that huh?
          I used to charge $125.00 per hour for it.
          Now $25.00 is a stretch

          Oh well, work on my SEO skills
          Maybe we can collaborate sometime.

          I used to write VB, then ASP.NET C#, lately a lot of php.
          Been writing cURL scrapers lately.

          MAtkins, indeed the market for PHP developers is quite a bit saturated. However, on the local fronts, there's still a need. That's actually my day job-- WP Build-outs and PHP programming. I've been messing around with IM for the past few years, however, I made it a goal this year to get into making money with affiliate marketing/Adsense sites.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sean, ya - the Scroogle (or HideMyAss tool as SEOed mentioned) is great! Provides a much more accurate impression if you are assessing your own website's ranking!

      Blog Blueprint - agreed, it is tedious. Yes, I do use a method for inserting the {bla bla bla} link. In fact, to be straight with you, the whole thing can be almost fully automated. Would you believe that, or should I say it again? I know, totally amazing!

      I retrieved this method from a forum I was frequenting so I cannot take credit for it and also, I do not use the full method either, simply because I have no real issue with copy/pasting my text to the BB box for submission.

      Here is what you do with the {bla bla bla} bit.

      1. Write up your snippet and where you wanna get your hyper text link, just pop in something like xxxx. Don't worry if you are using different text links - no one really bothers if the syntax for the text link is not totally perfect. Just focus on the rest of the article for quality. A couple words out of place with regards syntax are not going to concern anyone. And definitely not Google! Hardly anyone reads this stuff even when its been indexed, so this is not really our concern.

      2. Ok, so you got your xxxx in your spun article. You got however many versions of that spun article. Now go get Notepad++ (free download).

      3. Now what I do here is to create about 5 folders for my links. So if I'm hitting a single site here, its 5 folders on my desktop for this site. I then go and grab a few of the spun snippets and drop them into each folder. Thus for my homepage and my main keyword I will drop in perhaps 12 snippets into folder one. For my second keyword and perhaps an inner page on my site, I drop in 6 snippets into folder 2... and so on...

      4. Now crack open the Notepad++

      Go to "Search" at the top

      "Find in Files"

      Where it says "Find What", type in the xxxx

      "Replace with what" - your chosen link - copy and paste in there.

      "Directory" - hit that little tab with the ... beside where it says "Directory", then enter the file name that you want to replace the xxxx with your chosen link.

      Then go to "Replace in Files" on the right and hit that.

      You will be asked if you are sure you wanna do it...sure do!

      Then voila! You just replaced all the xxxx with your {bla bla bla} of choice.

      And keep on keeping on for every single link/page/site whatever.

      Then sit back and think to yourself, darn - how much time did I just save myself doing it that way!!?

      More to come about the automation process Sean. Try this out and see how it goes...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Allan, is this your profession? You're a programmer? Very neat!

        I can't get the doc to open for me in htm or html

        How to do that? Can I save the file to desktop in notepad first and then convert from there perhaps?

        Thanks for the tool - looks real cool and beats trying to work on spreadsheets if you're a bit of dope like me!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          SEOed, many thanks for getting back to me with that great stat! Super! Super!

          Yes, I occasionally use "HideMyAss" too - very similar to the Scroogle Scraper, but provides somewhat different rankings so obviously they are both using different servers or proxies or whatever.

          I think that took 8 days in all - from the purchase of the Twilight Poster domain which is listed in Dynadot and WHOIS as 1st May. So that is pretty good going!

          One thing that I find kinda funny - the TwilightPosterz. com site is up against a PR7 site (my site is second) in Yahoo. I suspect within a week or so I may well be kicking a PR7's ass! My teeny weeny week old site is a PRn/a. Oh the joys!

          Goog analytics is only showing double figures for search uniques (non-referral). I will add the site into StatCounter to cover for any discrepancies. I find that Goog Analytics shows massive discrepancies for a lot of my webpages so its best to go for StatCounter. Should be able to begin providing true figures from tomorrow.

          Tools - tools are great if you know how to use them. If you don't then you are best off doing everything by hand! How many tools have I wasted money on when I had little idea how to get the best out of them! Hence I use only the simplest of tools now - I can't fathom the rest!

          I think there are rather a lot of folks who do that - everything by hand, except for the fact that they may well outsource the writing, which eases the burden no-end. I did not want to outsource the writing because I want to show that all this stuff can be done on your own with no help. Apart from the site banner by FlipDiva. But that's obviously not helping the SEO.

          Thus in this case, a really good spinning software is the ideal way to go if you cannot afford regular outsourcing. A quality article writer after all is rarely going to be charging any less than $10 per 500 word article, often a lot more, and for good reason too. But these figures are well out of the price range of most of us, hence grabbing The Best Spinner or similar product.

          I mentioned before that no SEO or IM tool is worth buying if you or your family are going to go hungry. But if you are serious about SEO and IM then a really good spinning tool is worth much more than its weight in gold! So, save your pennies and make them really count by investing in that tool above any other - many of the other necessary tools have a free counterpart anyhow. Take Google Keyword Tool as an excellent example!

          I thought about how I can ease the burden for everyone of meeting the cost of using SEO and IM tools SEOed. Ease the burden for anyone who wants to use such tools but simply cannot meet the costs. Its not easy though - the sellers of these products tend to have almost all options covered when it comes to having more than one person using the same software product (IP address is monitored closely!). For obvious reasons too - they want to make as much profit as possible and "abuse" of their terms will not be tolerated.

          Thus, for now, what I've done is to make some highly attractive offers on my own website - link in my sig below - for the tools that I personally use at the moment, and there will be more coming soon. I can't say more here cos I will get wrapped by the mods!

          If there is a demand for it (which I know full well there is!) I shall get an eBook written which will include many of my methods and my philosophies. This will be very affordable of course. Can't say more at the moment (sorry mods).

          Take care and thanks again for that great news!

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Allan, thanks for getting back to me!

            I tried opening up the file and then saving it in NVU but although I can get the web page fine, its simply the javascript you put together.

            No worries however, I got my old trusty calculator here with its sticky buttons if I need to work some figures

            Thanks again!
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Everyone!

              I've added a stat counter at the bottom of the page in the footer which will show in all pages of the Twilight Posterz .com site.

              The stats are set to show only unique figures just to make that clear.

              Further, if you want to see an actual chart of the stats then click on the View Stats tab in the footer there. It comes up with a cool looking summary of the stats that you can actually play around with should you enjoy that sort of thing

              The company that offers this is called StatCounter .com
              I use the free version which is highly functional and offers up almost anything that most of us should need.

              Hope that helps!


              • Profile picture of the author rhodie
                Profile picture of rhodie
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                seems like a great result to achieve in such a short time. Did you expect it?

                If you do monetize the site with Adsense, it would be great if you could give us some feedback on the forecast versus actual return.

                Thanks again for such an interesting topic. I think it will achieve mini forum status.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Rhodie, nice result indeed - seems the site is showing a bit more often in the top 10 and top 5 in various parts of the globe. No, I did not expect this quite so soon. Its a fairly tough keyword as was the whole point so I thought I would have to "scrap" for it a bit longer. Hence the 40 day Challenge and not the 8 Day Challenge!

                  What's left for me to do now is to get top spot! I'm almost there in Yahoo with a PR7 to oust and that's gonna be a sinch, I can feel it in my blood haha!

                  Yes, okay, I'll set up AdSense on it since eBay is being a bit sour towards me. Your loss eBay you big fat bossy boots! Us little guys and gals will show you who is boss!

                  May take me a day or so to do that cos I'll have to fiddle around with some of the text on the pages etc. Bare with me on that please.

                  Can you tell me what "mini forum" status is please Rhodie? I'm kinda dumb-de-doh on forum stuff like that. :p

                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hmmm... sorry, don't mean to be hogging all the limelight on my own thread.... well, okay, I do....

                    I've got the Twilight Wordpress .com site in at 11th on my Scroogle. Anyone else seeing it lurking around please?

                    Just put the .com at the end.

                    Thank you!



                    If I use the HideMyAss search tool/proxy for checking up Google results I'm seeing the Twilight Posterz .com site at 5th and the Twilight poster WordPress .com site at 6th with the Squid back in 12th. Odd things showing up!
  • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
    Profile picture of AllanCollins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, saving it to your desktop, then opening up Notepad, then saving it as a .html or .htm and finally opening it up in your browser seems like the easiest route.
  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow....Just Wow. So helpful you've been -- the notepad thing is going to make things SUPER easy, I just tried it!

    Ive learned more from this thread for my SEO goals & dreams than I have learned in the past 6 months. Signed up for both blog blueprint and The Best Spinner (it truly is the best from what I have seen) and am going to start utilizing your techniques RIGHT away!

    Thanks and I'll be sure to stay tuned!

  • Profile picture of the author dyadvisor
    Profile picture of dyadvisor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph A. I could benefit from you, and maybe? you could gain from me. Without using paid tools, I charge my clients $250 per article. This comes with a written guarantee.

    Within 48 hours of article issue I will deliver at least 5 Google ratings in #1 to #10 position. If this single article, does not perform, they pay nothing.

    Of course I do so unique research methods, and know my results before I start writing. I have never paid a refund.

    Recently I had a person I tutor for free, check my results on a client in professional financial service planning, confirm the results. Now these are keyword combos in the 12,000 to 35,000 monthly traffic range.

    His checking of my now 2 month old article showed 15 phrases at #1 in Google, 3 at #2, and 2 at #3.

    I certainly believe you, and you could probably teach me a few tricks, or freely share ideas.

    I am not in need of money. Yet I am not stupid. People think my claim is crazy, so I can imagine how they feel about yours. However, I admire your abilities in achievement. I learn off of others and you do too.

    Without even seeming your methodology, I know only a fool would challenge. I have learned that no how smart you are in a certain area there is somebody smarter.

    I would be glad to send clients your way, as this is not just guts or a guarantee to offer this incredible challenge, he already knows the outcome.

    Learn from him, do not be a fool and bet.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sean, yes oh yes, it works and it works a treat!

      Just one way to cut your workload very nicely indeed!

      I've got another "pointer" to add too, which can cut down the work even more. No time to write it up right now though, so you'll have to bare with me please. (Now's the time I should be considering outsourcing some of my work load!).

      Good luck and enjoy!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Would anyone happen to be able to do some article writing and spinning for me please? Purely for this Challenge. (More details including offer of payment can be found on a recent post on my SEO Tips website - link in my signature below!).

        I know, I know, I just said that I wanted to show you that this could be done with no help or outsourcing whatsoever. True - it can be - of course!

        However, I have a whole heap on my plate with regards alot of queries via email, on my other site and of course on the thread here plus with Skype calls etc. that I'm finding it tough going to find the time at the moment to do my article writing and spinning.

        All the other tasks I will of course continue to do myself.

        If anyone cares to take on a few articles for writing up and spinning I would be very much obiliged. I can't mention payment terms here or else the post will be taken down but this will be paid work for sure! 300 worders is all I'm looking for.

        Thanks for any consideration!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi DyAdvisor, I'm all ears. Please bare with me and I'll PM you in due course.

      Thank you!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Okay here we go with regards to automating some tasks on your computer - this can include things like Blog Blueprint, LinkVana, article submissions and much more besides!

        The product I have used for helping to automate various tasks is FREE!

        You need to go download "Do It Again!" which can be found here Do It Again - Free, simple program to automate tasks by recording and playing back macros

        or indeed you can use a number of other macro task performing software products.

        You may have to tweak this a bit as I don't now use it too often - I'm happy to sit and do this sort of stuff while I fiddle about with other tasks of the day. But it can make life a fair bit easier for you.

        I'll take Blog Blueprint as the example here...

        1. Open up your Blog Blueprint page ready for posting.

        2. Open up the folder with your BB posts that already have the {bla bla bla} link within.

        3. Make sure you can see both of these - the BB snippets and the BB page for posting on your monitor.

        4. Open up the "Do it Again" program and then click on "start new task" and the program will begin to record.

        5. Open up the first file in the snippets post folder and go through your own process of copying and pasting this post into the BB post scheduler. (Includes cutting and pasting of the snippet title etc.).

        6. Select your category on the BB posting page. Then click submit.

        7. Stop the macro recorder and either scroll lock on "do it again" or go to the Options tab at the top and select "Repeat task settings for..."

        8. Upon setting the recording program to repeat, you should select to delay cycles to around 5 seconds.

        9. Do test this as a single play a couple of times just to ensure that it works correctly.

        Now the software should be set up to repeat the same task time and again - as many times as you would wish it. You can go relax for a bit, providing you've checked that the tasks will be completed correctly with no "hiccups" along the way.

        If I've missed out a step of the process I do apologize - my brain is shutting down a bit hehe.

        If you've tried this macro process that I mention above and can't get it to work (you have to do your own tweaks here and there - muck about with the program for a few mins to get familiar) then do get back to me and I'll try to make the process a bit clearer.

        Again, I cannot take credit for this - that has to go to a gent I met on a forum I frequent. So all credit to him for sharing his knowledge about this super automation technique - thanks to you SM!

        Best wishes to all!
        Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, Another awesome tip. I play a lot of online MMORPGs, which consequently make use of in-game macros that do things without you being there. I didn't think it possible to be able to do this with my actual workload -- let alone back link building. Thats unreal! Going to implement this technique too.



    P.S. I don't know if my results are scrued, but your site is coming up on page 7, spot 5 with a normal google search. Perhaps its due to my area.

  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Coming back to the BlogBlueprint matter. I guess this service alone has given you great results so far. Now, I guess a lot of members here dont have this tool or cannot simply pay $60 a month for this.
    Apart from this, doing 20 submissions every day should be too much. I would be satisfied with 20 submissions per week or so.

    What I am driving at is this:

    Who would be interested in building a group of 6 or 7 members who all pay about $10 per month and get the right to submit 20 posts to BlogBlueprint per week?
  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I got the Do it Again Software to work perfectly...but it just keeps submitting the same snippet again and again -- it doesnt move to file 2. Is there something I have to enter in so that it moves to the next file? Or, do I have to submit all the files the first time? I'm going to say its that later, but I just wanted to be sure. Thanks again for the tip!


    P.S. I check again and your site is now on page 6 spot 7. I assume this is google dancing with my searches. I'll check scroogle next time.


    I got it to work just fine. This is truly awesome. Copying and pasting sucks and is so very boring. This allows me to get up and do other things instead of sitting here like a drone and just clicking until my brain explodes.

    • Profile picture of the author k0brik
      Profile picture of k0brik
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ok ... this is my 3rd post here on WF ... yes i'm a noob
      i really don't post a lot on forums, i join forums because they force me to join ... otherwise I won't

      But this thread i think it has something... something that made me to write.

      I know this challenge didn't ended yet, and probably it's too soon for me to reach some conclusion ...

      So, what did we learned so far from this thread? ... here is a little summary, Joseph please correct me if i'm wrong... (I'm also here to learn)

      1. Analyze the keyword ... yes that's the first thing we should do...

      2-3. The second step that Joseph did was to submit articles to article directories... and Joseph pointed us at least 5 directories:,,,,,

      at least this is what most of the readers of this tread think... but i beg to differ here....

      Recently I've watched a video from Matt Cutts, where he talked about the things that you can do to bring more visitors to your website. There's too many videos with Matt and i just can't find the link to the specific video at this moment. But here is a summary...

      One way to bring visitors is to create noise about your website.

      You can do this by being "the bad guy" and talk ugly about your competitors, whenever and on as much forums as you can do it to make people ask about your competitors integrity, so they will visit your site to find more about why you spread such words.

      You can also be the good guy, and spread the word about your project and make people follow you, by give them something free, something they need. And this is what i think Joseph did... from the first moment before he choose his keyword. Spread the word ...

      Now, let's look a little at . Just because Joseph announced his project on this forum, at this moment, he has 2 types of audience. 1st type are people who search for "twilight posters" to find some posters to buy or just some pictures to download to put on their screen pc, and 2nd type are a lot of WF people who search for "twilight posters" to check the rank of the site and how it will evolve, 2nd type will vanish in time for sure.

      But spreading the word gived Joseph a boost right from the start. So this is the second step if not the first to follow, and put articles submission to 3rd place.

      4. Build links to your anchors from article directories to make them stronger. Now, i'm not sure if Joseph used Blog Blueprint to create backlinks only to the anchors. This for sure is not a new technique, like also Joseph stated, but if your anchors are strong enough to support a big amount of links ... BB it's not the only way to do this.

      I hate writing articles, and i consider article directories the most pure form of spam, but if it works why not ... there are other ways to get some strong links.

      5. Squidoo and Hubpages - and also build backlinks to these using BB

      Ok, this is what i remember from all this thread. Joseph pls correct me if I forgot something.

      6. Bookmarking?! - Joseph you didn't used bookmarking as a part of your strategy, but you did it with MrWong which you think it gived you a doffolow link. Guess what?! MrWong gives you a nofollow link as far as i know.

      But, because you didn't use bookmarks in your challenge, and you stated that you will intend to test the power of social sites in the future, I will, and think most of the followers of this thread are willing too bookmark the site after the 40 days are over ... A lot of us whant to know what effect has the bookmarking, so for example ... if you rank 5 at the end of 40 days ... it will be nice to see if gennuine bookmarks have any effect on your rankings ... and also to see if bookmarking applications are worth the money.

      This is my early opinion on this challenge. After 2 years i expect my first payment from adsense , I'm still a noob. I used to track big keywords ... the ones that pay high... you know what i mean ... now i found my keyword, by mistake, searching for something i would like to promote. 165.000 global searches and 90.000 local searches and pays around 1$ as KeywordTool says. The .com is parked, the number 1 and 2 are just a few months old, and i could not resist to buy the .net and .org.
      Hope i'll have more luck in the future. And don't expose your keyword unless you are confident with your seo skills like Joseph did.

      I'm not a native english speaker, so pardon me for any mistakes.
      All credits go to Joseph for this usefull thread. Back to linkbuilding now.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Sean, yes pretty neat re the macro, huh! I was a bit concerned that my step-by-step was not so clear but if you managed to understand it then it couldn't be too bad after all. (I just read your post that you made a bit later - good that you got that part ironed out nicely!

      Nevertheless, if anyone is unclear about anything re the macro set-up for automating tasks such as Blog Blueprint, LinkVana etc. then do let me know. I'm not the guy to be fiddling around with these sort of programs, after all - SEO is my game, but I'll try to make it clearer if necessary.

      Page 7 on Google - yuck! Mind you, its probably dancing at the moment - I just released a number of articles via UAW plus a few other bits and bobs are heading its way with regards backlinks. No doubt affecting the balance of the site in the rankings. (I hope its that anyhow! ).


      I must mention this - I said yesterday that I would add AdSense to the site. I can't! I'd get my account snapped shut as soon as I get a few clicks from the WF. So it has to stay as is for now, sorry to say!

      Thanks for your understanding!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        SEOed, I love your creativity, I really do! This sort of thinking fits with me very nicely indeed!

        However, I think you will find that folks may not wish to join in like this - to share costs of BB or other similar software simply due to scepticism.

        For example, if they have a hot niche and its a bit hush hush, there is no way that they'll want anyone else knowing about it, thus using BB through someone else as the moderator is not gonna be for them.

        Furthermore, if someone chooses not to pay for a month or two, it means that the fees have to be recalculated each time this happens which may cause a few grumblings.

        And how are you gonna work it where the moderator has to do all the postings? Sure, the folks that are using the software via the moderator can simply create their 20 posts for the week with their links and then email them to the mod, but then the mod has to do all the posting.

        If using a macro as already mentioned for the postings then of course it takes a lot of the repetitive work out of the equation but its still locking up the computer for a while which may be precious time for the moderator - they may work a full time job, have kids etc so any time working on their IM projects is very limited and thus very precious.

        The mod would perhaps need a bit of recompense for their effort or else they may become disheartened with the whole set up.

        These are fairly minor issues, I know, but I sense its enough to put a lot of people off - I've seen this sort of situation before and it was really tough going to get the project off the ground and then to sustain it.

        Nevertheless, if you can get a group of folks who are really keen on this, its a great idea and I really do wish you the very best with it!

        Thumbs up!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I just did a quick check-see in my Scroog. I see the Twilight Posterz .com site has slumped a bit here - 14th. I got Squid in 6th to 8th. But I also see my Amazines article popping into the top 20, as is the Go Article and I have a different page of the Twilight Posterz .com site coming in top 20 too - twilightposterz .com/twilight-poster/

          Fun times!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi K0brik, great summary! Thanks a lot - helps folks to get a really good feel for all the posts that have been made without having to read everything!

            Article directories to include ArticleRich and iSnare. ArticleRich published my article within 24 hours - which I love! iSnare - I have not checked but will do today cos I want to get some backlinks to it. Dashboard is VERY slow and that's still not published, neither is Article Alley, which is unusual as that one's usually around 3 - 4 days.

            TOTALLY right K0brik - I really like the concept of building a "brand" name regards your sites. And not simply churning out very average content in the pursuit of backlinks. This is indeed the way I'm heading for all my own new sites from now on - let other people do a lot of the talking for you, rather than you yourself "having" to say that you are the best. Great Quality talks the loudest!

            With Blog Blueprint I did both - backlinks to my primary site (all pages!) and to the Squid, the and the BlogSpot blog. Don't think I did to the article directories though - I use UAW alone for that.

            For sure, a lot of folks - like yourself, hate writing. Helps to motivate when you're beginning to see some good cash flow though! Outsourcing is the name of the game, particularly if you do not use a spinner. Outsourcing only ONCE you have the income to support it! Don't go hungry because of your outsourcing costs! And, I suggest we get together and talk about really good writers that we all use - the cheaper end who still do a fine job, and the higher end who obviously do a lot of research and really craft their work, hence the price perfectly well justified. More on that to come!

            Hubs - as mentioned, not for backlinks! Standalone sites, yes - definitely!

            I'll have to get back to you on the other pointers though - got to head out for a short while.

            Very nice summary K0brik! Thanks a lot for that!

            Speak again real soon!

            • Profile picture of the author StephA
              Profile picture of StephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Thanks Jo for getting back to me! I feel like I'm learning so much from this thread!

              I am experimenting with several sites right now, so we'll see how it helps. Do you have any guidelines on how many posts to submit a day? I'm trying to do the deep linking to individual posts - I did try blasting a bunch at one of my hubs a few days ago and saw it drop a couple pages, but I'm building more links in the hopes it will rise back up.

              I love the idea of the Do It Again software, but I couldn't get it to work on my computer. It kept popping up errors about the file permissions, and I have no idea how to fix that. I have Windows 7, so I don't know if that's the reason...
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I'm back - let me carry on with K0brik's anaylsis...

              Bookmarks - Mr Wong is a no-follow? As far as I'm aware it is a do-follow, although they may well have changed that very recently, which would displease a lot of IM'ers and SEO'ers. Mind you, there is absolutely no harm at all - its to be encouraged, in gaining a few no-follow backlinks. This simply mixes things up nicely and loses any possibility of a footprint for Google to follow even more!

              Actually I have been using bookmarking in the Challenge but not to any particular extent. Its certainly been my least-used method for backlinks. If I were to use them on the primary site it would be fairly easy to make a mess of it. I steer well clear for that reason - Goog seems very touchy re SB backlinks these days.

              But I think I did send a few SB type backlinks to the primary site, and a few also to the other "anchors". I've yet to write up a post on what I use to do this. Its a cool tool! And its FREE!

              I'll get to that soon...

              But yes for sure K0brik - its about experimenting with such links. And not just one time. Continuously. Goog, Yahoo and Bing are changing their algorithms fairly often so what works one month may not the next.

              I wish you the very best of "luck" (its not luck - its perseverence and belief in your methods) with your new - found skills K0brik. If ever you are struggling with something regards your SEO then do please get in touch and I'll see what I can do to help out!

              Thanks again for your detailed post and summing up the techniques used throughout the thread!

              Best to you!



              FiverrGuru, glad you could join us and are enjoying the read! Please do come back regularly - lots of great tips and tricks being shared amongst the community as you can see!

              Thanks again!
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Steph, nice to see you on here again!

                How many posts to submit for general backlinking? Early days is best to be slow and sure... keep 'em coming and slowly ramp them up over time until you get to where you wanna be. And be sure to try to get a nice mix from various sources. Don't worry about low PR or whatever. Any PR, providing its a quality source, is well worth having!

                With the likes of Hubs they should soak up a bit more abuse than a new private domain site, so don't you be worrying about your own Hub dropping a bit. I suspect that will be back up fairly soon and will surpass its previous ranking rather nicely. Just keep on building those links and there is no doubt you'll see good things come of it! Keep us posted please!

                The Do it Again software may have a conflict with a program you have on your computer, Steph. Tough call really. I'm afraid I'm no computer geek so can't really suggest much. There are other programs that do a similar job which you may wish to try out. I did a Goog search for "macro software" and that churns up quite a few results for this type of program.

                Keep up with the backlinks Steph!

                Take care!



                Hi Scott, welcome and thanks for joining in!

                Yes, this whole SEO/IM thing can be incredibly frustrating, and if anyone tells you otherwise they are either lying or simply have no idea!

                All this nonsense that you read about "follow my method and make a ton in 2 weeks" is pure garbage! Pity however that it does fool a lot of people into buying! (Well okay, you can see my site/s doing relatively nicely within a 10 day period, but this is not the norm).

                Slow and sure is the best way to progress in this SEO game. Make positive (as much as you can do, anyhow - something that you have seen with your own eyes and seen that it works and works well!) that you are following a thoroughly sound set of principles, follow them very carefully (until you feel very comfortable to begin tweeking to your own needs) and you simply cannot go wrong! And if you do go wrong, its no doubt due to a deviation from the principles some place along the way.

                Best regards and good wishes!

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  G'day, just a short post here (I always think that but it ALWAYS becomes much longer than originally intended)!

                  This post is different than what has been up till now pretty much the norm. This post has been put together to stir things in your own mind as to the possibilities. Even if its not relevant to your current focus, its food for thought all the same.

                  As the SEO and internet marketing saying goes - it should get you to "think outside of the box". Personally I am not fond of that term. It instills the sense of inadequacy when you struggle to actually think outside the so-called box. However, with my help, you should, if you cannot already, gain the capability of "thinking outside of the box" and really taking on a fresh approach to your own internet marketing and profiteering thereof!

                  Thus, let us commence...

                  Its about possibility and potential...

                  Okay, here is the scenario, and I want some feedback from you lads and lasses if I can ask you for that, please. If only to say... "hmmm.. interesting" (or not, as the case may be).

                  My girlfriend and I were on holiday in Bali a few weeks back - lovely place indeed, has to be said! We stayed in this fantastic hotel - not so much a hotel but a few acres of landscaped gardens with 15 villas dotted around. Superb!

                  There is a gorgeous swimming pool right in the heart of the gardens, just where our own villa was situated - great for a midnite dip if you are so inclined. I wish I could pop some pics up on here...

                  By the way, the hotel is Bumba Bali in the Nusa Dua area of Bali, and the prices are thoroughly reasonable! Lovely for a honeymoon, actually!

                  We decided to hire a driver/guide and car for a day to head out and see a bit of the Bali countryside. Got recommendations from the onwer of the hotel/villas about where to go. He was Swiss by the way - Heinz - a super chap!

                  Anyhow, it was a real pleasant day - took in some really nice sights and enjoyed the experience very much indeed! The drive was great and our guide/driver (Wayan) was really excellent too.

                  Me being me, I'm always thinking 'internet' you see... Can't stop thinking re internet possibilities - businesses, making some extra money, or simply just SEO'ing sites, which when it comes down to it gives me the most satisfaction by far! One has to pay the bills, however.

                  My gf gets fed up with me - "always thinking about your internet!":rolleyes:

                  So I'm thinking, how about Wayan - how does he advertise his work?

                  Through a couple of hotels as it turns out. He gives some of his work to his brother when he's got too many clients to deal with. But at times business is quiet and there is no income. Supporting a young family on no income is very tough no matter where you are from!

                  And here I'm gonna ask if he has a business card. My gf manages a small hotel in Kuching and quite a few of her customers ask about Bali. So why not tell them about this hotel we went to and about our driver/guide for the day too - simply say it was a wonderful experience and he's a great guy etc.

                  I check the business card and I see an email address and a website. Hmmm, interesting. I'll check that when I get back to Kuching.

                  I do and what I see there is something ghastly! The website is so basic that your own grandmother could probably do better!

                  I send Wayan an email to say thanks so much and then a "testing" query as to his website.

                  Get a reply the next day saying he gets no business through the site. I mean, gee, even the domain name is something like

                  Okay, no need for poking fun. Apparently the site was put together a couple years back by some European tourists who used his services and thought they would do him a favor. That's a very kind notion! After all, it was entirely free and there is hosting fees to pay too, which Wayan does not need to worry about!

                  So of course, I'm wondering what I can do here. The amount of time involved in creating a new site with about 20 pages of fresh content and then to optimize the site for "travel Bali" related keywords is going to be quite an undertaking. And what's even worse, how to deal with potential service users?

                  That's got me stumped. I can handle the first parts of this equation, particularly and rather easily the SEO - I'm thinking that if I can really focus on this, I could be ranking top 5 for say, 10 keyword phrases within a couple months. I may even get someone to design a site for him - would be a bit costly but its gonna help out him and his family. In fact, it could change his life!

                  But, I don't have the time for everything and I have no true concept of how to handle potential customers. They phone from say - USA. They love what they see on the site. They wanna book up a couple days touring Bali - the itinerary has aleady been decided because these are all listed on the website (with loads of glossy pics, of course!).

                  But what now?

                  I was thinking that perhaps a workable method would be for potential customers (those who were interested in booking a guide and car for the day or more) to email me with any queries etc. Or maybe even if they wanna call me too - but I am no expert on Bali that's for sure!

                  Anyhow, they let me know one way or the other which days they want to book up for which tour. Fine! They can pay via Paypal or via credit card. Refundable I guess may be best, within a certain time-frame.

                  From this I get a $10 commission (let's say, for example here - it could be more). Wayan then get's his cut which is the charges for the day's excursion minus the cost of his monthly vehicle rental and fuel. So he's happy due to the fact that he's getting quite a lot more customers.

                  In fact, it could come to the point whereby he's getting so many customers through the website that he then has to "hire" out his work to other drivers. For this he charges $10 a time to the other driver. And as such, he pockets $10 per client for making a phone call. And that's it.

                  Now imagine he's getting on average 4 clients a day - 2 of which are through the website, which would be around 60 a month through the website. This means he has one customer for himself, one for his brother and 2 to "hire" out to other drivers. Extra $20 a day for him for 5 mins work making a couple of phone calls.

                  For Balinese $20 a day on top of the $20 they make for a 10 hour working day (or whatever it is) is a BIG booster to a monthly income.

                  Let's crank that up a notch. Let's imagine the site is ranking in the search engines for 20 related keywords - some of which are top spot which attract a search volume of say 10k searches per month. I suspect we're gonna get real busy at this point!!

                  Wayan's rolling in money and I'm having a bit of fun too - after all, my own income is also relatively passive (or could be totally passive if I hire someone to handle the calls) and his income is almost 100% passive!

                  You see where I am with this? Passive income on tap! Rollover AdSense!

                  Now let's not simply stop here! Let's also consider parts of Malaysia, Philippines plus a number of other places besides. Maybe your own locality has potential for this? What's the capital investment? ZIP! Its time that has to be invested in the first instance - website production, keyword selection, then ranking by means of SEO. Thereafter, this could be almost totally passive income, which may well seriously add up to be BIG TIME!

                  I know there may be some form of regulations for such a business. On the other hand, there may not. There are here in Malaysia but they are so relaxed that no one seems to really worry about it much. Anyhow, that would be for the guide/driver to fathom, if it were required. They've probably already dealt with the various red tape issues.

                  Who has experience in tourism? Who can think outside the box here? Who wants to JV with me and with Wayan on this? Or else, you wanna just share your own thoughts about this or about other potential markets that can be dramatically furthered by some high quality SEO on a fairly simple website?

                  The world, my friends is becoming OUR oyster. Get to grips with your own SEO techniques and the dollar signs hardly waver from in front of your eyes!

                  I leave this to you now...

                  Thanks a lot for your interest in this post and please, even if you know nothing of this - about travel business, just make your own points if you would care to. Its always great to get feedback!

                  Regards and best wishes!

  • Profile picture of the author Scottie Boy
    Scottie Boy
    Profile picture of Scottie Boy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will be here for the ride, and thank you for helping us newbies. You are absolutely correct when you say it is frustrating....I hope you accomplish it in 39 days!

  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph you are exploding my brain...By the way would it be just enough to get back links to my anchors as you suggested without using snippet links through blog blueprint (too expensive for me at the moment) if I am targeting micro niches with low competition as I have many sites lurking in the end of 1st page and start of second page.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sheena, I hope I'm exploding your brain in a positive way

      No need for snippets from Blog Blueprint at all. I only use this to really help ramp up my campaigns and have to afford such tools as its my job.

      Low comp micro niches are a great place to get fine results without having to go to town regards a lot of very high quality backlinks. You can buy a single domain and build that out with good content and good long-tails, get a few quality backlinks going up over time and enjoy watching the rankings for every page you are backlinking too become better and better.

      Simply use the freebies - article directories, Squids, Blogspot, and others besides. And do also use social bookmarking sites but just be careful not to overdo it. All free after all. I'll be writing a post soon about what I use for SB links and its a free tool and really good one too! You should have pretty much enough there to get some good to great results with long tails that have not much in the way of real competition.

      If you got a lot of sites at the bottom of page one or start of page 2 of Goog - should be a case of just nudging them with a number of really nice backlinks and all should come good given a bit of time Sheena.

      Best wishes!

  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sure in the +ve way. That's good assurance you have given me Joseph, thanks a lot.

    Take care!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Pleasure is mine Sheena!

      Just keep the links coming slowly and surely and don't go all out like I'm "having" to do (hence no need for Blog Blueprint or similar costly software products). Your sites may dance a little, but its such a pleasure to see those sites rise a place one day, then another place in a couple more days. And on and on until... Yes, the ultimate goal of top spot is yours and yours alone!

      And that's when you crack open the Champagne!

      Enjoy the journey upwards!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've been harking on about a tool that I use for my social bookmarking tasks. So now, prepare to be amazed (unless you use this tool already, of course!). This tool is FREE!

        Now I don't know about you but I've tried a few tools in the past re SB submissions and automating this whole process as much as possible. After all, its tedious to say the very least, to make 20+ SB submissions for the same website.

        So here is what I tried before, and a few comments about what I found.


        This is the biggest dog on the market regards SB submission. What price is it now - about $147 one off fee? The amount of SB sites available for submissions is something around the 120 mark which is huge! I found that success rate was around the 70% mark, if I remember correctly.

        No doubt that in the right hands this is a cooooool tool! If you got the cash to check it out then by all means do so. The main problem I had with it was its so fiddly to get used to. And if you've been reading along within the thread you will know already that I am rather dumb-de-do when it comes to tackling tough tools. I simply could not get the best out of this tool due to the sheer amount of options and thus I got frustrated with it and promptly returned it to the vendor.

        Yup, call me stupid if you like. I accept! My head simply does not fit with clunky tools that have a hundred plus functions. Keep it simple and all should be well!


        I gave this one a shot a few months back. Created by a Russian gentleman and pretty cool too. I think it provides for a total of 35 different SB sites to submit to, many of which are very high PR. However, I found that, although it was fairly simple to set up and use, the amount of successful submissions was around the 50% mark. Not so hot! So nope, that's not good enough for me. The product costs $97 one off.

        Ive use a couple others but have forgotten what they are cos its been a while. Obviously they did not tick all the boxes either, right?

        So what is my tool of choice for automating SB submissions?

        Its called IM Automator and its created and moded by a lady called Caroline Middlebrook. Caroline is a lovely girl and she is totally genuine in trying to ease the path for us IM'ers and SEO'ers. On any email communication I've made with her previously, I've received a prompt reply - from Caroline, and not from someone she employs to handle the admin. I like that!

        Okay, go do a search for IM Automator in Google or Yahoo or Bing and you'll see it at the top of the search results. Sign up and get going! You'll LOVE this tool for the sheer simplicity of it! It does almost every single task for you. Its simply awesome, it really is!

        Do note that it has been having a few teething problems - the software has only been available for the past 3 months and Caroline was badly let down by her hosting company (BlueHost) so she upped and moved everything to a new host. I think everything is working well now though.

        Yes, there are only around 30 SB sites for submission here. But heck - when you get around a 90% success rate who's complaining? In fact, Caroline has been tweaking the software of recent so I imagine this success rate is even better than the 90%.

        For now, submissions have to be capped at the 10 per day mark. Yup, a bit frustrating for some of us really busy SEO'ers. But there has been BIG demand for this software and thus there has to be a cap. There will be a paid-for version out in the coming months which will allow for as many submissions per day as you should wish.

        In fact, Caroline is still in the process of creating a suite of SEO tools so you best watch closely for that cos demand is gonna be huge! I'll be keeping updates on my own SEOTips and Tricks website. Link in my signature box.

        Now go check it out if you have not done so already. Its totally hot stuff!

        Hand in hand we shall work together to meet the challenges of the SEO world. Working apart we limit our capabilities but together we are stronger and shall thrive no-end!

        I wish you the very best!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I've re-opened my Twitter account. Oh heck, what's going on here!

          Here is my username:


          PLEASE join up with me and follow cos I will be making a lot of comments on there from now on. I want to really ramp up my following which currently sits at a massive 8 people!

          You may see that I have already commented about a site I set up a while back and is focused on a book author. This is because when I signed up to Twitter using this particular account it was for the purpose of boosting traffic via Twitter. Lucky if I got one unique from that effort!

          And on the subject of books and authors - hmmm, tough stuff. The search volume stats are often huge so its very easy to dive in with sight fully set on massive traffic and thus massive sales to boot. Nope. Does not necessarily work out that way. Remember also - buyer keywords.

          I spent a fair old bit of hard earned cash on that particular site and employed a young lady full time to go buy the books and sit and read 'em all. Then she would write up a review.

          Erm, as good as the writing is, which it is! As good as the writing is, its simply not conducive to making sales. People love to read a really good book review, but when it comes to parting with their money...

          I think I make about an average of 3 sales a day on that site which may sound kind of okay ish, but when the commission for that is something in the region of a whopping 80 cents a pop... You get my point I'm sure!

          Yes, at Christmas you can treble or even quadruple that figure, which then makes things a lot more worthwhile, but that's 2 months a year so what about all the other months?

          Yes, okay, when the author releases a book the sales do go up too, but it means having to write a review myself (???) or employ someone else to do it. If I get someone else to do it, say for a mere 20 bucks or something, it takes 30 book sales to cover that. Not good economics Im sure you agree?

          I was advised to try out an opt-in using A-Weber (great service). I did. I set up a lovely opt-in pop-up (drift-in) and it went swimmingly well! I was getting at times about 8 or 9 sign ups a day - over 12 months that would be over 3000 people. Not big compared to some but still a very healthy looking stat.

          But, what to offer as a way of monetizing the list? Oh dear me! A loser for sure!

          Its all very well carving out your emails for the optin and making them all glossy and wonderful, but if you are spending 45 mins a day on this and making not a single cent then you gotta give yourself a good ol' shaking, you really do!

          Hence my point (again) - think buyer! What is a buyer really looking for? Not images of Ryan Kwanten and his great abs, that's for sure. And not book reviews either, so it would seem! You would think a book review would be the obvious penultimate stage for a buyer, right? Seems not. I don't know, I don't have a moment to sit and read a book, so I don't buy them. I must be missing something!

          Anyone who buys books (fiction) often, tell me what's your thinking here, please?

          I could go on and on here - its all totally relevant to us SEO'ers and IM'ers. And actually, its fun to share this - that site used to cause me no end of stress - up, down, up, down - in Google that is. 5 sales today, 0 the next. Howcome? Cos the site/web pages were up and down like a yoyo. Don't put all your eggs in the one basket, is the point to take here!

          All feedback is most welcome, thanks! And please do sign up to my Twitter account - you can see I love to chat when time permits! So I will be using Twitter a LOT from now on! Should be fun!

          Best to you all!

    • Profile picture of the author psychiolam
      Profile picture of psychiolam
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Joseph,
      FYI i am another girl appear response to your thread now...
      I have used my past one hour to finish all the thread here
      I am very impress of what you have done so far, I would love to have a little advise from you. I start my website just 1 and half month hiv- home- tests dot com; i actually also sell the product worldwide, but i haven't been doing good on the SEO. I have written up articles and post like you do, blog commenting every day, and also directories submitting, i just don't know what i have done wrong...
      I run your website on backlinkwatch and it shows up 13 backlink, which compare to mine i already have 157 but then how can you achieve what you position on google now? I don't understand i am not rank no#1 "hiv home tests" & " hiv home testing" on yahoo, but way 300+ on google. and others just don't seems ranking on google.
      i am getting very frustrated and would appreciate if you guide me to the right path.

      keep up with your good work, and i support you with all my heart!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Allan, that indeed would seem like a very plausible analysis - I hope very much that your theory is correct and we can all be happy with the return of such services as Scroogle etc. etc. very soon!

        Micro NF is back up and running fine now, so that may have been some form of techie glitch.

        Thanks for providing this insight!



        Hi Psychiolam, nice to have you on here and hope you enjoy your time!

        Very interesting product!

        I had a look at your home page and all seems fine there so on-page seo looks to be fine from first glance and without looking under the hood.

        Yes, I got you high in Yahoo for the keywords you mentioned.

        Therefore, I have to presume its your previous linking techniques that are not quite working for you, regards to Google. Its the case that Yahoo is much more sympathetic to certain "harder" backlinking techinques than is Google.

        For example, you could well find that if you bombarded your site with Unique Article Wizard style backlinks, in Google you would be no-where. In Yahoo however, you may actually achieve top spot. That's a bit of a generalized assessment but in my experience (up till now) this has been the case a number of times.

        Thus I can only suggest that you re-assess your backlinking techniques and take things from there.

        Google tends to enjoy the much slower type of massage which is more like an aromatherapy session - deeply relaxing, whereby you may indeed fall asleep. Yahoo on the other hand would very happily soak up a very deep-tissue massage and feel all the better for it too!

        Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions regards this.

        Thanks again!

        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author k0brik
          Profile picture of k0brik
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          sorry if i deviate a little from the thread subject ...


          I run your website on backlinkwatch and it shows up 13 backlink, which compare to mine i already have 157 but then how can you achieve what you position on google now? I don't understand i am not rank no#1 "hiv home tests" & " hiv home testing" on yahoo, but way 300+ on google. and others just don't seems ranking on google.
          i am getting very frustrated and would appreciate if you guide me to the right path.
          isn't hiv home testing and hiv home tests some tough keywords to achieve good rankings in google???

          all domains from the first page are aged, 1996 the oldest and 2002 the youngest, all have PR 3-6, and the first spot has Y! Links: 51,600 | Y! .edu Links: 2,010 | Y! .gov Links: 464

          psychiolam ... i think you'll have a lot to write to rank for this keywords
  • Profile picture of the author Mafialife Chris
    Mafialife Chris
    Profile picture of Mafialife Chris
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    KILLER blog man. I have learned more here then in any research before. I would like to contact you via email. Can you PM me your email address please.

    I cannot PM you on here, or I would, not to waste anyones time with my post.

    Keep up the great service to your fellow industry.

    Much Respect,

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Chris, thanks for the great feedback!

      It was my original intention to make this whole thread filled with pure, rich, thoroughly useful content and not the yap, yap you often get when you surf around looking for useful info re IM and SEO.

      Yes sure, you can contact me at

      Look forward to hearing from you!

      • Profile picture of the author Mafialife Chris
        Mafialife Chris
        Profile picture of Mafialife Chris
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi Chris, thanks for the great feedback!

        It was my original intention to make this whole thread filled with pure, rich, thoroughly useful content and not the yap, yap you often get when you surf around looking for useful info re IM and SEO.

        Yes sure, you can contact me at

        Look forward to hearing from you!

        Thanks Joe,

        I shot you an email. Keep on rockin in the SEO world. I'll keep following you, and supporting your projects.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Chris, received your emails, thanks.

          I'll have to get back to you on this - its just around midnight here so I'm a bit frazzled (or rather, the old brain is).

          Let me churn your situation over a bit and I'll get back to you in due course.

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            I received an email this morning - something from Paydotcom re a new affiliate offer. Fishing lures. I cracked open the Micro Niche Finder (Google Keyword Tool is just as useful) and after having a quick look-see I'm thinking hmmm - some real nice looking long tails going on here. Anyone fancy hitting the fishing lure niche??

            Don't worry - I don't have time for hitting any niches right now - I just love doing the thinking and a little research and then feeding back potential niches for you to go research a bit more.


            Hi Annie, really good to have you following along and contributing! Hope you get a lot out of the thread and the conversation!

            All the best Annie!


            Hi Sean - great!

            I'm really happy you got this working so, so well! As you say, its saving you so much time and making things really productive that - who needs to consider outsourcing?

            When you really come to terms with the fact that tools (free ones as well as paid) can cut your workload by leaps and bounds, things can get exciting pretty quick!

            Yup, the website is flying about a bit right now. Its soaking up some recent backlinks and not really enjoying the experience too much. It should settle in due course (for a short time until the next wave of links hit it), and hopefully settle in a very healthy position too!

            Best wishes Sean!



            Hi Khadijah, thanks for commenting.

            Its really nice to have some success with ranking highly for a keyword or two but when you don't really know how you did it, its not necessarily easy to emulate it, or for that matter, to improve on it.

            I suggest that you monitor your techniques a little more closely so that you can tweak them further for even better results. Plus it means you have confidence in your own abilities that you can do this time and time again, even for some really tricky keywords. Maybe you are already doing that, which is the ideal strategy for greater rewards.

            You take care and enjoy the fun!

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Yoshi, thanks a lot for coming on by and commenting!

              I'm very happy you are finding the posts on here helpful Yohsi, and I am even more thankful that you understand them well, even though you are fairly recent to this game of SEO! It proves I am doing my "job" relatively well, I think.

              The idea of coaching people - those of us who are fairly new to SEO, or perhaps those who have been at it for years with little success to show - sits very nicely with me indeed!

              In answer to your question - I take most of my content from the likes of or perhaps Article Dashboard or Wikipedia (great, factual content) and then re-write to a good extent. After all, we cannot be knowledgeable about everything, so we need to "learn" from others who have gone before us.

              There is only one subject I write all my own purely fresh content and that is SEO and some internet marketing subjects. Everything else and I'm as green as a green back is green!

              So no, you do not have to take and use the bio box from the article directory you are using for your content. If you do a decent job of re-writing then there will be absolutely no copy-right infringements, thus you can then use your own bio and your own links.

              Don't get too caught up on the re-writing either. If you are hitting around the 40% mark then this will suffice for most purposes. Some people even go for much lower - 30% or less. I don't. But there simply is no need to ensure a uniqueness of 70% + per article each and every time. Time is precious so best not to waste it!

              Hope that helps Yoshi!

              Anything else you're not sure about then just shout out. I'll try to answer best I can.

              Take care!

  • Profile picture of the author Thinker1
    Profile picture of Thinker1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sounds very interesting and inspiring. I'll be one of your followers to the end. I wish you a great success with this endeavor.
  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I got to say that TheBestSpinner, with BlogBlueprint, and the Free Do it Again Macro Software makes things really easy. Takes me about 1 to 2 hours to spin a paragraph and get 65% MINIMUM uniqueness with article spinner. I then use the Do It Again Software to submit them WITHOUT EVEN BEING THERE.

    This combo is awesome. It's like getting 60 backlinks for just 1 or 2 hours of EASY work (I spin each snippet 60 times). So, as I said....THANK YOU and keep dishing out these awesome nuggets of info.


    P.S. With scroogle, your website is at spot 15.

    Edit --------------

    How many spun copies of a single snippet is "too much" for blogblueprint? For each snippet, I rewrite every sentence or every other sentence and then I go through and change synonyms in each sentence as well. I personally set the counter to 60 for spinning -- but is this too much? Too little?

    This is one of those things where I am, for lack of a better word, "afraid" i'm either overdoing or worse, underdoing. For instance, you said you spin 250 copies of an article. To me, thats a hell of a lot. I assume that many of the articles are copies of one another and that the variations you put in are pretty much spent. Is this not a problem for you and with submitting to blogblueprint? In regards to the snippets i mean.

  • Profile picture of the author KhadijahChapman
    Profile picture of KhadijahChapman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a few strategies of my own and have successfully achieved 1 page ranking of some serious competitive key words, barely knowing what I was doing.. lol... its simple.. however I will definitely be following your strategies to see how they compare with mine..

    Thanks for the challenge, I love a good challenge, especially when its one that involves making money online...
    • Profile picture of the author yoshi
      Profile picture of yoshi
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph!

      Your post is one of the best i have read so far regarding SEO. Your techniques just makes so much sense and it has change my mind about SEO and how can i work to achieve higher rankings which i thought off as impossible or that it took years to achieve. Im actually new to SEO and have no experience at it.

      I have one question though and its about how you find content for your articles. Do you write them all, or do you "borrow" some articles over the internet and using the spinner make them so they look as you did write them?
      Im confuse about when do you have to keep the author box for example, if i borrow an article from ezine, and then spin it so it is 60 to 70 % unique, do i have to keep the author box intact? or can i put my own author box?

      Thanks for your help and Im looking forward to more of your great techniques
  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    Profile picture of Writingman1421
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have you checked out scroogle? might be gone! I just found out about it and the boat is sinking already? You've got to be kidding me!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sean, thanks for telling us about this!

      Not happy!

      Here it seems that Goog is showing us who is boss, once again. I may be wrong - there may be some technical stuff going down here, but one cannot help but "sense" that Goog is being bossy boots.

      I shall write to Mr Brandt at Scroogle HQ (Lavabit ..::.. Home) and ask for Google contact details that he himself uses. This way I intend to add my voice to what I hope are very many other voices, to inform Google that if they want to continue to please their searchers then they should acquiese to our (the internet searching public in general) needs and desires, as would be the case in any democracy.

      Gonna Tweet about it too. This should not be allowed to happen if its simply a case of Goog showing us who's boss. We live in an internet democracy that functions due to its freedom of speech and principles there-of. That, after all, is the true foundation of the internet.

      It is simply unacceptable to have a big player (Google) making OUR internet a dictatorial world! I had enough of that with eBay recently!

      Thanks again Sean!

  • Profile picture of the author NenadR
    Profile picture of NenadR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know I have said that before, but it bears repeating... Your info is really great!

    Have you ever thought of going into coaching? I know I would be interested for one!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi NenadR,
      many thanks indeed for your feedback! Shucks, I think I blushed!

      Coaching - oh yes, I've thought about it a lot! I simply love the idea, I really do! But, I gotta be careful what I write up here cos I may upset some folks a little bitty.

      So yes, coaching is very high on my list of priorities - very high! I'll be getting word out about this one way or the other in the coming days. Do by all means check the link in my signature below though NenadR. I shall be discussing this possibility on there - just to keep everyone aware of what's coming up etc.

      Oh, and do watch my Twittering thingy which I just got up and running - the Twitter followers are building up rather nicely on there.

      josepharch is my username on there (don't think I'll be doing any Twitter coaching any time too soon :p)

      Thanks again - my head is now so big I gotta go lie down for a minute...

      Regards Joseph
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Sheena, this is not good! I did hear there were changes going on with Google but I don't think anyone expected to this extent. Let us all hope that these sites - Both Scroogle and - are up and running again soon!

        In the meantime, you can of course use the proxy that was mentioned the other day as a tip from one of our readers on the thread:

        Hide My Ass! Search Google Anonymously

        Its pretty cool actually albeit, it does return somewhat different results to that of Scroogle and probably the too...

        Best to you Sheena!
  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I too noticed scroogle is down and I find the site which I use to check my serp results is also not working, I think they are also facing the same issue as scroogle scraper.
  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
    Profile picture of tamtu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph did you check your micro niche finder today I find mine is giving soc and exact phrase count as 0, do you think its the scroogle issue again
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes, good call Sheena! Not functioning at all:

      SOC is giving me nada, and exact phrase is providing a 0 every time! Could be Goog is having a massive overhaul, who really knows - so secretive aren't they? Shhhh! Don't want to give away any of their secrets now do we?

  • Profile picture of the author bosie
    Profile picture of bosie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jo, Fellow brit living abroad (Canary Islands) here. Comparative newbie to IM ~ discovered this thread today and have just read the whole thing through at one sitting, haven´t got anything else done but I believe it has been well worth it. I try to stay away from forums etc as much as poss as they are too time consuming if you are like me and lose track of time! My reason for getting in to IM is to get me out of Spain, currently considering South/Central America, Indonesia, Phillipines or like yourself Malaysia. IM seems to be a great way to live where you want and have your work with you. Really appreciate what you are doing here, you have helped fill in so many gaps in my knowledge base (limited!!). Iwould like to see all this info without the chat (enjoyable as that is), so maybe some sort of E Book would be a great idea - s´pose I should have checked out blog in your signature link before mentioning that as the info I am looking for may be right there! Anyway just wanted to add my thanks for all that you are doing - Much appreciated.
    • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
      Profile picture of ddhamilt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Jo -

      David here...just posted a comment on your SEO blog last night. Nice to meet you! This thread took me a while between doing IM work last night, and I got up early this morning to finish it and making sure to post here to contribute! We can talk about SE Asia and Malaysia over email perhaps I for certain will be living there at the end of the year.

      I started in IM about 4 months ago now, putting all the time in that I can on nights in weekends. I'm a student of The Keyword Academy (TKA) and actually signed up for personal coaching from Court Tuttle to help ensure my success.I must leave the corporate slime-storm (gotta, gotta get out!), so I'm happy to see you mention Court and Mark here.

      Court believes in the "supersite" model where building an authority site around a particular area - let's say in this case "appliances" - building lots of internal links, of course related external links, and providing quality content. I'm only focusing on Adsense right now for monetization, and I'm starting to realize the touchiness of this method and putting all your eggs in one basket, but I'm going with the theory of mastering one monetization first, though I'm starting to explore Amazon for those sites that the CPC isn't turning out so great, but they are ranking well as I chose low comp keywords.

      I've started about 35 niche sites (all based on generic keywords like "toaster ovens", and a few supersites (around wider topics like "appliances" for example), 2 of which I'm promoting heavily - that have a higher CPC in Adsense typically for their keywords.

      I outsource all my writing at this time, but know that it's costly and a ton of time for link building, even though I've negotiated great rates from Native speaker for both original article writing and re-writing. After month 4 into IM I'm making about $300/month but of course I'm putting in money I've saved up slaving away for years in the I'm really trying to amp up to my income goals of $5000/month by the end of July and by month 4 it's slow going! Probably an unrealistic goal, but I've set it.

      My questions are in regards to using your techniques on a supersite/authority site with Adsense. I purchased a site for cheap, that has site age of over 1 year, but very few links built to it. Court is having me go very slowly (in my newb opinion mind you take that with a big grain of salt) for something that has age, but to avoid getting sandboxed. I understand the conservative and long-term approach, as Court thinks in terms of building a highly successful business that's protected as much as possible from G's weirdness - and maybe this is great for Adsense. But I still wonder if I could be moving things along a bit quicker with some other techniques, without the sandbox effect.

      I have lots of low competition, money keywords for my supersite as I'm pretty pro at KW research now (given some nice tools that TKA uses as part of their program too) and ensure to put lots of low, low comp ones in the mix (though searches aren't as high as your example here). Ideas is to get lots of clicks feeding into the site, of course.

      Onto some questions if you please....

      1) How will your techniques work on a supersite without getting it sandboxed. Court is very concerned about keeping it out, while people like you and Angela of the backlink fame say you can't really, from what I understand? I'm thinking I would be treating each post/article as a niche site (as in your Twlight poster example) and I supposed trying to rank that individually.

      2) Blog blueprint: this would be a great solution for me to mix up linkbuilding and save some time it seems. I'm not clear though, do you only point to anchor articles with this, or directly to your money site? I know for UAQ you only use for anchor articles.

      3) Link Packets via Angela and Paul: I've recently signed up for these, and I tried them on one site that I was having trouble ranking for, even though pretty low comp. I used not even that many from Angela's pack and the site shot up to the first page, so I did see them work. But I get the feeling you don't believe in them? Can you explain why? Is it a long term issue? What about going back and buying older link packets - perhaps only the spammers focus on the new ones?

      4) How does Social Bookmarking fit into this? I haven't used it yet, but via some SEO friends I'm making while out and about on the Internet highway...I understand it's great for fast indexing and that's about it, but not link juice. What gives here?

      Thanks for all the great thread and recommends in this article! I hope to be able to outline my method once I have one someday to give back.


      P.S. Your site was on the 3rd page last night of Google from here in New York City. About 25th position I think. That's crazy about Scroogle, I saw that last night too, and have barely used it until you mentioned on this thread!
  • Profile picture of the author snobants
    Profile picture of snobants
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, I'll look forward to it.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Bosie, nice to meet up with you here on the WF thread!

      Canaries huh? Lovely place to be, I certainly would have thought!

      Can't agree more - forums can be incredibly addictive! And can't agree more on your next point - working online as your own boss gives you so much freedom and flexibility, somewhat dependent on what exactly you do online, of course. You can still end up chained to your laptop for days on end never seeing the sunshine!

      Yup, there have been a few asks re an eBook so that will be forthcoming. Just have to source a good writer who has the capability to piece all this together and at the same time not blow everyone's minds, including my own And further, who is not going to charge me an earth-shattering fee!

      Yes there is a lot of info on my blog - many of the same posts here which makes for easier reading for many people, but its not everything by any means. Plus I add a few other snippets on the blog that I cannot add to here, for obvious reasons.

      There are quite a few announcements that I'll be adding on the blog in the days and weeks to come that I can only hint towards on here. If I were to try discuss them further, I'd have the Mods all over this thread.

      Anyhow, I really hope you get a lot out of the work-in-progress here Bosie and it helps you to pave your way to your new country of choice! Malaysia is indeed a fine country - I love it here so much!

      Take care and hope to hear from you again soon!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi David, nice to see/chat with you again and thanks for your comment on the blog!

        Hehe - yes indeed - let's chat SE Asia - Thailand/Malaysia soon! I love to hear about these dreams slowly but surely becoming reality - such as my own did not long ago!

        Keyword Academy - great! One of the best no-nonsense places on the net to learn hardcore serious SEO stuff that will simply boost your campaigns no-end. And do please tell them I said so - I have so much admiration for both Court and for Mark - a great example of a couple of guys who show exacly how this SEO game should be played!

        Yes, I think in fairly recent times Court has changed his opinions a bit - supersite is where its at for him due to some fairly recent successes, if I'm not mistaken. Fully agree with this - any site you build - supersite or one with 5 pages such as my own Twilight Posterz .com - it should have solid internal page links. And of course - as I myself keep on harking about - quality content is where its at! (there is a lot of talk about building out sites and not leaving them "thin". Some believe that it helps in over-all rankings).

        Let me just qualify my theories on quality content (this is a general comment - not for your "ears" David) - I did this while Twittering earlier but I should do so here again as I believe there is a lot of misunderstanding.

        Quality content does not mean perfect English - perfect spelling and perfect syntax. Oh yes, of course an ideal article should flow as would any quality piece of prose, but the fact is, if you've got an opinion about something and you are able to share that - if you can put that on paper so as to get the message across to the reader, you've done your job!

        Its not about dotting the i's or crossing of the t's - its about making the reader sit up and pay attention to what you've got to say. If the reader does that, then you have written up a quality piece of content that will, if a habitual pursuit, go a long, long way in your over-all success as an internet marketer. And if you are wondering how, then it means you've skipped over a few of my long, long posts that I've labored over so go back and read 'em!

        You get my point, anyhow!

        Sound methodolgy you have there David - utilize AdSense first but with a view to switching over to Amazon should things not quite pan out for you. And a very nice return on investment too - particulary as its still within your first six months of internet marketing!

        Don't be afraid to constantly re-assess your goals and perhaps make them more realistic.

        Asses and review, time and again. And by all means stretch yourself when setting your goals but try not to go overboard as this may simply lead to frustration and loss of motivation.

        Court and Mark are great ones for setting goals! Learn from them and then tweak to your own requirements!

        Yes David, you could move this project forward that much faster, but you do risk the supplementals as Court suggested. And even if you were experienced in these tasks and you were to push this forward, you would still risk the wrath of Google, albeit not so much Yahoo or Bing.

        Even if you were to be dumped in the supplementals for your particular web page/keyword phrase, that does not mean, given some time and some continual quality backlinking, you could not pull it out and be ranking very nicely too. But its a risk you take from the point of view that you could be losing out on a couple of months or perhaps a fair bit longer re your chosen web page. So this is a call you yourself would have to make. Weigh up the pros with the cons. What if... what if...

        Re your questions:

        1. Yes you can keep the page out of the so-called sandbox. There is no need for it to go in there, should there be such a "place". And yes, my techniques work well regards avoiding it.

        Hence that's precisely why I use them and set up the Challenge in the first place. My methods are designed for relatively fast results, but at a gentle pace - make sense? I slap bang wallop my "anchors" and they soak up the flack, which then makes the ride much gentler for my primary site, while at the same time, provides it a number of really HOT backlinks. Proof will be in the pudding. The site has been wobbling around a bit recently but this is to be entirely expected. Its still around (not in the supplemetals/sandbox - there is proof already that my approach is managing to avoid the supps) and I suspect it will be ranking well again relatively soon. If not, then it possibly means that my gentle approach was not quite gentle enough - simply due to the "pressure" of reaching my original goals.

        2. Blog Blueprint. TKA have a set up for links in the package, right? BB would go in tandem with this, which is a great addition to any backlinking strategy! You can use BB to point to any site you possess. I go for everything except my anchor articles - they are bombarded by my UAW and that suffices rather nicely!

        3. Angela and Paul's packets - I do believe in them David, very much so! However, they are used so much by spammers that the whole system is tarnished. If you were to buy up previous packages for example, you will probably find that most of the potential sites for linking have closed that path, simply due to spammers. I think if you are fast to get your links in when the packet first comes out at the start of the month you would do far better than if you were to wait for a week or longer. I do also feel that the more effort you make in attaining such links then the better chance the link will remain in place. If you make little effort, chances are the link will be stripped out by the webmaster/mistress and that's your time wasted. Word your snippets well and by all means, where you can, add in some form of image to your profile. Spend time with this and you should reap the rewards - already you yourself have tasted what there is to come by using this method well!

        4. Social bookmarking - as mentioned previously on this thread, I think Google views these sort of links with less "pleasure" than at one time it did. Again, spammers are to blame (and additionally, misuse and misunderstanding of software packages that are intended for making links a gentle process and not a crash-bang-wallop affair). So, yes, I think there is a place for SB in SEO but it should be used with caution, care and with thought.

        I would be obliged David if you were to tell Court and/or Mark about this thread. Apart from the fact that I cite them both numerous times throughout, I have utmost respect for both of them - their philosophies, their methodologies and their sheer determination for success! This has to be admired greatly and I am proud to model a number of my own techniques, albeit loosely (including the equation for picking out hot keywords!), upon their teachings (I am not a member of TKA now but I was for a short time not too long ago).

        I wish you every success in your pursuit of internet "glories"!



        Hi Snobants, thanks for coming by and leaving a comment of goodwill! I'm still hoping for top 3 even though the primary target site is dancing around rather a lot at the moment. Top spot would be the ultimate, of course!

        Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
    Profile picture of AllanCollins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Since Google's SERP page design changes, I've noticed quite a few services that no longer function correctly. My guess is that those services download the SERP webpage, then strip out all unnecessary items (ads, photos, etc.) and focus on the URLs. If this theory is correct, then don't expect these great services such as Scroogle or any rank checkers to be down for very long.
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi again,

    I would still like to know who would be able to offer an outsourcing service for some
    products mentioned here.

    I am talking about BlogBlueprint (here I already got a PM who would like to offer this service!) and The Best Spinner.

    Is there anyone who could offer this spinning service using The Best Spinner?


    Twilight Posters in Top20 and Twilight Poster in Top30 using HidemyFatAss.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi K0brik, thanks for your contribution to the HIV product scenario. Really healthy to get your contribution like this, it really is!

      I see it this way (not that I checked before - it was 2am after all)...

      HIV home testing: yup, some real tough looking cookies in there for sure. I've simply done a standard Google search here so my results are going to be skewed a bit towards Malaysian results (which seems silly to me - why does Google give the tab at the top for Malaysian results only??).

      I see some weekness in the top 10 - a PR0 at the lower end for example and without digging deeper due to lack of time, I can sniff out a do-able here. Yes, a fair bit of writing to be done to say the least! But a do-able "job" with regards hitting top 10 at least.

      For now it may not be wise to focus on the very top spot since, as you pointed out, its got some heavy hitters linking back to it and to oust it would take some going!

      HIV home tests: same scenario really - some PR3's up to PR6 and again, without looking under the bonnet, I sense its possible to get among them.

      It may be that your own results are more tough going than what I'm seeing here, I simply don't know. I can only tell what I see, albeit I would be doing more digging for sure if I wanted to actually target those kwds.

      Great to get this sort of contribution however, so thanks for that!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi SEOed, best I leave that one to you for now and very good luck with it! Sorry can't help out with it right now.

        Thanks for the feedback re site rankings. Nothing startling for sure. I anticipate a slow climb upwards (please, please) over the coming days to weeks.

        • Profile picture of the author yoshi
          Profile picture of yoshi
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Joseph! Thanks for your answer. It really help in clearing some questions i had re writing articles. Right now Im starting a new campaign and trying to do my best in ranking top spots on google using your techniques. One quick questions though. Lets says Im promoting [product x] But the keyword i want to rank high for is [product x reviews]. Now if in my anchor articles that link back to my web site, i have the hyper text link for [product x reviews] , but in the landing page i only have keywords that say [product x], will google rank me high for that keyword? (product x review) or does my hyper text backlink keyword needs to appear all around the landing page? Thanks a lot for your help. And let me know if it makes sense...right now im kinda confuse about backlinking. Have a nice day!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Yoshi, that's my pleasure!

            Yes, Google will still rank you for that keyword "... reviews" if you backlink using ".... reviews". But, for on-page I do suggest you pop that keyword phrase in the page a single time and let LSI do the rest (don't get worried about LSI - its a Google thing, you know...).

            I would pop in "product x reviews" some place low down on page kinda hidden some where and then pop in a hyper link to the same page, or to your home page or whatever. Just get a link in there with those keywords, as this will indeed help that little extra.

            It was the pop group Depeche Mode who wrote and sang the song "Everything Counts in Large Amounts". In this case perhaps not quite so large but it still will count!

            Anything else you are not clear about Yoshi, pls get back to me!

            Thanks indeed!
            • Profile picture of the author yoshi
              Profile picture of yoshi
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Thanks a lot Joseph! I really appreciate your help. I think I've learned more about IM in your forum than in any other membership site ive been to. Thanks!
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Pleasure Yoshi!

                Actually, your point there hit home a bit - "I think I've learned more about IM in your forum than in any other membership site ive been to".

                Kinda says something about this step-by-step format with various "musings" thrown in along the way.

                I remember I joined up with an IM forum a while back - two very well known IM'ers and the membership for the forum was very large indeed.

                Although it had a mass of stuff on it - loads of information for IM'ers, SEO'ers and anyone in between, I simply did not know where to begin. Too much - too overwhelming.

                I jumped out before they could charge me for the next month's fees.

                So you got me thinking on that, you really have, Yoshi!

                Thanks for the incite!

                Take care and best wishes!

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Sorry for the lack of posting today - got my hands totally filled up right now. I'm searching for a full-timer who can take some of the burden off my back - help me with some of the writing and prep for what's coming up soon. So that's gonna take quite a bit of input.

                  Further, I'm in the process of setting up something else which is also very much related to this thread. Can't say on here but by all means check the blog for info on that - link in the sig below.

                  And even further, been talking joint venture with a lady who frequents the thread here and it would appear our skills complement each other nicely (think offline meets online ), plus other work besides, which hopefully will lead to even more great things, so that's just about to begin too.

                  So you can perhaps see the reason for lack of posts today - 19 hours infront of your laptop within a 24 hour period does not encourage good health!

                  Anyhow, I just popped open the HideMyAss .com proxy to see what juicy info its got for me today regards site rankings...

                  TwilightPosterz .com is way down, thank you... around 30th. Still, its sitting very pretty in Yahoo at 2nd so not all bad stuff there!

                  However, although this was not what the Challenge was about, its very interesting to note that according to most people's stats over the past week or so, I think I've had 3 different sites in top 5 for the keyword "twilight poster".

                  If I'm not mistaken, a number of you were seeing the primary Posterz site in 5th - maybe for a day or 2. I believe the Squid got a top 5 too, although I think I saw it 6th for a few days - using Scroogle Scraper (darn, where are you Scroogle??). And now, today, using HideMyAss .com I got my blogspot .com site in 5th (wordpress .com there in 9th).

                  Now I don't know about you but within an 11 day period (11 days since I purchased the domain) I feel this is fairly impressive. Up till now I have been doing this alone with no help of any kind. No writers, just my software. And yes, for sure, its the Posterz .com site I truly want to sit in top 5 and stay there for a bit, but it does show you what is possible given the desire to do so.

                  You could argue at the moment that none of these sites are sticking around for long. Yes, agreed - but the point being is, I really do not think it would be tough to get them to stick around - long term - in top 5. In no real way have I been pursuing top 5 for any of the secondary or "anchor" sites - the backlinking has been "rough and ready" with no true keyword as the main aim.

                  I don't think these secondary sites will hang about too long, but if I wanted them to, its not at all difficult. Or take an ezine article. Again, I did not WANT to rank it for "Twilight poster" thus had to ensure my backlinks were non-specific. But if need by, I could, and I would - top 5 for sure! And you could too!!!

                  Yes, again, I have the software to help me. Without that (especially the spinner and UAW) I would not be able to do this - top 5 for 3 sites within 11 days of "lift off".

                  I do think the Blog Blueprint links will be starting to kick in now - perhaps a little anyhow. These sort of links are thought to be more of a long term thing - to get rankings over the longer term, but I've seen them pop a site up from 10th in Google to 5th within 5 days of using this thing! And that's with no other backlinking and no site changes. Purely down to the fact that I had some strong backlinks in place from months before, and then it just takes a bit of a nudge from the likes of a few links from BB (or similar product, or even free stuff like Squid - as mentioned already).

                  You may remember I made mention a while back re Christmas? So what-da-ya think? I just let my sites drift away with no intention of re-optimizing them for that particular time?

                  I can tell you that I have around 20 sites or perhaps more, sitting in or around top 10, simply waiting for some gentle link love from me - a bit of care and a bit of attention, and I know for a fact that most of these (if not all) are gonna happily be sitting top 5 - if not top 1 or 2) for November December.

                  If you are not thinking Christmas yet (who does at this time of year?) then perhaps its no bad thing you do spend a little time pondering a potential strategy. That time of year is so hot, that it simply would be a mistake not to take a few minutes and assess your own potential for it.

                  Need to go freebie? Hubs! Squids! Even blogspots - I'm top 5 apparently, so why not you?

                  Back to the main point...

                  I do indeed expect very very much to see my Posterz .com site sitting very pretty in time to come. If it can indeed beat the 40 Day Challenge (if not already) in that it can sit inside top 5 for at least a few days, then that of course is a bit better.

                  However, for most of us, the main thing is to see a site (I should be saying web page) ranking very well in Google (Yahoo is a real bonus, I have to admit!) with some fairly simple techniques that you yourself can implement time and time again. And this keyword is certainly no push-over!

                  Thus take your longer-tailed keywords and apply similar techniques and you WILL SUCCEED, given belief in what you are doing (and I have just given you that belief!).

                  There is no rush here. Do not go all-out like I am! If you do, you simply risk Google wrath, as David pointed out only yesterday - sandboxing or supplementals, if you like. There is no need for lots of fancy SEO tools. Forget that. If you can't afford them then fine. Just take your time, follow these techniques and bingo! You will be successful in ranking your own sites each and every time - providing you choose your keywords well, of course.

                  Now, please do not worry - if you are still struggling with some things - the jigsaw pieces are still not fitting right - I am still gonna be around to help you out as much as I can. Just cos I have a mass of other things going on right now simply does not mean I run off. I'm here for the duration and more! Trust me on that, please.

                  Most of you, if not all, also have my personal email. You can even shoot me a mail and I'll get back to you one way or the other.

                  Now, even though its only 2pm here in lovely Malaysia, I'm in need of a siesta to say the least. I'll be back soon to answer any and all questions or just to have a bit of banter. (oops, I see another couple of emails just landed in there to be attended to!).

                  I wish you success!

                  Kind regards
                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Sammy - great, thanks for sharing that with me/us! More to come too albeit perhaps more in the way of my own SEO and IM "musings" so to speak. You should know by now that I have a whole lot to say about all this SEO and IM stuff, right?

                    I got a couple more tools to share with you, but otherwise the techniques used to achieve the results so far are all written up and posted on here. With only one exception, but this one is more of a longer-term benefit rather than early days.

                    After all, I had to have everything well in place by now simply because - as you know full well - backlinking is not usually a short term game. Its mid to long term (in internet terms anyhow).

                    So now its a case of writing articles for UAW, keeping up with Blog Blueprint, doing occasional IM Automator submissions to social bookmarking sites and one other thing yet to be discussed. Kinda mundaine really - but who ever said that SEO was all fun and pleasure? Its not! The pleasure comes in the end result, or at least in seeing your own sites pop up a few places here and there on the pathway to very high rankings. A mere jump of a couple places to get top 10 give me a thrill every time!!

                    Keep on returning Sammy - you will not be disappointed!

