my top tier business, matt lloyd

279 replies
I got email today regarding matt lloyd's my top tier business. Anyone joined this and any feedback? It says its free but costs just 49 to join to keep tire tickers out and if selected, we pay nothing for this and there is a guarantee of 500 dollars if we dont make 1000 bucks in 30 days and follow a 21 step system. he says it costs 5000 as training and we get it free and need not pay it until we make 50,000? Any reviews guys, planning to join this.
#business #lloyd #matt #tier #top
  • Profile picture of the author salamandar
    Hi, macmani,

    I joined 9 days ago, probably from the same mailing you received, and paid the $49. The trickled training that I took was pretty good and the future looked promising.

    Then, surprise!!!!! At around the end of the first week I was informed I had to buy a MOBE license for $1997 in order to continue.

    Somebody forgot to mention it in the advertising...

    I actually signed a non-disclosure agreement while I was digesting this new information. But I don't want eat into my monetary resources to the tune of $2K before I'm assured the products will sell.

    Those products seem to be good quality.

    It remains to be proven to me how many affiliates of the system can make a decent living, let alone driving around in their own Mercedes.

    But for now, I'm on the sidelines.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8165928].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CtrlAltRage
      Heya Mac,

      I've recently become a Licensee of Matt Lloyd's and I can say that it DOES take some work to get it running.

      Coaching wise it's pretty solid but it is definitely focused around the MOBE series of products.

      If you have any questions regarding it, let me know I can answer any questions. Just shoot me a PM.

      If you want to make money on Teespring, Shoot me a PM.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8187478].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author scorpiobleue
        Originally Posted by CtrlAltRage View Post

        Heya Mac,

        I've recently become a Licensee of Matt Lloyd's and I can say that it DOES take some work to get it running.

        Coaching wise it's pretty solid but it is definitely focused around the MOBE series of products.

        If you have any questions regarding it, let me know I can answer any questions. Just shoot me a PM.
        Hi! I'm new on the board and I just signed up yesterday. I was wondering if it would be okay if I PM'd some questions?
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      • Profile picture of the author RUGI
        What does MOBE stand for?

        pAYing it ForWArd aLwAYS...

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        • Profile picture of the author MisterGX
          My Online Business Empire.... (MOBE)....

          I personally first saw MOBE advertised around this time last year. Had to fill out an online application and expect a phone call from an online coach. I recall that it was mentioned upfront that there would be a near 2K investment for a MOBE license, but you would also get free access to IM Revolution which is a product from Matt Lloyd. I couldn't afford the license at that time. Now when I got the email for the MTTB in the summer, I knew that it was related to the MOBE program. I paid the $49 application fee, and after going through the first steps...I could tell that this was going to lead to the MOBE license application.
          Now I asked about options in paying for this license, and the presenter I had mentioned 3... I'm currently licensed and I'm making some sales. No where near John Chow or MACK ZIDAN, but I'm making something..
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8676984].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MichelleR
        Hey my name is Michelle and I am wondering about my top tier business. I saw the previous guys post on it. He said by the end of week 1 they wanted him to invest about 2K. This is seriously not something I can afford. I am currently on Gov assistance very temporarily hopefully. Anyway this is not something I can afford. Is there anyway of getting around this after I earned money with the program. Meaning make money first then invest in whats needed? It sounds like a good business though and very residual which is something I need. Let me know
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      • Profile picture of the author mindfreetrader
        its matt Lloyd system work if pay them $2000 and did they give any guaranty can I make big money with that system
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      • Profile picture of the author gfoo
        pls email me on . thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author vinaygupta1988

        I am a newbie in IM, if I will not purchase the MOBE Licence then should I can continuously use this system and continuously make money from the current system
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    • Profile picture of the author Boyka
      Originally Posted by salamandar View Post

      Hi, macmani,

      I joined 9 days ago, probably from the same mailing you received, and paid the $49. The trickled training that I took was pretty good and the future looked promising.

      Then, surprise!!!!! At around the end of the first week I was informed I had to buy a MOBE license for $1997 in order to continue.

      Somebody forgot to mention it in the advertising...

      I actually signed a non-disclosure agreement while I was digesting this new information. But I don't want eat into my monetary resources to the tune of $2K before I'm assured the products will sell.

      Those products seem to be good quality.

      It remains to be proven to me how many affiliates of the system can make a decent living, let alone driving around in their own Mercedes.

      But for now, I'm on the sidelines.

      Well well well...if you have to pay 49$ and a MOBE licence almost 2k$ and then you earn only 1k$ within 30 days, then you still have a debt of almost 1k$...Is it profitable ?

      I don`t try to act like an A** but Matt Lloyd should mention from start that you need to invest atleast 2k$ in his business to start getting high commisions.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8602191].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author crashenburner
      I had serious concerns about getting into another mlm or online marketing venture.
      Frankly it became apparent to me that most of them were dysfunctional for the inexperienced.
      Also, I was willing to except my failings as my own and not pass them on.
      So what happens? Another shiny object pops up and I am hooked...
      I had to have more info and I needed it from the horse's mouth.
      I went to a super charge summit where I would meet the owner and other big earners as well as those just getting started.
      So here is my report.
      These people were some of the most genuine down to earth folks I have ever seen gathered in one location. Three days I spent picking their minds and feeling their pocket books.
      In the last 10 days I have not found anything illegal or shameful about MTTB / MOBE.
      Exactly the opposite.
      This is a business for people that understand it takes money to make money and that the right mind set to make the kind of money these folks are making requires firm discipline.
      90% of the people going through their funnel do not....the good news is that the "know how" to create the mindset for the desire is built into the training, coaching and events.
      I had to go through a little bit of hell to change my old way of thinking.
      Scam? No. Scam is the cop out phrase for those who live their lives based on fear.
      Sorry, but the truth will sting before it purifies. Can you get passed the pain is the question?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8802793].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael75065
      almost joined this scam all seems to be on the intrernet or mlm business sad.
      Visit my blog to receive helpful information, tips and techniques, plus get some quality products!

      Enjoy and learn and have fun: http://YourSuccessUnlimited.Net
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8869378].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael75065
        i almost joined and paid Thank god for WF
        Visit my blog to receive helpful information, tips and techniques, plus get some quality products!

        Enjoy and learn and have fun: http://YourSuccessUnlimited.Net
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    • Profile picture of the author SuperAffiliate
      Full disclosure: I haven't joined this yet.. I don't know anyone in this thread.. and I am not earning a commission..

      But let me get this straight. I'm trying to dissect the actual program without the weird back n forth name calling. That's not what Warriors are about.. we help and help and help some more.

      1. $49 = You get a 21 step training plus a coach who walks you through the training 3 times. Obviously - the coach makes very little on the $49 application fee - and 3 times on the phone is a lot of time!!! So this is similar to moving the free line.. where you get a taste of the coaching.. for free plus the $49 twenty-one step training..

      2. Then = they present an offer to you around the end of the first week. You can choose to take the offer or decline it.. This is how the coach gets paid? Is that right? So finally - he says .. we can go further but I'm dropping you off if you don't take the upsell?

      That's pretty fair.. you can't have someone on the phone all the time for free.. Seems rather fair so far..

      Then, they have higher priced masterminds where you meet at a physical location where everything is paid for..

      3. That's easy to understand, and doesn't contradict the $49 offer at all. THEN - you still go through the 21 step training..


      1)))) Is the training good solid information?
      2)))) Is it good step by step info that even beginners can do.

      I think beginners could do something like this and even pay a "tuition" for the training... if after a year - they are solid internet marketers. I've been through 4 years of college - and received less for a LOT LOT more!

      What would happen if colleges offered you half commissions for tuition! Most of the time - you come out of those classes with just a 3 hour credit on your transcript... and no actual coach or knowledge that you can apply.

      IF the training can be applied training - then it's worth paying the money to shortcut all the BS out there.

      IF the training is there as a veil for earning commissions - then we have a problem.


      Originally Posted by salamandar View Post

      Hi, macmani,

      I joined 9 days ago, probably from the same mailing you received, and paid the $49. The trickled training that I took was pretty good and the future looked promising.

      Then, surprise!!!!! At around the end of the first week I was informed I had to buy a MOBE license for $1997 in order to continue.

      Somebody forgot to mention it in the advertising...

      I actually signed a non-disclosure agreement while I was digesting this new information. But I don't want eat into my monetary resources to the tune of $2K before I'm assured the products will sell.

      Those products seem to be good quality.

      It remains to be proven to me how many affiliates of the system can make a decent living, let alone driving around in their own Mercedes.

      But for now, I'm on the sidelines.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8952847].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author leapaul
        Originally Posted by SuperAffiliate View Post

        Full disclosure: I haven't joined this yet.. I don't know anyone in this thread.. and I am not earning a commission..

        But let me get this straight. I'm trying to dissect the actual program without the weird back n forth name calling. That's not what Warriors are about.. we help and help and help some more.

        1. $49 = You get a 21 step training plus a coach who walks you through the training 3 times. Obviously - the coach makes very little on the $49 application fee - and 3 times on the phone is a lot of time!!! So this is similar to moving the free line.. where you get a taste of the coaching.. for free plus the $49 twenty-one step training..

        2. Then = they present an offer to you around the end of the first week. You can choose to take the offer or decline it.. This is how the coach gets paid? Is that right? So finally - he says .. we can go further but I'm dropping you off if you don't take the upsell?

        That's pretty fair.. you can't have someone on the phone all the time for free.. Seems rather fair so far..

        Then, they have higher priced masterminds where you meet at a physical location where everything is paid for..

        3. That's easy to understand, and doesn't contradict the $49 offer at all. THEN - you still go through the 21 step training..


        1)))) Is the training good solid information?
        2)))) Is it good step by step info that even beginners can do.

        I think beginners could do something like this and even pay a "tuition" for the training... if after a year - they are solid internet marketers. I've been through 4 years of college - and received less for a LOT LOT more!

        What would happen if colleges offered you half commissions for tuition! Most of the time - you come out of those classes with just a 3 hour credit on your transcript... and no actual coach or knowledge that you can apply.

        IF the training can be applied training - then it's worth paying the money to shortcut all the BS out there.

        IF the training is there as a veil for earning commissions - then we have a problem.

        I joined MTTB BECAUSE I am a newbie - even though I have wasted hundreds of dollars on courses offering to teach me what to do to make a decent income online. I have done step 1 and step 2 of the training so far. Let me tell you that I have gotten more useful info in those videos than I have ever gotten from anything before.
        I knew about the 2k before joining because I searched this forum. I will gladly pay it and let you all know how I am doing.
        Lots of people talk about making money online for free but I am yet to find a program that teaches with enough detail for that to be useful for a newbie...unless you buy the OTOs which often are not detailed enough.
        That's all...
        Just wanted to say as a Newbie that Yes I find the training invaluable!!
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    • Profile picture of the author michaelsalemi
      Originally Posted by salamandar View Post

      Hi, macmani,

      I joined 9 days ago, probably from the same mailing you received, and paid the $49. The trickled training that I took was pretty good and the future looked promising.

      Then, surprise!!!!! At around the end of the first week I was informed I had to buy a MOBE license for $1997 in order to continue.

      Somebody forgot to mention it in the advertising...

      I actually signed a non-disclosure agreement while I was digesting this new information. But I don't want eat into my monetary resources to the tune of $2K before I'm assured the products will sell.

      Those products seem to be good quality.

      It remains to be proven to me how many affiliates of the system can make a decent living, let alone driving around in their own Mercedes.

      But for now, I'm on the sidelines.

      They Probably give you some good info but most mlm you make money buy selling there products. They usually give you more info. the more money you spend. It does work but not everyone will buy, Just to let you know. I have been listening to a Vick Strizheus who has really Mastered Traffic n Optins around 38% - 50% - 75% optins. Very High Optin Rates.
      You can use what he teaches for any business. He does use empower network but it works for any business if you don't want to sell Multilever Marketing. You know if you were going to rent a store front it would cost thousands. So spending some money so you don't have to keep on searching and you may not even know where to start. Vic made $710,000 in less then 30days. You know what he charges around $997 plus maybe one upsell. It is all refundable if you don't like it. You have to apply what you've learned. I know its hard to trust people. If you want look up Vick Strizheus n see what he's doing on youtube. It won't cost you a dime check it out.
      God Bless n Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author gilksy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8216447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jamjar107
      I have recently joined MOBE from Matt LLoyd. The training is top draw and of good quality.
      It seems to be a good way of creating good commisions and they have a trained sales team. Response from email campaign is around 2% so not too bad a take up. Will keep you posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cassano 10
    What is the MOBE licence?
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    • Profile picture of the author gilksy
      The MOBE Licence gives you the licence rights to sell the core MOBE products for 90% commission (ranging from $87 to $267) and re-sell the MOBE licence itself for 50% commission ($1K).

      Considering the time and skills it takes to create your own products, it's a pretty good deal.

      PM me if you want more info and I'll send you a link to a video.

      Originally Posted by Cassano 10 View Post

      What is the MOBE licence?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8217022].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
        Originally Posted by gilksy View Post

        The MOBE Licence gives you the licence rights to sell the core MOBE products for 90% commission (ranging from $87 to $267) and re-sell the MOBE licence itself for 50% commission ($1K).

        Considering the time and skills it takes to create your own products, it's a pretty good deal.

        PM me if you want more info and I'll send you a link to a video.
        Hi gilsky,
        I'm a bit confused about My Tier Top Business. The sales vid looks a bit hyped but it sounds good.
        But reading the posts of this thread some red lights turned on in my head.
        What do you get for those $49
        Supposedly if you go to the end of the30 days and don't earn the $1,000 they'll refund you and give you a $500 as compensation, but it seems that in the middle of the road you are forced to step into $1,997 MOBE to carry on. Is that so?
        What is FREE in MTTB? Looks like a scam so far.
        Can you clear up this please
        Thank you
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8331881].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Martin
          My email response to Matt:

          After watching the sales video,
          Seeing that it was free to join...
          Oh Yeah... you need to put up the $ 49.00 to keep out the tire kickers.
          Not disclosed... $ 2,000.00 License fee coming later.

          Matt LLoyd;

          I am so glad I visited the Warrior Forum and read the reviews, before getting
          sucked into your scheme. Two weeks later after paying the 49.00, I will have
          to put up another $ 2,000.00 ??? , evidently making you some good commission, while I
          will still be stuck in training, and watching 1 hour stale videos.

          You should disclose the $ 2,000.00 up front. You are a dishonest scammer, and
          prey upon unknowing people who get sucked into your schemes, without researching
          first. To bad for them.

          Your business is only for those who can sleep at night after ripping others off.

          But as for me.... I am unsubscribing from your list, and posting this on the Warrior Forum.

          If these reviews I have read are not true, you are welcome to respond, as I and other
          inquiring minds would like to know.

          I am not questioning the value of the product, and if it works or not, as I am not going to
          part with $ 2,000.00 to find out.

          I am posting to expose your marketing tactics, and non-disclosure, as the undisclosed
          $ 2,000.00 license fee would be a deal killer for many who would initially pay the ( free ?? ) $ 49.00

          As for now... I smell something rotten in the state of Panama City ( from where you stated you were at during the email ).

          This may seem a harsh post... but how many lost $ 49.00 to this tactic?

          Looking for Truth...

          Dennis E Martin
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8335627].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author CtrlAltRage
            This reply could be taken in many different ways.

            You may think I'm defending him. You may think I AM him in disguise lol.

            You may even think I'm one of his "lackeys" trying to sound like My Top Tier Business is the most amazing thing ever.

            So allow me to just start off by saying, look at my previous posts. Just a little over a year ago I was BRAND spanking new to Internet Marketing. I first stated trying to get into CPA advertising, hoping to make it rich by sending people to crappy offers that would pay me 50 cents a lead.

            Eventually, I was able to meet a pretty cool cat on the WF who was a successful marketer, became a part of his team and pretty much lost interest in anything else.

            This year, I was able to become a part of Matt Lloyd's affiliate program and I gotta say it's pretty legit. I've been a MOBE License Rights member since April and from April to June I had made around $1,100 bucks. Nothing to shake a finger at, especially for something I hadn't really been pushing at the time.

            MTTB is a system he just came out with and while I agree the message of it is a little confusing (and some can take it as "scammy")'s far from a scam.

            I just got back from being at his Supercharge Summit in Chicago and I've met him personally. I've had time to talk to him one on one and he's even helped me with pointers on a business plan I'm working on.

            That's not a sign of a scammer.

            Like I said above, I'm more than happy to try to answer any questions, but I really don't frequent the WF that often anymore. Shoot me a PM and I can add you on Facebook.

            As far as results, I can tell you that since around the beginning of July (When I finished the MTTB Course) I've made more money than I have in 4 weeks than I did from April to June.

            If you follow the system, it DOES work. You have to remain consistent.

            And honestly? If you already have a system making you money then by all means stick with it. For some of us, having a coach and a community of like minded individuals (my friends I've met in through MOBE) really aids in our success.

            I've been on the warrior forum for a little over a year and not to bash it, it's far from "like minded" individuals. I've read so many posts where someone was bashing someone else, another person was accused to scamming another or another person posting false claims of how much money they've made.

            Now, I'll always appreciate the WF for what it is. I still come back here from time to time to read relevant posts if I'm curious about a specific topic, but let's be honest. Buying WSO's here was just a big "next shiny object" circle that I got caught in until I found a proven system.

            I'm aware I just went off on a tangent, but I wanted to try to be real and transparent. Anyways, I'm here to help with any questions and I'll leave this reply by saying this:

            Regardless of what you think about MTTB or Matt Lloyd. Regardless of if you decide to hate it or love it.

            If you think $2,000 is too much money to invest in a business, you're gonna have a really hard time making money online.

            If you want to make money on Teespring, Shoot me a PM.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8336802].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
              Originally Posted by CtrlAltRage View Post

              If you think $2,000 is too much money to invest in a business, you're gonna have a really hard time making money online.
              The question here is "where" to invest that money, not the amount.
              They don't mention a single word about MOBE nor $2,000 in the sales letter, and that's misleading and not fair.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8337976].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author moofish
                Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

                The question here is "where" to invest that money, not the amount.
                They don't mention a single word about MOBE nor $2,000 in the sales letter, and that's misleading and not fair.
                Yes thats correct, there is no problem investing $2000 in a potential business, but when your buying nothing but junk its a waste of time.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8932805].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
              He should be honest and tell the truth about the $2000

              I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
              I found one ??????

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8363827].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
              Originally Posted by CtrlAltRage View Post

              If you think $2,000 is too much money to invest in a business, you're gonna have a really hard time making money online.
              I call bs on this statement - there are many many fellow Warriors who started out on a shoe string budget - and who are all making decent money online - maybe not millions - but that's not my point-
              I do agree it takes money to make money - but you don't need $2000 to do it, not even close.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9266194].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author wovawefo
            I also payed the 49 dollars and went until they mention the 1997 dollar for partnering up. Find it super annoying when it is advertised as FREE until you make money with it, and than you need to pay up.

            So after seeing you pay 1997 dollars, the never before seen 500 dollar money back guarantee, which is basically a 25% money back guarantee is not such a good deal after all with every other info product on the net has 100% money back.

