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ClickBumped! The Missing Thread

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Posted 17th November 2009 at 04:31 PM by clickbump

Note: The story of "ClickBumped! The Missing Thread" is below. If you want to skip right to the PDFs that were captured from the now deleted thread, you can click here to go right to my site and get them...

The skinny...

Me and a few dozen warriors spent the span of a couple of days last week pouring our hearts into a thread which was titled...

"My First $100 day on the Xfactor method"

In which I posted my journey from Adsense noob (I only made $20 in two years with Adsense on a daily update blog) to what you might call a somewhat reluctant "Adsense phenom" in the span of two short months. I made $309 dollars my first month, then doubled that the next month with $807.12

This month I'm on track to double that and I'm at $1223.06 as of the day I posted this for the month of November.

So in a little over 2.5 months, I've gone from $20 in my Adsense account, to $2339.00 and counting...

I did it by applying the techniques of Xfactor (john) and George "Sniper" Brown along with some of my own unique seo optimization techniques and an interesting indexing method I call the "Sneaky Punctuation Trick"

So that brings us to the point of this post...

Several fellow warriors have asked what happened to the thread that I posted where I detailed my techniques and laid everything bare for others to learn.

Here's the best I can tell you...

I had two threads going that were receiving a great deal of attention last week. The first and most fruitful one was the $100 day thread. The other one was at least a month old and was titled, "Example of an adsense optimized wordpress theme w Control Panel Setup (all in seo optimized css)".

Admittedly, this second thread turned out to be a bit heavy on promoting what would become my niche templating engine (the point of the thread was to solicit feedback on what people wanted in a WordPress automated theme built for Adsense).

I had actually long forgotten about it until someone happened to bump it around the same time my $100 day thread was fast rising to the top of the thread list. I'd have just as soon it not be competing with this other thread, but never the less, I think perhaps they got linked and suffered the same fate...

So I believe it was activity on this thread that apparently got both threads deleted. At around 4pm on Thursday afternoon, a couple of fellow war room members who had not taken part in any of the discussions of either thread popped in and made some comments to the effect of questioning my motives (in a round about way) because I had a product to pimp in my sig.

There was a back and forth between these guys and a few people who had an opposing view and for a while it got a bit testy until Thom Goodwin (thmgoodw) posted what turns out to be the definitive review on my product (see Thom's review below). If for one thing I miss that thread, that review was and is pure authentic validation for this program. If you missed it, you can check it out at the bottom of this post (reprinted with Thom's permission)

So I posted a quick "Thank You" to Thom for his incredibly thorough and candid review and slipped off to bed about 9:40 or so that evening.

The next morning when I woke up to check the $100 day thread, poof, it was gone. The first thing that came to mind were those 2 comments left on the 2nd thread, so I surmised someone probably got their nits in a waddle and 86'd em both.

So that's that. I've opened a ticket with but as of today I've not had a single response to my inquiry.

So I suppose there will be no explanation and that's fine with me. The knowledge was in my head before the thread got removed, and its in my head today (and sprinkled around in various postings here and at Xfactor forums prior to and since)

So that brings me to the reason for this post. I happened to have my tabs left open all night that night and had both threads displayed. So I've got every last post that was made there and I'm creating a PDF of it and I'm going to sell it for...

<just kidding>

Gotcha! No I've created a PDF of the entire thread and I've put it on my server and anyone who wants the knowledge can get it for free.

~ s

Thom Goodwin's Review of my WordPress Templating System, "ClickBump Engine" is below...

Originally Posted by thmgoodw
I usually stick to the backlink discussions on this particular forum, but as someone whose had Clickbumps wordpress theme for a little over a day I thought I would give my fair thoughts.

-- As advertised the finished product is in the same format as Xfactor's standard html format.

-- Very easy install. I'm adept with Wordpress, but his .pdf walks you through the basics of installation and if you are new to working with Wordpress.

-- Very easy upload of pictures. Auto puts them into the template the way as set forth in xfactors template.

-- When you create posts, it automatically puts the links where they are supposed to go in the template. When you create the privacy and contact pages, it autoputs them on the right where they are supposed to go.

-- It allows quite a bit of customization, some of which is built into the general template options (e.g., how to deal with a situation where you have more than 5 posts), and allows you to edit the underlying code if you want as well.

-- I did customize it a bit more with a few free plugins.
I added All-in-one, just because I like the functionality of the meta description and keyword functions on the individual post pages and also for the entire site.
I added Google XML sitemap because it rocks.
I added Google Analytics for Wordpress plugin so I can ust type in my analytics ID without actually altering the underlying code myself.
I also added Contact Form 7 and Easy Privacy Policy plugins because they instantly create contact forms and privacy pages for you, and i'm lazy and use them on all of my sites.

From installation of wordpress to having my completed site with one page of information with 4 pictures and adsense loaded up, took me about 30 minutes.

What impresses me most is how sleek the webpage loads. It doesn't have a lot of unnecessary code and loads amazingly fast. Which is good for me, good for my visitors and good for Google.

Already pinged the site and sent the RSS site through my RSS submission software.

"Winners are losers who keep rollin' on."
Super Fast CSS version of Xfactor Template ★ loads 3x faster ★ Pure CSS ★ over 80 installations
Autopilot Adsense! Read about how I earned $1996.43 in 60 days using the Xfactor method
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