                    Kind regards!
                  • Profile picture of the author tamtu
                    Profile picture of tamtu
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Joseph would you please clarify this for me

                    "Again, I did not WANT to rank it for "Twilight poster" thus had to ensure my backlinks were non-specific. But if need by, I could, and I would - top 5 for sure! And you could too!!!"

                    does this mean you don't use the hyper text "twilight poster" in the bio of UAW but instead use some other hyper text or just the url link of your anchor.

                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi Sheena, precisely so!

                      I do not use Twilight poster EVER in my UAW bios. Simply because it would mean that my own site would very possibly be outranked by Squid, blogspot and also

                      There is always going to be that chance, and in this case I wanted to avoid it. Hence I changed the bio hyper text from UAW to all sorts of other Twilighty sort of related things.

                      Obviously in the case you wanted to rank a Squid, Hub blogspot etc then of course you would make the bio hyper text links much more apt to the scenario.

                      Take care Sheena!

                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi FiGuy, nice to have you following along with the thread!

                        You will read all sorts of ideas as to how the big 3 search engines choose to rank a site over another one (or rather, a web page over another web page with the same competing keyword phrase).

                        Build the site out, purchase an aged domain name, get a certain type of backlink, make sure you got the exact domain name/primary keyphrase match.... on and on...

                        However, in general, the agreement is indeed that backlinks and the quality there-of are the main deciding factor, and I cannot disagree on this one at all.

                        Hmmm I suppose your stats there re PR and backlinks does make some sort of sense but only in a very general way. Its human nature to wish to categorize things and make some sense of the matter by doing so. I am exactly the same!

                        After all, you may wonder howcome a PR of 0 where the domain name is less than a year old and has some 10 backlinks (showing) is ranked above a PR6 with a domain name age of 6 years and some 1000 backlinks (showing). Make much sense? I have quite a few domains myself that are ranking above PR6 PR7 and those high PR's are very much aged domains. Ask any knowledgeable SEO'er and they will tell you the same regards some of their own sites.

                        Often it would make more sense if you dove/dived under the bonnet by using the likes of Market Samurai for example, or just doing this by hand, as such. By taking a bit of time to perform this type of research you can start to see some patterns, there is no doubt. However, its not set in stone and there are cases that would challenge the norm.

                        Over-all, its knowing that if you do what you do time and again regards to on-page and off-page SEO techniques, you can infact do well with most keyword phrases, providing you take the time to invest in this pursuit and you know full well what works and what does not. By all means leave a bit of room for experimenting with your normal SEO routines by utilizing a tweak here and a tweak there and then analyzing your results.

                        Hope this makes things clearer rather than confusing the matter futher. Do let me know if there is something that you are not sure about FiGuy.

                        Kind regards!
                      • Profile picture of the author tamtu
                        Profile picture of tamtu
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Thank you Joseph for the timely tip my articles were almost on their way with my main keywords on...
                        Take care!
  • Profile picture of the author FiGuy
    Profile picture of FiGuy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph. Great thread so far. I stumbled upon this forum recently and this is one of a handful of threads that I have instantly gravitated towards. Congrats on your successes so far.

    I am an entrepreneur but only recently have started researching an entry point into IM. It would be particularly helpful for me if you could elaborate on your process of keyword selection as it relates to competition. I understand the dynamic between PR, Incoming Links, site age, etc. It is my impression so far that backlinks and PR are probably the biggest determining factors, but I cannot yet grasp the line between competition and STIFF competition. A great example of what I am looking for would be (and bear in mind I am choosing these #'s arbitrarily):

    Difficult Competition:
    PR0 >2500 Backlinks
    PR1 >2250 Backlinks
    PR3 >2000 Backlinks
    PR4 >1000 Backlinks
    PR5 >500 Backlinks
    PR6 >300 Backlinks ..... and so on.

    I realize it may not work this way exactly, but any comments from you or others would be greatly appreciated!
  • Profile picture of the author fskcramer
    Profile picture of fskcramer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    earlier in your post you stated "I did not want to go with AdSense cos I would not be able to provide the domain name on the Warrior Forum if I did so."

    Why is that. If you have adsense on a site should you not have any links to it from WF? I'm confused.
  • Profile picture of the author MAtkins
    Profile picture of MAtkins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph: this is a great thread. I've learned a lot here already. Thank you.

    1. When using UAW is duplicate content not a problem? How is that handled? You mentioned as high as 700 links using it.

    2. I'm wondering what would happen here if you employed Angela's, PJ's and Terry Kyle's packets to facilitate a boost . . .
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I do not use Twilight poster EVER in my UAW bios. Simply because it would mean that my own site would very possibly be outranked by Squid, blogspot and also
    sometimes I think that because not using the keyword as an anchor google likes it more than using it overwhelmingly. maybe there is something in the algorithm we still didnt grasp completely. At least we have to admit that not using the keyword in the linktext too often is more natural than doing it.
    but this is another topic.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi FSK, thanks for coming by and asking about the AdSense situation.

      I cannot leave AdSense on any site that I mention whereby it may be targeted regards to excess clicks.

      If for example I put AdSense on the Twilight Posterz site, the ads would attract a number of clicks now, and in the future via the forum here. To the AdSense folks (Goog) they would shoot me down as soon as they saw this because they would accuse me of "advertising" for false clicks on the account. Very strict with this, so they are, so I best avoid it at all costs.

      Its as simple as that really - no other reason and sorry to confuse you on this issue.


      • Profile picture of the author yoshi
        Profile picture of yoshi
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph!

        So I signed up for UAW. It is a really nice program and I know its going to help me in my SEO campaign. Now they recommend an article writing service called My Article Express. Have you used their services? If you did, would you recommend it?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi MAtkins, thanks for coming along and giving me some great feedback!

      1. With UAW, they apparently spin the paragraphs around, so provide some uniqueness that way. Obviously, add that to the fact that you provide 3 unique articles in the first place, you can also add as many different article titles as you wish, and you can add hundreds of different bio boxes too if you wish, then you do get some uniqueness this way.

      The % uniqueness between articles is not entirely clear - and probably not too high, but nevertheless, I still believe that providing quality work for UAW is indeed important.

      After all, take a quality daily newspaper. Its copied how many hundreds of thousands of times simply because its real quality content. And how many people read it every single day? You take my point I'm sure - just because an article is not totally unique every time does not mean it lacks quality.

      However, for now, we must abide by the rules of the search engines in the main, so we must as IM's and SEO's ensure our own quality is relatively unique at least, if we are to attain the best results within our own backlinking campaign.

      2. I've used Angela's Packets and I also used Steve Aylor's system, which was similar, but not used PJ's or Terry Kyle's so can't comment about them - I presume they are along the same lines as Angela...

      I think MA, that if you were to spend time making the quality of your content really good when submitting to these high PR sites, you would have a very strong set up by using all 3 you mention.

      I do though feel that if you wanna go for tougher keywords - large search volume, high AdSense cpc... you would be well served by using these packages and mixing them up with other forms of backlinks too - articles etc. This way you are definitely avoiding any footprint and things look incredibly natural, and thus your own web pages will be all the stronger for this.

      Sounds sad about the rate of pay you get now for a service which previously attracted a high income. As Allan says, perhaps you need to use add-ons to enhance your portfolio, thereby improving your income.

      You obviously have a core skill that is very much in demand. Now if I were you I'd be doing what Allan does, or something similar perhaps - I'd be thinking, "ok Jo, where's the market at and how can I use my current skills to get into that market? What new skills do I need to learn to tackle this hot market, and can I fairly easily learn them?"

      Just the way I see it. Or, how about looking for a JV? Toy with various ideas, do a bit of research, keep your eyes and ears open and I'm sure you will be able to enhance your income levels very nicely in times to come.

      Best wishes!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Sheena, my pleasure - as it always is!


      SEO'ed, you made a very important point there - mix up the hyper-link text. And this is for everyone who is relatively new to the IM or SEO market:

      You MUST mix it up. I can't give you particular stats, but if you are hitting your home-page (let's say) with all the same hyper-text in the backlink, then you're gonna have Google sniffing out your game in short shrift!

      No mixing? No real gain. In the short term this technique will work, but longer term and it becomes too obvious. Keep on thinking about how to keep things as natural as possible. After all, the idea about the search engines is to rank highly those sites it/they deem most popular for searchers, and a lot of emphasis is thus given to the amount of and type of backlinks.

      If we as SEO's and IM are manipulating this "popularity" for our own ends, then we have to be very smart in doing so, cos as we all know, Google in particular is very smart too, and growing smarter all the time.

      Take a longer term point of view with your work and go for high quality, go for very natural-looking backlinks (mix up where they come from and what text you are using, to a number of inner pages as well as your home-page) and you are nicely on your way to success with Google.

      Thanks for pointing that out SEO'ed!

      Kind regards
      • Profile picture of the author indie08
        Profile picture of indie08
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi Sheena, my pleasure - as it always is!


        SEO'ed, you made a very important point there - mix up the hyper-link text. And this is for everyone who is relatively new to the IM or SEO market:

        You MUST mix it up. I can't give you particular stats, but if you are hitting your home-page (let's say) with all the same hyper-text in the backlink, then you're gonna have Google sniffing out your game in short shrift!

        No mixing? No real gain. In the short term this technique will work, but longer term and it becomes too obvious. Keep on thinking about how to keep things as natural as possible. After all, the idea about the search engines is to rank highly those sites it/they deem most popular for searchers, and a lot of emphasis is thus given to the amount of and type of backlinks.

        If we as SEO's and IM are manipulating this "popularity" for our own ends, then we have to be very smart in doing so, cos as we all know, Google in particular is very smart too, and growing smarter all the time.

        Take a longer term point of view with your work and go for high quality, go for very natural-looking backlinks (mix up where they come from and what text you are using, to a number of inner pages as well as your home-page) and you are nicely on your way to success with Google.

        Thanks for pointing that out SEO'ed!

        Kind regards

        Great reading here. I thought that in Terry Kyle's
        experiment he was not changing the anchor text.
        I could be mistaken. I personally usually use a 60% 30% 10%
        mix. (Jonathan Leger's method)...
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Does it kinda grind in you just how many respected internet marketers are purely in this for the money?! Let me clarify...

          Recently I've exposed myself to more internet marketing and SEO "junk" than I have done for a long while (when you are in newbie to semi-newbie mode you have to be open to all forms of info so you can learn the trade, so its a very, very tough call to make when it comes to sifting out the best from the rest).

          I don't HAVE to have that same exposure any more simply due to the facts that I know many of the best internet marketers and SEO'ers there are around - the established ones anyhow (I always have to be open enough to new "stuff" merely because there are some who are not yet established online and what some of these non-established folks are offering is so hot with regards to quality info that I don't want to miss out on it at any cost!). And also, because I know the sort of style I work well with and all the other formats that are offered to me tend to go in the trash can.

          However, with this new-found exposure, I cannot believe the amount of HARD SELL that's going on, and I am dismayed and somewhat shocked by the levels this sort of approach has now reached.

          What is so wrong with good old-fashioned straight talk and great advice? Why all this hard sell ALL THE TIME? Have a guess if you are not sure.

          How about MONEY? Is it all about money now, at the cost of you and I who are finding our way in the internet marketing world and finding it really tough going too. Thus these people prey on our need for knowledge, while at the same time they are lining their own pockets. And yes, it is at our expense.

          Some well known IM'ers I have been noticing, shoot off offer after offer after offer. Are you trying to tell me that they have used these techniques themselves? Are you trying to tell me that they have used the new piece of SEO software that they are now hyping up for a quick sale? I very, very seriously doubt it. In fact, I very seriously doubt that they have even read the sales pages or the facts about much of the junk they are pushing onto us.

          I could be very rude right now, but no. Instead, I will say to you that this approach is very sad - its cruel. They apparently care not about you or I. Its all about THEM. Fact of the world we live in, but when it hits you in the face like this has me, well, you know now how I feel, don't you...

          Feeback on this please, would be much appreciated!

          Thanks for listening up!

          • Profile picture of the author k0brik
            Profile picture of k0brik
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            most of the time it's about "out of the box" thinking...

            And looks like you are being SPAMed.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi K0brik, so you are obviously familiar with all the hype then.

              Its funny how many of these so-called gurus jump on the same band-wagon time and again. Same product-type or niche - one month, then onto a different product-type or niche the next. There is no let up!

              Its like a competition to see who can make the most money from "the hungry IM crowd" who are going to be lapping it up. Well, I don't know about you but I think its become a pretty sad state of affairs, I really do!

              Anyhow, on a brighter note, the Scroogle Scraper is up and running again!


              Best to everyone!

              • Profile picture of the author k0brik
                Profile picture of k0brik
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                so you are obviously familiar with all the hype
                I'm familiar with all the garbage that can exist in the IM. Didn't payed to much attention to the promoters until now.

                And obviously this so-called gurus are exploiting the IM niche leaving no room for good old-fashioned straight talk and great advice.

                To make money you need to make sales, so when i finish my first ebook about "How i made my first million by writing and selling ebooks" i'll let you know ... maybe you (with a great exposure) can help me to make some sales...
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Ya K0brik - the so-called gurus indeed! I don't like to guru bash really, and its probably very much the minority of the so-calleds.

                I suspect the true GURU is the guy and/or gal who is working real hard to make their own successful pathway to wealth online. And simply due to the sheer quality of info and help they offer up to others on the way to their own mass of ebook sales (or whatever), its those who are the true guru, if there ever should be such a name bestowed on a successful internet marketer.

                As a sidenote, did you ever see "The Love Guru" with Mike Myers? Its so, so funny and so tongue in cheek! He is an amazing guy! A true guru!

                Come back to me when you are considering your first internet-related ebook. I'm sure we will have much to discuss!

                Best to you K0brik!
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Things have gone all quiet on the Western Front, so I'll kick off today with a little something I would like your own thoughts about, please.

                  A gentleman (has to remain nameless for obvious reasons) who follows along with this thread and with my SEO tips blog (and who is obviously going to be very successful with his own online work), was in discussion with Court Tuttle just yesterday, regards a technique that I think is well worth discussing further - one that I have not covered as yet. So thanks for feeding this back to me - it really is food for thought!

                  Authority blog guest posting!

                  This is not something I myself have tackled but it IS something that I have thought about long and hard for quite some time and have steered clear of for what I feel are obvious reasons. That is, up till now. The canvas is a-changing!

                  Why post to a so-called authority blog?

                  Well, there are a few reasons really, which tend to be fairly obvious.

                  Firstly, for SEO - a high quality backlink to your own site. It may be that you are posting on a high PR page and thus it may be that you get kudos for that. However, do not pin your hopes on that too much. Chances are you will land up on a PR n/a page simply because your own post is sitting on a brand new web page. However, the PR of the domain may well kick in here and give you a bit of its own juice, so we are still attracting some PR "heat", or so it is believed by many SEO'ers.

                  There is more at play here than this alone. Think about the domain age - the domain where you are receiving your backlink, think too about Alexa ranking (more on that to come re traffic), and think about how many backlinks the site has as a whole.

                  Yes, yes, we could get all techie and geekie and work out how many links are going into the page and how many coming off the page and and all this that and everything else. Let's not worry about this - its not within our control, so let it be.

                  Think too about the fact that Google, Yahoo and probably Bing are providing kudos to this particular blog. They know its an "authority" site and very popular, and thus they will give it "weighting" due to this. Weighting could be things like page PR's, and rankings for many different keyword phrase terms.

                  There are other things at play too with regards SEO and a quality backlink.

                  Traffic - this one could be massive! Obviously with this being an authority blog we are trying to obtain a link from, that blog is going to get some serious traffic (most probably). That traffic is going to be interested in your guest post, simply because what you have to say is going to be what they want to know about - the niche is similar, or the same.

                  If you provide some "hot" content, then surely you are going to attract quite a number of hits to your own site, simply through this one guest post. The more traffic you are receiving to your site, the more authority its going to get, providing your site is filled with quality content - enough to keep folks coming back for more.

                  Fine then, with these two key points briefly discussed, let's consider the "how to...?".

                  How are you going to manage to guest post on an authority blog in your own niche?

                  I'm sure there are a number of ways, a number of which I may not even have thought of. However, let's touch on the generality of the concept.

                  Why would a highly respected blog owner accept a post to his or her blog when you are a "nobody" in the internet world?

                  Let's presume we are internet marketers, which most of us are. We want to go find a hot blog to guest post on for the backlink juice and for the traffic potential.

                  We search out there for some hot blogs and we find Yaro Starak's blog at or near the top of the tree. Respect or what? Mr Starak is one of the top bloggers when it comes to respect. He says it how it is and he gets huge respect for his opinions, for his knowledge and for the fact that he goes out of his way to help others to attain success too.

                  If you don't know about Yaro, then just do a simple web search. His name is plastered all over the place!

                  Okay, back to the point.

                  How in heck's name are we going to get our post accepted onto Yaro's authority blog? Why would he accept it in the first place when he probably has 50 or more people a day to consider for guest posting to his blog?

                  If you are not yet a household name, or at least relatively well known and respected in the niche of internet marketing, then what chances have you to guest post on a hot blog like Yaro's?

                  In actual fact, I'm gonna leave it at that and see if some of you would like to come back and leave some comments as to how. Make no mistake, if you can crack this one, you can change your life in a short period of time. Yes, it could really ramp up your own status in the internet marketing world, simply due to a single post on a very authoritative blog.

                  Please, the stage is yours to comment...
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yoshi, that's great!

      UAW is a very powerful tool indeed (there are other similar tools on the market, but UAW is the best known). Takes a bit of getting used to, to get the best from it, but does not take long before you really get the hang of it. Just use it carefully, I do suggest to you Yoshi.

      My Article Express - I never used that service as I either did my own writing or outsourced elsewhere. However, I expect that its a good service for the simple reason that the writers are totally clued up as to what is required with regards the UAW format.

      Enjoy using this very powerful tool and seeing the fruits of your efforts grow very nicely over time!

      Take care Yoshi!
    • Profile picture of the author psychiolam
      Profile picture of psychiolam
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      hey Joseph,

      thanks a lot for your valuable comment and advise
      i will keep follow your thread til the end...
      btw, i still don't understand what other's way can i adjust to increase my backlink favor to google...
      can you be more specific of your "aromatherapy" method??
      once again, thanks
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Psychiolam, you are very welcome!

        Yes the aromatherapy session...

        Quote from previous post=

        "Google tends to enjoy the much slower type of massage which is more like an aromatherapy session - deeply relaxing, whereby you may indeed fall asleep. Yahoo on the other hand would very happily soak up a very deep-tissue massage and feel all the better for it too!"

        Google is very sensitive to backlinks and how much at any one time a site may be getting. So if say you have a new website and you want to rank it highly, then you go off in pursuit of getting lots of backlinks. Which is fine.

        But, if you get too many backlinks too soon then its very possible Google will sniff out something a bit odd. They will be checking out your site for any further strange linking patterns and if you are caught out (us SEO'ers and IM'ers are often caught out due to the fact that we WANT hight rankings and we want them QUICKLY), they will probably penalize you.

        How penalize?

        Well that's where this thing called the "sandbox" comes into play. This is better explained by someone else than by me so I will provide a link for anyone who is not sure about what it means...

        Sandbox effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Thus, it makes sense to treat Google with respect and be more gentle in your backlinking methods, than you need to be with the likes of Yahoo, who seem happy to accept a more harsh approach.

        There are times when this need not be the case but as a general rule, slow, methodical, quality backlinking wins out almost every time!

        Hope this makes things a bit clearer Psychiolam.

        Any further concerns then please do get back to me.

        Thank you!
        • Profile picture of the author Rita
          Profile picture of Rita
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          I am reading the posts regularly. Here are my feedback/questions/help required

          1. I am trying to promote "panic away"a popular CB product
          2. I have a decent long presell page ( 650 words) and I think I did theming properly. I did all necessary on page SEO.
          3. I wanted to rank for 5 long tail keyword in top 10 position of goggle, yahoo.BING. All the keywords are within the content.
          4. I created 10 free blogs from hosting sites like wordpress, blogspot, weebly etc in december'09. I also marketed RSS feed using Icansoft RSS submission tool.
          5. I used onewaylinks from John heavily to rank this page
          6. Used social nook with onlywire

          1. My page is not in top 1000 for any of the chosen 5 long tail keywords.
          2. I checked my site using seoelite . Seoelite detected only one link from

          Action I am going to take

          1. Publish 10 unique articles to top 10 directories. Will target all the 5 keywords in those articles.
          2. Publish the RSS feed using RSSsubmission
          3. Use 1waylinks to add around 20 links to all pages from free blog hosting and article directories.
          4. Do social book mark of all these pages.

          Any suggestion?
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi, Arkobabi, firstly, please, you are seeking help from me and I do think that this at least deserves a "please" and a "thank you". Its common courtesy - this is all I ask, thanks.

            Because I do not use a number of these services you have used ... I cannot comment upon how effective they really are in a backlinking campaign. Its seems to be that you have gone about your previous campaigns with the 5 long tails very much in the wrong way, but I cannnot comment further as I am not sure what you actually have done other than what you mention here.

            I'm afraid you cannot rely on SEO Elite to detect all backlinks. There is no tool - either paid or free that can. So take this stat with a very large grain of salt.

            Again, with regards what you are going to do, I cannot comment how effective this will be. This is because there may be an aspect of your campaign or some aspects that are not ideal for ranking even long tails. As mentioned before, take the Google sandbox for an example of that.

            I would say, take it nice and slow, keep the linking as natural looking as possible, don't be tempted to push ahead at a rate of knots because you are frustrated with this (I know I would be very frustrated, so I also know how you must feel).

            Keep the linking strategy nicely mixed up (it would appear you are doing this anyhow). Given a bit more time, if you follow this procedure, I really cannot see why you would not be ranking rather better for long tails, even if the product you are targeting is extremely popular.

            Sorry I can not be of more help here - its a tough call when you can't actually gauge what exactly is being done.

            Thanks for coming by and providing some interesting information so we can all share and learn.

            Best wishes with this!

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Ladies and gentlemen, I know we are only 2 weeks into this Challenge, so its perhaps a bit early to be feeding back on your own results by using the techniques outlined here. However, I would be simply delighted to "listen" to YOU and here how you are getting along with things!

              I know this thread is about following my progress and then emulating what I do - perhaps with a few of your own tweaks if you feel comfortable doing that. However, I wish to encourage you to provide some feedback so I can share in your experiences - either your triumphs or indeed your woes.

              This does not mean of course that you need to share things like your chosen niche or your chosen keywords - that is entirely up to you - if you are comfortable being as candid as that, then it is indeed fine with me.

              Just a bit of feedback as to what you are doing, where you are at in your early campaign/s, and any results to be seen from this would be great to hear about!

              I really would love to listen to you and how you are progressing!

              Kind regards to all of you!

              • Profile picture of the author Rita
                Profile picture of Rita
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Thanks Joseph. I must admit that I learned few valuable tips from your thread.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Arkobabi, I appreciate you getting back to me!

                  Thanks for the feedback - I hope what I have divulged really helps you to push your own campaigns forward for great success!

                  Take care and all the best!

                  • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
                    Profile picture of ddhamilt
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hey Jo -

                    I'm GLUED to this thread everyday. I just can't wait for the updates. Though I'm not taking part in the challenge, I can't wait to see how it turns out for you and others that are participating.

                    I do have questions if you don't mind!

                    On using UAW to juice up your many anchor articles are you juicing with UAW at a given time, and what schedule do you set it at? As much as you can?

                    Same for Blog Blueprint, which of course you points to your money site - are you evenly distributing across all your posts, and at what schedule to make it natural?

                    I am just about to purchase a month's subscription to both of these and test it out! I do have a fear of that mythical (or real) creature called the sandbox - which I know even if it happens is only temporary.

                    David H.
                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi DD
                      Great! Really nice to hear that you are "addicted" to the thread! Me too!

                      Re your questions:

                      1. UAW - I do tend to go a bit over-board with my UAW's but its not at all damaging to my own primary site, so why not? However, ideally we should be looking at mixing up those backlinks a bit - I think this part is about tweaking and seeing the results as its tough to gauge with so many variables at play.

                      Simply because UAW is so easy, and because it does offer a bit of a mix regards to types of backlinks, I suggest you do go for using that for perhaps 50% of the links to the anchors and the web 2.0s and whatever else you use for backlinking "anchors".

                      Then you can use things like BB, like LinkVana, like SEOLinkvine, like other article directories perhaps, or like blog commenting if you enjoy that - whatever you wish to make up a very nice mix in backlinks.

                      2. UAW schedule - I whack them up to about 800 all in one go! OUCH! If you tried that with a normal new website it would be "sandboxed" as soon as you blink! But with articles in directories and with web 2.0s this is most certainly not the case.

                      You can see that with the Challenge here - the web 2.0s that I am using for the keywords "Twilight poster" - I got at the moment 2 in the top 10 according to my Scroogle Scraper - Squid at 6th and Blogspot at 10th.

                      If I continue to backlink to them - over the coming weeks or so, its to be seen how they will rank over-all. Albeit, keep in mind I have not exaclty been targeting these to rank for "Twilight poster". Its a real mix of backlink hyper-text in there for them (did not want them to outrank my primary site (hehe).

                      Oh and as a sidenote here - who says you need an exact domain name match to rank fast in Google? The Blogspot is http://successoftwilight .blogspot .com/ - at 10th in my Scroogle. It is 12 days old and has been there for the past couple days or longer.

                      3. BB - I use BB for everything - money site, web 2.0 and occasional to article anchors when I got the time and energy. I am hitting home page with about 50% and the other pages with 50%. I tend to do a couple days with 20 links then maybe do half (10 on the third day). No real trend here however. Depends on time and mood.

                      Yup, they both work - UAW and BB - for sure! Yup sandbox is a scary one but as you say, you can pull your web page out of there with constant quality backlinking, or just by waiting - waiting could be for quite some time however, there is no way to tell, thus to speed it up would be with continual backlinks.

                      I don't get hooked on this much now, although when I only had a couple of sites it was a big panic!

                      Best wishes with your campaigns DD!

                      Regards Jo
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Rhodie, my pleasure for sure!

                        Hmmm sounds like your site does have the symptoms of a so-called sandboxing. Yahoo ranking in 1st but Goog ranking on 19th page. Its a new site Rhodie? And has your backlinking been slow and sure with quality links?

                        Its really of little consequence in the longer term. Keep on keeping on with the quality backlinks, with building out the site (if this is your intention) and all will come good one day in the not-too-distant future. I would bet my new television on that!

                        Good ol' Twilight Posterz is still hanging on in there - still evading any sandboxing effect as yet. Hope it lasts - but again, if it does get a bit of a bashing from Goog, I'm keeping on with what I'm doing now regardless. Its simply about waiting and being patient - it WILL come good there is no doubt!

                        Best wishes Rhodie!

                  • Profile picture of the author rhodie
                    Profile picture of rhodie
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                    Thanks once again for all the valuable information. I have a question.

                    One of my sites I have been doing a bit of work on is ranking badly on Google. Page 19 for a google predicted phrase. On Yahoo it ranks No.1

                    I know this is difficult to give an opinion on, but do you think it has been sandboxed on Google?

                    PS. Twilight Posters has your site sitting at position 17 on Google here in Australia.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Indie08, thanks for coming by and commenting!

    Hmmm, I guess if Terry was experimenting then maybe he wanted to experiment with this exact aspect to his own backlinking campaigns, which is good, really - the more you experiment the more you know that is factual.

    Jon Ledger is a whizz when it comes to crunching stats etc. so I could not provide a better set of stats than those you have just given us Indie!

    Just to add however, for anyone who is going to start counting up to ensure this 60/30/10 rule, don't! You will be wasting time, doing too much analysis which is futile and its not necessary.

    The idea behind providing such stats as these with regards to backlinks - 60% to home page, 30% to your top secondary key phrase/web page and the other 10% to the rest of the inner pages of the site, is to make it clear that this is what works well over-all. It does not mean you have to be exact with it every time.

    If you wanna go somewhere around the 48/38/14 set-up, then that's entirely up to you. Just keep in mind that (within reason) if you got a good heap of links going back with your primary keyword to your home page, then you will indeed rank for it all the sooner. DO NOT GET HOOKED ON THIS THOUGH! If you get hooked on it, its gonna be thoroughly detrimental to your needs and desires!

    Hoping that's clear for anyone who is a bit confused?

    If not, as always, get back on here, shoot off a post, and either I or someone else will be here to help out in quick time!

    Best to all!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Toby T, thanks a lot for subscribing!

    Yes, posting fresh, quality content to article databases is a great way to go! I do not personally go down the road of posting to say - 100 article directories and then linking back to my site, not now anyhow. I used to but I did not like the effect it was having. Its very yoyo and totally unpredictable.

    Sure thing, I will endeavor the post up ctr when the site settles in the top positions - I see it hanging around 10th - 13th in Scroogle at the moment, which is fine - very good from the point of view that thus far it has indeed managed to avoid the so-called SANDBOX! The gentle massage approach of backlinking, with the bombarding of the "anchors" - apparently seems to be working rather nicely.

    Kind regards Toby and enjoy the roller coaster ride!

  • Profile picture of the author tedzmaniac
    Profile picture of tedzmaniac
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    exelllent work here
  • Profile picture of the author milleraaron
    Profile picture of milleraaron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Tedzmaniac, thanks for coming by and giving me your thoughts regards the thread - much appreciated indeed!



      Hi Milleraaron, thanks to you for coming around here! Ebook coming up! Retained a high-end SEO writer who I've used before and she was the perfect candidate for this particular job! However, the cost of the eBook will be within reach of everyone's budget, and that is a promise!

      Further details will be released about this in the coming days on my SEO Tips blog (link in sig below).

      Regards to you...
      • Profile picture of the author ginandtonic
        Profile picture of ginandtonic
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph. I sort of wonder if you're tired of hearing this yet, but this is a great thread.

        I just bought a keyword domain with 4,400 searches per month just to try some of this out. There are a lot of article directory listings in the top ten. Are there any adjustments you would make since this is a lot easier to rank for than your posterz site?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey G&T (love the username!) nope, I never get tired of hearing how much you are enjoying the thread and how helpful it is proving to be! If it were not for this sort of feedback I would not be posting nearly as much, to be honest with you G&T. So, please keep it coming cos then I know I am doing things right and providing you what you want and not simply drivel!

          Hmmm interesting question. Yes, I would make adjustments. Just do a 20th of the work!

          How's that?

          In general, use the same principles - set up your anchors - articles and web 2.0's and whatever. Then you just need to mix in a bit of backlinks to them and to your main site which you are targeting (your money site).

          Gently, at a nice pace to suit your situation, and to suit your budget too of course. In time you will see it rise very healthily.

          Mind you, if you have an exact match domain name and you are gonna be chasing after articles in the top 10 of Goog's search, then I would kinda expect you may well be ranking within or close to top 10 straight off the bat, just after you get indexed (let me guess here - and do come back to me on this please - I would say some place around 8th to 15th!).

          Providing of course you have some really good content on your home-page (or page where your primary keyword is targeted). And you've carried out on-page SEO.

          You will however, if you do not pursue a quality backlinking campaign, given a couple of weeks or so, see your new site slowly drift away, never to be seen again. This is typical, so to keep it up there, and indeed to improve it over time, get your backlinking campaign up nice and early and enjoy the thrills!

          Any other questions, then do please let me know G&T, thanks!

          Take care and best wishes!
  • Profile picture of the author eremite311
    Profile picture of eremite311
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wondering, if you can post analytics info as this progresses? Would be nice to watch SERP in relationship to traffic info. Also I am using Google traffic estimator (which is more accurate than external tool, according to the adword representative I spoke to), and it tells me there are hardly any search volume for those keywords. Nowhere near 50k monthly.

    Good luck on this contest and hope to see your site up top!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Eremite, thanks for your suggestions. I will indeed be posting analytic stats - more towards the period of time when the site is static within, say, top 7 or so.

      Yeah, ok, good tip re Google Traffic Estimator - I'll be sure to check that one out.

      By "those keywords" you are referring to?

      As I have talked about previously, depending upon what stats you are analyzing, much of the stats can made up from the huge surge at Christmas time with regards to products such as Twilight merchandise. I would expect traffic to at least treble within November and December and sales to more than quadruple.

      I have my reasons to believe that Goog stats with regards to search volume tend to be somewhat embellished no matter what keyword phrase you are targeting. Thus perhaps its wise to take this figure with a large-ish piece of salt when assessing for your own keyword choices.

      For the purposes of this particular project, it was wise however to provide figures that everyone could understand and indeed check for themselves to provide for further authentication of what I was trying to accomplish.

      The only way to tell for sure about traffic stats is to have a steady high ranking, and the Twilight Posterz site has not yet accomplished this, so the facts do not yet show re traffic for the keyword.

      I have also added in Statcounter to this site. I think it to be perhaps a bit more precise when it comes to feeding back stats than is GA. We'll see how this project pans out. And yes, I will be feeding back in due course re stats for traffic c/o Statcounter (you can see stats at the bottom of each web page of the site) and also Google Analytics. Further, I shall also be providing details re purchases made via the site too.

      As mentioned previously - its not the best time of year for this sort of purchase with exception to the fact that the new movie is out at the end of next month.

      That's all to come.

      Thanks for coming by Eremite!

  • Profile picture of the author louisejessica5
    Profile picture of louisejessica5
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have read your post you have a good about incresing page rank in google

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello LouiseJessica, thank you for your feedback! I hope you can gain a lot from the techniques outlined on this thread. If there is anything you don't fully understand then do please get back to me and I will try to make things clearer.

      Thanks again!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I was going to talk a little about another tool that I have been using for perhaps a couple weeks now - from the beginning of the WF Challenge. I have used this tool before a while back and although did not necessarily see too much in the way of results, I suspect that was more because of how I was using it rather than it not being effective when used properly.

        It has to be said, again, if we do not know how to use tools correctly then until we learn how to use them well, we are not going to be gaining full benefits, if any benefits at all. Thus, if you are investing $67 a month on some super SEO related-tool but you have yet to grasp how to employ it to best use, I have to imagine you are not getting nearly enough value out of this tool and you are probably wasting your money!

        I've done this precise thing many times, so I know all about it! Its hard-earned money down the tube, day after day, week after week! Don't do it! Stick to the freebies for now, while you build up your own general knowledge about this whole backlinking scenario. Get a real hang of it, and then it MAY be the time to consider grabbing hold of expensive tools.

        This particular tool I'm using - its expensive! Its a monthly fee too, so not just a one-off job. The only reason I am using it is that I have full confidence that it will work for me.

        What gives me this confidence?

        Its because I know how backlinks work, as you do too, and I know what ones are going to be effective and what ones are not going to be particularly effective.

        This particular tool works in a similar fashion to Blog Blueprint, which we have spoken about many times in previous posts on this thread. However, you are not stuck with 20 posts per day, you can do 30, 40, 100, 200....

        There is a limit though - let me explain.

        As we know, if we are to hit a relatively new website with a ton of backlinks in a short time, chances are pretty good that we will be enhancing our chances of Google's so-called sandbox. But if we were to just settle for 2- 5 quality backlinks per day then its higly reasonable to suggest that we will avoid the sandbox or supplementals, call it what you will.

        Yup, Yahoo will probably lap up a mass backlinking campaign to your web pages, and you will possibly gain very high rankings in Yahoo, for a while anyhow. Yahoo attains approximately 17% of over-all search traffic per month on the internet. Google? Some 67% or there-abouts. Tell me now which of those two search engines you would prefer to rank high in if given a choice of one or the other?

        This particular product will allow you to set your linking campaign up to 5 backlinks per day to any one of your websites (web pages - of your specified choice). If you have rather a lot of websites to target your campaign over, then this is where this product comes into its own.

        Let's imagine you have 30 sites (or 30 places where you wish to target a regular backlinking campaign). With Blog Blueprint you can only get one link per day to 20 of those. Very limited indeed. Blog Blueprint is really good if you have say 1 - 6 websites. Otherwise it simply becomes limited in its use.

        With this other product you can very happily take care of every one of your websites every single day for as long as you would want it.

        Hmmm... this sounds interesting, right?

        As mentioned, the tool works very similarly to Blog Blueprint, thus the 100 word snippets with a link included are sent out to a load of different blogs, websites and goodness knows what else besides (all quality!). These blogs and sites are very often mature domains, and not some brand new "soft" domain with no authority. They often have a lot of backlinks to them too, thus its not purely outgoing links we are talking about here. And more - a number of these blogs and websites are ranked at PR2 - PR5.

        And even more, as per the BB set up, this product also uses a very large variety of different class C IP addresses, thus there is no footprint to be found and the backlinks we get are going to be all from fresh IP's.

        This software product was put together by one of the world's highest regarded SEO'ers and his team.

        And the product name?

        Check the link in my sig just below here - its discussed in a recent post there. The product begins with "L".

        I must stress again, this tool is ONLY necessary if you are undertaking a fierce backlinking campaign. If you have the resources for such a tool, then great! If not, then do please use free tools, or far more affordable tools in the meantime. Allow your own internet income to build up, and then, and only then, should you consider re-investing this in some powerful tools that can help you to ramp up your online campaigns!

  • Profile picture of the author kachaloo
    Profile picture of kachaloo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How are you linking to ebay ? is it a direct link or do you cloak it ?

  • Profile picture of the author Medway1
    Profile picture of Medway1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well I'm up to post 12 and this thread is the reason I like the Warrior Forum so much. I know I have a lot to learn and having someone take you through it like this is exceptional.

    Thank you Joseph, I shall be subscribing to this thread, i'd bookmark it but my bookmarks are no longer working with Firefox, Iv'e lost the lot.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Kachaloo, the links to eBay from the Twilight Posterz site are direct with no cloaking.

      TWILIGHT POSTER "EDWARD AND BELLA" - eBay (item 200466170365 end time May-28-10 01:46:53 PDT)
      (Ooops, I best mention that link is purely for example and not for making sales, thank you moderators!)

      That's the link from the home page on the site (which is a static page and not a post).

      Maybe that's gonna be open for abuse but then there's apparently only so much you can do to hide your aff details.

      I think Clickbank is by far the worst for this, which really put me off using them as an affiliate. It would in no way suprise me if around half the sales made on Clickbank are via a manipulated aff link. Do Clickbank have a new set up for links now? Not sure, I only just started to re-use them very recently.

      Thanks for coming by!

      Best to you!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Medway, many thanks for coming by and providing some really good feedback!

        Yes, I know from my own experience that to have someone take me through each step early on in my own online pursuits, slowly and surely, explaining every single detail, would have saved me a ton of mistakes, a ton of time and also a ton of money!!!

        I sometimes read on various forums something like "I'm giving back to the internet marketing community because folks on here helped me so much previously". Hmmm, wish I was so fortunate!

        This whole process of being successful online - even making a regular - albeit small monthly profit, is very, very difficult. It makes me think about how it might feel for a blind person who is trying to fit together a thousand piece jigsaw. Unless there is a lot of really high quality guidance from someone else, then its a reasonable analysis to make that failure is not far off. And unless you are such a stubborn, hard working, persevering sort of person, who can deal with knock after knock, its probably not going to work out.

        That's where I fit into this equation. I want to try to pave the way to make things much, much easier for - hopefully a lot of people who are seeking this sort of input for themselves to gain at least some success with their own online work.

        I wish you that success Medway!


        PS. sorry to hear about you losing all your Firefox bookmarks. Frustrating indeed!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I thought I should make a mention of one very important factor when it comes to search volume for certain niches, and when it comes down to making good, hard cash too.

          As I have said quite often throughout this Challenge and on this thread, Twilight posters are not going to be in particularly high demand all the time. Yes, it was coincidence that I set up this site, only to find out that by the end of next month the new Twilight movie is to be released.

          No doubt this will have a positive effect on Twilight merchandise sales. So yes, its well worth keeping an ear or eye on what's going down in the media (or whatever it may be where your own chosen niche is concerned).

          The main time for some serious sales of Twilight posters is going to be November and December, without any doubt!

          And this is the same with many products.

          However, I'm just checking through my eBay stats and having a look-see what's going on there.

          Its now late spring, so what do you think would be selling very well indeed right now?

          Here are some thoughts of my own...

          Garden furniture
          Gardening products in general
          Hunting gear
          Hiking gear
          Rambling gear
          Fashion wear for summer
          Things you would take on holiday
          Holiday packages
          Tractors (yes, tractors are doing very nicely on eBay right now!)
          Sports cars
          Archery products
          Books (for taking on holiday)

          Anyways, you get the idea, I'm sure!

          Trend watching can be well worth doing, even though some items sell well throughout the year ("evergreen"). But there does tend to be huge fluctuations in sales of many different products. Thus, if you want to see some early successes from your SEO and IM campaigns, do pay close attention to current and future trends and hook in with them as soon as you can do.

          Ranking a good long-tail keyword phrase, and hence web page is not difficult and can be done quickly too. Its within your grasp to take rapid advantage of seasonal trends and to reap some nice rewards for doing so too!

          To your success!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            A shorter post than normal today (I doubt that!) - just to keep you updated as to progress and my daily routines (slog).

            I added a couple more pages to the site just to give it a bit more substance. Probably in all and upon site completion, I'm thinking it will have about 10 or 12 pages of content. At the moment its sitting at 7 pages - in fact, 6 posts and one static page, which is the home page.

            I changed the layout of the site and it does look better. Go take a look-see...


            Got rid of that rather out-of-place side-bar and all the posts are at the base of the site's pages. Not so good if you really want to encourage page views but for this purpose I am comfortable with it. I'm not going all-out for sales, as you know.

            Talking about sales. Well, the site is sitting some place between about 12 and 18 in Google - in most Google searches anyhow. I have it at 13 or 14. Just plonked there and not moving at all. Kinda boring and frustrating too, I know, but what to do? We have to be patient. This is day 16 of the Challenge so that leaves some 24 days to go. In some ways it would be a pity to accomplish the main goal too early as there would be very little left to discuss.

            Ok, so with the site standing at lets say 14th on average within Google rankings, no matter even if the "Twilight poster" keyword were to be getting 100k searches per month, my posterz site would get little to no traffic. Its all about top 10 and nothing else matter, at least when it comes to SEO.

            Thus, with that said, and with a teeny dribble of actual searchers finding the site right now, what are the stats from eBay?

            Don't laugh now, will you?

            Over the past 7 day period, the site has had 24 click thrus to eBay. The EPC (earnings per click - this is like a "quality" score that eBay works out to provide an earnings figure) is

            0.06 (pretty poor really - folks are only browsing at the moment). And the total earnings are £1.09 sterling, which equates to around US $1.60 for 7 days.

            Well, I best keep up the day job!

            Does this disappoint me?

            Yes and no. Its frustrating to see the site sitting in the same place, day after day and not budging, but then let's not forget that this keyword is going to be a lot tougher to rank well for than is say, a long tail that attracts 5k searches a month (unless this long tail has a very high AdSense figure or something like that).

            Furthermore, the seasonality of the product would leave me in little doubt that the real sales are yet to begin. Folks are browsing and getting themselves ready for the plunge (or are they?).

            And lastly, facts are that eBay are not going to be paying us large commissions on a 10 buck product, so what else to expect? The name of the game here is sales volume and not relying on a sale here and there to provide us with our desired income.

            Okay, with the huge sales stats out the way, what else am I doing at the moment?

            I need to get some links to the new posts, so I've been using both BB and LV (LinkVana) to line up some post snippets to take care of this.

            Other than that its mostly about doing more of what I have been doing for the past 15 days. Yup, slogging it out! Its kinda tough to keep up the momentum but I've taken on this Challenge so its a case of pushing through the lows to get to the highs.

            Yesterday was a very busy day with a number of folks needing my attention for various jobs that I've got going down (and a big thanks to everyone too for your supreme efforts!) - it was hectic and fast paced! Today - quiet as can be - a fairly typical Sunday, really. So its on those days that you gotta try and buckle down to it.

            As difficult as it is, I always think how would I feel if I did not do it. If you don't buckle under and get on with the daily grind, don't you think you would feel all the worse for it? I could not possibly accept that feeling, so the better of the two options is to get my head down and plough on. There is work to be done and no time to lose!

            Oh, I talked yesterday about some items/niches that were selling VERY well right now. Handbags are very hot too at the moment. And, there are a number of handbags that Amazon's fairly new department store stocks -

            They are high-end bags and purses that often sell at like $500 a pop and more - Wow! Make a couple of sales of these a week and you are onto something. And besides, offer a 15% commission per sale, which is a lot better than the standard Amazon sale commission. I'll leave you to do the stats if you were to make a number of sales of high-end handbags a month!

            Speak again soon!
            Don't forget to pop by the SEO tips blog to see what's around the corner (link in the sig below).

            Regards to everyone!
          • Profile picture of the author TimG
            Profile picture of TimG
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Its now late spring, so what do you think would be selling very well indeed right now?

            Here are some thoughts of my own...

            Garden furniture
            Gardening products in general
            Hunting gear
            Hiking gear
            Rambling gear
            Fashion wear for summer
            Things you would take on holiday
            Holiday packages
            Tractors (yes, tractors are doing very nicely on eBay right now!)
            Sports cars
            Archery products
            Books (for taking on holiday)

            I've spent probably more time then I should have today reading your postings and wanted to say what an effort you have made to provide some quality material in this thread.

            Lots of good stuff to chew on but I wanted to focus on the quoted material above because it nails what many folks miss - Spot the trends before the begin their upward climb and you'll reap more profits then merely creating sites on a whim.

            Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

            Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Tim, many thanks for coming by - you've been on this forum for a long while so I've no doubt you have a lot to offer to all of us who are joining in with the thread here, myself included!

              Yes, I fully agree with you - watching for trends, be that seasonal, or be that via a fan base of something like Twilight Saga, or perhaps a hot news topic that hopefully will not come and go overnight, is a great way to go with regards to getting a website up and hooking into what potentially could be a very profitable venture indeed!

              After all, if you are not providing for the people, then the people will not provide for you.

              Dish up what is in demand and you'll reap the rewards to be had, with a bit of great SEO work too, of course

              Mind you Tim, I have to admit that I tend to just go down the whim path sometimes (often) too. I very rarely check for trends and I just plump for things that come to mind (I think some of my posts kinda give that notion - I'm a fairly whimsical sort of guy). But, that's because I can sit back a bit and make cash from sites that I've had in place for a while now. Many of these sites, as mentioned, are product related. The sales vary season to season. Its simply a case of riding the waves really. One site does well during spring, another during autumn and so on.

              So the message would be here, its not really about fast cash rewards, but it is about pulling together a long term plan (albeit loose in my case) of how to gain the most from your own endeavors online.

              And my own plan for the coming months to year or so? Provide what people really want me to provide. LISTEN to what the message is and listen closely. This way we are all going to win and hopefully, win big!

              Kind regards to you Tim!
              I hope very much to see you back again here!
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi MillerCarl, thanks for coming by here - I appreciate your support!

                Lots more to come over the next 3 weeks of the Challenge. As you know by now I love to "chat" and I have so much to "chat" about too. I bet I got you on the edge of your seat just itching for the next post

                It will be great to see you back here Miller, I look forward to it!

                Kind regards!
              • Profile picture of the author TimG
                Profile picture of TimG
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                Mind you Tim, I have to admit that I tend to just go down the whim path sometimes (often) too. I very rarely check for trends and I just plump for things that come to mind (I think some of my posts kinda give that notion - I'm a fairly whimsical sort of guy). But, that's because I can sit back a bit and make cash from sites that I've had in place for a while now. Many of these sites, as mentioned, are product related. The sales vary season to season. Its simply a case of riding the waves really. One site does well during spring, another during autumn and so on.

                So the message would be here, its not really about fast cash rewards, but it is about pulling together a long term plan (albeit loose in my case) of how to gain the most from your own endeavors online.

                And my own plan for the coming months to year or so? Provide what people really want me to provide. LISTEN to what the message is and listen closely. This way we are all going to win and hopefully, win big!

                Kind regards to you Tim!
                I hope very much to see you back again here!
                Appreciate the response and I must confess, I've also gone done the whimsical path but in many cases it wasn't the most profitable which is why I am not more in tune to what is trending and what will be trending in the future (both far and near).

                I gotta hand it to you, you are a posting fanatic much like Steven Wagenheim and I appluade you for the information you are providing to members of this forum.


                PS - Sent you a PM
                Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

                Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hey Tim, I got your PM - thanks a lot for that - much appreciated!

                  Yup, take on board re what you said about keeping a focus rather than being on a whim. I guess its time ot consider getting me a manager - keep me on track and focused

                  Ah, the great Steven Waggenheim! Its wonderful to be compared to such a highly reputed internet "magnet" as is Mr Waggenheim, I thank you for that!

                  The day I stop giving up real good quality content for others to read, learn from and to follow is the day that my life will be far less worth while. I think that in itself is enough motivation to wish to continue. And I see from the amount of "thanks" you have received yourself, this is your own pursuit too. Not to mention I had a peek at your most recent article marketing product and WOW - the accolades!!

                  Thanks indeed Tim for stopping by here - I know you are hugely busy so its even more of a bonus to me to be able to attract your attention away from your own online pursuits!

                  Take care and hope to chat again soon!
  • Profile picture of the author bowdeni
    Profile picture of bowdeni
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph.

    Firstly thanks for the thread. I'm new to the forum and there's a lot to take in, but I've been reading your thread. I'm very advanced in SEO, in fact I do SEO consultancy work in London for corporations and SMEs too. My SEO knowledge is very good, and what interests me in your thread is your process flows.

    There are one or two things I'll point out that I disagree with, but otherwise good stuff. Only on about page three, but hoping over the next few days to squeeze some more time in to finish reading the thread.

    Professional SEO consultant London city, advising at corporate & SME level.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Bowdeni,

      nice to have you here and I would love to have you share your thoughts, if you would care to do so.

      This SEO stuff is very far from an exact science as anyone who has been doing it for any length of time knows. Let's face it, even the guys who have been at it for the past 10 years don't agree with everything that anyone else says. Will Dave Kelly agree with Hobo's philosophies wholeheartedly?

      I guess the thing is to share ideas and discuss and then work out what's best - best for your own techniques and what suits your own needs. Mould things to your character, if you like. I know if I did not do that myself then I would not be able to do this for long because it would probably simply turn into a JOB.

      I look forward to your input Bowdeni - I know you perhaps do not wish to share your own secrets, which of course is very understandable. I do of course respect that. You are where you are at, I'm seeing things from a different perspective.

      There are of course going to be variables within my own techniques that need re-assessing. It is why I am constantly inviting others to share their own findings and to raise up questions regularly. Perhaps this can allow me to further assess my findings and improve my own techniques (which I am constantly doing anyhow). All the better for me!

      Hope you enjoy the read! Look forward to hearing from you again!

      • Profile picture of the author banel
        Profile picture of banel
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joseph.
        I've been reading this thread from the begining and i'm refreshing it every hour to see what you post. As you see i'm new, thanks to your thread.

        I have some questions.
        1. When i'm doing backlink building for my homepage for a kw, how it's better to do ? Get backlinks with kw in anchor tags or get backlinks with derivations from the kw? (if so, how many of them should i use in order to look natural ?)
        2. Article directories... I used brad callen's free article submitter. I made an article and i submited it to 10-15 directories that require no login. How long it takes in average the article to appear in google? I found so far only 2 backlinks from 2 article directories.
        3. How can i get backlinks to my internal pages ? (something simple)

        P.S.: Sorry if i didn't wrote too well, my english is bad.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Banel, thanks for coming by and also for refreshing the thread every hour to see what I'm posting up. Wow - that's just like I used to be when I first started with AdSense - used to refresh my account every hour or so to see if I'd gotten another click or two!

          Regards your questions Banel:

          1. Backlinking to a homepage - if you are managing to find good do-follow (or not no-follow) sites to link from back to your page, then you would be best served with a nice mix of your primary keyword in hyper-text and also your secondary keyword, plus a number of others besides. This is mainly for reasons to avoid any footprint whereby Google will sniff it out very quickly and it will be detrimental to your ability to rank your page.

          However, its also for reasons of ranking for other keywords besided your chosen primary keyword, which can be very well worth making the effort for!

          As a gentleman previously mentioned on the thread with his own campaigns, you may wish to follow the rule (loosely) of 60/30/10 (I think it was), whereby the 60 is the amount of backlinks to your home-page or website as a whole which would contain your primary keyword in the hyper-text.

          The 30 is the amount (%) where you would wish to link back using your secondary keyword and so on... You may prefer something around about 50/30/20 - its probably of little consequence, so just make sure to mix it up nicely but still go for most of your backlinks to your home page with your primary keyword. Think "natural" and you will be just fine!

          2. Regards how long it takes an article that you've submitted to a directory to show in Google's index? There are going to be some articles that never get indexed in Google, even though they may do in Yahoo or Bing. Google indexes by far the most web pages when it comes to the big 3 search engines. I think there are other searc engines now that are trying to take that accolade from Google, but I don't keep in touch with all the ins and outs of that.

          To help my articles and give them a push to get Google indexed, I would backlink to them. For others that are not nearly as important as my "anchor" articles, I would try to "ping" those. Its not possible to find out all of these articles though, and by trying to do so you are most probably wasting precious time upon a less worthy pursuit.

          To ping the ones I know about that are backlinking to my site, I use either Pingoat or Ping-o-matic. This way it gives those articles a shove in the right direction and that's really all that's necessary.

          Once they are backlinked to, pinged, or nothing at all in the case of ezinearticles (almost always, in my experience), it can take a day, a couple days, or a week. Google are far quicker at indexing pages now than a few years ago. It could take over a month to index pages of a website or even an article directory. Now you can expect it within a week, often far sooner. I think my Twilight Posterz site was indexed within hours, if I remember correctly.

          3. Backlinking to your internal pages is the same as it would be to your home page Banel. Same procedures. Mix up your anchor text (hyper-text) just as you would to your home page, but perhaps more focus on tertiary or secondary keywords rather than too much on your primary keyword.

          If you are targeting a specific keyword for your inner pages, its the same pursuit as it would be for your primary keyword. You can use the 60/30/10 rule (or whatever) here too, but this time the 60 would be for your secondary keyword as in this case (for this inner page) the secondary keyword should be treated as if it were your primary keyword.

          It is well worth while trying to rank for a number of keyword phrases (depending on how tight your niche is) as this can indeed boost your traffic, and thus your income(?) so much more than relying upon a single keyword phrase in every case. I hope that's clear?

          No worries about English not being your first language - apart from the fact your English is obviously very good indeed, you managed to get your message across very well, so job done!

          Thanks and I hope this is of help to you!

          Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author castrosebo
    Profile picture of castrosebo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    Great thread. Funny how i came across it when i am in the process of trying to rank my site on page1 of Google. Being at it for 3 months and reading this thread, I already realize where I am going wrong. I kept on changing my anchor text in the articles i was submitting. I guess now i have to stick with 2 or utmost 3 key phrases as my anchor text.
    I have bookmarked this thread and definitely eager to see how you will be faring as the 40 days come to an end. I have a feeling that you'll beat the deadline by at least 5 days.
    Already TwilightPosterz is number 17 with the keyword Twilight Poster

    "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." -- Benjamin Franklin .

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    • Profile picture of the author banel
      Profile picture of banel
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Joseph. Frankly, i didn't thought you'll even answer my questions, not to mention the lenght and the details of your answers.
      Regarding the articles, right now i searched in google between " " my text from the resource box that i used when i submitted my first article to a couple of article directories using AAS (i think, one week ago) and, surprising, i got 3 results, 3 different sites ! I'm gonna make another article right now.

      Again, i really apreciate that you helped me. God bless you !
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi CastroSebo, thanks for coming on over and commenting!

        I know the feeling of trying to rank a web page (even for a relatively easy keyphrase) for months, and not quite getting there with it. Its incredibly frustrating, and at times you just begin wonder if its at all possible to do it.

        However, it would seem that you've hit the nail on the head there - if you've been messing around too much with your anchor text then chances are that you will not rank for anything, bar the very easiest of those keywords, if that.

        Its tricky - just to get this right. Not too much emphasis on any particular keyphrase, but at the same time enough to give you rankings. Its a delicate procedure and its sensible to play with a cool hand.

        Do though keep up a nice mix in your keywords in your hyper-text links, but try to get it to something around the percentages outlined in the previous post - 60/30/10, or to make this a bit easier - 60/40, where 60 is the amount of links back to your home-page, and 40% to the other tertiary pages.

        You can actually take this a different way - 60% of your anchor text to be your main targeted keyword, 40% a mix of other tertiary keywords (this would be going back to your home-page). Sorry, this may be making things a bit difficult to follow. If you are confused CastroSebo, let me know and I shall try to outline that with an example.

        The target of 40 days is indeed important to try to fulfil. However, this Challenge is more than that - its about sharing the experiences of what its like doing this stuff full time (actually, I tend to work 12 - 15 hour days at the moment, online, with the ocassional 19 hour day popping in there too (nuts!). But that is not all to do with ranking my site for the challenge - there are a number of other related issues going on in the background).

        So yes, its about the ups and downs of doing this stuff on a regular basis. Even when you are pretty successful at ranking your own sites time and again in Google (and in the case with Twilight Posterz .com - in Yahoo), doing it in the public eye, choosing fairly tough keywords, and also trying to achieve it within a limited time frame is a great motivator, and at the same time can be a bit frightening too.

        Its something that many of us struggle with - continuous motivation, and I am no different. After all, SEO is a slog - its not a "job" that's filled with hapipiness and success. Its a slog, if you are doing it all yourself anyhow.

        So I wanted to share the emotional journey as much as the actual journey of ranking the site or the web pages. And why? Because I can relate to what most people who are doing this for themselves are going through. SEO and internet marketing can be a very stressful journey, and if anyone tries to tell you different then you have to wonder if they are actually telling you the truth.

        Apologies, I do tend to get sidetracked! :rolleyes:

        Best wishes CastroSebo!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Banel, thanks for coming back and replying!

          I ALWAYS answer any question as best as I can, or even a simple comment I like to come back and say thanks - if you guys and girls are making the effort to comment then I should - as a way of being courteous and respectful to you, reply in return.

          I think if I understand you correctly here Banel, you are saying that you did a search for potential competition by using the "..." in Google. Is this correct? The results showed up as 3 sites being your only competition.

          If that is the case, I suggest you have a close look at your keyword choice to ensure you are indeed assessing for potential Google search volume correctly. Its to be assumed that if you are only retrieving 3 results when you search in quotes within Google for your potential keyword phrase of choice, that you could be looking at something of a poor keyword phrase choice.

          If this confuses you then by all means run your keyword phrase by me ( and I'll assess its potential for you and give you my thoughts about it.

          Thanks again!
          • Profile picture of the author banel
            Profile picture of banel
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            No no, i was referring to article submission. I submitted a week ago an article using AAS and today i searched in google the text from the resource box (from my article) using the exact fraze, or " ", and i discovered that my article was accepted in 3 directories so far.

            That's the only way i can find how many directories accepted my articles, i think, because, as i was saying, i use a software and it contains a pretty large list of directories, which i can't manually check.

            Sorry, i wrote my last post hastily.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Oh I see, sorry Banel. So you see your article in 3 directories a week after submission.

              I'm not familiar with AAS so I'm not sure how many articles are being submitted over-all - how many "proposed" directories. But its worth keeping an eye on the "..." to see what the results are say, in the next couple of weeks and longer. Not that I pin everything on this myself with regards to Unique Article Wizard, but I admittedly should pay more attention to the actual stats. After all, we have to be sure that we are in fact getting our money's worth, don't we?

              Good luck with AAS Banel!

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hey DDH! I'm thinking you've gotten yourself a Scots surname there, right? So many of you guys and girls over the "pond" have Scots and Irish heritage (and indeed Welsh or English). I think its all hugely fascinating - the stories of when and why families fled the shores of the UK to try out new lands. Obviously with the hope that "there's gold in them thar hills!".

                My day job? At the moment if it were to be given a name it would be called "Slog".

                "What do you do for a living, Joe?"


                Yes, you are right DDH - its as well I'm in the midst of a romance with this stuff, and I sense its going to be the longest romance I've ever had too (if not already)! As we know, even the best relationships are full of ups and downs.

                Regards the article directories.

                I've added in iSnare and ArticleRich to that list too, but there are others so please do not stop there with your own article submissions to different directories for the "anchors".

                I know others who post 3 or 4 articles to each of their "anchors" but they very often will not bother with much backlinking. I only go for 1 to each. I don't feel that Google will pass on much kudos if I bulk out these article directories with more articles. With exception of course to potential traffic from the directories.

                However, there is something else to be said here for adding more articles to the "anchor" directories. If you trust in your writing abilities, and you trust in the fact that other webmasters/mistresses will scoop up your content and keep your bios intact, then you could well be onto something when it comes to bulking out the article directories with further articles.

                That's a choice that everyone should make for themselves as there are many variables at stake here. Test it, see how it goes.

                I'll get back to you regards your email shortly DDH. Got something to run by you too - I'd appreciate your thoughts...

                Kind regards!
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi CastroSebo,

                  "sandboxed" - yup, I'll provide a link to it which will explain it better. The reason Google have it in place is to cut down on spam sites making large profits over-night. Chances are decent that many can get a site ranked very nicely for a short period of time, but often this is due to a mass-backlinking campaign which is obviously very dubious in nature (it need not be however, but in general it is manipulated backlinks - and its immediately obvious that it is too).

                  Google Sandbox

                  If you want to get out of it, its a tough call. It takes time and you can leave it entirely in the hands of Google. Or, you can continue with a nice, smooth, quality backlinking campaign and this has been said to help pull your web page/s out ot the so-called sandbox.

                  I myself have been "sandboxed" (or so I would have thought) rather a lot of times, in my sheer naivety and my sheer desperation to get my sites ranked within top 10 in Goog. These sites have always emerged however, unscathed and ready to make progress with.

                  Articles to EzineArticles can certainly ramp up traffic levels, depending very much on your niche. Some categories on EZA get a massive amount of interest, some not so. If your niche is one of those HOT categories then article submissions to EZA can indeed be the way to go, both in the short and the longer term.

                  How are you finding Angela's backlink packs CastroSebo? Seeing much results as of yet? Would be good to get your input on that one.

                  Kind regards!

                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Toby! My pleasure indeed!

                    I'll be stopping by your new site regularly. Its coming along very nicely - a real huge effort you are making, which is great!

                    Should anyone need a voice-over for videos etc. then I highly recommend Toby! He has this voice that immediately relaxes you and makes you focus in on the video really nicely. Thus you'd have your own site visitors coming back time and again, even if its only to hear Toby's voice! (I'll edit that out Toby if you don't want to go down this route - just thought I would mention the fact you have a seriously hynotic voice ).

                    Toby, can I let your domain out of the bag yet, or are you not quite ready for too much attention on the site as yet?

                    Looking forward to it!

                    • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
                      Profile picture of Toby.T
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                      Thanks for the kind words, currently working on a few new videos eg. What is an RSS Feed and the Benefits of an RSS Feed. I think this is useful, whilst many people here are familiar with that type of thing, there is still a big section of the community that aren't using them yet.

                      I think once I get a few more videos up, should be more than ready for the community. Bit nervous my site is going to flop! So working on articles 24/7 right now.

                      I will be posting one video a day on random things to get the most out of websites and your PC.


                      note: my site is only 48 hours old, so content levels are still low.
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Toby, absolutely no doubt your site will be packed with lots of very useful information - yup, RSS is a stumbling block for many of us! RSS means really simple syndication. I think it should be renamed:

                        Really Serious Stumblingblock!!

                        As a PS Toby, we'll talk more re my own eBook and you doing voice-over for it. I really like this idea!

                        • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
                          Profile picture of Toby.T
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                          Hi Toby, absolutely no doubt your site will be packed with lots of very useful information - yup, RSS is a stumbling block for many of us! RSS means really simple syndication. I think it should be renamed:

                          Really Serious Stumblingblock!!

                          As a PS Toby, we'll talk more re my own eBook and you doing voice-over for it. I really like this idea!

                          Thanks for that mate, just uploaded two more videos to the site, I think when I get a few more videos made I will become more confident. If you have time, take a look let me know what you think.
                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            Loving it Toby!

                            You are teaching me new things about RSS - albeit, its not always too hard to teach an old dog new tricks :p

                            Who ever needs to get to grips with some new computer skills and how to up their online game, I suggest you go take a look at Toby's site. As he says, just send him an email via his site and he'll make a video specially for you if you have a specific area you need to tackle!

                            No frills as yet - the site has only been up for the past couple of days or so, but the videos are great - I can even understand them and I am indeed a bit of a tech-no-phobe, as is obvious even to those who have known me for the past couple of weeks on here!

                            Here is the site...

                            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                              Profile picture of JosephA
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              I've just been writing up some articles and comment for the new forum (sshhhh!) so have not posted on the thread since earlier on today.

                              I was in talks earlier with a friend who lives in sunny South Africa. Now, he mentioned about Clickbank and asked me for my opinion.

                              Funnily enough, I only mentioned CB yesterday and about the potential for sniping affiliate income.

                              I made the point that right now I do not entirely trust commissions from Clickbank and for the past year I have almost entirely avoided using Clickbank as an affiliate proposition. My own personal situation.

                              However, take note please. What my friend said to me is a point worth considering.

                              Without providing explicit detail, let's take an example instead.

                              Let us imagine that we were focused upon fish. Tropical fish. We then go and assess for a Clickbank product that is related to our niche and find something that looks very plausible for our needs, and tightly matched to our requirements.

                              In this case, due to the fact that the clientele for this niche are not interested (or necessarily knowledgeable) in sniping our CB commissions, then the chances are we would do well, providing of course we had some tightly targeted traffic, to say the least!

                              However, if we are targeting products in the internet marketing niche, of which there are many really good ones on CB, then I'm afraid we are up for fraudulent activity, when it comes to actual sales volume of those products.

                              We could of course use various cloaking software products. Whether they work in every case I don't know. Tinyurls don't - they are a format that can easily be worked around by anyone with the notion of doing so.

                              So the point being here, why not take on a different niche to that of internet marketing when it comes to CB product sales? There are sooo many other really great niches to choose from which do not attract the sniping that internet marketing products do. Perhaps its time for a change of target niche? A change in mindset?

                              To your success!

                              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                Profile picture of JosephA
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                Hi Zapp99, thanks for coming by here and leaving your great feedback!

                                You got me wondering what you blog's niche is - not knowing how you ranked a blog at number one spot in Google is a very interesting case indeed!

                                It is wise to consider and note every "move" that you make with regards to ranking your websites. This way you can then do the same - time and again, providing what you have done previously is indeed successful.

                                If its not successful but you have a "diary" of events, you can then go and tweak various aspects to your previous campaigns, thereby utilizing a methodical approach to what hopefully will be over-all success in the longer term.

                                Thanks again for coming by Zapp99!

                                • Profile picture of the author DJT
                                  Profile picture of DJT
                                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                  Hi Joseph,

                                  I've been following this thread from start to finish, and want to thank you for a great read. I'm new to the SEO game, and feel as though I've learnt a lot, although obviously you can never stop learning.

                                  I started up a niche website around the same time as this thread began, so that I could follow your steps each day, as well as apply what I'd learnt here and from other sources. This is probably my 3rd attempt at this, although this is my first site that specifically targets a niche, the others were general website's with a lot of different content, no real fixed direction. I seem to be doing ok, with my site which is 10 days old on Google's page 3 for one of my main keywords, and page 2 for two different ezine article submissions. I've still got a long list of article directories to post to over the next coming days, to build backlinks and to get the word out a bit more, and I hope that these will bring it up onto page one over the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping by the end of this month, as ideally I'd like to begin another site at the beginning of next month, as I have a few strong ideas.

                                  This site took a lot of energy, as being new to this, I was constantly learning as I was going along, I'm hoping with future sites, because I'll know the steps to take, that instead of it taking a certain period of time and only working on one site at a time, I'll be able to multitask in a sense, and get to where I want faster with sites constantly in production.

                                  I want to thank you for recommending the best spinner, as I purchased it as of a recommendation of this site, and a few others, and it's been superb so far. Article creation was a sticking point for me, especially when needing to submit it to a variety of sources, but this software has helped a great deal.

                                  I've seen that you've recommended other software, but as I'm new to this, I'm trying to get a feel of how things work manually, so that I can see each step in detail. Then, once I've got to a certain situation, I'll then look to automate. At the moment, I've got the content for my site, along with affiliate links and adsense setup, so really, I'm focusing on backlinks and getting the site up on the list. I've seen you've mentioned some software which can help in this, so I'll be looking at those in the not to distant future.

                                  I have a couple of questions I hope you don't mind answering.

                                  How long have you been doing SEO for, and how long do you believe it took you for you to 'get it'? As in, how many months/years of you practising SEO did it take, for things to come together for you, and for your sites from then on to rank in a position within google that you were happy with?

                                  Thanks again for all of the info.
                                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                    Profile picture of JosephA
                                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                    Hi DJT, a superb account of where you are at right now, and I thank you for that! I love to hear where others such as yourself are in your own internet marketing careers - it makes it much clearer for me as to how I can help more, really.

                                    However, its late here, and thus it is best to discuss this further in a few hours time after I get a bit of rest. We are 7 hours ahead here in Malaysia in comparison to the UK. I shall of course get back to you early morning.

                                    Thanks for your candid account!


                                    Hi Yoshi, just heading off to bed. Ah ok, you are in the States now. I'm very sure there are some fantastically beautiful cherry trees there too, as there is in Britain!

                                    Blog Blueprint is a tricky one to find. I don't fully understand why they have not set up a specific affiliate program for it. Nevertheless, here is the link to the product (hoping the mods don't swipe this post straight off the WF!)... (not an affiliate link!!).

                                    Talk later Yoshi!

                                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                      Profile picture of JosephA
                                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                      Hi DJT, thanks for your patience with me!

                                      With regards bringing your site up from page 3 in Google to page 1. There is no absolute guarantee regards how long it will take. This is dependent upon so many different factors, after all.

                                      However, by implementing a number of the techniques that I have been discussing over the past - almost 3 weeks now - you will surely see a rise in rankings. I would not be sure how fast, but this game is more about slow and sure, rather than fast and furious.

                                      As we know, Google does not like fast and furious much at all now, hence the "need" for the "sandbox". It cuts down on the spam sites that rank very fast and reap overnight profits.

                                      Yes, given time and practice, it does become much easier to multi-task. When I first put up a WordPress .org site it took me a whole day, just to get the basic site in place. No content, no nothing! Now, I can get 5 up in 2 hours - not glitzy, but with all my plugins in place and ready for content. I don't do that of course - trying to manage a mass of sites can become a real headache!

                                      Fully agree, The Best Spinner makes life so much easier, even for those of us who find writing a real trudge. It takes a massive amount of the hard work out of the equation!

                                      In the coming months DJT, I'll be reducing my own automation tools. Why so? I'm taking a different tact and going for a more natural approach. There are of course some base tools that I shall continue to use (Spinner of course!), but some of the others I will be giving a very serious look at and they could be dumped. Its very costly to keep up these tools and unless they are providing a very good bang for the buck, they are of questionable value to any SEO or IM campaign. So no, do not take the plunge just yet - don't go and throw money at lots of new tools. There probably is little need for it right now for you.

                                      Re your questions: I first took an interest in SEO way back in Corey Rudl days - 2003 (I mentioned 2004 before, but it was in fact 2003). Not that I made much of it then, but there was a huge seed placed within me, that just needed watering and some nurture.

                                      Then, I was working as a door to door salesman selling telecom products - mobiles/cell phones and land line packages etc. It was an MLM company. My upline who had a BIG rep in the company was not doing door to door. So I wondered what the heck...

                                      He was building websites and then optimizing them. Obviously a MUCH easier way than trudging around villages and towns in the Midlands in England! Again, it hit home hard that I was playing the wrong game here! That was in 2004.

                                      But, it took some time before I fully got immersed in this. I purchased a Jim Edwards product about building websites using html (WordPress was unknown back then). I somehow managed to get a basic site together and up on line but what? No visitors!

                                      So really it was from around this point that the seed that had been placed within me started to grow. The husk (seed coat) was broken and the seedling was sprouting. That was in 2007.

                                      I had a lot of issues to deal with - life issues at that time, so my "career" in SEO did not fully take off until January 2008. At that point I immersed myself in learning SEO, and all things IM. Very costly experience, making a ton of mistakes along the way. But the focus very rarely wavered and even when it did, the thought of failure for me was so bad that no matter the consequences I HAD to persevere and I HAD to be successful!

                                      Sorry for such a long-winded account. I'm sure it is not disimilar to quite a few others following along with the thread here. Would be great to hear some of those stories (pop over to my forum - via my blog - link in the sig below. I wanna hear your own story!).

                                      As for how long it took before "I got it". I was working 60 - 80 hour weeks on this stuff DJT, whilst keeping income coming in through my part time landscaping business. Slowly but surely things do sink home, but it takes a whole heap of mistakes, unless you can follow real closely with a good mentor.

                                      The only way to avoid making a mass of mistakes is to follow the lead of someone else who has made all those mistakes before and learned from them. That way, providing this person is willing to share what they know (the vast majority are not, for obvious reasons), you yourself can avoid making a lot of mistakes and thus can reach profits so much sooner than otherwise possible.

                                      Even now I'm still not entirely happy with my site's rankings. But this is because I don't have the time and energy to devote to many of those sites, thus they slump a bit in the rankings. However, as I said before, for many of them - they are product related, and therefore my focus would be more on Christmas (November/December).

                                      All I need to do with those sites is re-start a backlinking campaign say, around the end of September, and gently ease them to top 5, top 3 and hopefully most often - top spot. They are all in place ready for just that. I will further assess this in August, take notes as to what I feel is necessary, and then lay my plans as to how to make progress for that particular time of the year.

                                      Hope this "speel" has answered you questions and met some of your concerns.

                                      Again, thank you for being so candid regards your own situation and where you are at in your SEO career!