            I dont like it that it is not clear.

            But well, done cause it is built up really well to suck you in. First free, than 49 dollars, than a lot of testimonials with a lot of money, long videos, long copy covering every aspect of how good franchises are (so when u r introduced to the 2k franchise u dont bail), how Matt did not blame the guy to whom he payed once some 36k for some similar franchise and did not make money, but himself (so u will do the same) and how high end products r the best ever.

            Plus my impression is that most of the income comes from signing up new members, and selling MOBE products on the side is only a minor part of the income, which makes it look like a scheme...

            Dont like it. But as I said I did not pay the 2k, did not go any further....
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8379572].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author RUGI
            The truth as you say is the truth. I actually was going to go for this because I enjoyed listening and it seemed honest. Now your points are facts and not based on emotion. Although I find you were a bit extreme in calling him a "scammer". Although I agree with you because in essence if you are not telling a whole truth, you simply have chosen to lie. Agreed. But ego got in the way of his response. "You see you have never been successful online" that was to hurt you and not have to simply answer to your points on why you consider his marketing a manipulative lie...which if if all claimed by you and others is true, then it is simply a LIE. END OF STORY. I WONDER INDEED WHEN SOMEONE WILL ACTUALLY BRING A PRODUCT OR SERVICE FOR A FEE BUT SAY WHAT THEY MEAN...THE SAME AS EVERY OTHER DAMN GURU. I HOPE THERE IS AN ORIGINAL OUT THERE. THANKS DENNIS.

            Originally Posted by Dennis Martin View Post

            My email response to Matt:

            After watching the sales video,
            Seeing that it was free to join...
            Oh Yeah... you need to put up the $ 49.00 to keep out the tire kickers.
            Not disclosed... $ 2,000.00 License fee coming later.

            Matt LLoyd;

            I am so glad I visited the Warrior Forum and read the reviews, before getting
            sucked into your scheme. Two weeks later after paying the 49.00, I will have
            to put up another $ 2,000.00 ??? , evidently making you some good commission, while I
            will still be stuck in training, and watching 1 hour stale videos.

            You should disclose the $ 2,000.00 up front. You are a dishonest scammer, and
            prey upon unknowing people who get sucked into your schemes, without researching
            first. To bad for them.

            Your business is only for those who can sleep at night after ripping others off.

            But as for me.... I am unsubscribing from your list, and posting this on the Warrior Forum.

            If these reviews I have read are not true, you are welcome to respond, as I and other
            inquiring minds would like to know.

            I am not questioning the value of the product, and if it works or not, as I am not going to
            part with $ 2,000.00 to find out.

            I am posting to expose your marketing tactics, and non-disclosure, as the undisclosed
            $ 2,000.00 license fee would be a deal killer for many who would initially pay the ( free ?? ) $ 49.00

            As for now... I smell something rotten in the state of Panama City ( from where you stated you were at during the email ).

            This may seem a harsh post... but how many lost $ 49.00 to this tactic?

            Looking for Truth...

            Dennis E Martin

            pAYing it ForWArd aLwAYS...

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8668809].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author victoria264
            Originally Posted by Dennis Martin View Post

            My email response to Matt:

            After watching the sales video,
            Seeing that it was free to join...
            Oh Yeah... you need to put up the $ 49.00 to keep out the tire kickers.
            Not disclosed... $ 2,000.00 License fee coming later.

            Matt LLoyd;

            I am so glad I visited the Warrior Forum and read the reviews, before getting
            sucked into your scheme. Two weeks later after paying the 49.00, I will have
            to put up another $ 2,000.00 ??? , evidently making you some good commission, while I
            will still be stuck in training, and watching 1 hour stale videos.

            You should disclose the $ 2,000.00 up front. You are a dishonest scammer, and
            prey upon unknowing people who get sucked into your schemes, without researching
            first. To bad for them.

            Your business is only for those who can sleep at night after ripping others off.

            But as for me.... I am unsubscribing from your list, and posting this on the Warrior Forum.

            If these reviews I have read are not true, you are welcome to respond, as I and other
            inquiring minds would like to know.

            I am not questioning the value of the product, and if it works or not, as I am not going to
            part with $ 2,000.00 to find out.

            I am posting to expose your marketing tactics, and non-disclosure, as the undisclosed
            $ 2,000.00 license fee would be a deal killer for many who would initially pay the ( free ?? ) $ 49.00

            As for now... I smell something rotten in the state of Panama City ( from where you stated you were at during the email ).

            This may seem a harsh post... but how many lost $ 49.00 to this tactic?

            Looking for Truth...

            Dennis E Martin
            Awesome Post! Dennis - Thank You...Many have lost their $49.00!!!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9288204].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Halfachook
              This system may well be awesome but, by the look of it the sales system is misleading, which has lead to a mass of bad PR. So on that ground alone I will not be drawn in...
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9307210].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael75065
          scam people run for your life. I almost join a scam like this called Necopia

          Do not join. there a zillion desperate poeple to stupid to see scam that right in there face.

          MLM and the intrernet as gone to hell. Sad what I see
          Visit my blog to receive helpful information, tips and techniques, plus get some quality products!

          Enjoy and learn and have fun: http://YourSuccessUnlimited.Net
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8869476].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author snginc
        What makes you think it takes alot of time and skill to create your own products? I create products on a DAILY basis. There are quite a few products being sold here on the WF everyday that show you how to make good products quickly. Who lied to you about product creation?
        Originally Posted by gilksy View Post

        Considering the time and skills it takes to create your own products
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647982].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author officer4
        Originally Posted by gilksy View Post

        The MOBE Licence gives you the licence rights to sell the core MOBE products for 90% commission (ranging from $87 to $267) and re-sell the MOBE licence itself for 50% commission ($1K).

        Considering the time and skills it takes to create your own products, it's a pretty good deal.

        PM me if you want more info and I'll send you a link to a video.
        So do I have to buy a MOBE license for this MTTB System? I thought it was the perfect software>
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9082495].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author getrichinfo
    I knew it! there is definitely a catch somewhere!

    I'm Buying Health Solos, please PM me if you are selling!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8216888].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cajun
      Originally Posted by getrichinfo View Post

      I knew it! there is definitely a catch somewhere!
      When it sounds too good to be true....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8244724].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author agoodsaid
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8232364].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheMaleRN
      Originally Posted by agoodsaid View Post

      Hi guys -

      Total transparency here - I've been selling Matt's stuff for about 18mos. And I've made $ (feel free to PM for a screenshot - though I would ask for your discretion) ... it's not a fortune, but it's nothing to sneeze at either.

      I don't drive cold traffic so don't ask me for conversion numbers or anything. I have a small responsive list that I treat very well and they in turn buy the stuff I recommend.

      Am liking this MTTB funnel very well, not too clear on the sales page wording, it's being tweaked to be as clear, yet irresistible as possible (a gotcha feeling does no one any good) but the content up to the point that Maurice mentions is worth the $49 and then some imho - especially to folks who aren't clear about why large commissions are so much more powerful than small ones or who have yet to fully 'get' what's possible with the economics side of high ticket IM.

      They're literally like night and day vs. one off affiliate commissions.

      Changed our family's reality (MOBE and 2 others).

      Matt's a solid and thorough teacher, my folks come out the other side with what they need to take further action, he creates upsell offers that convert and he pays on time.

      That's a winning combo in my book.

      Hope that helps,

      Thanks for being honest. How are things with MOBE sales at this point though?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8931565].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WFDUDE
      Originally Posted by agoodsaid View Post

      Hi guys -

      Total transparency here - I've been selling Matt's stuff for about 18mos. And I've made $ (feel free to PM for a screenshot - though I would ask for your discretion) ... it's not a fortune, but it's nothing to sneeze at either.

      I don't drive cold traffic so don't ask me for conversion numbers or anything. I have a small responsive list that I treat very well and they in turn buy the stuff I recommend.

      Am liking this MTTB funnel very well, not too clear on the sales page wording, it's being tweaked to be as clear, yet irresistible as possible (a gotcha feeling does no one any good) but the content up to the point that Maurice mentions is worth the $49 and then some imho - especially to folks who aren't clear about why large commissions are so much more powerful than small ones or who have yet to fully 'get' what's possible with the economics side of high ticket IM.

      They're literally like night and day vs. one off affiliate commissions.

      Changed our family's reality (MOBE and 2 others).

      Matt's a solid and thorough teacher, my folks come out the other side with what they need to take further action, he creates upsell offers that convert and he pays on time.

      That's a winning combo in my book.

      Hope that helps,
      Did you say total transparency here? Um, that's hilarious.

      Don't Dream It, Be It.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9320131].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SarahEmpower
    I’m going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE…
    and never ask you for a single dime for it
    until AFTER you make money with it.
    - That was part of the sales letter...

    1. You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it’s assigned to you.
    2. If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8257539].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author smak
      Guys don't bother with this MTTB program.

      You will be required to pay $2k just to become affiliate of their products. And that too without really having clue as to the salesletters of products u will be asked to promote or any other material that can aid marketing.

      Tell me does clickbank/ebay/amazon or many others charge you any monies to become affiliate? Off course no. So why the heck are these guys charging $2k for what effectively is to become affiliate of their products.

      Also on their salesletter they say things like each of the 21 step will take you 30 minutes to complete. But I covered 3 steps and they all seem to have recordings of seminar presentations lasting 1 hour & more.

      Just hate these kind of things. So fed up of such tactics.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8257679].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
        Originally Posted by smak View Post

        Tell me does clickbank/ebay/amazon or many others charge you any monies to become affiliate? Off course no. So why the heck are these guys charging $2k for what effectively is to become affiliate of their products.
        It's typical pyramid scheme behavior, "pay us money for the rights to sell our products." Oldest line in the book.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8347287].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rrram2
        Originally Posted by smak View Post

        So why the heck are these guys charging $2k for what effectively is to become affiliate of their products.
        Because thats how the $1000 commissions are generated?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110317].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cajun
      Originally Posted by SarahEmpower View Post

      I’m going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE…
      and never ask you for a single dime for it
      until AFTER you make money with it.
      - That was part of the sales letter...

      1. You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it’s assigned to you.
      2. If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.
      So halfway thru the 21 steps I need to buy a $2000 license? If I don't, means I didn't complete a step, so forfeit $500 guarantee, plus $49 already paid?
      Please clarify...
      What did you do, Maurice?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8258200].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MoneyKattz
        Seriously though to the wieners, do you really think you can earn thousand dollar commissions with an affiliate program that only charges $47? Then no one would pay the $2000.

        This product sounds really great actually, high end products are really needed in the back end of your sales funnel.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8954143].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
          Notice that 99% of the people defending the product only have 1 post..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8956369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author webmind
      Originally Posted by SarahEmpower View Post

      I'm going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE...
      and never ask you for a single dime for it
      until AFTER you make money with it.
      - That was part of the sales letter...

      1. You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it's assigned to you.
      2. If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.
      Why would anyone trust a guy who straight out lies in his sales letter? Free? Or $2000? What's the difference among friends!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8488082].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paraface
        Originally Posted by webmind View Post

        Why would anyone trust a guy who straight out lies in his sales letter? Free? Or $2000? What's the difference among friends!
        Agree. Cool.

        P.S. I don't know where my "Thanks" button is!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8488215].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author stephabel
          Here is the first paragraph of John Chow's blog post
          My Top Tier Business (MTTB). This is a system that I have been testing for Matt Lloyd. The result so far has been nothing short of amazing.
          So John Chow seems to declare he tested the system FOR Matt Lloyd.

          Then his comment posted on June 26, 2013 at 9:32 am he states
          you will make at least $1,000 in commissions within 30 days or we paypal you $500.
          WE paypal you $500... is John Chow now a partner???

          In another comment two minutes later at 9:34 am he states
          • We are limiting this to 250 people and we will get more applications than that, so we want to make sure we get the right people in the program.
          • Later We take Visa and MasterCard.
          WE are... WE will get... WE want... WE get.. WE take Visa ... and he continues using many WE s in all other comments so it now seems to appear that John Chow is a partner !!!

          So when John Chow's review in the opening paragraph blatlantly states
          This is "a system that I have been testing for Matt Lloyd". The result so far has been "nothing short of amazing"
          I wonder what this review is worth...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8492174].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      I read the terms and conditions and its clear that they are a bit shady by saying some of the things they say, saying someone needs to complete 21 steps in order in one day on an exact day they specify is insane, because they state that each step takes 30 minutes? WTF who has 10.5 hours in one day to put towards this, and obviously the $1000 commission is possible after you sign up and pay more than $1000, generating a $1000 commission for someone else, then you sell one too and make $1000....really? Anyone making any real money with this? ANyone got a refund of their $49? and how many people are there out there that bought this thing and now have sever buyers remorse and feel bad because they wasted $$$$ and didnt get anything in return?

      Sorry folks, but the sales video just isnt very credible to me.

      his marketing list is funny, he is emailing me as a result of me being added to his bitbillions list. I joined bitbillions under him, and actually bitbillions was a joke, watch endless videos and crapola for pennies a day, real $ there, BAH.

      Laws and rules governing it are Australia, which means good luck suing me in AUstralia for signing up and sharing the "scamy" stuff about this whole deal.

      It could work, but it screams scam, the world could end today but its not likely, just like making any real $ with this thing without a heap of conflict issues and a bunch of buyers who feel ripped off.

      Good luck with this one!

      Originally Posted by SarahEmpower View Post

      I'm going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE...
      and never ask you for a single dime for it
      until AFTER you make money with it.
      - That was part of the sales letter...

      1. You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it's assigned to you.
      2. If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110297].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Forex To Success
    I just signed up yesterday. Now i read this post and start smelling fishy.
    I will see how i goes and keep everyone update
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8277583].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author higherluv
    (From anyone who’s tried this…) if we get on board how do they expect us to promote their products?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8329422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mattlloyd
    I am constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are.

    Especially Mr Dennis Martin.

    @Dennis - I've never met you, but, I'd be willing to bet anyone on this forum that you have never had any real success online before. Admit it - I'm right, aren't I?

    I didn't get your email - if I'd seen it though, the first thing I'd do is get you off my list. Making threats that you're going to go post about me on a forum... typical signs of an amateur.

    If you haven't got a refund for the 49 tell me your email now, and I'll do it myself. Frankly I'm embarrassed to have had you as a customer.

    For those whining about the fact that I offer additional programs in MTTB - yes I do.

    It's what we in the business refer to as an "upsell" - or an OTO. They do 2 things: offer additional value to the customer, and, allow you the marketer to increase your average customer value.

    And, what they ALL have in common, is that there is an option as to whether you say "yes please" or "no thankyou."

    No one holds a gun to your head and says you have to buy this.

    Yes, I do have additional programs. I recommend you get them, because they are good. But it's completely up to you.

    And complaining that I don't talk about the additional offers in the initial front end sales video is also stupid. Have you ever watched any sales video and heard them say, "hey, after you buy this, we're going to offer you 3 other programs in our OTO sequence!!" - I don't think so.

    I thought this was supposed to be a marketing forum.

    Some idiot was also complaining that the videos in the course are too long - imagine that... someone complaining about 'too much' content.

    And Dennis - buddy, I'm actually in Panama scouting locations for a big event we are putting on next year- as I clearly wrote in my email.

    I will gladly put our success statistics of members in MTTB up against any other system out there. Every day that system is making partners tens of thousands of dollars. It clearly works, and most people really love it. Those who don't... are more than welcome to refund the 49.

    Thankyou for the support from some of you above - who have actually used the system.

    For anyone reading this - here's the deal: you can go through MTTB yourself, and see what it's like.

    Yes, some of the Steps may take you more than 30 minutes, because not every lesson in IM fits conveniently inside a 30 minute time slot.

    But, you'll get a very good grounding when it comes to selling high ticket items on the internet.

    If you get to the end and MTTB it's not for you... simply contact our support. Easy.
    Start your own info-marketing business, and scale from $0 to over $81K in under 12 months. Free webinar shows you EXACTLY what I did, and all my private numbers:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8339648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
      Hey Matt,
      Your answer to Dennis sounds a bit arrogant but I can understand that because you may be a bit pissed off.
      Pls give us a straight answer to this question:

      What happens with your $500 guarantee + $49 refund on day 30 if the $1,000 mark is not reached after the 21 steps, and MOBE hasn't been purchased. Is MOBE one of the 21?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8339922].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mattlloyd
        Roberto, I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I just don't tolerate it when uninformed people think it's ok to go trash my business on forums and abuse me. It's cowardly and amateur.

        If anyone ever has any questions about my products or business and asks me in a respectful, professional way, I'll always take the time to give them an answer. Always.

        So here's the deal with the guarantee; it's an implementation guarantee, that states that if a member of MTTB goes through the 21 steps in full, in under 21 days, completing all action steps - and then has not made a 1k commission within the next 30 days, then I'll pay them $500.

        After someone gets to the end of the 21 steps...we have a 30 day traffic plan that the member follows, where they get an affiliate link for MTTB and we then show them how to go get traffic.

        Is it easy to get the $500? So long as you can show us reasonable evidence you've completed all the action steps from the 21 steps, yes.

        The big problem with a guarantee like this though... is that it can at times attract the wrong people. People who think they can sign up to MTTB... try it out for a few days...then come back to us and say "hey, I tried it, got no results, where's my $500?"

        We don't allow that. As we very, very clearly state (especially in Step 1 of MTTB) if anyone wants to take us up on the guarantee - they will need to prove they completed the steps and took action.

        To anyone thinking about joining MTTB with the mindset of "I'm going to get that $500" - my advice is: don't. You will have to invest time and work into making the system work - and, there are MUCH easier ways to go make $500.

        If you're going to join it, go in with the attitude that you're going to implement every action step and treat this like a real business.

        I've been selling high ticket programs for years now and know what I'm doing - the people who implement and use MTTB the way it's designed to be used are making high ticket commissions on a steady basis. It works, but only when you treat it like a real business.
        Start your own info-marketing business, and scale from $0 to over $81K in under 12 months. Free webinar shows you EXACTLY what I did, and all my private numbers:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8344442].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
          Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

          Roberto, I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I just don't tolerate it when uninformed people think it's ok to go trash my business on forums and abuse me. It's cowardly and amateur.

          If anyone ever has any questions about my products or business and asks me in a respectful, professional way, I'll always take the time to give them an answer. Always.

          So here's the deal with the guarantee; it's an implementation guarantee, that states that if a member of MTTB goes through the 21 steps in full, in under 21 days, completing all action steps - and then has not made a 1k commission within the next 30 days, then I'll pay them $500.

          After someone gets to the end of the 21 steps...we have a 30 day traffic plan that the member follows, where they get an affiliate link for MTTB and we then show them how to go get traffic.

          Is it easy to get the $500? So long as you can show us reasonable evidence you've completed all the action steps from the 21 steps, yes.

          The big problem with a guarantee like this though... is that it can at times attract the wrong people. People who think they can sign up to MTTB... try it out for a few days...then come back to us and say "hey, I tried it, got no results, where's my $500?"

