2 adsense accounts one website

Profile picture of maline
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
16 replies

Me and a business partner have both an adsense account. We both want 1 ad to display from our Adsense account.

So 2 ads on one page, but from 2 different accounts.

Is this allowed?

Best regards,
#accounts #adsense #website
  • Profile picture of the author cresad
    Profile picture of cresad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No " 2 ads on one page, but from 2 different accounts."

    it is not allowed and both accounts will be banned, if you need to used the two accounts on the same site. you can have 1 adsense account ad on one page and 2nd adsense account ad on other page. But not on same page
  • Profile picture of the author maline
    Profile picture of maline
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your reply, how are you sure?

    I found this but,


    everyone says yes, no, yes, no..
  • Profile picture of the author dame016
    Profile picture of dame016
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think this is permissible. Better use one Google ADsense Account. You can split the generated income later on.
  • Profile picture of the author Ant B
    Ant B
    Profile picture of Ant B
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Pretty sure it is ok to use multiple publisher accounts on the same page, up to the maximum of three ad units. Obviously only one of those accounts can be yours unless they are under seperate legal entity (eg llc or ltd companies)

    On your case using a friends account and your account would be fine.

    I don't see the point though. If you are partners, use one and split any profits?
  • Profile picture of the author martinhelen
    Profile picture of martinhelen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is not allowed.
    Google will ban your account.
    So remove this.
  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    Profile picture of CBusiness
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nope , not possible
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
    • Profile picture of the author Ant B
      Ant B
      Profile picture of Ant B
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by martinhelen View Post

      This is not allowed.
      Google will ban your account.
      So remove this.
      Originally Posted by CBusiness View Post

      nope , not possible
      Originally Posted by dame016 View Post

      I don't think this is permissible. Better use one Google ADsense Account. You can split the generated income later on.
      Originally Posted by cresad View Post

      No " 2 ads on one page, but from 2 different accounts."

      it is not allowed and both accounts will be banned, if you need to used the two accounts on the same site. you can have 1 adsense account ad on one page and 2nd adsense account ad on other page. But not on same page
      Guys can any on you name the source where this definitive no you are not allowed was obtained from?

      As I said it is possible within the 3 ad per page limit, source here

      Sharing your ad space - Inside AdSense

      Obviously you are still responsible fully for the content on the page that hosts your publisher ID so if your partner posts up something outside of the TOS or if you use some sort of revenue sharing setup and a guest posts something outside of the TOS you can and will get banned but as long as content all witin the TOS you are fine.
      • Profile picture of the author maline
        Profile picture of maline
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Ant B View Post

        Guys can any on you name the source where this definitive no you are not allowed was obtained from?

        As I said it is possible within the 3 ad per page limit, source here

        Sharing your ad space - Inside AdSense

        Obviously you are still responsible fully for the content on the page that hosts your publisher ID so if your partner posts up something outside of the TOS or if you use some sort of revenue sharing setup and a guest posts something outside of the TOS you can and will get banned but as long as content all witin the TOS you are fine.
        Thank you, that is a good source!

        So I think Im ok
        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          Profile picture of paulgl
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          LOL!!!!!! Nobody ever reads replies, or anything google

          Lots of nonsense replies, like, OH NO! GOOGLE DOES NOT ALLOW IT!

          Get a grip people. You can have a different account for each ad block.
          Since you are allowed 3 ad units, 3 links, 2 searches, I suppose one could
          be 8 friggin different adsense accounts on one page. Unless you are
          running some revenue sharing program, I see no need to share the wealth.

          Now, why am I not adding a link? Because everybody here should be
          reading the same stuff I do. It's not hard, really. Subscribe to the blog,
          read the help guide, etc.

          All this stuff is there.

          Pity people just don't read.

          Tip: If you don't read stuff for yourself, don't give wrong answers.

          Maline, just because it is allowed does not mean it's
          a prudent thing to do. You each should be running your
          own websites. I mean, who does the majority of the work?


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

          • Profile picture of the author hashimfarooqi
            Profile picture of hashimfarooqi
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            i've one adsense account and One YouTube Channel account. Both account email's are different . So i'm getting a lot of offers from the UK, the use of youtube partner earning. We are operating both accounts (adsense account and youtube channel account) on the same computer so i worried about account blockage. i am from Pakistan.

            My adsense account county is Pakistan. But my friend youtube earning account country is Spain. i want to link my youtube channel with the friends YouTube channel .Please tell me. Is it right.
  • Profile picture of the author dchen88
    Profile picture of dchen88
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm wondering why you guys want to risk using two accounts when you only need one?

    I'm assuming the reasoning that there is sort of lack of trust with your partner, but this method wouldn't work as one ad will probably have a higher ctr. How would you handle this situation?

    It is best to just split it in two.
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    Profile picture of Toby.T
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am fairly sure that you are allowed. You can't personally have two accounts but you can have different ad units from two unique accounts on one page. It's revenue sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    IMO OP is just asking for trouble. If one account gets banned for violating Adsense TOS, then both accounts will instantly be banned for a single violation.

    It would be smarter (IMO) to use a single account per domain, then hook up Google Analytics to the the same Adsense account, share the data with both people involved, deduct the tax money owed (roughly 25% of earnings) to whoevers account is on the Adsense site, then split the remaining earnings after tax money 50/50.

    Personally I would never let another person be involved with my money (not even family).
    • Profile picture of the author hashimfarooqi
      Profile picture of hashimfarooqi
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Both email name is different.adsense account is my brother his name is naveed Ali and YouTube is my account. my mame is tahir aslam.but we operate both account on same pc.now I want to link my YouTube account with friend for earnig.my friend have just youtube eraning account (youtube monitorization allown).he live in UK and I live in Pakistan. so i want to make his partner. he will withdrawn payment from UK with own name.

      I just upload videos from Pakistan...my channel worth is good standing.if I operate both account on diifferent pc.is it possible.
      I waste my earning.YouTube monitirization is not allow in Pakistan but allow in UK.I want just partner.give me a solution.
      Thaks & regards
      • Profile picture of the author imintern
        Profile picture of imintern
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well, this is an old thread but anybody looking for a solution to this might benefit from this reply.

        This is what Google has to to say about it

        Ads on the same page or site as another publisher

        If a website is in compliance with our program policies and the company or owner of the site has given you permission to display ads on their site, you may place your ad code along with the other publisher's ad code on the same page. You will, however, need to contact your web hosting company or the owner of the website to obtain permission to display ads on their website.

        Please keep in mind that a maximum of three standard ad units, three link units, and two search boxes may be placed on one webpage. In addition, please be aware that every publisher is responsible for the content of a website on which their ad code is placed. If a website is found in violation of our program policies, we will notify any publisher(s) whose ad code is on the website, and ask you to remove the Google code from that page.

        A publisher will only be credited for clicks and impressions on the ad units associated with their account. Additionally, publishers are responsible for monitoring each webpage upon which their ad code appears to ensure compliance with our policies.
        Here's the link - https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1346295?hl=en

        [Look for the heading "Ads on the same page or site as another publisher" towards the end of the page]

        So, "2 adsense accounts one website" is permissible as long as you stick to the rules.
        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          Profile picture of paulgl
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Question was answered, by me, and others, a long, long, long, long, long, long
          time ago.

          Why dig up old threads?


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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