                                      Take cared DJK!
                                      Kind regards
                                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                        Profile picture of JosephA
                                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                        Hi Yoshi, I'll keep you updated re the eBook (updates will be on the SEO Tips website - link in the sig below), thanks for your interest in that!

                                        Should be written up in the next few days, after which I just have to work out how to automate the purchase process. These sort of things (purchase processes) I always find a nightmare to implement!

                                        Take care!
                              • Profile picture of the author yoshi
                                Profile picture of yoshi
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                Hey Joseph!

                                I'm actually living right now in the US, but yeah I'm from Japan. Also thanks for your honesty about the ebook but I still think it would be great to have it.

                                Oh by the way, I'm not able to find Blog Blueprint on the do you get it? :confused:

                                Thanks for all your help!

                            • Profile picture of the author QuarterHead
                              Profile picture of QuarterHead
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                              Here is the site...

                     Server not found
                              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                Profile picture of JosephA
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                QuarterHead, I'm afraid I'm not with you.
                                • Profile picture of the author Boricua
                                  Profile picture of Boricua
                                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                  Since like a great challenge.

                                  Joseph, Google is actually doing a dance again on some of my sites. Yahoo and MSN stick when it comes to rankings, Google is a little bit harder now...but achievable.

                                  Article marketing and social bookmarks? A sure winner on my end. Will save this thread to actually keep reading in a bit@ Need some hot café!!

                                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                                    Profile picture of JosephA
                                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                    Hi GL - thanks for your comments and feedback on your findings!

                                    Agreed, despite what many folks are saying - I suspect that article marketing still works well, albeit its not going to be easy to rank ezinearticles in Google quite like before - at least not for some time to come.

                                    Enjoy your cafe!

                    • Profile picture of the author Rita
                      Profile picture of Rita
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hello Joseph,

                      I am now completely addicted to this thread. This thread has inspired me to start promoting my old sites once again. I discovered that one of my old site is ranked between 8 to 61 in google for 15 keywords and all of them are not long tail keywords.

                      I started following your methods step by step and hope this time I will be successful.

                      Thank you
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Arkobabi, of course, this is what I love to hear! I love to hear that the thread has really inspired and has encouraged for "massive action" so to speak. This whole SEO thing can be a very lonely, weary old path to take, so any inpiration from anyplace can be just that booster required to inspirate a flagging passion.

                        Wow - you got a lot of keywords for a single site ranking in the top 60 or so in Goog!

                        I'd be fascinated to know what the niche is and of course how things are progressing with those. Keep us posted please Arkobabi!

                        Kind regards!
                        • Profile picture of the author yoshi
                          Profile picture of yoshi
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Hey Joseph!

                          Really looking forward to your ebook! If this thread has been so helpful, there is no doubt your ebook is going to be pack with tips and strategies.

                          I have one question though...regarding posting to your anchor article directories.

                          I don't know if I got the right idea, but you said you will only post 1 anchor article to your article directories such as ezine, article blast, go articles, etc and start building backlinks to the anchor articles, right?

                          So if this is how you do it, then Im confuse about how many keywords can you target. For example, if you only have 7 anchor articles, would that mean you will only have 7 different keywords you target with the anchor text in the links? And if this is true, then that would mean you would target 4 keywords to the main page and 3 to inner page, following the 60/40 rule?

                          Hopefully Im making sense here and thanks for answering my questions and for all the help.

                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            Hi Yoshi, are you located in Japan? That is a country I would love to see, particularly in the spring time with the blossoming cherry trees. Oh so gorgeous! In a previous life, I was a horticulturalist/landscaper, so I appreciate this sort of thing no-end!!

                            The eBook will be kinda like a summary of what's been going on here, a much tighter version, if you like. I have gotten/retained another SEO specialist writer (and because she will read this post - "she's the bees knees"! ) to pull out the main parts and knit it altogether.

                            This way, for some of those who have been following the thread, or for those who just jump to the occasional post for lack of time, or indeed for those who don't know anything about the WF thread - its for those folks so they have a succinct concise reference, which can be followed through time and again for any SEO campaign to be undertaken from now onwards. A step-by-step guide.

                            I would not recommend it to everyone - some people are advanced and have probably taken on board already some of those techniques that they themselves were not using. Not that I am trying to talk anyone out of it, but you know me by now - its the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

                            Can't of course mention any prices here but its gonna be very competitively priced.

                            Yes, one anchor article per directory - of about 8 anchor directories or so that I have used for this particular Challenge. If I used 8 directories then this would mean I could target up to 16 different keyword phrases. For a 7 page website, I think that's ample.

                            However, my main kwds that I am semi-seriously targeting only number 2 at the moment. And for this project I am only truly serious regards to one kwd. The site (and a couple of the anchor web 2.0's) are ranking top 20 in Goog for "Twilight posters" but this is not really of concern to me, not now anyhow.

                            I think according to the Goog stats, "Twilight posters" gets around 39k searches a month, give or take 20k (sorry, that was a bit of a hit out at Goog, not for the first time - always SO secretive).

                            But to be honest Yoshi, I have used a variable set of keyword phrases to target the whole site with. Any old rubbish will do, as long as it has Twilight in the anchor text some place, I simply don't care. I don't get hung up on 60/40 or 60/30/10 or anything else. I just keep a VERY VERY rough tally in my head as to what's what. I'm too lazy to analyze it down to strict stats. That sort of thing would bore me to tears!

                            The only thing I work out down to the fine bone with regards to stats and figures is potential income; and I suspect I get that wrong very often too :rolleyes:. There are too many variables involved in SEO to have anything precise at all. So its not sensible use of time to try and do so. Take that with a pinch of salt though please. Its human nature to categorize and I go along with that. Do exactly what suits you and you will be just fine!

                            Kind regards Yoshi!
                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            Hi Yoshi, are you located in Japan? (got that impression from your username). That is a country I would love to see, particularly in the spring time with the blossoming cherry trees. Oh so gorgeous! In a previous life, I was a horticulturalist/landscaper, so I appreciate this sort of thing no-end!!

                            The eBook will be kinda like a summary of what's been going on here, a much tighter version, if you like. I have gotten/retained another SEO specialist writer (and because she will read this post - "she's the bees knees"! ) to pull out the main parts and knit it altogether.

                            This way, for some of those who have been following the thread, or for those who just jump to the occasional post for lack of time, or indeed for those who don't know anything about the WF thread - its for those folks so they have a succinct concise reference, which can be followed through time and again for any SEO campaign to be undertaken from now onwards. A step-by-step guide.

                            I would not recommend it to everyone - some people are advanced and have probably taken on board already some of those techniques that they themselves were not using. Not that I am trying to talk anyone out of it, but you know me by now - its the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

                            Can't of course mention any prices here but its gonna be very competitively priced.

                            Yes, one anchor article per directory - of about 8 anchor directories or so that I have used for this particular Challenge. If I used 8 directories then this would mean I could target up to 16 different keyword phrases. For a 7 page website, I think that's ample.

                            However, my main kwds that I am semi-seriously targeting only number 2 at the moment. And for this project I am only truly serious regards to one kwd. The site (and a couple of the anchor web 2.0's) are ranking top 20 in Goog for "Twilight posters" but this is not really of concern to me, not now anyhow.

                            I think according to the Goog stats, "Twilight posters" gets around 39k searches a month, give or take 20k (sorry, that was a bit of a hit out at Goog, not for the first time - always SO secretive).

                            But to be honest Yoshi, I have used a variable set of keyword phrases to target the whole site with. Any old rubbish will do, as long as it has Twilight in the anchor text some place, I simply don't care. I don't get hung up on 60/40 or 60/30/10 or anything else. I just keep a VERY VERY rough tally in my head as to what's what. I'm too lazy to analyze it down to strict stats. That sort of thing would bore me to tears!

                            The only thing I work out down to the fine bone with regards to stats and figures is potential income; and I suspect I get that wrong very often too :rolleyes:. There are too many variables involved in SEO to have anything precise at all. So its not sensible use of time to try and do so. Take that with a pinch of salt though please. Its human nature to categorize and I go along with that. Do exactly what suits you and you will be just fine!

                            Kind regards Yoshi!
  • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
    Profile picture of ddhamilt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yo Jo!

    Isn't your "day job" IM and SEO? LOL back to more of the same eh? Good thing you love it!

    Keep rockin' the thread, I'll have some more Q's soon, but need to crank out some SEO myself today!

    David H.
  • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
    Profile picture of ddhamilt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh and one more quick question - of the main article directories you listed:

    How many articles do you post on each to start, just 1 apiece?
  • Profile picture of the author castrosebo
    Profile picture of castrosebo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your really candid information
    "sandboxed on Google" that's quite new to me. can you talk about it a little more? How do you get yourself out of such a situation? I have been receiving 5X more visitors from yahoo than from Google. I realized that i have been ranking quite well for a number of keywords in Yahoo, but very poorly in Google.
    My strategy has basically been on articles to EzineArticles (about 7 per week). Recently i started Angela's backpacks and more article submissions using freeTrafficSytem

    "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing." -- Benjamin Franklin .

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  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the continued help Jo, working on some more videos, some reallly useful ones. Almost news rather than tutorials.

    I'll let you know when they are up my site. Hopefully my initial seo starts to pay off soon!
  • Profile picture of the author alexmiller
    Profile picture of alexmiller
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Alex, you are most welcome - happy you could stop by!

      Alex Miller - a super footballer! A great manager? Perhaps to be seen albeit I suspect very many would say for sure he is! Any relation Alex?

      Take care!
  • Profile picture of the author zapp99
    Profile picture of zapp99
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, thank you so much Joseph! This is just what I needed!
    After getting my blog to Google's Top 5 (usually #1) without knowing how or what I did, this is just what the doctor called for!

    I am going to start another blog following your instructions to see if I can repeat my success on a more profitable niche and keywords!

    Someone pls tell me the logic behind Google ranking my blog at #1 for "stop animal abuse"?

  • Profile picture of the author k0brik
    Profile picture of k0brik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not make further submissions to those article directories where I can get some really healthy backlinks to my site?

    Well, the more I ponder this, the more I believe that once you have a link back from another site then that's that, the IP address that it sits on is "spent" - as far as Google is concerned anyhow. (Anyone with thoughts about this do please contribute, thanks!). Providing of course that the particular page you are seeking the backlink from has been indexed.
    I really don't think that the IP it's totally "spent".

    Submitting hundreds of articles for each of these 7 directories that you mentioned early, all linking back to one page of your site, for example to the home page, yes indeed will not make a much difference than if you will submit only 2 or 3 articles.

    But if you submit only 2 or 3 articles to each of these directories, every time you create a new page on your site, all linking to the new page, will still have a good effect for your new page, and for your site if the new page it's linking back to the homepage.

    For example, take these 7 Directories and Squido or Hubpages.
    Why should i bother to submit articles linking back to my new squido page when you (and others) have already submitted articles on each and every article directory linking back to your Squido if the ip is totally spent?

    Talk a lot in the same places (article directories) about the same thing (same page) wont help you too much.
    Talk a little in the same place (article directories) about every new thing (new page) will work a lot better.

    Off the topic:
    Just love this video:
    I'm a strong believer that a good performance will attract a lot of followers.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi K0brik, you bring up some good points thanks for that! Obvious to see you spend your time pondering SEO stuff.

      Its just the way I "see" it that getting links back from the same IP are not going to bring you much in the way of further juice, so to speak.

      After all, is it not getting a bit obvious to anyone with some knowledge that if you got say, 20 links coming back from one site, one IP, then its "possible" that there is some sort of favoritism going on or something else perhaps a bit more dubious? It need not be dubious or favoritism at all, but Goog have a habit of categorizing, at least at the moment.

      Yes, its for sure that some other webmasters/mistresses are going to love your content that your links are all over their site but as a general rule, the way that Goog sees this now is that it "could" be spam and thus they are not going to give you much in the way of further kudos.

      Blame it on the folks who used to build site after site after site, and then for each site mass targeted links back from a few different IPs only to get ranked real high real fast to make some real large sums of money (not that I blame folks for doing that back in the gold old days!).

      Goog has clamped down hard on anything that goes remotely near to this ethos, and I can't help but think that this is even to the extent of not bothering to count more than a single link back to your own site/web page from one IP address.

      If the likes of ezinearticles dotcom were to setup loads of different IPs for all different articles that were submitted then I would have little doubt that everyone involved in SEO and IM would immediately see their sites ranking much higher than before. But because ezinearticles do not have this in place (for obvious reason), even if we had say, 400 articles all linking back to our one site, its very doubtful that our rankings would be particularly affected for the better.

      Anyone experimented with this sort of thing and can provide us some specifics?

      Its what I read about quite often and its what I feel is right with my own experiences - when I was a bit more naive to my approach to SEO.

      By the way, like the vid! Very inspirational! Anyone care to dance??

  • Profile picture of the author ccnainaction
    Profile picture of ccnainaction
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jo,

    Thank you for the initiative you've took here at WF. If you could summarize the step-by-step process that you have followed to build backlinks for your site.

    Thank you in advance.
    • Profile picture of the author k0brik
      Profile picture of k0brik
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Quick update: checked with scroogle and is sitting on

      No.7 for twilight poster
      No.11 for twilight posters

      Looks like you made it to the first page. Congrats!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi CC, had to go offline early last night so all was pretty quiet on here from me - my internet connection sometimes sucks so it can be a very frustrating experience indeed!

        Thanks for coming by here and commenting!

        A summary of the techniques used is coming up in an eBook which is just around the corner. It will be available at a very affordable price and well before the Challenge is complete - probably in a few days time. I may advertize it through the forum here for starters, but of course will let folks know when its ready.

        Otherwise, there is more (and different) information and chat on my new forum which can be located via my blog in the sig below here (I can't quite shout about it on here). That will be well worth joining and currently its free.

        Thanks again and enjoy!
        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi K0brik, many thanks for the update as to where you got the site in Scroogle!

          I got it 9th and 12th respectively. I had noticed yesterday that there was a little jump up from where it had slumped for the past 6 days or so, so this is very nice to see for two reasons:

          1. its going in the right direction
          2. it appears to have avoided the Google "sandbox" effect

          The latter was always a concern due to the fact that I had to really push a bit harder with the links than I would normally, obviously because of the deadline. So its nice to see that things appear to be cool with Google there!

          I see that one of the anchor web 2.0 sites is ranking for both these keywords too:

          successoftwilight .blogspot .com/
          "New Moon poster" (110,000 exact global searches) ranked at 12

          successoftwilight .blogspot .com/
          "New Moon posters" (40,000 exact global searches) ranked at 17 (the Squidoo lens is at 20)

          These are obvioulsy very do-able keywords so they will be on the target next for my Posterz primary site. I'll be doing more targeting of those specific keywords from now on.

          Don't forget however, that although the search vols look really big, you have to take those stats with a large pinch of salt. Google does seem to embellish things a bit. Further, keep in mind seasonality fluctuations too - next month should be good with the new movie coming out, but the real trumper will be November/December!

          Thanks again K0brik!

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Faiz, thanks for coming by and commenting on the Challenge. I agree - let's hope the site gets top position by the end of the Challenge, which is still... 22 days to go!

            Thanks again and kind regards!


            Hi Dr Faizan, thanks for coming by here!

            I could make all forms of presumptions but there is little point of that. What I am trying to do here is to rank what would appear to be a fairly highly searched for keyword that everyone recognizes.

            I am ranking it in as a .com and not specifically targeted to any individual country. I am documenting the whole process simply because I know the vast majority of people who are relatively new (and also many who are long in the tooth at trying) to the pursuit of ranking their own sites, even for so-called "easier" keyword phrases find it very difficult to do. And even when they do manage to do it one time, they often are at a loss as to how.

            I do not therefore find that your comment is particularly helpful in trying to achieve the goals set out above. I sense that some folks who are following along will perhaps be a little disorientated by that. Others no doubt totally unfazed.

            We do not have those who are well-known and highly regarded in the world of SEO and IM coming by here shouting out about how they can do this that and all else, and why not? They have no need to. They can see what I am actually trying to do (impart good, solid and totally factual information to those who really want and need it). So why you?

            Anyhow, I wish you the best with your campaigns.

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              UPDATE - yup, I got Scroogle showing the Posterz site at 7th now for "Twilight poster" and 11th for "Twilight posters". The Squid is in at 8th for "Twilight posters".

              Getting close!


              Hi Ezzer, thanks for coming round and leaving your feedback - much appreciated!

              I think if you follow the tips in the thread then you should be able to push your site right up there on Goog rankings and keep it up there too. Depends on a number of variables of course, but good quality and consistent backlinking will help no-end!

              List building, huh? In the ealy days I joined up with a very expensive program to teach list building. Run by two of the best known guys too. However, I hated their tactics of what to me was simply spamming folks. So many emails sent out over a week, every week. It may well make them a fortune (and has) but its not at all how I would choose to run my own business.

              I am sure that your own coach has a totally different mindset and technique however Ezzer, so I wish you all the best with that!

              Kind regards!
              • Profile picture of the author Rita
                Profile picture of Rita
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi All,

                I think I have identified one problem in my site

                My index page can be reached with any of the 3 URL


                I searched the net and found google consider it as duplicate content. I found I have to use 301 redirect to get rid of the problem.

                Is it true?

                Is there ant quick fix solution without learning all the complex rules of rewrite?

                I think it is pertinent to SEO that's why I am mentioning it here.

                Joseph, once again thanks because all your emails motivates me to take positive steps towards success.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Lior, thanks for coming by here! I see its your first post on the Warrior Forum, so its great that you did so on this thread!

                  Oh, and thanks for stopping by the SEO Tips blog too! Right now its being populated with posts from the WF forum with a few other bits and bobs along the way, but once this Challenge has finished I will only be updating my blog and of course my forum. So the quality content on both of those will be better.

                  Hope you enjoy following along Lior!
                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Rita, is this a WP .org blog you have?

                    Your "problem" is a common one so its well worth discussing further here.

                    Please get back to me on the above question, thanks!

  • Profile picture of the author faiz123
    Profile picture of faiz123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this is a really interesting challenge. hope you succeed in getting the top position in google
  • Profile picture of the author Dr.faizan
    Profile picture of Dr.faizan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sir don't mind I am not here to prove anything but I just wanted to tell that I managed to rank for keyword having a search volume of 90,000 in top 7 of in 8 days. I wish you all the best and at the same time if I can come to any of your use then I would be very happy to assist you.. Thanks..
  • Profile picture of the author Lior
    Profile picture of Lior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good luck
    I also liked your blog
  • Profile picture of the author SEONoob
    Profile picture of SEONoob
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I've been lurking around here for a while now, but never found anything that compelled me to register. I ran into your thread over the weekend, and it was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much for sharing this information.

    I am a complete newbie to SEO. I've read a couple books about link building, and I know the concept, but I can't get seem to get things moving on my own sight.

    I have a few questions from your previous posts, but please excuse me if my questions seem sort of amateurish.

    1.) In your your post # 50, you said you wrote one article and "spun" it to make 250 articles. You then posted 6 "spun" articles to the 6 of your anchor do-follow directories. And if I'm correct, you later submitted the spun articles along with the other two articles you wrote to more article directories using UAW, pointing to your anchors? Is this right? All of this information is overloading my brain!

    2.) I understand this concept if you are trying to rank a small 10 page website. What if you have a really large website? How would you rank for multiple keywords on separate pages. If I understand correctly, you will not get more "juice" if I used the same anchor directories in the same fashion for keywords on my secondary pages, if I've already used them for my primary keywords on my main pages.

    3.) Lastly, which tools would you recommend as must haves besides, UAW, BB, and the Best Spinner?

    Thanks again for all you help, and I will be waiting for your ebook so I can comprehend the info a little better without all the clutter!

    This thread is definately bookmarked!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi SEONoob, thanks for coming by! Its really nice to hear you were compelled to register on the forum simply due to my thread - happy to be of service!

      No worries about being an almost complete noobie - I was too not that long ago, and I would think I was one of the dimmest of the dim regards what it was all about!

      Take it easy though. Try not to rush at learning this stuff - it does overload, which can lead to utter confusion and dismay. I know its easy to say this, but take your time with it and it will all come to you soon enough. It falls into place!

      Re your questions:

      1. yes, point UAW submissions along with all forms of other backlinking to your "anchors" Anchors here being your key articles in the quality do-follow directories (I used 8 (article directories) or so for this exercise) and also the Web 2.0 "anchors". There are others you can use besides. Other websites that you own for example can be great for quality backlinking to your main money site.

      2. larger sites and super sites: you don't need to rank every page on a large site. The idea of a large site is to bulk out the site for your visitors - information. Plus, it is said that Google does tend to value sites that have a bit more substance than that of say a 2 page site. I've seen quite a few 2 page sites at or near the top so this is not entirely substantiated.

      Larger sites also get rankings for their long-tail keywords. Thus the more pages you have (as a general rule) the more chance you have of ranking for all forms of different keyword phrases, even with little to NO backlinking. Long-tails sometimes have teeny competition, so even though the keyword phrase may have teeny competition, it may still get a few hundred searches a month. Valueable searches that could almost all be coming to your site!

      So no, you do not have to backlink to every page. Just focus on your main keywords - that could be only a single keyword, or perhaps 2, or maybe (given time) 20. Depends on how much research you want to do on your keywords and which niche you are targeting. Some niches have loads of great keywords that are not too competitive to rank for. You get the idea, I'm sure...

      3. Tools to buy? None! No tools are must have's even though I have "promoted" a few of them. I use them daily and the ones I really value are the ones I would recommend to those who can easily afford them (be that from their own internet marketing income, or from a job that allows you to invest in your online work). If I were to say which are key to a highly productive campaign then I would say these ones:

      - The Best Spinner
      - UAW (there are other similar programs - I use only UAW because its what I am familiar with)
      - BB is pretty good, yes - I seem to be getting results from some of my other sites that would suggest this is a good tool
      - LinkVana I would not recommend for now - its too costly and for me unproven as yet
      - if duplicate content is a regular concern for you then I recommend a product called DupeCop. Its not entirely necessary to have this as you can get a feel for dupe content by using things like EzineArticles and Hub pages etc. to check if your content is dupe. But using this software saves time and offers convenience. Again, only necessary if you do a LOT of writing (review of the product on my blog).

      There are a few free tools well worth checking out, which you probably have already. One mentioned before on here by Peter - Traffic Travis. I have not had time to check it out but it could be a real good one. Google Keyword tool is more than adequate for keyword research so although I use Micro Niche Finder and offer that on my site via an affiliate link - you don't need it! Anyone who tells you that you do is either telling porkies or does not truly understand keyword research. (Oooops, I may get myself in a bit of hot water there!). MNF is convenient and can save a bit of time, but not totally necessary for a successful series of SEO and IM campaigns.

      To be honest, I really should try to find time to do reviews on other totally free tools and pop that on my blog. If time permits, I will indeed do so. So please, if anyone has other suggestions re the free quality tools available then let me know about it, thanks!!

      One more thing SEOnoob, don't under-estimate hand submissions. Yes, they take time, and yes this time may seem best spent in doing other things. But, by ticking most of the boxes you get yourself a quality set of backlinks.

      To tick the boxes often means you gotta spend time and make effort with the quality. By hand submitting it means that you are focusing on just that. Yes, I use a few tools - for sure I do. But, I much prefer the idea of getting back to basics and offering up more in the way of hand submissions and pure quality all round.

      Stephen Crooks (famed for his AdSense Challenge the forum here from about a year ago - he swears by quality hand submissions time and time again! And I for one value Stephen's opions very highly!

      So if anyone wants to take a pop at me for suggesting hand submissions are a serious alternative to automation, then in essense you are also taking a pop at potentially one of the most successful AdSense earners on this planet!

      These are the sort of links that are going to float your boat (your site, rather) and not the mass of 3rd rate rubbish that most of us SEO'ers and IM'ers go all out to get (and I am not different - except the rubbish I get goes back to my anchors which are far better equipped at soaking up the cr.p than would be my new baby website that I am trying to get ranked in Google for the first time).

      Thanks for stopping by, once again - yup, the eBook will be out soon. I'll be posting up on here about that (or at least hinting about it - the moderators may not be too pleased ).

      Take care!

      This is a PS. IM Automator is one of the very, very best FREE tools out there! Its one I discussed already on here so by all means go back and check out the post, or come over to my blog where I've written about this fantastic free social bookmarking tool. Link in the Sig below.
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jo,

    Not sure if GA has died today..I have noticed Page impressions on adsense but in GA for my site in my sig, it has said 0 visitors for yesterday. I know it updates randomly but 12 one day, 23 the next and then 0.. seems strange. GA ever wrong?

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Toby, sounds like you are on a bit of a downer right now - I know the feeling well!

      Yup, Goog Analytics can be "wrong". They probably want to be "wrong" too, but they will never tell you about it, cos they are secretive and much of what they do is hush hush.

      Take a brief example. I go over to Goog Analytics, I check out my site, I see 5 uniques for a day for that site.

      I go over to eBay, I check the stats for that particular site there cos its affiliated to selling products on eBay. I see I sold 7 products and I see I had 35 click thrus.

      Now yes, you could say that the 5 visitors went ping pong - back and forth to my site. But unless they were drinking heavily, why the heck would they do that? Cos they love the site? I doubt it (have you seen any of my sites?? (not talking about the Posterz site - FlipDiva really spruced that with her great art work!)

      I rest my case. Happens often. Don't ask me why Goog seem to "prefer" not to register some site visitors over others. Perhaps they wanna keep a secret (for once).

      Talk soon Toby!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Mr Hamilton (said with my strongest Scots accent, which is not very strong, actually!), thanks for your post!

        No worries about the email - we are all busy, so means a bit less time for emailing back and forth. Yup, you sound like you're sloggin' it for sure! Makes the 2 of us!

        With the thought of arriving in Phuket or KL in the fore-front of any day, its a fantastic motivator for "sloggin' it"!

        Kilt? Too hot for a kilt my man! Oh yes, I'm sure that will encourage a few jokes at my expense :rolleyes:

        Ya, seems like first page action all around the globe with regards to the Posterz .com site, so things really looking good now. Almost half way through the Challenge and it would appear not far to go regards fulfillment of the initial intentions. Would love to get that top spot though! Who knows... I'm laying off the backlinking a bit cos I gotta focus on other things.

        Now, I'm actually looking for work, would you believe it?? Been spending left right and center and need to fill the coffers a bit, without having to go back to slog on my own sites. The thought of doing that provides for little motivation indeed. Real funny huh? I'm gonna have to employ someone else to work on my sites, while I work on someone else's. Is that making any sense?

        So, anyone want a hot SEO'er on their side, then you got my contact details!

        Actually this is the way I wanna go really. Much less emphasis on building my own nest eggs and much more focus on improving other peoples. I find the motivation from doing that is far greater than focusing in on my own stuff. Odd for a guy who seemingly is such a free spirit!

        Mind you, its gotta be paid work - maybe enough of the free info and all that. Bills to pay, quality of life to think about...

        Have a fine night David!

        Best to you!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Just to keep abreast of the current scenario as I am seeing things over here, and using Scroogle Scraper...

          I believe I could have all 4 sites in the top 20 for "Twilight poster".

          Squid looks like its got 6th, Posterz .com at 7th, then comes the Blogspot blog at 11th and finally WordPress .com at 19th. Looking kinda good although it may be that my primary site is going to be outranked by one of the Web 2.0's at the end of the Challenge.

          Its of no real consequence. As long as I can get my Posterz .com site top 5 and keep it there then job done, really.

          Currently I'm doing a bit of backlinking to try a bit of a push for the other 3 keywords that I have mentioned recently:
          "Twilight posters"; "New Moon poster"; "New Moon posters".

          This is not so much for the Challenge as it is to have these web 2.0s (and the Posterz .com site) in place for the new movie coming out. But even more importantly, they will be in a nice position to just give them a bit of a shove near to Christmas.

          I doubt that the site would allow me to retire from my day job, now let's be honest here! But I can envisage that its gonna be well worth making the effort for - in the mid to longer term to rank for all 4 keywords, and perhaps more besides!

          Anyone else seeing the sites ranking up there or am I having illusions out of sheer desperation?

          Hope everyone is having a fine day!
          Take care!

  • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
    Profile picture of ddhamilt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Jo - first page action alright! Sorry I haven't had time to respond to your forum email, getting geared up to start building websites, and doing the normal hum-drum SEO. Aka Sloggin' it!

    Keep rockin' it buddy.

    Right now I am dreaming of Kuala Lumpar. And Phuket. Aahhhhh. Eye on the prize!!!

    Yes I am part Scottish of the Hamilton Clan! Did you bring your kilt with you to Malaysia?
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph: what's Web 2.0 "anchors" that you mentioned before?You use "free" sites to support your twilightposterz site ?
  • Profile picture of the author ddhamilt
    Profile picture of ddhamilt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Jo - getting paid comes first! Do it, do it! Responded to your email
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok. I got it. So you basicly create a couple of small sites on the same niche and put links on them to your main site, right?
    But, so far, for backlinking you only used those 6 article directories ?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good day to everyone, firstly today I would like to make a mention of my coaching service for all those who are interested and in need of one-on-one for further focus on the goals at hand here.

      And yes, its acceptable to mention my services on this thread because I have an ad on the Warrior Forum

      The ad thread is here...

      So if you need further input than the info I'm "coughing up" here, then you should consider personal coaching as one way of doing this. After all, with coaching its a far quicker and more stream-lined method of learning and really focusing in on the goals at hand, than having to experiment with this, with that and everything else only to find that many months down the road (and possibly many dollars down the tubes!) you are still struggling.

      Furthermore, you know how approachable I am and how much I WANT to help you, so you know you are going be getting fantastic value from my service!

      Any queries about this service, well, you know how to get hold of me now, right?

      And with that said, its time to progress with the other events of the day...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi DD, I've been putting "getting paid" very much on the back-burner, but we all gotta get by somehow in life, and I would much prefer to focus on other people's SEO concerns rather than my own now.

        I've spent too much time couped up in my appartment "sloggin' it" on my own sites for too long and its not as rewarding now as it used to be - not from a psychological view-point anyhow.

        I would much prefer to employ and direct others to work on my sites - re-build, make new, further enhance with backlinking (I noticed quite a few of my sites "slinking" down the rankings a bit of recent due to them getting no love and attention from me).

        This would free me up to do what I really want to be doing - working with others to improve their own understanding and income levels from their web presence and their own sites.

        Its about doing what I love that matters most to me now and that will show in the quality of my coaching.

        So there you go, another bit of ad copywriting. Maybe I should turn my attentions to that too... Haha, on second thoughts, maybe not...

        I'll get back to you re your emails shortly - thanks for those, much appreciated!

        Take care DDH!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Banel, I have 8 article directories in place for the Challenge that all use the do-follow attribute (or not no-do-follow, to be more technically correct).

          But yes, you create fast Web 2.0 "properties" using the content you have already spun. Sometimes I will re-visit those Web 2.0 and use more spun content I have sitting on my desktop too, just to boost up the site a bit. Every little bit can help here.

          You want to make your "anchors" of value to your visitors (and of course to the search engines, not to mention the owners/managers of the directories and Web 2.0's).

          Remember though, this spun content I use tends to be around 50% unique each time. At the very least you would want 30% unique and to be safe I suggest more - avoid the Google footprint. The extra effort, in my opion, is well and truly worthwhile!

          Hope that's clear Banel?

          Best to you!
          • Profile picture of the author Rita
            Profile picture of Rita
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hello Joseph.

            Home page of my site can be accessed in 3 ways.


            Would you please suggest how I can use some redirect so that all links goes to
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Rita, yes the 301 redirect is a definite option here!

              However, again - is your site a WP. org site? If so, then there are other simple options to tackle this issue.

              • Profile picture of the author Rita
                Profile picture of Rita
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                Hi Rita, yes the 301 redirect is a definite option here!

                However, again - is your site a WP. org site? If so, then there are other simple options to tackle this issue.

                Thanks Joseph. I used dreamweaver to build sites.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Ooooh gosh Rita! I picked up a Dreamweaver book one time many years back and promptly placed it back on the shelf! Thank you, but no thank you!

                  Yup, 301 would be the best thing here then. Anyone else got experience with html-based sites and would like to offer up any other info, please do so, thanks!

                  If you were using wordpress .org then you have a few other options available which merely consist of popping in a plugin and ticking a couple of boxes. Its of no consequence however...

                  Hope that you got your "cannonical url's" sorted out with the 301, Rita!

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph thanks for this great thread it has been very educational. Im a little confused about your anchors though. Do you submit spun articles linking back to other articles to boost their juice?

    Im trying to get an idea also on about how many articles you have submitted to this point to already be getting good ranking?

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brian, thanks for coming by and for your feedback, which is always much appreciated!

      Yes, I submit quality spun articles with around a 45 - 50% uniqueness which will link back to my "anchors".

      With regards to how many articles submitted - I only submitted 8 articles to my "anchor" directories, then I push them mainly with UAW, which up to now I've added some 6 rounds of articles (I mean here - UAW requires 3 unique articles per submission, so I have done 6 x 3 - again using my spun articles which are sitting on my desktop).

      Early days it is a lot of work if you are doing this alone and if you want fairly rapid results, but as time goes by it does not take too much input to keep the site going up and then once it is up its generally easy to keep it there, providing you are getting the income from it that you wanted.

      Hope that makes this clear Brian...
      Thanks again!

      Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Still working on the site... like crazy! keep up the good work on your posters sites!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I just made a post and popped it up on my forum. I have to be honest that this is not something I will be doing much of in future - I do not think the mods on here would like it much. I will be writing posts for MY forum and not posting them on here!

      But for this time I will... its a bit of an ad for my forum after all - I admit. But its also a very "nice" case scenario which is unbiased and fully do-able. Let's have a look...

      I got this domain some 3 or 4 weeks ago. Its exact match to a keyphrase and is ranking in 8th in Goog, even without ANY backlinks.

      Sure the frase gets a poxy little 300 exacts a month. So no big deal!

      But its not the reason I got the domain. I got it cos its loosely related to another keyword phrase which is much hotter!

      The reason I did not go for the main keyword frase was its well gone by now and also it would be a copyright issue. I don't want to take the risk with this one, even though I have a few domains that are infringing copyright.

      So, the problem with the main keyword is of course its tough to rank for. The top spot is a massive company involved in home entertainment. Second spot is a credit card company.

      I am me - one man. I got a credit card to pay for my kit. I sit in my appartment day after day plodding away at this stuff. These other guys and girls have teams of SEOers working for them. Its tough for me here! Its tough for US all here - you and me!

      But what if I can get third place?

      Let me give you some stats to mull over.

      The exact frase I am going to be targeting gets some 5.5k exact montly (according to Google). And this is a fairly evergreen niche really, so not much in the way of seasonal fluctuation.

      Say I get third in Google. I can expect around 15% of the total 5.5k give or take... Some folks may say less, some may say a little more...

      But due to me using a "stealth" tactic, I can fairly safely pop that up to 18% (I think that very conservative!)...

      5.5k x 0.18 = say 1k (its 990 exact)

      The keyword I wanna target gets a click thru value of just over $20, so that means I'll get about $6 per click to me after all "costs".

      Why $6? Its my experience of using AdSense.

      Further, what click thru can I get at best?

      Let us hope for 20% click thru. Not sure right now but its very possible if the ads showing are really decent. And cos of the setup on my page I really gear up for click thrus.


      1k (the search traffic) x 0.20 (the click thru on AdSense) = 200 clicks per month...

      200 x $6 =... you know... $1200

      Can you see how some folks get filthy rich doing AdSense??

      These are rough figures, there is no absolute guarantee of it. Some sites with AdSense do quite a bit better with their click thrus. A lady on my forum gets some 50% click thrus at one of her sites! I guess my best performers are around 40% or so... taken as an average over say - 3 months (mind you, the traffic on those sites is not particularly impressive, even though the sites are mostly ranking top 10 in Google - long tail keywords).

      You just have to have your techniques honed, analyzed (and the lady I am referring to is hot on her analyzing - she puts me to shame!!). And you have to know how to SEO. And that is it! If you don't yet know for yourself, ask around, look around on here (my Forum!) in the forum. Not many posts yet as its just slowly building (very slowly) but what there is, is very rich pickings!

      Don't forget that this is for one keyword phrase. For this particular site I should hope to target around 5 or 6 different frases. Not at all are they going to be hitting the $6 click value. But lets imagine on average they are going to fetch $2 a go. Lets imagine these 5 or 6 keyword frases, once ranked for, can bring in a further 3k search volume to my one little site (I can't imagine I will put up more than 10 pages of content on it).


      For the whole lot of keywords if ranked highly for (say all have 3rd spot - very rough estimate of course! Ranking for the other 5 or 6 is a bit easier than for the primary keyword that I chose to target first)...

      For that one small site the potential is there to make some $2400 a month!

      Simplified stats and reality may be very different. But there is a potential for it as you can see from some basic stats.

      Now Im not sure about you but to me an extra $2400 a month is very useful!

      Once the hard work is out the way - give me 3 months tops! - its fairly passive income. If I outsource, its totally passive. Outsourcing for a few links to the site each month should cost me no more than $75.

      You do the math this time, thanks!

      I know, I know, I make it sound oh so simple, and don't you get tired of reading the hype about this stuff being "oh so simple"!!! :rolleyes:

      But to be honest, you just have to have a few of the right ingredients in place to do this and make it a reality. My own ingredients are not complete - I lack real focus and real true motivation. Sounds really strange but its the truth. I am motivated to show others how to do things and that is where my ego maybe thrives the most. I think for me to do this stuff time and time again I would need to team up with someone who brings sheer and utter motivation to the table. Someone who could really gear me up day after day to do this stuff - the sloggin and the ploddin...

      How about you? Where you at right now?

      I may have a proposal coming up fairly soon for anyone who may fit the bill. Watch closely!!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Oh and one more thing here!

        I would LOVE to do this (the site I just mentioned) as another Challenge sort of thing (yawn yawn!) but reporting would not be so much on the forum here. You know where, right?

        So this time it would be a ranking and an AdSense income challenge rolled into one.

        I may start it in the next few days but I will let you know of course.

        BUT, the problem is I cannot make it public knowledge about any of my sites that have AdSense. As mentioned previously a few times, I would get slapped with a ban!

        What I could do then is to report on what is happening and get a couple of impartial sources to fully verify income and rankings of this site and the related keywords.

        This one though will be longer term - as mentioned, I would be looking at 3 - 4 months if I am to rank well for 6 or 7 keyword phrases (I have no idea if these keywords are indeed worth ranking for as yet - I have not done the research).

        I don't want to have to go all out again cos it takes over almost the whole of my existence. But this will provide me the motivation I really need to get this project going!

        I am not gauranteeing income. The last post was a "what if" case. I gave some stats about what is factual, but the click thru is not guaranteed (depends on the ads served up and what is available, if any ads are); the rankings are not guaranteed - I only assessed the primary keyword and not too closely either.

        I don't know, I may come back to this forum and do another Challenge. I think folks love it, for various reasons! Some probably would love to see me FAIL and fall flat on my face! :p Its always a risk when you are in the public eye like this!

        Can some of you who follow along with this thread make your thoughts known about what I just posted here pls? Is this boring? Is it a good idea? Is it what you want to see? Am I just feeding my own ego? Am I mad? I may just go do it all privately and this way no one is "bothered" by me posting every day, numerous times a day. Gee that must get boring to read!!

        Your thoughts?

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, no worries Toby!

    Let me know when you got your next video up on PC Trainer | PC Tutorials | Computer Lessons | Free Online PC Tips and I'll come over and learn something new for today!

    Cheers and looking forward to it!
  • Profile picture of the author thepusher4u
    Profile picture of thepusher4u
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi ThePusher, thanks for your great feedback! I need folks like you to keep pushing me on, so your username is very apt indeed!

      I just checked the Posterz .com site and I have it stuck where it was yesterday - 7th in Scroogle. I guess it will be there for a few days and then hopefully we will see another little jump upwards.

      Mind you, I've not been hearing much about where others are seeing it in their Goog searches - someone yesterday had it way down at the bottom of page 3 on Google uk version. Others say 7th, like where I'm seeing it.

      But a general Goog search will bring up local results in preference to general results, so you could say for this particular case, they are flawed results to some extent. Hence I use Scroogle - there is no bias at all.

      Not possible to tell exactly where as there is so much variation. So I guess its down to a general ish consensus at the end of the day, as to where the site is actually ranking.

      Thanks again and enjoy the fun - another 20 days left if I'm not mistaken...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi AJeet, you are quite right - hard work does (or can!) pay off and pay off big time! However, I remember the days when I worked almost as hard on my projects and did not see these results - in fact, nothing like it. So it pays to know exactly what you are doing (to the best you can, anyhow) and then keep a cool head and hand at playing your cards.

        Its a lot about mindset, something I kinda struggle with myself.

        Anyhow, we'll see about the next Challenge if indeed there is one from me. I'm just checking a few stats and what have you. Its something I will do for sure (I like the thought of a couple of grand extra in the bank on a very much passive basis!), but whether to make it public I really don't know yet.

        Thanks a lot for your kind words and good luck to you too!

  • Profile picture of the author ajeetroy
    Profile picture of ajeetroy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joesph,

    Great does prove consistent and hard work can help you achieve good rankings. Will look forward to your next challenge.

    Best of Luck
  • Profile picture of the author thepusher4u
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi ThePusher, well now, that particular scenario we covered at some length a while back but because it would take me a time to find the actual post, I will try to give you a brief of the situation instead.

      Its a tough call. If you are sending out a ton of articles for backlinking purposes - in my case that would be backlinking to my "anchors", then its not possible to keep trace on every article submitted and published.

      What tends to happen to some extent is that there are pingbacks and various emails regarding who (or what) has published which of your articles. Once you know about this, it is no bad idea to take the link of the location where the article is - the website - the page address, and then you simply ping it.

      I tend to use either Pingoat .net or Ping-o-matic .com

      With this as a back up for a number of your articles then you will almost certainly be getting a reasonable amount of indexing going on.

      Of course you can do that for the actual anchors too - its a good thing to do for quick indexing for example. But in reality, because you are backlinking to your anchors anyhow, there is no real need for pinging too.

      To find all the articles that have been published and that relate to your anchors would be too much trouble to try and track them all down. So we have to leave that in the hands of Google and entrust them to do a reasonable job.

      If you are not happy about that, then simply publish more articles as a form of compensation - its most probably less work than trying to locate articles you submitted already and have no idea where they may be located.

      Hope that helps ThePusher!

      Thanks and regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Checked on your site today, close to New Orleans you are ranked 16th, not bad at all, good luck

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brian, thanks for coming by!

      16th is not really where I would want the site at this stage.
      In my Scroogle this morning I have it in 5th. I would love to say "game over" but I need a general consensus to be truly able to do so.

      Anyways, I will keep up the backlinking, albeit more "weighting" is going to the other keywords rather than "Twilight poster".

      Thanks again!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi S... (nameless for privacy), thanks for your PM regards to picking out domain names with an exact match. Very good question and a hot topic right now for sure!

        Here is my take on this...

        The problem with exact match domains (exact match to the keyword phrase you want to rank for) is that there is not such a huge amount of rich pickings left now. Yes, you can find some goodies. But for many of us, finding the goodies can take hours. For some, it can take
        days. That is not time well spent!

        So really we should be trying to think - yes, you guessed it - outside of the proverbial box!

        You possibly have read before - "no way should you get a domain name with dashes in it ( - )". And why not? I mentioned before, I have seen quite a few domain names in the past few months that have at the very least one dash. Here is an example: Harley-Davidson-Bikes dot com.

        Now to me that's a great lookin domain name! I love it! If I saw the domain name I would probably wanna click on the link to visit the site.

        But of course, its not just the look of the domain name. Can you rank it? Yes you can! There are a lot of domain names that rank at or very near the top in Google that have dashes within. So there you have it, dashes work and work well! If you can't get the exact match then chances are pretty decent you will get the dashed exact match!

        Or how about this case scenrio. Now this site is doing fairly well really, so I will use it for an example...

        Okay, yet to hit top spot but it would not surprise me if it did so, given a little more time and a little more backlink love. Maybe I'm a little biased...

        There is no way that TwilightPoster or TwilightPosters would be available. But don't you think that TwilightPosterz sounds real cool?

        I got an exact match in a sense - the keyword phrase I wanted is within the domain. Job done! I just need to get some good quality do-follow backlinks to that web page with "Twilight poster" in as the anchor text to ensure that the page ranks very nicely for the keyword phrase. Simple as that!

        One more bit of chat about exact matches. It is indeed the case that exact matches rank fast for the keyword phrase they are targeting. If long tail anyhow (easier to rank for). Often you will see an exact match appear within or near the top 10 just after the thing is indexed in Google. Albeit, it will tend to slump if it gets no link love.

        Further, you will often see an exact match on front page in Google in among PR 2's PR 3's PR 4's - you name it. Even though the exact match is a PR 0. Seems odd, right?

        There is no doubt it is that much easier to rank the exact match. And we all like the thought of less sloggin it! But how often do you see domain names that do not even have a single keyword of the phrase they are ranking at the very top? LOADS!

        Of course, many of these domains are aged and mature, they have perhaps decent Alexa rankings, they may have a lot of pages indexed under the domain - all sorts of reasons really. But fact is, if you get your domain a good number of quality backlinks with your keyphrase of choice in the link as your anchor text then the chances are good to very good (depending on a number of variables!) that your domain will be ranking at or near the top regardless.

        That's my thoughts about this whole domain name thing. Don't get too hooked at "trying" to find exact matches to the exclusion of all else. As the months go by its going to get even more tough than now, so its best to gear yourself up for this and begin to rank your sites that may not be quite the exact match after all.

        Hope that helps, S...

        Thanks and regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry JosephA,

    Just reporting your awesome progress. I checked with MicroNichfinder today for Twilightposters, it showed SOC < Strenght of competion > 270 I am not able to get the backlinks so far though.

    Im new to this and have taken no action so far but your thread has really given me some confidence. I really cant thank you enough for this real world demonstrastion.

    I have read Chris the lazy guy, Holly Mann, The com blue thing for PPclick but I think I wasted all that money now that I have followed this thread. Awesome, I cant thank you enough.

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry for the double post,

    I was searching for Twilight Posters, If I search for Twilight poster I gave up at page 4

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brian, you are saying you cannot find "Twilight poster" in a Google search where you are? Funny - I got it ranked 5 in Scroogle Scraper; my blogspot page is ranked at 6th; then the Squidoo is 8th; finally wordpress .com at 17th

      As mentioned a number of times previously, the reason I use Scroogle and not a standard Google search is because the results will not be biased in my favor (as it would be in a standard search).

      For "Twilight posters" my primary site is back in 14th and the Squid at 8th...

      So much fluctuation around the globe!

      Thanks for your kind words - much appreciated! You did make me laugh - "Chris the lazy guy..." hahaha! Chris Rempel I think you mean, right? Yes, his products are far from cheap! I bought a keyword package from him some 9 months ago or maybe a little more which set me back $200 US. I looked at it twice maybe. Dumb clutz so I am!

      Not to say bad about Chris' stuff - he's made a whole heap of money for a whole heap of folks, hence he is very popular. It just did not work for me and I purchased quite a few of his products over the past 18 months.

      The "dot com blue thing" - hehehe! I steer well clear of PPC now, so no comment about that!

      You are right to bring up the point tho - you can waste a massive amount of money on all sorts of glossy bits and bobs but do these things really cut it?

      For me, its been a case of taking a bit from one glossy "hard-sell" product, and a bit from another and then adding in a few other things to bring about the equation that really works for me. So not a total waste, but if I could turn back time - money stay put in my pocket!!!

      Its got me thinking, if I could turn back time to 7 years ago when I had my first foray online and building sites and SEO, what would I have done differently?

      Most of the glossy products and hard sells would NEVER have been bought! I would have searched (I think we all do) for someone I could really trust and believe in, cos they just tell things as they are. None of the sales talk that is pure sh.t (pardon me for that, but its true!). Yes sales talk sells and makes a few folks rich, but I would prefer to be modestly well off rather than stinking wealthy and just full of s..t!

      I don't even find myself embellishing any of the stuff I write up here, on my blog or on the forum. Its not worth my time doing so. Tell it as it is. If folks don't like that, then fine, I go back to ranking my own sites, quietly making some money in my own way. No doubt I'd still get some folks coming to me and patting my back and asking my advice on everything SEO and IM, which is enough for me, really.

      Anyhow Brian, thanks for giving me a right good giggle! Its good to laugh!

      Kind regards and best wishes!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        As a further update, I fired up the Hide My Ass proxy (another "Google" search engine that provides unbiased results). This is what I am seeing in there...

        I am not counting the news and image links but am counting the youtube, of course...

        All results for "Twilight poster".

        5th: successoftwilight . blogspot (yup - my blogspot page)

        7th: twilightposters4all .wordpress .com (the wordpress .com page)

        8th: twilghtposterz .com (the primary target domain - home page)

        9th: twilightposterz .com/new-moon-poster-edward-and-bella (one of the new pages on the primary domain)

        Please do feedback what you are seeing in your own searches, thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Im sorry I only reported my search results at the time of doing them. I am completely not a guy promoting anything.

    I just mentioned the Chris guy because you mentioned his stuff, or Ideals anyway.I geuss I offended you. Im very sorry I never ment to. Im just a rookie trying to make my way, thanks for the awesome thread, sorry I offended you, It was not my intention.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Brian, chill my man! Its of no concern whatsoever!

      You provided me with a laugh and I'm very sure you provided many others who follow this thread with a laugh too, albeit maybe not Chris himself.

      But I can guess he's been called all sorts of names simply because he chooses to be in the public eye. Its inevitable he gets insulted at various times - he charges large prices (not so large compared to many others who we shall not currently mention, shall we?) and its by no means true that his products work for everyone. This then will induce rather a few insults to say the least.

      To be honest, the stuff that I bought from him is generally very good, hence I bought more than one product, so kudos to him and his team for that. His thoughts re internet marketing in general are clear, and thoroughly workable on the whole, its just that as with the vast majority of products which are IM related there seems some things still missing from the equation. But this is only the way I see (saw) it.

      But no, you caused me no offence whatsoever, so please rest easy about that!

      You are obviously very much a gentleman and you are to be congratulated for your decency!

      Thank you very much for your concerns, but please, rest easy.

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Im not a big poster on any board. You have given me the confidence to give a few micro sites a try. I may fail but I cant know untill I actually do something. Im not sure why Chris,the lazy marketer or what ever he calls himself is such a joke, I thought I saw you say yourself that his principles about buyers keywords was something you followed. I Only purchused 1 thing from him,haha, so maybe im not to stupid. I was reading another guys experiment about links, I dont know how to link it here but it is Terry Kyles 60 day thing. What do you think about that?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brian,
      I suggest you do try out a few micro sites, and a good place to start would be to go for what is called long-tail keywords - those that get fewer searches (as a general rule) but they also have smaller competition, so are easier to rank for.

      Try out them to begin with (some people stick with them all the time and never go for any other type of keyword or any other type of website - they can be hugely lucrative if you build up a few sites and target a number of good long-tails).

      The thing about keywords that are easier to rank for is that you see the results all the sooner, so the motivation levels do not have time to flag. Its when you target the tougher keywords that it can be more difficult to keep up the backlinking momentum due to the fact that it tends to take so much more time and effort.

      Yes, agreed, Chris Rempel knows his stuff and offers up a number of really good products. He writes as he sees things and does not fluff it out with nonsense.

      Sorry, not seen Terry Kyle's 60 day thing. What's he basing this on? AdSense? 60 days is a looooong time! Hope he manages to keep up his own momentum for so long!

      Thanks Brian!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Ok, here's what I've been doing today - a bit odd for me, really.
        Finding blogs to comment on!

        Na, not the whole day of course, but for an hour or so. And I'm not telling you how I find them, (yet - its no secret, just that I would have to explain things spefically about the process - for another post), but these blogs are all do-follow (not nodofollow). Thus I'm hoping to get my
        backlink in the post somehow and some place, without it looking like spam of course!

        Its not easy though. Many blogs (do-follow) have a set up where you get your name as the do-follow, which is not exactly what we want, is it?

        Imagine you got a blog that you are trying to rank for "blue parrots". But instead, due to the amount of blog commenting you have done you get it ranked for your name instead. Hmmm...

        Blog commenting is not something I have done too much of over the years so I am not a pro, so to speak (if anyone is who reads this post, please add some value - something I maybe missed out on, thanks!). However, the little I have done today I am enjoying it; really enjoying it!

        I see some of my comments appear instantly and for those blogs that encourage commenting from other bloggers if they have a WP plugin called "Comment Luv" it means that you will get a link to your latest post on the website that you enter in the entry field line where you put your name
        and email address etc.

        Now obviously if your last post is entitled with your primary or secondary keywords then there is going to be some nice value to be had here!

        For those blogs that do not have the plugin mentioned, you can try to insert in the "name" field, not your name but your keyword phrase. If the blog that you are commenting on is indeed specific to your own niche, then chances are reasonable you will get away with this.

        In my case for example, if I was commenting on a book review blog, I may well get away with popping in "Twilight Poster" in the field where my name should actually go. I do not feel that the blog owner should necessarily see this as spamming, providing I make a good and valueable comment of course!

        It is of course time consuming finding relevant blogs that will actually post your comment and are also do-follows. And you best be aware not to comment on some spammy blog, as this may hurt your own site with a "bad neighborhood" backlink.

        Obviously if you can find web pages that are like PR1, 2, 3 maybe even a 4 or a 5 then you are onto a good thing here! You have to remember this stuff about how many links into the page and how many links out of the page. The more links out then the less effective is the PR of
        the webpage. How to tell how many links out? You can see this if you have the SEO Quake plugin/add-on for Firefox - just look for "External links" on that tool bar.

        But there is indeed more value here than simply PR. Check the Alexa ranking in your SEO Quake tool bar. You never know, maybe you've found a blog that is something like 40,000 in Alexa. If you are not sure what this means, what it means is that this particular blog is highly popular which could then translate to you getting some of the traffic to your own

        If you comment a few times on the same blog and your comments are "hot" then you will indeed capture interest and benefit for definite!

        Which could then translate into your own blog or site getting quite a number of extra bookmarks from the traffic you've gained from your commenting efforts.

        There is more actually. Think about this...

        Imagine you are enjoying your theme or your niche if you like. You are passionate about... cats - Siamese cats. Okay so what you gonna do?

        Build up a super site is a definite possibility. Or, build a few sites that tackle different issues with regards to Siamese cats. Link them all together to make your own network of sites, which can become very strong regards site visitor numbers and SEO.

        If you keep on commenting on other relevant blogs, and adding a lot of value, you are not only attaining a valueable backlink, you are not only getting more quality and qualified traffic to your own site/s but, you are also building up a network of acquaintances who are passionate about cats.

        Thus, when you are in need of a few quality backlinks from some real authority sites in your own niche (so valueable!), you just email your friend who has his PR 4 site and who gets 350 uniques a day, and you ask if you can guest post. Oh wow! See how this whole thing can get massively powerful??!

        I love that, I really love that! Community spirit working in tandem, so many quality links going from here, there. And no, I am not talking link exchange. Link exchange may work well for Yahoo! or maybe for Bing, but not for Google. Google do not value link exchanges nearly as much as it did not long ago.

        So no, I am not talking link exchange. There is no need to - how many cat lovers are there who have quality blogs or sites about the subject matter? 30k? 50k? You get my point!

        Now its time for you to have some fun. This whole process of building links and sloggin it, well, no need to slog it all the time. Spend some time having some fun. Build a community spirit by commenting on other related niches to your own. And while you are having fun, you are really improving your own site's traffic and also - potentially, ranking for some real "hot" keywords too!
        • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
          Profile picture of Toby.T
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Building up a nice community is a good idea.
          Traffic is key to success if we can share it, we will get even more.

          One might think we could lose traffic to someone else but in fact offering more content cross sites, helps us all.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey Toby, you're working late tonight!

            I could not agree with you more, actually!

            I used to think... "Jo, you worked so hard on all this stuff, spent a whole heap of money gaining knowledge, spent literally years building your own knowledge base. So of course, once you know how to do "it" you gotta guard the secret with your life!".

            How wrong was I? Look at me now!

            I sense the value of community spirit and sharing is far, far greater for the good, than is the selfish hoarding to oneself in fear of "giving of what you have worked so hard upon yourself to attain".

            Perhaps that's the biggest message from this whole Challenge of 40 days.

            To consider that sharing is a blessing for others, but what you share with others will come back as a gift - as countless gifts, which are yours to enjoy and this is what makes your life so much more valueable than it was previously!

            The internet should be no different to "normal" community. Community spirit on the internet can be tremendous so we should learn to give more of ourselves on here, and this way shall we reap the true rewards!

            A bit of a sermon there I think...
            My parents would be proud.

            Thanks for taking the time to comment at such a late hour Toby!
  • Profile picture of the author ianjohnson
    Profile picture of ianjohnson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    What have you found to be the most efficient way to approach spinning an article? Do you replace all the synonyms first and then clean up? Do you start from the beginning and go word by word? Spin by the sentence or paragraphs?

    Is there a method of preparing an article that you find usually requires the least editing after a spin? I understand that you don't care too much about readability for the mass submissions that point to your anchors, but I'd like to be able to get the best quality for a half dozen spins for the blogs and anchors in the least time possible.


    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Ian, thanks for your question.

      I actually do care about every submission I make. So even for those that I send through the likes of UAW I make sure that they all read well. After all, these articles are being sent out to other peoples blogs and sites so they would want good quality stuff, or chances are they will not accept it.

      The spinning software that I use is The Best Spinner, as everyone probably knows now. Its got all sorts of fancy functions but as everyone also probably knows, I am not one for fiddling with lots of fancy functions.

      So, the way I work with it is to stick the article in and just work from the beginning replacing whatever I can throughout the article body.

      I put a lot of thought into this stage of the process because otherwise it would mean more work after - in cleaning every article that I was going to be using for some form of submission. I find this a tiring process so only do it when I am at my peak and can focus well.

      So, yes, I do word by word syntax changes.

      If the article is a longer one, then I will break it in half. I'll do it in smaller chunks because it "looks" like an easier job to do. Rewriting a 300 word article is easier than rewriting a 500 worder - from a psychological perspective.

      I think everyone has their own methods that suit them. Its a case of doing a little experimenting and finding what suits you best.

      Hope that helps Ian.

      • Profile picture of the author ianjohnson
        Profile picture of ianjohnson
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        So you read through each of the 250 spins? No wonder you call it a slog!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          A slog it is Ian, yes! Mind you, normally I will have the 250 spins sitting waiting for use. Normally, they would be used over a period of months and not 2 weeks or so - like for this Challenge - its been full on for the first couple of weeks, although a bit more relaxed pace at the moment.

          You can see why so many people really like the idea of outsourcing this sort of work though. The thing about outsourcing is however, you have to know exactly what it is that you need to do to make the best of your resources, otherwise its good money after bad!

          In the meantime, that's why most of us grab hold of decent bits and pieces of software to cut the workload. But even some of these can be expensive, so again, they have to be used with care and intelligence to get what you can out of the investment.

          Good luck with your endeavors!

  • Profile picture of the author johnjunior
    Profile picture of johnjunior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    I have bookmarked your thread , Waiting for your case study result. All the best !!
    • Profile picture of the author Selena85
      Profile picture of Selena85
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph!

      Thanks so much for info you're sharing on this thread! I've been away from the WF for a while because I get easily distracted around here, but I've subscribed to this thread as there's so much valuable info here.

      I spent my whole afternoon yesterday and this morning reading every post and taking notes, and I have to say you really opened my eyes as far as the power of article marketing. I could never quite wrap my head around the concept and couldn't see how it could possibly work, but I've changed my now.

      Also, it feels like a lightbulb went on in my head and I'm finally seeing how I can put together an SEO strategy/action plan for my site. Thank you for that!

      I'll be watching you progress closely. Can't wait for more updates!
      • Profile picture of the author JJ Rendon
        JJ Rendon
        Profile picture of JJ Rendon
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Keep up posted, you're story is very inspiring, now I need settle some stuffs and make a detailed plan..challenge indeed! Best of luck!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi JJ, thanks for coming by and commenting!

          Yup, its very helpful to have some sort of plan in place and follow the steps of that time and time again, tweaking the odd thing here and there on occasion and gauging results - for better or for worse.

          This is the way to make serious progress in SEO and in IM. While at the same time, tap into some of the wealth of fantastic info that is available online. But don't get too caught up in the reading of it at the expense of the doing of it. I think many of us do make that mistake - its a very easy mistake to make.

          Best wishes to you JJ!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Selena, thanks for coming by here and reading non-stop for hours and hours! Hehe.

        Yes, my idea was not just to share the facts about what I do and how I do it as far as SEO is concerned, but also the emotional journey too. And this is because I know what it feels like to be doing this stuff, even if only part time - it can be a real stressful and frustrating journey indeed and can make a right mess up of your life, to be honest.

        But to get back to the main point - article marketing is a great way to push your SEO campaigns forward simply because it is multi-pronged. If you simply see it from the point of view fo getting a few good backlinks then you are not embracing its true potential. There is so much more on offer here, so it really should be part of everyone's SEO strategy.

        I'm actually testing out a few other things too, to see if they work short term or if they don't kick in until after the Challenge has finished. It would be a pity should they not work earlier rather than later, but the main thing is to assess their over-all worth.
        I'll be sharing this over the next week, so do stay tuned Selena.

        Thanks for coming by and spending so much time on here!

        Regards to you!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi John, thanks for bookmarking the thread!

      I'm hoping that rather than the Twilight posterz site just showing up in top 5 on Scroogle and top 8 in HideMyAss, it shows up top on a general Goog search within most countries too, which right now its not necessarily doing.

      However, I'm very confident that given time it will indeed be top 5 every where and not just in Scroog and HideMyAss proxy!

      Thanks again for your comments and bookmark!
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello Joseph

    Been following your thread with interest. Any chance you will come out with an ebook detailing step by step process of your work?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi CSG, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

      Ah, so you are in Penang? Lovely place indeed and not far from me in Kuching!
      Yes, the eBook is coming out in the near future. I got Jenny working on it now - she is a specialist in SEO writing - one of the best!

      Its gonna be longer than I had planned but that's simply because Jenny said there is far too much info to pack into some 30 pages.

      Thus the release will be later than planned.

      I ll let you know as soon as its ready.

      Thanks CSG and no doubt hear from you again soon!

      Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Zillionairemind
    Profile picture of Zillionairemind
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    I PMed you about your SEO coaching.Still waiting for your reply.Thankyou.

    • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
      Jeannie Crabtree
      Profile picture of Jeannie Crabtree
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Joseph, thanks for the detailed posts, which will help many. Whew, took a while to read.
      Yes, I agree Google has become more sensitive to backlinking lately.

      People need to have faith that they are moving in the right direction. You have provided enough info and proof through your example site that people can see how this should go. You also point out that linking to the web 2.0 properties can be backlinked heavier. I hope people keep this in mind.

      I cannot say it enough times, this is the boring part of seo and takes time for all of this to show up. Two weeks to three months in my experience. Just keep backlinking to your site, although more slowly with Googles reactions lately.

      If there was one thing I would disagree with, it would be that once you get a backlink from an IP address it is spent. I have seen otherwise, but we all speak from our own experiences. Just keep an open mind.

      Take care, and thanks again for such a great post and helping so many people out here.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jeannie, thanks for your valueable comments!
        I'll get back to you shortly - must dash out and grab my breakfast while its still available!

        Best wishes!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Ed, I sent you a reply, thanks indeed!

  • Profile picture of the author Dan B Rusu
    Dan B Rusu
    Profile picture of Dan B Rusu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Congradulations on your 1st page ranking. You've got a wealth of information here. I think what would be helpful (especially for those of us who dont like to read pages of posts) is to summarize the process including tools you used to get your high ranking. If you already did this, please point me to the page where I can find this info.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, I ll get back to you shortly on that, thanks!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jeannie, yup - Goog is very sensitive and for good reason. Mind you I read of recent that 90% or thereabouts of their link checking is automated. Thus even "rubbish" backlinks do or can count when it comes to ranking your own sites.

        I agree, if folks know that this stuff is within THEIR reach without much in the way of fancy pants gear to help them to achieve it, then there is indeed renewed hope and energy for many who are on the point of giving up or suffering from lack of motivation due to past lack of successes.

        And it does not have to be such a slave labor as I have made it out to be. Its probably far better taking this stuff on at a much more gentle pace which is more suited to your own situation and needs.

        Sure, its good to hear that you have different experience with backlinking from the same IPs. I will experiment with it further given some time. I may even set up a couple of sites where I throw only ezine article backlinks at the sites and see what's what, although I doubt very much it will have much influence.

        Anyways Jeannie, thanks for coming by and adding in your thoughts and experiences here. Much appreciated!

        Take care and best wishes!
        • Profile picture of the author link-master
          Profile picture of link-master
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Great thread,

          This should be read by everyone who is interested in SEO in any sense.
          You give us awesome case study with lots of links and tips. Experience in SEO is by no means the most important factor. Thanks for sharing Yours.

          I really like the way you are picking keywords, You're not trying beat saturated niches like loans, moneymaking etc... You simply watch what is needed, what may bring You income and You try to dominate it. That's exactly the same attitude I have

          Cheers from Poland,
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi LinkMaster, Poland - never been but did have a lot of Polish friends back in the UK. Very nice folks you Polish are! Very nice!

            Thanks for your positive and kind words!

            I totally agree, SEO is not just about the doing part, its also about mindset and having the right focus. If you don't have that then you'll flap about from one project to the next. And what this will inevitably mean is little over all success.

            No, I don't try and tackle things like credit cards, loans and what have you simply because they take months to dominate, if they can be dominated at all. After all, you get the big companies working in those niches and their spend on SEO is vast. How to take on such projects when the chance of real success (top 5) is so limited?

            That is not to say do not take on some bigger search volume keywords, just try to analyze your choices before taking them on as a project to see that you can indeed rank top 10 or better. Otherwise it could be a case of banging your head against the brick wall.

            With the Posterz site, its not so much about income for me as trying to rank for this sort of search volume in a fairly short time span. Just to prove it is do-able.

            Thanks again for your kind words LinkMaster and best wishes with your own campaigns!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, thanks for your input!

      I take your point - absolutely! Its hard work reading through hundreds of posts trying to pick out the stuff that's particularly important!
      The eBook, which is going to be priced very low so that everyone can get a copy, will do just this. My writer is picking out the "need to know" juicy stuff and although the eBook is going to be rather a lot longer than I had anticipated, its going to be pure nuts and bolts of the how to and what's what of the techniques outlined on the thread here.

      Thanks again Daniel!
  • Profile picture of the author Zillionairemind
    Profile picture of Zillionairemind
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jo,

    PMed you again.


  • Profile picture of the author Dan B Rusu
    Dan B Rusu
    Profile picture of Dan B Rusu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok thanks, I'll look forward to the ebook.

    Looking at your backlinks, you've got a few from blog posts like The Absolute Wonder Linked With Twilight Series

    and The Pure Marvel Linked With the Twilight Series

    am I correct in assuming these are from blog blueprint? With blog blueprint, were you doing 20 posts/day for this website?

    Also, I'm curious how much traffic and sales you're getting now that your on the 1st page.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, yup those posts/backlinks are via BB. No, I don't use BB purely for the site. I mix it up with linking back to the Web 2.0s and was going to do the article anchors too but time and resources has not allowed for that.

      The sales have not been particularly impressive to be honest, although I can't as yet give exact figures for the week since I last reported. Will do that tomorrow though.

      The traffic you can see from the stat counter in the footer of the sites web pages. It has to be said that although I see the site (sites) ranking well in Scroogle Scraper (between 5th and 7th), and pretty good in HideMyAss proxy too (about 8th), it would seem that it is not ranking so well in most countries, which is rather frustrating.

      The proof is in the pudding and the tasting of the pudding, so its all very well to see it doing nicely when using those two tools but until I see an increase in both traffic and in figures, it must be said that the stats are not telling the whole story.

      Mind you, the place to be at is most certainly in ranking within the top 2 spots, and number 1 is by far the best:
      top spot = 42.1% of the traffic
      2nd = 11.9%

      (I took the stats from a reliable source online).

      The last 5 places apparently receive only 16% of search traffic between them (6th to 10th) so even if ranking for a keyword that Goog states receives some 50 to 60k searches a month, there's not much left for the lower rankings on the first page. Ouch!

      Anyways, my aim is indeed to rank top spot but it will take rather a lot longer than the 40 days however.

      Thanks for your input Daniel!

      • Profile picture of the author inter123
        Profile picture of inter123
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jo.

        What sources are you using to find out traffic received by the sites at 1 and 2?


        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Mind you, the place to be at is most certainly in ranking within the top 2 spots, and number 1 is by far the best:
        top spot = 42.1% of the traffic
        2nd = 11.9%

        (I took the stats from a reliable source online).

        The last 5 places apparently receive only 16% of search traffic between them (6th to 10th) so even if ranking for a keyword that Goog states receives some 50 to 60k searches a month, there's not much left for the lower rankings on the first page. Ouch!
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just sharing some experiences,

    The 1st page of google especially for buying products tends to be get lots of hits because users are usually comparing prices, reviews especially if they are looking for best bargain.

    Also it is very very important to write good title and description because Internet users now are very smart and they scan the 1st page and pick out what interest them and be bold enough to make them click inside our page out of curiosity.

    Although top spot is the sweetest place, nevertheless these few things must be in consideration.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author Winlin
      Profile picture of Winlin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      "Wow" , great Thread... I have a 1001 questions. But the only one I need to ask currently is "Can you get me a get out of the dog house free" pass.

      You think the GF, has probs... my wifey cannot quite get why I've spent the better part of last night and today scouring over this thread. !LOL!

      Anyway fantastic going and I have you showing up at 8th spot in a google search "South Bend, Indiana" for "Twilight Poster"

  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is by far one of the best, most intelligent and informative threads I have ever had the pleasure in reading.

    I have been given the arduous task of re-launching an aged (9 years) and somewhat dated site, no links, no profile etc and your wise words will help immensely.

    I shall purchase your book at once and also would be interested in your private services if you offer them.

    Please do advise and once again this thread is superb!
  • Profile picture of the author ericshef
    Profile picture of ericshef
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a super post just got thee it all this is a must read
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi CSG, I surely agree with you on this. Its not a case of sitting back and believing there is nothing more to do other than reach top spot in the search engines.

      For example, getting your primary keywords in your post title. These get bolded by Google (the exact match keywords that are being searched for, and so stand out more from any other words in the title). How many times do you top 5 in Google and they have maybe only one or two of the primary keywords in the title (when its a short keyword phrase or a long tail you want to get all of your keywords in the title)? Its certainly not unusual!

      I sometimes capitalize my primary keywords too, so they stand out that bit more. After all, if my web page is showing in 6th in a search for the exact keywords that are being searched, then its my title that is going to be SHOUTING out above all the others "come to me, come to me". I think that puts my web page at an advantage.

      Further, meta keywords although not supposedly weighted much now by Google, are actually important for the web searcher. If you are using highly relevant keywords for your meta (or as they call it in the Platinum SEO plugin for WordPress - the "Home Keywords" (is it called this in the All-in-One plugin too?), then for anyone who is doing a quick scan down the first page in a websearch, they could well have a quick read on this and voila! Its yours they pick out simply because you made an effort with this small 180 character snippet of text.

      So yes, I fully agree with what you say CSG. I think the stats provided about 42.3% of search traffic going to top ranking, 10.4% going to second ranking and so on, are somewhat generalized and taken as an over-all statistic. Its well worth trying to swing the odds more in your own favor by using some little techniques that can indeed boost your own visitor numbers fairly substantially!

      Kind regards!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi WinLin, hehehehe! I know that experience well! I am thankful to you that its this thread that is causing the "dog house" scenario and not something else. Your wife should realize that cos you are intent on making a lot of extra cash, this is the reason why you are "glued".

        After all, if you can indeed learn the methods of doing good (great!) SEO you can of course apply those methods to earn a small (or large) fortune, given time and given focus (and given some peace from your loved one/s).

        I often say to my own girlfriend that in times to come I will outsource a lot of what I do, when I have really built up my income and then we (with her kids too - I love taking the kids!) can enjoy real quality time together going to places like Bali, like Phuket, like Vietnam and I heard recently that Cambodia is a lovely place to go too now, believe that or not.

        Find the balance and all will come good in time.

        Thanks for getting back to me with the site ranking - 8th is pretty good going!

        Cheers and good luck WinLin! Regards to your wife from me!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Marie, fantastic! I am SO happy that you really are enjoying the thread!

      Regards the arduous task of the "re-launch" - the domain age is a nice weighting factor in your favor so that's a good start!

      Yes, eBook out fairly soon - I gotta scrape some cash together to make further payment towards it today. Its gonna be expensive (for me, but not for you the buyer) I can tell you that, but then when you hire one of the best SEO writers around then what to expect?

      Yes I do coaching - you can contact me either via PM on here or at

      Thanks again for reading and making your thoughts known - very much appreciated indeed!

      Kind regards
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Eric, thanks for coming on over and spending some time reading through the posts! There is indeed a lot of really good stuff here, and quite a bit of it has been contributed towards by the readers, which I am very thankful for.

      If it were not for the ladies and gents following along and making very regular comments, I would not be doing this. So I have to thank them (you all) very much for this!

      Thanks again to you too Eric!
      Kind regards
      • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
        Profile picture of Toby.T
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jo,

        The site is coming along nice. Mine however has died a bit. I need to get some more motivation. So far I see no backlinks for my site (well 4, may as well be none).

        Must keep at it thought, would like some consistent traffic. I bet your site is receiving quite a bit of traffic now? Any stats to share? Sales?