          We don't allow that. As we very, very clearly state (especially in Step 1 of MTTB) if anyone wants to take us up on the guarantee - they will need to prove they completed the steps and took action.

          To anyone thinking about joining MTTB with the mindset of "I'm going to get that $500" - my advice is: don't. You will have to invest time and work into making the system work - and, there are MUCH easier ways to go make $500.

          If you're going to join it, go in with the attitude that you're going to implement every action step and treat this like a real business.

          I've been selling high ticket programs for years now and know what I'm doing - the people who implement and use MTTB the way it's designed to be used are making high ticket commissions on a steady basis. It works, but only when you treat it like a real business.
          Hey Matt,

          Thank you for your answer, but my question still stands.

          You see, I'd never ever enter into a brand new system to earn a lousy $500 guarantee.
          I'm too tired, too stressed and too disappointed losing time money and effort to make a decent living with IM, so the $500 doesn't mean nothing to me. If I enter to MTTB just for the guarantee, I would feel like a thief (a stupid one though).

          So here I go again:
          *Is it possible to make those $1.000 within 30 days after completing the MTTB 21 steps WITHOUT purchasing MOBE initially, and buying it afterwords when your budget allows it?*

          I'm sure you'll shoot an honest answer.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8346301].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author briggo
          Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

          Roberto, I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I just don't tolerate it when uninformed people think it's ok to go trash my business on forums and abuse me. It's cowardly and amateur.

          If anyone ever has any questions about my products or business and asks me in a respectful, professional way, I'll always take the time to give them an answer. Always.

          So here's the deal with the guarantee; it's an implementation guarantee, that states that if a member of MTTB goes through the 21 steps in full, in under 21 days, completing all action steps - and then has not made a 1k commission within the next 30 days, then I'll pay them $500.

          After someone gets to the end of the 21 steps...we have a 30 day traffic plan that the member follows, where they get an affiliate link for MTTB and we then show them how to go get traffic.

          Is it easy to get the $500? So long as you can show us reasonable evidence you've completed all the action steps from the 21 steps, yes.

          The big problem with a guarantee like this though... is that it can at times attract the wrong people. People who think they can sign up to MTTB... try it out for a few days...then come back to us and say "hey, I tried it, got no results, where's my $500?"

          We don't allow that. As we very, very clearly state (especially in Step 1 of MTTB) if anyone wants to take us up on the guarantee - they will need to prove they completed the steps and took action.

          To anyone thinking about joining MTTB with the mindset of "I'm going to get that $500" - my advice is: don't. You will have to invest time and work into making the system work - and, there are MUCH easier ways to go make $500.

          If you're going to join it, go in with the attitude that you're going to implement every action step and treat this like a real business.

          I've been selling high ticket programs for years now and know what I'm doing - the people who implement and use MTTB the way it's designed to be used are making high ticket commissions on a steady basis. It works, but only when you treat it like a real business.
          This guy is just a bloody crook keep away from him and tell everyone you know to stay away
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8646359].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mark Carter
            Originally Posted by briggo View Post

            This guy is just a bloody crook keep away from him and tell everyone you know to stay away
            You, as others voicing their "experiences" in this thread obviously have not done any research on the topic.

            I have been researching this opportunity for the last two months and have learned that it is in fact for real.

            I became aware of the top tier level investment requirement (thus my desire to do considerable research) in the first couple of videos that I watched. I don't feel that anything has been hidden.

            John Chow is not the only high profile marketer involved. Ever heard of Jonathan Budd?

            Mike Koenings, Mark Hoverson and even the legendary Joe Sugarman were willing to risk their reputation by speaking at the Titanium Mastermind in Cabo earlier this month.

            Have you even bothered to search YouTube for MOBE, My Online Business Empire, MTTB, My Top Tier Business, or even Matt Lloyd for that matter for more insight?

            I used to come to this sight for insight into such matters, but the number of people that come here and open their pie hole, just so they can appear to be "in the know", (but really just let their ignorance be known), while not caring if they are accurate or even truthful for that matter have made it useless for such.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8658364].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Cam W
              I am not surprise that these big guys earn juicy commission by promoting MOBE, or even own part of the MOBE business. Look at John Chow, he's promoting MOBE full-time on his website. I used to follow his blog in the past, but not anymore because I am sick of his showing off his white mercedes and boosting how much money he made from MOBE every week.....i want to vomit

              At the end of the day, don't forget, they are all affiliate marketers, some of them are willing to sell their own reputation for a price, some might even sell their kids for money. who knows?? In the world of IM, you never know who's lying who isn't, never ever until they took your money.

              ps. Mark, I am really interested to know what you have found in youtube with MOBE, all i can see is a bunch of crab videos with people giving "honest" opinion on how successful they are after they join, with a link attached at the bottom. Some of these faces look familiar in fiverr too.

              Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

              You, as others voicing their "experiences" in this thread obviously have not done any research on the topic.

              I have been researching this opportunity for the last two months and have learned that it is in fact for real.

              I became aware of the top tier level investment requirement (thus my desire to do considerable research) in the first couple of videos that I watched. I don't feel that anything has been hidden.

              John Chow is not the only high profile marketer involved. Ever heard of Jonathan Budd?

              Mike Koenings, Mark Hoverson and even the legendary Joe Sugarman were willing to risk their reputation by speaking at the Titanium Mastermind in Cabo earlier this month.

              Have you even bothered to search YouTube for MOBE, My Online Business Empire, MTTB, My Top Tier Business, or even Matt Lloyd for that matter for more insight?

              I used to come to this sight for insight into such matters, but the number of people that come here and open their pie hole, just so they can appear to be "in the know", (but really just let their ignorance be known), while not caring if they are accurate or even truthful for that matter have made it useless for such.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8659433].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michelle Green
      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      I am constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are...
      Matt, I admire your passion. But I think you may have done more harm to your reputation than good by responding in the defensive manner that you have. Customers complain about products all the time, but until one experiences it for themselves it's all hear say. It's nothing a little reputation management won't resolve. However, when you lash out in public like that all of a sudden it's no longer hear say. People will assume it must be true because of the way you've reacted. I've seen your presentation, you are a great marketer, but part of being a great business man is knowing how to react to and resolve customer dissatisfaction effectively. It's also humbling yourself to receive constructive criticism. When people see FREE that's exactly what they expect. You might want to use more caution when throwing that word around prior to hitting people with a $49 entry and then a $2000 upsell. Good luck, I wish you the best sir.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8568248].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hlnsvr9
      I just signed up to MyTopTierBusiness. But I want a refund. So far none of the instructions were doable (explained below). Thus I visited the web and warrior forum to check its validity, which I usually do before buying into something. Wished I had the sense to do that this time. The surprise charge that's awaiting me is not cool! I want a refund. I'm doing fine in Network Marketing. It's not a respectful place where the rug is pulled out from under one's feet.

      None of the instructions worked:
      I watched the welcome video but could not book my first call because the bar above which had the links disappeared at once when the video and the texts finally loaded. But I could access the support link thus I wrote to them explaining my problem. Awaiting a reply.

      Trying to reload the page or hitting the back button brought me to a login page asking for my password. But I was never given the opportunity during sign up to create a password! Thus anything I typed returned an error message. Cannot login...No Access to back office!

      I also did not receive the e-mail that was promised that should have the info for me to move forward. They're not in my junk mailbox either. Have written to Linda, but no response yet.

      This does not look good, Matt Lloyd. Hope you'd kindly refund just as you promised for principle's sake.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8659838].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Gomarket77
        Its amazing. A few people are still showing up here, pretending that they are not fully aware that mytoptierbusiness is a complete scam. Enough is enough.

        Go listen to Matt lloyds 29 minute video on his website. He tells the world he has a method that is 100% free, where people will make $1000 in 30 days, or he will give them $500 if they fail.

        Then he changes his mind after 29 minutes of misleading us, and says, I need 49 bucks.

        Next, he begs a bunch of fools to show up here and claim he is a good guy, and everything is above board. This deal is not above board. It is a clear-cut nasty bait and switch scam.

        Next, his shills continue to lie through their teeth on this site claiming that there are other gurus prmoting Matt lloyds program other than J. Chow.
        This is a lie.

        Other gurus are 100% --NOT-- prmoting this deal.

        Don’t rely on my words. Go to google. Spend 5 hours on google.

        Come back to this great forum and let us know where you found proof in google of a guru --currently-- prmoting Matt lloyds program.

        I said --CURRENTLY--.

        Every other known guru in the Internet marketing world has deliberatly stayed far, far away from Matts deal. And so should you.

        Don't rely on people saying, but, but, but I saw a few guru names on a leaderboard.
        Great. The leaderboard is hosted by Matt lloyd. I will put it another way. Matt lloyd has control of what a private leader board displays to his members.

        Instead of quoting a fake leaderboard, show us proof of other gurus --CURRENTLY--prmoting Matt lloyds program. (other than J Chow)

        You cant.

        And don’t reply to my post listing --hired-- speakers at past conferences of Matts.
        Hired speakers are promoting themselves---for pay. They are NOT promoting Matts program at all, not even in the slightest.

        So when Mark Carter above foolishly tries to get people to leave this site and waste there time watching youtube videos, do not fall for it. You will get all the dirty news about Matts program right here.

        You are safe and informed at the warrior forum.

        Everyone on this site know full well, the truth always comes out on forums. Like this great forum!

        Youtube is -NOT- the place to get the real truth about an internet marketing company.

        But youtube --IS-- the place to go if you are an affiliate wanting to promote a company.

        This con needs to be shut down. A lot of innocent and trusting people are getting hurt financially with my top tier business. Nobody would join this deal if Matt was honest and told them that you really don’t get anything unless you give him $2000 plus the fake $49 application fee. (total = $2049.00)

        The nightmare is about to get even worse for many newbie's.

        Matt and J Chow have fooled several newbie's into flying to San diego Friday Nov 1 for a fake seminar where innocent people --THINK-- they will be taught internet marketing.

        Imagine how angry they will be when they find out that the only reason for the seminar is for Matt and J Chow to try to get these innocent people to part with $2000. Classic bait and switch scam, only this time, people are spending there hard earned money to pay for flights and hotel rooms.

        These people are in for a NASTY SURPRISE. They have no idea they can hear J Chow repeat his life story on youtube for free.

        This tragedy starts tomorrow. I would be livid if this ever happened to me.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8660313].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mark Carter
          Originally Posted by Gomarket77 View Post

          Its amazing. A few people are still showing up here, pretending that they are not fully aware that mytoptierbusiness is a complete scam. Enough is enough.

          Go listen to Matt lloyds 29 minute video on his website. He tells the world he has a method that is 100% free, where people will make $1000 in 30 days, or he will give them $500 if they fail.

          Then he changes his mind after 29 minutes of misleading us, and says, I need 49 bucks.

          Next, he begs a bunch of fools to show up here and claim he is a good guy, and everything is above board. This deal is not above board. It is a clear-cut nasty bait and switch scam.

          Next, his shills continue to lie through their teeth on this site claiming that there are other gurus prmoting Matt lloyds program other than J. Chow.
          This is a lie.

          Other gurus are 100% --NOT-- prmoting this deal.

          Don’t rely on my words. Go to google. Spend 5 hours on google.

          Come back to this great forum and let us know where you found proof in google of a guru --currently-- prmoting Matt lloyds program.

          I said --CURRENTLY--.

          Every other known guru in the Internet marketing world has deliberatly stayed far, far away from Matts deal. And so should you.

          Don't rely on people saying, but, but, but I saw a few guru names on a leaderboard.
          Great. The leaderboard is hosted by Matt lloyd. I will put it another way. Matt lloyd has control of what a private leader board displays to his members.

          Instead of quoting a fake leaderboard, show us proof of other gurus --CURRENTLY--prmoting Matt lloyds program. (other than J Chow)

          You cant.

          And don’t reply to my post listing --hired-- speakers at past conferences of Matts.
          Hired speakers are promoting themselves---for pay. They are NOT promoting Matts program at all, not even in the slightest.

          So when Mark Carter above foolishly tries to get people to leave this site and waste there time watching youtube videos, do not fall for it. You will get all the dirty news about Matts program right here.

          You are safe and informed at the warrior forum.

          Everyone on this site know full well, the truth always comes out on forums. Like this great forum!

          Youtube is -NOT- the place to get the real truth about an internet marketing company.

          But youtube --IS-- the place to go if you are an affiliate wanting to promote a company.

          This con needs to be shut down. A lot of innocent and trusting people are getting hurt financially with my top tier business. Nobody would join this deal if Matt was honest and told them that you really don’t get anything unless you give him $2000 plus the fake $49 application fee. (total = $2049.00)

          The nightmare is about to get even worse for many newbie's.

          Matt and J Chow have fooled several newbie's into flying to San diego Friday Nov 1 for a fake seminar where innocent people --THINK-- they will be taught internet marketing.

          Imagine how angry they will be when they find out that the only reason for the seminar is for Matt and J Chow to try to get these innocent people to part with $2000. Classic bait and switch scam, only this time, people are spending there hard earned money to pay for flights and hotel rooms.

          These people are in for a NASTY SURPRISE. They have no idea they can hear J Chow repeat his life story on youtube for free.

          This tragedy starts tomorrow. I would be livid if this ever happened to me.
          What's amazing is that you know so much about this forum, Matt Lloyd and especially the motivation behind my posting considering you've made only this one posting on the forum and joined just last month.

          Your statements "You will get all the dirty news about Matts program right here" and "You are safe and informed at the warrior forum" quickly shows in two short sentences just how ignorant you really are about this forum and Matt Lloyd's MOBE.

          What is also amazing is that for all of the crap and BS you want to sling on Matt Lloyd and his opportunity, there are many more that are happy with and thankful for the opportunity to make some extra income.

          Some have voiced doing so here, some on YouTube, some on their own blogs, and some on other forums.

          Those slamming Matt are the typical opportunity skippers (probably like yourself) that couldn't pour pee out of a boot with directions on the bottom, got frustrated when they found there was work involved, and blamed the system instead of looking in the mirror.

          As for the "newbies' flying to San Diego Friday Nov 1 for a fake seminar where innocent people --THINK-- they will be taught internet marketing, why or how do you know so much about it?

          Will it be just Matt, John and the newbies in attendance?

          What's "FAKE" about it?

          Don't the newbies know that with ANY worthwhile business venture there is the expected investments such as price of admission, air fare, motel, food, tools, training, consulting, office space, etc.??

          Sounds like your talking out the other end, again.

          As for hearing J Chow repeat his life story on YouTube for free, don't you also advise above for the newbies NOT to go there and waste there time watching YouTube videos?

          Funny you poo-poo this, but any experienced marketer will tell you how important networking is in this industry is. It's also funny that the big earners in MOBE continue to show up at San Diego, Fiji, Cabo, etc. to hear what John Chow and the others are doing lately to grow their business.

          Oh, they also show up to pick up their promo checks that reflect their actual earnings.

          Those earnings are FAKE too I guess, RIGHT?

          Like I stated in my initial posting, I used to come to this sight for insight into such matters, but the number of people that come here and open their pie hole, just so they can appear to be "in the know", (but really just let their ignorance be known), while not caring if they are accurate, or even truthful for that matter, have made it useless for such.

          You, Gomarket77, have reinforced my point.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8663235].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ChrisWitta
            Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

            What's amazing is that you know so much about this forum, Matt Lloyd and especially the motivation behind my posting considering you've made only this one posting on the forum and joined just last month.

            Your statements "You will get all the dirty news about Matts program right here" and "You are safe and informed at the warrior forum" quickly shows in two short sentences just how ignorant you really are about this forum and Matt Lloyd's MOBE.


            Those slamming Matt are the typical opportunity skippers (probably like yourself) that couldn't pour pee out of a boot with directions on the bottom, got frustrated when they found there was work involved, and blamed the system instead of looking in the mirror.
            1. People aren't slamming Matt but are slamming his offer which they find dishonest and deceitful.

            2. ...Unlike you, who avoids having to engage any criticism by turning it back on the accuser, slandering him.

            Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

            What is also amazing is that for all of the crap and BS you want to sling on Matt Lloyd and his opportunity, there are many more that are happy with and thankful for the opportunity to make some extra income.
            For one, it's both and, moreover I have seen many more discouraged than happy people in this thread. Meanwhile, although "some have voiced doing so here, some on YouTube, some on their own blogs, and some on other forums" you don't link to any of those, and even if you did, none of those (from my research) address the concerns people are expressing here.

            Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

            It's also funny that the big earners in MOBE continue to show up at San Diego, Fiji, Cabo, etc. to hear what John Chow and the others are doing lately to grow their business.

            Oh, they also show up to pick up their promo checks that reflect their actual earnings.

            Those earnings are FAKE too I guess, RIGHT?
            Not funny at all, events like this are awesome for the image of a company and increase sales dramatically. "Look, they are in an awesome hotel receiving fat checks, I can do it too!" People here are just looking to find where that money actually comes from.

            Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

            Like I stated in my initial posting, I used to come to this sight for insight into such matters, but the number of people that come here and open their pie hole, just so they can appear to be "in the know", (but really just let their ignorance be known), while not caring if they are accurate, or even truthful for that matter, have made it useless for such.
            It's easy to point fingers but it is actually You who were neither accurate nor truthful since you didn't address anything tangible about MOBE.

            And to sum up:

            When Roberto said:

            What happens with your $500 guarantee + $49 refund on day 30 if the $1,000 mark is not reached after the 21 steps, and MOBE hasn't been purchased. Is MOBE one of the 21?

            Matt was beating around the bush trying to just reap confusion. I assume he knows - it's his program after all - that paying the 1997$ for MOBE is step 6 of 21 of his program. And to be eligible for the $500 guarantee you have to complete all the steps. Like DENNYBOY said, Pay me $900,000 for license to sell my products, make millions or if you can't make it, I'll give you the never before seen amazing value guarantee of $500,000.

            Originally Posted by Matt Lloyd View Post

            By your comment... all McDonalds franchises are pyramid schemes.

            I'm pretty sure that when you invest in a McDonalds Franchise, that is a huge part of what you're buying: the rights to sell their products.

            I'm sorry for making you look stupid... but, that was just way too easy!
            Nice - if a little bit insulting to intelligence - try, but if you wanted to tell the truth for a change, instead of calling people names and avoiding questions, your analogy would actually work like this:

            You buy a McDonalds franchise = the rights to sell their products. Tangible burgers and fries that people can eat.
            You buy supplies, rent space, hire workers, and sell food, hopefully with enough margin and eager customers to make you a profit.

            You buy a MOBE franchise = the rights to sell their products, only the products are just franchises/licences. You earn commisions (the 1k, 3k, 5k) from people who come after you and buy a right to sell what you / Matt's phone team sold them, which is exactly this. A licence. Of course, they will try to deceive you, tell you that there are amazing "products" and "coaching services", paint it as a Holy Grail and a never before seen "opportunity" / "product" / turn-key solution. But guess what the coaches will be coaching you to do? They'll call it "making money", "marketing" etc. actually it's selling licences to others.

            Using approximate figures:

            You buy a licence for 1999$, you can earn 1000$ a piece. 1000$ for you, 999$ to Matt, provided a subsequent investor pays this.
            You buy a Platinum licence for 9K$, you can earn 3000$ a piece. 3000$ for you, 6000$ to Matt. Provided a subsequent investor pays this.
            You buy a Titanium licence for 15K$, you can earn 5000$ a piece. 5000$ for you, 10000$ to Matt. Provided a subsequent investor pays this.

            Matt of course then pays his employees a part of his earnings as well.

            And yes, turning that analogy on you was just way too easy.

            The only profit in here is the money of subsequent investors. If they stop coming, the thing collapses. Calling your licence a "product" doesn't change that.

            Closing statement:

            The FBI website states:

            Pyramid schemes--also referred to as franchise fraud or chain referral schemes--are marketing and investment frauds in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product. The real profit is earned, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships. Emphasis on selling franchises rather than the product eventually leads to a point where the supply of potential investors is exhausted and the pyramid collapses.

            Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            If you own a McDonalds, do you sell more franchises or products?
            And what about if you own a MOBE licence from Matt?

            Make of that what you will. use your own brains and have a wonderful day!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8666565].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Mark Carter
              Originally Posted by ChrisWitta View Post

              1. People aren't slamming Matt but are slamming his offer which they find dishonest and deceitful.

              2. ...Unlike you, who avoids having to engage any criticism by turning it back on the accuser, slandering him.

              For one, it's both and, moreover I have seen many more discouraged than happy people in this thread. Meanwhile, although "some have voiced doing so here, some on YouTube, some on their own blogs, and some on other forums" you don't link to any of those, and even if you did, none of those (from my research) address the concerns people are expressing here.

              Not funny at all, events like this are awesome for the image of a company and increase sales dramatically. "Look, they are in an awesome hotel receiving fat checks, I can do it too!" People here are just looking to find where that money actually comes from.

              It's easy to point fingers but it is actually You who were neither accurate nor truthful since you didn't address anything tangible about MOBE.

              And to sum up:

              When Roberto said:

              What happens with your $500 guarantee + $49 refund on day 30 if the $1,000 mark is not reached after the 21 steps, and MOBE hasn't been purchased. Is MOBE one of the 21?

              Matt was beating around the bush trying to just reap confusion. I assume he knows - it's his program after all - that paying the 1997$ for MOBE is step 6 of 21 of his program. And to be eligible for the $500 guarantee you have to complete all the steps. Like DENNYBOY said, Pay me $900,000 for license to sell my products, make millions or if you can't make it, I'll give you the never before seen amazing value guarantee of $500,000.

              Nice - if a little bit insulting to intelligence - try, but if you wanted to tell the truth for a change, instead of calling people names and avoiding questions, your analogy would actually work like this:

              You buy a McDonalds franchise = the rights to sell their products. Tangible burgers and fries that people can eat.
              You buy supplies, rent space, hire workers, and sell food, hopefully with enough margin and eager customers to make you a profit.

              You buy a MOBE franchise = the rights to sell their products, only the products are just franchises/licences. You earn commisions (the 1k, 3k, 5k) from people who come after you and buy a right to sell what you / Matt's phone team sold them, which is exactly this. A licence. Of course, they will try to deceive you, tell you that there are amazing "products" and "coaching services", paint it as a Holy Grail and a never before seen "opportunity" / "product" / turn-key solution. But guess what the coaches will be coaching you to do? They'll call it "making money", "marketing" etc. actually it's selling licences to others.

              Using approximate figures:

              You buy a licence for 1999$, you can earn 1000$ a piece. 1000$ for you, 999$ to Matt, provided a subsequent investor pays this.
              You buy a Platinum licence for 9K$, you can earn 3000$ a piece. 3000$ for you, 6000$ to Matt. Provided a subsequent investor pays this.
              You buy a Titanium licence for 15K$, you can earn 5000$ a piece. 5000$ for you, 10000$ to Matt. Provided a subsequent investor pays this.

              Matt of course then pays his employees a part of his earnings as well.

              And yes, turning that analogy on you was just way too easy.

              The only profit in here is the money of subsequent investors. If they stop coming, the thing collapses. Calling your licence a "product" doesn't change that.

              Closing statement:

              The FBI website states:

              Pyramid schemes--also referred to as franchise fraud or chain referral schemes--are marketing and investment frauds in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product. The real profit is earned, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships. Emphasis on selling franchises rather than the product eventually leads to a point where the supply of potential investors is exhausted and the pyramid collapses.

              Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              If you own a McDonalds, do you sell more franchises or products?
              And what about if you own a MOBE licence from Matt?

              Make of that what you will. use your own brains and have a wonderful day!

              Your ignorant, blind and contradictory rambling in this thread have proven ONE thing.

              You've shown that you are one of those whom must win the argument at any cost, period.

              However, I'll leave you with this - To your statements "The only profit in here is the money of subsequent investors. If they stop coming, the thing collapses", and,
              "You who were neither accurate nor truthful since you didn't address anything tangible about MOBE", I'll say this -

              One couldn't drive a nail into your head with a pile driver could they?

              Doesn't ANY business collapse if the $$$ stops coming in???

              What about the ROI the "investors" get in using the numerous tools Matt provides in building their businesses (MOBE, MTTB or OTHER businesses they may be involved in)?

              I didn't address anything tangible about MOBE?

              Explain to me how you make a digital product or tool tangible? You CAN'T!

              This is what you seem to have a problem with (besides contradicting yourself) figuring out. A little more research will show you that buyers are in fact finding,,,,, here it is,,,,, wait for it,,,,,, "VALUE" ,,,,,in USING the growing array of digital products that Matt Lloyd offers, NOT JUST SELLING THEM.

              Imagine that!

              And, as long as that continues, and commissions are paid, he'll have a "legitimate" business model, regardless of what you or anyone else says. PERIOD!

              Maybe THIS will help.

              MOBE = McDonalds

              Digital Product = Big Mac

              Licensee = Server or Cashier

              Commission = Paycheck

              Question: How many individuals, not only SELL Big Macs, but EAT them as well?

              So much for your for pyramid scheme analogy.

              Also - Didn't I mention they show up to pick up their promo checks that reflect their actual earnings, to which you replied;

              "Not funny at all, events like this are awesome for the image of a company and increase sales dramatically. "Look, they are in an awesome hotel receiving fat checks, I can do it too!"

              Uhhhh.....Whats more tangible than getting paid??? Haven't heard of any of them complaining of the checks bouncing have you??? Again - buyers are in fact finding "VALUE" in USING the growing array of digital products that Matt Lloyd offers in their OWN businesses, NOT JUST SELLING THEM.

              It's not that people are getting scammed by Matt Lloyd. It's that you think that most people are not as smart as you, and are too stupid to smell one.

              Reality is, your not smart enough to see a good opportunity.

              As for there being more unsatisfied than satisfied with Matt's program;

              Like I stated earlier - Those slamming Matt are the typical opportunity skippers (probably like yourself) who got frustrated when they found there was actual work involved, and blamed the system instead of looking in the mirror.

              I'm finished here.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8683560].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author MTwomn
                Stopped in to find any information on MTTB. After reading three pages of posts I was reminded of this experience;

                I needed a new car so went to the local dealership. The salesman said I could have this supper car of my dreams for only $20,000. Later I learned that I would have to put gas in approximately every 300 miles and pay out for routine maintenance every 30,000 miles. I would also have to shell out money for incidentals like car washes, oil changes, tires, wiper blades, etc. The salesman was scum and didn't tell me the whole truth about the cost of this new car.

                Any business costs money to get it started and keep it going. You are not going to make a million dollars by dreaming and not taking any action.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8686680].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paul1963
                  Originally Posted by MTwomn View Post

                  Stopped in to find any information on MTTB. After reading three pages of posts I was reminded of this experience;

                  I needed a new car so went to the local dealership. The salesman said I could have this supper car of my dreams for only $20,000. Later I learned that I would have to put gas in approximately every 300 miles and pay out for routine maintenance every 30,000 miles. I would also have to shell out money for incidentals like car washes, oil changes, tires, wiper blades, etc. The salesman was scum and didn't tell me the whole truth about the cost of this new car.

                  Any business costs money to get it started and keep it going. You are not going to make a million dollars by dreaming and not taking any action.
                  I think people understand that any business takes money, time and work. That is o.k, my only objection to people selling products/systems like this is the way in which they are blatantly mislead.
                  Here's a refreshing thought, wouldn't it be great to find a genuine costed product ( well i can dream can't I ha ha )
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8702040].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Danno27
                    I joined as an affiliate for now, I'll probably give it a go in a little bit. I am definitely interested and do believe it can work if their methods are used right. Was I a bit thrown back at the 2k? Yes I was... But then, I thought about the fact that nothing is free. I basically think that you are paying for an education in Internet Marketing. But, as far as the 21 steps go, they are free. I told my coach I didn't want to go with the license just yet and he said thats fine and said that I could go on with the rest of the steps and promote their other products while I was ready to come on board.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8713526].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author tulsatech
                      Originally Posted by Danno27 View Post

                      I joined as an affiliate for now, I'll probably give it a go in a little bit. I am definitely interested and do believe it can work if their methods are used right. Was I a bit thrown back at the 2k? Yes I was... But then, I thought about the fact that nothing is free. I basically think that you are paying for an education in Internet Marketing. But, as far as the 21 steps go, they are free. I told my coach I didn't want to go with the license just yet and he said thats fine and said that I could go on with the rest of the steps and promote their other products while I was ready to come on board.
                      Would you mind posting the 21 steps (at least in a abbreviated or as a summary of each step so as to not break any copyright laws or your NDA)?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9331695].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author heavysm
                        One of the larger problems I am seeing is that MOBE and MTTB are being targeted at newbies who have little cash to throw around.

                        That might not seem like a big deal but when a fee of $2,000 pops up just to sell the system...things get a little messy in terms of offer transparency and what the system is really about.

                        I asked a handful of peers who have profited from MOBE what they think. They all said it was fine...two said it is great and they've made quite a bit from it.

                        The problem here is that my peers aren't newbies, rather each makes a healthy 5 figures monthly in their businesses. If they say something is bad that "thing" should be quarantined like the plague. But they enjoyed MTTB and so I had to wonder.

                        I personally don't think that most newbies just getting their feet wet into IM should touch MTTB.

                        There are a lot of costs involved and only AFTER you have learned the ropes with IM and how to properly promote different offers thereby growing your business should you think about possibly investing in the system.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9331787].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author tulsatech
                  Originally Posted by MTwomn View Post

                  Stopped in to find any information on MTTB. After reading three pages of posts I was reminded of this experience;

                  I needed a new car so went to the local dealership. The salesman said I could have this supper car of my dreams for only $20,000. Later I learned that I would have to put gas in approximately every 300 miles and pay out for routine maintenance every 30,000 miles. I would also have to shell out money for incidentals like car washes, oil changes, tires, wiper blades, etc. The salesman was scum and didn't tell me the whole truth about the cost of this new car.

                  Any business costs money to get it started and keep it going. You are not going to make a million dollars by dreaming and not taking any action.
                  Does the Kool-Aid taste good?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9331686].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author tulsatech
                Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post


                Maybe THIS will help.

                MOBE = McDonalds

                Digital Product = Big Mac

                Licensee = Server or Cashier

                Commission = Paycheck

                Question: How many individuals, not only SELL Big Macs, but EAT them as well?

                So much for your for pyramid scheme analogy.

                I'm finished here.
                I'm sure you are finished here. However, what I'm not seeing in Matt Loyd's business "opportunity" are the actual products that he sells to non-franchisees. IOW, when I walk into a McDonald's store, it's not to buy a McDonald's franchise. It's because I want to buy a hamburger, fries and a drink (or some other product they sell). Can you show us what products MOBE or Matt Lloyd sells to the public and not just to his affiliates and those who bought the license to sell his system?

                If he doesn't have any real products to sell to the public (those who have no interest in joining his particular system) and who only want his products based on their own value and merit, then it would appear that the ponzi or pyramid scheme accusation is true.

                As was mentioned in post #122
                The FBI website states:

                Pyramid schemes--also referred to as franchise fraud or chain referral schemes--are marketing and investment frauds in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product. The real profit is earned, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships. Emphasis on selling franchises rather than the product eventually leads to a point where the supply of potential investors is exhausted and the pyramid collapses.

                Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                Please answer these two questions, which I noticed you ignored before:
                #1 "If you own a McDonalds, do you sell more franchises or products?"

                #2 "And what about if you own a MOBE licence from Matt?" I assume this question means are you selling/pressuring people (and by "people" I mean affiliates) into buying the license? Because outside of the affiliates, why would anyone want to buy a license if they don't intend on promoting his system?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9331684].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author moofish
            Originally Posted by Mark Carter View Post

            As for hearing J Chow repeat his life story on YouTube for free, don't you also advise above for the newbies NOT to go there and waste there time watching YouTube videos?

            Funny you poo-poo this, but any experienced marketer will tell you how important networking is in this industry is. It's also funny that the big earners in MOBE continue to show up at San Diego, Fiji, Cabo, etc. to hear what John Chow and the others are doing lately to grow their business.

            Oh, they also show up to pick up their promo checks that reflect their actual earnings.

            Those earnings are FAKE too I guess, RIGHT?
            The people getting the check probably are part of the business itself
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8932829].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hlnsvr9
        Originally Posted by hlnsvr9 View Post

        I just signed up to MyTopTierBusiness. But I want a refund. So far none of the instructions were doable (explained below). Thus I visited the web and warrior forum to check its validity, which I usually do before buying into something. Wished I had the sense to do that this time. The surprise charge that's awaiting me is not cool! I want a refund. I'm doing fine in Network Marketing. It's not a respectful place where the rug is pulled out from under one's feet.

        None of the instructions worked:
        I watched the welcome video but could not book my first call because the bar above which had the links disappeared at once when the video and the texts finally loaded. But I could access the support link thus I wrote to them explaining my problem. Awaiting a reply.

        Trying to reload the page or hitting the back button brought me to a login page asking for my password. But I was never given the opportunity during sign up to create a password! Thus anything I typed returned an error message. Cannot login...No Access to back office!

        I also did not receive the e-mail that was promised that should have the info for me to move forward. They're not in my junk mailbox either. Have written to Linda, but no response yet.

        This does not look good, Matt Lloyd. Hope you'd kindly refund just as you promised for principle's sake.
        Almost a week has passed since I wrote the above report about MTTB. Here's an account of the progress since. Although no response to my several complaints to the support group came, the next day (Sat) I received the awaited e-mail with instructions and contact details of the coach I was supposed to call. I went ahead and scheduled a meeting for that evening to Skype the coach. I did and had almost a half hour chat with him. I was relieved to receive a very polite and informative person as the coach to whom I was able to ask my questions and some that had been raised in this forum (the surprise $1999, etc). He was very informed about the system and transparent about these suspicious issues and even told me that the payment will be requested as step 6 (or the 6th day!). After I had explained to him that had I known about that large sum prior to my sign up, I wouldn't have proceeded with my payment of $49.00 and my other reasons why I didn't wish to continue at this time.

        Long story short, he agreed to have the refund sent to me. We ended the conversation in good spirits. I felt that he was sincere. I still did not hear from anyone else in the support team about my refund after the weekend. So I sent him a Skype text message asking if the refund is set to go. Though I did not hear from him, I received today a confirmation from the support team that my refund of $49.00 has been processed and that I should allow 2-5 business days for the credit to appear in my account. I am expecting to see the amount in my account soon, but I will write in this thread to confirm if it does or otherwise!

        But, for now I must testify that MTTB seems functional in these aspects. I was afraid that my request would be ignored but it wasn't. Naturally, I would not know about the full value of all the other promised services, guarantees and income until I have experienced them myself. However, if the rate of sincerity that I sensed in 'my' coach and the honoring of my refund request are any indication of integrity that might be delivered after all, then I'd definitely give this program a chance in the future, that is if one doesn't have a problem with their license franchising concept.

        I hope my updated report is helpful for anyone else that had paid the $49.00 sign-up fees and is trying to get a refund.

        Feel free to write if you have any questions on the procedures I took to get the refund. I'll be happy to fill you in.

        Still, like most of you, I was totally appalled and panicked when I heard about the hidden cost of $1999 after I signed up. I strongly believe that this info should have been made very transparent in the video to avoid the bad taste it leaves in unassuming referrals and for the sake of MTTB's own reputation.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8676273].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jperez1129
      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      I am constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are.

      Especially Mr Dennis Martin.

      @Dennis - I've never met you, but, I'd be willing to bet anyone on this forum that you have never had any real success online before. Admit it - I'm right, aren't I?

      I didn't get your email - if I'd seen it though, the first thing I'd do is get you off my list. Making threats that you're going to go post about me on a forum... typical signs of an amateur.

      If you haven't got a refund for the 49 tell me your email now, and I'll do it myself. Frankly I'm embarrassed to have had you as a customer.

      For those whining about the fact that I offer additional programs in MTTB - yes I do.

      It's what we in the business refer to as an "upsell" - or an OTO. They do 2 things: offer additional value to the customer, and, allow you the marketer to increase your average customer value.

      And, what they ALL have in common, is that there is an option as to whether you say "yes please" or "no thankyou."

      No one holds a gun to your head and says you have to buy this.

      Yes, I do have additional programs. I recommend you get them, because they are good. But it's completely up to you.

      And complaining that I don't talk about the additional offers in the initial front end sales video is also stupid. Have you ever watched any sales video and heard them say, "hey, after you buy this, we're going to offer you 3 other programs in our OTO sequence!!" - I don't think so.

      I thought this was supposed to be a marketing forum.

      Some idiot was also complaining that the videos in the course are too long - imagine that... someone complaining about 'too much' content.

      And Dennis - buddy, I'm actually in Panama scouting locations for a big event we are putting on next year- as I clearly wrote in my email.

      I will gladly put our success statistics of members in MTTB up against any other system out there. Every day that system is making partners tens of thousands of dollars. It clearly works, and most people really love it. Those who don't... are more than welcome to refund the 49.

      Thankyou for the support from some of you above - who have actually used the system.

      For anyone reading this - here's the deal: you can go through MTTB yourself, and see what it's like.

      Yes, some of the Steps may take you more than 30 minutes, because not every lesson in IM fits conveniently inside a 30 minute time slot.

      But, you'll get a very good grounding when it comes to selling high ticket items on the internet.

      If you get to the end and MTTB it's not for you... simply contact our support. Easy.
      With every success there will be those that come against you to damage all you worked so hard to achieve! I have one piece of advice for those bashing and complaining if the program isn't for you then don't do it! success doesn't happen over night and if it does then failure is right behind it! It takes time dedication and great sacrifices to live a life you desire! Jeez people Walgreens started as a small pharmacy in a small town and now its on every corner all around the world if the founder listened to all the Debbie downers and negativity there would be no Walgreens! All it takes is a small spark to create a wild fire stop all the negativity! Matt Lloyd I want to join your team!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8775913].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nmchant
        Originally Posted by jodyheath View Post

        2. 'If you decide not purchase one of the best products on the internet for $2,000...'