        Thanks Jo for all the help. Your SEO Tips and Tricks are crucial to my long term plan.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Morning Toby!

          I think you had a break over the weekend, no? Did not see you around at all. I had a little time off - met a really nice Dutch chap and we had a few beers and a good old chat. He wants buy up some land here in Kuching and its not at all a straightforward process. Native land cannot be bought by anyone other than native to Sarawak.

          I've just been trying to answer to some comments on my Charlaine Harris website. I'm not at all clued up on Charlaine Harris and True Blood so its a bit of a struggle when you get folks asking "are you going to be writing any more Harper Connolly or Sookie Series books?". I think most folks think I'm actually Charlaine Harris, hehehehe!!

          Actually the writing on that site is really good - I outsourced it to a true Chalaine Harris fan about 18 months ago and she made a great job of it! I think that site gets about 300 uniques a day, half of them are looking for pics of Ryan Kwanten's abs though. Sales on the site are fairly pitiful however.

          Its tough going keeping the focus I know, so I really sympathize with you on what you are going through! I very often struggle myself, I really do. If it were not for this I would be earning a lot more than I do, if truth be told. So what I try to do now is to outsource the real "hard" stuff that bores me to tears and then I can focus on the things that I enjoy more.

          I know most folks can't afford to do this yet, but even if it means say outsourcing some article spinning and paying $30 a month for it, its a real big step in the right direction. You can, after all, get as much as 2000 unique quality articles for that $30 - money well spent or what???

          My stats for the Posterz site. I doubt much good if truth be told...

          It seems that the site is actually beginning to appear top 10 again, and not just in HideMyAss proxy and Scroogle, so this should push the stats up a bit no doubt. But to really see the action I'm gonna have to get top 5 for sure and that's not happening quite yet.

          Let me check see and I will get back to you with what's what...
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Here are some stats, albeit not exactly what I was looking for. EBay are not showing the stats for "week to date", not sure why.

            So, I'll list here "month to date" which indeed would be from the time the domain name was bought (or rather, indexed, which was the 2nd or 3rd of May).

            Click thrus (to eBay from the Posterz site): 80

            Earnings per click (the way eBay work out the value of the purchases and thus the returns to the affiliate (EPC)): 0.05
            (kinda rubbish but its off season for Twilight).

            Total month to date earnings - a whopping £3.63 (something around $5.25 US). So, still not time to give up the day job!

            The StatCounter stats are showing at 183, so that's from when I added that in which was about 2 weeks ago.


            With all this said, it is most definitely worth remembering that this was not a money-making exercise. I did not set out to show you how to make lots of money by using eBay. Let's face the facts here - and as you can see for yourselves, going down this route to earn money is not a good way to spend your time. There are far better ways.

            My point of this Challenge was to get ranked and to show how it is possible to rank highly in Google (with Yahoo! being a bonus of course, although Yahoo! pulls in very little search volume, so it would appear).

            For now I will leave the eBay affiliate up on the site and see how things go in the next couple of weeks. And, also much closer to the time when the movie is to be released - end of June. That should be much more interesting providing the site is indeed ranking top 5 in most countries. I think July could see a nice bump up in earnings, and then its gonna be a wait until November when things will go kinda silly, really.

            Please do not let these stats put you off. Again, this stuff I am focusing on is VERY seasonal and it averages out okay through the year. And again, there are better and easier ways to make money.

            Let's be honest, there are lots of sub niches with a paltry 1k exact searches a month that are going to be possibly making 5 - 8 times what the Posterz site makes if indeed they are ranking at or very near the top. And ranking those sub-niche sites is probably going to be a lot easier than ranking this one. The message here being, really think through this aspect to your own niches before you take the plunge and go head-on into something, only to find in 4 months time with a top 10 ranking you are not making a dime.

            If you can SEO for one of these sub niche sites and its making a regular monthly income of $20 - $25 US (or perhaps one at 4k search volume monthly thus making in the region of $80 or so) then why can't you do the same for a further 30 sites, or 60 sites?? You do the math!!

            Kind regards!

            • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
              Profile picture of csgcsg
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Excellent updates Joseph.

              Even though you are preparing for something seasonal, you are preparing 'to sell umbrellas before it rains' and the best thing is you know when exactly it will rain. I can only be inspired that you can actually plan for something and consistently working on it which is very important in IM world.

              Also like some others here, we are excited about your book. Any idea roughly when you will launch it? Sorry if you to repeat this as the thread is getting fairly long.

              Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
              MSN -

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi CSG, thanks a lot for the positive feedback! I was afraid that telling the actual truth is not going to be too pleasant for some because they would much prefer me to be telling tales of far greater income and sales.

              However, facts are facts and I will not try to make out something that is simply not the case. There is far, far too much of that online and in IM in particular, so I will not go down that route - its not at all fair to you the reader who is kindly sharing this journey with me!

              Very nice way to put it - "you are preparing to sell umbrellas before it rains"! I really like that!

              Yes, consistency in IM/SEO is the name of the game. I'm back to "sloggin' it" myself for now as my backlinking to the Posterz site (and the others too) have dwindled a bit over the past few days.

              The eBook. Well I just furnished Jenny's Paypal account with some more cash so perhaps she'll get a booster from that, haha. Although I had planned to have the eBook out by now, because its twice as long as originally intended its taking far longer to finish. I'll defintely make you aware of it when its available. I will be putting it up as an WSO (for those not in the know - a Warrior Special Offer) and will link to it from the thread here.

              How about price, I bet everyone is wondering?

              I don't mind telling you how much it is costing to produce either - I'm a "tell-all" sort of guy, after all. So here goes...

              The price to produce the eBook is gonna be a whopping $600 US! (maybe even more - its not finished yet).

              So how much you reckon I have to sell it for?

              $49 a pop perhaps?

              Its gonna be around 60 pages of pure hard-core factual content, and nothing else.

              $59 maybe?

              Or how about $77, which is a common figure for eBooks that are higher end?

              Nope, none of them...

              Its gonna be $9

              Yes, 9 greenbacks. No more than that! I always said from the first time I had the idea of producing an eBook covering the stuff on the thread here, that it would be made affordable to ALL.

              I'll keep you posted, for sure!

              Regards and thanks again CSG for your words of encouragement and also words of wisdom!!

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                By the way, hope the weather in Penang is as nice as it is here - its a simply GORGEOUS day here in Kuching!

                Best to you Charles!
                • Profile picture of the author Rita
                  Profile picture of Rita
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hello Joseph,

                  I started following your method to promote my site. I submitted 7 articles to 7 article directories and all of them are approved now.

                  All resource boxes has two links. One link pointed to the home page of the site and other link to one of the internal page.

                  Now, I am planning to use UAW to promote the articles in article directories.

                  I am not able to figure out which anchor texts I should use to promote the articles in article directories.

                  Would you please advise me?

                  Once again thank you very much for such valuable and inspiring content in this thread which is really helping me to work seriously on IM. I am sure that your ebook will definitely teach us some simple but extremely useful techniques related to SEO.

                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Rita, it really matters not what you put in the anchor text that links back to your "anchors". For the Twilight Posterz site I put "old boots" in some of the links. Hehe.

                    The point being, if you want to have a fair old chance of outranking your own site with that of your "anchor" articles or Web 2.0's then do by all means use your primary and secondary keywords on a fairly regular basis.

                    However, if you prefer to ensure that you are ranking highest with your primary money site, then its safest to lower the backlinks to your anchors when using you main keyword phrases that you are targeting.

                    What I see in HideMyAss proxy and Scroogle for the Twilight Posterz project is that I may have over-done the backlinks with my primary keyword phrase because the Web 2.0 anchors are really giving my Posterz site a ride for the money!

                    However, the way I also see it is, if I can dominate the top 10 with some 3 or even 4 sites of my own making in there, then why the heck not! Infact, if this keyword were more potentially profitable, you bet I would go full on with the 4 or even 5 rankings in the top 10!

                    If you find that you have overdone the primary keyword phrase to some of your anchors and they are outranking your primary site, you can obviously change this around given some time by changing your anchor text keywords around to suit your needs and desires.

                    I hope this helps rather than hinders Rita. If its not clear then please do get back to me.

                    You are most welcome regards the inspiration I am providing. Again, I know how much of a struggle this stuff is and because of this I would very much rather try to help you out and support you along the way. Working together is much easier than working alone!

                    Kind regards Rita!
                    • Profile picture of the author PCKen
                      Profile picture of PCKen
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Ken, I certainly agree! It can cause all sorts of issues joining up with others when it comes to JV online or merely trying to shoot for a common goal, but I still very much believe that with perseverance, joining forces can and is the answer to so many potential problems.

                        Let's face facts here, sitting at home for even a couple of hours each and every night after the 9 to 5, can be a very lonely pursuit when trying to build a small online empire. Joining up in some way with like-minded people who share a common goal is the way to go (okay, this will not work for everyone, its just how I now see it).

                        I now realize that I can't go back to doing that because this is where I myself have been going wrong for quite some time. And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that with this new outlook my online world will be a far richer place indeed, which will of course enhance my offline world no end!

                        I hope every one else sees this too, or at least ponders it for some time. It can be really tough to get out of thinking along the old ways of just being totally focused on your own goals and not paying the least attention to anyone else, but to go down that path for many of us, I feel is just asking for trouble and strife.

                        JV anyone??

                        Thanks for your positive comments Ken!

                        Kind regards
                      • Profile picture of the author Rita
                        Profile picture of Rita
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hello Joseph,

                        Many thanks. Will update you with my results.

                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Rita, pleasure is mine and yes, please do keep in touch regards progress you make. I wanna hear about it! Thanks!


                          PS. what is the little lightbulb you have at the top of your previous post? Is that like "smart thinking" or something along those lines? I'm obviously kinda dumb on lots of things so a little education will go a long way!
                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            By the way, anyone that uses The Best Spinner (yup, the one I use) there is a new function just out. What this basically means is that if you are doing much in the way of building up your "anchors" - both article directory submissions and Web 2.0's then you can really ramp up the unique content levels at the press of a button!

                            I gotta say that for me this piece of kit takes many of the medals when it comes to cutting down work load. Its simply amazing value! And nope, this is not an ad, its hard facts! If you wanna cut down on the almighty slog that IM and SEO is, then you should take a good look at this thing, you really should. The Best Spinner

                            Don't go hungry but do think wisely!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Teluguc (hmmm, I'm wondering what language your username comes from, and any meaning perhaps?)! I'll click your sig link and see if I can find out, what with me being the inquisitve sort and all...

    Enjoy your time here and I hope you can pick up a few pointers to help you out with your own IM goals!

    Take care,
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph, i think your site is ranked #5. Check my sign.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Banel, that's really odd, I received your message in my email - the message you posted up here and it said something rather different...

      "Joseph, i think your site is ranked #4. Check PM. I can't post links or images. :| "

      I wonder how the message that I got in my email is different to the one that is posted up on the thread?

      Anyhow, thanks for getting back to me Banel. Where are you located, may I ask please?

      As for posting links and images, where did you want to post them and what is the problem?

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Toby, haha, sloggin' it man, sloggin' it!!

        I'm putting together a post for here about things to consider when assessing for a keyword phrase to target. And, my focus will be on what not to do, cos I have done a LOT of that!

        Actually, its only gonna cover a couple of points and there are of course quite a few others to discuss, but its just a couple that I have in mind rite now. And taken from a different angle than what we normally consider when assessing a good keywords (search vol, comp, etc.).

        How about you T? You sloggin' on something other than the PC-Trainers rite now?

    • Profile picture of the author HomeDecorGirl
      Profile picture of HomeDecorGirl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      All I can say is WOW! Your plan is clearly explained and for those of us that have been struggling with DIY SEO this was a welcome site. I'm working on a website for my business and would like to use these ideas, but I was curious if I could expect to see at least some results using free or inexpensive software? I'm especially interested in finding something similar to Blog Blueprint or Linkvana without the hefty price tag! Any advice would be most helpful!

      Again, thanks for laying things out so clearly!
    • Profile picture of the author Adder Noggins
      Adder Noggins
      Profile picture of Adder Noggins
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      joseph, searching for twilight posters on the main site is still low, however your squidoo page is no. 10 for a new moon posters search, seems there are a few big players in competition for uk results, though a couple of 'winnable' positions are still there for both phrases

      I'm suprised the main site is not higher, have read that google is having a shake up and it does seem to have affected a lot of my sites, content seems to be their aim, and age still ranks very highly. Have also noticed sites dropping down the ranking much quicker, though this could be just my move toward articles, maybe articles have always dropped quickly ? My main focus, before has been web design to business aiming at local (county wide) targets.

      Have taken some of your advice from earlier and am backlinkg my article sites with 2.0 sites (using imautomator), the article sites then backlink to my main site. Am I reading this right ?

      the thing is, the way I see it is this is all about PR, I would guess that google keeps it own, more accurate and up to date ranking, which then only gets updated to the toolbar when you hit a whole number, and then after a time. I have found PR building a lengthy process.

      Even using market samurai doesn't reflect anything more than google's toolbar will tell me.. Am interested if you know of any way to get a more accurate way of judging your own site's PR.

      Am subscribed to this thread and am checking your rankings on every update (usually daily) is good to see them starting to hit page 1 in the uk. Do you have uk hosting ? I know from experience that where the site is hosted plays a big part in ' local' ranking.
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Adder, yup I'm not at all pre-disposed to UK rankings although I most definitely have been before now! Goog and what have you all have their little nuances so I can't manage to take care of them all. I'm just hitting up the .com area and relying on that for decent rankings on a global basis.

        Yes, I think I see Squid or was it Blogspot (I think maybe both) coming into play for "New Moon poster" and the plural too. Not high as yet but coming up nicely.

        Given a bit more time and I should expect to be doing well with those keywords too, of course.

        Yes, I have been hearing about this Goog shake up. What to do though - get in a flurry or just carry on with business as usual, while at the same time keeping half an eye on what others are getting in a flurry about. I'll just chill and keep my distance. I don't have to rely on a single site that makes me $100 a day or something, so no real concerns there. All
        eggs in one basket is no way to move forward if relying on the internet for a full time income.

        Regards hitting your articles and Web 2.0s with lots of backlinks - yup, thats it!

        Indeed, you are correct. Google will already be aware of the updated PR's since their last update which was what - couple months ago now? They will not let us know about it until the date they have announced, whatever that date is. But PR building need not be lengthy. You do see for example, a PR n/a going straight to PR 4 in one leap.

        But no, there is no way to judge more accurately your web page's etc. PR.

        I use HostGator now so no, no UK hosting. I would if I were targeting specifically for the UK, always go for a domain name without fail.

        Hope that covers your concerns/questions etc. Adder.

        Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How goes the slog? Still backlinking now?
  • Profile picture of the author SteveEO
    Profile picture of SteveEO
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great read mate!

    Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

    Hi, my name is Joseph Archibald (some of you may know me for my article writing on the Warrior Forum) and I welcome you to this 40 day Challenge - "top 5 in Google within 40 days!".

    Let me just clarify this a bit please. Forgive me here - its rather a long definition and explanation as to what I intend to do, but its fully necessary just to make it as crystal clear as I can do so. For anyone remotely interested in SEO it should be interesting reading nevertheless.

    One of the recent posts on the WF in this part of the forum was along the lines of "how to define a good to great keyword?".

    Excellent question! But one that can only be answered truly by the person who wishes to make the definition. Meaning one of the following:

    * would you wish to attain a high ranking for a keyword phrase that is going to bring you buyers regardless there are perhaps only around 2 thousand searches per month in Google stats? (Very possibly a long-tail keyword).

    * or are you looking to rank a keyword phrase that has 50,000 + searches a month and not too concerned about it being a buyer-related keyword? After all, with a large search volume, no matter your chosen keyword you should get at the very least a few sales, right (or wrong)?

    * or perhaps the definition for you relates much more about how much competition there is in the likes of Google. If I stipulate something along the lines of 20 million competition for the same keyword phrase you wish to rank for, does that mean its a good or great keyword if you can indeed rank highly for it?

    I know there are other ways to define a good or great keyword - some based more upon your own personal reasoning and requirements, perhaps. A good or great keyword is in the eye of the beholder - yes, similar to beauty...

    For me then, a good or great keyword (or beautiful keyword, if you like) for this particular exercise would have to encompass a number of those points above, if not all 3 together. Namely:

    1. must have potential buyers (not necessarily long tail however)

    2. must have over 50 thousand searches a month as per Google stats in the Google External keyword tool - this is the EXACT MATCH and not BROAD

    3. well okay, the competition as per the Google stats is not what I would focus on at all. I don't care if there are 5,000 comp or 50 million comp. There are other factors more important at play than this sort of competition. But for the sake of many, I shall indeed mention the competition of my chosen keyword

    Okay, onwards. My intention is to detail the process of ranking my chosen keyword/keyword phrase - call it what you will, in Google, in the top 5 within a 40 day time frame from very start (once I have chosen my keyword and announced this on this thread) to very end. I shall only purchase the chosen keyword AFTER this challenge begins, and would expect it to be Google indexed some 5 days or so after I make the purchase.

    40 days may be too short a time for a top 5 - this has yet to be seen. There can be no guarantee because ultimately its up to Google, and there are a number of other factors that I am obviously unable to control. I will however, do my best!

    Why am I doing this? Why do I want to expose my deep SEO secrets to you, a stranger? And why would I wish to risk my reputation on the Warrior Forum (and beyond). Hmmmm.... good question really - its rather nerve racking!

    There are a number of reasons, but one is to help to educate and offer support for many folks who are really struggling with choosing keywords and ranking webpages in the likes of Google. I do totally and absolutely know how incredibly frustrating and seemingly unattainable this whole process seems, particularly when new at the "game" of SEO. I spent a load of time and a load of money (most of which was a waste) on trying out new techniques in an effort to make money online.

    Fairly early on however, I realized that perhaps the best way was to learn SEO. And thus I embarked upon learning the ropes and putting into practice various techniques until I had honed my skills enough as to be at least relatively successful.

    And no, I shall not reel off my successes and boost my flagging ego - how much money I make, how many sites I have ranking in the top 5 or 10 of Google and how many at number 1... Its not relevant to the Challenge.

    Let this Challenge speak for itself as to whether I know and understand the world of search engine optimization or not (SEO Google fashion, that is). If you gain something from it that you can add this to your own ability for ranking a decent keyword, then you can argue that the Challenge has indeed justified itself, at least for you.

    After all, ranking sites/keywords/keyword phrases on a regular basis only comes with practice and with practice comes improvement. If you can learn from others who have made a ton of mistakes beforehand (that's me!) then you are a big step forward indeed! Less mistakes for you to make, which means success should come sooner rather than later.

    Finally, I shall relay to you in my posts on this thread every aspect to my campaign for the chosen keyword. That's not at all to say that I do this for all my campaigns. It depends upon the competition, the target market and how motivated I am haha!

    And for sure, I am not claiming I am some form of genius (ah, if only!). I merely wish to show one way - one set of techniques in reaching a potential goal as far as SEO is concerned.

    There are many other ways to go about reaching the same goal - what I shall show to you here is just a single method that can be learned by anyone with half a notion. You are then free to utilize this method or to build on it for perhaps even more successes of your own.

    The method I am going to outline here is far and away from being perfect, or indeed its not at all one of the best. Its just one way to achieve high rankings, and to achieve high rankings very regularly - if you have the motivation to do so.

    If you've read this far, then many thanks for that - you may be one of few! Lol!

    Oh, and further information can be found at my blog here
    The Thrill of Good Quality SEO makes my Life a Better Place!

    Its fairly new hence there is not a vast amount of content. Interesting reading nevertheless.

    I shall make a diary of progress and my reasons why I do things on the blog too.

    Now sit back and enjoy the ride!

    To our success!

    Kind regards
    Joseph Archibald
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Toby, everything you do now will have an effect on the future! The slog you put in now will pay dividends in times to come, providing you do keep at it. Its really easy to lose all motivation when there are no quick results. I did that myself countless times! And still do, if truth be told.

      And this is precisely why I very, very strongly advocate that to all those who are not truly experienced in SEO - go for a keyword phrase that can be ranked for without killing yourself!!

      Its all great and wonderful to see some hot shot keyword that is offering up 20k exact searches a month and think that you can get that if you keep on plodding at it. But will you still be plodding at it in 8 weeks time when so far (after, say, week 4) there is no real traffic to show for all your hard work?

      The real gems are only going to be had by the plodders and the sloggers and all the scraps are left for everyone else cos they can't get through the "slog barrier".

      You gotta look real deep inside yourself and wonder "how can I get through this barrier? How can I make this attainable time and again? What can I do to help me to make this slog successful?". If you can truly provide a positive answer to this, then you are on your way to internet wealth!

      Even if it means that every 4th night of the week you go out to the pub with your mates and get hammered on the Guiness, so be it. Providing the other 3 nights you are sloggin' your internet business.

      Tap into the "how" and you will indeed see the returns coming at you thick and fast! Given time, given due diligence, given a tried and trusted method of working this stuff.

      Me? Been there, done that, still struggle with it, but I now look deep within regularly and I try hard to find ways to get through to the "other side". Part of my own reasons for doing the WF Challenge is - to give my ass such a hard kick that I'm driven to making this work. Otherwise I just plod along dilly dally day after day without too much focus. Its not good!

      And this is what makes me a good (perhaps even very good?) teacher - I know full well that this stuff is far, far, far from easy and I can empathize with every one who is trying to make it work for themselves.

      Find out what make YOU tick and work it, work it real hard!!!

      Kind regards Toby!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I was pondering this morning why the Posterz site seems to be ranking pretty well around the globe but is not getting too much in the way of traffic.

        Chatting to a friend in New York, and he's seeing it at 7th in Goog over there (thanks Mr Hamilton!). And I'm saying "well great, but why the heck is the site not gettin hit on a bit more than it is?".

        Well, now, that's when my good ol' mate in the States kinda quipped, "ah you got all that competition right up top from those amazing images!".

        So I go have a look and right enough, all those poster images right at the very top are gonna drag a whole heap of Twilight poster searchers away from every where else on the top page in Goog.

        Remember the stats that are touted about regards top spot in Google receives some 42.3% of the search volume. I suspect in such a case as this its more towards the 50%, who knows, maybe more.

        Lesson here is, don't just consider the search volume per month when analyzing your keyword phrase and niche choices. Nor simply the competition as such.

        Go and take a very close look at who is at the top and think around this a bit. Try and take in as many angles as you can as to why if you attain a top 10 ranking in Goog (or the others) you may not get the
        deserved traffic.

        Let's look a little more closely at "Twilight poster" as an example of this.

        As mentioned, right at the very top are those big glossy images. What else are folks who are looking for TWILIGHT POSTERS gonna want to see? BIG GLOSSY IMAGES!!! So there is a massively powerful magnet right up there at spot 1 in Google!

        Just down the page a bit, we have videos for "Twilight poster". Yup, what do folks wanna see when thinking "TWILIGHT"? You guessed it, glossy videos! So here's guessing, that even though the videos are sitting in or around 4th or 5th or something, they are going to have a
        massive pull of Twilight fans. The new movie is coming out soon for example so it makes entire sense that folks will wanna see a hot clip of it.

        Okay, so that's where I'm at with this themed type of niche - the niche that is based on some cult product. What about another example here?

        How about location searches?

        Let me explain that.

        Say you are seeing some great CPC for location niches - "plastic surgery chicago". You see the AdSense CPC is some whopping 20 bucks a pop. You also see that the competition is not too stiff, albeit search volume is not fantastic. But its still very well worth pursuing this as the profits for a top spot (or even top 10) could be really good indeed!

        You go for the keyword phrase "plastic surgery chicago" and you get a domain which although not an exact match, is pretty darn close to it. All is looking really good here!

        You get your WP site up and its looking glossy. You get your content up there and you got some 6 pages of quality info. You get to sloggin' it with the backlinks and a few weeks down the way you are starting to see your site appear top 20.

        A few weeks later and you got a top 10! Gee, this is gonna be so, so easy!

        You are sitting in and around top 5 to 10 for a week and you go to check your AdSense income. What? 2 clicks from that super hot site you put up some weeks before. But howcome?

        Its been ranking top 10 for a week!

        Traffic volume to the site is some 23 uniques, poor, poor. Considering the search volume for the exact match keyword is given by Google at 3k per month. What's going on here?

        You decide to delve deeper and you see right at the top a big fat glossy map type thing with a whole list of links beside it offering up plastic surgery businesses in Chicago.

        Well then, that's it! So much hard work and effort and its kinda sunk now!

        For sure much of the searches that are happening are indeed going right for the big fat glossy map with the whole list of links beside it.

        How many times has this happened to you? You get caught out either because you are fairly new to this game, or because you cut corners in your research, or simply because you forgot?

        So, the point here is, its not just about researching how much is the competition for your chosen niche keyword phrase, its not just about researching how much exact search volume per month. Not only about ensuring you got yourself a "buyer" type keyword. No! There are other factors very much at play here that can fry you - make almost all your hard work and effort fruitless.

        So whoever said that making money at internet marketing was easy?

        The next time you go read one of those glossy copy ads that offer you a $200 product and tell you if you follow their advice its "easy" to make large sums of money, you know what to do, right?

        Get off that sales page as fast as you can, cos you know for sure that whoever wrote that up either has no idea themselves how tough it actually is, or that person is a downright liar!!

        That's me spent for today!

        Kind regards to all!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I've just checked the sig in Banel's post at the top there (sorry, I got a bit confused about your meaning Banel) and indeed see you have the...

          Posterz site at 5th

          Squidoo at 8th

          BlogSpot blog at 6th

          And this is showing where you are in the US in a general Google search by the look of it.

          Where did you find this "Image Shack" thing Banel? That's kinda cool for this sort of purpose!

          Thanks a lot for giving us those stats!

          • Profile picture of the author banel
            Profile picture of banel
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I just wanna laugh Joseph.

            You've got the correct things in your email. I just edited the post changing #4 with #5 (because i didn't count right in the first place, those glossy images and videos got me confused) and deleting the last part because i got the superb idea to post the link in my signature, because i can't post links or images as i have to little posts...

            Regarding the image, i print screened it and uploaded to imageshack because i noticed that people are posting here different serps for your site. I'm from Romania and i used for that image.

            Hope you understand this funny situation.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Yes I kinda worked that out Banel but it did take me a bit !

              If you dont have enuf posts to PM etc then I suggest you make some "lame posts" on the thread here. I don't fully understand the point of forums doing that, although I am sure there is a good reason. So, go ahead, make some kinda semi pointless posts if you wish to - we all know what they are for!

              So now we know what's going in Goog search in Romania, so I truly thank you for that!

              I got something going down with the site right now so it may bomb. Keep your eyes open for that please Banel! If it does bomb though, I'm hoping it will come bouncing back very fast too, maybe even at a higher ranking than right now. Its an experiment - I like to experiment see what works and what not.

              Cheers and thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Still working on PC Trainer, it going ok. still about 20uniques a day. But I know as soon as I stop backlinking and yahoo;ing I'll get no traffic. Google is neglecting my love. More backlinking!
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Steve, thanks for reminding me about that! First time I've actually read it through since the Challenge began. Nice to see that it all still rings true too. I am keeping to my word by the look of it - from my original intentions right thru to today, which is day 25.

    I'm just about to add a bit more to that original statement with regards to keyword phrase choice. Not something new to everyone and nor to me either, but its very easy to forget about some things when you are first going after a niche/keyword phrase.

    That's coming up shortly.

    Nice to meet you on here Steve! Hope the weather in NZ is pleasant. I hear NZ is very much like my own country - Scotland, in many ways. Yet to get there myself however. Looking forward to the day!

  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Meanwhile, i just want to say that i'm amazed how good your site is ranking with only 140 backlinks (entire site!).
    At the end, how many backlinks do you gather, in generally, to a niche site ? Can you give us some "numbers" ? (regarding the competition, amount of traffic, time you "conquered" the first page)
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Banel, the rankings that I try to attain now are with using quality backlinks and not about quantity (I always used to go for quantity over quality, but that's a mistake). A number of my sites rank high in Google with no more than about 25 quality backlinks. Mind you, mainly for the long-tail, so that is not so unusual.

      But then this is the thing. You can get many really good long tails to rank relatively quickly. You do not have to have thousands of backlinks. You do have to focus on the quality of the backlink.

      This is what will bring you results, and inevitably (hopefully) cash flow. And hence the system I depend upon to a good extent - the "anchors". This provides very good quality backlinks, particularly if you work on mixing up the backlinks to the anchors too.

      As for the Twilight Posterz site, I'm not too sure how many actual backlinks there are. I want to try to get quite a few more links to the site in the next couple of weeks, just to see how it handles it (or rather, how Google handles it - as mentioned, the site may indeed bomb for a bit).

      I've been doing one or two things in the background that I have not discussed on the thread here, but those are just touching on the surface and no real big deal. Just the icing on the cake, if you like. It may be that the links for those little things will never show. Again, a bit experimental. Pushing the boat out, so to speak.

      Hope that helps in answering your questions Banel.

  • Profile picture of the author madzseo
    Profile picture of madzseo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph congratulations! Great thread you have here, you may have to change the title though...I don't think you got to day 40 lol.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Madzeo, thanks for coming by and for your kind words!

      You do have a point there!

      So I wonder - top 5 in 25 days?

      Or maybe - top spot in 40 days?

      I still wanna hit the top spot even though the income is not going to be life-changing, to say the least!

      On the other hand, I would also like to work the other keywords too - "Twilight posters" which I think I'm starting to rank for. "New Moon poster"; and also "New Moon posters".

      We'll see how it goes in the coming weeks. I'll be picky/choosy - the world is my oyster, so it would seem here, anyhow... Hardly rich pickings, but fun to do all the same!

      Kind regards!
    • Profile picture of the author CatherineMay
      Profile picture of CatherineMay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow, what a great thread! Thanks so much.

      I have just now read through it in its entirety.

      My question concerns domain names. I have been focusing to find domain names that are exactly like the keyword I want to rank for, without any extra words, etc. To get one like this with .com, .net, or .org is not easy, at least for me. I'm not looking for huge amounts of traffic like you, but have been looking in the 5,000 range. In fact, even though I'm using the trial version of Market Samurai, I'm striking out.

      Now, here you come along and add a "z" to your keyword, and its not causing you any problems.

      So, can you talk about this some more? How come adding the "z" worked for you, and is still giving you all this traffic? Obviously, people aren't searching for this phrase with a "z" added onto it.

      The conclusion I'm coming to from your experience, is that it's more important to have your keyword in your title, and in the beginning of you text, than for it to be the whole of your domain name. Right?

      If I could just get started a good domain, I would be ready to go, because all the other stuff you've written about seems doable to me.

      Looking forward to your response....


      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Catherine, thanks for coming by and reading up on the thread! Quite a bit of reading here...

        Yes, this whole thing about exact matches is a big "problem" now.

        Well no, not a big problem but you know what I mean... its more and more tricky to find exact exacts!

        Exacts are easier to rank no doubt about it. Goog seems to love them more and more, which is not really so good for us SEO ers and IM ers cos we get paranoid, utterly!

        So, I shake that about a bit and put my own little twist in there so I have no issues in finding a very close match to the exact, exact. I can't be doing with spending 6 hours to find a great exact match.

        In fact, no, the site is not getting such great traffic (yet) and in part for reasons spoken about earlier - my own fault, really. But then this Challenge was about ranking the site (web page or pages) for a fairly tough keyword phrase (or maybe phrases) and not focused on income or traffic generation either, really.

        Funnily enough, some folks do search for "posters" with a "z" on the end. I think I would too, for fun! :p

        If you wanna read some of the points I made today Catherine then there are some very important pointers in what to watch out for when choosing your domain.

        Other than that, as mentioned before, make sure you get yourself a "buyer" type of keyword - put your own mind in the place of the searcher who is looking to buy a product or a service.

        Further, if you are thinking about producing a larger site, you may well benefit all the more by choosing a niche that you are passionate about.

        Unless you are going to outsource a lot of the work - the writing, the backlinking, then it makes a lot of sense to focus on something that you have a real interest in. Otherwise you are simply stacking the odds more against you succeeding in the mid to longer term.

        Other things can be added in of course when deciding on a great domain name to choose. But then so much of it is within this somewhat vast thread, so it would take a bit of tweaking out. (eBook coming out soon!).

        Hope this helps Catherine, in making things that much clearer for you. I know domain name choice can be a massive stumbling block. And to be honest, even those who are very highly experienced in this game get that wrong too. But they keep on keepin on, and that's where the money's at!

        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi HomeDecorGirl - now there is a great domain name if ever there was one!!!

          Imagine the demand for a home decor girl!

          Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated!

          Yup, I know where you are coming from with regards some real good software that has a tiny price tag (or even none at all!).

          If only it were that easy then everyone would be using that priceless software for their SEO and IM business.

          There have been a few mentions in the thread so far regards some pretty good software products that are free. One fantastic example is of course the Google keyword tool, which ranks among my favorites of any "software" tool.

          As for backlinking though, I don't know of any tool that is free that would do anything like that of BB or LV. It costs a lot in terms of money and time to set up this sort of scenario, thus there has to be a price tag to it.

          I remember a while back that Pete mentioned Traffic Travis but I have had no time to check that over, so cannot give my own personal thoughts about it. Perhaps someone else can give us their thoughts about it. I don't even know what sort of set up it offers.

          I think the best way to make progress with your own sites if you wanna go freebie, is to hit hard on the Web 2.0s and the good quality article directories (and by all means throw in a few nodofollows just to mix it up that bit more).

          (Blog commenting is free too, but can be very time consuming to get what you need re do-follows or even have your comments posted).

          Then use them (the web 2s and the key article directories) for your backlinks at the same time as linking back to your money site. This way you got a great array of real high quality backlinks, albeit it takes more time to get the juice flowing.

          For some people, time is money. For others time is pleasure almost no matter what they are doing as long as progress is being made.

          But once you are making some money from your own efforts online, then is the time to assess which are the better/best tools to use that will benefit your own techniques the most. Re-invest your online earnings and you can potentially see your business ventures grow no-end!

          Sorry cannot be more helpful here regards the best freebie tools HomeDecorGirl. Hope what I say does help you a bit...

          Regards and best wishes!
          • Profile picture of the author Selena85
            Profile picture of Selena85
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Joseph!

            I've just checked and your site is number 7 for "twilight posters" in Brazil (although I'm using and not, tailored for english results). Good job!

            I have a couple of questions for you (if you don't mind), about the Sandbox (yes, that again!).

            My site is around a year old (just renewed the domain) and last month I bought one of those link building packs from a fellow warrior. I think it was too much too soon and I might on the Sandbox.

            The page for my main keyword used to be in top 20, and now it's buried in page 46. I was hoping it would back up in the SERPs by November (in time for Christmas shopping), but I hear some people saying the sandbox can last 9 months or even more.

            What would you do? Start fresh with a new domain (I can't afford an aged domain) and build links more carefully, like you describe in this thread? Or try and rank for less competitive kws, keep building links slowly and hope the site gets out of the Sandbox in time?

            You said you've been Sandboxed before. How long did it take for you to get out?

            Thanks in advance and sorry for so many questions, but you are one of the few people I trust to give honest answers. =)
            • Profile picture of the author Marie A
              Marie A
              Profile picture of Marie A
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

              Sorry to interject on Josephs super thread here but:

              If it were possible for G to 'sandbox' anyone for link 'infractions' or whatever they call them then it would be an extremely easy task to 'spam' link to all our competitors and secure their removal from the index.

              Any thoughts on this Joseph please?

              kind regards.
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi again Selena, yup I got "Twilight posters" (with the "s" on the end) at 7th here too - Scroogle, that is. The Squid I got in 9th for that same keyword and the blogspot in 10th. Shaping up rather well...

                If you are (rather, your web pages) "sandboxed" Selena and it certainly sounds like you (or someone) went to town with the old backlinking job, then I personally would chill with those backlinks but keep on with a gentle, quality backlinking strategy to the web pages.

                Use a nice array of keyword phrases in your anchor text and hit a nice variety of pages too. Yes, by all means go for around 50% to the home page, as this does appear like a natural progression anyhow.

                If you have not gotten some Web 2.0s up then use some of them and get some backlinks to them too. Some nice articles of course. Perhaps a bit of social bookmarking but keep that low I suggest. Just gently try and tease the web page or pages out of the sandbox.

                Show Google that you care (or should I say, some others care about your site and value its contribution).

                I would think that this is the best way and fastest way to get the situation going back in your favor. Plus, you should (depending on your keyword phrase choice of course) may well be able to get nicely into top ten. After that its just a case of nudging up slowly and surely to where you wanna be for Christmas again, depending on what's up top.

                Personally I would not bother buying up aged domains. I never have done so why should anyone else have to?

                I remember I was sandboxed yes. I was trying to rank for some keyword that had some 150k monthly exacts according to Google, that is. And I booted the heck out the pages I was trying to rank for - two key phrases in all, mainly (the secondary had some 12k exacts per month).

                Where does Andrea Bocelli come from - Italy? What a wonderful voice!!

                Ooops, sorry, just hearing him on the TV on Oprah...

                Now where was I...
                The pages spun up one day up, next day no where to be seen. Then for an extended period there was nothing. Perhaps a couple months,10 weeks. And nope, I did not have the wherewithall to continue with my backlinking campaign at that time, but some links kept on going to the domain anyhow.

                So as I say, that one was a couple months, maybe 10 weeks.

                But in the meantime I did not sit back and whine about it (well okay, I did for a while ). I got on with other stuff and then made the same mistake with them too haha in my desperation to get my sites ranking. Slowly and surely Selena I learned the lesson that this strategy of brute force was not really working so well... em, doh!!

                Well, I now got some place around 5th to 7th for my primary keyword in Goog (around there anyhow) and 3rd for the secondary (the top 2 spots are unattainable for various reasons in both cases). I don't bother with the actual keyword/domain now anyhow because the income is not so hot. But I'm very sure indeed that even tho the home page only has a PR1 and the comp up a above it is all like PR4 - 6, I could boot them out of the road with a bit of effort, except probably the top 2 that is.

                Ah, thanks for your trust in me Selena. I know exactly how you feel - its not easy to find the real truth in this maze of internet marketing hot shots. Maybe if I were one of those hot shots I would be very wealthy, but hey, that's something else I would be really useless at (and there is already too many things I am totally useless at). I couldn't sleep at night!

                Cheers Selena!
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Marie, thanks for coming by and contributing!

                  You got a point there actually. I heard this being done before, just out of sheer badness (jealousy?).

                  It does not happen often however, because its quite a bit of effort (or cost) involved, or at least I would have thought so - its never crossed my mind to try it. Furthermore, sandboxing, even though it may last for months, is temporary, so are those idiots that spam link going to keep on keeping on?

                  I heard of a case before where most of the spam links were coming from 2 or 3 different places. So the chap in question contacted the webmasters or mistresses and put a stop to it, pronto!

                  This happened where the income from that particular domain was something in the region of $200 US per day (yes, per day!!) and the owner of the site had announced it to the public. Some folks got uppity and thought of devious deeds to oust the site from its standings in Goog.

                  But yup Marie, it surely does happen!

                  Thanks and kind regards!
                • Profile picture of the author Selena85
                  Profile picture of Selena85
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Thanks for such in-depth reply Joseph! You give me hope. =)

                  Had I found your thread sooner I might not be in this situation. But like you said, it's does no good to just sit and whine about it.

                  What I'm going to do is think carefully about the keywords for these "anchors" and hopefully I'll be able to rank top 10 for some of them. My niche is not overly competitive, but my main keyword does get some juicy 110,000 exact searches a month. Hopefully my site will be out of the Sandbox by Christmas!

                  Looking forward for your next update on the posters site.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, no worries Selena!

    I do a bit of whining too, but then I get on with the rankings there-after - it tends to be more productive, after all.

    110k huh? That's goin' some! Would love to hear how you are getting along, and also just what the sales are like on the run up to Christmas once you do get up top of the Goog rankings! And I have every faith that you will!!

    Sidenote to anyone who is worried about this 110k search stat. No, you don't need this to make a really comfy income from working online! Selena has a very hot cookie for sure, but most of us have to plump for the 2 - 3ks search vol per month.

    Don't sweat it! Those 2 - 3k search vols a month can soon mount up to wonderful profits. Just keep on hitting the top time after time and you'll see your own bank account bulging at the seams!

    Kind regards!

    • Profile picture of the author Selena85
      Profile picture of Selena85
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      haha yes this is a super niche. I was lucky to find it.

      Although my site has never been top 10 for this kw (yet), I had an article on #5 - #6 spot during november and december last year. During that period I received avg. 80 visits a day from that article alone (and my resource box was absolutely terrible).

      I can't even imagine how things would be if my site ranked top 5 during Christmas. Oh, wait... I can. It would be sweeet!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well now you know exactly what to do should you not be ranking your own site top 10!!

        Or - get an ezine article, a Squid, a Blogspot and perhaps a WP .com blog page in there too - the more the merrier!!

        80 a day from a bad bio is incredible!

        Hmmm, yup, I think I am just about able to imagine how it would feel to have a site ranking top 10 at Christmas for a kwd that attracts 110k search now - oh sooooooo sweet!!

  • Profile picture of the author Audi
    Profile picture of Audi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    Sorry if I have missed this in a previous post(it's such a long thread already ) but do you have any recommended article submission services and, if possible, a manual/human spinning service?
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Audi, thanks for coming by!

    Article submission services.

    You may wish to try iSnare - not a service I use but some of the thread followers do.

    Also there is the Matt and Brad Callen free service which you can read about here...

    Again, I don't think I have used it - possibly some time ago, but not too sure.

    A manual spinning service. I don't know anyone who would do that now what with so many good pieces of software available.

    Sorry Audi, I'm not very helpful with these issues.

  • Profile picture of the author jeffed209
    Profile picture of jeffed209
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can't connect to seo tips and tricks link but great post and will follow the progress.

    0 to 60 (Grand that is) In twelve months. That's my target!
    If I can do it so can you!

  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    Matt Gannon
    Profile picture of Matt Gannon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread, it has inspired me to do a little experiment of my own, I have chosen to target a movie that has not come out yet, but i know it will be a big one! Im not sure if ill do Adsense, or some type of product like toys. I will decide that later. keep up the good work , I enjoy watching the progress.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Jeff, thanks for your comments!

      You mean the link in my sig is not working? Its working for me. Anyone else got a problem please?



      Hi Matt, thanks for stopping by!

      Yup, I like the sound of that! Keep in mind however the potential comp you will have for your choice in keywords. I made a mistake in this respect with the Twilight Posterz site - those whacking great glossy images that Google displays right at the very top of the search listings. And there is no way to outrank it either, even when (I did say when) I get top spot for the keyword. Darn nuisance!

      Good luck with this Matt, sounds like its gonna be a lot of fun!

  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    Profile picture of zachary0611
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your SEO site and twilightposterz site were down for a while and are currently taking a long time to load
    Professional Web Designers
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Zachary, thanks for getting back to me on this!

      Sounds like a server problem. I'll let it ride for a short while then if its still down HostGator are gonna hear about it (possibly from a few thousand others too...)

      Thanks again!
      • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
        Profile picture of csgcsg
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I am planning to subscribe UAW(pls skype me your affiliate ID) Joseph and have some questions.

        1. To make my content really unique, I would like to add some images there, would it be a problem if I spin some images url in the articles?

        2. Same question for youtube. I am thinking of creating some videos and posting it in youtube, can I embed urls inside UAW articles to be distributed?

        3. How many anchor text is allowed in one article for UAW?

        4. How many articles can I send a day for UAW?

        Phew that is all about UAW. Appreciate like always your thoughts.

        Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
        MSN -

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Charles, that's very kind of you, thanks for that!
          You can go in via my review on the blog which has the link to the UAW purchase...

          Unique Article Wizard Review – How to Get the Best from UAW!

          I think maybe the SEO tips blog was down for a short while earlier but seems to be working fine now.

          1. I don't see a problem with adding in images to those places that accept them. Of the 8 article directories I utilize (all do-follow (I will be adding in a couple of nodofollows just to mix things up more - in future)) the only one that accepts images is

          Incidentally, also accept 3 text links! And further, they accept all article submission immediately so no hanging about! And even more, I very often see their backlink showing in the Yahoo SE and its very fast to show too! Its a fantastic place to submit your articles!

          Obviously the Web 2.0s all accept images but if I am not mistaken it would seem that Squid take out any that may be on the borders of copyright. That's what I'm seeing anyhow. So Google Images for example tend to be stripped out. I may be wrong on that so by all means experiment.

          2. No, UAW will not accept videos nor will they accept images. Gotta be text and all text I'm afraid. Would be nice if they did accept videos but they do not as yet. Could be a suggestion for them though!

          3. 2 anchor hyper text per article in UAW. If you use the one step thingy you can get 3 bios in which is a total of 6 different links. If you use the other option you can put in as many bios as you would like, thus the hypers are limitless. Same for the article titles. 3 for the first option, as many as you like for the second.

          4. For UAW you can send as many artilces as you like. 1000 if you wish - all in one day, for example. Or 1 a day if you to keep it real smooth. Keep in mind though Charles that the amount of directories they submit to will depend on your category choices and keyword choices. I tend to find that say... 650 - 750 is fairly normal, if I go in for a second run, that is (mix up the categories and maybe the keywords after the first submission.

          There have been some complaints that the amount of submissions (or rather, the amount of backlinks) you get from UAW is not nearly as much as they would claim. I suspect very, very much that this is correct - no where near 750 directories or blogs etc get to see your article. However, this thing works and if used wisely works very well! For me, that's by far the over-all decider and there is nothing left to argue about!

          Thanks again for your purchase!

          Take care in Penang!
  • Profile picture of the author AllanCollins
    Profile picture of AllanCollins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    It had been a while since I've been to this thread and I became curious of the kind of traffic your site was getting. However, upon investigation, the only way a person can get to the StatCounter link is to follow a bad link. FYI: your on your footer is a bad link.
    I've also noticed that you don't have any StatCounter code on your home page or interior pages. I'm only able to find it on the 404 page.

    I do see however, that you have Analytics code setup on all your pages.

    Anyhow, congrats on your first page ranking in the States and keep up the good work.

    Ranking Screenshot

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Allan, thanks for telling me about this!

      I find that when I click on the Stats counter - which I see at the bottom of the homepage, it does indeed go through to daily stats. Not sure what might be the problem there. Can anyone else please try this and feedback, thanks!

      With regards to the FlipDiva link - yes, it is showing a 404. I will try to change that of course.

      Thanks for the screen shot of the top 10 rankings. So you got the Posterz site in 7th, the blogspot in at 4th and WP .com at 10th. Interesting stuff!

      Thanks again for letting me know Allan!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        The link to BlogsByFlipDiva is now functioning properly. An error made in my own <a href so apologies for that!

        Thanks for bringing that to my attention Allan!

        • Profile picture of the author Selena85
          Profile picture of Selena85
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Joseph!

          I've just learned that has an affiliate program, did you know that? They pay 20% commissions and they have tons of Twilight posters.

          I know for this challenge you are not focusing on earnings but rather on rankings, but maybe you could give this a shot. I think they will earn better than eBay, simply for the fact that on eBay people not only have to click the links and bid, but they also have to WIN the bid.

          On Allposters maybe people will buy multiple items and earn a commission on everything, and their cookie lasts 10 days. Here's the link to their aff program: Affiliates Program!
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I understand what you are saying Joesph but there are two very different schools of thought concerning the building up of links too quickly.

    Angela's thread mentions this quite a lot and does state that it is not possible simply because competitors would 'spam' link in order to 'sandbox' their competition.

    I am in the middle a bit on this one at the moment.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Marie, that is fair enough about where Angela is at (is this Angela from "Angela's backlinks" fame?), but the fact is that it has happened. No, not to me, but to a chap you may well have heard of who goes by the name of Griz (he lives in the Canadian wilderness, hence the name).

      I do not know Griz personally but I trust his word implicitly and he knows his stuff inside out and outside in. It was he who said he had to contact some folks to get them to take down their "spam" links to one of his blogs due to its devastating loss of ranking. These were paid-for links that were insidiously invested in by a person or persons with a grudge against Griz.

      What more can I say about it?

      Thanks for coming back to me on this Marie. Its good to discuss the ins and outs of SEO and IM. Otherwise how do we improve our depth of knowledge to the level it truly deserves.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Selena, you just got a whacking great THANKS from me for that bit of info! Very much appreciated indeed!

    I need to let things run with regards the Posterz site for now, just incase Goog takes a dislike to me fiddling around with the links etc. But after the Challenge is complete - 14 days - I'll take you up on your advice!

    Only one issue I got with that is... I seem to remember that AllPosters is one of my main competitors for ranking my site top 5. Mind you, eBay are often my (our) competitors too, so what the heck, I'll go for it anyhow!

    Thanks again Selena - great recommendation!

    • Profile picture of the author Selena85
      Profile picture of Selena85
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Selena, you just got a whacking great THANKS from me for that bit of info! Very much appreciated indeed!

      I need to let things run with regards the Posterz site for now, just incase Goog takes a dislike to me fiddling around with the links etc. But after the Challenge is complete - 14 days - I'll take you up on your advice!

      Only one issue I got with that is... I seem to remember that AllPosters is one of my main competitors for ranking my site top 5. Mind you, eBay are often my (our) competitors too, so what the heck, I'll go for it anyhow!

      Thanks again Selena - great recommendation!

      I'm glad to help! You are right, shows up on number 2, at least here in Brazil.

      If you don't mind me asking, what's your main concern as far as using their affiliate program while they being your competitors? You mean if you link to them it might affect their rankings, thus messing with the results of the challenge? In that case, wouldn't a "no follow" attribute take care of it? (assuming they allow it, I haven't checked their affiliate terms).
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Adder, I was in the midst of writing out my reply but got a call and have to head on out. I ll get back to you a little later on today. Thanks for your input!

  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guess what, i can't send pm's thanks again to the small number of posts that i have. So, going a little offtopic:
    Hi Joseph, i have a question which may not "match" with the 40 day thread:
    Is possible to boost internal pages (that have 0 backlinks pointing to them and ranking in top 10) only with the "power" of homepage?
    I'm in this situation with a small site. I got good backlinks to homepage, i'm ranking #3 and i want to boost the few internal pages that my site has because they have big potential to bring traffic.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Banel, how many posts do you need to begin PM'ing? I thought 10 but obvioulsy its more.

      That's a good question which you ask. Fact is that yes, the "power" of the homepage can have an effect on the ranking of your other pages.

      How to tell?

      Well, look at most any high-end keyword phrase that has a lot of searches and/or a high monetary value. Fairly often you will find at or near the top of the SERPS domains that have a lot of indexing of their pages, and probably they have maturity too.

      But the actual page they are ranking for may only have a very few links showing up in Yahoo's SE. And may only have a very low Google PR. So this obviously is a factor.

      There is indeed going to be some juice passed from having other pages that are "strong". And so to rank for those inner pages that currently are week and not ranking at all, it may be that you only need a few quality backlinks to begin to see them appearing.

      Google PR does pass on down through inner pages provided they are linked in some way.

      Of course this is dependent on a number of factors - strength of competition and what have you, but in general we should indeed be aware that "strong" home pages (or any page that is strong) that link to our inner pages will be passing juice on.

      Hope this makes things a bit clearer Banel.
      Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    15 for links/images, 50 for pm. :|
    If i insert links through the content of my homepage to few internal pages will help them ? Because the only links to internal pages from my homepage are from menu.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Banel, your menu on the home page should be fine providing the links to your pages are all in working order.

      What I would be more focused on however, is linking back from my internal pages to my home page. This then gives you internal links that hyper-text your main keyword phrases and give juice to your home page for those keywords.

      I probably do not do that every single time but 8 times from 10, yes. Just takes a bit of time but it makes spidering all your pages that much more possible and that much easier as well as passing on juice to your home page. I prefer the spiders to know and index all my pages as this makes my domain that much stronger over-all.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Mick, thanks for coming by and making such pleasant comments!

        Yes, the thread is long and there is so much to get through.

        And as a matter of fact, I just received my eBook draft from Jenny so things are really shaping up as far as that's concerned!

        That's cool Mick, thanks for following both the posts here and the blog.

        Its well worth it, in my very humble opinion

        I'll get back to you shortly re your PM.


        PS where about in Nrth England are you from Mick?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Selena, yes, I got them showing up at position 2 also.

          Correct, there is a lot to be said about linking to a domain or web page that is very closely ranked to your own domain or web page. So obviously I would not wish to pass that juice to them.

          And agreed, the nodofollow should be used here, not that I really need to.

          Of course I would not use relevant hyper text in the link - perhaps instead I may use "I'm coming after YOU!" within the link.

          I am of the mind that if I am linking to anything from any of my sites then it will be that its a quality site I will be linking to. Thus I tend to keep up with the do-follow regardless - the other site deserves the juice, after all.

          However, indeed in this case one must perhaps re-assess.

          Thanks for your feedback here Selena, once again!

          • Profile picture of the author Selena85
            Profile picture of Selena85
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Of course I would not use relevant hyper text in the link - perhaps instead I may use "I'm coming after YOU!" within the link.
            hahahah you made me laugh!

            As far as linking to/from sites close together in the rankings, it will probably work to your advantage since you also have a few web 2.0 properties lurking around page one and two. I'm sure you'll be able to outrank the current top 2.

            By the way, I've registered a blogspot and blog to test this strategy on my niche. Can't wait to see how it's going to turn out.
            • Profile picture of the author mortgageman
              Profile picture of mortgageman
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Joseph,

              Wonderful thread. Thanks for sharing so many great insights. I'm a newbie but I've already learned a lot from you.

              Question: I started a Squidoo page but I can't seem to get the hyperlink to my site to appear in the body of my article. How did you do that? You have your Twighlight Posterz website as a hyperlink in the body of your text.

              I didn't see any options in Squidoo to allow for that when I try to put it in, when it publishes the website just shows up as text and not as a link. (I'm guessing I'll need to have the actual link appear to get any benefit right?)


              • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
                Jacob Martus
                Profile picture of Jacob Martus
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by mortgageman View Post

                Hi Joseph,

                Wonderful thread. Thanks for sharing so many great insights. I'm a newbie but I've already learned a lot from you.

                Question: I started a Squidoo page but I can't seem to get the hyperlink to my site to appear in the body of my article. How did you do that? You have your Twighlight Posterz website as a hyperlink in the body of your text.

                I didn't see any options in Squidoo to allow for that when I try to put it in, when it publishes the website just shows up as text and not as a link. (I'm guessing I'll need to have the actual link appear to get any benefit right?)


                Use Html in your text capsule. I.E. <a href="">Your Anchor Text</a>
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Jacob, thanks for helping Dan out with the <a href...> and nice to have you contributing on the thread too!

                  Sure thing Jacob - I guess cos I was doing some coaching very late last night and was discussing the NoDoFollow add-on for Firefox. So it sits nicely to talk about NoDoFollow rel= things too. Good point to make however, just to avoid more confusion than what there already is surrounding the use of snippets of html coding etc.

                  So from now on its gonna be "nofollow" or even rel="nofollow"

                  As for your sig Jacob - could not agree more if it were possible to do so and this is something I blag on about to my friends and girlfriend regularly - precisely what Mr Napoleon Hill stated and you have within your sig.

                  I'll be coming back to check out your choice in destinations too - I love the thought (and the experience) of travel. And this business makes it that much more possible to do and brings it within the grasp of all of us who wanna reap this as one of the many rewards, really.

                  Thanks again Jacob!

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hey Dan, nice to have you reading along the thread here and I hope you are gaining a lot from it!

                I'm just looking down a bit on the thread and very kindly Jacob has answered this for me/us. Thank you Jacob!

                I'll add a little something. Squids pee me off sometimes (often) cos they are good at stripping out stuff that you have already edited. I remember way back when I first started using Squids and for a fairly simple site (which has just been locked the other day after about 20 months of being fine - doh doh doh Squidoo management folks!!!), it took me an age to get my <a href= and various <br> break codes installed in there cos they were continually stripped out after saving.

                I find that WordPress .org does this too sometimes - it can strip out my break coding and does very often so all my text is squashed up together. Often now I put a couple of "* * " between the lines if I wanna ensure a large white space.

                But back to the point Dan - use what Jacob has informed us to use to get the link and yes, you do need the link to appear to get the "do follow" attribute benefits thereof.

                Thanks again for coming on by here Dan!
                Regards Joseph
          • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
            Jacob Martus
            Profile picture of Jacob Martus
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Hi Selena, yes, I got them showing up at position 2 also.

            Correct, there is a lot to be said about linking to a domain or web page that is very closely ranked to your own domain or web page. So obviously I would not wish to pass that juice to them.

            And agreed, the nodofollow should be used here, not that I really need to.

            Of course I would not use relevant hyper text in the link - perhaps instead I may use "I'm coming after YOU!" within the link.

            I am of the mind that if I am linking to anything from any of my sites then it will be that its a quality site I will be linking to. Thus I tend to keep up with the do-follow regardless - the other site deserves the juice, after all.

            However, indeed in this case one must perhaps re-assess.

            Thanks for your feedback here Selena, once again!

            Joseph, nice to see you contributing so much over here on this forum. Just to clarify there is no "nodofollow" tag. It is simply nofollow. I wasn't sure if you knew this or not and I wouldn't want you to make a mistake when linking and put rel="nodofollow" intead of rel="nofollow".

            I think using the term nodofollow may confuse people reading this thread.
  • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
    safe as houses
    Profile picture of safe as houses
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph, ive just discovered this thread and its out of this world, one of the best things ive found on the wf.

    I started reading an hour and a half ago and have just got to page 3 theres so much to take in.

    Im going to follow you and your blog now all the time, your an absolute gent.

    One very excited person from the North of England, Regards, Mick.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Ladies and Gents, I've just posted an update re progress of the eBook which you can find here on my SEO tips blog...

      No worries that the moderators here will swipe this post off - after all, I'm gonna make the eBook available as a WSO, so we are all very happy about that!

      Things are getting near to completion I am happy to say, although I best not commit to a definite day for release as yet - there may be a couple of small hitches to take care of and I am far from the best at setting up this sort of stuff.

      But I will say that it will be available within 5 days from now - very possibly (probably) less!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        I'm a sloggin' at it Marie!

        I'll get back to you regards your PM sometime soon. Things are looking good regards that, I gotta say!

        Speak soon...
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Inter, here's the gist of this affiliate offer and what it proposes to give to the buyer of the "product". Sorry its still a bit long but this pulls out the main points...

          I'll follow this up with a seperate post of my own too.

          What is EPIC Traffic Systems?

          Epic Traffic Systems 3 core modules include:
          1. Epic 'Self-Contained' Autoblogging Traffic
          2. Epic Social Media Traffic
          3. Epic Paid Media Traffic

          Epic Autoblogging Traffic :

          In this module, Keith will pull out all the stops and give you the keys to the autoblogging kingdom.

          This is literally a set it up once and forget about it system for generating epic amounts of organic traffic at any money page you choose.

          Keith will begin by delivering his never-before-released, turn-key traffic
          and automation software, Epic Autoblogger, that will:

          Configure your host
          Install the base sites (don't worry, this will be explained in the course),
          Configure those sites (all automated)
          Install the level 2 money making sites
          Do your research (this automation process will blow your mind)
          Configure the level 2 sites with that research
          Find content
          Post content
          Allow you to update all of your blogs from one easy to use interface
          Create entire networks of expertly researched, traffic generating, money making blog networks in the time it would normally take someone to upload and configure a single base blog install.
          Drop dead simple...No technical knowledge required.

          Keith will also provide step-by-step training that details every phase of this process.

          This training will have even a complete novice up and running in less than 2 hours.

          Once you are armed with this high powered automation software and training, there's no stopping the number of money making blog networks that you can create.


          Epic Traffic Systems 3 core modules include:

          1. Epic 'Self-Contained' Autoblogging Traffic
          2. Epic Social Media Traffic
          3. Epic Paid Media Traffic

          Epic Autoblogging Traffic

          In this module, Keith will pull out all the stops and give you the keys to the autoblogging kingdom.

          This is literally a set it up once and forget about it system for generating epic amounts of organic traffic at any money page you choose.
          Keith will begin by delivering his never-before-released, turn-key traffic and automation software, Epic Autoblogger, that will:

          Configure your host
          Install the base sites (don't worry, this will be explained in the course),
          Configure those sites (all automated)
          Install the level 2 money making sites
          Do your research (this automation process will blow your mind)
          Configure the level 2 sites with that research
          Find content
          Post content
          Allow you to update all of your blogs from one easy to use interface
          Create entire networks of expertly researched, traffic generating, money making blog networks in the time it would normally take someone to upload and configure a single base blog install.

          Drop dead simple...No technical knowledge required.
          Keith will also provide step-by-step training that details every phase of this process.

          This training will have even a complete novice up and running in less than 2 hours.

          Once you are armed with this high powered automation software and training, there's no stopping the number of money making blog networks that you can create.

          Epic Social Media Traffic

          In this module, Joey will demystify and simplify using social media for massive FREE traffic.

          You'll learn the secrets of using Facebook, YouTube, Social Bookmarking and Twitter for traffic and profits.

          Learn why Google decided to turn search on its ear by leveraging Twitter's real-time database. You'll see first hand and in real time people discussing issues and problems and how to leverage that information for profits and traffic.

          Better yet, this can all be automated so you don't have to waste hours of time. Joey will show you how.

          Pay Per Click? Try Pay Per Tweet. Better yet, in this product, you'll recieve software that will automate niche-finding and automated tweeting like you've never seen before.

          This module will also cover:

          - The "Infamous" Twitter Cash Method
          - Facebook Cash and Paid Ad Secrets
          - Bookmarketing and Social Link Building on Auto-Pilot
          - Underground Social Media Traffic Tactics

          If you want Epic free traffic without having to pay for it, social media is the way to go, and Joey will show you exaclty how to get where you want to be...FAST!

          Epic Paid Media Traffic

          When you are ready to unleash an Epic flood of traffic to your site, it is time to bring in the "Big Guns". I'm talking about Paid Media Traffic and this module covers where to get it, how to pay as little as possible for it, and how to automate the whole process using the most powerful campaign automation too ever created.

          Jon is including his brand new, Epic Campaign Automation Suite, that has been in development for over a year and a half at a hefty 6 figure price tag. It literally makes it push button simple to quickly send a tidal wave of traffic from every paid traffic source imaginable... to any site you want.

          Included in this software is automation of the following:

          *PPC Campaigns (Search, Placement Targeted, Content Network)
          *CPV Campaigns
          *Media Buy Campaigns
          *Banner Ad Automation
          *Auto-generated campaigns and sites from Datafeeds
          *Social Traffic Campaign Automation

          Armed with this software, users will be able to take advantage of practically every form of Paid Traffic at the push of a button.
          Jon will also provide step-by-step training that details the proper use of the software, along with tips and tricks and strategies for it's most effective use, ie...Making Money!

          8 Week Follow Up Training

          The follow up teleseminar series will get the end user off to a fast start, guide, support, and keep them on track to proficiency with all the automation tools and each traffic generation method. Then, we'll round out the training with additional cutting edge, advanced traffic strategies.

          Week 1: Quick Start Success
          Week 2: Advanced System Training Pt. 1
          Week 3: Advanced System Training Pt. 2
          Week 4: Live Q&A
          Week 5: Advanced PPC Strategies
          Week 6: Advanced Hybrid Marketing
          Week 7: Facebook Launch Secrets
          Week 8: Advanced Twitter Strategies
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Regards this BIG AFFILIATE OFFER...

            There is something that is not quite sitting too well with me.

            I myself always test products that I offer to you and thus I can either recommend the product or I say its rubbish or just not worth the money.

            Now sure, in this case I am not recommending the product to anyone as I will not be selling it (probably not, anyhow) and thus it is up to you to take this on for yourself and make sales, even though most probably you would never actually buy the product to trial (not at $2k a pop, anyhow!).

            And to be very honest with you, I have absolutely no problem in offering up a general web page to the public - to a Google, Yahoo or Bing searcher detailing some facts about any product and providing some nice glossy images. After all, I can't possibly go buying up every single thing that I have created a niche website for just to test if its good or not, can I? Its up to the potential buyer to make the decision and that's that. Its not up to me.

            The same is the case here. So there is no fault with this - I am not suggesting that anyone buy this. The final decision rests with the potential buyer. Period!

            So, okay, that's cleared up and I am thoroughly comfortable with this!

            However, there is one thing that is "itching" in the back of my mind. And that is, are we the affiliates going to be lining the pockets of those who are in this purely for the massive bucks - simply because they want to brag to their friends that their own product launch is the biggest yet?

            I don't know the guys who are involved in this launch well at all. I have heard their names and I believe that Keith Baxter is a pretty cool sort of guy with everyone's interests at heart and not just his own. I bet he worked very, very hard to get this product together and has spent a lot of money on it too. And I imagine the other guys involved in the launch are of similar mind and have invested a lot too - both in time and money.

            So with this said, how to make the call?

            Are we going to be getting ourselves involved in some new product launch here that is set up to line the pockets of a few, somewhat at the expense of those who purchase it? Is great value guaranteed?

            There will be a refund for all those who are not entirely satisfied with the product, so that's nicely covered (or at least I would have to imagine so). Its not like with some things where you are at risk of purchasing the product only to find there is absolutely no way you can get a refund if you are not entirely satisfied.

            Can I get some feedback about this please?

            I need to get your thoughts, if I may.

            Its not for me to say what you should or should not do here. That is your own decision, I have no say in that. But, am I going against what I myself have been preaching on this thread since day 1? Even though I probably will not be selling the product myself, I am still intent on helping you on doing so.

            Am I correct in doing this and am I just getting a bit wound up about nothing at all?

            By all means if you wanna have your say on here then I thank you for that. If you wanna PM me, then great. If you want to email me you have my email. Skype or Yahoo Messenger. You got that too.

            If you feel this was a ploy in the first place when I first posted up about it some 24 hours ago just to get you to sign up on my opt-in, no worries, you can unsubscribe at any time, as you know.

            Let me hear your thoughts, thanks!


            (Perhaps I need to ask if I can get a trial of the actual product in advance of the launch, and only then will there be peace of mind, one way or the other. If the product owners say no, then can I continue to endorse it?).
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Final word about this for now - I don't want to bore everyone silly!

              I have emailed the product production team with regards to trialling the Traffic Sytem, if only for a day or 2. I will let you know how that goes - if they answer me, what they say, if they give the green light...

              Thanks for your patience!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh I see Mick, so you may well be keen on the horses then, right?

    PM sent to you by the way, thank you!


    I gotta head off for a bit of sleep now I'm afraid - its gone 4.30am so I'm beat. Catch up with you all soon!
  • Profile picture of the author kittyflip
    Profile picture of kittyflip
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Selena hi (notice the change around??), oh the power of these Web 2.0s!! As mentioned Selena, I had no intention of ranking all of them in top 20 and was thinking... well, okay, maybe the Squidoo I would like to see top 10 and then yes, top 5.

      But to get all 3 Web2.0 in and around top 10 for my primary keyword phrase, and also some are coming into play for all 3 other secondary keyword phrases. And so soon too, well it goes to prove a lot, don't you agree?

      You could look at it either from the point of view that I made a mistake - too many hypers with my primary keyword, or that its a huge added bonus! The latter of course is how I choose to see it myself.

      After all, I can manipulate all 3 of them to fit in well with my main site - just turn on or turn off the tap as to the keyword hypertext backlinks to suit where I want to rank each of them in turn, which would preferably be just behind the money site, of course.

      So, I may be using "I'm coming after YOU!" in the hypertext that bit more often than at first thought :p!

      Take care Selena and please keep on giving us all the benefits of your take on all of this - its much appreciated!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi KittyFlip, thanks for coming by and offering up your positive comments!

      Yup, the Goog format of Caffeine certainly does help out a fair bit to motivate and procure, so to speak!

      You got "natural home rugs" in your sig KittyFlip. Sounds very interesting - you got me hooked if that sig leads to a site! Seems I'm not going to get too much sloggin' it done today after all hehe!

      Thanks again and hope you are reaping the rewards that the thread has to offer!

      • Profile picture of the author link-master
        Profile picture of link-master
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi again Joseph,

        I have just read all posts from first 3 pages. I took me good few hours
        Lot of great stuff You have here. Propably the best of it all is Your practical and personal atittude. You give walkthrough to beginners and semipros how to promote sites from very beginning.

        It's great to see how every of Your post is written -with passion and very professional.

        Once again thank You, and I keep reading more of this thread
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hello LinkMaster, hey thanks for your kind words!

          The posts are indeed written with great passion, you are quite right there LinkMaster. And due to the passion for this, I love to write about it and express the passion that way, I'm sure everyone may have noticed this by now

          And now my passion for SEO is translating into coaching which is the reason why I am glued to the laptop day and night and often-times morning too. I can tell you its much more fun than working in a warehouse in central England, even though I met some wonderful folks there - many of whom were indeed Polish, like yourself!

          Anyways, thanks again and I hope you continue to take pleasure while learning from this thread!

          • Profile picture of the author link-master
            Profile picture of link-master
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            I can tell you its much more fun than working in a warehouse in central England, even though I met some wonderful folks there - many of whom were indeed Polish, like yourself!
            Lots of Polish people work in GB. Still the currency exchange rate is very tempting We in Poland are very ambitious, we always want to earn more and more ( at least more than our neighbour )even if we won't be doing anything connected to our studies or experience profile. It's simply because years of communism. Now people here want to have the same level of living as there in western Europe. Although I don't think this is the best way to do i it, by performing simple jobs in UK - increasing unemployment there.

            That's my personal opinion, no offence to anybody

            Seems that's offtop.. sorry (blame communism)
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Well, I say to that LinkMaster, if you want to earn much more than your neighbour - work my techniques and work them well. This way you can live in practically any country you like and still be earning a small fortune in the process.

              Don't be tempted to go work in a warehouse in the UK, its not much fun at all, and it offers little quality of life when scrimping and saving for a "brighter future" that may never actually materialize.

              I do understand communism and the troubles it did cause and still causes. My ex whom I was with for over 9 years was Russian.

              So its very fortunate that the internet actually brings a much more level playing field for us all, regardless of where we currently live. Providing we got ourselves a basic method of accessing the internet on a regular basis. Its really all we need, together with the right mind-set for success, regardless of the set-backs along the way!

              • Profile picture of the author Adder Noggins
                Adder Noggins
                Profile picture of Adder Noggins
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                thanks for the info. I didn't know that a PR could jump straight in at, say PR 4, very encouraging..

                I do, personally concentrate on the, purely because I am from the UK and all of my business is UK based. I am interested in the difference of your sites positioning between and .com. I suspect your position will rise to the same or similar position eventually in the UK.

                Have just done a search on .com from the UK and you have :

                7 for your main page
                9 for posters4all blog
                10 success of Twilight and...
                13 for your squidoo

                Talk about marching up the rankings en masse unbelievable work, good luck with this, am watching avidly. Very similar rankings for

                Just a thought on your titles, do you think that having the keyword alone is better than having more text after. I have always gone with the idea that as long as the main keywords are right at the start of the title this is as good ? That way one can make the title more 'appealing'.

                Obviously you wan't want to mess with titles at this stage but what are yout thoughts on having more text after the keywords in the title, would it make the rise to the top slower After all Google is all about providing content and useful information so a bit of informative 'fluff' or, more usefully, other keywords after the title should theoretically look good in Googles eyes.. maybe ?

                Here's a hint for anyone getting annoyed with Google re-directing you back to your local Google site when trying to use another (eg. from the UK).

                Use the URL google dot com(or whatever country) and add /ncr. So google dot com/ncr This will stop google automatically sending you to your local search page...
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Adder, nice to have you here again and leaving a nice long comment!

                  Sure thing about the PR 4 - up 5 spots in almost no time!

                  Yes, I understand entirely that you would focus your online efforts on the UK. I still do too sometimes. And obviously if I were seeking to work offline business in the UK and SEO for them this is where my allegiance would indeed lie. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna be losely tying in with a previous client of mine - he works offlines in the States, so I'm gonna be doing some SEO there, but in general for small companies, and not for high end corporate.

                  Thanks for the update for the rankings in the UK. Not bad, not bad.

                  Let's presume that the money site will rise up on Google .co .uk but I do not think that the others tend to do so well there. Ezinearticles tend not to do well in those results whereas in .com searches they can do wonders.

                  Yes, en masse indeed! Its starting to happen for the keyword "Twilight posters" too, although I'm not sure how they are showing in the UK.

                  I just sent an email to one of the top SEO'ers in the UK asking permission for posting one of their recent emails on my SEO Tips blog (Local Business SEO? Lucrative Gains for a HIGH QUALITY Service).

                  Here's hoping they grant it (although I just went ahead and posted it anyhow). The gent who is responsible for the company lives his SEO through and through!

                  Yes Adder, I subscribe in general to your thinking - tend to go with the targeted keywords at the start of the domain name rather than after another "odd" word. I don't know for sure if Goog likes this better, but you could argue that it stands out a bit more. Albeit Goog is kind enough to highlight (bold) the exact match in the domain name anyhow.

                  I see all sorts of domains ranking very well with an exact match within the domain, and this seems regardless of "fluff" at the end. I kinda like a bit of fluffing out at the end anyhow - I value my visitor perhaps more than I do Goog, which should mean that Goog values my opinions and choices too, if you see what I mean? After all, Goog is providing a service for those who use its search engines. I am providing a service for the same folks so we have the very same interest at heart here! (Don't we Mr or Mrs Goog, my good friend!)

                  That's a nice tip to share regards the /ncr Adder, thanks for that! Any idea what the "ncr" bit stands for please?

                  Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author Guni
    Profile picture of Guni
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am looking forward to see how this goes. Sounds Interesting.

  • Profile picture of the author BlueLounge
    Profile picture of BlueLounge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    Here in the UK, your website for the keyword "Twilight Posters" is 32 in Google.
    • Profile picture of the author willz605
      Profile picture of willz605
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I've read just about this entire thread.....I've gathered more free advice to help me in my IM journey...

      It still amazes me how your URL ranks on the first has to be the backlinking.

      However.....I have just one important question when selecting domains.......

      Anyone...please feel free to answer based on your experience.

      Can a domain name with a product number from a large manufacturer be considered trademark infringement?

      For example: a model of an Hp computer: DV6-1350us

      type it into google....someone registered and is on the first page of google for dv61350us dot com

      Is this trademark infringement....yes or no and why?
      • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
        safe as houses
        Profile picture of safe as houses
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Joseph, In all of your posts you talk about setting up sites with say adsense or amazon as a way of income stream, not promoting affiliate links from say clickbank, is there a reason for this, Regards Mick.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Willz, yes, the domains (including the Web 2.0's) would only possibly rank so high simply because of the backlinking. I got a close match domain name to keyword phrase, but in this case with the competition being strong, there is no way that the domain name in itself would rank. It is indeed the backlinking and this is boosted by some good on-page SEO (where the primary site is concerned, anyhow).

        Good question re domain name choice.

        I had a quick look regarding this as I have to admit to being not entirely sure about it, albeit I would imagine that this is infringement (I could be wrong however). The only thing I could find that comes close to discussing this is the following snippet:

        "if your site deals in consumer electronics goods made by a Samsung competitor, do not choose the name "" since a court is most likely to pass a verdict that you selected this name to divert attention of Samsung customers".

        Thus in the case of using a model number I suspect this is the same, albeit in a looser fashion.

        I have used this sort of domain name myself before a few times and never been told to take it down. Obviously if you are intending on flipping the site you could have problems, but otherwise...

        Sorry I could not be of more "precise" help Willz. There must be a specific answer to that somewhere. I think its well worth trying to find out - not just for yourself but for many of us on here too.

        Thanks for coming by!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Guni, thanks for dropping by. I'm sure it will go well, so sure it will be of interest.


      Hi BlueLounge, seems that in the UK the high rankings are a bit slower to come by. Never mind, I envisage that climbing up nicely in the days to come. Thanks for letting me know!
  • Profile picture of the author mortgageman
    Profile picture of mortgageman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you Jacob and Joseph for the html tip. It worked!
    • Profile picture of the author garyv
      Profile picture of garyv
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Woohoo! - I've finally read every post! Wow I can't believe that I'm just finding this thread. Well not "just" finding it. I actually found it a couple of days ago, and have been using every free moment to read through it.

      I've been here for several years, and this is officially my favorite thread of all time. I've paid a lot of money for courses that are not nearly as comprehensive as you are in this thread. Kudos to you!

      Since I'm here I'll put a question out there for you. In your domain name you used the "z" at the end. Of course in our phonetics, that's not far from an "s". But does Google really consider this? Do you think we could get away with putting any letter there at the end? For example what if your domain name was Would it have the same effect?

      Thank you so much for this outstanding thread. Will be following it and you closely in the future.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Dan, that's cool! Happy to hear that Jacob helped you out there!

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just sharing my personal exp; Garyv I've never used another extra alphabets like what Joseph is doing but whenever I buy a domain I will put the main keyword inside like or ( or and it is working very well for me.

    I read some marketers put their name at the back for branding like or but personally I don't like that because I want to earn from what I am doing and if I were to flip the site in the near future, I don't want buyers to think stop buying simply because of the domain name is not 'nice'.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
      safe as houses
      Profile picture of safe as houses
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi again, when picking a domain name, am I right in understanding it is not important to pick the exact keyword for your domain, example "" as long as you have the keyword in the domain,i.e. "blackbmwreview" "testdriveblackbmw"

      Regards, Mick.

      P.S. Joseph, just been on your blog and found this exact question answered, that will teach me, Regards.

      • Profile picture of the author Beldin
        Profile picture of Beldin
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        Could you clarify with regards to Blog Blueprint... when you post, say, 20 small snippets are these all spins or entirely unique? If you are taking these from an article do you just take the first paragraph and an intro and then link back to the rest of the article? I'm curious how you handle these types of entries....

        Also, do you have any comments on Article Blueprint?

        BTW: Looking forward to the e-book, keep up the great work!

        • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
          safe as houses
          Profile picture of safe as houses
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          sorry to keep pestering, but concerning ebay, to get an account with ebay can be a real ball ache, have you got any tips how to go about this, I have been refused 3 times now, and you just get an automated message from them with no real reason, Kind Regards, Mick.

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey Mick, regards to Clickbank firstly.

            I went off CB for a bit due to the fact that I sense that there was some sniping of my affiliate products going on. Sniping? Folks were visiting my site but instead of buying the product through my link they were signing up with CB and then buying the product through their own affiliate link, thereby gaining the commission.

            This tends to happen most (I suspect) for internet marketing related products cos its us guys and girls who know how to snipe an aff commission.

            I have heard similar complaints many, many times before too. And I do not know if
            there is a method of cloaking that is good enough to stop it either. There may well be but is it very easy to set up the cloaking every time you want to sell a CB product, or does it take half an hour to implement...

            That said, once the Challenge is completed in the next few days or so, I will be getting back to doing some CB products - although not in the IM line. Maybe in gold prospecting "in them thar hills"!

            As a sidnote, I got an old friend who retired up to the borders of Scotland from London (at one time he was a police body guard for Princess Anne) way back. He set up a gold prospecting business in Leadhills (a great area for the bees, Mick). He does gold prospecting "know-how" days for the tourists. How cool is this!!!


            You are okay about the domain name now Mick?

            More and more of the stuff I put on the blog is gonna be totally different to what I have here, so its worth checking out the blog too (hint, hint)!


            Yup, eBay have made things pretty tough to get in now. Never used to be like this.
            There are various techniques bandied about online. The method I used (I also was knocked back the one time) was to set up a domain and purchased it for a 2 year period not only one year - this goes to show you are in this more for the longer haul.
            I then put some quality content on there that in some way pertained to a product line sold on eBay. Made the text sound interesting (can't remember what it was though Mick, sorry). Ah, I think it was a bicycle website, actually. So my content was stuff about bike frames, bike clothing, other biking accessories, bike touring etc.

            I then left the domain to sit for a couple of months, did some backlinking to it. Had NO ads on it at all! Built it out to about 6 posts/pages. The thing was squeeky clean! Then I applied to eBay. And within a couple of days bingo!
            You just gotta prove to them (somehow) that you have eBay's best interest purely at heart and they will then happily accept you, I'm sure.
            Oh, and if you are rejected by following this technique (by all means use one of your current domains, just ensure its following the above guidelines), make a point of actually emailing the eBay Parnter Network and get into discussions with them regards your desires and how you can benefit them by mutually "working together"!

            Best of luck Mick! Oh, and please let us know how you get on with eBay, thanks!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Beldin, nice to have you here!

          Blog Blueprint - they are all spins and all entirely unique hehe. I could not be seeing myself sitting for a couple of hours each day crafting out 20 unique snippets of 120 words long because I doubt anyone reads them (or rarely so, anyhow). In fact, often (well okay, sometimes) I post up 300 worders (all spun, of course). I sense that it may be the case there could be a little more value of a hyper text link that is placed in a larger body of text. More going on with LSI and the like.

          I tend to take any old bit of text that I find on the net or from my own desktop clutter collection, and then spin that. Then submit to BB. It matters not what really, as long as its on topic (loosely) and its decent quality work.

          Article Blueprint - sorry, not had the time to assess that, Beldin.

          The eBook is coming out soon. I'm in the middle of editing and proofing, proofing and editing. Its not exactly a step-by-step but by heck, its much, much easier to read and pick out exactly what you need than if one were to start at the beginning of this massive great thread!

          Thanks again Beldin!
          • Profile picture of the author Beldin
            Profile picture of Beldin
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Thanks Joseph...

            You must spend as much time responding to our questions as you do working on your challenge! It is much appreciated.

            Back to BB... I guess it makes sense that it doesn't really matter what you post. After all, if you were posting on a blog you'd usually follow the flow of the blog and not post something at random. This is simple a link building exercise.

            Looking forward to the e-book...

            Will it have a section on procrastination? LOL I have a real hard time motivating myself to do the stuff I hate like article writing/spinning. You seem to have mastered it, at least during this challenge. But I guess, when it comes down to it, the difference between those who try and fail at this whole IM thing and those that succeed is due, in a large way, to follow through and taking action.

            Your thread has been a great inspiration!

            • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
              Profile picture of csgcsg
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Beldin View Post

              Thanks Joseph...

              You must spend as much time responding to our questions as you do working on your challenge! It is much appreciated.

              Oh Beldin you don't know ya, Joseph do not live like ordinary humans and have 24 hours. I heard rumors he has special powers of typing speed of 100 words/minute.

              Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
              MSN -

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hey Stephen, :p yes, I do spend a lot of time "chatting".

              Regards to BB, I think that the BB folks don't mind if you post up some rubbish really, as long as its loosely on-topic (although they may even accept stuff that is not at all on topic - I never tried that and can't remember their T&C's with respect to that).

              I could not agree more with you on this point - if you can keep up the slog and you have a good/great technique in place you are onto a big time winner! I really dislike the slog too as I have said so many times hence the reason I spin about from one thing to the next and also hence the reason I prefer low hanging fruit rather than the real hard-to-get keyword phrases. Results come much sooner and you can tell fairly quickly if you have a winner or a dud, so to speak.

              My motivation is much more in pouring my heart and soul out on my blog and forum and of course on here rather than it is sloggin' it day after day on SEO. But I am 'pushing' all of you who are reading along on here as hard as I can so that you can see good or great success with your own campaigns. This would bring me the greatest amount of joy!

              Take care Stephen and we will speak again soon!

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                I remember the days long ago when I used to use one finger to type - searching out for the particular letter on the keypad (which I still have to do now when it comes to the numbers). Now I got up to about 5 words a minute or so, so its pretty good going, don't you think so??

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hey Gary, pleasure is indeed my own!

                  Yes, this SEO game is about using your precious time oh-so wisely. Its a tough call in the early days, but as experience grows its much easier to put the time in and get the results much sooner, simply due to the amount of previous mistakes, and of course learning from others who have gone before, made loads of mistakes and are happy to tell others about it too. Not so many of them around however - not so many who are willing to share their knowledge unless they attach a huge price tag to the sharing part. Fair is fair however. They slogged it too in the early days so they deserve some form of remuneration if they are then going to help educate others. Its how we humans survive after all. So nothing bad can be said about the general theory of that.

                  I imagine "slogging" is an old English word albeit it slang. "A hard days slog". Or it may even be a word invented during the First World War - slogging in the trenches or something like that. I just changed it about a bit to "sloggin' it!" I kinda like the sound of that, it rolls off the tongue nicely.

                  I best get back to sloggin' it now... On second thoughts, heading on out for some delicious breakfast, so I'll get back to you in a while!

                  Take care and best regards!
                  • Profile picture of the author bitriot
                    Profile picture of bitriot
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Very compelling thread Joseph, a lot of great info here. I understand this is primarily an SEO experiment but I am curious - are you generating any sales from this site? I am very new to IM and still trying to decide if my taste is for adsense pages or CPA affiliate products. Either way, I think the hardest part of it all is long tail keyword research.
                    • Profile picture of the author Beldin
                      Profile picture of Beldin
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                      You really got my head spinning now (pardon the pun)...

                      One of the challenges I face when doing all this work is how to keep track of what I've done or what I have to do, can you offer any advice on your strategy?

                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Bitriot, thanks for coming by and posting up your thoughts!

                        As far as posters are concerned, its not something I would pursue for making big money! Having said this however, once I am ranking for the even bigger search vols - New Moon poster gets over 100k according to the Google stats (so this could actually mean 50k, if you get my point!) I would imagine sales to get up rather a bit more. But again, its a very seasonal thing so we must of course keep this in mind and not be too disappointed when nothing seems to be happening.

                        I don't touch CPA for my own reasons. Not to say I would not consider something in the CPA line that was totally legitimate and was a fantastic offer to the potential customer and not just to the company selling the product or offering up a freebie.

                        AdSense - many folks say its rubbish - too low payouts etc. Yes, this is true - the payouts are low and Google takes by far the biggest cut of the profits. But, it is also true that those who have learned how, can make a vast fortune on this form of monetization. There are a number of folk who are hitting $100 a day, $200 a day and more simply due to their AdSense income!

                        I don't know about you Bitriot but this to me is reason enough to make me want to expend energy in setting up sites for AdSense only.

                        Not to say you should put all your eggs in the one basket however - and this point is one to note and keep at the forefront of any of your longer term online income plans!

                        Thanks again and look forward to chatting with you in future!

                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Nice pun Beldin!!

                          Haha, me offer advice as to how to keep a track of the workload?

                          I tend to have folders pertaining to each particular website. Within the main folder I keep sub folders for all my articles (spun and ready to use, spun and still raw, not spun, etc), a sub folder for all my links so I can just copy and paste - like for my UAW setup and BB for example, and a sub folder for images and videos perhaps too.

                          And then I will keep a notepad version of anything that is important - a bit like a mini diary. So I can enter in what I did and when with regards to this site. I often forget (or am too lazy, rather) to do that, but its there anyhow should the desire come upon me

                          Other than that I just keep a rough mental tally of what is what which although is not infallible, it tends to work okay.

                          I know for sure that some folks would laugh out loud or LOL if you prefer, at my pitiful account of my working schedule. But then there are horses for courses and I enjoy my life. So I am happy with what I do and how I do it.

                          But ask me to crack open an MS Excel document and add all sorts of stats in there and I'm afraid I would shy away entirely. Even MS Word 2007 I find a bit tricky to fathom - I wish they would keep the same set up as before - for the main things anyhow. I can't work out where to find the word count for example. And then there is the new interface for the Google Keyword Tool. Hmmm... I always choose the option for the old one on the tab in the top right side of the page.:confused:

                          So you get my point Beldin - I'm not too good on many other things than writing and SEO. Other than this I would happily like to outsource everything or employ a secretary to do all that stuff for me. I wish!

                          So, yes, head in spin is where we are both at!

                          Best to you!
                          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                            Profile picture of JosephA
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            Ladies and Gents!

                            Anyone wanna know about a $1000 affiliate commission product??

                            Yup, you did read that right - this product offers up a $1k per sale commission.

                            Maybe one or two of you have heard of this, but I imagine that most of you have not. The product does not launch until next month and the word is only just getting out now.

                            I'll post up details about it a bit later on today, should time permit of course.

                            Obviously this thing is gonna be pulling in the big hitters, less face the facts here. Those with the huge lists and those that are hot on CPC etc. But, even if you can make a sale or two of this high end product your bank account is gonna be happy about that! If I were making the odd sale of a $1k commissioned product I would be drinking champagne all the time and not Tsing Tau lager.

                            To be honest with you, its not something that I am gonna do myself even with the fantastic payouts. But that's not to say this is not for you!

                            I'll post up about it later on... Oh, and of course on my blog too! And further, I'll be posting out my own take on how to make some sales on this product to my list. I'll be assessing this offer at some length and to some depth, and even though I'm not hitting for it, I'm gonna be helping you do it instead. So, if you are interested in selling this product, and are not on my list, now is the time!

                            $1k a sale and there are a ton of bonus items up for grabs too - LCD surround sounds, motorbikes, high end cars, holidays, you name it!

                            Oh, and one more thing, this offer will not be going through my affiliate link. I am not going to earn anything from it at all. The way I benefit is to have you come on over to my blog and sign up to my list. Other than that, the ball is entirely in your own court!

                            Best to you all!
                            • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
                              Profile picture of csgcsg
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                              Ladies and Gents!

                              Anyone wanna know about a $1000 affiliate commission product??

                              Yup, you did read that right - this product offers up a $1k per sale commission.

                              Maybe one or two of you have heard of this, but I imagine that most of you have not. The product does not launch until next month and the word is only just getting out now.

                              I'll post up details about it a bit later on today, should time permit of course.

                              Best to you all!
                              Yes please

                              Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
                              MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok I've got another question if you wouldn't mind. I'm in the middle of sizing up my competition and I'm noticing that the website in the top spot has a lot of backlinks coming from other blogs from their blog roll. And these are from blogs that are not even in the same niche. Since I noticed this I've been looking around and have found blog-roll exchanges. Do you think that this would be worthwhile to look into? Or do you think I'd be chasing a red herring?

    Thanks in advance!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Gary, nice to have you stop by here, and to have you read every post - that must have taken quite some doing, so congrats!! Hehe

      Oh gee - you been on WF since 2006 and you reckon this is the best thread there is?!! That is indeed very kind of you to say so, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

      Yup, I know what you mean about spending thousands on "stuff" that is not nearly as comprehensive as it should be. And in-part, that is my reason for doing this thread - its kinda like a wake-up call, particularly to those who put together the glossies and charge an utter fortune for it. Just to line their own pockets and then tell their mates that they broke their last income record on the previous product launch. HOW SAD IS THAT!! Damn well makes me shake with anger right now, so it does. Utter greed! Not to mention the egotistical agenda too of course.

      Okay, relax Joseph, relax...

      Hehe, I suspect that would be fine if you were German. No disrepect to the Germans, of course, its just they kinda talk a bit like this. Or maybe its my imagination... (Read this part Gary then I will edit it out - don't want to be accused of anything here, do I??)

      No, I did not use the "z" for Google's sake but for the searchers sake. I liked the sound of the domain very much, and when something gives me a little thrill I tend to do it regardless of what good ol' Goog thinks about it.

      But shhhh - don't tell them I said so, please.

      I think that if you can get an exact match in the domain name some place, then you are ahead of the general competition in the game of SEO. Plus, the domain name itself will stand out to the potential visitor because of the bolding thanks to Google. Plus the potential visitor sees the domain name and knows that its exactly what they are looking for (or very close anyhow).

      Not much else matters in my mind, and everyone including Goog is happy.
      I'll get back to you regards your other queries shortly Gary.

      Thanks again for you very kind words, much appreciated!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Charles, how goes it?

        Yes, totally agree. I would go for this sort of thing too, regards to domain choice.

        On a very slightly different note, just to interject, I remember way back when planet Earth was just cooling down and the dinosaurs were getting bigger and bigger due to the high oxygen content in the air - there was a lot of pure yak about domain names.

        Now me being as naive as was the average caveman way back then, I kinda thought "yes of course, yes of course". What was being said back then was about dashes in domains. "Don't put a dash in the domain cos folks don't like it".

        Hogwash!! I love dashes in domains - I love to see dashes in domains. I go more and more for dashes in domains, cos I love them. I've given this example before but I'll do so again. Harley-Davidson-Bikes .com

        Flippin great! I love the look of that domain name, for whatever reason. It just sits really well with me. I will not go on and on about it now... But just to say, don't plonk for a domain name simply cos Google will hopefully like it. No, go for a domain name cos your potential visitor will also like it too. After all, our websites are crafted beautifully by us because we want to impress and caress our visitors (potential customers). Thus let us also consider this when it comes to domain name too. Its more fun when picking out a suitable domain name anyhow if you use this approach.

        Yes, this idea about branding a domain name with your Christian or surname does not sit nicely with me. Apart from the flipping side of things, it just does not look right. TwilightpostersJoseph .com

        Na, give me the "z" over the "Joseph" any day of the week! So again, fully agree with you on that too Charles!

        Enjoy the heat in Penang, kind Sir!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Gary, thanks for your patience!

      I suspect that links from blogrolls are not nearly as valuable as are links from within a body of text. There is no LSI for one thing and Goog is placing more and more emphasis on this aspect of on-page SEO. So links from blogrolls are very much second best. So I think that answers your question Gary. I personally would not waste my time on it.

      I'm actually trying out a couple of new services which I found out about recently. And no, they are not at all expensive - one off payments for both and one cost only a few bucks. I have not had time to even look at that one but I shall be feeding back all findings on my blog and on my forum.

      Infact, anything that I do and find of value I shall be sharing on my blog and forum as and when. After all, getting a real good mix of quality backlinks over time can be quite a struggle unless you have a lot of money to invest in many different monthly services. And many of them are sheer rubbish, so it can be a tough call to know what's what, as I am sure you yourself are aware.

      I'll keep you posted on this anyhow!

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes - Thanks Joseph for taking time out to answer all of our questions. It's very much appreciated. And I'm thinking that you're likely right. Putting any effort into blog roll exchanges would be a waste compared to the other things that you've laid out in this thread. So as you would say "I'll get back to sloggin it". LOL - by the way, where did that word come from?
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph it is a pleasure reading your posts as you write so beautifully.

    Can you (if you are interested of course) advise what type of SEO work you are wiling to do for private clients and the approximate costs involved.

    I cannot PM you due to forum regulations but in the meantime I would just like to have a general idea as I am looking for someone to come 'on board' with a nice little project.

    Appreciate your efforts.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Marie, that's very kind of you to comment about my writing, thank you kindly! I take a lot of pleasure in spouting forth my passion, I'm sure that comes across kinda clearly...

      Funny that, I remember not long ago saying that I don't SEO for clients and then just yesterday I said that I am SEO'ing for clients. Hehe, sorry if there was confusion there. The clients who I am SEO'ing for I have in place a "buffer", if you like. I don't do any selling of my work, I let my business partner do that for me. I just sit quietly in the background tapping away on my laptop's keyboard!

      That said Marie, if you would care to contact me here then we could discuss your potential proposal further.

      Can you give me an idea as to the nature of the niche - online business or for offline who want an online presence. Are you perhaps finding clients to team up with to supercharge their websites and charge them a monthly fee.... Or perhaps for yourself - your own business... That sort of thing. That would be great!

      Thank you Marie, looking forward to hearing from you!
      Kind regards!
      • Profile picture of the author Marie A
        Marie A
        Profile picture of Marie A
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joseph, Nice hearing from you so soon.

        The Niche is online business in Tourism. Not affiliate of any kind and a stable well established company but needs some tender loving care.

        It needs a 21st century touch and feel as regards SEO etc.

        I am involved with this but it's too time consuming to attempt alone.

        If you can just give me an idea of what you offer in general terms please.

        Best regards
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Marie, well, as you know by now I love to 'love' my websites and treat them very well and they tend to treat me well in return, if you know what I mean...

        And to be honest tourism sits very nicely with me on the whole - being something of a 'permanent' tourist myself, of course.

        So there is what I offer in general terms. A nicely rounded and quality backlinking campaign that will target a number of keenly searched-for terms within your specific niche. Which will, in all honesty, have your web pages rising up the rankings very nicely indeed in the weeks and months to come.

        Does this seem appropriate for your needs, Marie?

        • Profile picture of the author Marie A
          Marie A
          Profile picture of Marie A
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

          Hi Marie, well, as you know by now I love to 'love' my websites and treat them very well and they tend to treat me well in return, if you know what I mean...

          And to be honest tourism sits very nicely with me on the whole - being something of a 'permanent' tourist myself, of course.

          So there is what I offer in general terms. A nicely rounded and quality backlinking campaign that will target a number of keenly searched-for terms within your specific niche. Which will, in all honesty, have your web pages rising up the rankings very nicely indeed in the weeks and months to come.

          Does this seem appropriate for your needs, Marie?

          Well that was fast Joseph, you must live

          Basically it is not just link building but also a general site SEO which includes numerous super articles via SEO link vine and blog posting but niche only and no 'spam' at all, as well as the required 'on page work' of course, linking from pages etc.

          We are currently moving (in 1-2 days) the said site from a static to a wordpress and it's quite a large site that will need a few months attention.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Haha, I pretty much do live online yes - sometimes to the point of falling asleep while 'sloggin' it'! :p

            Any old (or young) plodworthy can do link building Marie, so no, its not what I would be suggesting. What I do is that I craft the link building and oversee the progress. I cajole, I weave, I play a tune and get my links to dance to the music... A magician, if you will...

            I use a 'hareem' of different techniques to work with, some of which of course I have espoused here on the thread for the Twilight Poserz site - all of which can and do work wonders.

            So this does sound like your site was badly flagging Marie. If you need on-page and you are also in the process of 'lifting' it over to; is where its at for me, so that's perfect!

            Let me know when its up and running so I can take a peek-see. Sounds thoroughly interesting indeed!

            Best regards!
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Marie, lunch time has well and truly passed, so just about dinner time here in this hot and sultry country - a bit like your own climate so I see...

              Your project most certainly does interest me although that is obvious I would think. I shall PM you with some details regards to fees and expectations and stuff of this nature. I must keep this sort of info confidential as one project very often cannot be closely related to another.

              I'm sure everyone on the thread here fully understands this is a somewhat sensitive matter. And thank you for that!

              I'll be in touch shortly Marie...


              PS. I'm presuming you can open your PM's even if you are not at the moment able to send them...
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A fine response Joseph.

    It is not really my site alone but a project that I am working on in various ways and yes you will love it!

    In the meantime please do advise (in general terms of course) what kind of fee you charge etc and what this includes.

    Look forward to the response, now go and have some lunch away from your screen
  • Profile picture of the author ed2010
    Profile picture of ed2010
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Ed, thanks for coming by and adding your thoughts!

      This is indeed my intention - however, not only for the single keyword - I want to get at least top 5 for all 4 keyword phrases mentioned throughout the thread here - for the money site anyhow.

      And what's more, I would much prefer to get at least one of the Web 2.0's ranking top 5 for all 4 keywords too. This is a longer term plan however, so no quick fix here.

      Again - its not about the income that's to be generated from posters sales (even with the 20% affil commission that Selena suggested earlier - which is much hotter than eBay's piddly commission scale!), but just to prove it can be done and to tickle my ego a bit in the process, of course

      Let's hope this all happens without me having to 'slog it' for the next 6 months

      Kind regards Ed!
      • Profile picture of the author HomeDecorGirl
        Profile picture of HomeDecorGirl
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Still following this thread closely. Thank you for your earlier advice. I doing a massive overhaul on my site, tweeking the keywords and such, then I plan on marketing articles like you've explained.

        I do have a question though. I've noticed in your BIO's on articles you don't follow the typical "Joseph Archibald is a blah blah blah, see his site blah blah blah for information and tips for blah blah blah."

        Do you find your current style more effective or is it more pleasing to the reader or just your preference?
      • Profile picture of the author Adder Noggins
        Adder Noggins
        Profile picture of Adder Noggins
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        /ncr, stands for No Country Redirect, from the horses mouth..

        An interesting idea adding your name to the end of a domain name, if you are a prolific blogger it might be a good idea as you are almost recommending the product. There are always ways of adding something to a domain name, think what people will search for. Or research it properly with Googles adwords tool or even better something like market samurai.

        The question on copyrighting of product numbers, is a bit hard find an exact answer but simply put, if it can be then probably is copyrighted, eventually you may get de-listed, especially if you use adsense and start to do well as you stick your head above the Googleplex parapet.

        Google say specifically: Domains submitted for the AdSense for domains program may not violate any trademark (and related rights), copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property right of any third party.

        I am amazed at how people end up losing out like this, and clearly in breach of the rules. On researching this i read a post, on google help, where the site owner clearly admitted that 'someone may have' gone a bit 'click happy' whilst 'looking for a product in china'. He subsequently got slapped with INVALID CLICK ACTIVITY from google, no suprises there then.

        His profit had jumped from $100 to over $2000 in a single month and did not provide any proof for a drastic increase in traffic.. Possibly innocent, Google didn't seem to think so.

        For the UK posters is still down on Page 3 i'm afraid
  • Profile picture of the author johnalbert
    Profile picture of johnalbert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow Very interesting info thanks dude I am following these steps..
  • Profile picture of the author dtmission
    Profile picture of dtmission
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I found this thread very useful and helpful to understand better SEO promotional activities.

    I have decided to post a summary of the main points on my blog and I thank you for your good work.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi John (dude), thanks for coming by and commenting - I hope you can benefit a lot from what is written about on the thread!

      Kind regards!


      Hello DT, thanks for giving us your feedback!

      That's great and I do encourage this - please do post up some of the key points on your blog!

      The only thing I would ask in return if you are indeed doing some copying pasting from here, is a single link either to the Warrior Forum thread here, or to my own SEOTips blog which is here

      SEO Tips & Tricks that will Make Your Hair Stand on End!

      Thanks again DT!
      Kind regards
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi HomeDecorGirl, I will have to get back to on this exciting news, if I may. I need to head on out and take care of a few things - its a holiday here for whatever reason (another one!) so there is a little bit more demands upon my time from the home than normally there would be.

        I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can...

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi HomeDecorGirl, regards to my articles and the bios - I tend not to use article marketing for traffic purposes (I have done so before now and in which case the bio had to be much more geared to performing and pulling in click throughs). So I don't really care much about the bio, apart from that my links are correctly formatted and that it reads okay.

          If you want to pull in traffic via the bio, then its a whole new technique. Starting firstly with a real hot title that's going to get your article viewed a lot. After all, no views to the article = no bio click throughs.
          Using article marketing for SEO is a totally different ball game to using articles for driving traffic.

          Hope things are going smoothly for you HomeDecorGirl and the overhaul and tweaking is coming together nicely!

          Kind regards!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Adder, ah ok regards the /ncr. I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

            Yes, you sure can use your imagination when it comes to domain names. There is no hard and fast rule and each to their own.

            Re copyrighted domains. Generally if the income is small time then chances are good that we will get away with (even if utilizing AdSense) using and infringing a copyright. I have heard a few times where folks that are using a copyright as domain name have been asked to "desist or face the consequences". But the vast majority by a long, long shot tend to get away with it time and time again.

            I do use domain names that infringe (Twilight posterz!!), and I know for a fact that a ton of others do as well. Its a risk for sure, but if its the difference between making $30 US and nothing per month then for many its a risk well worth taking.

            This case you cite regards the unfortunate site owner and the "click happy site visitor/s" wow - they sure did go click happy! A jump from $100 a month to over $2000 a month is an amazing case of "click happiness"! That's the safety feature in place when using the likes of Amazon or eBay etc to affiliate for - click happiness makes no odds at all!

            Many thanks for all the info here Adder - you surely have been busy with the research - very helpful indeed!

  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PM received loud and clear. I will be able to PM you once I post 50 times.
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Although the 50 post rule seems to annoy some people IMHO it works and it's important we keep the site clean if possible.
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry but I forgot to ask for the release of your ebook?
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PM sent to you Joseph.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Marie, received your PM, thanks and congrats on reaching the 50 posts mark!

    I'll get back to you on that hopefully this evening (although may be tomorrow morning - Malaysia being GMT +7) and we can talk a bit more about various...

    Thanks Marie!
  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Please do advise Joseph if you need me to 'pass' the final draft for you as I do realise that English is not your numero uno and we really cannot have words like 'wee' and 'bonny' cropping up now can we.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh Marie, so, so cruel! Ya wee bonnie lass yee!

    Nae bither awe the same!

    Wee timorous curous beestie, oh whit a pain was in thy breestie...

    I love it! Don't you just love it too!!

    Joseph frae Edinbureee
    • Profile picture of the author Marie A
      Marie A
      Profile picture of Marie A
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes Joseph I see that we definitely have some issues to work through.

      Don't worry as my editing fees are more than reasonable to ensure a readable format otherwise nobody but a Highlander will understand a word.


      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Oh Marie, so, so cruel! Ya wee bonnie lass yee!

      Nae bither awe the same!

      Wee timorous curous beestie, oh whit a pain was in thy breestie...

      I love it! Don't you just love it too!!

      Joseph frae Edinbureee
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well Marie, I'm from the lowlands, so that seems to have solved that wee problem them, doesn't it!

        • Profile picture of the author renu
          Profile picture of renu
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hmm..interesting.. so let me get this straight... they pay $1,000 commission. I wonder what's the refund rate.. wouldn't wanna work in the customer support department that's for sure! lol
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Renu, haha! The product is gonna be up on the 15th June so customer services are just getting themselves geared up I suspect.

            It will be intersting to see what the refund rates are gonna be like - IM'ers are perhaps the worst for it (me too, me too - if truth be known - I returned a number of CB products that I purchased before, so I can't condemn it when it does happen!).

            I just posted up some info on my blog about it anyhow, so for anyone interested...

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi to everyone who is interested in the high end affiliate campaign I told you about!

              Here is a link to my blog which will give you more scope about it...


              Please do let me know your own thoughts!

              Thanks indeed!

              • Profile picture of the author inter123
                Profile picture of inter123
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Joe,

                What product is being sold in this affliate system? Was watching the video from your link but the guy is going on about winning a plasma tv, a holiday to tropical island...go to Richard Virgin Brandson's had to turn it off.

                I am thinking its SEO related but the videos are taking ages to reveal what is all about? Can you give a summary pls? They really should get to the point instead of beating about the bush.

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Haha Inter, yes, its the usual IM blab that you get for any high end stuff. Plasmas, cars, holidays, cameras, fridge freezer, cuddly toy, light bulb, tooth brush, nasal hair remover tool kit...

                  What I will do is to go over it again and pull out the main points on it and thus summarize it. The guys who put this together know full well that the most folks are pulled in by the gloss and wow factor. But you are quite right, you gotta cut to the chase before you make a true decision as to what's what and if its truly something that you should be looking at for yourself.

                  For me, its not - not now anyhow. Its not the right time for me to be focusing on this aspect of my own business. However, I feel its only fair to let others see and judge for themselves if it may be right for them. Its an opportunity that could indeed be perfect for a number of guys and galz who read this thread.

                  As such, I am offering to do my bit in helping out with this, albeit not taking an active part in pursuing the high end affil commissions for myself (hmmm... or maybe...).

                  Sorry, I'm "glossing" and waffling...

                  I'll get something put together which pulls out the main pointers regards to this set up. For now however I'm putting my all into the eBook or else it would just sit on my desktop gathering dust, and I sense that would not fit well with a lot of folks who want to grab it with both hands as soon as its available!

                  I'll post up on here regards more info on this high end glossy affil offer as soon as I've put a post up on my SEO tips blog.

  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes please Joseph. I am first in line.

    I need it now, not in a few days.

    I await---
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To lighten the frame of mind a little, I had a bit of feedback over on the SEO tips blog regards some excellent progress made with some web pages on a private domain that were previously "stuck" in Google's keyword phrase ranking system. Suddenly there seems to be new life when before it was very lethargic to say the least!

    Its not my place to be mentioning any names but I'm sure 'S' would not mind a mention here and a mention there because she deserves accolade for her perseverence and thoroughly positive attitude to SEO with regards her own sites.

    This shows what you can actually do yourself when you have the notion of persevering.

    And with that said, if you truly want to rank for a keyword phrase within the search engines, even though it might be a very tall order, keep on keeping on, don't give up. Chances are in your favor that if you do persevere - each and every time, you'll be the ultimate winner!

    Regards to everyone!

    • Profile picture of the author BlueLounge
      Profile picture of BlueLounge
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph,

      Hope you are well, Just thought you'd appreciate an update from the UK as to your rankings! I heard you worked in a warehouse in Central England? I'm from Leeds myself! I shall be PM'ing you regarding some local niche work and tutoring for myself.
      1. - 28
      2. - 29
      3. - 30
      4. 34
      Many thanks,
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Ben, hmmmm never been doing well in the UK - so there is no change there then!

        No worries, maybe one day it will reach the top rankings there too. I'll be keeping up with a gentle linking campaign for quite some time after the end of the Challenge with the hope of ranking for the other keywords too.

        Yes, I spent a few loooooong years working in various warehouses with various agencies. Absolutely detested much of that time too! Thanks Asda - you may claim to add value to your product range but you certainly did not add value to my life!

        You want me to help you with local niche work Ben? By the look of things in the UK, I'm not so hot at that game

        Actually, one of my top performers at the moment is UK based, - a I mean. So, okay, maybe I'm not so bad at targeting the UK after all.

        Yes sure, I look forward to hearing from you!

        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hehehe - yup, the pound is way down against the currency here and my bank balance is hurting in-part because of that! Darn nuisance! And having a new government in place has made it even worse! They should have left that tight-fisted Scotsman in place after all. On second thoughts...

          Sidenote to all Scottish or of Scots decent - I am Scottish (with a bit of French mixed in along the way) and incredibly proud of it too, so please do not get upset at my previous statement, thank you!

          I think helping out with your client's sites should be no problem Ben. Hope there is enough search volume. "Dental pracitse in Leeds". I guess when you think about it, even 5 new clients a month to a dental practise is going to be worth a lot of money.

          Look forward to hearing from you Ben!

          • Profile picture of the author ArtJohn007
            Profile picture of ArtJohn007
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi to all,

            Just a quick plug for Joseph. I contacted Jo for some seo related articles on some of my niches. He not only did a great job with them, but he also has helped my along the way. He is very reasonable with his fees and I learned a lot from him so far.

            I've got him working on a real estate site for me now and we should be hitting the first page very soon for my keywords.

            Just thought I give some credit where it is due. Joseph is the real deal.

            Art Johnson
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Art, many thanks for coming by and leaving some feedback - much appreciated.

              Too early days really, but I'm itching to see if a couple of the keywords that we are targeting are starting to move up. Will not be long, that's for sure!

              Hope everything is going well with you Art and will catch up with you again soon!

              Take care and best regards!
  • Profile picture of the author BlueLounge
    Profile picture of BlueLounge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haha, I dont think anything is doing well over here in the UK to be fair! Recessions is affecting everything, including your rankings perhaps?

    Well basically, I just need help with my clients websites and getting them onto the first page for 'Leeds' based keywords. It should be a doddle for you, but I am hoping to get some teaching out of that aswell so I can learn the ropes and take it from there!

    I will be piecing together a message very soon Joseph!

  • Profile picture of the author BlueLounge
    Profile picture of BlueLounge
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes it would definately be worth it! I've just finished my first year at University, so I now aim to go around local businesses offering my SEO services to them, would you be interested in taking on a handful of clients to help rank for Local Based keywords?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes Ben, I would be thanks for asking! Its precisely the thing I have going on over in the States with another business partner (and got another venture in the pipeline elsewhere) so I am very happy to expand on this type of pursuit.

      Just let me know where you are at and we can talk a bit more on it.


      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I'll give you an update as to how I am seeing the keyword phrase rankings this morning in Scroogle and for HideMyAss proxy server too.

        (Sc is for Scroogle; HMA is for HideMyAss).

        Twilight poster:

        Sc Blogspot at 5th; Squid at 7th; at 8th; Posterz site at 10th and 11th (ooooopzzzz);

        HMA Blogspot at 5th; Posterz site at 7th and 8th; at 9th; Squid at 14th

        Twilight posters:

        Sc Squid at 8th; Blogspot at 9th; at 10th; Posterz site at 12th and 13th

        HMA Blogspot at 7th; Squid at 11th; at 13th; Posterz site at 14th and 15th

        New Moon posters:

        Sc Posterz site at 15th; Blogspot at 17th

        HMA Posterz site at 17th; Blogspot at 18th

        New Moon poster:

        Sc Blogspot at 13th; Posterz site at 18th

        HMA Both the Blogspot and the Posterz site are just outside top 20 = 21st and 23rd respectively

        I have to be honest and say that my backlinking has dwindled in the past few days due to other committments that we all know about, right? Having said that however, I did implement a "new" set of links so its not gone totally flat, just a bit quieter than before.

        Its good to see that both Scroogle and HideMyAss proxy are showing up very similar results - this goes to show that (apart from in a search) the results are fairly solid and I'm not seeing much in the way of great fluctuations in the results as we seemed to be seeing before.

        Things are not exactly flying along now but at the same time its looking very solid.

        With regards to the money site, I did mention at the beginning of the week that the site may in fact "bomb" because of something I was trying out. As it happens, the bomb has not materialized, but there has been a slight shake-up. I've got something else regards to my linking endeavors in the offing too, which will go well beyond the forty day event. So there may be further shake-up in the meantime.

        As you can see, I'm now using this Challenge more as a "tweak-tweak" experiment rather than full-on top 5 job. I see little reason not to aim for top spot now, so I need to keep tweak-tweaking to get there - or rather, that's what I feel like doing anyhow.

        I'll also be pushing for at least one of the Web 2.0's to remain in top 5 (preferably all 3, but I have to be realistic with things). At the moment its the Blogspot that has that accolade.

        Although the Web 2.0s will make no money, they are firstly providing my money site with a great backlink (top 10 rankings are even better to get a backlink from, providing they can remain top 10 rankings), and secondly they are keeping my competition out of the top spots.

        I am not one for resting on my laurels. I have to be tweaking and messing with stuff all the time. See what works well, what not so well. Thinking about it, doing it, thinking about it, reading up, doing it, wondering about why and what if. All the time... This is how progress is actually made!

        The posterz site is in prime position to build on for all keywords, which puts a sneeky smile on my face This is what a targeted SEO campaign should be looking like - just getting ready to strike out when the time is right for doing so! (That's my excuse, anyhow ).

        As for income stats, I may (or may not) post them up tomorrow for the week to date. If I don't its simply because they are terrible - well, at least I am honest about it. Why be bragging about something that is embarrassing?

        Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi ladies and gents, I just been a thinking (as you do) and I was a thinking to myself, how to get some more nice backlinks that are going to help out my little Twilight posterz site that bit more?

          Now of course there are a multitude of ways this can be done, but I was thinking about something that could benefit me and also benefit others too, which of course could mean you!

          And guess what I came up with...?

          Guest posting on a blog or website!

          But, here's the twister...

          I'm offering to guest post on your blog or website, if you have a somewhat SEO or IM orientated site. I would offer to write about something else, but quite frankly that may be a bit of a struggle (well okay, history I have a passion for, so if you have a history blog then that suits me very nicely!).

          The only thing I want in return is that I get a couple of links to the Twilight posterz site.

          Now let's briefly tackle an issue that is bound to come to the minds of many of you.

          Will a backlink from an SEO or IM related blog be of any real value to a posters related site, even if its a do-follow link?

          Yup, good question.

          The way I would tackle this is, to talk briefly about the Twilight posterz site and get a little bit of LSI (latent semantic indexing) that way - right in the body of the article I would write for you. Thus Goog will "chill" and be happy with this and will no doubt treat my link with the respect it deserves.

          This is all that is necessary to boost the quality of your own links when you are commenting on a blog or some other form of website that may not be entirely geared to your own niche. Trust me. Goog don't send over employees to see what is going on here - they send over their spiders.

          Spiders check out content (LSI where Goog is concerned) and links (albeit different types of spidering is going on here). If they find that your links are "massaged" by relevant text (LSI) then you will get the credit! So why not just manipulate this a bit to work in your favor?

          I would be offering you a highly complementary post to your niche that you can then place on your own site. There is no doubt at all that this post will get quite a bit of traffic pretty much instantly, simply because I will mention the post on your blog or website here on the WF forum. I will also mention it on my SEO tips blog which is seeing some fairly serious amounts of uniques these days.

          So what this means is that if you have some quality content on your own site, then you are actually going to be getting a very nice booster to your visitor count and all other benefits that come from this. I think that is a very fair deal indeed.

          All I need now is some of you to shout out and invite me to write up a post that will be catered towards your own site's requirements, while at the same time, working for me too. A very much mutual benefit to be had, if ever there was one!

          Let me hear from you please. First come first served. Just let me know that you are interested either by posting up on here, by sending me a PM or by emailing me at

          Oh and by the way, I do not care if your blog is 3 weeks old and a PR of n/a. Or if its a PR0. What I will be looking for is a webmaster or webmistress who is focused on making their own site into something really special in the weeks and months to come. That way I am guaranteed a real quality link and you are guaranteed a real quality post for your own site.

          So no, I don't mind whatsoever regards to your site's PR. I'm just looking for quality. You may have 10 posts up. You may have many more. Its not too important.

          Look forward to hearing from you real soon!
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    had to ask joseph regarding your last post; why not just use UAW or blog blueprint as they will work to something similar like what you are offering right? What I am seeing you is you are going to do more work and less results, unless I am missing something here.

    Also got a quick question for you. If let say one uses SeNuke and blast it all to authority site like hub or squidoo or ezine, like 50 backlinks a day, will that be good or a problem or just waste of time?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Charles, yes that is correct - UAW or BB or whatever else for that matter will offer the same sort of end result at a 50th of the effort. However, what I am proposing is a big step up when compared to some nameless website that gets 10 visitors a week.

      I am pushing for quality and with that comes traffic and worthy backlinks.

      There is the difference and in my mind its enough of a difference to want to go out of one's way to grab hold of.

      So more work - definitely, but the results are potentially far greater - for both parties!

      I think using something like SENuke in a very thoughtful and sensible manner can bring great gains to any internet marketing campaign. I sense that most people don't utilize the capabilities of this software well at all, thus do not get anything near their money's worth. After all, what does it cost - one package is something like $67 monthly, while the other is $129 monthly or whatever.

      Its a ton of money to be spending if you are not seeing some relatively fast results!

      But a very good investment if you know how to harness its power.

      Speak again soon Charles!

  • Profile picture of the author Jeena
    Profile picture of Jeena
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,
    It;s a good stuff to folow . . . Looking forward on it . . .

    Jeena White - Hey I'm new here but this is the first thing that has actually WORKED for me. lol... Please use Activation Code = Jeena;
    Local Websites For only $97.00
    Thanks.... Hope we all make alot of money.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jeena, I'm happy you are enjoying it. Nice to see you are still hanging on in here to see how things turn out!

    Have a nice morning in the Philippines!

    Take care and regards
  • Profile picture of the author ZXT
    Profile picture of ZXT
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sent you an email Joseph.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Inter, yes - I use the proxy and Scroogle so that I don't get biased results. If I used a standard Google search they may well be biased in my favor.

      Thus, instead of say - my Posterz site showing up at 7th which it did in the proxy it would show up at 4th in a standard Google search.

      Google bias results to the searcher. Thus due to the fact that Posterz is my site and I visit it often because of that, they would offer it nearer the top of my search for things like "Twilight poster" or "Twilight posters". If you visit a site often then it has the habit of showing up a bit higher in your search results. Not always but it can do.



      Hi Martin, thanks for your message!

      The main keywords are "Twilight poster"

      The secondaries are:

      "Twilight posters"
      "New Moon poster"
      "New Moon posters"



      Hi ZXT, thanks for the email! I will get back to you as soon as I can!


      And thanks to everyone who has either PM'd me or sent me an email regards to the post above - guest posting. Good response so far, so by all means keep them coming!

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I read a post - a comment - this morning on another very large and very authoritative SEO and IM related forum with regards to the 40 Day Challenge over here on the Warrior Forum.

        Now I don't want to quote anything that was mentioned - nothing bad actually, and I will certainly not discuss names either. But I just wanted to clarfiy where I am at.

        If this sits well with you then that is great. If you were expecting different, then that's cool. So be it. Let me just have my say for now and then you can give me some flack afterwards, if you are that way inclined.

        I initially set out on this Challenge to attain a top 5 ranking in Google for one keyword phrase. A tough one, no doubt, but just the one all the same. So that in essence means one single web page ranking for one single keyword phrase.

        Now, over the past few weeks while the Challenge has been live, we all have seen quite a lot of feedback (and not just my own) regards the ranking of the web page that pertains to the keyword phrase "Twilight poster". On the whole, at least for a while, this web page was ranking some place between 3rd and 7th in Google.

        I am not going to discuss Yahoo! or take into account that early on the site was ranking at 2nd for the same keyword phrase. This was not part of the over-all goal but was actually a bonus.

        Thus, some folks are going to say that yes, the initial plan of a top 5 ranking has actually been reached and was reached a while back. Some would say - no, cos you have to have the web page ranking top 5 all the time and not just for a few days here and and few days there (I doubt that would be achievable with a brand new website anyhow - not for a really tough keyword phrase. There is going to be some Google dancing, this is invevitable, and this is exactly what we have been seeing).

        It would seem that the Posterz site has gone down the rankings for "Twilight poster" slightly, for the moment. I did mention a good few days back that it may actually "bomb" which it does not appear to have done so, but it may be reeling just a little because of my recent backlinking activity (or lack of it :rolleyes.

        Its up to you to make up your own mind. I will not feel hard done-by either way. Needless to say that we still have 9 days left of the Challenge too, however. But one way or the other, for myself I feel that even without a permanent top 5 ranking yet (which can never be guaranteed anyhow!), I have managed to prove that to get incredibly close to top 5 for a tough keyword can indeed be achieved in a short time frame.

        But much further than this, we should also see the other aspects of this whole Challenge.

        I am ranking in and around top 10 for 5 different web pages for "Twilight poster" (the three Web 2.0's and now two from the primary site). That in itself in my opinion is impressive. If someone were to come to me and show me the same sort of stats I would be blown away and would be desperate to learn exactly what they had done to get this.

        And I am not just saying this cos its me. I am saying this because I know full well how I myself used to feel just to get one web page in the top 20 for a fairly easy keyword after about 6 weeks of working hard to do so.

        But more, for the keyword phrase "Twilight posters" I am seeing those same 5 web pages ranked in 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th. Remember, this is by no means the keyword phrase that I was actually targeting as my main phrase.

        I am also seeing two of my pages (one from the Posterz site and the other the blogspot blog) ranking in the top 20 for "New Moon poster" and also for "New Moon posters", which supposedly get some 110 - 150k searches a month and around 40k searches a month respectively in Google (depending on seasonality factors). I shall be working on these keywords over the coming months to get my other web pages all ranking better for these phrases.

        Thus, the Challenge has become something rather different. Its become a spring board for a lot more other than just ranking a single web page for a single key phrase.

        Would you feel that this has been a failure?

        Do you think even if my primary site/web page is not ranking 5th or better on Day 40 of the Challenge that its a total failure?

        I can only suggest that if you do then there is something not quite right. I can suggest that you take everything into account. All of the facts I have just laid before you, and then you give this a bit of thought.

        It is of my opinion, and if I may... that you perhaps should be thinking something along these lines...

        "This guy (me - Joseph) managed to get all this done within a few weeks. All those web pages ranking for tough keywords in just a few weeks. Yes he uses some software to help, but no he does not have a team of writers or a team of backlinkers to do this. He has done almost every single thing alone, single handed. Yes, he does this full time (and more besides, but his focus is also on many, many other things, and not just on ranking those sites alone. And, look at the potential for the coming weeks and coming months. He could be ranking high with 4 or 5 web pages for 4 very highly searched keyword phrases, given a bit more time".

        But the key here is, to then ask yourself if YOU can do something like this. Why can't you do exactly this yourself with your own array of web pages?

        Of course the chances are it will take longer, maybe twice as long, maybe 3 times as long. But the point here is, it can be done - you've seen it for yourself! I took you from day one to day 31 showing you exactly what I do and how I do it. All you need to do is something very similar to attain similar results.

        Those (your) results could actually be far better. Target a lower competition keyphrase with a higher monetization value, albeit a lower search volume, and your income from doing so will no doubt be far, far greater than mine for my current project - Twilight posters (which to be honest is shockingly pathetic at the moment!!).

        So no, it should not be about being critical (that's up to you at the end of the day, of course), but it should be about thinking to yourself "well if he can do this then so can I!!".

        That is what you should now be thinking, do you not agree?!

        I do not see any reason to view this Challenge as being a failure. But again, this is for you to decide. If you want to be very narrow in your thinking then by all means go ahead. But if you want to see the much bigger picture then do be sure to embrace it, and embrace it tightly. By doing so you will be streets ahead of the vast majority of your competition, make no mistake about that!!!

        I wish you well in this I really do!

        Kind regards!

        Joseph (the failure... )
        • Profile picture of the author Rita
          Profile picture of Rita
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hello John,

          I am reading the post from day 1 and I must say that this is one of the best thread I ever read in any forum.

          You always mention about ranking of blogspot blog, squidoo but you never refer about the articles in article directories. If you get a high rank in squidoo, you should get high rank in ezinearticles also. What do u think?

          Once again thanks for such an outstanding work.

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Rita, thanks for your post today! Very much appreciated that you tell me this!

            Yes you are correct. I have not mentioned about the ranking of the articles in the directories for the Challenge. And this is because they have no ranking that I am aware of. I did not set out to rank any of them at all, for otherwise my primary site may have had too much competition from... em... myself, if you see what I mean.

            For many of my other projects I would tend to want to rank an ezine article and may focus more on doing this. Not always, but sometimes this is the case. But yes, it should be said that if you are more inclined towards ranking your own articles then this is a very sound approach to take.

            In fact, if you have the energy, then its very possible to rank all your Web 2.0's as well as most or all of your articles. And as such you can really dominate the top spots well and truly!

            Its really up to you Rita.

            Thanks again and kind regards!
    • Profile picture of the author jamhall830
      Profile picture of jamhall830
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks Jamhall for coming by and saying so!

        My desire was to be totally transparent rather than a little. There should be nothing to hide when it comes to teaching how to rank websites/pages high in Google. Even though it would seem that most of the so-called guru folks (call them what you will) like to shroud the true facts in mystery.

        I guess by doing so it means much more money for them in the longer term.

        Thanks again; now I must get back to trying to work out where I've gone wrong with my Buy it Now button...

        Support Support, where are you Support????

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Ladies and Gents, just to give you an update regards what's happening...

          em, there is no update to give....

          I'm sitting waiting at my computer, as I am sure many of you are too.

          Here is the scenario...

          I have a piece of code (copy/paste job) that I was provided with when first setting up the WSO. I put said piece of code into the ad that then provides the button, which in turn should be clickable and should take you through to the payment page (or where-ever).

          For some reason this piece of code that I copy and paste (I do not have to manipulate it in any way whatsoever!) is corrupt.

          And thus I have to wait for the moderators to try and work this one out, cos I simply am unable to do so.

          Again, apologies for this long delay. If it were up to me this would never ever have happened in the first place. But, my hands are completely tied here. I did not develop the code in the first place...

  • Profile picture of the author phil0321
    Profile picture of phil0321
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This thread is a gold mine. Thanks Joseph.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Phil, thanks for coming by and commenting!

      Yours is the first comment on the thread for almost 24 hours. But then, I think folks are getting geared up for the release of the eBook. Which could well be up and available on the WSO this time tomorrow (providing there are no more hiccups :rolleyes!

      Thanks again and happy you are seeing the real value here!

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    finally! waiting for something is hard

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Charles, I would prefer the waiting than the doing! In future, I'll stick with the SEO slog rather than the eBook production nightmare

      Talk about time mis-spent!

      I'm hoping it will be out tomorrow but I've still some issues to iron out before guaranteeing that. Will of course be posting up on here exactly the moment its a green light!

      Kind regards!

  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    You haven't been 'slogin' it hard enough Joseph.

    There is a queue of people waiting to make the purchase and receive what will be (in my very humble opinion) one of the best books ever released on the forum.
    • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
      Profile picture of csgcsg
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Marie A View Post


      You haven't been 'slogin' it hard enough Joseph.

      There is a queue of people waiting to make the purchase and receive what will be (in my very humble opinion) one of the best books ever released on the forum.
      Yes Marie, he needs a spanking or whipping so that he will move faster

      Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
      MSN -

      • Profile picture of the author Selena85
        Profile picture of Selena85
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Oh, Joseph! Look what you brought upon yourself!

        A long time ago, John XFactor also mentioned an upcoming ebook on his thread and people didn't let him be until he delivered it. =)

        Take it as a compliment. It shows you provide real value and we're eager to learn even more from you.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          OUCH!! OUCH!!

          I'm gettin the message a loud and clear!!

          But let me thank all three of you for your very kind comments (albeit Charles wants to spank and whip me - but some folks would be quite happy about that ).

          I remember John XFactor said that he hated working with people, Selena - hence he takes a very much hands-off approach to his forum (or so I think, anyhow). "Hated" might be too strong a word for it, but nevertheless he does dislike that side of things with some intensity. Hmmm maybe I can equate this dislike with trying to put together an eBook then!

          Its the trying to tie up the loose ends that is really causing issues - you create the PDF then you find there is something not right. Then you gotta go back to the original and change that then you have to reformat the whole thing again which takes an age. So on and so forth, seemingly getting no where!

          Not fun!

          Lesson learned!

          Anyhow Marie, you should be more focused on your SEO work at hand and not lurking around on forums. There's work to be done!

          Now I must return to reformatting the eBook (for the 7th time grumble grumble!).

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Here is an update of a couple of other things that are nothing to do with the eBook, thank you.

            The $1000 affiliate commission campaign: I contacted the producers of this product in the hope that they may allow me to see the product in action, or better still, to actually use it myself. I know it may not be fully ready as yet, but even to use one part of it to get a "feel" for the thing.

            This way I would be more comfortable about the price tag and a couple of other factors besides.

            However, this was 2 days ago I emailed them and have not heard from them. I shall make it a point to email again of course as this is important to quite a few of us that are following this thread. The thought of earning $1k commissions on a single sale is very enticing!

            I do feel though that without the product owners at the very least making an effort to give me a reply to my email, I cannot vouch for the quality of the product. Which makes it a bit more tricky for me to help them to make sales of it.

            The second point I would like to make today is with regards to authority guest posting. You may (or may not) remember about a week or so ago I talked about guest posting on authority blogs and mentioned that I would be pursuing this approach to some extent for the Twilight posterz site and the Challenge. This has nothing to do with the post I made a couple of days back with regard to writing for other people's blogs - that was a seperate issue.

            I actually managed to email one blog owner (I had intended to do more but time is not available for doing so) and up till now had not received any reply. But today, I found in my in-box that the blog owner had indeed replied and would be very happy to have a guest post about the Challenge.

            Nice when a little plan comes together, I'm sure you agree!

            Anyhow, I shall be guest posting on the particular blog when I can manage to get some time (and also for everyone who has been in touch about my recent post regards guest posting for them too), and will be writing up details on here so everyone can read at their leisure (or not, as the case may be).

            That's it for now. Keep on sloggin' it!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kenneth, in my (very) humble opinion, that is time extraordinarily well spent! And even more so if you were supposed to be working a nine to five for an employer while you were reading on here

    If I ever find myself having to look for work with an employer again (God forbid!!!), I should make sure to edit this comment out! Is it not so that potential employers are spying on Facebook profiles and comments etc. etc. these days?

    What ever next...!

    Cheers Kenneth!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I do apologize for this very late announcement. As you no doubt are aware, the Warrior Forum has been down for quite a few hours now, hence the late announcement.

      Nevertheless, things must go on!

      Please be sure to read the following!

      Its been a while coming but I am happy to announce that today the eBook will be LIVE!


      Now, as promised (sort of) the first 25 eBooks will be priced at $9.00

      The next 25 will be priced at $14.00

      And there-after, while the chance is still available to purchase the eBook in its current format, it will be available on the WSO at $19.00


      This will not last too long however. As I said a number of times I will be taking it down from the WSO at any time in preparation for making it an offer on eJunkie or ClickBank.

      It will be tarted up a bit with some graphics etc. and maybe some more tasty info added too (more info that has not been released on the Challenge thread - so this will be brand new and hot!). That has yet to be discussed however.


      Once the book is taken down from WSO you will not be able to get it for any less than $49.00 a pop - perhaps rather a lot more!

      The reason I am making this available so cheaply on the Warrior Forum is in part to reward you for following me throughout the Challenge (which in some ways seems like 3 months old now, rather than just over a month!).

      But also, to be fair, the techniques and thougths that I share within the eBook are what I have shared with you already. Its just a much-condensed version of that (albeit still over 120 pages in length!).

      Thus it would not be fair for me to set the price too high, and at the same time would go against my own ethos - not to price anyone out of the ability to obtain great SEO and IM - related information that's gonna end up making them money from their own pursuits online!


      Thus now is your chance to grab yourself a total bargain!

      Enough said.

      The eBook will be live at 5pm GMT (all going well!). Which is 10am PST, I trust.

      I'll make it known on here as soon as it is live! And provide the link to it.

      The advert has been passed so its just a case of making payment.

      Good luck and best regards!

      PS. I did say some time ago that I would not include one of those counter things that says something along the lines of... only 7 left...

      I'm afraid that in this instance, I had to do so, simply because I am releasing very limited copies at different price ranges. However, each seperate purchase is tracked by sofware that I have no access to, thus the stats are totally legitimate and there is no fogging the figures as is the norm!
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats Joseph. Can't wait for the launch!

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Charles! I just hope all the links work well together upon purchase. I've not done anything remotely like this in well over a year, so fingers are tightly crossed!


      27 minutes to launch and counting...
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        You never know Beldin, there may only be a trickle of sales. Therefore you get it at the $9 level. Or else, the sales links are messed up and I have to do a relaunch...

        All very positive on my part :rolleyes:

        We'll see soon enough.

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hmm can't help it but think it as a business module; buy all at $9 and open another WSO selling at 19

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author Beldin
      Profile picture of Beldin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You know Joseph... what really got me bummed was not being able to read it right away and having to wait until I get home tonight. LOL
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Well Charles, yes it is trying to create more of a "buzz" about the launch by utilizing this "scarcity" model, you are quite right.

      But then, you can also see it this way (in this case, anyhow) - the more "buzz" about a product, the more sales are made. The more sales are made, the more people get the eBook. The more people get the eBook, then the more people learn to be successful now, rather than in a years time, two years time, or never at all.

      As such, I feel this sense of scarcity to be justified. After all, its not like I'm asking $200 a go or something...

      Must get to the actual launch now, time is passing fast...

      Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author donaldg
    Profile picture of donaldg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    same problem here
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Same here!

      Okay, sorry everyone, I have to work on that...

      I ll let you know asap when I "think" its working...

      Oh dear me, here we go....
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well Charles, if I could just stick to my own game of SEO then all would be just fine. Its when I have to foray into the unknown that it all goes "pete tong" wrong...

        I can only but presume I now have to submit a new ad. I have no idea!

        I will contact the folks who deal with this stuff and see what they can do to help out. I had presumed that they may have tested the link themselves before approving the ad....
        • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
          Profile picture of csgcsg
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          No worries Joseph, I am going to stay awake till I get it

          Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
          MSN -

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thanks Charles, looks like I'll be up all night and morning...

          Fingers crossed the mods will put my html right for the Buy it Now button. Its a simple little thing and I know I stripped a bit of the code out myself for lack of knowledge about this stuff.

          Another dumb-de-doh moment, but then you gotta learn these things to make some sort of progress, I guess.

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    lol joseph, you crack me up!
    Teasing everyone but not letting them buy.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, I've opened a ticket with the Moderators and made it "URGENT".

    Let's hope we can solve this issue fast!

    Thanks for your patience everyone and apologies once again!

  • Profile picture of the author examineseo
    Profile picture of examineseo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anyway to buy it now straight through paypal? Is that possible? I have to get back to work and I don't want to miss it.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Everyone, the ad has been re-edited, but please give it a few minutes to be checked by Thomas, thanks.

      Furthermore, I have re-set the increments to 75. What this means is that the first 75 (not the first 25) will get the ebook for $9 each!!!

      And then the next 75 to purchase will then get the ebook at $14...

      Hope everyone is happy about that...

      Thanks again for your patience with me on this!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok everyone, Thomas is on this right now so hopefully we have a swift fix in place!!
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And before anyone should suggest this, no its not a ploy to get folks to buy!

    Its 1.15am here in Malaysia and trust me on this, I would much rather be in the sack right now than be 'toiling' over an ad for a WSO!!

    My fingers are crossed at least as tightly as your own that this time, all is going to go smooth and well with the Buy it Now buttons!!

    Thanks once again...
  • Profile picture of the author rkuramoto
    Profile picture of rkuramoto
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Update as to where we are at with the eBook launch...

    No where!

    I've been trying do something with it but I simply do not understand the forces at play here. I think that's been very obvious from day number 1 of the Challenge - I always claimed I had no inclination what-so-ever regards building up websites or fiddling with code.

    Here is testament to that!!!!!!!

    Anyhow, I need to get a rest now - its gone 4 am and I am no further forward.

    If you are still interested in purchasing the eBook - have no concerns - there have been absolutely no sales as yet. So the bargain price is still very much intact!

    With that said, once again I offer you my apologies.

    Have a nice day/evening and I'll try and get this whole pain in the ass thing sorted as soon as I can!

    • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
      Profile picture of 4morereferrals
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ok - so I read page 1 - 6 pretty closely - no more time for 8 more pages.

      So can we get to the chase here? [ if I may be blunt ] So the gist is ...

      1 . do some kw research

      2. pick a very close exact match kw targeted domain - buy it

      3. install wp there

      4. write a high quality article / blog post

      5. spin article[s] - post to article directories - for backlinks

      6. create some web 2.0 sites - usual suspects Squid/Weebly/Hub/Webs etc ... Put some varied "quality" content on it - point links to $$$ site page[s].

      7. build backlinks to all of it.

      This seems like rather standard niche marketing and basic white hat seo fare here - is there really a need for a wso?

      Also lets add up the costs to get this blog ranked #9 in my browser
      { your lens is above it in my firefox ]

      Costs / Tools required for this method:

      1. Spyfu - $70 mth
      2. Micro Niche Finder - $99
      3. The Best Spinner - $77 yr
      4. UAW - $67 x 45 day - $134
      5. Blog BluePrint - $57 mth x 2 mths = $114
      6. domain - $8
      7. hosting - $9.00 mth / $18

      Ok - so ... Im all down with tools to grow your busines, but thought it important for newbs - as thats pretty much the only folks who dont already know 75% of whats going on here ... if we'd be following your lead here and I think thats all fine - we need to be ready to spend $518 to follow you - and thats pretty much before this thing turns a nickle.

      Again - I firmly believe you need to be able and willing to spend some $$$ to make money online or anywhere. I just dont think i need a $9 eBook to spell this part out - didnt see it talked about much.

      OK - so new guy/gal coming to the party ante's up their $500 bones - and rocks out. So at the end of the 45 days - for their time and treasure - they could expect to be ...

      - Between position 6-10 on page one
      - $500 out of pocket
      ... and with only 100 backlinks to the $$ page
      ... less than 200 to the squidoo lens [ not sure how many of those are internal linking from squidoo itself]

      The main and pretty much only reasons i bothered to post in here - cuz I really dont want to be Barney Buzzkill ... is all the feigning of ecstasy that a truly revolutionary wso and ... now an eBook is becoming available. Had there been no self promoted links to the wso in this thread... which is bad form here btw [ no biggie - just sayin' ] Id let everyone go be happy dropping more $$ they dont have.

      BUT ... the #1 reason for some critique - is the comment about the delicate-ness of your new domain - and that it needs just the right amount of new links - to not damge its delicate ballet of a google dance - but your new lens and hub and whatever can be abused with links. The urban legends continue ...

      Also - theres tons of comments here about how competitive this niche keyword phrase is. 34,000 in quotes for twilight posters isnt a hardcore competitive term [ I know - not the only gauge or the best ] Its not micro niche adsense X-Factor / MFA kinda easy - as in "will rank" with just a domain name name being the right KW's.

      None of the pages ahead of you have more than 500 backlinks to the page that your trying to outrank.

      Be super cool to the newbs ...
      Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
      • Profile picture of the author garyv
        Profile picture of garyv
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

        Ok - so I read page 1 - 6 pretty closely - no more time for 8 more pages.

        So can we get to the chase here? [ if I may be blunt ] So the gist is ...
        And there's the "gist" right there. Did you even bother to read through this thread before you bothered making such a post? - And my assumption can safely be - no - . Because you like to get to the "gist" of the info. And my assumption is proven out in your own comments.

        "If I may be blunt" as you put it. If you had bothered reading through this thread, you'd have known that Joseph - ALWAYS - pointed to FREE methods. He said several times - make sure that you EAT first, and use the free methods. Then when you can afford it, here are some tools to make things easier.

        However - to me the proof is in the pudding. I have seen a plethora of threads in this forum over the years that have set out to do exactly what Joseph has set out to do - and they are almost always ABANDONED. Unfortunately I found this thread late on. So when I found it, I immediately cut to the chase and did a search for the keywords Joseph was trying to rank for. When I had seen that he did accomplish what he had set out to do (and he didn't abandon his post). Then I made an effort to read - and actually re-read the entire thread. And I said it before - I'll say it again now - This is by far my favorite thread since I've been a member here at WF.

        My point is - don't try to get to the "gist" of this entire thread by skimming through Joseph's book. He knows what he is doing, and has proven it. Take your time and read the entire thing. The information in there is invaluable.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Could not have put that any better myself Gary, so thanks a lot for putting some more facts straight here!

          I see absolutely no need to try to rip me to shreds as this gentleman has so pointedly set out to do. I have made every single thing as clear as clear can be from day one right through until now.

          Furthermore, my methods do work and work very well. And yes, it may be factual that there is nothing absolutely new here, but fact is as it is - how many of the top SEO'ers or IM'ers use brand new methods and try to re-invent the wheel? Erm, I leave you to ponder that for a bit, shall I?

          I don't know, those who attack seem to have some hidden agenda or whatever.

          This is not some competition to see who is the best at SEO. What this is however, is an effort to shed some light on how to work a process that will be successful for anyone, regardless of using tools that cost $500 a month, or tools that cost $1 a month.

          Furthermore, everyone was fully aware of what was written up on the thread is very similar to what is within the eBook, which is selling at a massive price of... 9 bucks.

          So thus far, everyone who has purchased the eBook has done so because they appreciate that I have gone out my way and back again to provide some really high quality info that is very, very rarely found elsewhere for free.

          If this is so bad, then I must be missing something indeed! I best go back to SEO'ing my own sites then and leave everyone who really enjoys reading my thread to go back to spending thousands of dollars on glossy products that tell half truths.

          Enough from me for now about this. I said enough already really, and what I have said can be read within the eBook or within this thread. Seems that the vast majority of folks who are reading along are actually very much enjoying and appreciating what they are learning.

          Thanks again Gary!

        • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
          Profile picture of 4morereferrals
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          "If I may be blunt" as you put it. If you had bothered reading through this thread, you'd have known that Joseph - ALWAYS - pointed to FREE methods. He said several times - make sure that you EAT first, and use the free methods. Then when you can afford it, here are some tools to make things easier.
          After 6 pages of the basics - sorry... I skipped towards the end.

          Im not questioning whether Joseph "knows" what he is doing. Im questioning - that there is affiliate links being promoted [ verboten] and the fact that the ending is an eBook, mainly. Why - whats not in here? Im questioning that there's affiliate links strewn throughout. Good info or not- basic info or not - pimping your affiliate links in thread posts sucks - no matter how nice you are about it. Doesnt everyone need to abide by the same rules or do other non mod members have a special set to play by?

          OK - revised. Popping in or out of the monthly services or not - 1 mth or 1 day of use across 40 days = 2 mths fees.

          1. Spyfu - $0 mth < --- correction
          2. Micro Niche Finder - $ < --- correction
          3. The Best Spinner - $77 yr
          4. UAW - $67 x 45 day - $134
          5. Blog BluePrint - $57 mth x 2 mths = $114
          6. domain - $8
          7. hosting - $9.00 mth / $18

          New total outlay - $251

          For most newbs - Im not sure a $250+ for startup is too different than $500. Maybe, maybe not?

          More of the Follow Me threads get shut down by the mods than get finished as they end up in a product pimp fest. A la ... as this one should for linking to affiliate review sites - and to linking to your own wso.

          Rules - pesky lil buggerz ... Sig file - learn to use it correctly. Simple.
          Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
          • Profile picture of the author garyv
            Profile picture of garyv
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

            Rules - pesky lil buggerz ... Sig file - learn to use it correctly. Simple.

            I'm not going to turn this great thread into an argument thread. I'll just let you bury yourself w/ your comments. Because it's quite obvious to those of us that have been following along - That you sir have not.

            You didn't even read my last post in full. Otherwise you wouldn't have come back w/ that lame list of yours.

            I'll never for the life of me figure out why great threads here in this forum go down like this. But this one has me really aggravated. Can't people learn to deflate their egos before "contributing"?

            PS - No Newbs were harmed in the making of this thread. Joseph always suggested that you NOT spend money if you can't afford to.

            - also if you're an seo expert, then it's nearly impossible to refer to the tools of your trade without it somewhere down the line leading to an affiliate link. I think Joseph has done a remarkable job of helping people out without over promoting products like others in this forum do.
          • Profile picture of the author Beldin
            Profile picture of Beldin
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Except for the domain name... all costs that have been pointed out can be used on numerous sites/niches/blogs/whatever....

            If anyone is looking to set this up as a money making busines type thing then they won't (or shouldn't) be setting up just one site anyway. They'd be working on a variety of projects or, at the very least, learning the ropes so they can scale up in the future. So... the costs associated are spread across each project with future dollar potential.

            I'll repeat it again for those who missed it... there ARE free methods and Joseph has pointed them out. Learn the ropes with these and then, once you've started to earn, put your profits back in to scale up.

          • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
            Profile picture of 4morereferrals
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            I didnt set about to rip you to shreds brother. If you feel this is being ripped to shreds ... u may be a bit sensitive.

            Im sorry if I dare question the motives and the outcome... results. Is that unthinkable? To disagree with an approach - method and expenses - as compared to the time spent and the results?

            I m sorry for not agreeing that the term is a "difficult" one.

            Im sorry for disagreeing with a recommendation of using a $134 service to get backlinks and at the end of 40 days - having less than 200.

            Im sorry that at the end - the result is a position 9 or 8 listing and falling at the end of $250 spent and 40 days. But yes - its surely better a newb do that than read this forum all damn day.

            Im sorry to be jaded - but seeing that your sig is all about your SEO services you provide and ... what a suprise - you now have a 16 page promotional sales letter on a super popular IM forum. Im struggling to hold onto the idea that this was all out of the goodness of your heart for pure altruistic reasons. The affiliate links and then the wso promotion sealed the deal for me. Sorry if mentioning this is ripping you to shreds. I just think its not as it should be.

            Im sorry to disagree - but this information is readily available repeatedly throughout this very forum - FREE daily. Search.