        3. 'No one says you have to get the $2,000 product right away or ever; it is just a more profitable and a faster way of doing things...'

        I went through the 21 steps and steps 7 through 21 are completely geared towards putting the pressure on to get you fully positioned into titanium and platinum levels.

        They really hammer home the fact that you're totally missing out at the $2000 basic level, so much so that I ended up feeling like it wouldn't be worth it to just do it at that level.

        I ended up giving into the hype and the rest is history-

        Btw, yes you do have to pay the $2,000 to be able to earn commissions. Customer service confirmed the fact, so I'm not sure why you're implying that you don't.

        Can you clarify?
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    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      I am constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are.

      Especially Mr Dennis Martin.

      @Dennis - I've never met you, but, I'd be willing to bet anyone on this forum that you have never had any real success online before. Admit it - I'm right, aren't I?

      I didn't get your email - if I'd seen it though, the first thing I'd do is get you off my list. Making threats that you're going to go post about me on a forum... typical signs of an amateur.

      If you haven't got a refund for the 49 tell me your email now, and I'll do it myself. Frankly I'm embarrassed to have had you as a customer.

      For those whining about the fact that I offer additional programs in MTTB - yes I do.
      Nice way to start a post in which you're trying to convince people you're a good marketer. Wow. Already I don't want to learn from you!

      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      It's what we in the business refer to as an "upsell" - or an OTO. They do 2 things: offer additional value to the customer, and, allow you the marketer to increase your average customer value.

      And, what they ALL have in common, is that there is an option as to whether you say "yes please" or "no thankyou."

      No one holds a gun to your head and says you have to buy this.

      Yes, I do have additional programs. I recommend you get them, because they are good. But it's completely up to you.

      And complaining that I don't talk about the additional offers in the initial front end sales video is also stupid. Have you ever watched any sales video and heard them say, "hey, after you buy this, we're going to offer you 3 other programs in our OTO sequence!!" - I don't think so.

      I thought this was supposed to be a marketing forum.
      Well, this is a marketing forum. I've been on here 2 years and have never seen anyone offer a free WSO and then say it's $49, and THEN say it's actually close to $2k!

      Let's face it Matt, it's totally DISHONEST of you to do that! And as soon as I heard about it I decided not to do business with you.

      But that's okay, you don't want me as part of your business anyway, right? Because I call a spade a spade. It's one thing to offer an OTO and another to offer an OTO that is pretty much necessary to buy in order to make the original offer work AND charge them 40 times the amount of the original offer! That's beyond "OTO", that's scamming people!

      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      Some idiot was also complaining that the videos in the course are too long - imagine that... someone complaining about 'too much' content.
      "Too long" does not equate to "too much content".
      "Too long" means spending too much time without getting to the point.

      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      And Dennis - buddy, I'm actually in Panama scouting locations for a big event we are putting on next year- as I clearly wrote in my email.

      I will gladly put our success statistics of members in MTTB up against any other system out there. Every day that system is making partners tens of thousands of dollars. It clearly works, and most people really love it. Those who don't... are more than welcome to refund the 49.

      Thankyou for the support from some of you above - who have actually used the system.

      For anyone reading this - here's the deal: you can go through MTTB yourself, and see what it's like.
      Sure, if we've got $2k laying around just to find out WHAT your system is all about. As others have said here, who the hell spends $2k on something sign unseen? Only the most desperate and easily "sold" newbies are going to do that.

      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      Yes, some of the Steps may take you more than 30 minutes, because not every lesson in IM fits conveniently inside a 30 minute time slot.

      But, you'll get a very good grounding when it comes to selling high ticket items on the internet.

      If you get to the end and MTTB it's not for you... simply contact our support. Easy.
      Then why SAY it if it isn't true??

      Matt, you seem to have a problem with the concept of "Truth in marketing" and the above thread proves it. Aside from that I just don't like you. You come off as arrogant, nasty and untruthful.

      "Live and let live".

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9025808].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      great MATT!

      EVER HEAR OF FULL DISCLOSURE IN ADVANCE?!? THE FACT REMAINS THAT IF WHAT I HAVE READ HERE IS TRUE, THEN YOU ARE IN FACT A SCAMMER! A scammer hides, a scammer doesnt believe in full disclose in advance, and if someone has to spend $2000, it is dishonest #fraud to fail to disclose that, make any lame brain excuse you want, failure to disclose important details in advance = SCAM.

      there is nothing quite like taking advantage of the ignorance of others when you make a bunch of money is there Matt?!?

      if you need $49, I'll send it to you Matt, but then can we communicate and share the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Matt? not likely eh?

      without full disclosure in advance its a scam and blatant and intentional fraud! uNF said!
      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      I am constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are.

      Especially Mr Dennis Martin.

      @Dennis - I've never met you, but, I'd be willing to bet anyone on this forum that you have never had any real success online before. Admit it - I'm right, aren't I?

      I didn't get your email - if I'd seen it though, the first thing I'd do is get you off my list. Making threats that you're going to go post about me on a forum... typical signs of an amateur.

      If you haven't got a refund for the 49 tell me your email now, and I'll do it myself. Frankly I'm embarrassed to have had you as a customer.

      For those whining about the fact that I offer additional programs in MTTB - yes I do.

      It's what we in the business refer to as an "upsell" - or an OTO. They do 2 things: offer additional value to the customer, and, allow you the marketer to increase your average customer value.

      And, what they ALL have in common, is that there is an option as to whether you say "yes please" or "no thankyou."

      No one holds a gun to your head and says you have to buy this.

      Yes, I do have additional programs. I recommend you get them, because they are good. But it's completely up to you.

      And complaining that I don't talk about the additional offers in the initial front end sales video is also stupid. Have you ever watched any sales video and heard them say, "hey, after you buy this, we're going to offer you 3 other programs in our OTO sequence!!" - I don't think so.

      I thought this was supposed to be a marketing forum.

      Some idiot was also complaining that the videos in the course are too long - imagine that... someone complaining about 'too much' content.

      And Dennis - buddy, I'm actually in Panama scouting locations for a big event we are putting on next year- as I clearly wrote in my email.

      I will gladly put our success statistics of members in MTTB up against any other system out there. Every day that system is making partners tens of thousands of dollars. It clearly works, and most people really love it. Those who don't... are more than welcome to refund the 49.

      Thankyou for the support from some of you above - who have actually used the system.

      For anyone reading this - here's the deal: you can go through MTTB yourself, and see what it's like.

      Yes, some of the Steps may take you more than 30 minutes, because not every lesson in IM fits conveniently inside a 30 minute time slot.

      But, you'll get a very good grounding when it comes to selling high ticket items on the internet.

      If you get to the end and MTTB it's not for you... simply contact our support. Easy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110353].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Forex To Success
    I paid $49, just want to see what it is, but i didn't go ahead for the $2000 upsell. I am not saying the system is not going to work, it's just that the training itself keep showing me how good the system is, and all these people there are make this amount ...etc. However, it didn't show me how good the quality their high ticket products are, why it worth such a high cost?.....Basically, it's like i was told to promote an item which was claimed profitable, but i don't know much about the feature of this item until i pay $2000 for an entry ticket first. Matt is right; no one holds a gun to your head and says you have to buy this; neither the $49 front sell. Everyone has an option.

    So, there are only 3 types of people:
    A) People who bought the $2000 upsell, hoping/believe the system work
    B) People who refuse to spend $2000 upsell, don't 100% believe the system work
    C) People who want to, but can't afford the $2000 upsell

    There is always Type A people existing out there. They spent a fair amount of money already, of course they will try their very best to sell the product to any potential buyers to earn back the $ they paid, regardless of the quality of the product. I am not challenging the quality of the product here (as i never have a chance to try it myself), maybe it worth far more than it cost.... Just my 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattie
    Love it, his Avatar is the, "Godfather" - is he trying to tell us something.

    From his copy: "And while John Chow and Jonathan Budd did have some prior online experience" Like saying the sea is a bit salt.

    John Chow see: milliondollarjourney.c*m/john-chow-internet-mogul.htm
    Jonathan Budd: CEO/President at Empowered Entrepreneurs Inc

    Read into this what you will.

    I've been around this forum for a long time; never seen an outright $2000.00 payment called an OTO and why would someone require payment for selling their products.

    CtrlAltRage: $2049.00 to make $1100.00 over a three month period - You'd do a lot better with Amazon, without the expense.

    RobertoM: Think you'll ever get a straight answer?


    Please read the Forum Rules Affiliate links are NOT permitted.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8347022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Ellis
      Mattie, your avatar is showing "Nothing" - think you're telling us something?

      John Chow and Budd obviously have big brands they've built up from hard work. That's why Chow has made over $200,000 partnering with Matt.

      But I guess you choose to see what you want to see, since there are hundreds of average people you've never heard (lot's of testimonials actually are shown on the sales page and VSL) of making a nice income with MTTB. Some "newcomers" even in their first week.

      And those that don't succeed right away get loads of support in a very active group for all members.

      And yes, I am biased because my first week I partnered with Matt, I personally received four $1,000 commissions and several other sales. Why? Because I took action. And no, I was not a newbie but that's not the issue here.

      If this looks bad to you, then move on... You're personally responsible for anything you do and anything you get.

      The question is whether you're going to whine and "LOOK" for a reason why it won't work, or if you're willing to roll your sleeves up and DO something.

      Legit questions are appreciated. Whining and supporting others who want to whine with you will keep your progress at ZERO.

      The rest of your comments show you make no sense and know nothing of what you're talking about...

      Requiring payment for selling and "owning" products is something called Licensing. Maybe you've heard of the term Franchise before. And show me another program that can give you $1,000-$5,000+ commissions. And a big problem with affiliate marketing and def. a lot of what you see here, is the affiliates usually DON'T own the product and have never went through it, they promote blindly preaching it's awesomeness, then a lot of people end up getting crap products...

      Not sure where in the world you got "make 1,100.00 over a 3 month period" from. Think much bigger than that. My best advice for you is to stick with Amazon since that's where you think you'll succeed better.

      I wouldn't come here in the first place, but it seems like a lot of you like to knock what you haven't tried. And you're knocking a friend. A friend that has a system that is helping a lot people that are willing to help themselves, and it solves a lot of problems of them trying to do it all by themselves.

      (Don't want to license someone's entire business out and don't see the huge value and leverage that gives you, then spend 2-3 years and create it yourself.)

      It's also a system that I personally have had a lot of success with and plan to have a LOT more.

      I've wasted enough time here already, but hopefully this will help a few people honestly looking for a real business and are willing to act fast and work the system. If you're thinking about joining ANY system, you don't come here to ask about it.

      Why don't you contact people on the testimonials page that have actually went through and had success with it? Ask them questions, ask them if they'd be willing to help. Ask them for pro's and con's etc... Tell them your fears and frustrations, concerns...

      "You are who you hang around with." -something to think about...

      Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

      Love it, his Avatar is the, "Godfather" - is he trying to tell us something.

      From his copy: "And while John Chow and Jonathan Budd did have some prior online experience" Like saying the sea is a bit salt.

      John Chow see: milliondollarjourney.c*m/john-chow-internet-mogul.htm
      Jonathan Budd: CEO/President at Empowered Entrepreneurs Inc

      Read into this what you will.

      I've been around this forum for a long time; never seen an outright $2000.00 payment called an OTO and why would someone require payment for selling their products.

      CtrlAltRage: $2049.00 to make $1100.00 over a three month period - You'd do a lot better with Amazon, without the expense.

      RobertoM: Think you'll ever get a straight answer?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8347345].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
      Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

      RobertoM: Think you'll ever get a straight answer?
      You are right Mattie,
      I received an email from his Support Dept. saying that he will no longer answer questions.
      Nice attitude, uh?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8366135].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mattlloyd
        Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

        You are right Mattie,
        I received an email from his Support Dept. saying that he will no longer answer questions.
        Nice attitude, uh?
        My support said that? Please PM me that exact message they sent you... I think you may be confusing an email autoreponse with a real person from support. But I would really like to see that response and who on my staff supposedly said that - please send it to me.

        I'll respond to you now. I'm not able to always respond to Warrior Forum threads within 24 hours, because I actually run a business 99% of my time.

        But here are all your responses... if I miss anyone, let me know.

        Originally Posted by Forex To Success View Post

        I would be interest to know, how come the money back guarantee is $500, not $2046 (1997+49)?
        There actually is a 1 year refund period with that 1997 program, which is outlined on the sales letter for that program. And the 49 is fully refundable as well.

        Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

        Hey Matt,

        Thank you for your answer, but my question still stands.

        You see, I'd never ever enter into a brand new system to earn a lousy $500 guarantee.
        I'm too tired, too stressed and too disappointed losing time money and effort to make a decent living with IM, so the $500 doesn't mean nothing to me. If I enter to MTTB just for the guarantee, I would feel like a thief (a stupid one though).

        So here I go again:
        *Is it possible to make those $1.000 within 30 days after completing the MTTB 21 steps WITHOUT purchasing MOBE initially, and buying it afterwords when your budget allows it?*

        I'm sure you'll shoot an honest answer.
        Yes it is.

        Here's the deal: I have over 37 different products... that teach IM topics like email marketing, to affiliate marketing, outsourcing, phone sales, product creation, etc...

        When you go through MTTB, you automatically become a MOBE affiliate. That means you can promote the majority of our MOBE products.

        Granted, you get smaller commissions than what the MOBE Licensee's get... but, compared to any other affiliate program out there, you're still paid well.

        MTTB is one of the funnels you can promote - there's over a dozen others you can choose from.

        So can you make $1000 in commissions without becoming a MOBE Licensee? Yes.

        Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

        Love it, his Avatar is the, "Godfather" - is he trying to tell us something.
        Yes. I'm trying to tell you that 'The Godfather' is one of my favorite movies, and that when I set up my account on this forum several years back, I didn't have a personal photo on my computer.

        Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

        From his copy: "And while John Chow and Jonathan Budd did have some prior online experience" Like saying the sea is a bit salt.

        John Chow see: milliondollarjourney.c*m/john-chow-internet-mogul.htm
        Jonathan Budd: CEO/President at Empowered Entrepreneurs Inc
        What is your point?

        I never claimed that John Chow and Jonathan were regular newbie affiliates... I show their results because they show what the system is capable of producing.

        That's the point of testimonials: they present your product in the best light.

        Most people are intelligent enough to work out that those results are not typical.

        It's like when you watch a weight loss infomercial... you don't assume you're going to look like all the models do.

        If I'd said, "hey, you'll make as much money as John and Jonathan Budd" then that would have been misleading. I never said that though.

        Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

        I've been around this forum for a long time; never seen an outright $2000.00 payment called an OTO and why would someone require payment for selling their products.
        You've never seen someone license their products before? Really???

        I think that's half the problem. You've been 'around this forum' for a little too long... lurking and posting.

        How about you show me what you actually have accomplished in this industry? I'd like to see some of your products... some of your funnels.

        If I am the first to do it, then great. That's called being a pioneer.

        At some point in time, the concept of the drive through restaurant was new as well.

        Imagine if someone had said... "Pffft... I've been around the restaurant business for years now... I've never seen anyone offer drive through meals, how flaming ridiculous is that!!"

        I'm sure someone did say that in fact. Meanwhile, the person who came up with the idea got rich.

        I can name for you at least 5 other multi-million dollar producers in this industry who I know personally, who started licensing their products after they saw me do it - so I can assure you, it's not a new idea. You're just a little behind perhaps.

        Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

        CtrlAltRage: $2049.00 to make $1100.00 over a three month period - You'd do a lot better with Amazon, without the expense.
        I'm not really sure of your logic there buddy... no one says you have to limit your commissions to $1100.

        Originally Posted by Mattie View Post

        RobertoM: Think you'll ever get a straight answer?
        I'm being pretty straight with you right now.

        Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

        It's typical pyramid scheme behavior, "pay us money for the rights to sell our products." Oldest line in the book.
        Define pyramid scheme please Curtis.

        By your comment... all McDonalds franchises are pyramid schemes.

        I'm pretty sure that when you invest in a McDonalds Franchise, that is a huge part of what you're buying: the rights to sell their products.

        I'm sorry for making you look stupid... but, that was just way too easy!

        Originally Posted by Gedas View Post

        Yes, upsells are VERY normal in this business. But when you say that it's completely FREE and after couple of steps people realize that they'll have to spend additional 2k, it seems like you are lying in the newsletter.
        The system is actually free. The $49 has nothing to do with the system. It really IS an application fee.

        Why? Because I pay my phone coaches a lot of money to spend time coaching people through the steps.

        If I did not have some kind of screening process in place, I'd get morons like Roberto going through the system, and that would waste a lot of our time.

        If you think the $49 is a way of me lining my own pockets, know this: we pay out 90% of that to our License affiliates, and, 5% of that to the Level 2 partent affiliate.

        I'm left with about $2.50... which barely covers merchant fees.

        Originally Posted by Gedas View Post

        But you are trying to get money simply by lying. Of course that will work, cause there always are people who are going to buy. But I guess majority of the people will feel scammed and mislead. And even though you already are millionaire and guru but I can't imagine how you expect to grow your business in you continue misleading people.
        No. It's actually you who is misleading people. See, you don't have the full facts. You don't know me. You don't know my intentions. And you don't fully understand the system.

        Yet, you're posting here on a public forum as if you do.

        If you'd like to be more informed, then you can ask me whatever questions you have and I'll answer. But please don't say I'm "misleading people" when I'm not.

        Originally Posted by cynzdareveur View Post

        What about the affiliate program? Is it still good to be an affiliate only, not as a licensee?
        Sure. We have about 9,000 affiliates... of course, like with any affiliate program most don't make a lot of money -I suspect it's because they spend too much time on forums : )

        But, you can definitely sign up as an affiliate, and make 50% commissions on the majority of my front end products.

        Some people go that route: they become affiliates, and once they make a few commissions, they upgrade to becoming Licensees to make bigger commissions, get additional product access and training, etc.

        Originally Posted by downtxway View Post

        I believe his program will work but it will cost you an extra $2,000 to get through the 21 steps. If that would have be told upfront, the result, wasted time and meeting with his crone's would have been different.
        Hello Solomon, I really feel cheated by Matt Lloyd and the group. To tell someone that you are going to help them, get them sucked into the sales funnel and then tell them that they have to spend $2,000 dollar half way through the steps is wrong. I have the money to spend and it should be my choice to spend it.
        Again... facts are being twisted. It actually won't cost you 2k to go through the 21 steps, if you don't want it to. You are perfectly welcome not to become a MOBE Licensee, and stay on as a regular affiliate. Personally, I would not recommend that route: though it's up to you.

        Originally Posted by Robert02011 View Post

        He should be honest and tell the truth about the $2000
        Tell the truth? The truth is, you can choose whether you want to become a MOBE Licensee or not. It's always been that way. I don't know how else I can say it.

        Originally Posted by Robert02011 View Post

        It`s totally dishonest highway robbery
        Ned Kelly would be proud to take your money.Looks like Matt aswell

        Originally Posted by Brandon Ellis View Post

        Why don't you contact people on the testimonials page that have actually went through and had success with it? Ask them questions, ask them if they'd be willing to help. Ask them for pro's and con's etc... Tell them your fears and frustrations, concerns...
        Exactly. Most of those complaining here, are uninformed. Most don't want to be informed.