            It was nice of you to try and correlate it all in a long thread as one topic ... I give you kudos for that - seriously. I was glad to see it - up unto the point where your affiliate links in your review sites were promoted in the thread ... and then the promotion of your new eBook.
            Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
            • Profile picture of the author garyv
              Profile picture of garyv
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

              It was nice of you to try and correlate it all in a long thread as one topic ... I give you kudos for that - seriously. I was glad to see it - up unto the point where your affiliate links in your review sites were promoted in the thread ... and then the promotion of your new eBook.
              Alright, I promised myself I wouldn't do this to Joseph's thread, but I can't stand this.

              For one, the reason Joseph's thread is so long, is because he takes time out to answer EVERY question along the way. He's never overly promotional of any products, like your post falsely suggests. And the only reason he bothered laboring over an ebook is because many of us in this thread begged him to do so. But you'd know that if you had bothered reading it. And no I do NOT believe that you even bothered reading 6 pages as you suggest. Otherwise you wouldn't have come up w/ some of the false claims of cost you've put into your post.

              I beg of you to deflate that big ego, and not make a fool of yourself with another post. There are many people that appreciate what Joseph has done here.
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Yes 4MoreReferrals (Barney, if I may), my writings may seem promotional but as Gary correctly pointed out, much of this is due to the fact that I have been asked time and time again as to what tools I use and how I use them.

                It makes sense therefore to write up a few reviews and post details of them on my blog. After-all, every time I do emphasise that I only discuss tools that I use for my own (and current) use. If I were overly affiliate conscious then surely I would be spouting off about all and sundry products, and not just the very few that I myself use fairly regularly for my own pursuits.

                And yes, it is so that in some earlier posts I did blatantly link to those reviews, but that was naive and not the thing to have done. Shows how much time I spend on forums - naivety shines through very obviously.

                As for linking to my own services, again, this has come about due to the thread. I get asked would I consider doing this, would I consider doing that from the kind people who are reading along. They are looking for a little guidance and nothing more.

                I consider many options. A few of which I say yes to, many of which I have to decline. I then do let others know about what I am doing and what I am not. Its allowing the ladies and gents who are following the thread to see and learn precisely what I do. Its being open about my life, really. Where is the harm in that? Surely its to be seen as a blessing rather than an offence.

                There are a number of times I have linked to my own forum where I tell all about being totally hopeless in what I do and how I do it. In fact, a few of those posts pull in some of the most visitors. Again though, its me being very open about all of it. I don't feel the need to hide that away - I am human after all, and I am pathetic at all number of things that I set out to try and succeed at. Utterly pathetic!

                In reality all I am doing is being very open about myself and about who I am. It may seem promotional and yes, I do make occasional affiliate sales from that, which I am very thankful to everyone for. But it is my belief that if I say it how I feel it to be, then folks will trust me and thus buy "from" me.

                There is nothing devious in this whatsoever. Its human nature to follow the lead of those who are to be trusted for them being very open about how they feel and what they do.

                I wish therefore that you would embrace this fact rather than refute it. You seemed to have jumped to a tremendous amount of conclusions which, I have to admit, are 'slightly' understandable - due to my naivety at various points over the past month or so that I have been posting up here. I too am trying to learn along the way.

                Therefore, if you will, try to see this thread for what it is rather than what it is not. Its all I ask of anyone who wishes to read here. I don't wish to slam anyone personally, even though a few generalizations have occurred. But that is all they are, no names mentioned, no one gets hurt.

                And then names that I do mention - well, for me, those are my leaders. Those are whom I would follow day in and day out. Simply because they tell things as they are and they, like myself, have learned a lot from their own mistakes.

                Thanks for taking the time to read Barney. Please, if we can, let this rest easy, thank you.

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes very strange indeed, it is 5.51am as I am writing this and have a business meeting at 6.30am so I probably come back in the afternoon to check out this place.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Rehema, thanks for your very positive feedback! It seems I have actually failed after all - not with the actual Challenge but with getting the eBook up for sale on the WSO! What a nuisance this is turning out to be, it really is!

    Thanks again Rehema!




    here is the link to the WSO for the eBook...
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Charles, interesting business you are in what with a meeting at 6.30am.

    Would that be a meeting over fresh laksha, per chance?

    One of the most delicious foods on this planet, it has to be said! My main problem is spattering the sauce down a nice fresh shirt!


  • Profile picture of the author DennisXHopper
    Profile picture of DennisXHopper
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The post was really helpful. Thanks!
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just purchased the ebook, and it looks great! Can't believe you packed so much info in there. What an incredible bargain.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Gary, thanks for that plug! You can see now where the sloggin's been for the past couple weeks, albeit much of the write-up was done by Jenny and not by myself

      I think for all those who have not seen the thread, then even at $49 its a great bargain. For all you ladies and gents that are familiar with this thread, its keenly priced as it is - below the $20 mark for sure.

      I did promise a couple weeks back that there would be more action to come - either on this thread or on a new one. I think I need a brake to recharge a bit though.

      However, once again, for all those folks that regularly visit my SEO tips site, my forum, and for those that are on my optin list, I'll be bouncing some really hot ideas and info around over on there. So you guys and gals are in for a treat in the coming weeks and months!

      Thanks again Gary for the excellent feedback on this thread!!

      Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for you feedback 4morereferrals.

    Much appreciated!

    Take care,
    • Profile picture of the author culvers
      Profile picture of culvers
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      4morereferrals aka barney, can you please go over to the xfactor thread and throw some realism out there as it seem to be turning into another quality content orgy, where all the people who claim they write rich, unique, quality content rub eachother down in baby oil and... well, you get the picture.

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    joseph my good friend

    Is it possible to come out with a simple diagram of your backlink process like how u like this to this and link that to that and so forth?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author KSB
    Profile picture of KSB
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Charles, yes I could do some fairly straight-forward diagram regards to the linking process. If you give me a bit to come back down to earth and catch up on some sleep I'll try and get some help with that and see what we can come up with.

      Apparently, even though I go out of my way to please everyone with what I am doing, I suspect even the addition of a glossy looking diagram may not be enough to make some folks smile... :p But I am confident it will help to make your day that much brighter, and for me, that's simply priceless!

      I'll get back to you on that one Charles...
      Kind regards!




      Hello KSB, thanks for coming by and leaving your comments! I'm very happy you are finding the information useful and not all a pile of poop!

      Thanks and regards!

      Oh, and thanks for your glowing review about the ugly eBook on the other thread - much appreciated!
      • Profile picture of the author PinkSassyRN
        Profile picture of PinkSassyRN
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thank you so much for updating this thread and for sharing more knowledge about SEO, what a kind and helpful heart you have keep the information coming.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi PinkSassy, thanks for your very kind comments! I am very happy that you have taken value from this thread and really hope you can then go on to reaping the rewards from your own campaigns in the days and weeks to come!

          Thanks again and best wishes!

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    4morereferrals good point you are making there that Joseph's thread do cost $$ to rank high. Having said that well this is actually good to keep the freeloaders away. If anyone are serious about a business whether it is offline or online, you do need to invest in tools which Joseph actually teaches how to use it and personally recommend them.

    Now let us calculate what it takes manually to outrank 500 backlinks in top page in less than 30 days, you could do it all manually and spend tens or even hundred of hours to do a fraction of what he does with the software and my time is certainly worth much more than performing important but simple stuffs like building backlinks. For calculation sake let's say I am worth $3 dollars per hour and I take 100 hours performing everything here manually and it will cost me $300. Now most people will think the project cost will be $300 but they forget about opportunity loss. In that 100 hours even though I am worth $3 per hour but if my time is spend correctly, I could be generating $1000 profit. This is why I employ people to work with me even though I can do everything myself

    Also with the recommended tools Joseph shared, any kids who can afford it will know if you have all those tools at your disposable, you do not create 1 site a month and work on it. You would probably create 4 sites a month if you have only like 1 hour a day for your IM activities or like me personally I create 5 sites a week and rank it top and high and earn $$.

    So the investment of the 200 or 300 or even 500 a month is a no brainer because if you know what you are doing, you certainly make so much more.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have not nor will I ever advocate that anyone pay for all those tools!

      SpyFu - FREE.

      MNF - I said time and again throughout the thread - no need - just use the Google Keyword Tool which is excellent and FREE.

      Best Spinner - yes, cos it saves you a mass of time or a MASS IN OUTSOURCING FEES!

      UAW - by all means dip in and out as the need arises - a month here and month there. I do, so why can't you? So how about total useage per year of around 4 months... whatever suits your own requirements.

      BB - again - use as you need it, if you want to use it.

      Domain and hosting... shucks...
      But again, if you want to go down the route of Squids or Hubs or whatever - free, great, I say well done its a great choice!

      Monthly costs now... ??

      And yes Charles, you yourself had made some excellent points that should not have been over-looked, and certainly have not been by me, throughout the duration of the thread and which has been thoroughly outlined within the eBook.

  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes as Joseph has stated throughout this great thread there isn't really an obligation to buy tools, apart from a spinner of course, as this will depend on size of your business and budget.

    There are so may experts on SEO and alas I do not claim to be one of them so for me at least this sort of information is invaluable.
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm also awaiting for that diagram Joseph. It will be great if you could manage to make it.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Banel, I hear you loud and clear!

      Let me just run it by my ol' mate and see what he suggests regards this.

      I'll let you know in due course what I can do about it.


  • Profile picture of the author Marie A
    Marie A
    Profile picture of Marie A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Pleeeze. Do not turn this super thread into any kind of flame war. All of you.

    Please can we keep the warrior forum the best of its kind.

    IMHO there are many excellent products and services available here that cannot be found on any other forum and it is for the client to decide which of these to purchase.
    • Profile picture of the author garyv
      Profile picture of garyv
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Marie A View Post

      Pleeeze. Do not turn this super thread into any kind of flame war. All of you.

      Please can we keep the warrior forum the best of its kind.

      IMHO there are many excellent products and services available here that cannot be found on any other forum and it is for the client to decide which of these to purchase.
      Absolutely right, and I apologize for helping to steer the thread away from the topic.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      No worries Marie and Gary; tempers got a bit frayed. Let's leave things at that and move onwards and upwards.

      There is much to be done to make progress so let us not pursue pointless tasks but push forward in our endeavours.

      Kind regards to everyone!
      • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
        Profile picture of 4morereferrals
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I wish therefore that you would embrace this fact rather than refute it. You seemed to have jumped to a tremendous amount of conclusions which, I have to admit, are 'slightly' understandable - due to my naivety at various points over the past month or so that I have been posting up here. I too am trying to learn along the way.

        Fair enough. I can do that and accept your word - based upon this reply on its face and agree to disagree on some things in here and agree with others.

        Disagreement and challenges can be resolved with mutual respect. I expect no quarter here, but respect your reply. If you say thats what it was - then so be it.

        Moving on. Good luck in your endeavors.


        Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And in return Barney, good luck with your own endeavours - I wish you well!

    Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hie Joseph, all good I hope! Just a question if you dont mind answering. In UAW, if we stop paying for a month, will the account be deleted or we can continue at a later stage without problem? Just concern if on busy months I do not want to use UAW.

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Charles, all is fine thanks - been doing quite a bit of blog posting. Nothing to do with getting backlinks whatsoever - mainly for fun, and also to build a bit more of a network that I can work with in future - complimentary skills and all that stuff, if you know what I mean.

    The UAW as I mentioned recently you can dip in and out of. Hence its a montly fee. So, say you want to use it for the coming 30 days, you pay today, you use it for the 30 days, then you cancel payment for the next perioed of time until you want to use it again.

    The account is still very much intact and all previous article submissions you made will still be in your account to see and to access stats etc. Its a pretty good set-up from that point of view.

    Hope all is good with you Charles!

    Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Charles, yup it is still a long read and as has been mentioned over on the other thread it could have been more of a brief point to point rather than with the other chat too. Nevertheless, it is still a point to point but in a more rounded way, if you like. And obvioulsy makes for much easier reading than trying to pull out the key points from this very extensive thread.

    Yes, please do post any questions you have up here. I'll be sure to answer as soon as I can.




    As a sidenote, I am patently aware of the 1k affiliate program and about my lack of feedback regards to that. I shall not be mentioning anything more about that on the WF. I have learned that this is not the place for discussions of that nature. Anyhow, I am also disappointed to say that so far the product owners have not responded to my emails. Which further discourages me from pursuing it. If they are not responding to potential affiliates, what is the customer service and back-up going to be like? Its pretty poor in my opinion!

    Any further progress with this will be broadcast to my list. I'll be looking out for other new affiliate programs too however, and again, this will be broadcast to the list.


    • Profile picture of the author Rita
      Profile picture of Rita
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      What I got:-

      A. Motivation to work on my sites.
      B. Learned/Relearned some tricks which I knew but never used properly with full focus.
      C. We saw first hand a brilliant example of forum marketing. It is indeed a lesson.
      D. I am planning to use his style of selling in my newsletter for CB products.

  • Profile picture of the author alg6565
    Profile picture of alg6565
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is an interesting thread but nowhere can I see any mention of traffic that your sites received. Or conversion rates, or income generated. Apologies if I missed seeing it.

    As internet marketers it is an essential requirement to test and track everything, so that we know what is working and what is not, and then we can implement changes. So it seems natural to expect you to have these figures.

    As interesting as your techniques are, surely the bottom line is how much traffic did you receive and how much money was earned, otherwise it's just a hobby. Sorry to be blunt but I do think that it is important to document everything, even if things didn't work out, otherwise how can there be a satisfactory conclusion?
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Alg, you must have missed seeing it as time and again I have mentioned income, traffic and also my reasoning as to why it is currently as it is.

    Further, as stated in my initial goals, my intentions were purely to rank top 5, at least at some stage during the campaign, which I feel that many people who have followed along from a few weeks back have agreed that this has been achieved. Albeit right now the primary site/web page is not exactly flying - but I also made mention as to why this might happen at the current time.

    So no, this is not about providing stats for income - if it were my headline would have been something along the lines of "watch me make $500 in 4 weeks" or whatever. And its not about traffic generated either - otherwise I would have chosen a different keyword phrase that is much more evergreen than this very much seasonal one.

    What I set out to do was succeed in one aspect of internet marketing and that is the SEO side of it.

    I have made lots of comments with regards the all-important traffic and money making and provided my own take on this right throughout the thread.

    But no, there was no real intention of documenting everything at all. My 'documenting' was up for everyone to see with their own eyes (namely - rankings) and not hidden away and manipulated like I could have done with traffic and income stats (but which I have not).

    Sorry to disappoint you Alg, but that's the nature of this pursuit.

    Kind regards
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I just wrote rather a long post and the WF crashed on me so, sorry, no time for another right now. I'll get back to you later however, so have no worries!

  • Profile picture of the author Mrsparrow
    Profile picture of Mrsparrow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    Thanks for the great thread!
    It took me a while to read (or at least to skim through :p) but I finally did it.

    I just want to say that there is a lot of useful information on this thread for both newbies and intermediate SEOers. And if you don't find anything new discussed here, there is still a lot of motivational value to keep you going for a while.

    At least that's my case. After reading your thread, even though I was familiar with most of the techniques, I got new wings to continue the work for my sites. I had lost my enthusiasm along the way and I was just slouching around, but now I have that drive again.


    For the "twilight posters", if you want to know, you show up in my searches on positions no:

    -5 - with the .com
    -6 - with the squidoo
    -10 - with the

    I studied your backlinks and it appears that the majority of them are contextual links form small posts on different blogs - this must be the work of the blog blueprint service. It seems to be the most effective of your weapons.

    Seeing the effects it might have I wanted to give it a try also, but the price put me off (I'm on a shoestring budget) so I looked for a suitable alternative. I found 1waylinks to be the closest thing with a cheaper price.

    I want to know if you heard of them and if you had the chance to try them out. I just can't afford to invest in a dud right now.

    Thanks and keep on rocking,
    Your traffic not converting?
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    • Profile picture of the author Beldin
      Profile picture of Beldin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I've been testing BB myself and notice that a lot of the postings are getting indexed pretty quickly. It's an easy interface but the only thing I'd like to see them add is the ability to input a spin-format of the blogs with the option to drip feed them, that would make it perfect.

      They say that the blogs are all over PR 3... for the most part I've found that to be true, although I did find a PR 1 in there... but that may have lost PR, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Of course if they keep coming up I'll have to look into it further.

      I think 1 way links is 47/month? Not a lot cheaper but I haven't tried it. I do know that the blogs are all setup by the users so I'd imagine there would be mixed bag of anything from PR0 and up. Of course, people will debate whether it matters I suppose...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Good points you make about BB Beldin! There are a few ways that this thing could be made more user friendly. At one time you had to push all the accepted posts to the top or else they would not get published - is this still the case or have they overcome this issue now? Its a total pain in the behind - time consuming and stupid, really.

        I agree, there should be more in-built flexibility in the software. They should auto-archive all the posts that have previously been published too - tidy up the interphase that much more. Its so clunky.

        On the whole though, this thing works and works very well too, thus its one of the very few I would consider keeping monthly (meaning having to shell out a monthly fee). Even though its a real labour at times to keep on posting and pushing the new ones to the top there-after.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Radu, cheers for coming by and offering up the rankings you are seeing and your own take on this thread!

      I've got the Posterz site in at 5th in Scroogle (finally - again!) and 7th and 8th in HideMyAss - which always seems to take a few days to catch up with Scroogle, strangely enough. So I gotta say that I'm very happy with this for now. I'm still intent on top spot however, even though its taking a bit of doing, but then hey, who said this thing was gonna be easy? Not me.

      I did post up rather a long post yesterday with regards to this and a few other things but as mentioned just above, the b...dy site crashed just as I was about to rush out the front door, and all my writings vanished in an instant. How many times does that happen...? I shake my head.

      Its great you are "re-vitalized" and I am actually very thankful that you have highlighted this (as Rita also has done so recently) because those who want to talk stats ALL the time are sometimes those who want to denigrate the over-all value of the thread. There is MUCH more to this whole game than merely stats. So much more!

      I could labor on about this point for hours and then days, but hey, I've done so before so no need to now. (I do so on my blog anyhow, for those who want to know...).

      I've stopped with the BB linking now - not even using it to my Web 2.0s or to the anchor articles. But yes, it has been a large part of the original method. So all in all I used it for about 3 weeks solid.

      If anyone is intent of analyzing the costs then please go ahead, but do bear in mind that any and all software products that I use are not used on one campaign alone. They are used on many different ones - perhaps even as many as 9 or 10 over the 30 day period. Thus costs are very much broken down and cannot be related to a single website, ever!

      The whole thing as most of us are aware, with the array of tools we have and we use is that they are not to be used on one site at any time, but on a whole host of campaigns together. Thus all costs are spread around, which actually then works out to be potentially a very good investment.

      As Beldin says below, the links when using Blog Blueprint do show up (or at least - do work fast with regards to helping to rank a web page or pages) fast. When I first started using this software I was really surprised just how fast they do work, which is the main reason I have continued with BB, even through some early and serious teething difficulties.

      BB is clunky and not that great to use - it could be more streamlined, but the developers are working on it (slowly) to make this the case. BB is one of the few pieces of software that I would consider using every month, and not just dipping in and out like with UAW.

      Some argue that the links will not last past half a year due to them being embedded in small text snippets. I don't see it that way at all. Makes no sense.

      1-way-links I have not used but its another in the array of Jon Ledger's product range, thus I can only but think it to be good. Its something I will look at using in future, if only to trial it, but for now I cannot provide any true feedback. Beldin mentioned the cost already. Not bad at all if its a cool bit of software.

      There is another one called SEOlinkvine which I have mentioned in the eBook. I've not reviewed it as yet but I have been trying it out. This one is by Brad and Matt Callen.

      Unlike BB that one does have an affiliate scheme and it is via Clickbank. It is priced at $67 so I presume if you were to take it via your own link you would get that at least half price.

      Its a good bit of kit, actually. Here is a link to read about it - not affiliated link, by the way.

      Its not really my thing but I know at least a couple of others who regularly contribute to the thread here swear by it. Depends on what suits you. The methods are totally sound though, for achieving a whole range of differing backlinks, which is precisely what we want.

      I know what you mean regards the shoestring budget Radu, and to be honest I am stripping out a number of my own monthly services. The costs can get ridiculous and yet the work-load is still very high to get your money's worth if you are using a few different products each month that have a monthly fee.

      Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts and your findings and look forward to hearing from you again soon!

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Load of information here, i was particularly looking for information how you build back links. Will appreciate if i can have it.
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi John, thanks for coming by!

      Some folks (including Charles who has posted just below you) have asked for a glossy diagram (to replace their wedding photo) that they can hang on their bedroom wall and has a fairly simple layout of the backlinking strategy I have discussed throughout the thread.

      I have agreed to doing that, although its not going to be in-depth. If there was a way I could post something up online then that would be the ideal - you could then come over to the page, download it and print it off or something like that.

      I am not at all familiar with such programs however - where I can draw up the diagram online and then post it up too, even though I understand there are some around that can be used like this.

      If I could get a bit of helpful feedback on doing something like this, that would be very beneficial to me and to anyone who wishes such a diagram.

      • Profile picture of the author searchnology
        Profile picture of searchnology
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I did something similar in the "SEO blueprints" in my sig...I used Excel since the Microsoft Office flowchart functionality works best in that program. I then converted it to PDF.

        I hope that helps....looking forward to seeing it.

        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi John, thanks for coming by!

        Some folks (including Charles who has posted just below you) have asked for a glossy diagram (to replace their wedding photo) that they can hang on their bedroom wall and has a fairly simple layout of the backlinking strategy I have discussed throughout the thread.

        I have agreed to doing that, although its not going to be in-depth. If there was a way I could post something up online then that would be the ideal - you could then come over to the page, download it and print it off or something like that.

        I am not at all familiar with such programs however - where I can draw up the diagram online and then post it up too, even though I understand there are some around that can be used like this.

        If I could get a bit of helpful feedback on doing something like this, that would be very beneficial to me and to anyone who wishes such a diagram.

        Google's Keyword Tool is Gone!..You will NEED this! - Watch Demo that Uncovers 1000s of KEYWORDS Other Tools Miss! »

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
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          Hi SearchNology, what a gripping image you have as an avatar - very nice too, if I may say so!

          Thanks for your suggestion - my only problem being that I am a bit of an Excel-no-phobe, otherwise I'd fire that up and have this job done at a canter!

          I'll try out one of those programs that Selena mentioned and see how things go.

          Thanks again for trying to help out though! I can see why you got yourself so many credits to your name, so well done on that!

          Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Mrsparrow
    Profile picture of Mrsparrow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Beldin,

    The thing with 1waylinks is that I can manage to get it at half price if I ask a friend to purchase through my affiliate link and that would make it only 23,5/month.

    Until now I did not find a way to cut the costs of BB cause it's not listed on any affiliate sties as far as I know. So I have to purchase at full price.

    I know it's not really nice from me to buy stuff through my own links but I'm dipping below zero for a few months now and every cent saved counts for me.

    BTW, if anybody is looking for a part/time VA please do send me a PM
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi again Radu,

      BB does not have an affiliate scheme and they have no immediate plans for it either. Short sighted of the company I would say. Their aff scheme covers a number of their other products and not the BB, as yet.

      With regards to your part time V/A, can you either PM me or... (I was going to say post your info up here but I may get shot down for encouraging that, so its up to you...)

      I recenty heard some bad things about the WF as a whole. They are clamping down on this and that and some folks are saying its too much and that they should try to get back to what they were offering in the earlier days.

      Tough call I guess, but there should be room for a bit of flexiblity and I know one or two have complained about my own use of this thread. I see no real harm in informing folks about things that are totally relevant to their needs, but that's just the way I see it... And perhaps I am indeed naive about this.

      Enough said - I'm no politician either.

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    do remember that not all links are shown especially at this short period of time.

    I am a bit surprised links from bb are showing already

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  • Profile picture of the author promotionexpert
    Profile picture of promotionexpert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I did not find any use full point in whole discuss
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      PromotionExpert, you have not found any useful points in the whole discussion?

      I would suspect then that you are looking in the wrong place.

      Perhaps knitting is more your thing.
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        For anyone who is interested in checking out the SEOLinkvine by Matt and Brad Callen, its got some issues at the moment too, so don't think its something wrong with your internet connection - its not.

        I've been informed by a lady who knows her stuff inside and out that Matt and Brad are intent on building this thing up to be super huge. The price is going to rise from its current $67 a month to $97 a month also.

        But if you get in on the $67 a month I believe that's a locked price. Be sure to check that however - I can't guarantee it to be so.

        And no, I'm not advertising for my own gain. I offer no links to SEO LV on the thread other than the one I just put up which is a non-affiliated link, thank you. This, once again, is all about providing highly relevant information in a very appropriate place for doing so.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thought for the day...

          By and large, approximately 1% of your site visitors will leave a comment.
          Data from Yoast
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            And thought for another day...

            Data is valueable!

            "Anyone who has the money to buy one of your best websites and has people scouring the web trying to make such deals probably has other sites in the same vertical. It is a near certainty. If you give all your data to someone *in an attempt to sell* what you may end up with is a weaker site and no buyer".

            "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

            Credit for the above goes to the, thanks!



            I don't know about you, but recently I sold one of my sites for a pittance and now I regret having done so. No, not cos I was going to do wonders with the site - I had fairly much lost interest. Its just that some of the keywords that are very lucrative I find myself now re-targetting and trying to rank for. And what da ya know... I'm finding that I am trying to outrank myself for those exact same keywords. The work I did before on the site I sold has a number of keywords it is in a relatively strong position for now.

            How's that for shooting yourself in the foot!!
            • Profile picture of the author Sidney001
              Profile picture of Sidney001
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Will be certainly followed with much interest!
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Sidney, its a pleasure to read your comment after receiving the one above!

                Some people, huh? :confused:

                Thanks for coming by!




                I just made a post on my blog so I'm gonna "poach" on the WF for a bit (sorry WF, but I've done more than my bit for you, so its fair to do a little something for me in return).

                And the name of the post?? Haha, you may not believe this but...

                NO SEO BUT LOTS OF TRAFFIC! :confused:

                (and nope, its not about PPC - I'd sooner bet on a horse than work PPC)

                And, do you notice just how OPTIMIZED that post heading is?!!

                I'm going 'fool' on to SEO my SEOtipsandtricks blog!

                I always said I would be going down this route on conclusion of the Challenge, but no, its happening already. And this particular post is a bit of an experiment as I have NEVER done this before.

                So if you wanna keep up and learn a good few new tricks along the way, well now, you know where its at!

                Happy Sunday everyone! Or is it Monday? Maybe Tuesday?
      • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
        Profile picture of csgcsg
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        PromotionExpert, you have not found any useful points in the whole discussion?

        I would suspect then that you are looking in the wrong place.

        Perhaps knitting is more your thing.
        haha knitting is harder than SEO!

        Yes I told my wife bout my plans about the new photo and I was threatened! I won't go into such details but I can help you come out with the diagram if you can give me something Joseph perhaps using Paint and I can do something nice up and share back to the community or your ebook buyers.

        What do you think?

        Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
        MSN -

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Knitting - yup, harder than SEO, no doubt about it!

          You told your wife about your plans re the new photo and you were threatened. Threatened with what - if don't get hold of one for all the members of your family then you'd be in the dog house??

          I'll see what I can do with regards to Paint. Hoping its a lot easier than GIMP - I even bought a series of videos some while back for that program but it still stumped me!

          Okay Charles, that sounds like a good way forward, and thanks for offering your help with it!

          I'll get back to you in the next couple days with something if I can work out how to use Paint.

      • Profile picture of the author LaptopLivings
        Profile picture of LaptopLivings
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        PromotionExpert, you have not found any useful points in the whole discussion?

        I would suspect then that you are looking in the wrong place.

        Perhaps knitting is more your thing.

    • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
      Craig McPherson
      Profile picture of Craig McPherson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by promotionexpert View Post

      I did not find any use full point in whole discuss

      Sux to be you then.
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Craig, I suspect PromotionExpert managed to find the knitting forum after all, let's hope so anyhow!

        With a name such as your own I very much "suspect" pure Scots? Up and left Bonnie Scotland to go live in Melbourne? I hear Melbourne is a very nice place to stay. Just a tad warmer than our own country of origin, anyhow.

        Nice to have you come by Craig, thanks indeed!

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haha Joseph, you can also just draw on a piece of paper and scan and send to me, not a problem at all, make things easier for everyone. But then you need a scanner too!

    Do you mind sharing your stats on traffic since your site is already on no 5-6 on first page of google?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Charles, I don't have any hardware here - its all in the UK. Just got the 2 laptops. I'll use one of those packages that Selena brought our attention to and then I can email that to you.

      Regarding the traffic stats, here they are for the past 30 days according to Goog Analytics, anyhow...

      Mind-blowing, I'm sure you will agree!

      Warrior Forum referrals: 457

      Google search: 232

      Direct: 173

      Reddit: 49

      Yahoo: 22 (considering it was 2nd in Yahoo then went to 4th, this is absolutely rubbish!)

      Total uniques = 1,046

      I think this goes to prove how seasonal this topic really is, albeit the facts are that the primary site has been dancing about since its conception.

      It will be more interesting to see how things go when it settles in the top 5, and when it comes a bit closer the release of the movie.

      I've re-assessed things actually, but I will let you know about that in the coming few days.

      In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how this Facebook thing works, which seems so much less logical than does SEO (or perhaps knitting, for that matter!).

      • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
        Profile picture of csgcsg
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi Charles, I don't have any hardware here - its all in the UK. Just got the 2 laptops. I'll use one of those packages that Selena brought our attention to and then I can email that to you.

        Regarding the traffic stats, here they are for the past 30 days according to Goog Analytics, anyhow...

        Mind-blowing, I'm sure you will agree!

        Warrior Forum referrals: 457

        Google search: 232

        Direct: 173

        Reddit: 49

        Yahoo: 22 (considering it was 2nd in Yahoo then went to 4th, this is absolutely rubbish!)

        Total uniques = 1,046

        Yes indeed, for 30k searches a month, you are getting only 232 from google. However take consideration of the google dance and the keyword is seasonal (but then y google show average searches so high monthly still?)

        Anyway I had a peep on your WSO and I am happy and pleasantly surprised after all the hiccups and 1st time launching you did very very well! Congrats to you.

        Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
        MSN -

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Charles, here are the stats I get from both Micro Niche Finder and from the Google Keyword Tool for the keyword "Twilight poster"...

          MNF: local for Google default server 9,900 monthly
          global 60,500 monthly average

          GKT: local for Goog default 5,400
          global 49,500

          That is a seriously large discrepancy! Albeit I think both tools take their stats from different dates, but still...

          I wish I were able to break that down country to country via my own Analytics - to try and work out how to do that though would probably take me a few hours - as good as Analytics is, its very tough to fathom out even a quarter of the functions.

          But to be honest, very often in the past for many of my other sites, after getting them to rank high, I'm left scratching my head as to where Google get their stats from.

          I kinda sense that what they do is they employ a group of their guys to go down the pub once a month and get slaughtered on the old Budweisers, and not until they are actually just about keeling over are they then permitted to put some figures together regards these sort of stats.

          Its totally perplexing to me!

          And, no matter how many times I have asked for other people's opinions about these stats, you tend to get the guy (its almost always a guy) who pipes up and sounds like he knows exactly what he's talking about. So you go away happy with this and thinking to yourself - "yes, of course, that's it!!".

          But its not... The stats are playing games, its becoming more and more obvious to me. What's your take on this Charles? And anyone else too...?

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
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    Oh, and as a sidenote, sales have been terrible over the past 7 days.

    Having said that, over-all sales on all my sites for eBay affiliate have been very poor.

    Beginning of the month and folks tend to keep their hands in their pockets when it comes to spending, so I have found very often anyhow.
  • Profile picture of the author millersunny
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
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      Hi Miller, thanks for coming by and leaving your comment!

      I've had to re-assess with regards to keeping all the sites top 10. Its quite a lot of work and the pay-back (monetary) is simply not there.

      However, I aim to ensure that the primary site is at least in or around top 5 and preferably top 3, give or take the inevitabilities of the Google dance of course. This way it can be like a flagship for future reference - simply because its very much in the public eye.

      So even if its not making too much in the way of income, its more about what it signifies than what bills its actually paying.

      We'll see how it goes in the coming weeks and months...

      Thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author competetowin
    Profile picture of competetowin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love it!
    Thank you for offering all these tools and sharing your insights. I'm on page 3 and I already think I've gotten a lot out of this thread. I just can't read it fast enough.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Competetowin, thanks for reading the thread and taking time to leave your own thought about it too - obviously you bring a smile to my face as I much prefer your own description to something along the lines of "I find no value in whole discuss...".

    The latter pages of the thread and of the current 15 are more about mind-set and how this can either make you or break you. The earlier pages, as you will know now, are more about the actual techniques that I have used - in the main - for the Twilight posterz project.

    If there is anything that is unclear then do please get in touch.

    Thanks again for providing me with your own thoughts - its nice to feel appreciated.

    Kind regards
    • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
      Profile picture of 4morereferrals
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      How long did it take to break page one?
      Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
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        I think it was about 6 or 7 days since purchase of the domain name Barney.
        • Profile picture of the author Rocketguy
          Profile picture of Rocketguy
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          Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

          I think it was about 6 or 7 days since purchase of the domain name Barney.

          Not bad at all.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Its okay RocketGuy, yes. The only problem was it may have seemed that the Challenge was almost concluded within about the first 12 days which was certainly not the intention :p

            The site went straight to number 2 in Yahoo within the same time frame. However, I can't claim a single accolade for that. It was very much aside from the main goal. I don't really comprehend Yahoo much anyhow, so if you prefer to see that as a fluke then so be it

          • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
            Profile picture of 4morereferrals
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            Originally Posted by Rocketguy View Post

            Not bad at all.

            Cool ... it took me 48 hrs from the blogs very first post 6/6/10 to #7 today 6/8/10. Hence - what I was speaking about in the beginning regarding the folks mentioning that it was a difficult keyword phrase.
            Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
            • Profile picture of the author garyv
              Profile picture of garyv
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              Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

              Cool ... it took me 48 hrs from the blogs very first post 6/6/10 to #7 today 6/8/10. Hence - what I was speaking about in the beginning regarding the folks mentioning that it was a difficult keyword phrase.
              Good for you - gold star

              You've proven you know what you're doing, but have missed the point of the whole thread. And that is that Joseph explains the details in a very comprehensive manner. And quite frankly in a way that I haven't seen done here on this forum before. Obviously there are thousands of people that can get their websites into the top 10 on Google. But very very few of them will explain w/ such detail how they got there. And even fewer could explain how they got there.

              It may have been easier for you than riding a bike. For many of us, we really appreciate the effort Joseph has put into explaining how HE does it. If you have better methods, fine. But Joseph's methods seem to be working for him, and he's doing one hell of a job sharing w/ the rest of us.

              Why would you go to such lengths to prove an irrelevant point is my question?

              You've proven your point. But I'm still keeping this thread bookmarked for reference. This thread may be filled w/ the basics as you would say. But I've been making a lot of money marketing online for over a decade and have not heard some of the "basics" the way Joseph has presented them here.

              I'm sure you're extremely good at what you do. And I can understand you wanting to protect newbs. But this entire forum can't always be fully geared toward newbs. You can try and warn and protect them. And Joseph has done that throughout this thread. But eventually you have to get to the meat and potatoes and trust that even newbs are not dumb enough to forfeit their common sense.
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Arich, thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts regards to the thread, I really appreciate it - and very kind of you to share it with your friends too!

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hey Gary, you're on the verge of your 1,000th post so congrats on that when it happens!

                  With regards to other issues that were discussed in your previous post - that's cool and no worries. I'll just focus on what I need to do which is keep on keepin on. Gotta start making some income as the old 'Posterz' is not gonna be doin' that anytime soon haha!

                  Take care!

                  Kind regards
                  • Profile picture of the author pons_saravanan
                    Profile picture of pons_saravanan
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Joseph

                    Thank you for an excellent thread detailed on how to use article directories for SEO. I haven’t used article directories effectively earlier. That’ is because I don’t know how to use.

                    Now I learnt how to use the article directories from this thread. Like this thread I also fully red the Terry Kyle’s 60 days experiment on the backlines. From both the threads, what I have learnt seriously is how to direct the links to other web 2.0s and article repositories to improve the power of each back links from the articles and web2.0s.

                    Can you please help me to understand few things? I am trying to rank for few keywords (not in the domain name). But I am already ranking in first page or second page. I am trying to reach further above but I couldn’t figure out what is preventing my pages to go up.

                    If you don’t mind can I send you (over email you have shared few replies before) the details of the website and keywords?

                    Thank you in advance.
                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi Pon, yes of course you can, please do so at your leisure, thank you!

                      Oh, and thanks a lot for reading the thread through from first page to last so diligently. Its an honor to me that you have taken so much time over it and really thought things through while doing so!

                      Kind regards and I look forward to hearing from you!

                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Now I'm not going to go picking through what Barney (4morereferrals) has just posted up and refuting this, that and everything else.

                        I can't be bothered for one thing. So I'm quite amazed that Barney has taken the time to do all that.

                        Nevertheless there is credence in the main message that he is trying to put over here and that is...

                        Find a method that works and works well in your own SEO practices. Keep on tweaking it, changing it a bit, adding in new things, taking out old bits that did not work so well, or perhaps were costing more than they are worth.

                        It makes absolute and entire sense to be doing this!

                        If you feel that the methods I have discussed here are suited to you right now and you can see the value in this, then that is fantastic and I wish you well!

                        However, if you just want to pick out a couple of methods or whatever, and then add in some other things that suit your ways and/or your purse more, then of course you must do that, there is no real room for further discussion.

                        All I have done here is to provide a method (or group of methods) that are workable and work well for me in general. I have tried many other things in the past and found them either to be entirely unworkable or simply not suited to my capabilities.

                        Take the techniques in this thread as one approach, nothing more please. You heard this from the horses mouth so to speak.

                        Now please, can everybody get on with their own business in the best way they know how.

                        Thank you and regards
                        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                          Profile picture of JosephA
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          I'll just add in something else while I'm thinking about it too...

                          You see that link there in Barney's (4Morereferrals) sig? Yes, the one about the backlinking network. Well, I would at my current stage in SEO be considering going and investigating that link, simply because I want to keep on pushing forward with my own campaigns!

                          I don't want to be slogging for weeks and months trying to rank number 1 - 5 in Google for any keyword phrase. Heck, why would I? Do you reckon I'm some sort of masochist with some incredibly weird tendencies??
                          Yes, I guess some of you would say that's about right

                          So the main point here is, I keep on searching and searching for what's better. What is going to help to gain better SEO results in a faster time. And if it can be, at lesser financial cost to myself too.

                          Now if Barney's networking campaign does that for me then hell (pardon that word but I gotta get my point across) I'm jumping on board asap! Make no mistake about that!

                          Do you really think I like writing articles day after day? Do you think I like uploading snippets of content onto BB every single day of every single week? Do you think if I could pay $20 for something per month that did the same job or even better than UAW did that I would not grab hold of it and drop UAW as fast as you could blink??!!

                          I advise you to keep thinking the same way. Don't close down and presume you have the perfect method once you are regularly ranking for your long-tails in the top 3 in Google. There is always going to be a faster, easier, cheaper method than what you are using now. If its not available to us yet, it could be just around the corner. Its our job to find it!

                          Life is about evolving and (hopefully) bettering ourselves in the process. SEO should be no different!!

                          I've said my piece so the center/centre stage is now yours again...

                          Kind regards
                  • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
                    Profile picture of 4morereferrals
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    You asked ....

                    Why would you go to such lengths to prove an irrelevant point is my question?
                    Why? I believe there is quite a bit of misinformation or tactics that waste time and efforts. Many differences of opinion I guess. Some people like to press other peoples buttons. Guess I press yours ... Is a difference of opinion violating your civil rights or something? At least I took the time to try and back my differernce of opinion up with some sort of proof.

                    I think JosephA is a swell guy ... no beef with the individual, however the seo knowledge being taught/repeated/whatever - is NOT above scrutiny - however well articulated or however detailed and time consuming it was for the poster to create it.

                    Because it took a long time to create this 16 page sales letter - its gospel? Its not open to discussion? Debate? isnt that what a forum tends and tries to foster? Open discussion and critical thinking ? Theres been little questioning of rather questionable data here so far. Sorry if that gets a few peeps uncomfortable ... heaven forbid someone learns / sees / reads .... about a different method, or different path.

                    Some examples of differing opinions... [ in quotes ]

                    However, I do think that many folks who know SEO to some extent are possibly sitting up and taking some notice here. Cos what I'm divulging is what I use day to day. And what I'm divulging is based not only on my own "fiddling" around but upon many other TOP SEO'ers and what they do too, day in day out.
                    So what we're about to read in the ensuing 16 page screed is going to be little known tips tricks n tactics from some of the webs top seo's? alrighty then ... good stuff. Im getting excited ...

                    Wow, quite an ambitious target. Wish you all the best, would love to know the details of how it goes later too!
                    No its not that ambitious and it should have been advised to this person. And others.

                    Anyhow, I guess ranking top 5 within 40 days of buying the domain name for the site is still impressive when there are suppossedly around 6 and a quarter million competing webpages for the same keyword. Agreed?
                    6 and a quarter million competing pages or ... is it just instances of that KW phrase google has indexed?

                    Funny that - most of my sites struggle to get indexed in Google within 7 days. This one is indexed within 12 hours, even with no content!
                    Seriously? 7 days ... Top SEO secrets and best practices.

                    I don't say that to bang my own drum here. Much of what I have learned I have taken from some of the top SEO'ers around on the internet. Most of it I had to pay quite a lot of money to get access to. Thus its very high quality and workable stuff I'm providing. And no, I'm not breaking copyright - this stuff has been tweaked around by me, so if you like, its all my own stuff (unique content), although without re-inventing the proverbial wheel.
                    Still within the refund period?

                    If so, you can ping them using various online ping services such as this very handy tool...

                    After much testing with social bookmarking / rss feed pinging / aggregating / and pinging - even in copious amounts with automated processes - ends up a general waste of time for serp or indexation.

                    This experiment is grossly tainted from the juice its getting just off the links to it from this forum/this thread. A qualified seo knows it - and its why the web 2.0s are also cleverly linked to from this thread [ in content too - nice touch ]

                    Its when the links are unnatural that the problems begin. If you were to attain a mass of backlinks in a week from say, a few different websites or a few different IP addresses, I suggest you'll have problems, at least for some time to come. Big ol' Goog is not going to like this at all!

                    Keep this in mind when next you are considering your own backlinking campaign. The more natural your backlinks appear (are) the more you will be rewarded (as a general rule) by the likes of our beloved Google!
                    Natural - Unnatural - Google Likes ... How many links does it take to get to the center of the google sandbox?

                    How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

                    JosephA - this is what some of those high priced seo guru's tell ya so newbs do run out with a fresh copy of link farm evolution or xrumer et al ... and go hog wild in an uncontrollable fashion - where yes there is some danger - but its backlinks on such a much more massive scale than 98% of the folks reading this content could ever achieve with mere macros and desktop bot software.

                    Gotta start making some income as the old 'Posterz' is not gonna be doin' that anytime soon haha!
                    Keyword research? And pretty much the point I was getting at earlier with my ... ohhh how was it referred to? My stupid little list of expenses?

                    The bottom line of that is - that if the system method ideas advocated and drooled over here in this thread were followed by a new person who really didnt know any better - theyd have spent well over $200 - $300 chasing a long term seo strategy [90-120 days to a $$$ making serp position ] - that might not yield $5.00 USD. referring to UAW / Blog Blue Print etc ... There was absolutely no need to invest that type of coin to get onto page 1 for this term ... those tools will require continued additional expenses [ else they have gotten the job done already ] to creep this site up the serps and keep it there.

                    ... Gary, and you thought I couldnt read? Or I didnt choose to? Thats just the stuff i feel like copying off the first 2 pages ... at page 6 -i cut to the punchline - sorry.
                    Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
                    • Profile picture of the author Rita
                      Profile picture of Rita
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      It is a classic example of forum marketing of his ebook. He created curiosity, helped us to understand the "problem", gave us some hints to overcome the problem and finally he gave us a prescription i.e. "buy the book....." . Good enough.

                      I must say initial 7 days it was very exciting & motivating.

                      On line marketing is a business and automation is a key to business. So, I do not think there is any problem in recommending the products using affiliate links.

                      Any way, I am looking some good material to be successful in article marketing. Any help from any senior warrior will be highly appreciated.
  • Profile picture of the author Arich123
    Profile picture of Arich123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks to sharing nice info Joseph
    i will share your post to my friends also.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Rita, thanks for your input here and breaking things down to the way you perceive it. I know you are at a more advanced stage of your own campaigns than many of us on the WF, so its always good to get your input too.

    I hope what you have taken from this thread will indeed prove beneficial and it helps you to build further on your own online work and income!

    Kind regards!
  • Profile picture of the author tks
    Profile picture of tks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wonderful thread! I am keep on reading the page (and not yet finished). The three points mentioned in first post was found extremely useful.
    Also I could not find the "SEO Quake tool" in firefox add ons" Don't know if its no more available.

    I have a query here like, if I am having a palindrome domain name (short sweet and easy to remember) and having sub domains for each category will it work out? Expecting your expert advice.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi TKS, here is the link to SEOQuake tool, it does seem to be still there for download... Says there it was updated a few days back...

    SeoQuake - seo toolbar, plugin, seo extension for Mozilla Firefox

    A palindrome domain name.
    I don't tend to use subdomains but there is no reason I can think of why they would not work for each sub niche of a niche. I really don't know about that TKS - its not something I've ever pondered, not recently anyhow. My own "sub-domains" in effect are simply broken down to different posts/pages on my website, rather than specifying sub-domains.

    Is this what you are referring to?

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!





    Hi Krishan, thanks for leaving your thoughts! Always very appreciated, goes without me saying really.

    Kind regards
    • Profile picture of the author HomeDecorGirl
      Profile picture of HomeDecorGirl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I have been following this thread from the start and you inspired me to actually start working on my home decor site. Last time I posted, I was tweaking the keywords and such. I was the one looking for free options to blog blueprint and so on. I decided to go ahead and sign up for UAW. A friend of mine told me how to get a free version of MAN. Also, my Christmas present last year to myself was bookmarking demon. So I had my little mini arsenal.

      I created a blogger blog under "homedecorgirl" and created a squidoo page for home decor and home decorating. I felt both of these were crucial since my true website does not have "home decor" in the domain name(took the family business on-line so I was stuck with that name, nanasatticstore, for our brand recognition from current customers).

      I started implementing your ideas from this thread on monday. Now we all know this is a very competitive word. Well, just checked and traffic has doubled!

      I'm still not ranking in the top 100, but I consider a 100% increase in traffic a success. Thank you so much for this thread and all of your wonderful advice! Because of this, I can brag to the family that they made the right choice putting me in charge! Thank you!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Home Decor Girl, that's brilliant and thanks for sharing!

        I think actually its the inspiration to be gained rather than the techniques in themselves which are the more important aspect to this whole thread. After all, if we each of us had a few thousand dollars to spare then I'm sure we could hire a decent team of SEO'ers and get them to rank our web pages very high in the SERPS.

        Obviously because we don't have that extra cash we have to keep on exploring different techniques and trying them out, for better or for worse. The amount of stuff I've bought, tried and found it to be well below par... well, it would make your head shake, at the very least.

        All I'm doing here is relating some techniques that have and do continue to work for me, after so much else has failed.

        At least Bookmarking Demon is a one-off cost which is far preferable to the monthlies, albeit a hefty one off cost! The monthlies should be dipped in and out of to suit your needs and your budget, of course. If you can't afford them then leave them well alone until you can.

        So your site traffic has doubled but you are still not ranking within the top 100 Home Decor Girl... Interesting scenario and one which I best not try to imagine

        Anyways, many thanks for feeding this back. Much appreciated! Be sure to come back again when you do actually break top 100 for your targeted keyphrase, w'ont you please?

        Kind regards
        • Profile picture of the author HomeDecorGirl
          Profile picture of HomeDecorGirl
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          IF I break into the top 100, you would be the first to know! Just an FYI, one "tool" that I purchased is the 40 Day E-Book! I'm going back through it now to try to get other keyword ideas so that I can keep varying my ancher text. I recommending your book to anyone that will stand still long enough!
      • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
        Profile picture of 4morereferrals
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by HomeDecorGirl View Post


        I have been following this thread from the start and you inspired me to actually start working on my home decor site. Last time I posted, I was tweaking the keywords and such. I was the one looking for free options to blog blueprint and so on. I decided to go ahead and sign up for UAW. A friend of mine told me how to get a free version of MAN. Also, my Christmas present last year to myself was bookmarking demon. So I had my little mini arsenal.

        I created a blogger blog under "homedecorgirl" and created a squidoo page for home decor and home decorating. I felt both of these were crucial since my true website does not have "home decor" in the domain name(took the family business on-line so I was stuck with that name, nanasatticstore, for our brand recognition from current customers).

        I started implementing your ideas from this thread on monday. Now we all know this is a very competitive word. Well, just checked and traffic has doubled!

        I'm still not ranking in the top 100, but I consider a 100% increase in traffic a success. Thank you so much for this thread and all of your wonderful advice! Because of this, I can brag to the family that they made the right choice putting me in charge! Thank you! ?

        Pretty competitive at the top of page one to be sure for home decor.

        Thought about going after the long tails on all those products you have in that site? Thats where i think id spend my time.

        Kids furnishings - childrens furnishings - childrens bedding appear to be far more attackable at positions 2-5 than home decor.

        Posh tots is a 800 lb gorilla in the kids stuff with 87k backlinks and PR5 - and a site full of pages and content.

        Posh Tots Stats
        Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
        • Profile picture of the author ymjj0330
          Profile picture of ymjj0330
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          this is useful post , thanks for your shareing. and i have sent a pm TO YOU ,please check
          • Profile picture of the author Excursion
            Profile picture of Excursion
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by ymjj0330 View Post

            this is useful post , thanks for your shareing. and i have sent a pm TO YOU ,please check
            Hey JosephA, I dont mean to hijack your thread, but I noticed ymjj0330 said that he sent you a PM, It was probably about doing SEO on 5 of his sites, for 3 keywords. Well...

            DO NOT business with this guy (ymjj0330). He signed a 3 month contract with me, then after the first month he never paid and tried to do a chargeback against the first month. He is based out of China, so there is nothing you can do about the contract. Just dont let him make you believe he is going to pay, because he will just try and take it back after you do the work.

            This is a scammer and he needs to be taken care of. DO NOT trust this member or you will be in the same boat I am..
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hello Excursion, thanks for contacting me about this!

              Sorry about what happened here to you - a lesson learned for sure!

              Anyhow, I don't tend to SEO for anyone other than myself and occasionally some friends and the occasional offline. So I guess I'm safe-havened from the potential for "abuse".

              Nevertheless, its good to let others become aware of what is actually going on and I thank you for that, Excursion!

              Hope business is swift for you!

              Kind regards
              • Profile picture of the author brad411
                Profile picture of brad411
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                HI Joseph,

                Really enjoyed this thread...complulsive reading.

                Regarding social bookmarking sites (do-follow), are these counted as backlinks? if so, could you sign up and use 2 or 3 keywords as anchor text? would this count as 2 -3 seperate backlinks or would this be thought of as spam?...what if you signed up to each site with a different ID 3 times and posted one anchored link each time, would this be beneficial?

                Hope that made sense.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haha, thanks for the purchase HDG! And thanks too for your recommendations! Very kind of you indeed! I wish you the best with regards to picking out some juicy keywords that will fit your niche nicely!

    Take care!
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi YMJJ, thanks for your comment!

    I did not receive your PM. By all means do send it again, thanks!

  • Profile picture of the author LaptopLivings
    Profile picture of LaptopLivings
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have not been keeping up with this thread quite as well I wanted to, but catching back up now. I just really wanted to quickly say much I AM getting out of this thread...both from you and so many other warriors

    Thank you all very much.... I personally think this thread is AWESOME!

    Take care all, and be well.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks very much for your feedback Jeff and glad you liked the knitting yarn !

      I'm obviously not saying much on here now as it was time to "retire". Anything I do have to say is on/in my blog - link in the sig.

      Anyhow, hope you are getting a lot out of this thread and managing to implement what you feel is useful to you.

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author gapmarketing
    Profile picture of gapmarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very knowledgeable many thanks for the info.
  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Aira Bongco
    Profile picture of Aira Bongco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    This is quite interesting. You really came on time when I am just looking for ways to promote my squeeze page. Let us just say I am one of those people who are not into article marketing. But we will see how this goes.

    By the way, this thread is consuming my day. Not that it's a bad thing.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Aira, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

      Article marketing is touted so much and by so many but the hard facts of the matter are that unless you are able to afford to outsource its really hard graft. That's why I've been shouting about the spinning software so much - it cuts the workload down by leaps and by bounds!

      But even with that its still a bit of a grind. I've got to the point of even outsourcing my spinning work Not that I want to add to my monthly costs which are large enough, but simply because if I don't outsource then half of what I plan to do would probably never get done.

      But article marketing is a fantastic way to build up quality and sound links, which is precisely what are required what with Google's new algorithm and all - more info on that in my blog. But it is just one way of many. Just work it how it fits well with you (if it even does).

      Are you at work now? The 9 - 5 slog? If so, stick to reading the thread - its much more productive, even though if only taken from a personal perspective

      Thanks again Aira!

    • Profile picture of the author Thinker1
      Profile picture of Thinker1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Joseph for continually updating this thread. There are a lot to learn here. Annie
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks for that Brian!

        Not too sure when we will get over to the Fils - my girlfriend obviously always wants to join in on my travels and she would like to bring her kids too. So I gotta kind of work around this. But it is a country that we've both agreed we MUST go visit fairly soon. I'll keep in touch with you on that Brian.

        I 'met' a gent through this thread who now lives there - he was from Kansas. Lives there in a rented appartment with his family - $110 US a month. Geepers, so, so cheap! Much cheaper than where I'm at, so it would seem. So I suspect to live there comfortable for 6 months in the year would not take much clout in a financial sense. And certainly not when compared to paying all those taxes etc. when living in the western world!

        Anyways, it would be super to meet up Brian. We'll see how things pan out. Good luck with that!

        Kind regards




        Hi Annie, thanks for coming by and reading up on the thread! Hope you are able to learn a lot of useful things to help you move your online business forwards!

        Kind regards to you!
        • Profile picture of the author renu
          Profile picture of renu
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          There was a pretty big buzz about this product in the marketplace...

          So, I was wondering... not that I'm a pessimist or anything like that, but any word on the refund rate yet?

          How's this planning out with customer service?

          Cheers, Remi
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Remu, I did not go forward with it actually - I mean the promotion of it that is.

            I did get an email from the folks who took me on board as an affiliate that it was sold out within a day or something but I think that was just one of those misleading email headings that you tend to get when there's affiliate sales at stake.

            Who to really believe when it comes to the statistics though? I doubt we'd ever get to know the facts regards to refunds - albeit we'll be very fast to be told about all the records its broken with regards to massive sales etc.

            Na, not for me that sort of behaviour - sorry to disappoint those who were hoping for something else from the mouth of the horse - the horse being me here

            I'm always on the lookout for other products that have very appealing affiliate set-ups, which are going to or have been released that look really promising and are fully backed up by regular communication from the producers/sellers of the product. I know this one was not as I personally emailed the sellers a number of times and received not a single reply...

            Kind regards
            • Profile picture of the author renu
              Profile picture of renu
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Yeah, I totally agree with you Joseph,

              In fact I admire you because you actually put your whole reputation at risk by providing a knowledge base for those who want to be successful with affiliate marketing.

              But people are selfish and always looking for who to blame, so God forbid something to go wrong and your neck is at stake immediately...

              Sorry it didn't work out. Hopefully you didn't loose your confidence in your strategy

              Cheers, Remi

              Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

              Hi Remu, I did not go forward with it actually - I mean the promotion of it that is.

              I did get an email from the folks who took me on board as an affiliate that it was sold out within a day or something but I think that was just one of those misleading email headings that you tend to get when there's affiliate sales at stake.

              Who to really believe when it comes to the statistics though? I doubt we'd ever get to know the facts regards to refunds - albeit we'll be very fast to be told about all the records its broken with regards to massive sales etc.

              Na, not for me that sort of behaviour - sorry to disappoint those who were hoping for something else from the mouth of the horse - the horse being me here

              I'm always on the lookout for other products that have very appealing affiliate set-ups, which are going to or have been released that look really promising and are fully backed up by regular communication from the producers/sellers of the product. I know this one was not as I personally emailed the sellers a number of times and received not a single reply...

              Kind regards
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Remi, thanks for that!

                Yes, it could have gone the way whereby folks who were really keen on selling this product with my input - saying that I was all mouth and no trousers, so to speak, or - hopefully - they realized that I was seeing this whole thing with everyone's interest at heart.

                I keep on bleating to folks on my own blog that I never "push" a product as an affiliate without at least trialling it myself, and preferably actually owning it. That is for internet related products, not for some thin site that I've stuck up which is sporting a new dog leash or something

                So if I had gone ahead with this then I easily could have been targeted as a hypocrite which would have been only too true.

                Thanks for your understanding and input Remi - its certainly appreciated!

                Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Aira Bongco
    Profile picture of Aira Bongco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    I'm not on a 9-5 job. I am also working on my Internet marketing efforts. But you know, time management is really a very important thing to have in this industry.

    Quite surprising to see you reply so fast. Are you watching this thread?

    I agree with all you said about article marketing. It is what I call grunt work which I would rather outsource. By the way, what can you say about duplicate articles in article marketing? I am pertaining to submitting the same article in multiple article directories. Seems like there is a debate on this topic.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Aira, thanks for getting back to me!

    No, not thread watching - just any excuse to get away from the slog really hehe.

    Would you mind if I carry on this conversation over on my blog please Aira? Otherwise I'll be duplicating content....

    I'll transfer your post onto there and give you my take on dupe content once I write something up, which will be in a few mins or so.

  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Aira Bongco
    Profile picture of Aira Bongco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay Joseph, I will wait for it.

    Let's talk about dupe content without committing it.

    By the way, you are almost at 500 posts. I am excited for you.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'lll make a reply to you twice Aira - just to boost my post number (may get booted off the WF but how could they live without me!??)
  • Profile picture of the author it-aroma
    Profile picture of it-aroma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi JosephA, hope u will be fine, i was reading your thread, No doubt you are sharing great methods for seo. i want to ask you a question. I have a site which is optimized for 3 word product keyword. Fot this keyword EXACT globally monthly searches are 18,100 and UK Monthly seacrhes are 14,800. What do you think. should I work on this site or not? wheteher these number of searches are enough?

    ps: sorry for my bad english but hope u will understand.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi It-Aroma, thanks for your comments etc!

    For sure those stats are very workable! I know some folks who make a comfy living online by targeting much smaller numbers than those you have provided here. Albeit they have a quite few websites rather than just a couple or so. (Not good to have all eggs in a single basket anyhow).

    So yes, I would definitely see those stats as very well worth making an effort with!

    Kind regards and good luck!

  • Profile picture of the author it-aroma
    Profile picture of it-aroma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi JosephA Thanks for you quick reply and kind suggestion, i will tell you about my progress. Thanks once again.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes please do IT-Aroma. I would really like to hear how you are progressing with this!

  • Profile picture of the author it-aroma
    Profile picture of it-aroma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi JosephA, Hope u will be fine. I was seacrhing for some nice keywords on Micro Niche Finder. I Check SOC for you keyword (twilight posters) it was 300 and Exact Global Monthly seacrhes for this keyword was 27,100.

    But then i find another product keyword for which SOC 228 but i was amazed to see that EXACT Global Monthly searches for this keyword was 368,000.

    This keyword has total search result (without parenthesis) of : 53,400,000
    When we search on google. No # 1 spot is for company website which has about 355,224 backlinks according to with page rank ‘7’. Than there r some other .com websites from postion 2 to onward. Which have page rank from 2 to 5.

    Now In my opinion this keyword has more competitive than yours (twilight posters) , but I’m confused why Micro Niche Finder is telling SOC lower than your keyword. What do you think about it? Is Micro Niche Finder Wrong? If No, can my site for this keyword hit page 1 by using your seo methods?
  • Profile picture of the author lilman821
    Profile picture of lilman821
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi IT-Aroma, "Twilight poster" has currently 49.5k exacts monthly and "Twilight posters" has 27.1k exacts (as you pointed out), when assessing in MNF and in the Google Keyword Tool. My main aim was to rank for the singular, albeit a bonus the site is now ranking well for the plural too.

      I can't remeber how they work out SOC in the MNF tool - its in the documentation however. I never use that to figure what I need to do to rank a site - I used to and its just another reason as to why I was getting things wrong. I find that misleading - to rely on SOC is misleading - I would imagine your own example here is a clue to how misleading it could be, although not telling the whole story.

      Actually, when I read down your post - yes, you are quite right - the SOC is not actually doing us many favours. Its accurate in the sense that its telling us something - the way the MNF is set up to work out this stat, but its not telling us the full story as to how tough its going to be to rank our web page/s.

      As for your site ranking numero uno using the techniques I discussed. I can only but imagine, I'm afraid. However, I would think that if you were dead keen on ranking for it because you calculate the pay-off to be well worth the effort, then chances are decent you will rank fairly well given time and persistence. That's what SEO is about after all, its not about a mad dash to the finish line. That may work well in Yahoo but it does not work well in Google anymore.

      Sorry I cannot be more definite and conclusive in my answer IT - there are many variables to consider and not only those you provide here.

      Good luck with this if you choose to pursue it!

      Kind regards
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Lilman, if you want to do it very cheaply or even free then SEO is still possible. Just takes longer and is more labor-intensive for you. The only reason you use a tool for a job is to make things easier and more productive, but there are always other ways...

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just got me a copy of your WSO, thanks for the best thread I have ever seen. Its a shame people have to criticize you for making an ebook on this thread when we asked you to do it in the first place. Just wish I had a faster internet connection, I can't get it downloaded as of now from work. I hope you don't make so much money off us warriors with your 9$ WSO that you forget about teaching us little people.

    Alot of people talk and may or may not know what they are talking about but I tend to pay attention to someone that proves they know what they are talking about. You certianly did that here.

    Thanks again, don't let the few people that have nothing better to do than harrass you discourage you from posting. I guess we will all have to wait for their thread where they take the time and effort to show us how they do things.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brian, many thanks for your purchase and indeed for your kind words of wisdom!

      Yes, I was asked and so I did do. Some folks were not too happy that the ebook is very much based on the thread but in a condensed format. But then, my understanding was that this is what was required. Can't please all the people all the time.

      You noticed my lack of posting of recent then Brian? Ah well, I got past my 500 post mark finally so there is an achievement after all, haha.

      I'll email you a copy of the ebook and see if you can get it that way. I know all about slow connections - the broadband I'm using here in Malaysia sometimes would make a 28k dial up appear to be fast!

      Thanks again Brian! Please email me at josef.archibald and I will very happily send you the ebook as an attachment!

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Joseph,

    I finially got through. My aircard was giving me problems last night. I would of thought Malaysia would have solid internet. I am in the US working right now but will return to my vacation house in the Philippines the end of July, the internet is only a 2 MB connection but its pretty solid, if only the power was as reliable,hehe.

    Heading offshore tomorrow, looking forward to reading the book, this thread was just to much information and discussion for my little brain to take in. I needed the straight to the point condenced version.9$ for a month and a half of your time, now thats value.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That's great Brian!

      In general I would imagine that Malaysia is pretty decent with regards to internet but I am in the very much backwards island - the south east, well away from Kuala Lumpur (fortunately).

      Don't mean to tread on anyone's toes here, but the reason I love this place so much is that it IS SO BACKWARDS in comparison to the west at least!

      Thus with the internet problems - its just one of those things you get really hot under the collar with a bit too often, but you gotta grin and bare it at the same time. Its my choice to live life here, that's one of the down-sides is all.

      How can it be bad when there are orang utans living naturally in the Sarawakian forests not so far away, and I just go out my front door and nearby see orchids growing within the trees that folks back home in the UK could only dream about?! What a wonderful existence!

      Philippines! Gorgeous country! I'm sure to be heading there within the next few months. As you know Brian, we have to get out to get the passport stamped fairly often. Now that Air Asia have set up cheaper flights (always heavily taxed so its just a ploy most of the time) to a large variety of destinations its a great chance to pay a visit!

      So I got Clark/Manilla as one port of call, Krabbi in Thailand - have a few beers with my buddy David while chatting internet marketing, Bangkok once the political issues have truly subsided, Vietnam I hear really good things about and also Cambodia too.

      In a couple of months time its to Singapore (passport chop time) where I'll be meeting a couple of good friends I met via the WF thread too. Perhaps we can meet one day in the not too distant future, that would be great!

      Do be sure to check out my blog too Brian - lots of updates and chat going on there in a friendly atmosphere.

      Thanks again for the purchase!

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I saved your blog in my favorites already :-). Im having so much trouble with my connection I didnt sign up yet but will soon.

    I actually have my house in AC so Clark is only a few minutes from my house. Although I have never flown to or from there. I fly direct to Manila from LA on PAL. Not a beautiful place or anything but I love the night life and the third world way of life there.

    Hopefully I can create enough extra money on the side to start spending half the year there. I work 2 months then take a month off and spend it in AC. If your comming in the end of July through the middle of Aug let me know. I don't know all the touristy places to go but I do know the night life.When my house is finished I will start to travel around the PI some.

  • Profile picture of the author Kpick
    Profile picture of Kpick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks for the read. (well, still reading). Great info here.

    Just had to say thanks.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Brad, thanks for coming on by and leaving your thoughts!

      Yes, SB do-follows are definitely counted as links. I sense that Google is "wary" now about them though - they have been thoroughly abused since the advent of automation whereby folks set up 50 different accounts at each site and then built up a mass of backlinks in a short time. Obviously that is not so much the case now as the SB sites close down your account at any sign of abuse.

      I think it tends to be that SBs accept one link per bookmark but as I automate my own at the moment (most of them) I'm not entirely sure as to the general ethos. Each SB site will have its own rules as to that.

      A different ID for the same campaign should be discouraged however. SB's are familiar with that game and track IP. They will shut it down as soon as it happens on a regular basis.

      I suggest you just take it easy with social bookmarking Brad. Even some of the automated software now take a very gentle approach whereby you get a link or so a day from SB sites (or at least you get that choice), rather than 50 at a go. I think a link here and there is better, albeit it takes a lot of patience building links that way. But its only to be used as a part of an over-all backlinking program and not on its own. It builds strength over time.

      Hope that helps Brad!

      Kind regards




      Hi Kpick, thanks for your comments! Hope you are still enjoying the read and find it to be valueable to your own SEO projects!

      Take care and regards...

      • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
        Profile picture of csgcsg
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi Brad, thanks for coming on by and leaving your thoughts!

        Yes, SB do-follows are definitely counted as links. I sense that Google is "wary" now about them though - they have been thoroughly abused since the advent of automation whereby folks set up 50 different accounts at each site and then built up a mass of backlinks in a short time. Obviously that is not so much the case now as the SB sites close down your account at any sign of abuse.

        I think it tends to be that SBs accept one link per bookmark but as I automate my own at the moment (most of them) I'm not entirely sure as to the general ethos. Each SB site will have its own rules as to that.

        A different ID for the same campaign should be discouraged however. SB's are familiar with that game and track IP. They will shut it down as soon as it happens on a regular basis.

        I suggest you just take it easy with social bookmarking Brad. Even some of the automated software now take a very gentle approach whereby you get a link or so a day from SB sites (or at least you get that choice), rather than 50 at a go. I think a link here and there is better, albeit it takes a lot of patience building links that way. But its only to be used as a part of an over-all backlinking program and not on its own. It builds strength over time.

        Just adding my experience, I am using the pro version with imautomator and for web 2.0 sites like ezine or hub/squidoo, i blast away with all links in 1 day and for my money site i do once a day. After doing that for about 2 weeks(how time flies), I realised even though you blast your backlinks all in one day, it takes time to index the links. Remember, no index and whatever work you are doing is a waste of time.

        Now I am using yahoo site explorer to check the links manually and this is what I have observed?

        However one thing I should encourage everyone to do is do it on a consistent basis. Whether it is building links, articles or anything else.

        Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
        MSN -

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Charles I Skyped you weeks ago about that "sitemap" for the ebook - the backlinking illustration. I presume you've not logged in to Skype for a while...

          With regards to indexing the submissions to SB sites. Not so long ago many of those type of submissions would be indexed by Google very fast indeed, but it does seem to be the experience of many (not just you and I) that now it can take a lot more time to see those submissions being indexed. You can speculate as much as I can about the reason for that.

          Its also going to be very true-to-form that many of our backlinks are never going to show up in YSE or in any software product that traces website backlinks. So this simply adds to the confusion as to are the SB-type backlinks truly doing their job.

          But then let's face the facts here. SEO is such a guessing game anyhow that we as internet marketers are pretty much searching in the dark for answers on a very regular basis. So working with SB sites is really no different to doing a search volume analysis using some so-called high end keyword tool.

          I like yourself am using the Pro IM Automator. I'll have to spend a little more time analysing what I see in Yahoo SE. Then I can be more sure if my SB links are showing or not (I've been using IM Automator on my SEO Tips blog for about 11 weeks - on and off). But those SB links are two-pronged - they also serve to attract visitors (if only a tiny trickle to begin), and as I read recently - "where site visitors go, backlinks are sure to follow!"


          • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
            Profile picture of csgcsg
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

            Hey Charles I Skyped you weeks ago about that "sitemap" for the ebook - the backlinking illustration. I presume you've not logged in to Skype for a while...
            Ah yes, been off and on in the Internet world therefore my 'long absence' in this thread.

            Anyway, it is on now and hoping to get it

            As usual, thanks for the fast response and congratulations on your ebook sales, I spied the sales page earlier and it seems you sold quite a number of copies!

            Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
            MSN -

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              You ain't been missing much on here Charles - its been very quiet really for the past couple of weeks.

              Actually, the sales of the ebook are not nearly enough to cover the costs of it - and that is only the financial side, and not talking about my own personal input of struggling with the pdf, the sales button thingy and everything else besides.

              Thus when folks do complain that I've provided what folks were asking me to provide them with, it simply hits home that I shall never be doing anything like this again.

              Sour grapes?


              Speak soon Charles...
              • Profile picture of the author brad411
                Profile picture of brad411
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Thank for the reply Joseph.

                The reason i asked is this: i created a blogger blog 10 days ago, using a keyword that had 49k searches per month and 2.2million competing pages, all i have done so far is bookmark with social network sites and backlinks, as of today i am google page 2 #16....which i`m pretty pleased with.

                Now, i really need to push to get page 1, firefox add-on reports i have 26 backlinks 1 of which is an edu...not sure how accurate that is, seems like i`ve done more than that.

                I have yet to do any articles for this site, would article submissions be the way to go from now on?
                If so, how many articles a day for that site? is there a limit and would these backlinks have enough juice to get me on page 1?

                Thanks for your time.

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Brad, seems like things are going very well. I might say that blogger blogs do rank well and fast in Google, at least for a short time - Google loves them and rightly so, after all - Blogspot is Google's product.

                  I presume the Firefox addon you are using is SEO Quake and that you are receiving the stats for the number of backlinks to your site from Yahoo! Search Engine? If so, its arguably the most accurate even though it is very far from accurate, so don't worry about that. No doubt you've actually got far more backlinks than are showing.

                  Article submissions are a very popular way to progress, yes. The method I would tend to use is to go for the "better" quality article directories, which are also do-follows. I use about 6 or 8 of those. Then by all means sit back for a bit and see how that goes. I've heard so many times that just with a few backlinks from article directories, its the difference between being outside top 10 and nicely over the border, so to speak. But that would tend to be for a keyword phrase that is not higly competitive. Yours could be more difficult with a high search volume that you have.

                  Although Google are now telling us that they will not penalize us for over-doing the backlinks, I still tend to take it very easy with the quantity of those - at least for the early days.

                  Mind you, I had a web page just the other day that was stuck in 2nd in Google. I sent about 20 backlinks a day to it (good quality links with varying Google PR) for about 5 days and it disappeared, along with a number of other web pages on the same site that were ranking top 10. About 6 days later however, it showed up again - in top spot, which is always nice to see, particularly when it gives a boost to your AdSense account.

                  But to be honest, it depends almost entirely upon your competition as to how far you can get up the rankings. If the comp are too hot to handle (big companies with big clout for SEO purposes) and if they value the keyword term highly, then chances are - no matter how hard you try, you may never actually get that covetted top 3 or 4.

                  So with that said Brad, I can't say how many links you will actually require each day or for how long. Just take it easy to begin with and in time push up the quantity of links on a regular basis. Seems like you will get top 10 without much struggle - if you've already got to 16th.

                  Good luck with this and let us know how you are getting along please.

                  Thanks Brad!

  • Profile picture of the author arifagic
    Profile picture of arifagic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ^ very good advice Joseph!
    • Profile picture of the author brad411
      Profile picture of brad411
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Joseph,

      This is crazy, just checked again now up to #11....with out doing anything since my last post!

      Will keep in touch and let you know what happens.

      Regards, Brad.
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Arifagic, thanks for your feedback there!



        Brad, yes, Google works in mysterious ways - sometimes. Try not to be disappointed if your page bounces about for a while though. If it is tough at the very top then there could be a fair bit of dancing around while your competition are attaining backlinks to their sites too. Otherwise, all appears to be going rather nicely for a soon-to-be top 10.

        I'm looking forward to that!

        • Profile picture of the author brad411
          Profile picture of brad411
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          Something i am in two minds about, adsense or no adsense?

          The site i mentioned previously at #11 is promoting a clickbank product, it`s a clean site with a review of the product and a couple of hoplinks to the main product page, but, i am wondering whether some adsense adds may increase my chances of making some money.

          Having never used adsense before i am not sure if this would be a good option, can you tell me of your experience with it, ctr ...etc.

          Regards, Brad.
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Brad, if I were you I would keep the CB product for now. Get into top 10. Get some traffic. Give it a couple of weeks once you are seeing some good visitor numbers.

            If no sales of the CB product, then by all means try out AdSense. If AdSense does not work then perhaps you can hook up with the likes of Amazon, Commission Junction, ShareaSale or whatever.

            By the way Brad, I know you only have 5 posts on here but you should get a link in your sig with your primary keywords in it and heading off back to your home page. Its a very valueable link to have and it is indeed do-follow. And the more posts you have the more strong the link becomes, even though its coming from the same IP address - it all adds up!


            Here's doubting England 2 Germany 0

            Mind you, England are a team (sometimes - filled with stars but stars in their own right who don't tend to gel so well as a team) that really turn it on - very occasionally. And when that happens, well, anything can happen. Here's to England! (And that's from a Scots! ).
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              WOW, I cannot believe how that goal was missed by the officials - the ball was 2 feet over the goal line for gods sake!! I did not have my glasses on but even I could see that was an England goal.

              Changed the outcome of the match.

              If that goal was rightfully accepted by the BLIND officials, then I suspect there could have been a totally different outcome.

              Even more reason for this 3rd eye technology that they use in other sports such as tennis.

              Come on Andy Murray!

              Sorry guys and girls in England! I too am shaking my head in utter disbelief!
              • Profile picture of the author jayuk76
                Profile picture of jayuk76
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                England are ****e plain and simple!

                Heskey? WTF! we need goals why bring on someone who doesnt know which way to shoot!

                Joe Cole - we needed width - yeh bring him on towards the End

                Rooney? why play him - is was and is overhyped

                Lennon - the only guy that played well previous games! and he is left out!

                Crouch - scores goals but lets put heskey on!

                But finally - england players are just overhyped and over paid and today further augments this.

                total disgrace!
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Jayuk - agreed - soccer or football or call it what you will - its totally overpaid at the higher echolons and has been for too long. But then you could argue that about Basketball, Baseball, American Football and more besides.

                  England as a team have had this same problem for many years - they lack the ability to score in the big games.

                  Rooney - if it were not for Rooney, Man Utd would not have even come second in the Premiership. Why sell Ronaldo who would have won MU the Premiership and why bring Michael Owen on a freebie when - I'm sorry but he's done his bit a long while back when at Liverpool.

                  I imagine that Fabio Capello is now history.

                  Who is next? Line them up...
                  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                    Profile picture of JosephA
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi Brad - I can commiserate entirely, but then, as Jayuk said, it really comes as not huge surprise.

                    What a great way to drown your sorrows though - a $47 dollar sale from your site! That's fantastic!

                    You can go buy a nice bottle of champagne to drown your sorrows

                    Fingers crossed this keeps up!

              • Profile picture of the author brad411
                Profile picture of brad411
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Can`t see the screen for that was painful.

                Not all bad today Joseph, my previously mentioned site has just made it`s first sale for that CB product i am promoting...$46.89


                Murray is looking strong this year.
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hie joseph, are you still awake now? any chance you are on skype?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You must sleep at unusual hours Charles. I'll be online all day from now - probably till about midnite.

      • Profile picture of the author brad411
        Profile picture of brad411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        I am now number 2 in google in just 14 did that happen? still only showing 38 backlinks but there must be more than that surely.

        Be interesting to see what kind of traffic that brings in.

        On the subject of backlinks, do you do anything to help get them indexed or do you just wait for them to be found?

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Wow that was quick! Can't help but wonder the niche Brad.

          With regards to backlinks, if its possible then I use these pingers:

          I don't use them all for each link, but if I have a few links that I can ping at any one time then its wise to alternate between them and thus you can ping all the faster. There is no doubt it boosts the ability for the indexing to occur by using these pingers.

          Well done on the extremely fast and high ranking and good luck with the next stage!

          Kind regards
          • Profile picture of the author brad411
            Profile picture of brad411
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            Thanks for the replys and advice.

            Another question about backlinks, i`ve just read an article on backlinks and it claimed that backlinks from a user profile on a forum would not count because you need to log in to view the user CP, any thoughts?

            Not the same as forum posts with your anchor in the signiture because you do not need to log in to view the forum posts...again, do you agree?


            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Brad, its the sig that you want as that's where the juice is at. Even links from the same IP - in this case a forum, do add up to provide more backlinking weight. However, its always far better to obtain links from different IP's - in this case, different forum sigs, providing it does not take an inordinate amount of time and effort in doing so.

              • Profile picture of the author brad411
                Profile picture of brad411
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

                Hi Brad, its the sig that you want as that's where the juice is at. Even links from the same IP - in this case a forum, do add up to provide more backlinking weight. However, its always far better to obtain links from different IP's - in this case, different forum sigs, providing it does not take an inordinate amount of time and effort in doing so.


                Thanks Joseph, but is it enough just to fill out a profile, use the sig for your anchor and then leave it? or would you then need to make a post in that forum to get the juice? surley if you create a new profile you are creating a new page and thus would not carry the same weight as a posted comment would....would that new profile page even be indexed?

                Regards, Brad
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Brad, yes there is indeed the value of such practices whereby you set up profile pages. Take Angela's backlinks as one among many techniques for doing this. I think most folks get very mixed results from this however as there has been so much spamming that you tend to find that many of the profile site webmasters/mistresses simply delete many of the pages created for lack of added value.

                  That is not to say that if you spend time and make the effort with each of your profiles that you would find no benefit. I think you certainly would. There is high added "juice" to many of such profile pages, which then gets back to your own web pages.

                  Your point about "would the profile page even be indexed" is a good one. Another reason why many folks who use this system do not benefit fully. If you take the time to improve the chances of indexing for each profile created then for sure there is more benefit to be had here. Every little bit counts.

                  As for the signature file. You would have to post to get the benefit otherwise your link is not going to show up. This is my understanding of it anyhow - I've never tried to create a sig and then not bother posting - why do that? Even if you post up something like "Hi ladies and gents, I'm new here and wish to become a famous and very highly regarded person on this forum", that's enough to get your sig link up.

                  I hope this give some illustration to your query Brad - I'm not sure if I answered you or just helped to confuse.

                  This is my take on it - perhaps others have a slighly different angle of course. Some folks swear by using these techniques so their take on it would be more in-depth than my own, I suspect.
                  • Profile picture of the author brad411
                    Profile picture of brad411
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Great reply Joseph,

                    The reason i asked is because i have been using a trial version of some software which goes out and creates profiles with anchor text to around 40 or so forums, when i check my links in backlinkwatch, not one has shown up (10 days or so) every link that is on show are ones that i have "hand" submitted and then made a post...kinda answers my own question, suffice to say i won`t be paying for this "miracle" software.

                    All the best


                    BTW ..dropped back to #11.
                    • Profile picture of the author banel
                      Profile picture of banel
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Small update (.com from my country, ro). "twilight poster" - #2 and "twilight posters" - #4
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi Brad, I see now your reason for the interest in creating profiles.

                        Hmmm... you say that none of the links are showing within 10 days. Not to say they are not there. This SEO stuff is not straight cut. The amount of backlinks you see in Yahoo, in SEO Elite, in Market Samurai or in SEM Rush or BacklinkWatch - well, its only a fraction of the real figure. You may well have 4, 5, 10, 20 times the links that show up in those "devices" just mentioned.

                        Mind you, if your hand-submitted profile backlinks are the ones that are showing and the "miracle" software links are not at all, then there is something thoroughly dubious with the "miracle" software, as you rightly mention. Perhaps its now the time to ditch the software and look elsewhere...


                        Yup, dropping back to 11th sounds very healthy. No harm in that. Just keep up the links from decent sources and you'll get that back up again to where you want to be. Just keep it slowly but surely and don't get frustrated by this or you will pay the penalty fee, if you get what I mean here Brad.

      • Profile picture of the author LenaMe
        Profile picture of LenaMe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        I am just reading through your articles in this thread and thinking on the one hand: Thanks for the great value and help you provide. And on the other Hand I am thinig about the fact why almost no link on your Twilight Posterz site is working?

        Check out this great auction!
        Current Price: $10.24 | Bid $0.00 Now! | # of Bids: 0

        I am trying to hit this links but nothing happens. May be because of this: End Time: 2010-05-28T08:46:53.000Z ??

        I am just wondering because of the fact that the new Movie is coming out, or is out now... But may be I just overlooked something....

        Thanks from europe and in the area of Berlin your site is ranked 6 for the term twilight poster.
        • Profile picture of the author krystalm
          Profile picture of krystalm
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          Thanks for all the info you have shared. I have been looking to see where your links to the twilightposterz site are coming from to better understand it.

          If I understand correctly, you said to:
          1. Submit articles to the top 8 or so do-follow directories. Only submit one to each directory as any further BL from them will not pass link juice to $ site.
          2. Make some 2.0 sites such as blogger or squidoo to point to $ page.
          3. Backlink using UAW and BB to the "anchor sites" i.e. 2.0 sites and articles. NOT $ SITE.
          But I get somewhat confused when I check the links to twilightposterz and see some of the articles (ezine, etc) which show no BL to them. Plus I see blog posts (some of them your own blogs though not completely sure how many), forum posts, and forum profiles BLing to your $ site.

          I actually see a bunch more BL to your $ site than to the squid or articles (at least what I can see in Yahoo). Did you do all of these by hand? I thought you did not use UAW or BB to create BL to your $ page. But I did notice that a lot of your BLs were coming from the same server so that confused me too (i.e. there were quite a few blogs coming from the same server ).

          My understanding was that you did not want to create so many BL to your new $ site but rather those other "anchor" sites.

          And, do you use a software for forum profile creations or do you (or outsourcer) do them by hand?

          Even though I feel somewhat confused...this has got the old thinking cap on and working....I think
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi LenaMe, thanks for questions and points.

            Yes, I let the site slip, so you are quite right - no links are working. Just not gotten around to fixing them, actually.

            Yes, I know about the movie just being released - I just have had too many other things to do with regards to my other sites. Tidying up and dumping a few and what have you.

            Thanks for the update re the ranking. Although the site is still getting some links, I think my competition there have all seriously ramped up their own SEO campaigns for the keyword phrases that I was interested in. Hence the posterz site has slumped a bit compared to a week or two ago.

            Such is life, we can't spread ourselves too "thinly" after all. I'm limited with my resources so have to prioritize.

            Kind regards
            • Profile picture of the author LenaMe
              Profile picture of LenaMe
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Rhanks for your replay Joseph,

              I just asked, if the links are working, because than you could just ad some adsense ads. But by typing this into the editor it comes to my mind that the site is linked a few times here and you re maybe getting banned by adsense if you implement this. That`s bad.

              Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

              Thanks for the update re the ranking. Although the site is still getting some links, I think my competition there have all seriously ramped up their own SEO campaigns for the keyword phrases that I was interested in. Hence the posterz site has slumped a bit compared to a week or two ago.
              Well, I really do not think so. I just think your not under the top 5 for me, because I life (or live don`t know) in germany and some german sites are ranking in font of you for me.

              I am going now on to reading the 3 page..^^
              Have fun
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                You are quite right there LenaMe, my account would face being banned. I also sense that AdSense would not perform so well on the site. But the risk of being banned is the greater (by far) of the 2 evils!

                Thanks for your sharing!


                Oh, and regards to the Posterz site ranking - I had it in Scroogle and in SheerSEO proxy at first place (I think second spot too) just a week or so ago. But also in those proxies the site has dropped down to about 4th or 5th - merely in the last few days. I will offer up little resistance however - how can it be important when none of the links are working
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Banel, thanks for the update on Twilight posterz. Been a while since the last update, so its good to see your current rankings.

    In Scroogle I see "Twilight poster" at 2nd and 3rd.

    "Twilight posters" in 5th and 6th.

    "New Moon poster" is back to some place between 9th and 10th and 11th and 12th - was at 7th just a few days ago.

    "New Moon posters" at 7th and 8th but that varies quite a bit too.

    That's just Scroogle - I'm sure there is variance around the globe with other Goog servers. But its good to see you have it nicely ranked in Romania.

    Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author banel
    Profile picture of banel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ha. You have good memory Joseph
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Brad, no worries - its good to get the old brain forced into thinking mode now and again!



      Oh yes Banel, my memory is fantastic - and made even better when you mentioned "ro" in your previous post :p

      Have a good evening!

  • Profile picture of the author JamesF
    Profile picture of JamesF
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey JosephA,
    I just wanted to thank you for the time you put into this thread! Incredible info man.

    I couldn't even read all 17 pages, but I did read the first 6 or 7 and got boatloads of info.

    James F.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi James, that's very kind of you to say so, thanks!

      Reading all 17 pages would surely take some doing but you did real well by getting through the first few

      Hope that you get a lot of benefit from it and it helps you to ramp up your own campaigns!

      Thanks again and regards!

      • Profile picture of the author brad411
        Profile picture of brad411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joseph,

        I know i said i`d leave you in peace but i don`t want you getting bored

        Another BL question for you, would a backlink with your url be as good as an anchor link with your KW?

        Short but sweet.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Brad, you left me in peace for almost 24 hours so that's pretty decent of you!

          Anchor text backlink is the answer. You can manipulate it around exactly to suit your needs and to vary up your backlinks which is totally necessary to rank a web page these days. Can't go all out with one set of keywords cos Goog will have you!

          With regards to the actual "weight" of your specific URL showing up as a do-follow link - I just found this snippet on the WebMasterWorld website...

          "...just because a site (URL) shows in the backlinks doesn't mean that it will contribute much (or any) PageRank to a site..."

          Now that relates to page rank and not to actual SE rankings.

          There is no doubt that any link counts to some extent but to find the definitive answer as to how much value a URL provides (with relevant keyword phrase within domain name as an exact match), I would have thought it to be as valuable as an anchor text link (all things being equal) which offers up the same keyword phrase as the exact match.

          The next tricky question Bradley - ask Google, they'll (not) tell you. :p

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            There was a post left only a few hours ago on here - I received notification of it in my email inbox. When I looked on here it was gone!

            Shows that the Warrior Forum moderators are hot on the heels of anything that looks remotely spammy.

            I wonder how many of my own posts have been swiped off over the past 9 weeks??
  • Profile picture of the author JesseT
    Profile picture of JesseT
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph. Want to congratulate you on your success. Your posts have provided a great deal of information. I wish you the best of success!

    Short Sale Extraordinaire!

  • Profile picture of the author akilispensor
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    • Profile picture of the author brad411
      Profile picture of brad411
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph, hope you`re well

      So, last time i said i had dropped to went back to #2 and as of right now.....#1baby

      Not sure how long it will stay there, i think that`s about 19 days so far, maybe i should start my own thread " #1 in google in 19 days", only kidding.

      Found about 16edu blogs relevant to my site, all dofollow and all pr3 or above, so i`m posting away. Now, lets see those sales increase.


      • Profile picture of the author brad411
        Profile picture of brad411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Joseph...i`m a bit worried,

        My site was at #1 for just 2 days for my main keyword, it then dropped to #12 and stayed there for a while, but it has now vanished not even in the top 1000:confused:

        Is this normal? is this the google dance i`ve read about?

        I don`t think i was to agressive with the backlinks and certainly do not spam forums etc.

        Any thoughts?

        Cheers mate

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Brad, hmmmm.... first thing is to check if its still indexed within Google...

 (where site is your domain name)

          Once you find it there (which I imagine you will), you have to presume its succumbed to what most people term as the Google Sandbox effect. This is where a site is determined to have been receiving some 'odd' backlinking patterns and as such Google re-evaluates the ranking.

          It can take months to get out of the Sandbox, but I have found that for my sites - when they have been ditched in there due to my over-zealous linking efforts, its taken weeks rather than months.

          But key to this is not to rely on any single website, or any single web page. You must diversify to some extent Brad, or else you are always dependent on one site to potentially make an income. And you are sure to be aware of the saying "all eggs in one basket".

          If your site is Sandboxed, then simply keep on backlinking with some good quality links and you will see it re-emerge, given time and patience and a little perseverance from your good self.

          Don't worry too much - just take this as a lesson and learn from it. Every lesson counts!

          Kind regards
          • Profile picture of the author brad411
            Profile picture of brad411
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            As always Joseph thanks for your help and quick reply.

            Just did a search as you suggested and it came in at #17 out of 11,000...had a thought though, i wasn`t happy with the page set up and so i replaced the template with a different one, it was soon after that it vanished, could this have been a factor?

            Thanks Mate, promise i wont "bug" you

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Brad, I know for a fact that Google can dramatically re-rank your site if you mess around with the internal links a fair bit and it seems that this may be the case here with your site.

              If that is so then its merely a matter of letting the "dust settle" and you will find that your site will return to similar ranking to which it held before (probably).

              I suspect there is nothing much to get too concerned about here really. Just have to be patient, and in the meantime work on other things that will see you right in the future - whether that be regards to this particular site alone, or in tandem with other sites and web page rankings.

              • Profile picture of the author brad411
                Profile picture of brad411
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                I knew it!

                Why do i always have to try and make things "perfect" all the time, as you say..lesson learned.

                Thanks for the advice, enjoy the final tonight.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Brad, if you don't try to improve on things time and again then you are not going to make much in the way of progress. I'm all for doing what you did, actually. I've done so much tweaking myself in the past and learned from my mistakes too.

    I guess ideally we need to find a more systematic way of tweaking things, but that comes with time and experience too.

    Any idea what time the game begins tonight Brad (GMT)? I'm sitting watching TV here in Malayisa at 1.20am, but the lingo is certainly not Ingeress (English), so I've no idea when the kick off is due. Ah, we got Shakira on now - progress?
    • Profile picture of the author brad411
      Profile picture of brad411
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Kick off 7.30gmt..hour or so from now.

      Thanks for the kind words Joseph, i was getting a bit peeed off for doing it but your words have put me a bit at ease, got a couple of other blogs which i`ll concentrate on for now.

      Love Shakira

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, thanks for the heads up.

    Remember - this SEO stuff is as much a mind game as it is about knowing good techniques. Even when your techniques are carefully honed, the mind can play all sorts of games so as to reduce our energy levels and motivation. So our job is not to let that happen. If we do, then we are doomed for failure.

    Enjoy the game Brad!

  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Viva Spain and the football season is now over. Just dropped by to say hello to you Joseph and glad this thread is still progressing.

    Also can you leave your comments on
    what you think of them?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hola Charles! The thread is indeed still progressing but fortunately at a much more sedate pace than of previous.

    MyArticleNetwork does look good Charles, and its run by Matt and Brad Callen too, which you could argue adds weight to its potential for doing the business. However, I've not used it myself and to be very honest with you, the proof of its real value is within the pudding. You've gotta taste it before you make the judgment call.

    I see there is a 30 day trial being offered so it may well be worth while taking advantage of that. 30 days is generally not long enough to see the real fruits of any backlinking labours, but its perhaps enough time to get a taster of it.

    Hope you are well Sir Charles!

  • Profile picture of the author musicworld1
    Profile picture of musicworld1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    these tricks are really great, never seen before. thanks for sharing
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Joseph,

    So what are you planning to do after this? Focus on consultation work or create another thread for the 'fun' of it and another challenge perhaps?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Charles, well for "Twilight poster" the site is now ranking in Scroogle and in another proxy which I have been using (provides country specific results as well as broad) at top spot. So I'm pretty much done and dusted with this Challenge, even though its not showing top everywhere.

    There's only so much I can do really, and with regards to income there are easier ways to make it than with poster sales. So no real wish to keep spending much time on the site when its not producing the results regards income. Its done its job, I think that can safely be said.

    I've been playing around with social media and trying to assess results that way. But that is purely for my SEO tips blog - most product related sites are not fixed for social media style traffic.

    Other than that, I've been ripping up a number of my websites and throwing quite a few in the trash can. It was time for a re-start there, so that's what I've been doing. My AdSense income has gone from being semi-respectable to almost nothing in the past few weeks, so I'm spending time trying to re-build that.

    And my eBay sites were a mess, even though they were making money. So those are now being re-vitalised and a new theme added.

    Fun times Charles. How about you, what you up to these days?

  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    Profile picture of ivanadee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thank u for sharing
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks for your feedback Hajath and IvanaDee!
      • Profile picture of the author brad411
        Profile picture of brad411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joseph, hope you`re well.

        Can you tell me, would a websites traffic affect its se ranking? lets say a blog/site is getting 1k-2k hits per day, would this alone push it up the rankings, would the search engines see this as a popular site and therefore reward it with a higher position?

        I`m just wondering if SEO is ALL about backlinks or are there other ways to increase your position.


        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Brad, yes, Google does apparently take other things into consideration when ranking sites. We saw evidence of that in the recent large change in their alogrithm. A lot of folks (myself included) saw fairly dramatic changes in visitor count, and lost income too.

          However, its not too easy to measure.

          You can consider things like visitor count, how long they - the visitor, stays on the site, how many pages they view and also the speed the site loads up is a factor too. There are other factors but I think those are the more important ones. So its worth spending time on trying to improve your site with respect to those factors.

  • Profile picture of the author mongooz
    Profile picture of mongooz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Found it to be very interesting joseph let's see how it goes!
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello KrystalM,

    you are quite right - there is a real mix going on. I have finished with the 40 Day Challenge after all - quite a few weeks ago now, so had to find a way to reduce my time on it, while - at least for some time - still showing decent rankings.

    I did use BB and UAW to create backlinks to my $ page. With UAW I did not use that to begin with as I preferred to create quality links from elsewhere - I do not fully trust the integrity of UAW links, is why. But yes, I did begin to use UAW after I had quite a number of other links in place.

    I did not know about so many backlinks coming in from the same IPs. Oh well - it may be better to actually take down the site now because if its merely going to cause confusion... I'll seriously consider that option.

    However, the point here being that once you get the site established and you have gotten quite a good range of backlinks in place, you can then ramp up the links from various sources and you don't have to be nearly as careful. Less cause for concern regards the phenomena we know as being "sandbox", right?

    I discontinued backlinking to the anchor sites - its too much for me to keep on doing. Hence now so many more links show to the $ site than to the anchors.

    Regards to forum profiles - if you want to go down that road, there are various software packages out there that can do the job and do it well.

    That's good KrystalM, even though you are a bit confused - and I would be too, has to be said - you are also thinking a lot about what's actually going on. Its precisely what I do myself. I chop and change my methods all the time, actually - and I think this posterz site is now evidence of that.

    However, to get it to rank high in Google in the first place, I must emphasise - I used precisely the methods outlined within the thread and did not deviate from that whatsoever. Just latterly I've had to re-think and re-evaluate due to circumstances, is all.

    Thanks for taking the time to assess and to feedback!

    • Profile picture of the author krystalm
      Profile picture of krystalm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Thanks for the reply.

      I saw this thread a little late in the game, so that must be why I was a bit confused from the info I was finding.

      I have learned some different tactics from you, and I thank you for that.

      Sometimes it is hard to find the good ones to follow, as most just want in your pockets, but I believe you are one of the good ones, so again, thanks.
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi KrystalM, thanks for your response. Yeah, the "game" with regards the Twilight posterz site has moved on somewhat from the time of the beginning of the 40 Day Challenge. Hence if some folks such as your good self are to analyze backlinks they are not going to see things tallying up, as such.

        Yes, we all have our own "tactics" and what I have written up here is merely a few of them that work relatively well. But if you can add in your own mix to this then probably all the better. Its very much a learning process after all, and the goal posts are constantly shifting too.

        Thanks for your kind words KrystalM! I've made as many mistakes as most, in fact - cos I am so dumb with so many things, I've probably made more mistakes than the vast majority!

        But what I have learned is that you just have to keep picking yourself up and getting on with it. If there are some folks out there really willing to offer some sound advice, then it makes life so, so much easier. I hope that I have managed to provide a little bit of such sound advice - at least for some of those who took the time to read this thread.

        Kind regards!
        • Profile picture of the author benintheworld
          Profile picture of benintheworld
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Ben, the challenge began back in May and its a 40 day challenge...

            The challenge itself did well but to keep the site going for too much longer is not such an appealing consideration. There's little money to be had from selling posters as an affiliate and I'm in the process of dumping a lot of my sites that don't cut it when it comes to making decent income.

            No worries though - the site served its purpose after all.

            • Profile picture of the author benintheworld
              Profile picture of benintheworld
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Ben, I don't know how much traffic its getting at the moment and not entirely sure of its rankings either. There is quite a lot of page views per day which I can see from the eBay stats (120 - 200 per day), but click thru to eBay is still not good, even with a couple of weeks to Christmas.

                AdSense pays out peanuts for this site so its a no go area I'm afraid.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My pleasure BangBangun!
  • Profile picture of the author jrafique
    Profile picture of jrafique
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You have got a good army behind you. I am also following you.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi J Rafique, that's very kind of you to say so!

    There is not so much to follow any longer on this thread to be honest. I don't update on here other than to respond to questions and to various remarks.

    However, my blog is a different story altogether - that's on going and I also discuss various projects I'm currently undertaking (to some extent anyhow).

    Blog link is within my signature just below.

    Thanks and regards!

  • Profile picture of the author williamkmohr
    Profile picture of williamkmohr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i too book marked this page as Mohammad did, really nice information share from joseph A, your experience and ideas will help persons like me to achieve more ..

    thanks to Joseph A
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi William, very kind of you to say so, thanks!

      That was the original intention of what has turned into a 'fairly' long thread - to help or to inspire. Indeed to help and to inspire!

      After all, its helped and inspired me too - to reassess and to push myself on to (hopefully) better things.

      Kind regards!
      • Profile picture of the author brad411
        Profile picture of brad411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joseph,

        Got a question regarding top ten "competition" and google sandbox.

        I guess this is very blackhat...if the whole sandbox thing is true that is:confused:

        So, you`ve got a nice site in or around the top 10 of big G, but , you can`t quite get in the top 5 or #1, if sandboxing exsits, what`s to stop you targeting your competitors sites with some extreme backlinking and getting them hit by google? thus, giving you an easier climb to the summit.

        I have a couple of add-ons in my firefox browser telling me my top 10 competion and the keywords they use to get there..would be pretty easy, would`nt it?

        Now, i`m not saying I would do this...because i would`nt, but if sandboxing does happen, then this practice could be used.

        Looking at this from another angle, how can you protect your site from being "attacked" this way?

        Hope that made sense.


        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Ah well Brad, we did touch on this before, some weeks ago on this thread. So you bring up a very good point here!

          Marie A. asked about this, and I suggested back then that indeed Google would see those type of spamming links as being detrimental to one's website or web page.

          I believe that at one time, not long ago, they did indeed count such spammy inward bound links as being detrimental to a site's Goog PR and also to the ranking - on a longer term too (sandboxing on a longer term, potentially).

          However, I believe now that this is not necessarily the case.

          Matt Cutts - some months ago, actually iterated the fact that Google discount "crappy" inbound links, and thus any such links would not deny you a decent Google ranking in SERPS, providing you were also achieving good quality inbound links. I sense that we can safely trust in this Brad, to some extent anyhow.

          Thus, its a case of proving to Google, in due course, that your links are valuable and of decent quality. If you maintain links to your site even when it is in penancy (sandboxed), you will, most probably far sooner than ever before, see your web pages rise again in Google SERPS.

          To get to the bottom of this though - with 100% certainty, you would need to ask Google. Are Google going to tell you, or its just another one of the billion other secrets they hold to themselves in their desire to achieve utter dominancy over....

          Great question, Brad!
          • Profile picture of the author brad411
            Profile picture of brad411
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Great answer once again Joseph, enjoy whats left of your sunday.

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Thanks Brad I try my best

              Not much left of Sunday here - its now 8 hours ahead of GMT, rather than 7.

              Enjoy your own day, all the same...

              • Profile picture of the author jlongsa
                Profile picture of jlongsa
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hello Joseph,

                I finally read every single post on this thread!

                You have done such a WONDERFUL JOB that I truly wish I could offer you a drink and sit down together over dinner for a nice chat.

                I am a newbie or rather a slow learner, but after going through "40 day challenge - Top 5 in Google within 40 days" I already feel like a PRO. I am seriously considering IM for my daily bread and man being here was such an inspiration and awakening at the same time.

                There are too many people or rather self acclaimed Gurus out there to mislead and discourage newbie with their scams and unfathomable techniques. Thank God I am here before it is too late. I will definitely recommend people to you for your honesty and no nonsense knowledge.

                What else? oh yes, I am following your blog and thank you for your kind heart.

                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hello Joel,

                  Thanks for taking the time to let your thoughts be known!

                  You read every post... !

                  That sounds nice - a sit down for a drink and a chat!

                  I was a slow learner too, Joel. In fact, I'm very slow at learning most things so I'm kinda forced to sticking to what I do know - the stuff I have discussed throughout this thread.

                  I agree, there are very many folks taking advantage of the little-experienced among us, and its very difficult at the outset of the journey to decide who is providing worthy information and who is not.

                  Thank you in advance for recommending this thread to your friends and acquaintances!

                  Yes, please do follow along with my blog. Its fun, entertaining and hopefully provides some worth-while information too!

                  I'm very happy you managed to get inspiration from the 40 day challenge, and wish you the very best with making enough money from IM to give up the day-job!

                  Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Devilishboy
    Profile picture of Devilishboy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Looks like a good thing to follow. Look fwd to it

    I can design professional logos, banners, headers, business cards etc.

    Portfolio Link

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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi DevilishBoy, thanks for your feedback. Not much to follow on here now really. The 40 dayer is a wrap I'm afraid...

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Not sure if any one is following this thread now, but I just received an email from a proxy company that I have been using more recently to follow Twilight posterz progress. Not that I have been following much these days as the game is pretty much over. However, I clicked on the email to see how things were doing and this is the results...

        Date 20 July

        Results for "Twilight poster" from Sheer SEO proxy:

        top spot in Google

        I then decided to have a look in Scroogle and also in Hide My Ass proxy and here are the results for those:

        Results for same keyword phrase in Scroogle:

        top spot

        Results for same kwd phrase in Hide My Ass proxy:

        3rd and 4th

        I was hoping to put a screen shot of all of this up, but for some reason its not working and I can't post up the shots.

        Thought I would feed this back to anyone who is remotely interested

        By the way, if anyone uses the software called Jing (thanks Michelle for letting me know about this - its really easy to use!) then do you know of a way to post screen shots up on here please?

        If you don't know about Jing and you need to use a screenshot software then you should get your hands on this free program. It may not have worked here for me :rolleyes:, but it appears to be a superb bit of kit!

  • Profile picture of the author jlongsa
    Profile picture of jlongsa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello Joseph!

    Congratulation! I am seeing it too on spot #1. Most of us know that you will do better than your challenge.

    Looking forward for more such interesting game from you.

    Kind Regards,
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joel, thanks for the feedback here!

      Yes, all very well to have a web page in top spot in Google but when none of the affiliate links are working what's the point other than to massage and indulge your ego :p

      Hmmm I don't know now what to do with this website. Its ranking well for "Twilight posters" too, and top ten for the other two keywords that I was targeting as very much secondary.

      Christmas is not so far off... What would you do Joel?

  • Profile picture of the author uktelsysco
    Profile picture of uktelsysco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great information JosephA I will be following this method.
    Right now bookmarks this thread.
    I will be waiting same informative thread.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You are very welcome UKTel! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave your feedback!

      Kind regards



      Hi Joel, you may have thought it to be great for AdSense but its not so hot. I did try out AdSense for a couple of days in the hope that I would not get clicks from the Warrior Forum visitors or else I would be risking my account being closed. It got no clicks at all.

      Yes, trend wise its got quite a bit of life left for sure!

      Ha, the global search has been going down month on month. When I first started this thread it was showing at 60.5k global exact. I think once this months figures are out it will rise higher again. I don't know what the visitor count is like on the site as I have not checked for quite some time. Its never been very good, for whatever reason. Possibly the stats are way out with regards to search numbers. Who knows.

      Yes, the site is top 10 for 4 keyword phrases. Maybe others too, I don't really know.

      Thanks for coming by Joel!

  • Profile picture of the author jlongsa
    Profile picture of jlongsa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph!

    I think this (twilight poster) niche is great for adsense, potential of getting High CTR considering the type of this keyword seekers.

    Trend wise, it is going to stay for a while with 5 movies in total, the last book split into 2 movies which is - Breaking Dawn.

    "Twilight poster" has a global search of 40500 (exact match) and "twilight posters" has 27100 searches.

    Some Adense Goober's theory would suggest a cool $1352 - $2028 with this 2 keywords alone. You are ranking for other long - tail keywords as well.
    Just a thought!

  • Profile picture of the author adam westrop
    adam westrop
    Profile picture of adam westrop
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So did you keep with the same phrase? So it took you around 2.5 months to get ranked? Is that right?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Adam, it took about a week or so from domain name purchase to rank within the top 10. Thereafter the web pages succumbed to the Google dance for a while, then finally settled around 6th spot in Google for "Twilight poster". Its now ranking top 10 for at least 3 other keyword phrases that have decent search volume too.

      Slowly and surely this has been improving over time. Its very much hands-off for me now however. Its not been worth pursuing it to any great degree as the income is never going to be much, with the potential exception to that being November and December.

  • Profile picture of the author adam westrop
    adam westrop
    Profile picture of adam westrop
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks Joseph,

    So how long from registering the domain to getting a 1st page ranking in Google did it take?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think it took about a week to 10 days or so, Adam.
      • Profile picture of the author adam westrop
        adam westrop
        Profile picture of adam westrop
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        I think it took about a week to 10 days or so, Adam.

        Wooa, is this taking account of the Google dance too? So you had stable page 1 rankings after 10 days? If so, that is very very interesting.

        How much income are you making out of this site?

        I always go after big money terms, which obviously take ages to rank, however if you have managed top rankings with this exact keyword match with a few links and the rankings were stable then this is very interesting indeed.
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I seem to remember that it remained top 10 for a week or so, then began to dance, as is kinda normal Adam - you'll know yourself. But the problem here is due to the fact that I had to also rely on what many other folks were seeing and reporting back to me from around the globe. So for example, some would be seeing it in fifth for "Twilight poster" while others would see it 8th etc. Its not possible to provide exact stats here obviously.

          How much income - nothing, even though most people are seeing it ranking top spot for "Twilight poster" and within the top 5 or so for 3 other good keyword phrases besides. I've been having some problems with affiliate links - all my eBay links 'went bad' for some odd reason. I then changed over to AllPosters affiliate due to the fact they offer 20% commission per sale. But could not get those links to work. As I've been saying all along, me and "techie" don't go! And their support team sucks real bad!

          So just yesterday I made the effort (finally) to get the eBay links back up. They are up and they all seem to be working, but I have doubt that my affiliate link is functioning properly.

          So income from the site - nothing for weeks!

          But the main point behind this site was not about income. It was about ranking it well in a fairly short time frame is all.

          I take your point about going for big money terms. Sure thing - can take an age to rank for. I tend to go for longer tails which offer less income, but then they are faster to get and then I can move on. Each to their own Adam, right?

          Yes, the ranking was pretty stable. I had hoped to avoid any "sandboxing" and that worked out well. If it had "sandboxed" then there would of course be the danger of falling short of top 5 in 40 days - I did not want to rank top 5 for a couple of days only. It was more about holding it within top 5 and then pushing it towards top spot, which it seems (generally speaking - I'm hearing that this is the case and most folks are seeing it top) to have right now.

          • Profile picture of the author brad411
            Profile picture of brad411
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Joseph, hope you`re well.

            My site is now nicely on page 1 of google and is also page 2 #11 at but nowhere in bing and yahoo, what do i need to do to rank in both yahoo and bing? do these search engines use different methods than G to rank pages?

            Thanks mate.

            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Brad, that's good about first page rankings in Google!

              Yahoo and Bing use different algorithms to those that Google use so you would have to approach rankings differently. Sometimes I have some web pages ranking in Yahoo or Bing that are no where to be seen in Google, for instance.

              Yahoo are going to be using the same algorithm as Microsoft's Bing in times to come, so that is worth bearing in mind. If you were to add up the current search share of both Yahoo and Bing that would equate to around about 28% of monthly search volume. Which compares to around 68 - 70% which Google sees.

              As for ranking in Bing - no idea Brad, its not been something I've spent time studying. I never see much in the way of traffic from Bing for anything much, in comparison with Google.

              Have a nice weekend!

  • Profile picture of the author Redcheeks
    Profile picture of Redcheeks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Interesting. I didn't know a new domain could rank that fast.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Richelle, you tend to find that if you get an exact match domain name (or in this case - a close exact match) you can rank it high and fast in Google. Providing of course that your competition is not hugely strong. If this were the case then chances are good that its going to take a bit longer, to say the least.

      As we know, Google have this thing for exact matches - at least they do at the moment. I have heard recently they are going to change this policy, which levels the playing field that much more for us when we cannot get exact matches. There are not so many real good ones available any longer, I presume you agree...

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Obseerver, thanks for your insight. I've actually done that already. Link in my sig below.

  • Profile picture of the author zapp99
    Profile picture of zapp99
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi JosephA,

    Intentionally getting a fresh site onto the top 5 or even 1st page of Google is very very tough! So, I think you did extremely well! And kudos to you for your willingness to share your journey!

    For me, I only realized my site was #1 (at least for a few months) in Google for Stop Animal Abuse, after typing it in google coz i was too lazy to spell out the name of my blog! Since then, I've seen it dance around page 1 or even page 2 of google, bing, yahoo. Sadly, I have no idea how I did it. I know the keywords have low commercial value and less competition, but still, for the site to get such results without any focused intent and effort, I'm really amazed and puzzled!

    I tried repeating the same on other blogs with tips from all over the forum, but I got banned by google instead
    Guess I got too eager and over aggressive...

    Someone pls tell me the logic behind Google ranking my blog at #1 for "stop animal abuse"?

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Zapp, thank you for your feedback here!

      It can indeed be very tough getting first page on Google - that is where the real competition is, after all.

      "stop animal abuse". You were ranking top spot for that? In part, the ideology of stopping animal abuse was why I became a vegetarian some 24 years ago, while I was at college. Yup, I was "the odd one!".

      Therefore I am all for reducing animal abuse. I truly believe and understand that we as humans have to make a living, we have to live off the land. But to be cruel and abusive in our ways (such as I have seen in Russia for example) is simply disgusting and not at all necessary.
  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Aira Bongco
    Profile picture of Aira Bongco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi JosephA,

    It has been a long time since we last talked. How did the 40-day thing work out?

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Aira, the 40 day thing is working out well with regards to ranking. I think its pretty much top spot for the main keyword phrase, and top 5 for the other 3 that I targetted on a secondary basis.

    How are things going with your own business in that lovely country of yours?
    • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
      Aira Bongco
      Profile picture of Aira Bongco
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Hi Aira, the 40 day thing is working out well with regards to ranking. I think its pretty much top spot for the main keyword phrase, and top 5 for the other 3 that I targetted on a secondary basis.

      How are things going with your own business in that lovely country of yours?
      Hi Joseph,

      Business is good. I have been getting good money these past few days. I'm glad to see that this 40-day challenge is really working out for you.

      By the way, about the report you have read, I will be improving it like you advised me. I will email you a copy when it is finished if you want.

      • Profile picture of the author cantfigureout
        Profile picture of cantfigureout
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        WOW! i googled and found your page which you started from scratch! I was wondering, is it possible to do the samething with a blog on blogspot? Will I need to keep on blogging to make it look updating? I know there are few tricks which I can make it look like it's being updated every week but is it actually necessary?

        Is it really true, from what I understand, you only had ten or so backlinks from quality articles directory [which I have noted down]? And those articles were backed up by other backlinked articles in mass submit software? Did you do this to make your backlinks as natural as possible because will google notice that in one day, you have 400 backlinks!

        • How do I define secondary keywords?
        • When to use squeeze style template and when not to?
          • Like if I'm trying to promote something, is it best to keep it in a normal blog type template or a squeeze one?
        • For social bookmarking, did you actually sign-up to 100+ sites individually?
        • Difference between anchor text and hyperlinking keywords?
        • What about the Spun articles? Mine is totally out of syntax!
          • Did spin the content in your website and posted them on different article directories?
          • Or did you create an articles and spun that which is totally different from your site content?
        Originally Posted by JosephA

        The Twilight Poster site only has 5 pages of content (I think ) so the way I go about optimizing that bit more is to pop in links throughout the pages with my chosen keywords as hyper-text. Most of the links will go back to my home-page with a variety of hyper-text, and not just my main keyword. Some others will go to other relevant pages.
        • Aren't we only suppose to use the main 1-3 keyboards only on the main/static page because we want to direct any incoming traffic to it?
        I created a blog a few days ago... total failure!
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Ooops, sorry Matt & Aira, I did not know you had commented here some time back. Never got word until the comment from CantFigureOut just today that you both had commeneted - if that makes some sense.

          Yup, the links were working Matt but they've gone on the blink again strangely enough. I think that site is jinxed, I really do!



          Hi Aira, good to know business is booming for you! I look forward to receiving that report Aira - well worth the wait! Thanks!
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            CantFigureOut, hmmm... where do I begin?

            With regards to a Blogspot blog. Are you asking can you get this blog to the top of Google rankings? If so then yes of course you can.

            Do you have to update a Blogspot blog on a regular basis to get it to top spot? No, you do not. Update it as and when you feel the desire. Many if not most folks say that you get brownie points in Google rankings if you update regularly. I don't subscribe to that belief and I have my reasons for not doing so too.

            I had links in place from about 8 article directories and also 4 web 2.0 properties, then I backlinked to those using Blog Blueprint and Unique Article Wizard and a variety of other sources besides. But the BB and UAW were the most important ways for my links to the article directories and web 2.0's.

            I also used Blog Blueprint to backlink to the posterz site and in latter days I used UAW too - but the uAW links were set at 10 submissions per day and no more than that.

            Yes, I did this to make the links look natural, and therefore managed to avoid any sandboxing effect in Google, which is a very common problem for those who wish to rank their web pages fairly fast in Google. After all, I've heard some folks say that they've suffered sandboxing for over a year, so if posterz site was to also be sandboxed then the game would have possibly been over from the get go with regards to this challenge.

            You can define secondary keyword phrases any way you wish, but usually the primary keyword phrase is the one that you would wish to rank for the most due to either the potential monetary worth of the phrase, or the potential visitor count per month - and/or indeed a combination of both.

            I don't bother about templates as such now. I use Thesis Theme these days for most of my sites, but the posterz site is on a freebie WP theme template. But I think there are various WordPress plugins that will allow for a typical squeeze page set up. Or at least there are themes available that can be manipulated to suit.

            When you are trying to promote something? Each to their own CantFigureOut. I would tend to use blog style cos I like to "chat" to my potential customer as if I were their friend. So why not use my own favourite, which is a WP blog - type of set up - I can work with WP much better than with anything else because I am not at all technically capable. Each to their own, however.

            Social bookmarking - I used a program called IM Automator by Caroline Middlebrook. There is a free version of this and a paid-for version. At the time I used free as the paid version was not then available.

            Not sure what you mean when you are asking about difference between anchor text and keyword phrase hyperlinking. Both are one and the same to my knowledge.

            Spun articles - they have to have good syntax regardless how you use them. Its no good submitting 'rubbish' to anywhere these days. Its got to read well or will be rejected by pretty much every directory or place of submission. So its well worth taking the time to get the seed article very good or you end up correcting every single spun version, which is a sheer waste of precious time.

            Yes - I spun a single article and then used it on all my directories and Web 2.0s. Normally I would use such submissions for my website too - I did also in the posterz site but maybe only for 3 or 4 of the posts. I think the site now has about 15 or more pages of content.

            You can use as many keyword phrases as you want on your home page. Just don't go plugging any page you want to rank for with like 15% of your main keyword phrase/s. In fact, if I only get my main chosen kwd mentioned one time within my post then I am happy with that. As long as the syntax is good, I simply could not care less about kwd density. I'm much more concerned about how my writing reads and also to some exent about the LSI thing that Google likes. But LSI tends to come naturally in a fairly well written article anyhow, so again - I don't think much about that either.

            If I've misunderstood anything you were asking about cos I CantFigureOut , or if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to get back to me.

            Thanks and regards
            • Profile picture of the author cantfigureout
              Profile picture of cantfigureout
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Thanks, I guess I'm going to need fixing my spun articles, I was submitting junk lol. Also, what is your aim when publishing squidoo? Is it to promoting your site like explaining what your site is about and why you should visit it? or is it to promote your niche talking about what it is and why you should get it? Or is your goal simply to post something related to your niche [if your niche was computer, you would post something about Sony computers, or the latest hot computers] and put a small link to your affiliate site?
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh yes, none of the links have been working on the Twilight posterz site for a long while now. But I've seen the rise in Alexa rankings of recent so I had to do something about this. I've got my friend Rob working on the links in the site cos I have no idea about this side of things.

    After all, I enjoy the pursuit of SEO, and not so much the pursuit of making my affiliate links work properly ;-)
  • Profile picture of the author therichman
    Profile picture of therichman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice challange
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    Matt Gannon
    Profile picture of Matt Gannon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This thread still going? lol!!! Go get them links working btw.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When publishing to Squids I simply use my spun content that will quite often also be used on my primary site and for other web 2.0s and article directories. Therefore its got to be good quality stuff and nicely unique besides, or it would either be rejected straight off the bat, or would possibly be taken down in the months to come.

    The point here is - its all well and good taking short cuts at the start, but those short cuts often mean having to do more work in the longer term to achieve the same end result.

  • Profile picture of the author EstateAgent-Samui
    Profile picture of EstateAgent-Samui
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    I have spent most of this afternoon and evening trawling through this posting and think I have understood most of the key points to get started. I have a couple of first questions that perhaps you could kindly answer based around my own website, and what I can now thanks to you see as a clear way to promote it up the rankings to more sales / enquiries.

    The website is samui-real-estate-locators dot com and has been live now for over one year so my questions are:
    1. can I send all backlinks via article marketing direct to my $$ website, or should they be through the anchors.
    2. can I use more than 2 keywords for my home page to rank highly on, as there are many key phrases / more long tailed keywords I would like to rank on.

    Thank you for the very detailed information throughout your 40 or so day journey on this project.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Estate Agent Samaui, nice site you got there! Thanks for taking the time to read through the Challenge, and good to know you've benefited from it.

      1. yes you can send all your links to your money site if you so wish. Or you can do both - some to money site and others to the anchor sites. Purely your decision. Its a good idea to backlink to your anchors anyhow, and article marketing can be one of the most efficient ways of doing that.

      2. yes, you can also use more than one keyword phrase on your home page. You can use as many as you wish. Just be aware that you should not send all your links back to your home page as it does not appear natural and you will by doing so no doubt sacrifice your potential for ranking high in Google at least.

      Hope that helps EAS.

  • Profile picture of the author cantfigureout
    Profile picture of cantfigureout
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Does your squidoo content contain your main keyword or your secondary keywords? I desperately need help/tips/tricks! Right now..after almost 2 weeks... none of my blogs are seeing ANY sort of traffic.. I have to admit my blogs right now are FAR from junk if you ask me! I thing I was being greedy with the niche..I should retry and target a really small group of people using some shady really low lying keywords!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Well CFO, I admire your honesty when you say that your blogs are, and I quote... "total junk if you ask me!" :p

      If you utilize your main keyword phrases that you are targeting with regards to your money site, then you may "out-compete" yourself by outranking your own domain with that of Squids and other web 2.0s etc. So, unless you are comfortable doing that, I suggest you utilize other keyword phrases that are nevertheless related to your niche, but are not your primary aim with regards to Google rankings, and therefore not your primary aim to make an income from. They could nevertheless - bring in some form of secondary income, while at the same time being utilized as a backlinking structure for your money site.

      If you want to see relatively fast results with regards to visitor flow and some sales, then yes - you have to target the lower lying kwds, or the longer tailed, if you prefer.

  • Profile picture of the author Glynn
    Profile picture of Glynn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not a bad challenge but for an expert I would think that should be easy.
    It took me Two Weeks (exactly) to rank No1 for - home beer brewing - 42,000 monthly searches and 12,300,000 results (today) and rand No2 for -home beer making - 33,000 monthly searches and 38,700,000 results. The same site also ranks highly for other search terms, For example - review home beer making - No1, 69,300,000 results.

    I learnt how to do this after watching a free 7 minute video and would be happy to share the information (for free) with anybody interested.

    I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Glynn, nice avatar!
      • Profile picture of the author Glynn
        Profile picture of Glynn
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Glynn, nice avatar!
        Thanks Joseph,
        By the way in spite of the impressive results I shown on my post I'm only getting about 100 views a day and according to everything I've read I should be able to expect over 30,000 per month. Any idea why my views are so low?

        I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

        • Profile picture of the author stevecl
          Profile picture of stevecl
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Glynn View Post

          Thanks Joseph,
          By the way in spite of the impressive results I shown on my post I'm only getting about 100 views a day and according to everything I've read I should be able to expect over 30,000 per month. Any idea why my views are so low?
          According to keyword discovery you keyword gets around 9 searches per day.!!!!

          I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

          • Profile picture of the author Glynn
            Profile picture of Glynn
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Oh No! Can't find the keyword discovery your using but just looked at SEO keyword suggestion tool and their results are similar to yours, now I'm really depressed. But why are the results for the Google Adwords keyword tool so different? Also why are so many people paying to advertise on such low keywords?
            Now I'm confused and depressed but thanks for answering my query anyway.

            I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

    • Profile picture of the author NeverStop
      Profile picture of NeverStop
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Glynn View Post

      I learnt how to do this after watching a free 7 minute video and would be happy to share the information (for free) with anybody interested.
      Would you mind sharing this information?

      • Profile picture of the author Glynn
        Profile picture of Glynn
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by NeverStop View Post

        Would you mind sharing this information?
        1.Find 5 to 7 keywords with less than 20,000 competitors (when searched for in " ")
        2.Make a wordpress (hosted on your own server) site with the name of your main keyword.
        3.Use an SEO plugin.
        4.Write an article seo optimised with your main keyword and with your other keywords sprinkled throughout.
        5.Spin this article at least five or six times so you can submit to different publishers.
        7.Convert each unspun article to video and submit to video hosting sites
        8. Repeat process for each of your other keywords
        9.Use original as your main wordpress page
        10. Post the other original articles that used each keyword to your wordpress site at 2 day intervals
        11.Make post's in at least 6 forums or blogs that have a page rank of 4 or better.
        If after 2 to 4 weeks you are not on page 1 you can try repeating the process but you probably did something wrong.
        Good Luck.
        P.S. I reviewed an article converter on my review site shown in my signature.

        I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

    • Profile picture of the author Vegaed1
      Profile picture of Vegaed1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Glynn View Post

      Not a bad challenge but for an expert I would think that should be easy.
      It took me Two Weeks (exactly) to rank No1 for - home beer brewing - 42,000 monthly searches and 12,300,000 results (today) and rand No2 for -home beer making - 33,000 monthly searches and 38,700,000 results. The same site also ranks highly for other search terms, For example - review home beer making - No1, 69,300,000 results.

      I learnt how to do this after watching a free 7 minute video and would be happy to share the information (for free) with anybody interested.

      Hello Glynn,
      Thank you for the information you have shared with us. I'm a complete newbie and would like to know if you can provide info on that 7 minute video. I would appreciate it immensely.
    • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
      Profile picture of csgcsg
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Glynn View Post

      Not a bad challenge but for an expert I would think that should be easy.
      It took me Two Weeks (exactly) to rank No1 for - home beer brewing - 42,000 monthly searches and 12,300,000 results (today) and rand No2 for -home beer making - 33,000 monthly searches and 38,700,000 results. The same site also ranks highly for other search terms, For example - review home beer making - No1, 69,300,000 results.

      I learnt how to do this after watching a free 7 minute video and would be happy to share the information (for free) with anybody interested.
      I think you missed out few things Glynn,

      1. You used broad search but you should be using exact search which is about 3600 searches a month. Now having done many sites with keywords such as this, you will probably get an average of 3600/5 approximately 720 unique visitors for top 3 position.

      2. Similar to home beer making which is only approximately 400-500 visitors only per month.

      3. Not to be harsh, but review home beer making has no data, usually below 100 searches a month. Your 69 million stats has no relevant to keyword searches at all. Most people will impress you with these but its bollocks. Besides using my own personalized software, it shows no competition at all, so even with on page SEO, you will easily rank top 3.

      Here have enough information for you to do proper keyword research which is the basis of everything IMHO and if you get this part wrong, everything else will fall out of place.

      Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
      MSN -

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Where is that image in your avatar from, Glynn? I'm passionate about travel, so its always good to know.

    May I ask where you read that you should be seeing around 30k visitors a month, thanks?
    • Profile picture of the author Glynn
      Profile picture of Glynn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Where is that image in your avatar from, Glynn? I'm passionate about travel, so its always good to know.

      May I ask where you read that you should be seeing around 30k visitors a month, thanks?
      The photo was taken in the Dominican Republic where I lived for 14 yrs. Without doubt the most beautiful country in the World (and I've lived in more than 10 beautiful country's). Go tosorry not allowed to past the link,not enough posts)Facebook, Republica Dominicana, and look at some photo's that will blow you away.

      I don't remember where I read the information that I referred to but it stated something along the lines of, No1 (non sponsored results) canexpect about 60% clicks on all searches and then the results will diminish as you go down the page until anything outside of the top 5 results is almost worthless. Simply asking Internet users what results they normally click on would seem to bear this out.

      I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Glynn, I'll let you respond to Steve there, if you will.

        Dominican Republic! I had a chance of going to live there for a while and do Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) - way back in 1989, after I did my HND in horticulture. Ah geez, I wish I had taken that opportunity! My life has been a bit of a mess ever since, really, and to be honest.

        I then had a chance to go take up a position in the Canary Islands and work in veggie management - a number of years later, but life again had its complications (marriage to the "wrong" person)...

        Sorry, I over-indulge in my own misgivings. :confused:

        Not sure what stats you have there Glynn. Nevertheless, I wish you well in your internet endeavours!
        • Profile picture of the author Glynn
          Profile picture of Glynn
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

          Hi Glynn, I'll let you respond to Steve there, if you will.

          Dominican Republic! I had a chance of going to live there for a while and do Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) - way back in 1989, after I did my HND in horticulture. Ah geez, I wish I had taken that opportunity! My life has been a bit of a mess ever since, really, and to be honest.

          I then had a chance to go take up a position in the Canary Islands and work in veggie management - a number of years later, but life again had its complications (marriage to the "wrong" person)...

          Sorry, I over-indulge in my own misgivings. :confused:

          Not sure what stats you have there Glynn. Nevertheless, I wish you well in your internet endeavours!
          Hi Steve,
          Sorry to here of your missed opportunities, You will just have to create them again.
          For your info The D. R. and the canary's (lived there for 2yrs too) don't really compare although there is a strong connection - The Dominican Republic was the first landfall (1492) of Columbus after leaving the Canary Islands to discover the West Indies. Upon sighting land his first words are reputed to have been "The fairest land human eyes have ever seen"
          Hope this helps to motivate you to re-capture that lost opportunity.


          I recently started a series of wordpress pages based on reviews. It normally takes me two to three weeks to get a site onto google page 1 for quite high ranking search words. Best Product Review

  • Profile picture of the author LocoDice
    Profile picture of LocoDice
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, just wanted to let you know I commonly refer to the WSO version of this thread as a reference guide while I learn SEO this year.

    I just put the search term in, and this is what I'm seeing. Congrats! Really inspires me to see the results for something I've been following.

    Signature - Help with your HTML, Wordpress and Web Hosting problems - No fix, no fee.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi MKTerbynite, many thanks for feeding that back! Good to see its still there - I've not been backlinking at all for quite some time. We'll see how long its there before its knocked off the top.

      Kind regards and thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author mitchellxp
    Profile picture of mitchellxp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hi Josef
    i love your hardwork and thanks for your information. i am actually posting from nigeria and i decided to give ya some update on your site and how it is faring among the search engines
    i used scroogle scraper and i got

    #1. Your main site.........twilightposterz
    #4. your squidoo site
    #5. the wordpress site
    #7. your blogger blog.........successoftwilight

    am finding it hard to get a good keyword, can you help me out? i would appreciate the "weight loss" or "car insurance niche"? i wanna use them on an adsense-monetized site? thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you're superhuman!!!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Mitchell, thanks for your post and thanks for the update re Twilight posters. Oh, I had no idea the Web 2.0s were all still ranking well. I don't check them now, so its nice to see they are doing well - along with the primary site.


      Weight loss and car insurance tend to be really tough to get these days Mitchell, simply because there is so much money to be made and so many affiliate schemes around. If I were to target car insurance I would probably do like you intend - use AdSense. However, with weight loss there are a number of very good ClickBank products that are on the market, and some that are probably not so well-known too. I'd look into them and work hard on a site with regards to that.

      On the other hand, if I were relatively new to IM or had seen little success up till now, then I personally would steer clear of both of those niches. Why? Because you will tend to find that the competition is so extreme that it will take 'quite' a lot of time and rather a lot of hard graft to rank for almost anything worth ranking for. And in the process, will your desire to keep at it be sustained, or will it drain away due to lack of early success?

      You have to ask yourself those sort of questions Mitchell, then do by all means get back to me and I'll see if I can help you out a bit.

      Thanks again!

  • Profile picture of the author mitchellxp
    Profile picture of mitchellxp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Many thanks, Josef, for replying to my post. Well, I wouldnt want to be deterred for sheer lack of "early success" . . . give or take, i think i can wait for 3 months before i start seeing desired result. . . the only thing that would make me wrap a rope around my neck is when i do not see anything good after this time period . . .

    if you know another niche that could be monetized through adsense, please help out. If it pleases you, do help with the keyword research and I would just push the site up to the top 10 in Big G using your methods. I would have loved to pay you for this, but as you can see, I am very far from you . . .

    Thanks, Danke, Muchos Gracias, Merci.......How's your day going?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Mitchell, I would hope there is never any need for the rope!

      I'm not in a position to begin advising folks such as your good self upon specific niches and kwds, Mitchell. Having said that, there are so many sub niches of sub niches that are ripe for the pickings - they are all around us as we move through our day. Its just a case of opening up your mind to what you or other people "need". If there is a need for something then there surely is a way to sell it, and be that on-line or off-line.

      If you are still stumped, go to some place like Clickbank and do a bit of research with AdSense in mind. You can get thousands of ideas just by spending a bit of time browsing Clickbank. And what's better here - if you do try AdSense on something that pertains to Clickbank and AdSense does not work well, you can then change your web pages to suit the CB product, so you are covered for at least 2 angles.

      Hope that helps Mitchell.

  • Profile picture of the author portalweb
    Profile picture of portalweb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your Top 5 in Google within 40 days details are very good. Yes, it all depends on the right keyword to make it possible.

    Serious On-page SEO and off-site SEO tasks using the SEO tools are the only way to achieve in a very short time.

    For Proxy List information, please feel free to check out here on WF for more info, PM me, or visit this site:

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the feedback PortalWeb.
  • Profile picture of the author jtpada
    Profile picture of jtpada
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been a keen follower of your wonderful challenge thread! Today I accidentally stumbled across something I wanted to ask your opinion about, if I may.

    Matt Cutts has a home page plus blog and you can comment there and leave your web site link. His blog is PR 7, the page of the question he discussed is PR 0 itself.

    Would you think that a back link from this source bears value? Would the high PR of his blog somehow pass some link juice to the PR 0 discussion page?

    What´s your take?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi JTPada, thanks for your comments!

      Many people have a different take on this scenario. Angie from Angie's Backlinks fame - she would swear by the fact that a link from a Google Pageranked page of 0, providing the main domain page is of a higher Google PR, will provide for good link juice. Other folks suggest that the only way you get the link juice is to have the link on the high PR page.

      It makes sense to me though that you would indeed get some extra juice from a link that is on a different page to that of the PR7. However, the amount of juice is bound to be "watered down" due to the amount of other links coming off that particular page. So its from this point of view that you perhaps should have more concerns about, rather than if the PR0 web page will offer up value given from the PR7 page on the same site.

      Others will have a different opinion perhaps. Its always good to be open to varying arguments and then make up your own mind from those arguments.

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author vantillu
    Profile picture of vantillu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    All the best for your work and i hope you will reach the target.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thank you Vantillu for your support!
      • Profile picture of the author jtpada
        Profile picture of jtpada
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        your take makes perfect sense to me. It also helps to break out of stereotype thinking patterns that have sneakily ingrained themselves over time !

        Thanks for taking the time!

        Love your thread! By far, one of the best ones on this wonderful forum! Did do some linking diagnostic on the challenge site and felt I learned a ton.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi JT, thanks for your feedback, and I'm happy you have managed to benefit so much from this thread!

          Kind regards
          • Profile picture of the author Bagless
            Profile picture of Bagless
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Joseph, hi, I was given a personal recommendation to check out this thread and am so glad I did.

            I feel like I've just completed a 40 day challenge trying to take in everything here. It would be so easy to try and skip sections but the risk is that I'd miss one of the many nuggets scattered around.

            A great read, thanks.


            PS - Just heading off to check the Blog Blueprint review and make my head explode!
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Bagless, thanks for reading thru the thread so diligently!

              Blog Blueprint - in my opinion its a cool tool for sure! But it cannot be relied on to rank web pages for high end profits on its own. Used in conjunction with other tools, or for long tail keyword phrase rankings and its a very useful piece of kit however. Well worth the investment!

              Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Sandy, thanks for your comments! I don't tend to do much Twittering so you will not see me on there too often. I find its good for chatting but its not my thing when it comes down to internet marketing or imparting information regards to SEO.

    Have a good weekend!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You are very welcome Sandy! Everyone has their way of doing things, and it takes time and effort to find out what works for each of us. I've recently been spending some time trying to work with social media - Twitter, Facebook, blog commenting etc. but its not fitting too well with me.

    Ah well, we live and we learn and we move on...

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Its very possible for a vast array of keyword phrases, CoolJazz.
  • Profile picture of the author csgcsg
    Profile picture of csgcsg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good day Joseph, I am glad you are still active in this thread. I have developed a software (a simple one) for keyword research and would like you to review on it.

    Do i email you or shall we chat a while on Skype?

    Let's Talk on Skype - charlesgregory
    MSN -

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Charles, you are up late/early! By all means send it via email. I think you have my address, right? I daren't provide it again due the amount of "crap" I'm getting - particularly the "rolex watches at great prices" one. You would think folks would have better things to do than to send out such junk.

      Nice to hear from you again, and hope you are well!

      • Profile picture of the author Bagless
        Profile picture of Bagless
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Joseph, hi again, have you ever researched/found the Blog Blueprint blogs to check PR? I imagine it would be fairly simple to do a search for the exact article title and see what comes up!

        I was reading an article on spinning and they suggested that you shouldn't just change words with synonyms, but also go further and spin sentences and paragraphs. They also suggested to adjust overall word count and and vary your outbound links and anchors, both in terms of destination and placement.

        Any thoughts?

        Edit - Interesting, I tested a spun article that was 80% unique and Copyscape found one other version, with 18% of similar words. Does that mean it is effectively a duplicate despite such a high spin?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Bagpuss, erm, I mean Bagless... some folks would tell you as long as you get a minimum 30% unique in a spun article over the seed article. Others will say more. Some will want to go and do what you have been reading - spin the sentence and the paras etc. I've found that even a 30% spun article on a web page will rank highly without too much work - i.e. backlinks. Mind you, I tend to work around the 50 - 60% unique figure myself, sometimes higher if its easy to achieve. As long as the seed article is not too technical, this is fairly easy I've found, albeit it takes more effort of course. But if its a subject of interest, its pretty easy to spin the article really well, so there's another good reason to try to choose niches that are of interest to you.

          I've read up on accounts from others who use Blog Blueprint and they say the PR varies between n/a and 5. A nice variation there. But, I've noticed myself, even though I rarely bother to check the Google PR, that there is a fair bit of power in those posts as they can hit your site to the sandbox even with 20 posts backlinking to that site a week. I'm not sure if Google are more "finicky" about backlinking now or what, but they are being very sensitive. Some of my sites that I used BB with, even though the sites are 9 months old, have been sandboxed recently, which is frustrating! But this is a sure sign that using BB alone without any other form of backlinks is not a wise measure. Sorry to say - more work is needed :-(

          Yes, by all means do a search for the article title to find the page PR where your BB articles are situated. And you can also follow the pingback to your email account too.

          Regards to you finding an 80% uniquely spun article to have an 18% similarity to another one - I've personally spun articles and checked them for uniqueness only to find that they have a certain similarity to completely different articles. This goes to show you that all the hullabaloo about Google eventually clamping down on spun articles is something of a misnomer. The fact is its impossible to achieve a 100% unique article unless its to be written in an alien language. Its my opinion that as long as there is a reasonable variance to other articles that have been published on the net, there will always be a place for quality content regardless its a spun article or whatsoever. I would imagine that Google and Bing have ways to detect most spun articles but then why would they even bother about it? As long as its quality stuff then they will surely be happy to rank it in their SERPS. That's what the internet is based on, after all.

          • Profile picture of the author Bagless
            Profile picture of Bagless
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Thanks for such a thorough response Joseph.

            I'd planned to use BB on a couple of domains that are three or four years old with a variety of other backlinks in place. Would like to think there wouldn't be any sandbox problems but thanks for the heads up.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I would think those domains would be fine with BB, Bagless. May be wise to take it easy initially, but who really knows for sure. Anyhow, "sandboxing" is hardly the worst thing in the world, and I don't think it takes too much to get out of it either, often to see better rankings than before "sandboxing" actually occurred.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Sandy, thanks for the feedback! I've let the site slip as its not generating much in the way of income. The only time that will happen is gonna be November and December, so I may re-rank it then but not before as its simply not worth it.

    Hehe, yup, I got carried away with the writing!

  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Profile picture of dagaul101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Impressive results, I wonder how many regular visitors the site is getting daily now?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Dagaul, the visitor count to the posterz site has never been particularly impressive, and the income even less impressive. So its safe to say that this particular sub niche is a "dead duck", with possible exception to Christmas shopping time that is. I've seen this before so it comes as little surprise, and in hindsight it would have been wiser to choose a niche that was a money spinner rather than this, thus there would be a vested interest in keeping the site ranking for a variety of keyword phrases, which right now there is not.

      Visitors via Google (none via Bing or Yahoo any longer) amount to between 15 and 30 per day (in Analytics), which would tend to go very much against Google's estimated figures. However, I think the site has slumped in the ranks so I believe this number was a bit higher previously.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You are very welcome SEOTrafficCrew! ;-)
  • Profile picture of the author seotrafficcrew
    Profile picture of seotrafficcrew
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A lot of great info here thanks Joseph.
  • Profile picture of the author watsonliving
    Profile picture of watsonliving
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great article thanks for sharing useful for all the seo's.........
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi WatsonLiving, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the read on the thread!

  • Profile picture of the author urlidiots
    Profile picture of urlidiots
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    Just wanted to thank you for doing this. It was so good I just purchased your ebook. I got awfully sick of cutting and pasting from the thread.

    I would however like to tell you just a few things. First off I purchase very little of what I see online. So much of it is crap or regurgitated info. This thread and the subsequent ebook of yours is worth many times what I just paid for it.

    I have been dabbling, trying to learn a bit here and a bit there. I was actually pointed here by the post on Pat FLynn's blog. In fact, I think several hundred other people were too, judging by the stats on your TwilightPosterz site.

    Anyway thanks for all the valuable content I hope the ebook pays off for you, and me as well.

    Also, maybe another challenge, with some Pat Flynn style, posting your monthly income from either the site or the ebook. It's not necessary and I certainly respect discretion but it might be enjoyed by us legitimate marketers trying to provide valuable, original content as opposed to spam or pure regurgitation.

    Thanks again, Josh
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Josh, thanks once again for your eBook purchase and many thanks too for your kind comments!

      Cut, paste, cut, paste ;-)

      Yup, for sure Pat's postings have been an inspiration for quite a number of folks to come over to read up on this WF thread. Very kind of him to mention the thread, but then he's that sort of guy obviously - one of the best!

      Regards the eBook paying off for me... in comparison to Pat's, well, what can I say? He got the hole in one where I hit the lake ;-) In fact, by the look of his income stats he's got a hole in one ten times over and more besides!! I can imagine the thousands of folks who shake their head in wonder when they read up on his income stats mainly from one eBook production, and his cost less than half mine did to produce.

      Regards another challenge. I played briefly with the idea of getting involved with the Pat Flynn, Tyrone Schum and Mark Mason (I believe the third challenger was Mark Mason, do correct me if I am wrong) challenge, but apart from the fact that I'm a month behind them, I've got a number of other things on my plate that should be dealt with before-hand. Making good solid cash from my internet marketing efforts and seeing it flow into my bank account being at the top of the list here ;-)

      Taking up such a challenge as that, or indeed the 40 Day Challenge, is a huge commitment of time and resources if you want to get serious about it. I think I may have been more tempted however, if I knew about it sooner than I did, because it sounds right up my tree, so to speak ;-)

      Whether I could give those guys a run for their money, ah well, that will never be known. At least not for now. I do like to think I could though...

      Thanks once again Josh and I wish you very well with your own internet marketing and online pursuits!

      I'll be "dipping" in and out of Pat's posts throughout the challenge to try and lend a little helping hand to some of the folks who are confused and or bewildered by SEO and things related (as was Pat :-) ), so you'll see me around quite a bit.

      • Profile picture of the author ig77
        Profile picture of ig77
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Excellent thread Joseph. Very informative. I read the first few pages of the thread and want to make sure I understand the 'anchor' articles part correctly. Here are the steps:

        1. Write unique articles and submit them to the article directories you listed. These are the anchor articles with 1 or 2 links pointing directly to your money site. The links are a part of the content.

        2. Using UAW, spin the articles creating snippets, remove the links to the money site, but add a link pointing to the anchor articles. (You said you added it to the bio, so I guess its not a part of the content)

        This way, we don't have to worry about google sandboxing our site. Did I get this right? Can you point me to the snippets that you submitted for the posters website?

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi IG, many thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!

          Okay, let me try to clarify a little in case there is a touch confusion.

          1. Yes, write/spin articles and submit to article directories of your choice. I chose 8 in all, mainly because they were do-follow article directories and are very popular ones too. But there are of course many other good ones besides those. The links are in the article's bio box and point back to my money site.

          2. I used The Best Spinner to spin all my content, then utilized some of the spun versions in UAW, that is correct. I then linked the articles submitted via UAW to the Web 2.0s and the article directory submission articles. Just set the amount of daily submissions really high and don't worry about "sandboxing" with those. Latterly, I then started to use UAW to link back to the money site, at the rate of about 10 submissions per day to begin. But I did not use UAW from the start to link back to the money site - only once there were a lot of other links in place first.

          Regards "sandboxing". I was concerned about that regards to the Challenge, yes. But ordinarily its not to be worried about too much really. Just means you have to have more patience is all.

          The snippets you refer to I presume you mean with Blog Blueprint? They tend to keep those fairly hush hush in case they start to see their blogs closed down. But my snippets were all around 40 - 60% unique content from each other and all around about 130 to 150 words in length, and of course fairly on-topic to the niche. I say fairly because its not particularly interesting to write specifically about True Blood too often. So I varied it and wrote about things like movies in general and vampires and such like. As long as the content is relatively closely on topic to the site you want to link back to is all that matters.

          Hope that clarifies anything that was not clear before, IG.


          • Profile picture of the author ig77
            Profile picture of ig77
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Thanks for clarifying. Is there any value in submitting multiple articles to the 8 article directories with the hope of getting more back links. My understanding is that google doesn't really like many links from the same IP address. Is that right?
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi IG, yes I think there is to be some value, but I do believe myself that the more you submit to the same directories the more "watered down" the value of each backlink.

    Thus, its really your call as to how many submissions you make to each individual directory. I believe the greatest value will come from spreading the links around, rather than focusing on a few places to achieve backlinks from.

    • Profile picture of the author LaliM
      Profile picture of LaliM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello Joseph,

      Thank you for creating such an huge source of information. This is really inspiring for IM newbies!
      Could you help with the following question?
      The original criteria for selecting your niche was that it should generate at least 50,000 searches per month.
      Your site is number 1 in Google, so you should see a significant amount of these searches going to your site, right?
      But when I looked in your site stats (thanks for making them public by the way!), I only see about 20 unique visitors a day.
      Why is there such a big gap between what Google Keyword Tol says and the actual traffic you get?
      I am experiencing the same issue with my own site and would really like to figure this one out.
      • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
        Profile picture of L41db4ck
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by LaliM View Post

        But when I looked in your site stats (thanks for making them public by the way!), I only see about 20 unique visitors a day.
        Why is there such a big gap between what Google Keyword Tol says and the actual traffic you get?
        If you check the keyword tool for Twilight Poster now it says that there are only 1000 searches/month which is spot on for the visitor count.

        Rgds, our password-named poster

        Google LOVES aged domains!
        Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi LaliM, thanks for your positive feedback!

    Regards your question, you'd be best asking Google this same question ;-)

    There is some reasoning behind the skewed stats and that is that a lot of those fairly new to internet marketing no doubt fire up Google time and again and do a search for their keyword phrases that they are trying to rank for. There is no doubt that this will explain some of the erratic figures. Even though what the new internet marketer will be seeing there in the rankings will be wrong, and biased in their favour.

    Something else - websites that appear to be ranking well in Google dot com let's say, may not be ranking so well in Google dot co dot uk or Google dot com dot my or whatever.

    So when you see the stats for Google's global search you'll have to reason in the fact that you are doubtful going to rank top in all countries due to the bias that Google give to localized results.

    Other than this however, its very possible that Google stats are quite a bit out on reality. We all know how secretive they like to be with almost everything, so it would not surprise me if they purposely mess with the search stat figures too. The real reason for doing this, I really don't understand.