        Personally, if I'm ever going to go and publicy bash someone or their business (which I don't really ever do, because it's not my style) - I'd at least make it a point to get all the FACTS.

        It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and start throwing rocks- it requires less thinking that way, and for those doing it... is how they get their kicks.

        But for anyone reading this - who is thinking about MTTB - at least do your due diligence, and ask people from both sides of the table what their experience is. Or come and ask me directly.

        So let me finish this thread with one final note:

        I'm an open book. I'll answer any question you have for me- and if you ask me in a polite and classy manner... I'll always respond likewise.

        If you want to start name calling and trashing me... then I will gleefully give some back.

        I must admit, I enjoy making fun of guys like Roberto.

        But... I'm also very busy running my business.

        The problem with having a discussion on a forum like this, is that people remain fairly anonymous and therefore the conversation disintegrates into people posting and taking little responsibility for the factual accuracy of what they write.

        Instead of it being informative... the conversation becomes a public trashing forum.

        So - to anyone who is serious about getting straight answers, I'm going to give you all my Facebook account - this is me:

        This way... you can see me, and I can see you. If you have real questions for me, then send me a direct message.

        Don't expect answers in 24 hours - my schedule does not allow that. But, I will get back to you.

        No doubt, the space below will soon fill up with some more lurkers chiming in and posting their opinions without bothering to get the facts first.

        If that is how people want to spend their time, so be it - I'm going to get back to running my business.

        Message me directly if you need.
        Start your own info-marketing business, and scale from $0 to over $81K in under 12 months. Free webinar shows you EXACTLY what I did, and all my private numbers:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8366893].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
          With a guy like Matt Lloyd and his kind of answers, it's worthless to continue posting in this thread.
          I'm out.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8367892].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author braxtonl1
            Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

            With a guy like Matt Lloyd and his kind of answers, it's worthless to continue posting in this thread.
            I'm out.
            I agree you should be out. Looks to me that you are looking to label Matt Lloyd and MOBE as scammers. Nothing Could Be further from The Truth. Matt Lloyd is a protege of Daegan Smith and I've followed Daegan Smith since 2011 through his Inner Circle.

            Matt Llyod is honest, sincere, and who better to learn from how to market online than someone who has made millions doing it. What you want is a lottery ticket or a job. Your not looking for a system that works. Because trust me, MOBE is worth Well over $2,000, he should be charging $10,000 for it. And I'd still buy the license.

            Too many real people making real money with this to let this slip through my fingers. I'm in MTTB and I will complete the 21 steps and then I will buy the license. Great Program Matt! My hats off to you. Look for my Name soon, I will be one of your top Licensee's.
            Talk Soon
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8801706].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author warrior8
            Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

            With a guy like Matt Lloyd and his kind of answers, it's worthless to continue posting in this thread.
            I'm out.
            Awe Roberto you're quitting, is that the reason you're not making any money online maybe?

            Roberto, Making Money online is not hard at all, in fact it's easy...
            But it's not simple, and there is a big difference. With out doubt, the number one stumbling block for most people struggling to make money online, is understanding all the technical stuff...

            Not only that, but you also need to get your head around the complexity of how it all links together to create an effective sales funnel - But Hey! it doesn't stop there. What about all the psychology behind the motivational sales-letters & videos, you basically need to be an expert copywriter to pull it off, or else high one at $5 - 25k...

            But wait there's more! ...You also have to have a product of you own to sell, sure you can buy a PLR product and edit 90% of it and make it your own, but why not just create your own product right from the beginning?

            Oh! and then there's the traffic, because you can build the most effective sales funnel on the planet, but if you cant drive traffic to it, it's dead on the water.

            So Roberto, you can probably see now why Matt Lloyd has licensed his MTTB... Matt has recognized 90% of people have difficulty putting something like that together.... But you can come along, pay your $47 and plug yourself into a very effective tried and proven sales-funnel.... So How Good Is That?

            Like I said; the basic concepts, strategies and tactics of making money online is really easy, but it's the technical stuff that going to **** with your head.

            Oh! there's one last component, and probably the most important, which is... It doesn't just happen by itself, it requires WORK, long hours and a ton of frustration...

            But if you are a winner, and refuse to quit, you will see the money.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8835002].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
              Originally Posted by warrior8 View Post

              Awe Roberto you're quitting, is that the reason you're not making any money online maybe?

              Roberto, Making Money online is not hard at all, in fact it's easy...
              But it's not simple, and there is a big difference. With out doubt, the number one stumbling block for most people struggling to make money online, is understanding all the technical stuff...

              Not only that, but you also need to get your head around the complexity of how it all links together to create an effective sales funnel - But Hey! it doesn't stop there. What about all the psychology behind the motivational sales-letters & videos, you basically need to be an expert copywriter to pull it off, or else high one at $5 - 25k...

              But wait there's more! ...You also have to have a product of you own to sell, sure you can buy a PLR product and edit 90% of it and make it your own, but why not just create your own product right from the beginning?

              Oh! and then there's the traffic, because you can build the most effective sales funnel on the planet, but if you cant drive traffic to it, it's dead on the water.

              So Roberto, you can probably see now why Matt Lloyd has licensed his MTTB... Matt has recognized 90% of people have difficulty putting something like that together.... But you can come along, pay your $47 and plug yourself into a very effective tried and proven sales-funnel.... So How Good Is That?

              Like I said; the basic concepts, strategies and tactics of making money online is really easy, but it's the technical stuff that going to **** with your head.

              Oh! there's one last component, and probably the most important, which is... It doesn't just happen by itself, it requires WORK, long hours and a ton of frustration...

              But if you are a winner, and refuse to quit, you will see the money.

              Hey Glenn,
              Only by chance I have returned to this thread after 7 months since my last post, and found your comment.
              I only said that after reading the answers of Mr. Lloyd and some of his un-professional comments, I decided not to further participate in this thread.
              But I have to correct your comment: by no way I'm quitting from the IM arena. More, I'm earning some money is this field.
              I just said that it wasn't worth continuing posting in this thread about MTTB.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8941190].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rrram2
            3 cheers for MAtt!

            Matt LLoyd are you a moron? then why have you called ROberto a moron in a public forum when it is clearly uncalled for?

            I read all of Roberto's posts up to yours and dont see any legit reason why you would call him a moron, does anyone else?

            Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

            With a guy like Matt Lloyd and his kind of answers, it's worthless to continue posting in this thread.
            I'm out.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110416].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TruthFocus
          Howdy Matt, could you please contrast and compare the income potential for the person who cannot afford to pay the $2,000 licensing the one that actually does pay?
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          • Profile picture of the author lucyanne64
            I came here to check out MTTP due to an email. I have to say lots of info. I am disappointed to see that apparently a few kids hang out here too. Everyone has a right to an opinion but putting someone down is just plain childish. So you don't like the way the guy runs his program. Trash the email and move on. And if you read this Matt, your comments toward Roberto were childish, grow up. Glad I checked here because I don't have 2,000 to invest in a business. You need to get rid of the word free unless you are getting rid of license fees & application fees. FREE & FEES are not the same word. That said the email is going in the recycle bin & I wish all of you the best of luck in your business endeavors.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8424022].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author teksin07
              you people do not listen very well. you don't have to invest in the License. in fact you can opt to be an affiliate. I don't think Matt reacted childishly because this is his business and so he has the right to be offended and he has the right to defend his business as he feels. If i worked hard on a business i would be upset just the same when people who do not know anything about my business in the first place are trashing that which I have built. If you want facts you must research the source not other peoples opinions.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8745662].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Sleep Learning
              Ladies and Gentlemen...

              I cannot BELIEVE what I am reading here! My comments will be accurate,
              reasonably short and TO THE POINT and, even in point form, so there is NO

              1. Saying it is clearly a LIE, as it (at $49 to get in to) is NOT FREE!!
              May I suggest Matt that you make better use of the Oxford or Webster's
              Dictionary in future!?

              2. An Upsell OTO costing $1,997after so many days into the system is an
              ABSOLUTE KILLER for many (even hundreds!) of your Customers Matt,
              as they would quite simply able to raise the extra $1,997...
              simply no WAY! They would then, therefore be VERY
              unhappy they ever bothered to buy into your system! They would also
              THEN be on a real "downer" and so unhappy and mistrusting of you. They
              would then find themselves in a position (whether they liked it or NOT!) of
              being unable to continue with your M.T.T.B and or M.O.B.E. programs!

              3. They would then get OFF your "list" and unfortunately for YOU, label you
              as a dishonest promoter of...what APPEARS to be, even if it ISN'T...what
              amounts to a "SCAM"!!

              May I make a suggestion? I think that People would be FAR MORE ACCEPTING
              of what you have to offer, if you said something like THIS in your promo.

              "The initial fee for joining our fantastic program is JUST $49...THEN
              after you have made your first $3,000 with our WILL
              be required to pay the further amount of $1,997 to enable you to
              continue in the M.T.T.B. program! Bear in mind, at THAT point in time,
              you will already be $1,000 in profit (after paying the $1,997 fee for
              continuance!) and you will by that time be VERY happy indeed that
              you paid the TINY amount of just $49 to join us in the first place!"

              I believe that words to that effect would definitely instill TRUST in YOU Matt
              and what you have to offer with your M.T.T.B. system!

              O.K., so I went on a bit longer than I had intended...but hopefully my words
              will NOT "fall on deaf ears" and will bring some value to this thread!?

              Kind Regards: DAVID.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8982116].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
              Im a licensee with MOBE which is the back end of MTTB.

              Its definitely worth joining IF, only IF you have a proper system setup and a blog/brand.

              Yes you can make money through solo ads and squeeze page system setup hut in the long run you are losing out on having your list.

              A lot of people has been successful and many more daily with ot without a system setup but for myself having my sales funnel set and placing MOBE at the back end of my sales funnel allows me to get the high tickets commissions.
              Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
              Let me Inspire and Empower You!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9070289].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jims45
              I nearly signed up for this system, $2000 for a license half way through or you forfeit the guarantee? However you look at it that is misleading,instantly my confidence is broken, not a smart move by the sellers!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9093724].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author cayne
          Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

          By your comment... all McDonalds franchises are pyramid schemes.
          I just had to reply to this pile of bullshit.

          The thing is, McDonalds actually sells you a burger, OR if you're a franchise they allow you to sell their burgers, but what you're selling is basically "hot air" and for the right to sell "hot air" you charge $2000.

          No doubt you're a made man, as it seems you have found enough fools to jump on this bandwagon (and JohnChow who btw. is the biggest sellout I've ever seen - but also a made man, mostly due to the same reasons as Matt).

          Money is one thing, but I wouldn't sleep well at night, if I knew I was selling some old ladies bogus products and charging them $2000 for it - just so they can try and sell the same bogus story to other old ladies.

          But good to know that Matt was able to "crack the code" of online marketing (as his ad states) - haha
          1kSociety - Your friendly Internet Marketing community and blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author Forex To Success
    I would be interest to know, how come the money back guarantee is $500, not $2046 (1997+49)?
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    • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
      Originally Posted by Forex To Success View Post

      I would be interest to know, how come the money back guarantee is $500, not $2046 (1997+49)?
      Use your brain. :rolleyes:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8349188].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ginasands
      It would seem that the guarantee is MTTB's not the customer. If you are REQUIRED to pay the $1,997.00before you can complete the 21 steps than they still have $1500 of your money. You don't qualify for the $500 unless you have paid the $1,997.00 Simple Math and Simply Not cool for me. They win either way
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036558].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by ginasands View Post

        If you are REQUIRED to pay the $1,997.00before you can complete the 21 steps
        Since that statement is false I can assume you haven't joined or been through the 21 steps and therefore I am wondering why you are even posting. You are not REQUIRED to purchase the upgrade as has been said many times over. So stop spreading mistruths about something you have not even used yourself.

        Your lack of understanding something doesn't make it truth.

        This quote comes to mind with a lot of people in this thread:

        "Low fees attract low quality clients. You’ll attract those who are more concerned with price than they are with results. Oh yeah – those folks are definitely not FUN to work with either."

        Yes... every program and course is a scam out to get you. That's why you haven't succeeded. Feels good to blame it on everything else but yourself, doesn't it?

        If you aren't succeeding there's only ONE reason for that... and you'll only see that reason in a mirror.

        $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9037531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gedas
    For those whining about the fact that I offer additional programs in MTTB - yes I do.

    It's what we in the business refer to as an "upsell" - or an OTO. They do 2 things: offer additional value to the customer, and, allow you the marketer to increase your average customer value.

    And, what they ALL have in common, is that there is an option as to whether you say "yes please" or "no thankyou."
    Yes, upsells are VERY normal in this business. But when you say that it's completely FREE and after couple of steps people realize that they'll have to spend additional 2k, it seems like you are lying in the newsletter.

    When building a business I think it's easier to build solid relationship with customers by being honest and telling what they can expect in the future. But you are trying to get money simply by lying. Of course that will work, cause there always are people who are going to buy. But I guess majority of the people will feel scammed and mislead. And even though you already are millionaire and guru but I can't imagine how you expect to grow your business in you continue misleading people.

    The idea of MTTB seemed great. Just allow as many people as possible to advertise your program and they will make money for you. And the best thing that affiliates still have to pay for the program when they make certain amount of commissions. Everything made sense until people started to complain about being scammed...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8357114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CynthiaNataline
    What about the affiliate program? Is it still good to be an affiliate only, not as a licensee?
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  • Profile picture of the author downtxway
    Below is an e-mail I sent just this morning. I believed in the advertisement and he has a really good sales pitch. I was even willing to spend the money but to be tricked is not ethical. I believe his program will work but it will cost you an extra $2,000 to get through the 21 steps. If that would have be told upfront, the result, wasted time and meeting with his crone's would have been different.
    Hello Solomon, I really feel cheated by Matt Lloyd and the group. To tell someone that you are going to help them, get them sucked into the sales funnel and then tell them that they have to spend $2,000 dollar half way through the steps is wrong. I have the money to spend and it should be my choice to spend it. I shouldn't feel tricked into it. I think I will not just send you this e-mail but I'm going to post it in warrior forum as well. Thank you but no thank you!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8360107].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gedas
    Yeah, exactly. I believe that this system does it job well and I also would be willing to spend money on it. However, when Matt says that "I'll fix the Internet", "I'll give it for free", "you won't have to pay before you make money" etc etc and then you have to buy something for $2,000, I also feel tricked into buying. And people don't really like to feel that way.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8363131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
      It`s totally dishonest highway robbery
      Ned Kelly would be proud to take your money.Looks like Matt aswell

      I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
      I found one ??????

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8363838].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jobotting
    Hi There,

    I am a Platinum member and can guarantee that it works. All you need to do is drive traffic to the already done sales pages and the phone team does the rest.

    Its that easy.

    Any traffic will do - either solo ads or social.

    It is all working.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8378586].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KingDarius
      Originally Posted by jobotting View Post

      Hi There,

      I am a Platinum member and can guarantee that it works. All you need to do is drive traffic to the already done sales pages and the phone team does the rest.

      Its that easy.

      Any traffic will do - either solo ads or social.

      It is all working.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.
      ok, everybody is complaining about the $2000 fee for becoming a licensee, but I'm interested to know, because, I don't have the money that's for sure, HOW can I work my way up to becoming one?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8778052].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ManAPV
        Originally Posted by KingDarius View Post

        ok, everybody is complaining about the $2000 fee for becoming a licensee, but I'm interested to know, because, I don't have the money that's for sure, HOW can I work my way up to becoming one?
        that exact same question I sent directly to Matt LLoyd and to his assistant 3 weeks ago and none of them has replied.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8934108].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gfoo
      Originally Posted by jobotting View Post

      Hi There,

      I am a Platinum member and can guarantee that it works. All you need to do is drive traffic to the already done sales pages and the phone team does the rest.

      Its that easy.

      Any traffic will do - either solo ads or social.

      It is all working.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.
      Pls skpe me on gtopgun1 . I need to know more . Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8921017].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sftwr1000
    Only one do earn money from it for sure....Whether you earn money or not depends on traffic driven by you....You would pay 2k and would also have to drive traffic to product to get commission !!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8380753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clint52146
    Hey Matt, The question is not about the $500 but the $1997 right after Step 6. You lead me to believe I was getting th isd system for free. You got me excited then told me to fuk off cause I could not afford the $1997. In the sales letter you promised me 21 steps for FREE but I can't go past step 6 because of the license fee that we didn't know about. Since I wanted to go on but was forced to stop then you should pay the $500 that you didn't give me a chance to try for. You're a piece of %$&# scammer. Thats what I think of you.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8380942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clint52146
    You say the system is free and the $49 is an application fee. Fine but your system is not free. If it is then why was I forced to stop after Step 6. Marlon said I had to purchase the license in order to go any further. So stop lying and scamming about the fact you made a mistake and are refusing to pay for it. The system is free if you pay $1997 for the license but without the license you don't get the system. Christ, you don"t even know your own system. earlier you say we don't have to have the license but we just make less money. Bull.....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8381009].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Forex To Success
      Hey Clint, get that Marlon guy to read this thread, and quote Matt's word at post #37 "..........It actually won't cost you 2k to go through the 21 steps, if you don't want it to. You are perfectly welcome not to become a MOBE Licensee, and stay on as a regular affiliate....." See how he respond

      Originally Posted by clint52146 View Post

      You say the system is free and the $49 is an application fee. Fine but your system is not free. If it is then why was I forced to stop after Step 6. Marlon said I had to purchase the license in order to go any further. So stop lying and scamming about the fact you made a mistake and are refusing to pay for it. The system is free if you pay $1997 for the license but without the license you don't get the system. Christ, you don"t even know your own system. earlier you say we don't have to have the license but we just make less money. Bull.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8383980].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DENNYBOY
        Why spend time on following 21 steps???

        I have only 3 steps system to make you millions. If you don't earn in one day, I will pay you $500,000. You have to follow three steps though, ready?

        Step 1: Apply for only $1 to join my program
        Step 2: Pay me $900,000 for license to sell my products
        Step 3: Make millions or if you can't make it, I will pay you $500,000

        Wow...that's an easy $400,000 income plus $1 to scam you..hehe
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8394739].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author alodie
          Hi DENNYBOY,

          LOLOLOLOLO ****GRIN**** Laughing and can't stop ;-)))

          But seriously, DENNYBOY, this is a very, very very,
          very serious matter.

          Do you know how many people cannot afford to lose
          just $49.00 this Christmas holiday, much less 2K?

          My Lord, and my God!

          Why are people so heartless. They do not care how
          they line their own pockets, just as long as it gets
          lined with all the cash they want, no matter who gets

          I just finish reading some information on this MTTB opportunity,
          in another forum, where people are really in-the-know, and my
          skin crawled inside me. I immediately rushed to this warrior
          forum to hear what is truly the deal on it. And Low and behold...
          The people over that other forum seemed to have been telling the
          truth about this program after all. But I am not really surprise
          because, they are truly in-the-know.