    Hope this clarifies to some extent LaliM.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Patsy, thanks for your feedback. Not entirely sure what your message is, but its nice to get some feedback regardless.

  • Profile picture of the author jesus72knight
    Profile picture of jesus72knight
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've just found a treasure in WF. After a long time that this thread was made, it is still worth emulating. A good read will always a good read. And I give my THANKS to you, Mr. Joseph.

    May more Warriors follow you. God speed.

    High Quality Resell Rights
    & Resell Rights Products
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jesus, thanks for taking the time to share your appreciation and I'm happy that you can see the benefit of this thread!

    Kind regards



    Hi Ed, for sure, do please come back soon!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    L41, thanks for that info. I get 14,800 global for "Twilight poster" with the new Google Keyword Tool, which although still seems high, is much closer to the actual truth than the original figure of 60k global exact searches I got when I first set up this challenge at the start of May.

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      L41, thanks for that info. I get 14,800 global for "Twilight poster" with the new Google Keyword Tool, which although still seems high, is much closer to the actual truth than the original figure of 60k global exact searches I got when I first set up this challenge at the start of May.

      Broad: Global 14800 - Local 6600
      "Phrase": Global 6600 - Local 2400
      [Exact]: Global 3600 - Local 1000

      Google revised!

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
      Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    L41, thanks for bringing this to our attention! So the new Google KWD tool seems to be actually providing us with what appears to be facts rather than some make-believe stats brought out of thin air.

    This is good news indeed for all of us, and not before time either!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm not suprised there are a lot of threads about it L41. After all, it changes the whole SEO and IM ball game. Thanks for the link - I'll be sure to check that out!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    L41, there are a lot of angry people on that thread and its hardly any wonder why. I see you made the comment about Market Samurai still providing old stats which are obviously WAY OUT. Are they still providing the wroing stats? Micro Niche Finder are still providing old stats too so if I'm doing any keyword research in the next few weeks it will certainly not be with MNF!
  • Profile picture of the author sparckyz
    Profile picture of sparckyz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I just wanted to drop in and say this is a great thread and i've almost read through all of it, and gonna check out your blog too
  • Profile picture of the author mascomasco
    Profile picture of mascomasco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,Thanks for this great knowledge sharing.I am just bumping in to this tread today and it is wonderful,although painstaking to read through all the twenty something pages of this tread.So how is your ranking now.Any update on your site's ranking,I haven't read through latest pages yet.thanks
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi MascoMasco, thanks for your feedback! Yup, painstaking to read thru, I understand your problem

      Let me just check the rankings for your now - its not something I concern myself with much these days.

      These rankings are from the Google AdWords tool which does seem to provide for accuracy and is very definite in where you want to find your rankings for - which country/ Google database.

      I'll note here results for Google (not Google dot com) since that is where most visitors come from. This is for the US in general...

      Twilight poster: 2nd
      Twilight posters: 4th and 5th
      New Moon poster: 4th
      New Moon posters: 6th

      The web 2.0s are still dotted in and around top 10 also so they seem to be hanging in there pretty well.

      May try to get these improved a bit in the next week or so due to the potential for Christmas sales.

      • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
        Profile picture of Intrepreneur
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        This is a lot of hard work and could be a lot of wasted hard work.

        You see if some blogger out there like and then another like that and another and another make a post about "Twilight Posters" - say "Top 20 Twilight Posters". They'll get lots of links "automatically" and take the front page while your site suffers and slowly disappears.

        Harsh reality behind all this is that nothing beats building ONE big site and awaiting the day it has enough traffic to turn you over money over and over again all the while giving you opportunity to test many different monetization methods and get loyal fans/subscribers + a whole lot of other benefits.

        If anything this is a good experiment but has limited uses due to what I've just pointed out as being the nemesis to it all.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Tom, is that not going to be the same in pretty much any niche though, and you still get lots and lots of small sites dominating lots of different niches.

    You can't let the fact that the likes of Amazon could dominate all these sort of markets put you off trying or you'd probably never get out of bed in the morning.

    I would have no intention at all in building up large sites in the vast majority of sub niches where I am ranking well in Google, but I'm still ranking well, even though there are lots of larger sites in the same sub niche.

    Each person to their own though - I tend to shy away from building larger sites, but there is of course value to be had in taking this route.

    Thanks for your insight Tom.

  • Profile picture of the author brandonbaker
    Profile picture of brandonbaker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    I asked this question on another thread but it relates to your strategy with your twilightposterz site, so pose it to you (in slightly edited form):

    Say you have 5 Web 2.0 properties/articles linking to your main site, and each of those 5 sites has 20 backlinks to it. This gives you a total of 105 backlinks in your "link wheel". (This is similar to what you did with your Squidoo's, ezine articles, etc.)

    Alternatively, let's say you have those same 105 sites, but instead they're all pointing directly to your main site. So no link wheel, just linking directly.

    Why is it that link wheels are believed to be more effective? Wouldn't you want to cut out the middle man and just all those sites to point to your site directly? It seems to me like link wheeling is missing out on a lot of potential PageRank flow, but it still seems to work well.

    What am I missing here?
    10 OBL - Full Link Report - Zero Footprint
    • Profile picture of the author adamcm
      Profile picture of adamcm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brandonbaker View Post

      Hi Joseph,

      I asked this question on another thread but it relates to your strategy with your twilightposterz site, so pose it to you (in slightly edited form):

      Say you have 5 Web 2.0 properties/articles linking to your main site, and each of those 5 sites has 20 backlinks to it. This gives you a total of 105 backlinks in your "link wheel". (This is similar to what you did with your Squidoo's, ezine articles, etc.)

      Alternatively, let's say you have those same 105 sites, but instead they're all pointing directly to your main site. So no link wheel, just linking directly.

      Why is it that link wheels are believed to be more effective? Wouldn't you want to cut out the middle man and just all those sites to point to your site directly? It seems to me like link wheeling is missing out on a lot of potential PageRank flow, but it still seems to work well.

      What am I missing here?

      I'll try to provide some insight but keep in mind I may not be the best person as I am just picking this method up as well.

      I think the biggest advantage to adding the middle man is too avoid any sort of penalties that could occur in the eyes of Google and linking too fast. I'm not sure there is much evidence of this and i've seen other Warriors indicate that it could not be possible otherwise one could send thousands of links to a competitors page and have them booted from the SERPs.

      I do think the wheel concept add a little more "natural" linking however, as you are also getting link juice passed from some strong PR sites. Because you are pounding the high PR sites, it seems that they can handle to extra links more than your PR0 site would be able too.

      Anyways, not sure that makes much sense. I think all of the penalty worries can be up for debate, but one thing this thread showed is that the method did work
  • Profile picture of the author webspider20
    Profile picture of webspider20
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been using this method for about 25 days and I have gone from not being indexed to being indexed on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing for 8 different keywords that have a total monthly search volume of over 100,000 per month.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Brandon, I see Adam has fairly much answered your question but just to back that up - the main reason you want to create "buffers" is to protect your money site. If you get too many links going back to the money site too soon then chances are reasonable that Google will "sandbox" your site* (or call that what you will - but the site will disappear from the rankings, at least for some time, and possibly for many months).

    Furthermore, if the money site does not have many links to it and you go getting low quality backlinks then its not necessarily a good thing and could harm the rankings rather than help them. So, its good policy to utilize those type of lower quality links by sending them via a "buffer" which then builds up with link juice which passes forth to your money site.

    *As Adam mentioned in his answer, its not necessarily proven that getting backlinks to a website that has few backlinks already will "sandbox" it or harm its rankings, but its my opinion that this is the case. I've "sandboxed" a few of my sites not too long ago. Howcome? Backlinks was one reason, and the second reason I would argue is the quality of the websites in question. Not exactly quality content you may say, even though those sites were fulfilling some needs and making sales. But this, in combination with some backlinking did no favours and Google have let me know about it too!

    Hope that's made the reasoning a bit clearer Brandon.




    Hi WebSpider, that's really great going, so well done on this!




    Hey KingofSEO, thanks indeed for your feedback!

  • Profile picture of the author appie
    Profile picture of appie
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  • Profile picture of the author resiymarko
    Profile picture of resiymarko
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for taking the time to explain to a simple question in great detail. Now I can follow more closely, because I know that the starting point for hours
  • Profile picture of the author Iemagine
    Profile picture of Iemagine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'll be following as well. Can't wait to see the journey and outcome.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Iemagine, thanks for your feedback!

      The journey started on the 1st of May of this year, and it was a 40 day challenge. Thus its concluded already.

      I'm sure if you've read only a few posts on the thread then you will have a pretty decent idea as to how things went. Better that way than me summing it up here.

      Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    Profile picture of perfect
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really appreciate your time.

    Submit your articles to FREE, approval within 48 hours

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Perfect, thanks for the feedback!

      • Profile picture of the author jeefeveen
        Profile picture of jeefeveen
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Truly brilliant. I stumbled across this a day ago, read through the first 6 pages, bought the book, and started to follow you on twitter. This is changing everything I am doing!

        By the way, your site was up to 4 last night on google here in Colorado at about 2 am. Google images was right above it at 3, which was actually more helpful in directing the eye towards yours.

        Jeff in Colorado
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Jeff, thanks for the feedback and thanks too for your purchase! I hope you get a lot of value from it!

          Regards to rankings at the moment... I had intended to do better, but other things have cropped up so I've done pretty much zilch backlinking. Anyhow, Christmas sales for these posters still does not seem to have begun at all.

          In Google (as opposed to Google dot com) I'm seeing "Twilight poster" at 3rd and "Twilight posters" at 3rd and 4th. I think New Moon poster and the plural format are both top 5 too now.

          But the niche of posters is not something I would necessarily advise anyone to focus on because the customer spend is very low indeed.

          Thanks again Jeff!

          • Profile picture of the author seiter101
            Profile picture of seiter101
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I just wanted to let everyone know that everything that is discussed on this thread really works.

            I know Joseph and he is a stand up guy. I implemented his methods on one of my smaller sites and was able to rank it #2 in google for my targeted keyterm. I then went on to flip that website for $1000.

            Make sure that you read all of the comments on this thread carefully because you don't want to miss anything.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Chris, thanks a lot for the feedback! Always nice to get some good feedback, and it makes it even more pertinent when you've actually made money with the help of these techniques discussed in the thread!

    Cool stuff!

    • Profile picture of the author coil101
      Profile picture of coil101
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Joseph, Gday i just thought id ask a quick question, how do you get you posts on the home page or INDEX page, as mine are
      But i have noticed on your site its rather simple layout, like
      does this make sense at what i am trying to figure out ?
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Kevin, am I right in thinking that you don't use WordPress? All I did here was to utilize the standard layout of - what was it in the posterz site - Thesis theme I think.

        Generally I'll mess about with a theme for a while at the start then I stick with it - job done. I'm not one for tinkering with any coding or such like - I like things very simple cos I'm techie dumb ;-).

        Not sure if that answers your question, but basically I tend to keep things as they are and just change the number of columns or the widget layout.

        Hope your new project is coming along well!

        • Profile picture of the author coil101
          Profile picture of coil101
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Sorry it took me ages to reply, yes i do use Wordpress, although i hate it in some ways although i love it in many other ways.

          The good thing about Wordpress is that it helps ping servers of your post.
          It helps with SEO.

          The downside to Wordpress that i find is that, i find it hard to put things where i want them,
          Its seems like its near imposable to keep backed up or am i wrong ?

          And Should i do link building with video sites ?
          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Kevin, there are a ton of WordPress backup plugins that are either freebie or otherwise. I can't begin to say which are the best ones however.

            Either you can take this route, or ask your hosting company to backup your sites for you. I do that for some of my sites because they are too large to utilize the standard back up methods - image laden sites.

            Regards backlinking using videos. I imagine that's a very good way to progress but since I'm not too keen on videos and I certainly have not used them to backlink, I can't comment further about that.

  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    Profile picture of iamchrisgreen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph

    Do you have a full time job while you do this?
  • Profile picture of the author mushget
    Profile picture of mushget
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes, Mushget - for this Challenge I spun all content to at least 50% unique using Jon Leger's The Best Spinner. I tend to now spin my content to at least 70% unique value - the spinner is even better now than it was previously so its a little easier to reach this level.
  • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
    Profile picture of xwindowuser
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a question about backlinks. I have a site about Kindles, which for a year has been at the top #1-3 positions on the first page of google for certain terms. Occasionally I would be bounced down to like #8 for a day or two or three, but then return to the top again.

    Recently I was bounced down to #8 again, and have been there for almost a whole week now, which is not normal for this site.

    The only thing I can think of I did differently lately was I added a blogroll link to the site from my rockabilly music site.

    I've also been watching google move some sites around for the same search terms lately, so I wonder if their doing something with their algorithm.

    I'm a little botherd as I was making some serious money since black friday and then everything dropped when they bounced me down. Sorta messed up my christmas plans.

    Any ideas would be great.

    Oh I guess I was wondering has anyone seen google bounce someone down for adding backlinks for a site like I did? Basically the blogroll shows on every post page so I gained like 38 new backlinks from just the one site, and thats what I was wondering could have caused this?

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Larry, have you taken the blogroll links off?

      I think the wise thing to do when you approach a really high sales period is - do nothing. Don't add in links or change anything because what will tend to happen is that you will lose your Google slot in the rankings (not always, but it does occur fairly often).

      Its best to prep for such an occasion well in advance, and then slow down the backlinking as you approach the high sales period.

      Sorry to hear of your loss of sales - I know the feeling well, so I can commiserate with you on that!

      • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
        Profile picture of xwindowuser
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        Hi Larry, have you taken the blogroll links off?

        I think the wise thing to do when you approach a really high sales period is - do nothing. Don't add in links or change anything because what will tend to happen is that you will lose your Google slot in the rankings (not always, but it does occur fairly often).

        Its best to prep for such an occasion well in advance, and then slow down the backlinking as you approach the high sales period.

        Sorry to hear of your loss of sales - I know the feeling well, so I can commiserate with you on that!


        No I haven't taken them off yet, I was wondering if I should. You know, sometimes I just hate, not wait, HATE Google. They are the evil empire, and unfortunately they have a monopoly in my opinion.

        I will take the links down now. Hopefully that will help.
        damn it.
      • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
        Profile picture of xwindowuser
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Oh and wheres the ebook?
    • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
      Martin N Smith
      Profile picture of Martin N Smith
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Cool - thanks again Joseph

      One more question and then I promise I'm done

      For your 5-6 'anchor' directories (e.g ezinearticles), do you post up the same article for ALL these sites or use a diffrent (unique) article on each?

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Martin, that's a very popular question. I prefer to use a different article in all the article directories and Web 2.0s because I suspect it will have a better over-all effect upon my ability to rank my webpages in SERP.

        What with the capabilities of various spinning software products available now, its easy to generate a 70% + unique article and use that for all buffer layer submissions.

        Hope you had a fine new year!

  • Profile picture of the author Briansstocks
    Profile picture of Briansstocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I just wanted to say thanks again. I was determined to try this and this thread opened my eyes so much. I thought I was reading enough to see inbetween the BS and this thread proved it.

    Im sure Im not the only one but the tech side of this has really slowed me down. Well that and believe it or not my first language is actually english.

    I tried to outsource my content but so far that has been a disater. I am working with Rennisanceman or whatever his name is with little to no sucsess.He's in WSO section. As you can tell I can't type and obviously can't spell.

    Of course I know the money is in the list and all. I know the best money is in launching your own product and all.

    I have seen with my own eyes the best SEO and back linking statagey will not make you rich from IM if you choose the wrong offer to promote, this one to be exact.

    After all the attacks and BS you put up with I only have one question. Will you start another thread to help people with the tech side? Unfortunately this won't help me much because you like wordpress and I am refusing a blog system as a model so far,haha

    Thanks for everything and if your thinking about the Philippines in mid febuary I will be there.

    Thanks again
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I hear what you are saying Larry, and many people share your sentiments re Google. But I would imagine they (god... erm, I mean Google) would argue that they are not in the game of trying to help us make money through our internet marketing efforts, and thus they could care less about bouncing our sites around in their SERP.

      My best performing site has just taken a knock too. It took a knock about 6 weeks ago, then came back, and now its all over the place once again. Frustrations! As you say, this messes up what could be a seriously good income at this time of year.

      Good luck Larry!

      Oh, and the eBook can be found by following the link in my sig file.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Brian, how's things?

        Hey Brian, I am terrible at the tech side of things! I remember when trying to get the buy now button up for selling the eBook on Warriors. It took me around about 6 hours to get it right! Managed to get to bed at 4.30 in the morning because there were a lot of folks waiting to buy the eBook, and a number of them were sending me emails asking what was wrong and why was the buy now button not working...

        Regards to outsourcing. Hmmm... I use oDesk quite often and have found some super folks on there. Also, you could try out OnlineJobsPh. Its $49 for a month. I placed a simple ad on there a while back and got a ton of replies within a few hours. That's not to say you'll find the perfect employee, but there are ways and means to improve the value you get for your investment. Such as pay for performance rather than paying by the hour. There's BestJobsPh. too, but they've made things more difficult for folks other than Philippinos to utilize their services, for some very odd reason.

        Only too true - regardless how good you are at SEO, if you don't SEO the "right" products, you'll make very little income. I've made that mistake many times!

        The main reason I work with WordPress is because I'm hopeless at everything else, lol! But when I first started to work with WP, it took me a whole day to set up a single domain, and that's without any content.

        I'm afraid I'd most certainly not be the right person to set up a thread for the techie side of things Brian. What I tend to do these days is steer well clear of any tools or systems that require much tech input. No matter how many folks are saying how wonderful an IM tool is, if its tricky to set up and use I will not go near it because I know I'll get really frustrated with it.

        I'm having to head back to the UK in the new year. My father has been diagnozed with the big "C", so any plans to visit the Phils have been shelved at this time. However, perhaps later in the year we could well be heading over your way, and I'm really looking forward to that!

        Cheers Brian!
  • Profile picture of the author coil101
    Profile picture of coil101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    how can you get into rank 6 in just 6 days ?
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kevin, hmmm... I've written it all down on the thread here, so I can't add much to that. It outlines precisely what I did to gain the rankings for the posterz site.

    Are you seeing any sort of ranking for any of your sites pages? Even in top 100?
    • Profile picture of the author coil101
      Profile picture of coil101
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Some yes but the one i have been getting backlinks for in the last 15 days i cant find it anywhere lol
      i need to buy some software i think like that article wiz one
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Kevin, when I did a search for "article wiz" it comes out with Unique Article Wizard at the top of Google serp. Is that the one you are referring to?

        If so, that certainly does work, but if you are going for anything that has a fair extent of competition in Google, then you will most probably need to mix up the type of backlinks. This can be something along the lines of using UAW with Web 2.0s and do-follow article directory submissions (straight to your money site) - just as has been written about in this thread.

        And then you can use something like UAW to also backlink (fairly fiercely) to the Web 2.0s and the article diretory submissions you have made, just to give them that much more juice.

        This type of activity will for sure see your webpages dancing their way up Google search!

  • Profile picture of the author coil101
    Profile picture of coil101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yes i might have to buy Unique Article Wizard, its just a little hard with no cash flow if you know what i mean ...
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I sure know what you mean - I've been there too. But if you want to get ahead then you have to commit to finding a way, no matter how difficult that may seem right now.
  • Profile picture of the author Alexander CPA
    Alexander CPA
    Profile picture of Alexander CPA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really interesting topic, thanks a lot for putting the time and effort in to write this topic and then reply to questions etc.
  • Profile picture of the author skbytes
    Profile picture of skbytes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, I'm following too as I'm always looking for better SEO info on getting the best for your website without doing loads of hard work. I know how much work that its takes to get on the first page of google, it took me 3 months of hard work and its funny you maybe number one on google in one country but in another you'll be on page 3. So its always good to get new information on how to better this.... Thanks for posting such a great post and I'll check on your progress. Shaun
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Shaun, thanks for your feedback!

      Haha, "getting the best for your website without doing loads of hard work"... I think the stuff I've written on this thread is hard work for sure! But because I set myself a limited time frame, the workload was very condensed and thus it was hard work due to that more than anything else. But I've witnessed other people who have used this thread to rank very well in Google and they make it appear like a lot less work.

      You make a very good point - in the mid to longer term, you've got to find ways to cut the work load a lot, while still getting the rankings - as much efficiency as possible - both in terms of time spent and money invested. Its key to longer term success!

      I get the impression that to rank well in Google in most countries simply means to keep going with backlinking and improving your website by adding in fresh content etc. I tend to move on to the next project before I'm ranking high in every Google database (I tend to only check a couple anyhow), so I don't really think much about that. But for my older domains they seem to naturally rank well in Google as time progresses, even though I don't backlink them any longer.

      Good luck with your own projects Shaun!

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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
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      Hi OneSmartClick,

      with the techniques you've outlined in your comment, I suspect you'd do well in the longer term in ranking in Google at least - simply because of the effort put in and thus the growing visitor count and loyalty shown by your blog readers.

      In this respect, such commitment to a blog or to a thread on Warriors or whatever it may be will become more and more viral as the months turn into years - providing of course your content is good/great and relevant to your target audience.

      So no - these methods would not necessarily rank your site (post, page, thread...) by traditional SEO methods ("physically" obtaining backlinks), but I suspect they would by a more natural progression, given more time.

      I would love to use these methods every time actually - over and above the traditional SEO stuff, but fact is I have to make my living online through internet marketing and thus the pressure is on to get speedier results. That sadly, is the way of the world. Bills to pay, money has to be made quickly, and people in general have an innate demand for fairly instant gratification (which includes me).

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Alex, thanks for providing me with your feedback and I hope you get a lot out of the thread!

    Hey, I don't envy you living in England right now - so, so cold!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi MaxSEO, I don't ever use dynamic sites myself - always prefer to use WP. And because I never SEO for clients, I don't have experience of ranking dynamics.

    I would not be the best person to consult on this matter, but fact is its going to be pretty much the same process as ranking any type of website/ community page (Web 2.0)/ article directory submission article/ etc.

    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Profile picture of iamchrisgreen
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph.

      Sorry if you have already talked about this, but have you made any income from the site you are working on?
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Freelance4Money, not a lot!

        Hence the reason I don't work on it any longer.

        At this time of year I would very much expect to see it making reasonable income but for all I know some of the links to eBay may have messed up again.

        Also, I see my Amazon affiliate is doing better over-all than my eBay affiliate - Christmas sales levels are better on Amazon. Since I did not have my eBay aff account at this time last year and only had the Amazon aff account I was not able to compare Christmas sales. This year I can see that Amazon is doing better than eBay, but eBay tends to do better throughout the year (this is my own experience, anyhow).

        Hope that sheds some light on the scenario.

  • Profile picture of the author angel21
    Profile picture of angel21
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I certainly be following with great interest. Looking forword to it
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Angel, thanks for your interest in this thread - I hope you get a lot out of it!

  • Profile picture of the author jigney
    Profile picture of jigney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very Informative and interesting post, i am keeping track of each and every thread.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jigney, thanks for your feedback also - much appreciated!

  • Profile picture of the author pethanks
    Profile picture of pethanks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's a great challenge but I know it is possible to overcome that challenge. Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author Amys101place
    Profile picture of Amys101place
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is such a long read but I'm glad I've stumbled on it. A lot of really top notch, suberb advice here. I do many of the same things and there's several things I haven't considered that I'll be adding for certain! After all.. SEO is constantly evolving and changing. I'm not sure anyone has a perfect system.

    This is a great value add to the community, Joseph. Thanks for taking so much time to share.

    Okay.. on to p.8.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Amy, haha, yes - its a long-winded read for sure! But I'm happy you are finding a few gems along the way - the techniques certainly worked for me and its been working well for quite a lot of other folks who have been feeding back their own results to me over the past few months (that includes Pat Flynn who used it to rank top spot in Google for his main keyword phrase in his Challenge with Tyrone Shum).

      Anyways, hope you enjoy the rest of the read Amy! Much of the last few pages are more about folks feeding back, rather than techniques and ideas so you don't necessarily have to read the whole 21 pages

      Thanks for feeding back to me Amy!

      • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
        Profile picture of xwindowuser
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Joseph, Sorry I was not there to take your skype IM.
        Anyway, I'm afraid I may have sandboxed one of my domains for it's 3 main keyword phrases.

        and I've lowered the rank on my biggest money maker too.

        About the time I started getting into your ebook I had started using AMR, to backlink and think I BL'ed too fiercely.

        one site with 3 KW phrases, no longer shows up in the first page, but more along the 12th page of google now.

        My main money maker that we mentioned a few posts back, is stil on or around #5, and boy what a difference being #5 is as opposed to being #1 or 2. Those couple of position drops, have really, no...REALLY hurt the earnings of that one site. all because of 3-4 position drops.

        So after being frustrated for a week now, I've moved on to other sites to work on them and just let the ones I screwed up be for now, hoping google will eventually let them go and let them rank again.

        I'm doing the formula on several other sites and will report back when I have more things to share, but in your experience once a site is lowered have you sen it come back up? and how long does it usually take?
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi DarkMan, no worries about the Skype IM. You are always "on the phone"

          Ouch! I'm hearing you - I too have had some stuff de-ranked and its not at all pleasant, particularly at this time of year when income from IM can be very good!

          Its wise to move on to focusing on other sites, there is no doubt about that DarkMan. But, there has to be more to it than this.

          Look at what's happened here to your sites and your income level (your potential income level over the Christmas sales period).

          Now tell me, are you comfortable with the fact that you have to entrust Google with your income? You are relying on your efforts to rank well in Google for a variety of keyword phrases to make at least a part of the income that you have to pay your monthly bills with - I presume.

          So what would happen if your main money maker were to drop down another few places, and eventually out of the top ten - regardless of your backlinking efforts?

          And what would happen if a number of your other sites that are earning some cash flow were to also follow suit with your main money earner?

          I am not trying to go contrary to my message in this thread - quality website content and a successful methodolgy to then rank that quality content in Google SERP does tend to be a successful way to pursue the end goal - make money by attracting the "right" clientele to your sites.

          But fact is, once you can do that fairly often you then face the next challenge.

          What if Google keep on changing the goal posts and eventually you can't keep up? And Google will keep on changing the goalposts - there is no doubt about that!

          There are 3 things that are definite in life in the current century - taxes, death, and Google (internet monopoly god) changing the goalposts!

          Its perhaps not the right place for me to ask that question about trying to keep up with Google changes - it does tend to be the sort of thing I contemplate on my blog rather than upon this thread because I think I'm only going to confuse a lot of readers.

          But it is a question that we as internet marketers (and SEO'ers) have to consider sooner or later. And in your case DarkMan - by the sound of things, the sooner the better!

          • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
            Profile picture of xwindowuser
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            ok you sorta lost me and sorta didn't. I know google will always be changing stuff, which is why i am happy to see my stuff ranked in MSN and yahoo. I dare say the sound of what you are or were going to say is get a day job. hahaha
            but no.
            I'm not about to do that right now.

            I do think I screwed things up with the backlinking too aggressively and yes, right when the money was getting real good. I am not paying the bills with this stuff, I'm TRYING to pay the bills.

            the4 economy totally jacked my day job as IT consultant, most of my clients went under. so I turned to IM for answers and it's starting to get to where I am understanding alot about what I am doing.

            Basically I am doing niche sites, and cashing in on affiliate sales and starting to product my own products as well.

            I'm currently building a small army of sites to bring in a steady(hopefully) source of cash. As the niche dies or times change, so will I, as you have to. oh and one thing you did miss besides the death taxes and google is change.

            Currently what Iam doing now is an experiment, going by your ebook with the way of backlinking, slowly, probably slower than you talk about. instead of building up to 10 links a day I'm maybe doing 2.

            I will be reporting back with my findings as well.
  • Profile picture of the author Giani
    Profile picture of Giani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks. Good advice. I have been reading free eBook which I downloaded. It has excellent step by step methods written. I also use Market Samurai which is great tool.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Darkman, I did get carried away there, didn't I,

      No, I would not necessarily suggest you get a day job, but merely not to put too many eggs in the one basket. No doubt you don't do that anyways. I'm certainly now branching out in many new directions now because I don't trust Google's intentions nearly enough.

      Its very easy to get to backlinking a bit too much not far before Christmas, simply because you are desperately keen for the big Christmas spend, and thus you want to get very high rankings. I've done that too with a good few of my sites. Fortunately my efforts paid off with most of my Christmas type sites, but not with all of them. Some were badly de-ranked and have missed out on sales almost totally.

      Sorry to hear about your IT consultancy struggling a bit. I suspect there are many others like you. The economy is very, very slow to pick up too, so it does not seem that things are going to get brighter in a hurry.

      I personally think that creating your own products is a very good way to go. I've been all about affiliating up till fairly recently, but that's all changing now. Getting a few of my own products up and running, just to vary where I keep my eggs

      I think building up slow backlinks to a site is a very sensible way to go. Google are getting very sensitive to backlinking so it would seem. I've even sandboxed a couple of my sites by merely sending about 20 backlinks a week to them.

      Best wishes with this Darkman! I see you are on the right track to be making a good income fairly soon.


  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Giani, thanks for your feedback!

    Yes, Market Samurai is liked by almost everyone who uses it. Its certainly among the best tools for keyword research, not that I use it myself (I'm a Micro Niche Finder man which I purchased before MS came on the market).

    Best wishes Giani!

    • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
      Martin N Smith
      Profile picture of Martin N Smith
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joseph,

      AWESOME thread - one of the best I've read on the WF (and I've read quite a few!).

      I've got as far as page 4 but I have some burning questions to throw at you - I hope you don't mind :-)

      1. How many articles do you post to each 'anchor' directory (ezinearticles etc)? Is it just the one or several?

      2. For blogblueprint, do you post these links back to the 'anchor' directories / sites (like you do with UAW) or do you send them direct to your main website?

      Appologies if you've answered these questions before.


      PS - just voted this one as a 5 star!
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Martin, thanks very much for your vote of confidence in the thread!

        Its my belief that if you keep on throwing articles at the likes of ezinearticles etc. then there is little further gain to be had from doing this. I sense that a single article from each is the wisest use of time and/or resources. Mind you, I have not experimented with doing this myself - sometimes when you do things with SEO that you always believed would never work, they do actually work and work well. But on this one I'm trusting my gut instinct right now.

        With Blog Blueprint, I did point some of the links to the anchor layer, but because you only get 20 links a day, I think it best served to utilize these in the main for pointing to the money site. I did not go hard on that to begin with - I had a number of other sites I was working at the time, so I think I was getting about 40 links a week from BB to the posterz website. And then a bit more as the weeks progressed.

        Hope that helps Martin! Enjoy the read!


        • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
          Martin N Smith
          Profile picture of Martin N Smith
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thanks Joseph - you're a star.

          So, software wise, i'm looking at blogblueprint, thebestspinner, and UAW.

          Have I missed any?

          I WILL buy the ebook when I get back to the office next week but I'm one of those people that likes to get a rough idea of what I'm getting myself into first

          • Profile picture of the author JosephA
            Profile picture of JosephA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey Martin,
            in my opinion the tools you mention are all good investments.

            There is one called Build My Rank which is similar to Blog Blueprint and arguably is even more effective, but its more labour intensive and the price is now far higher than that of BB ($129 per month).

            Any other tools I have reviewed and/or currently use are discussed within my SEO blog - link in my sig file.

            Thanks in advance for purchase of the eBook! You can of course keep reading the thread - its very similar in nature to the eBook, but the eBook is rather a lot more condensed.


            • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
              Martin N Smith
              Profile picture of Martin N Smith
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

              Hey Martin,
              in my opinion the tools you mention are all good investments.

              There is one called Build My Rank which is similar to Blog Blueprint and arguably is even more effective, but its more labour intensive and the price is now far higher than that of BB ($129 per month).

              Any other tools I have reviewed and/or currently use are discussed within my SEO blog - link in my sig file.

              Thanks in advance for purchase of the eBook! You can of course keep reading the thread - its very similar in nature to the eBook, but the eBook is rather a lot more condensed.


              Thanks Joseph - just out of interest, how many pages is the ebook? I know it's a silly question, but I tend to turn off after more than 100 pages (time is money and all that ).

              Also, i'm curious, is this the process (give or take a few 'tweaks') that you use for ALL your sites? Personally, i've had enormous success with Angela, PJ and Tom & Terry's monthly links. I've never once therefore taken an interest in article marketing or social media / bookmarking sites as a way of obtaining backlinks.

              Would be good to know...

              • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                Profile picture of JosephA
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Hi Martin,
                the eBook is 120 pages in length. I agree - time is money, hence the need to invest one's time wisely - particularly in learning the games of SEO and IM.

                No, I don't use this process for all my sites. But say for example I experiment with tools and techniques that are different and I find that some way down the roadway they are not working out, I will tend to turn back to good old tried and trusted methods that I have here - or very similar, because I know that these methods do work. Ideally, I would use these methods in conjunction with one or two others every time, but I don't always get around to it, and sometimes I do it backwards - use other methods first, then come back to this one.

  • Profile picture of the author MatthewHooper
    Profile picture of MatthewHooper
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, I've finally gotten all the way through this thread. A lot of good information and insights. I'll be buying your ebook now so that I can re-read it.

    Thanks for your efforts.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Matt, haha - well done on reading the whole thread! And thanks again and in advance for your eBook purchase! I'll get around to emailing you back when I've caught up on some stuff that I put off from the past couple of festive days.

      I hear its fairly chilly in Taiwan at the moment. Very interesting country - although I've only seen it care of Janet Hsieh's television programme on the travel channel.

      • Profile picture of the author MatthewHooper
        Profile picture of MatthewHooper
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've bought the ebook now and I will probably re-read parts of it. I wanted it for a reference and paid for it mostly as a thanks for the work that you put into this thread and the information you gave away.

        It is a bit chilly here at the moment. We're hovering around 10C but I laugh when I think of this as cold. My friends and family back in Canada laugh at me whenever I say this is cold.

        Again, thanks for the thread and I'll be looking forward to your email (no rush).
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Matt, yup - that's what the eBook was written for originally - as a reference for those who had already read through the huge WF thread here. But as times progressed, its gained popularity from others talking about it and using the same methods to rank their own webpages (particular emphasis on Pat Flynn because he's got a massive online following which served to benefit my own cause), so its actually been a very wise thing to do. Not everyone has the time to read the whole thread

          I hear you re it being "cold" in Taipei. Compared to the likes of Canada and the UK, 10C is a very pleasant temperature indeed!

          Best wishes Matt!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Martin, in response to your questions...

    1. I would prefer 2 articles per Web 2.0 rather than 1. Why so? Because it looks less spammy and thus there is less chance you will find that your blog is taken off the internet.

    2. I don't remember how many articles I submitted to UAW for this particular project. But often I would write 3 or 4 articles and spin them to provide content of the UAW submissions.

    3 For BB - it depends on how serious your competition are. There's no other way to quantify the amount of BB submissions you make - make as many as you like, really. But its pretty easy because they do accept spun content thus you merely have to load up that content with your keyword phrases and that's job done!

    Kind regards Martin!
    • Profile picture of the author mtk76
      Profile picture of mtk76
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Many thanks for your quality work here. I learned a lot from reading the thread and have only gotten about half way through it so far its quite an epic read a modern day SEO Iliad.
      I am curious if you ever considered trying to go with the keywords of using the two male leads names and posters in addition to what you decided on. Not sure if these were more competitive or if you were more focused on the movie title? I would have assumed the primary customer being teenage girls (assuming) would be also searching for it that way possibly even more then the movie title.

      Best Regards
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Mark, thanks for your feedback!

        Haha - when Google came out with their new keyword tool that was far, far more accurate than the previous one, then everything changed. I'd known for a long while that Google's old kwd tool was far from accurate, but the new stats were hugely different. Furthermore, its not a lucrative niche, albeit I suspect I'd do better with it hooked up to Amazon affiliate rather than eBay. Anyways, I've now got quite a lot of new projects on hand which should prove to be more lucrative, so rather than re-focusing on the poster site, its wise to consider other means of improving income.

        Regards to you Mark!

    • Profile picture of the author Martin N Smith
      Martin N Smith
      Profile picture of Martin N Smith
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Hey Martin, in response to your questions...

      1. I would prefer 2 articles per Web 2.0 rather than 1. Why so? Because it looks less spammy and thus there is less chance you will find that your blog is taken off the internet.

      2. I don't remember how many articles I submitted to UAW for this particular project. But often I would write 3 or 4 articles and spin them to provide content of the UAW submissions.

      3 For BB - it depends on how serious your competition are. There's no other way to quantify the amount of BB submissions you make - make as many as you like, really. But its pretty easy because they do accept spun content thus you merely have to load up that content with your keyword phrases and that's job done!

      Kind regards Martin!

      Thanks again Joseph. Just bought the ebook!

      I've also checked out your blog.....looking forward to more awesome content

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Joel, thanks for your comment!

        I targeted "Twilight poster" as the main kwd phrase and then "Twilight posters" as secondary and "New Moon poster" and "New Moon posters" as tertiary.

        I see in Scroogle Scraper just now that both Twilight poster and Twilight posters are sitting top 1, 2 and 3.

        New Moon poster is 9th, 10th and 11th

        While New Moon posters is 11th.

        That's pretty decent considering I have not backlinked to the site for months. Obviously a number of the anchor layer sites must be still nicely intact.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Martin, many thanks for that! Hope you continue to get value from the info!

          My blog - its a little slow these days due to the fact I'm spending a ton of time on some new ventures - internet marketing of course. And I'm actually using similar principles listed here in the thread and in the 40 Day Challenge eBook to rank said sites - some of them anyhow - and for far tougher kwd phrases than those here, albeit it will take quite a lot longer than 40 days to rank .

          So its on my blog that any feedback about progress with those is forthcoming.

          I also get occasional comments on the blog about success gained by others using these exact methods, so it could be a good idea to keep in touch with the blog if only to get further proof that the methods here work well, given time and given motivation in working them consistently.

          Thanks again Martin!

  • Profile picture of the author darianjewelers
    Profile picture of darianjewelers
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    I am following you
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Kyle, thanks for your feedback!

    As it turns out, it was not such a highly competitive kwd phrase. Google's old kwd tool provided false stats and the new kwd tool is far more accurate. And as far as making much money from this niche, its not so hot to be honest. Nevertheless, there are folks who have used these exact methods since I completed the challenge to rank for more competitive stuff and to make far more money than the Twilight poster niche could make. I'm not saying they did that within 40 days, but it can be done if carried out methodically and by not trying to race ahead. These days if you race ahead with your backlinking, chances are very good that Google will penalize you with some serious de-rankings to your web pages.

    Its very difficult to quantify what a "competitive" kwd actually is. You will have different ideas about that to other people. But with experience you'll gain more of a sense what you have a preference for when it comes down to assessing your competition and working out if you can compete with them or not.
    Sorry I cannot be more definitive, Kyle.

    • Profile picture of the author Young Samurai
      Young Samurai
      Profile picture of Young Samurai
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Thank you for the response.

      As a newbie I was just a little taken aback that you took on a kw with so many exact searches (at least what you thought was the case at the time.)

      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Hi Kyle, thanks for your feedback!

      As it turns out, it was not such a highly competitive kwd phrase. Google's old kwd tool provided false stats and the new kwd tool is far more accurate. And as far as making much money from this niche, its not so hot to be honest. Nevertheless, there are folks who have used these exact methods since I completed the challenge to rank for more competitive stuff and to make far more money than the Twilight poster niche could make. I'm not saying they did that within 40 days, but it can be done if carried out methodically and by not trying to race ahead. These days if you race ahead with your backlinking, chances are very good that Google will penalize you with some serious de-rankings to your web pages.

      Its very difficult to quantify what a "competitive" kwd actually is. You will have different ideas about that to other people. But with experience you'll gain more of a sense what you have a preference for when it comes down to assessing your competition and working out if you can compete with them or not.
      Sorry I cannot be more definitive, Kyle.

      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey Brian, thanks for your feedback! If you want to read the whole thread, then yes - you'll have to set aside some time,

        The whole journey did cause a few sleepless nights, yes, haha! Things went well, nevertheless.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Kyle,
          I had to take a bit of a risk as far as what the perceived search volume was or else it would not have been quite the same challenge. Very often however, I would happily go for ranking far lesser search volumed kwd phrases and no doubt make a bit more income by doing so.

          Its very wise to keep that in mind if you are - as you say, a newbie. Its not so much about the search volume but rather about the potential for income.

          Kind regards
  • Profile picture of the author Brian K
    Brian K
    Profile picture of Brian K
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've just come across this thread today and it looksvery very interesting and informative. I think though that I'll have to set aside some time in the next few days to read all and get up to speed. It's a very interesting concept to expose yourself to the results as you go, and before the forum members - very brave.

    I'll speak again when I've caught up on events.

  • Profile picture of the author joelwalters
    Profile picture of joelwalters
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good stuff Joseph. Hows it going with the project. What keyword did you target?
  • Profile picture of the author IntegratedS
    Profile picture of IntegratedS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey joseph thanx a lot..
  • Profile picture of the author christoschiotis
    Profile picture of christoschiotis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just wanted to thank you for your post here! You forced me to try myself your own experiment for a niche site, today, based on keywords searches!

    You also forced me to register here and "ruin my life" trying to read everything !

    thanks again!
  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    Gerald Arno
    Profile picture of Gerald Arno
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    just purchased your book today, and it´s awesome.

    I´d have a question regarding a topic and some points,
    where can I connect with you?

    Best Regards,

  • Profile picture of the author Dan B Rusu
    Dan B Rusu
    Profile picture of Dan B Rusu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Joseph,

    Have you posted an update on the traffic + earnings of the test site? If yes, what page can I find this one?

    It would be nice if you updated the OP to include this.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, hope things are going real well with your WSO!

      Re posting up income and traffic stats. I don't Daniel simply because they are crap and it was not in the nature of the challenge.

      In hindsight I should have gone for a better income type of niche, but that's hindsight for you.

      Through November and December the site was seeing around 150 to 250 page views a day, but I don't monitor the stats at all. Its not worth doing. And sales were pathetic. I suspect if I had the site hooked up through Amazon sales would have been better - for some reason eBay does not convert too well in comparison to Amazon for this sort of niche. That's my experience anyhow - for Christmas sales that is, not necessarily for other times of the year.

      I did not have time to fiddle about with it though - some sacrifices have to be made sometimes, I guess :rolleyes:

      Take care Daniel and again - best wishes with the WSO!

      • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
        Profile picture of xwindowuser
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I just wanted to share some really depressing stats with everyone following this method. In the hopes that people won't do what I did.
        Here is a depressing picture of a site I was making good money with just before Christmas. Take into account it's brand new and already ranked.

        I started this site in the hopes of making Christmas money, which it was. Then I started playing with Article Marketing Robot, and decided it was going so well that I would hit the site with a bunch of good backlinks. This was a day or two or so BEFORE reading JA's 40 day eBook.
        Things were going good then Google hit me with the first drop around the 18th of December. Taking me from spot # 3-4 on the first page of Google SERPs, down to the last spot or on the seconfd page of Google SERPs, and then somewhere in La La Land on the 23rd.
        Then the 24th to the 26th I was #1 and #2 on the first page of Google SERPs. then I guess the site was slammed again because maybe some more of my backlinks got indexed and this slammed me back down to the last spot on the first page of Google.

        You will see the difference in being # 3-4 as opposed to being # 1-2 and then being like #9 on the first page. The traffic differences, which in turn equate to sales.

        So one other thing I have seen too, when doing your article marketing, DON'T use your keywords in your titles, as many of my articles now outrank my website. hahaha, not funny.

        Now I make my titles and articles relevant tot he site I am backlinking too, but I only use the keywords in my links in the resource boxes.

        I'd love to hear others opinions on this, and I'd like to hear any success stories about getting OUT of the Google Sandbox and moving back up into the top ranks.

        I suppose I am not Classically Sandboxed, but being down below my articles at #9 is pretty damn depressing.

        I did make a boat load of money over christmas, and this isn't the only site that this happened too. I made the same mistake with my biggest money maker and am now trying to get back up to #1,2 or 3. instead of # 6-7 for that site.
  • Profile picture of the author Corvinus
    Profile picture of Corvinus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So far the best thread that I have read in this forum, Very informative and lots of things to learn.

    Congrats Joseph...
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Darkman, thanks for sharing your story of Christmas woes (as opposed to Christmas chear)!

      Not at all pretty, but I'm sure that most folks who have been in this game long enough have suffered the same fate, perhaps quite a number of times.

      Google apparently are becoming more and more sensitive to backlinking efforts and can sniff out a "rat" better now than before.

      I've had a few sites which appeared to have been "sandboxed" by Goog. Now I made the mistake of kinda forgeting about them. Initially and before they were "sandboxed" (call it what you will, really) they were making some income. Nothing too fancy but ticking over relatively well. Suddenly gone - and it happened to 3 of them in sync.

      Okay, so what did I do? Erm, nothing, for months. Then, I thought "hmmm... would be nice to get one of those sites out again, particularly the one that was showing most promise". How to do it? I guess there are various ways. As we discussed before the other day, one way is to look for "quality" backlinks from blog commenting or even guest posting on "authority" blogs in your niche. I hear that is a real good way to persuade the Goog to return a site (web pages) to former glory. Show your site is authoritarian in that it still gets real good backlinks to it regardless its not currently ranking at all well in SERP.

      In this instance though, what I did was merely to crank up my backlinking and for sure it worked. Yup, the site in question has been dancing a fair bit but slowly and surely its coming back to former glory and actually seems to be improving now on where it was before. The only pity is that its a seasonal product and I've missed the season this time around, grrr...

      How long to do that? I left it in "sandbox" for maybe 4 months before I began hitting it with backlinks - similar style heavy backlinking to what AMR would provide. Took about a month more and then I saw the traffic returning, which is indeed a good feeling ;-)

      The other two sites that were also sandboxed. I let them be and it did take a bit longer but they too came out of "sandbox" naturally and with little to no backlinking (albeit not quite to former glories but not far off). Therefore, if its a site that is well worth making the effort with (making good income) then don't merely leave it be. Either go the way of slow but "quality" backlinking, or keep on doing what you were before - heavy backlinking, but maybe giving it a nice mix up too. Articles, blog commenting, Web 2.0s and all sorts.

      This is not to say that you'll come flying out of the "box" but I suggest to you it will speed the big return up, rather than just giving up on things and grumbling about Google our beloved "god"

      Congratz on making a boat load of income over Christmas anyhow! Its a learning process and each mistake we make we're a step closer to bigger success.

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
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    That's very kind of you to say so Corvinus! Many thanks indeed and I'm happy you are finding it of value!

  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Gerald, got that thanks.

    By all means email over the details and I'll see what I can come up with.

    • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
      Gerald Arno
      Profile picture of Gerald Arno
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

      Hi Gerald, got that thanks.

      By all means email over the details and I'll see what I can come up with.

      Hey Joseph,

      thanks! I´m reading your ebook now the second time in one week
      and I´ll be coming up with a challenge too - comparing two methods
      and which one works out best in the long run - that´s gonna be fun
      for sure.

      Regarding the e-mail: I´m still waiting for your response. I know you´re
      busy man - I´m waiting for your response, please reply!
  • Profile picture of the author ilovejdmtoy
    Profile picture of ilovejdmtoy
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    My keyword is LED bulbs which is over 3,000,000 in google search, how much do you think this will cost me?
  • Profile picture of the author MatthewHooper
    Profile picture of MatthewHooper
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What do you (Joseph or anyone else reading this thread) think about the length of anchor text in the links that are linking back to the main site?

    In an effort to vary the anchor text, do you think that it would matter if I used the whole sentence of an article as anchor text as opposed to just the keyword phrase. As an example, if my keyword phrase was "Acme anvils" and I made the full sentence, "Some of the best quality Acme anvils have been used by Wylie Coyote for years." the actual anchor text. It solves the problem of varying anchor text and it also includes the keyword phrase.

    I ask because I've read that shorter anchor text is better but others argue that it has no effect. Thoughts?
  • Profile picture of the author raybanmy
    Profile picture of raybanmy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great content here!
    I'm going to learn so much from this threat .
    Thanks for the sahre
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Rayban, you may wish to also check out my blog - I talk about Malaysia on there because my current home is Kuching. Part of the joys of living the "internet marketing dream" I guess
  • Profile picture of the author drvosjeca
    Profile picture of drvosjeca
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    let me just say i love challenges and i will be following this thred. Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author LibbyC
    Profile picture of LibbyC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph

    Love it, love it, love it!

    Thank you for your dedication to an amazing thread. I really appreciate the amount of time that it would have taken you to write everyone of those detailed, specific responses that I (and many others) have hungrily devoured over the past 3 days

    You have 'demystified' SEO - many make out that is it the scariest thing in the world but it really does come down to keyword choice + quality backlinks.

    Like you, I get a real buzz out of SEO. I studied the Niche Profit Classroom method for the whole of last year and have had pretty good success. Interestingly you're one of the very few people outside of NPC that I've heard talking about the PR of the top 10 results. That's one of the main factors I look for now when it comes to competition - average PR of the top 10 results is under around 2.0

    Anyway, still a huge amount to learn (when is there ever not in this game?!) but knowing how to rank a word just opens up so many possibilities.

    I do have a quick question if you have a chance to answer - was there a specific post where you detailed how you chose your keyword?

    I have read up to page 12 in detail (has taken about 3 days on and off!) but can't remember if you went into specifics of the process you took to get to 'Twilight poster'...

    ...maybe you were just lying on your bed one afternoon looking at the Edward & Bella posters on your wall :rolleyes:

    Once again, huge thanks

    PS: Did you ever try out Traffic Travis (maybe after page 12?) Great tool - I use it mainly to get a tab on my rankings, run on page SEO checks and analyse specific keywords as a back up to Google KW tool.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Libby, many thanks for your very positive feedback!

      I "did" enjoy SEO, but of recent I'm enjoying it that much less. I do not appreciate how google are going about things and I feel that their quality control ideology is way off the mark. What to do though? Still cannot rely on the Bing/Yahoo combo because the search volumes are no where near that of google.

      I don't tend to rate the goog PR very much Libby. I've had webpages ranking at or near top in goog which have had PR0. But all my competition have been PR3 to PR8. Of course if you get the exact match domain you can rank in amongst high PR sites fairly easily, but even without exact match you can do it.

      There is a specific post or posts about how I went about choosing the keyword/s Libby, yes. That would have been on the first couple of pages of this thread. It was near the beginning, anyhow.

      Now you mention it - haha , I've not got any Twilight posters, no Libby, but I did look at my Twilight website just the other day - to take a screen shot, and I kinda marvelled at the header graphic that Terri Tutten created for it!

      I've not used Traffic Travis, no. Never got around to trialling it. Thanks for the advice about it though - sounds like a neat tool to be using!

      Take care Libby and best wishes!

      • Profile picture of the author LibbyC
        Profile picture of LibbyC
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        I don't tend to rate the goog PR very much Libby. I've had webpages ranking at or near top in goog which have had PR0. But all my competition have been PR3 to PR8. Of course if you get the exact match domain you can rank in amongst high PR sites fairly easily, but even without exact match you can do it.
        You're welcome!

        Thanks for the reply, I will ferret out the post where you picked the keyword again.

        Hmm intriguing re your experience with the PR thing. Perhaps I am putting too much weight on it? Many ways to skin the SEO cat (eewh, perhaps I could have picked a better phrase there!)

        What to do about google ideology? Create your own...

        But on a sensible note, I am beginning to explore a new strategy of SEO and Social, SEOcial if you will...

        Choose keyword & write a GREAT post (linkbait kind of thing). Get the post ranked with SEO then let the social aspect take off and boost it even further with natural backlinks from high PR sites.

        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Libby, the goog PR thing - its what we as SEO and IM folks are "fed" when we first come into working in this line. And thus rarely do we break the rules and experiment for ourselves. I do experiment, but often out of my own mistakes (or lack of research - I tend to spend little time on research now). That's why I know for sure that the high goog PR sites can be beaten at the SEO game. I'm not saying that will happen every time - a lot of the high PR sites are heavily 'branded' and thus heavily favoured by goog. But there are lot of sites with high PR that are not apparently heavily 'branded'. How to tell the difference and thus get a feel if you can rank in search? Experience is the best way I would say.

          What to do about goog ideology? Apart from creating your own, you need to be very sure never to keep too many eggs in one basket. Spread the eggs and thus no need to worry too much about google having another temper tantrum or suffering PMT.

          So basically you are saying with the SEOcial technique - use both traditional SEO methods and mix it with social media. Thus your reliance on goog is in some ways rather less than working "pure" SEO. Its a very nice idea Libby! I did however read an article recently, written by Michael Graywolf. Now he was exposing the fact that folks don't tend to link back to posts on a blog (or if they do, their choice in kwds is not relevant to what the blog owner wishes to rank for). He himself carried out an experiment using StumbleUpon and a couple of other biggie social media type sites. He achieved a mass of hits over a period of time from the SM type sites but did not gain much boost to ranking in google regardless. So either goog were not counting the links (which would be really odd!) or it was very difficult to manipulate the linking in such a way. It could be though that you yourself have different experience... Its certainly a very sensible idea on paper. By all means let's discuss it further - either on here or you can PM me if you prefer.

          Looking forward to hearing from you!
          Thanks Libby!

          • Profile picture of the author banel
            Profile picture of banel
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Joseph. I have a question for you about using AMR to build backlinks.

            When you spin an article how many words do you make spinnable ?
            If I make 2 words in the title and resource box, 5 in the summary and 15 in the body of the article, it's that fair enough ?
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Banel, its been a while - hope you are well!

              I have heard of recent that its possible to send out an article to many different directories without spinning a single word of the text body. Much in the way you would if you were using press releases. I've not tried that though, but I do hear it can be successful.

              However, its important to still use different keyword phrases in the bios and to change the article titles around.

              Does that kinda cover your query, Banel?

              • Profile picture of the author banel
                Profile picture of banel
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Thanks for the reply Joseph. I always appreciate your opinions.

                But I didn't quite understand how this thing about spinning articles works. You said at the beginnig of this thread that you'll use mass article submissions to build backlink and you recommended to make spun articles with a 50 % uniqueness.

                How you make that ? That's what I didn't understand... how many words you should change.
                Sorry if this question is too noobish but I don't know how to deal with this method of spinning articles.
                • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                  Profile picture of JosephA
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Hi Banel, I use article spinning software (The Best Spinner) to achieve this (or higher) level of uniqueness. There's nothing tricky about it. But I certainly would not want to be doing this by hand.

                  Hope that makes it a bit clearer.

                  • Profile picture of the author Matt_S
                    Profile picture of Matt_S
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hey Joseph, I am a little confused with the article submission also. I use myarticlenetwork (for now! may change very soon!).

                    So I write an article and post it on my blog (website that I am trying to rank)
                    wait till its indexed (digg etc also)
                    I also use bestspinner...
                    so I then re-write this article to produce many other articles.
                    I use 'one' of these articles and then submit to ezine.
                    wait till published on ezine
                    then submit other spins to other directories

                    (this is where i get confused!)

                    do i then use the original bestspinner spun format, paste it to myarticlenetwork, and link my keywords to the articles already published (are these my 'anchors'?) as above?

                    If using the original spun format from bestspinner in myarticlenetwork, is there not a risk of myarticlenetwork churning out a duplicate of the 250 that were produced? Possibly the ezine or other article directory versions already used? if so does it matter?
                    • Profile picture of the author seomoney
                      Profile picture of seomoney
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hi Joseph. Great information!

                      I'm tight on money right now so I can only afford one product. Which one would you recommend? Unique article wizzard or Blog Blueprint?
                      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                        Profile picture of JosephA
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Hi SEOmoney, that's a tough call to make. It depends on your needs really. And further, there are now other products around that can do equally as good a job albeit in a somewhat different way.

                        If you are looking for a one-off payment tool that offers very good bang for your buck, I suggest to you a tool called Article Marketing Robot. This offers a similar principle set to UAW, but as mentioned - a one-off payment.

                        But if I had to choose between BB and UAW... if I wanted to rank for a lot of long tailed kwds I would choose BB. If I wanted to rank for a few short tails then UAW.

                        Hope that helps and does not merely help to confuse, SEOmoney!

                    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
                      Profile picture of JosephA
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Hey Matt, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - I'm trying to spend less time online these days (and nights).

                      Okay, here are the key things to remember...

                      1. use only unique content on your money site. Thus, never use the same article that is on your money site to supply an article directory.

                      2. publish to ezinearticles first to try to reduce the potential for what they claim to be "somewhat" dupe content. Ezinearticles are getting more and more tricky to deliver content to. If they even sniff a possibility that the article you submit is in any way similar to one that they have on their database, they will not publish said article. So, let's say it takes ezinearticles 2 days to review and publish your article. On day one you submit to ezinearticles. On day two you submit to other article directories - just to be safe. I've found this to be a very workable method.

                      And that's about all you have to be aware of Matt. Everything else and you are fairly free to make up your own rules.

                      Hope that helps to clear any confusion for you.

  • Profile picture of the author jgas
    Profile picture of jgas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi everybody! It's my first post here!
    I read Pat guide to backlinks, and then I came here and read a lot from this thread too =)

    I have a BIG doubt, that stops me from starting this adventure into SEO: the websites I run are italian.
    I read also that UAW accepts only english articles.

    So, what I have to do is to write english articles and submit them to UAW, but how can I rank for italian keywords? In this way I will rank only for "international" keywords! Am I wrong?

    I know that most of you have english websites, but seen that you are more experienced than me, maybe you can give me some ideas.
    Thank you!

    (if you didn't understand what I wrote, just ask me =)
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Gas,

      I saw your comment on Pat's blog but I choose not to reply to comments that are specifically geared to Pat himself (almost every other question I do respond to though, as you may have noticed ).

      This is a fairly common question - trying to rank in Google but for a language other than in English.

      I suggest that you contact UAW and BB support and put that question to them.

      UAW support: FAQ & Contact - Unique Article Wizard

      BB support: via this link and at bottom of the page... Blog Blueprint...

      The thing is about ranking in Google for languages other than English - its much easier, so you don't need nearly the same amount of backlinks. But yes - a large part of the problem being that not many article directories etc will accept languages other than English as you yourself no doubt have been finding.

      I believe you can set up some web 2.0s which can be written in English (or maybe even in Italian also) but then have anchor text in other languages. Squid allows that, I'm fairly sure, and I would not be surprised if Hubs allow it too.

      Hope that is helpful Gas, and sorry I cannot be more definite about this.


  • Profile picture of the author jgas
    Profile picture of jgas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph, and thanks for your answers!
    I already found out that articles sent from UAW will not be accepted from the article directories if they are not english!
    This is my idea:
    english articles into UAW --> linking to italian articles in italian directories --> linking to my websites.
    Do you think it may work?

    Thank you again for your time

    PS: can you give me the links about squid and hubs (do you mean hubpages)?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Gas, you are welcome!

      Re your idea about linking UAW submissions to Italian articles. You'd be wise checking with UAW support on that too Gas - if you have not already done so. They are tight with regards where you link your UAW submissions.

      For the link to Squids and Hubs - just contact their support. Yes Squidoo and Hubpages is what I am referring to.


  • Profile picture of the author xwindowuser
    Profile picture of xwindowuser
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Joseph, take a look at my post HERE.

  • Profile picture of the author GatoFelix
    Profile picture of GatoFelix
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    Please let me know if you talk about the subject of "Pumper Sites" in your ebook. I just started 10 pumper sites to pass link juice to my money pages, and would like to learn more about this type of method from experienced marketers.

  • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
    Gerald Arno
    Profile picture of Gerald Arno
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You rock Joseph. This book added a lot of value to my SEO skills, and
    it´s great to have a bunch more weapons in your arsenal that are actually

    It doesn´t matter if your advanced, successful, or a newbie, because
    everyone can get something out of this book that will add skill and ability
    to mastering SEO.

    Great going!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Manuel, no - pumper sites are not something I discuss in the eBook. But with the recent "mass" changes in goog algo, it would not be a bad idea to become more versed in this concept, even though the amount of work (or outsourcing) is potentially huge. Its a solid idea and one I will be exploring further in the coming weeks and months.

      Thanks Manuel and best wishes!

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Gerald, many thanks for your glowing feedback - I'm happy you got a lot out of the eBook!

      Hope its not too cold in your part of the world these days, and I hope your article writing service is flying along very nicely!

      Take care Gerald!

  • Profile picture of the author fredgarfield
    Profile picture of fredgarfield
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  • Profile picture of the author GatoFelix
    Profile picture of GatoFelix
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the quick reply Joseph. Yes Pumper sites are a very powerful method that should be included in a backlink`s arsenal for sure.

  • Profile picture of the author freshmusic
    Profile picture of freshmusic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    very informative and quality post. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author dtommy79
    Profile picture of dtommy79
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread, will be following it
  • Profile picture of the author Soulofinfamy
    Profile picture of Soulofinfamy
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    I'm looking forward to your progress
    • Profile picture of the author Viper64
      Profile picture of Viper64
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great thread but there's something that I'm unclear of. Let's say you have 12 anchor properties. Each article you submit using UAW has 2 links in it, to 2 different properties... So does that mean you end up writing 6 different articles in order to get links to all of them? Well 5 actually as I think you use the original article for the first posting using UAW.

      I noted that you used UAW later to get links to your main site. Why didn't you do that from the start as well but just drip feed it with something like 10-20 submissions a day since you can set that in UAW.
  • Profile picture of the author Aki Fagno
    Aki Fagno
    Profile picture of Aki Fagno
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Excellent! It is very well posted. Thanks for sharing dude.
  • Profile picture of the author psdbarbosa
    Profile picture of psdbarbosa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How do you narrow down to the keyword that you think you may have found? Do you begin off with any random seed keyword or do you find out a rising trend or whatever did you do before you move on to narrow it down.
    • Profile picture of the author Rucco
      Profile picture of Rucco
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I began reading this thread and I'm highly intrigued. I would prefer to purchase the ebook and get right to it, and fully intend to. My question is, after reading your first few posts, is this program geared entirely just towards a niche and only 1 keyword?

      The reason I ask is, I have a website(several actually)and the new ones I'm focusing on have keyword rich URL's, however I'd rather not build 1 site per keyword. Is it possible to use your method to rank for many different keywords?

      Thanks much, and wishing you continued success!
  • Profile picture of the author ScrapeBoss
    Profile picture of ScrapeBoss
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The recent google algorithm change should really encourage many internet marketers to go back to the drawing board and look at how they can fully take advantage of the situation. This is an era of a "nobody" ruling the search engines. Let's still watch out for what becomes those big article directories and web 2.0 sites in the coming months.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Viper64, sorry - I only received notice of your reply just now.

      You don't have to be too specific about how you use any particular tool. You can do as many or as few articles as you wish whether with UAW or Article Marketing Robot or whatever. But you do have to be aware that there will come a time of diminishing returns if using any particular backlinking system.


    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey ScrapeBoss, you make some good points. Its a more open playing field to rank in Google than it has been for a long while. And we will have to just hang back a bit and see what comes of all these algorithm changes to be able to make the best of things with regards to ranking our own webpages within Google in times to come.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your feedback Aki!



    Hi PSD, that question is not so easy to answer because many people have different methods to assess for which niche, which keyword phrases, who your competition really are and how tough they are going to be to beat out.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Rucco, you can use the whole process outlined here to rank as many web pages on as many sites as you wish to - its geared to ranking one keyword phrase or 1,000 kwd phrases - that's entirely up to you. With a kwd rich URL its generally geared to working a range of kwd phrases which is not necessarily the case with an exact match domain name.

    Thanks for your kind wishes!

  • Profile picture of the author GoovyCat
    Profile picture of GoovyCat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow what a great thread, i am a newbie in SEO and find your project very interesting. I see you are on page two for your keyword. What sort of traffic are you getting.
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi GroovyCat, thanks for your feedback!

      I trust that there is still a stat counter on the home-page of the site which should give you a good idea as to visitor count.

  • Profile picture of the author QuarterHead
    Profile picture of QuarterHead
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been reading this thread - from page 1 through 23 - Awesome!

    just registered - to ask the following question:

    With the recent Google algo change (re: Farm or Panda or whatever), did anything change for the outline you described back in May '10?

    Yes, your site ranks well. In Google (us) you're #4 for "TWILIGHT POSTER" and in scroogle you're #1. - But your site already has all those backlinks and power.

    What about a new site?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi QuarterHead,

      changes since the various Goog algo updates? You may not be able to rank Hubpages so easily (I never used Hubpages anyhow) or ezinearticles either, but that's not to say you can't still get really strong links from either of those, which in this case is the key. And because it appears that Goog are even more focused on backlinking velocity I suspect that using this method or similar is even more suited than previously.

      Another Challenge? Maybe some day but not right now as I've got too much to do and don't wish to be spending 20 hours a day, 7 days a week online as it surely brings on a level of insanity
      • Profile picture of the author QuarterHead
        Profile picture of QuarterHead
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by JosephA View Post

        And because it appears that Goog are even more focused on backlinking velocity I suspect that using this method or similar is even more suited than previously.
        It appears to me that the only new ingredient in the new Panda/Farm/FEB '11 Goog algo is: quality.

        .. which makes a total of: Content + Quality + Relevance +++ Links.

        If this is correct - how do you see the Blog Blueprint link method a solution to the link problem? [since all or most of the stuff there are lightweight snippets on useless blogs (aka link farms 2.0)]

        Thanks again for your wonderful thread.
  • Profile picture of the author JosephA
    Profile picture of JosephA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Quarterhead, I'm not the one to make that call I'm afraid - that's up to Google.
    You have to personally weigh up this scenario and figure out which is more important to your current needs.

    I agree with you, much of the content that filters through the likes of Blog Blueprint, Build my Rank, article directory submissions and so on so forth is sub par, but where to begin and where to end? If we want to rank in Google search we have to pursue what Google tells us is "right", and that being said, they still tell us that using such tools as BB is a positive route to gaining positive results.

    Of course, that may change in future, but for that matter so could so many other things about the SEO game. Its your call at the end of the day Quarterhead.

  • Profile picture of the author QuarterHead
    Profile picture of QuarterHead
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,
    Thanks for your reply.

    they still tell us that using such tools as BB is a positive route to gaining positive results.
    I didn't try myself yet, but it appears that they recently told you (indirectly, of-course )

    In other words - you still use this method for new successful rankings since this February update. Am I correct with my understanding?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi QuarterHead, good question!

      I don't use this method for my backlinking because I'm not currently backlinking However, I can say first hand that this method is still working in Goog - I get very regular feedback from business acquaintances and friends that they continue to get results from using BB etc.

      Be assured, I would not recommend (or continue to recommend) any tool that I felt offered no value to the end user. It would be contrary to my beliefs to do so.

  • Profile picture of the author asim566
    Profile picture of asim566
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not share those tactics rather appraising them?
  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    Tom L
    Profile picture of Tom L
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The method in the book still works... but do diversify your links. You can use it to get even the more competitive keywords ranking quite high but if you continue hitting those buffers with spam eventually your site will either get stuck in a certain position or start shifting in the other direction which is not the point.

    Must have been due to some algorithm update but keep that in mind.

    Also vary the way that you hit the buffers...use blog posts, profile wheels, articles... not just one method and do not do the same to all of your web 2.0 properties or you are leaving a footprint. Leave a couple with zero or only a few backlinks for variety.

    Good Luck


    PS: Joseph: Your blog is still missing posts...
    • Profile picture of the author QuarterHead
      Profile picture of QuarterHead
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If I remember well, the method by Joseph calls to do this excessive linking only to the outer sites which point to your site. Never to your own site(s).
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        QuarterHead, yes, that was the idea. Once you've got enough links pointing in to the money/primary site, you can then start pumping up those links to another level. Just be aware that Google appear to be getting even more sensitive to backlinking velocity (and obviously also to website content etc.).
      • Profile picture of the author JosephA
        Profile picture of JosephA
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks LuckyPro, hope you gain a lot out of the thread here!
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Tom, thanks for your input here. Hope your challenge is proceding with gusto! And thanks for the feedback about the blog - seems all is working now after deactivating a ream of plugins.
  • Profile picture of the author luckypro123
    Profile picture of luckypro123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This article really interests me, I am happy that I came here, learning things that I never knew!
  • Profile picture of the author FabianSmith
    Profile picture of FabianSmith
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    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks for all positive feedback!

      • Profile picture of the author MaineCoon
        Profile picture of MaineCoon
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Joseph, how much have you made so far since you set up the site? I can't seem to find it anywhere, or I might have missed it =)
        • Profile picture of the author JosephA
          Profile picture of JosephA
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi MainCoon,

          I don't make much from this site MaineCoon, and I never have - not even at Christmas. Folks seem to like to look at the images or whatever, then probably even click through to eBay or Amazon, and browse some more.

          But it turned out to be one of those niches where you think it would be decent, but its not, simple as that! If I could turn back time, I would re-think the whole challenge and put more emphasis on the making money side of things and not merely ranking top 5/top spot. Nevertheless, its made money in a round-about sort of way, so I can't complain.


          • Profile picture of the author MaineCoon
            Profile picture of MaineCoon
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Oh I see. I was just curious. Because last time I search for twilight I believe 50%+ twilight audiences are 17 or younger (mostly girls). I am pretty sure they are not in "buy mode".

            I think you did an amazing job showing us how to rank the top 3 on Google, I am quite impressed especially you chose a 2 word keyword.
            • Profile picture of the author JosephA
              Profile picture of JosephA
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi MainCoon, there you go - keyword research is not set in stone, and here is one good lesson of just how many different angles there can be to a market, and its a very good reason why we should get to know our market to some extent before we embark on trying for affiliate sales etc. Nevertheless, what I've seen with this type of market before is that when there is a new movie (or whatever) out, even the 17 year olds manage to spend, spend, spend! In this case it never really materialized - not even at Christmas.

              I did choose a 2 word keyword phrase. However, truth be known - I was working with the stats from the old Google keyword search evaluation tool, which quite honestly were a pack of useless stats. The new stats are much more accurate for most keyword phrases (in my experience up till now), albeit not for all kwd phrases. Some kwds you still have to take the search volumes with a large to very large grain of salt.


              Jep also mentions Scraper and the Google ranking tool. I like the Google ranking tool also.
  • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
    Profile picture of joanagoldman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    just came to this post....really interested to know about this as i am working on getting my sites on 1st page on google so i do hope this post will give me lots of good tips
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi JoanaGoldman, many people have asked if the techniques used in this thread are still of value - particularly after the Google algo shake-up of recent times.

      There are some minor changes - ezinearticles was hit hard and they have made severe changes to submission rules. Furthermore, Google indexing is much faster now than ever. Many people are saying that ranking in Google is taking longer now than previously, although ranking well for long tails in my experience can be incredibly fast (4 to 5 hours in some cases).

      Its very much case by case, but generally the methods here are still very workable and will gain success. Be sure to use unique content though - non-unique content is now treated harshly by Google and I've witnessed that myself.

      Best wishes Joana!

  • Profile picture of the author lsamarketer
    Profile picture of lsamarketer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My home page has reached the 1st spot on page 1 of Google and have been there for months, but am only making about $1.00 a day with Adsense, even though my CPC is around $2.00.

    Every KW tool told me I would do well, but Market Samurai revealed that even though my CPC was good, the Adwords value (AWV) for my KW was $0.00. This is the result of calculating SEOT and AWV.
  • Profile picture of the author shafiqkamal
    Profile picture of shafiqkamal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    That's a great challenge. However, how do you track you rankings? Since i saw in your profile that you're in Malaysia, google can track your ip and your default browser will be based on your ip address. I've read multiple threads and each of these are showing different figures.

    For example:

    - Rank Checker from SEOMOZ showing me i'm at number 21.
    - Rank Tracker from Link Assistant showing me i'm at number 7.
    - I tried using the "/ncr" extension after url and it's showing me that i'm at number 7.
    - My default browser with my own ip (which is singapore) and i cleared all my cookies and cache showing me that i'm at number 32.

    Help please. I'm confused.
    • Profile picture of the author jep
      Profile picture of jep
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Have you tried using scraper or adword preview?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Shafiq, you'll see different rankings for your site in different countries. The best way to tell where you are is to assess your traffic by using Goog Analytics or AWStats if your web host has that available to you. I still tend to use Scroogle dot org because its fast and provides a reasonable reflection of rankings for, but that's only part of the story nevertheless.

      Personally I try not to get too hooked on where I'm ranking in any search engine. After all, I want to see traffic and I want to see that traffic then converting into sales. At the end of the day, this is the most important thing for most of us in the internet marketing game. You can rank top slot in many different countries in Google, but if you are making zero sales it matters not.

    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      IsaMarketer, you'll only ever get a portion of the CPC going to your pocket I'm afraid.

      Mind you, many people build up loads of websites quickly and try to get them making a buck or two per day. It all adds up in the end. Its not my game now but I used to focus on building up lots of sites and making dribs and drabs from them all, in the hope that this would add up to a good income. Just depends on your business model really - there is nothing "wrong" with doing things this way.

  • Profile picture of the author joanagoldman
    Profile picture of joanagoldman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Joseph,

    I just download SEO Quake tool to my google crome. where can i see if one page offers dofollow links?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Joana, you can see if its a do-follow link if there is no score through the link. If its a no-follow link then there is a very obvious score (line) that goes through the link - so it would look like this below here but the line would be through the middle of the text and not underneath...

      hello Joana

  • Profile picture of the author hyips
    Profile picture of hyips
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    LOL, it is awesome, looking forward to your more results. Do you use some tools ?
    • Profile picture of the author JosephA
      Profile picture of JosephA
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello Hyips, yes I use various tools on and off. Details of the ones I used for this challenge are within the first couple of pages of the thread here I believe.


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