          I usually make it my business and duty to always make a stop
          at that forum first, when it comes on to anything that sounds
          too good to be true.

          Because, you got it, "they are really in-the-know." :-)

          Anytime I see something online that looks and sounds too
          good to be true, I always, always, always head right to
          that forum, before I reach for my purse or wallet.

          They have saved me so many, many time, it's just not
          funny anymore.

          "Providing personal and business transformational information: Working hard to always give the kind of value that will produce the best results for my customers. Because, the success of my business will depend on my customers' satisfaction."

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8789582].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Bujuk
            Originally Posted by alodie View Post

            Hi DENNYBOY,

            LOLOLOLOLO ****GRIN**** Laughing and can't stop ;-)))

            But seriously, DENNYBOY, this is a very, very very,
            very serious matter.

            Do you know how many people cannot afford to lose
            just $49.00 this Christmas holiday, much less 2K?

            My Lord, and my God!

            Why are people so heartless. They do not care how
            they line their own pockets, just as long as it gets
            lined with all the cash they want, no matter who gets

            I just finish reading some information on this MTTB opportunity,
            in another forum, where people are really in-the-know, and my
            skin crawled inside me. I immediately rushed to this warrior
            forum to hear what is truly the deal on it. And Low and behold...
            The people over that other forum seemed to have been telling the
            truth about this program after all. But I am not really surprise
            because, they are truly in-the-know.

            I usually make it my business and duty to always make a stop
            at that forum first, when it comes on to anything that sounds
            too good to be true.

            Because, you got it, "they are really in-the-know." :-)

            Anytime I see something online that looks and sounds too
            good to be true, I always, always, always head right to
            that forum, before I reach for my purse or wallet.

            They have saved me so many, many time, it's just not
            funny anymore.

            Alodie, may i know which forum you are referring to??

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8790207].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author showole
    LMAO...this is funny....well MATT is the real deal....JUST like any program, you buy the reseller rights to his high tickets and you drive traffic (which he teaches you how to do)....its all about you taking action.....Folks, not everyone is out there to take your money. .......O and I am not his affiliate or part of his program...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8394984].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jeffsolochek
    Originally Posted by macmani View Post

    I got email today regarding matt lloyd's my top tier business. Anyone joined this and any feedback? It says its free but costs just 49 to join to keep tire tickers out and if selected, we pay nothing for this and there is a guarantee of 500 dollars if we dont make 1000 bucks in 30 days and follow a 21 step system. he says it costs 5000 as training and we get it free and need not pay it until we make 50,000? Any reviews guys, planning to join this.
    The only problem I see here is the Mobe License part. I'm on a very low fixed income so the $1997 is not possible for someone like me. I know a lot of retired people are always looking for something to do and IM could be very good for them but I am positive there are some that cannot afford to spend a lot.

    Jeff Solochek

    I also build blogs for companies and individuals

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  • Profile picture of the author Jo Ann
    I got the same email and actually watched the video twice. Being a newbie the whole video was very attracted to me. The video clearly states that he would not ask for payment until we start making $50,000. @Macmani I am glad you posted that they wanted to charge you $1997 for a MOBE License by the end of the 1st week! That's definitely a red flag for me! I have been scammed so much that is the reason why I joined Warrior Forum to see what others think before I shell out another $17 or $49.
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  • Profile picture of the author Erica D
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Alexander
      Aaaaaaaand This is one of the reasons I hardly visit the Warrior Forum. Listen. Closely. If you actually think you're going to join a program and earn 1K,3K,5K commisions without investing some money into it and treating it like a real business, you're obviously fairly new to the IM Niche and need to further educate yourself in the field. Just being blunt about it.

      To enter a program like this, and maximize results, you're going to need around $3049 in my opinion. $2049 for affiliate/licensing fees, and $1000 for traffic generation. I wouldn't enter unless I had that kind of capital ready to invest.

      Just my opinion... But an experienced one.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8443065].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RUGI
        DEAR SIR: His point is not what he thought but how the whole presentation was based on it being given for free until you made $1000. In my weird world, that is what was promised and that was the point of the program. Never done before etc. However, of course one should invest grandly to get grandly but the issue is will you get what you expect and deserve after getting the program???? It is not about investing its about assuring its not BS!

        pAYing it ForWArd aLwAYS...

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8713983].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author IGOTTA
        Originally Posted by Kevin Alexander View Post

        Aaaaaaaand This is one of the reasons I hardly visit the Warrior Forum. Listen. Closely. If you actually think you're going to join a program and earn 1K,3K,5K commisions without investing some money into it and treating it like a real business, you're obviously fairly new to the IM Niche and need to further educate yourself in the field. Just being blunt about it.

        To enter a program like this, and maximize results, you're going to need around $3049 in my opinion. $2049 for affiliate/licensing fees, and $1000 for traffic generation. I wouldn't enter unless I had that kind of capital ready to invest.

        Just my opinion... But an experienced one.
        I don't get your point. You mean you actually believe that a person can only earn big commissions if they pay big money for the privilege? Or do you just like to look down you nose at people who don't happen to have the money to throw around that you supposedly do?

        People sell cars and make big commissions. Also boats. Planes. Artwork. Furniture. All kinds of crap. What are you talking about?

        Bottom line. If you have to pay an additional, undisclosed $2k to get through the "21 Steps" IT...IS...A...RIP-OFF.

        Not just my opinion. Observable truth.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9181530].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Heathj
    I agree with Kevin, you have to spend money to make money. But, I also agree with all the others that feel the sales pitch is a little less than honest.

    My guess is that the program works and if you do it, you will make money doing it. But, in his video sales pitch, he really does make it sound like you will not have to spend more than the $49 dollars for the program.

    And I know Matt came on here and said you didnt have to buy the license and you could just make smaller commissions, but other people are disputing that too.

    I think most people realize that you will have to spend money driving traffic, but to be told free and you dont pay til you make X amount of dollars and then a week into it be upsold something for 2k, comes across to me as a little shady. He even says if you never make the 50k, you dont have to pay the 5k, but mentions absolutely nothing about the 2k your going to be asked for a week into it.

    I dunno, based on this thread and several other things I have read about Matt's business, I think it could work and does work for a lot of people, unfortunately many of us do not have 2k to drop on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ARP Chris
    I just got done watching the video on MTTB. Looked pretty good from the video and I'm sure it is a good program but the price points seem kinda high and the $2000 licensing fee is a bit of a shocker. Have any of you heard of Auto Recruiting Platform yet? It's built around the same principles of putting high quality traffic through a funnel. Much better price point and something anybody could do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459420].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author netmarketer78
    "I’m going to give you a proven money-making system for FREE…
    and never ask you for a single dime for it
    until AFTER you make money with it."

    To make this statement true, people would sign up, go through the course, and generate income where Matt could deduct payments until he recovered his $2000. People would rave about the product and Matt is a hero.

    This is the crux of the matter. Matt LLoyd lied. I see people here, including Matt, attempting to defend that lie, but fail miserably.

    To join with the likes of Matt, you will have to lie to others, because he wants you to follow his system and be like him. If you feel comfortable lying to others to make money, well that's up to you. That will get you passage into the ranks of Internet Scammers. Congratulations.

    Decent and honourable Internet Marketers with good products or systems do not have any reason to lie to potential partners. Their integrity and good products will gain the trust of others thereby securing their financial success.

    Matt lied. Matt wants you to lie to others, not only for you to make money, but so that he makes money as well. Such is the world of Internet Scammers. These people give good Internet Marketers a bad name.

    There are many good opportunities out there that stand on their own merits with good and decent people marketing them. You would be better off following them, and the world of Internet Marketing will also be a better place as well.

    Had Matt actually told the truth, and not charged a dime until money was made, this thread would never had existed. Matt lost a lot of money by lying. The truth would have made him an Internet sensation (if his system was good). His lie has made him nothing more than a low life scammer.

    Here's a challenge, Matt. Allow people to take your course and not pay a "dime" until they have made money.

    What say you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8461074].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author UdoMoss
    Thanks Warrior Forum. I have received an E-Mail this morning from Matt's Team and invested a lot of money in the past for nothing. Living in South Africa with a currency converted to USD 11 to 1 would kill me. Thank you very much. The program might be good and I say nothing against Matt, but I think that is not the way for me.

    Udo / Durban
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8463942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Threaver
    Enjoyed reading this thread, but I don't think this system is for me.

    A new PPC Ad Network

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8465811].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jfranchino
      Dear Matt:
      I really congratulate you for the achievements you have gained in your career and I must admit that many of us have not succeeded yet.
      Just today I nearly Put me and pay the $ 1995, because I think it is a superb program.
      But I ask two things:
      You respect those still have not reached your achievements
      (not saying I am Constantly surprised by how moronic some of the people on this forum are.)
      Acknowledge that your proposal leads to misunderstandings that unintentionally set a scam.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8466118].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paraface
    Thanks for those who are stating the facts here. Same experience as quite many of folks having posted on WF (and others not in this thread). I bought the $49 program recently after I was led to believe that I don't have to pay a dime until I make money with a conditional guarantee that I'll get $500 if I don't make $1000 within 30 days after completing all 21 steps. But when I was onto Step 6 of the 21 steps, I was enticed to pay $1997. Yeah shockwaves, deal killer!! $2k = "not a dime"?! I have bought a sales pitch for $49?! Upsells are fine if I am happy with the first program, after completion, but not like this when I still don't know how the system actually operates or what it is. The system will work (as you don't even need to know what it is as the money is made by having customers pay hefty fees, $1997, then $3000, then $5000 and that's how you get paid, I suspect) if there are enough folks who are fine with making money by misrepresenting to others telling them what Matt says in his sales letter. It is like pyramid marketing which is not legit in some countries. So after Step 6, I was disconcerted, felt misrepresented, and I sent an email to Matt/support to have them clarify what was going on and I said a refund of $49 is not sufficient to compensate for my loss of time and effort for following the 6 steps. While waiting for their response, I called up the guy who did the initial phone interview with me and asked him if I could pay $1997 after I have made $ and was declined. If the system is "proven to work", why can't they accede to my request? Like a lot of business, there is something called the credit period. Right? Then there was no response to my email for a couple of days and the next thing I got was an email from support saying "As requested, your order has been canceled and a refund in the amount of $49.00 USD is being processed." Thing is I didn't ask for a refund or cancellation of my order (not yet at that point), I was just asking for clarification. So another lie! The way he handles customers who express a concern of his products is simply Unbelievable! What does Matt take us for? I don't think everybody is an idiot the way he probably does. Thinking the whole thing is hopeless and I don't want to waste more time on this, I am fine with the refund and got that already.

    Then a day or 2 later, I got an email from Matt saying that he is being "attacked' by certain folks on certain forum and referred those folks as "WHINY BROKE LOSERS". This is verbal abuse and offensive in my humble opinion, because if they whine, Matt should find out why they whine (guess MOST people don't say something out of the blue) and try to FIX the issue if he is serious about his customers, hence his business instead of just calling them "whiny broke losers" without even finding out what the issue is. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STATING THE FACTS AS THEY ARE AND WHINING. I think Matt has got them mixed up. And how does Matt know if they are broke or losers anyway? Regardless, it is none of Matt's business. The language is simply unprofessional because REAL PROFESSIONAL business people don't talk that way to their customers. He can just fix his misleading sales pitch so that there is NO MORE PURPORTED MISREPRESENTATION. Simple.

    Caution to those who are thinking about buying the MOBE program which is for those who are fine with making money by misrepresenting to others and risking tarnishing their reputations. We really don't want this on the internet or anywhere else. Personally it is a complete waste of time and effort and am pissed off. HAD I KNOWN I had to pay $10K to follow the "system" to earn the high commissions the same way like Matt does, I would not have wasted my time and effort because I don't want to make money by telling outright lies to my customers. Matt, I am not whining, I am just stating the facts as they are. Seriously, rarely have I got such horrendous online purchase experience!! Buyers beware!

    PS. MOBE seems to be a mediocre copycat of Empower Network. One of the differences is EN tells you upfront how much you need to pay to get what or rather they don't tell and reaffirm you that it's free or you don't need to pay further down the road. Am not promoting EN tho.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8466611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
      Im really greatful to the Warrior Forum, I clicked on a link that appeared on FB and listened to the vid, read the sales page, and really liked the idea, I also knew myself that there would be extra costs like paid traffic which I didnt mind, I thought it would be another string to my bow.

      But before I signed up I thought Id check out the review section at WF, just to get some feedback, and thats how I came to this thread.

      So thank you WF , his sales page is wrong, ethically and morally, and for newbies that arent as wise as us on here, those that are sold and dive straight in, they in my opinion have been SCAMMED.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8485021].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    You guys are so funny...

    Asking for someone to show you how to make
    money without paying for it first, and only paying
    AFTER you make the money is like approaching
    your local GYM and saying

    "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
    and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
    give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
    go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
    I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
    buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

    Get real people.

    Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
    a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
    in return?


    P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
    any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
    actually make money with those

    You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8496756].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author krchmar
      Originally Posted by igorhelpsyousucceed View Post

      You guys are so funny...

      Asking for someone to show you how to make
      money without paying for it first, and only paying
      AFTER you make the money is like approaching
      your local GYM and saying

      "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
      and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
      give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
      go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
      I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
      buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

      Get real people.

      Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
      a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
      in return?


      P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
      any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
      actually make money with those

      You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
      Invest? For me that "invest" is actually "steal". It's not investment, it's a lie. I already said that you can lie and become millionaire, but you will not be able to sleep at night, because of "curses" you will receive from the people you "scammed" and lied to. Secondly, if those guys earn "millions" already, how come they need more money? 1 million, if you spend it correctly, can serve you a life-time of non work. Well, as expected, greed is great flaw of humankind, and we will never evolve if we do not learn to appreciate what we have and don't ask from someone else.


      If you wish to know how I earn for living, check the link here:


      I assure you, it will make you live your life with ease.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8548426].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by igorhelpsyousucceed View Post

      You guys are so funny...

      Asking for someone to show you how to make
      money without paying for it first, and only paying
      AFTER you make the money is like approaching
      your local GYM and saying

      "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
      and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
      give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
      go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
      I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
      buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

      Get real people.

      Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
      a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
      in return?


      P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
      any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
      actually make money with those

      You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
      You totally miss the point. He's saying "spend $49 and you'll make money". Then he does the old bait and switch and hits you with the $2k to continue. And that my friend aint funny. It's called "misrepresentation" - it's a legal term - look it up. I have no doubt that the FTC and others have their eyes on this guy.

      BTW how many people have claimed and received the $500? Exactly. Zip I'm guessing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8549109].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
        Long before the internet came along, we used to run an ad in every newspaper and trade journal across the US and part of Canada and this is what it said:Local Sales Route Distributor

        The $25K investment includes "good-will" because every new distributor was given a customer list with at least 100 established buyers and 1 week of hands-on training. Calling that $1997 a "franchise fee" without filing all the paperwork with federal and state regulatory agencies means they'll have some hefty fines to pay when [not if] they find out.

        FREE is never really FREE. You spend time or money but most people spend BOTH and that's where the real problem is. Nobody without an establised off-line business and a physical address and customer service telephone number has both to spend.

        #1 Lifespan is too short
        #2 Takes too long so you just give up.
        #3 Search engines give priority to established off-line businesses

        Online start-ups run out of both time and money because it takes so long to earn anything when you're spending both without any team effort or search engine help.

        I've offered to foot the bill for everything to get people started online but it seems like most people don't believe it, don't really want something for nothing or it's too much work because their whole investment is TIME instead of money but never both.

        This guide Geo SEO Affiliate Website Guide shows you how to configure the back end of geo affiliate websites properly using silo structured pages and interlinked navigational menus. The software is already installed on several 3-4 year old domains that need someone to design the pages, add categories, page titles, descriptions and content. Anyone interested?

        You pay nothing until you after you log into the back end, follow the guide and then decide whether it's going to work for you or not. Take as long as you like to decide and then you would just pay to transfer the domain into your name and monthly hosting on your own Hostgator cpanel account [$10/mo] which you would have to pay anyway. If you want a Wordpress Blog you can easily add that through your Cpanel.

        You can also do a search for DatingWorld and get their free guide to making money in the dating niche. You just point your own domain to their servers where you can choose from several templates to build your website in their network. You get paid commission for visitors that convert into paying members.

        You would need your own squeeze page to send traffic to first if you want to build your own list. After they sign up, you redirect your traffic to your dating website where they can sign up free and then your follow up messages can offer something of value if they upgrade to paying members.

        The people who run DatingWorld give Warriors a higher commission rate and help get you started for free, meaning you'll be spending time instead of money to get started but NOT both.

        I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

        When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8560694].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theultimate1
      Originally Posted by igorhelpsyousucceed View Post

      You guys are so funny...

      Asking for someone to show you how to make
      money without paying for it first, and only paying
      AFTER you make the money is like approaching
      your local GYM and saying

      "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
      and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
      give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
      go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
      I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
      buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

      Get real people.

      Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
      a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
      in return?


      P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
      any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
      actually make money with those

      You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
      And you are a GENIUS... Not!

      The point most people are talking about on this thread is the alleged misrepresentation on the sales letter about the system being free, which clearly it is not. $49 is far from free. Duh!

      I'm not even talking about the $2,000 here.
      If Content Is Your King, Then This GhostRider.. err.. GhostWriter Is Your Knight!
      My Sample Articles
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8593038].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author coffeediva
        I am a licencee of Matts Products and the help and support you get is real I have been promoting the MTTB funnel but after reading this post I may go back and use a different tack. Matts Products are very top quality and there are many success stories. Yes you have to pay for quality. Yes I now have quality products to sell. The MTTB product was put together to introduce the benefits of Matts products and allow for a lower entry level. the $49 entry level seperates those people that are serious and those that are not. Yes I can see how people are getting a little bit annoyed at the way it is presented but if you are serious about building your business then you need great products, you need a great system and you need great coaching and you also need to invest in yourself. If you find this system is not for you then move on. If you want success start promoting Matts products as an affiliate and join the MTTB training to build a business that will reward you over and over. Also it is always great to come on here and see the response to such programs as it really assists my marketing efforts.
        Don't forget to be awesome
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8598726].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paul1963
      Originally Posted by igorhelpsyousucceed View Post

      You guys are so funny...

      Asking for someone to show you how to make
      money without paying for it first, and only paying
      AFTER you make the money is like approaching
      your local GYM and saying

      "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
      and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
      give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
      go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
      I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
      buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

      Get real people.

      Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
      a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
      in return?


      P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
      any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
      actually make money with those

      You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
      Get real, you analogy is so flawed it is laughable, a gym doesn't say £25.00 a month membership then charge 40X that afterwards as they'd be sued, plus a gym doesn't make ANY promises about what you will get out of it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8702014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IGOTTA
      Originally Posted by igorhelpsyousucceed View Post

      You guys are so funny...

      Asking for someone to show you how to make
      money without paying for it first, and only paying
      AFTER you make the money is like approaching
      your local GYM and saying

      "Hey Joe, you got a great place here. Looks really awesome
      and you got some hot babes I can hit on too. Tell you what,
      give me 60 days worth of free membership and I'll come and
      go as I please and lift some weights. If I lose weight/beef up,
      I'll definitely pay you for the membership. If not, I'll tell all my
      buddies you're a scammer. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think, Joe?"

      Get real people.

      Why someone should invest their time and resources to create
      a mechanism that can make you money and NOT get something
      in return?


      P.S. I'm not a member of MOBE, or EN, or PL, or DCSX, or EZMF or
      any of the similar opportunity, but I work with tons of people who
      actually make money with those

      You can tell the difference in their attitude vs. the ones who don't.
      A lot of noise to confuse the issue. Did the gym guarantee you that if you came in 21 days straight and did as they told you that you would succeed?

      No. So you are comparing apples and rocks. Did he guarantee or not? Yes, he did. Is the guarantee valid and truthful? No, it is not. Did he lie and are you defending a liar? Yes to both questions. It is really very simple to honest people. Tell the truth. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

      These concepts are basic to anyone that is not comfortable with lying for gain.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9181558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paraface
    Before attitude comes into play, one needs to sort out what he or she is getting. Value that is. Wise investment does not mean throwing something down the drain and making money does not mean scamming others. It's all about choice. This is MY ATTITUDE of sound, sustainable and viable business!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8496884].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cajunX
    Nobody is complaining that he or she have to pay money for a product nor do they complain about a high price. The point is that they want to buy from people who offer their products in an ethical way. They complain because the seller tells them in his sales copy he does business the ethical way. After they signed the purchase order and payed the the initial price of $49 and after one week the guy asks for additional $2000, otherwise the promised earnings potential wouldn't be possible, that is just the opposite of ethics. But I am probably right when I assume that the seller knows exactly that he would have made probably not more than 5% to 10% of his sales when he had stated the facts in his copy. That's the difference to people who run their businesses in a proper manner, also in this forum. I have never made the experience that one of these "ethical" people ask for the purchase price X and a couple of days later he wants additionally 40 times the purchase price gives this the name OTO. An OTO means for me an additional value to the value of my original purchase.

    And the value of a deal has nothing to do whether the people who run non-ethical businesses have made millions or not. There are also enough scam artists around who have made tons of $$$, but I would never drink a cup of coffee with.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8497031].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BOOG
    OMG - avoid them like the plague! It is a scam. They keep taking money out of my account even after I cancelled months and months ago. I am now going through my bank and closing my accounts. It's a nightmare!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8498623].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paraface
      Originally Posted by BOOG View Post

      OMG - avoid them like the plague! It is a scam. They keep taking money out of my account even after I cancelled months and months ago. I am now going through my bank and closing my accounts. It's a nightmare!!!
      Hi BOOG, can you give us more details like how and what? Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8502109].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gilksy
      Originally Posted by BOOG View Post

      OMG - avoid them like the plague! It is a scam. They keep taking money out of my account even after I cancelled months and months ago. I am now going through my bank and closing my accounts. It's a nightmare!!!
      I highly doubt that. Did you contact MOBE support? Are you sure it's even MOBE and not something else you bought and forgot about?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8505330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author krchmar
    Well then Mr. Lloyd, since I had a job that pay 10000 RSD (that's 100$), living on debts, how can you expect from someone like me to have 2000$ for the step 6? I was gonna pay 50$ for the entry fee or w/e you called it, but the 2000$ is just simply not fair price. Plus, you lie in the videos, which is illegal and punishable by law in some country's, so if I where you, I would stop lying to people and scam them later to just get rich, because you can't be rich in jail if you get sued by some of them. So be honest and don't let greed take you in, or still be an "rich snob" and you might even end up behind bars. Just giving you a friendly advice. For me, I found another way to earn money online, but not have to pay fortune to someone who lies and scams people.

    So i passed this so called "opportunity" because that's only for rich snobs to try. And one other assumption: The comments made by Matt Lloyd are somewhat unprofessional, and of course I can't say I am a professional and understand 100% of English language, but I can see how professional marketeers talk and how unprofessional "wannabe" marketeers talk. That much I can recognize. So I think Matt Lloyd is unprofessional marketeer, which is ok, I don't have anything against that, nobody is perfect, but if he says he tries to make $2000000 in a year with his kind of attitude, then, he clearly missed his profession. Professional marketeers do not worry about the forums and what people say. Most of people don't search if it is scam or legit and don't come on this forum for information about this particular earning method. Since Mr. Lloyd worry that his business does not get slandered or image gets ruined, he is clearly not one of those "professional marketeers", but a simple man like you or me.
    I wish Mr. Lloyd best of luck in his business, to make those 2,000,000 $ per year and good health and long life.

    Thank you for your patience in reading this.

    If you wish to know how I earn for living, check the link here:


    I assure you, it will make you live your life with ease.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8505745].message }}
  • I've been searching for years for the right business to fit my lifestyle and I'm a very hard working person who gives 110%. But I'm sure as many of you out there are tired of working and making other people rich.

    During these years I've spent tens of thousands of dollars investing in various mentoring programs whom in the past guarantee your success if you follow all of the steps. Being a professional I go over things more then once to make sure that I've gotten every bit of information correct as this is the only way to be successful.

    My question to Mr. Lloyd is one that has been asked, but you've haven't answered. I understand about upsells and in my past experience if you don't by the upsell your chances of making any money become slim. My question is if you don't purchase your MOBE upsell what are your chances of making any money at all?

    I ask this if one reason, as I've stated I've been searching for a business for years and I've only spent tens of thousand of my hard earned dollars to making absolutely not one red cent. If I had the money I would probably purchase your upsell, but my finances are now non existing. I would like to hear your advise for someone like myself that would put 110% into making myself successful but don't have the means to do so.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8507076].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jimfurr
    If you actually PAY just to be someones Affiliate - you deserve what you get.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8510393].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IGOTTA
      Of course you are correct. People who are new to this business and are trying to learn deserve to be victimized . You are a very wise man. Not smug at all. Clearly you were born knowing it all. It is not like someone took the time and trouble to help you at some time in your flawless life.

      We are blessed by your wisdom and consideration.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9181575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author auseek
    I've been reading all the posts here..
    & it doesn't surprise me when you hear things like..
    98% of people WON'T make any money online !

    Here is my 2 cents...
    You get a complete Sales Funnel set up for you..
    with awesome products I may add..
    plus.. professional sales people to close your prospects..
    all for $49.00 !!
    F#@k me guys.. where else will you find that ??

    Upgrading to the $2000.. is optional..
    you don't have to !

    Sure.. to test the system you'll need to drive traffic..
    which of course costs money.
    But how much would it cost you to set a similar system up for yourself ??

    My opinion..
    stop jumping on forums & posting negativity.
    Get out there & SELL..
    because that's the only way to make money !!
    - Download My FREE Guide -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521081].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nkosihlahla
    @ auseek - Sorry buddy, please define "negativity". As per the universal law of polarity, negativity and positivity exist together. Where you find one, you will find the other

    @ Matt - I am sure your program is a great one, heck wish I could afford to buy it for myself and for all the other hopefuls here, but honestly with $2000 I can set up a local radio station marketing campaign here in sunny Durbs or spend it on Adwords and Facebook to punt any of the other 1000+ quality high ticket products available online as a 100% FREE affiliate.

    I guess Matt, that you are not seeing the point here because as an entrepreneur you are passionate about your business and stand 100% behind your techniques. I really enjoyed your video up until your FREE program started costing me money.

    Your video is misleading and offensive and this is the reason you have so many upset bloggers here.

    Stop putting down blogs especially if what you are selling is based on a blogging system. Bloggers are the heartbeat of the internet.

    Thanks WF for this great platform!! Peace out Warriors! Ahoorroo Ahoorroo!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8530907].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author krchmar
      Originally Posted by nkosihlahla View Post

      @ auseek - Sorry buddy, please define "negativity". As per the universal law of polarity, negativity and positivity exist together. Where you find one, you will find the other

      @ Matt - I am sure your program is a great one, heck wish I could afford to buy it for myself and for all the other hopefuls here, but honestly with $2000 I can set up a local radio station marketing campaign here in sunny Durbs or spend it on Adwords and Facebook to punt any of the other 1000+ quality high ticket products available online as a 100% FREE affiliate.

      I guess Matt, that you are not seeing the point here because as an entrepreneur you are passionate about your business and stand 100% behind your techniques. I really enjoyed your video up until your FREE program started costing me money.

      Your video is misleading and offensive and this is the reason you have so many upset bloggers here.

      Stop putting down blogs especially if what you are selling is based on a blogging system. Bloggers are the heartbeat of the internet.

      Thanks WF for this great platform!! Peace out Warriors! Ahoorroo Ahoorroo!!
      I have to agree with this comments. If I had $2000 in a first place, I wouldn't need to do any work online what so ever, because if I have $2000, that means I earn normally in regular life around $1000, which I don't. Then I like one more thing for Matt to explain here, how can I guy that earns currently $200 by working in a car wash be a part of your program? $49 is okay price, but for another $2000, man that is just plain and simple bollocks.

      Btw, I have started to play Roulette online with a system that will grant me more money then this so called "Top Tier Business" that drains money from people for nothing.

      Oh and I was looking a info on the Wired Income Package - Make An Income Online {FREE VIDEO} and does it deliver, because something is very familiar about his parents, they are very similar to some actors I have seen in movies and in tv series. But if I am wrong, then I sincerely apologize.

      If you wish to know how I earn for living, check the link here:


      I assure you, it will make you live your life with ease.

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      • Profile picture of the author smiling
        Originally Posted by krchmar View Post

        I have to agree with this comments. If I had $2000 in a first place, I wouldn't need to do any work online what so ever, because if I have $2000, that means I earn normally in regular life around $1000, which I don't. Then I like one more thing for Matt to explain here, how can I guy that earns currently $200 by working in a car wash be a part of your program? $49 is okay price, but for another $2000, man that is just plain and simple bollocks.

        Btw, I have started to play Roulette online with a system that will grant me more money then this so called "Top Tier Business" that drains money from people for nothing.

        Oh and I was looking a info on the Wired Income Package - Make An Income Online {FREE VIDEO} and does it deliver, because something is very familiar about his parents, they are very similar to some actors I have seen in movies and in tv series. But if I am wrong, then I sincerely apologize.
        Krchmar...I don't think, I know that there is no roulette system online or in a real casino that is foolproof. If there is a way for it to go wrong believe me it will at some stage...costing you dearly. I've studied the roulette wheel for over 25 years checking anything and everything about different systems. I would love to be proved wrong though...but I don't think I will be!
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  • Profile picture of the author AmazingP
    I am happy that I searched the whole of the internet before buying this saved me my precious $49 (am in a third world country and that money is not so easy to pick up anywhere) and possible headaches and heartaches over you.

    More importantly, reading all of these comments SAVED MATT LLOYD (nice name for a multi-millionaire internet marketer) of being cursed if I would find out that aside from $49 there is actually that almost 2K fees (wow...!)

    You see guys, this is the big problem when we over-used HYPES when marketing our programs...especially when we say that our program is FREE but you have to pay a "small" entry fee and then without telling upfront that there is actually that 2K ahead of you.

    By the need to reply to this post since I am not presenting any question or any case for you to answer.

    I am not against Matt or marketing but I think if those figures are disclosed right in front of the customer then I would not have a problem with it. Matt...this is a big question for you: Do you think that you are not violating with a customer's right to know what he got into when you are not disclosing that 2K upsell? And you seems to be wondering why people here are expressing dismay and negativity? You must be out of this world if you could not connect the dots. Or does being a millionaire make one blind and out of touch with the reality?

    I am not an important person but am representing small people who are here in internet looking for the right ways for us to get into financial freedom but without being surprised in the middle of it all...

    By the way, no need to reply to this comment as I am not really asking you any new question. Good luck to all of us.
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  • Profile picture of the author patlianic
    just a thought! NEWBIE IM'rketer ($100 to his name/current life): Spend $49 (become MTTB member/affiliate) -> goes though "1-5 of 21 steps training" -> learned something valuable but blocked and can't continue in the "6-21" training (need $1997/become a MOBE Liscensee) -> thinking of earning income/money by selling/promoting low MTTB products -> got great idea "BUT" can't market the low MTTB products fully to reach $1997 (only finished 1-5th training)....... IS IT POSSIBLE FOR THE $49 MEMBER WHO CANNOT AFFORD 2K, GET THE FULL TRAINING AND USE IT TO BECOME MOBE LISCENSEE?? enlighten me. sory for my bad english
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  • Profile picture of the author foomenow
    Well that's enough info for me!, now I can click of this annoying pitch!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingROCKSTAR
    I predict, that if this is an honest business, then it will stand. If not, it will fall.

    BIG NOTE: My mentors both earn well over $1,000,000 MONTH AFTER MONTH ... NET (and I will be there in the next 4-8 mos.)!

    Either one of them push/promote in the home business space. No, they don't market 'High Ticket' products. In short MASS TRAFFIC = MASS SALES! Zip, Email, Short form subs etc.

    When you're making 5000 sales per day of any "small amount", it crushes "High Ticket" any day of the year ... trust me.

    Not to knock High Ticket. The key is YOU MUST develop YOURSELF as a marketer. Accountability coupled with No Excuses (not that MLM garb) pays NET PROFITS of MILLIONS!!!!

    It gets under my skin when I hear these MLM guys talk about them being an 8 figure earner, and on the same sales page admit that $73,000 in a week, is a really high week for them.

    $73,000 in a week is good. However, when you multiply that by 52 weeks in a year ... it is FAR from 8 figures, thus making the product launch "business model" "guru" a LIAR!

    8 figures in SALES and 5% of that in profit, IS NOT AN 8 FIGURE EARNER.

    The guys I know, will mark a person who dare compares a mlm/top tier/whatever to real performance based marketing.

    NOTE: The REAL Highest paid marketers on the planet are PERFORMANCE marketers.

    I let the cat out of the bag on that one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8565214].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JB
      Originally Posted by MarketingROCKSTAR View Post

      I predict, that if this is an honest business, then it will stand. If not, it will fall.

      BIG NOTE: My mentors both earn well over $1,000,000 MONTH AFTER MONTH ... NET (and I will be there in the next 4-8 mos.)!

      Either one of them push/promote in the home business space. No, they don't market 'High Ticket' products. In short MASS TRAFFIC = MASS SALES! Zip, Email, Short form subs etc.

      When you're making 5000 sales per day of any "small amount", it crushes "High Ticket" any day of the year ... trust me.

      Not to knock High Ticket. The key is YOU MUST develop YOURSELF as a marketer. Accountability coupled with No Excuses (not that MLM garb) pays NET PROFITS of MILLIONS!!!!

      It gets under my skin when I hear these MLM guys talk about them being an 8 figure earner, and on the same sales page admit that $73,000 in a week, is a really high week for them.

      $73,000 in a week is good. However, when you multiply that by 52 weeks in a year ... it is FAR from 8 figures, thus making the product launch "business model" "guru" a LIAR!

      8 figures in SALES and 5% of that in profit, IS NOT AN 8 FIGURE EARNER.

      The guys I know, will mark a person who dare compares a mlm/top tier/whatever to real performance based marketing.

      NOTE: The REAL Highest paid marketers on the planet are PERFORMANCE marketers.

      I let the cat out of the bag on that one.
      Not trying to be antagonistic but... who in their right might would waste their time coaching newbies if they are making a million per month?? THink about it, a LOT of marketing and management (social, PPC, SEO, outsourcing, accounting etc) would be involved in that type of operation. So much so that teaching people your 'secrets' for chump change is simply not believable. A lot of these 'mentors' are pretty much the same as Matt Lloyd - selling some readily available information through deception. Real coaches are mostly like teachers - they understand the methods and teach them, they don't actually do them at an incredibly successful level. That's fine because teachers are upfront about that - it's also fine for the IM coaches who are upfront about what they do too. If you think of this analogy between school teachers and unscrupulous IM coaches - they are like economics teachers pretending to be advisors to the White House, spilling the beans on the internal workings of foreign industrial economic policy and telling their students how to profit through insider trading etc. Sounds ridiculous, yes, BUT it's not much different to the IM coach who purports to make a million per month but is happy to waste their time teaching readily available information to newbies. As for the guy who makes millions per month who is happy to share his secret formula to success thereby diluting his competitiveness, market share and profits... that's not exactly the hallmark of a successful millionaire.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8568602].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MarketingROCKSTAR
        Originally Posted by JB View Post

        Not trying to be antagonistic but... who in their right might would waste their time coaching newbies if they are making a million per month?? THink about it, a LOT of marketing and management (social, PPC, SEO, outsourcing, accounting etc) would be involved in that type of operation. So much so that teaching people your 'secrets' for chump change is simply not believable. A lot of these 'mentors' are pretty much the same as Matt Lloyd - selling some readily available information through deception. Real coaches are mostly like teachers - they understand the methods and teach them, they don't actually do them at an incredibly successful level. That's fine because teachers are upfront about that - it's also fine for the IM coaches who are upfront about what they do too. If you think of this analogy between school teachers and unscrupulous IM coaches - they are like economics teachers pretending to be advisors to the White House, spilling the beans on the internal workings of foreign industrial economic policy and telling their students how to profit through insider trading etc. Sounds ridiculous, yes, BUT it's not much different to the IM coach who purports to make a million per month but is happy to waste their time teaching readily available information to newbies. As for the guy who makes millions per month who is happy to share his secret formula to success thereby diluting his competitiveness, market share and profits... that's not exactly the hallmark of a successful millionaire.
        Well Flash, it appears that your the sharp one among us.?.?.?! :rolleyes: If you'll be man, woman, or it enough ... you might admit, that your trouble, is that you can't wrap your wealth lacking mind around those figures.

        Why would a 7 figure monthly earner coach newbie ...?

        VERY SIMPLE:

        The cost is between $50,000 - $100,000 plus.
        They run campaigns with their students on THEIR STUDENTS effort (while following their coaching) ... and they split the profits (sometimes 50 50).

        Has a light bulb came on yet Flash? I ONLY listed 2 benefits. Newbies and seasoned marketers both GLADLY PAY.

        Let's do the math ... If YOU were a 7 figure monthly earner, would you coach newbies to create another 7 figure income stream in your life????

        Make sense ... yeah I know.

        Keep in mind that what is possible IS NOT limited to YOUR mindset, and what you're willing or not willing to believe.

        Right now, as you're reading this, some marketer is preparing to pay some network over 1 million dollars for sending traffic ( and sometime 3 to 5 times that).

        I hope this helps your thinking.

        Cheers Mate!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8570255].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JB
          Originally Posted by MarketingROCKSTAR View Post

          Well Flash, it appears that your the sharp one among us.?.?.?! :rolleyes: If you'll be man, woman, or it enough ... you might admit, that your trouble, is that you can't wrap your wealth lacking mind around those figures.
          You presume too much. One of my companies is a government funded startup with backing from Microsoft - we have a 7 figure valuation and we'll be exiting through trade sale inside the next 3 years. I've had to design a business model with financials and digital marketing plan for investors, pitch to panels in banks, VC offices and startup conventions. So, yes I have experience in dealing with people where real money is concerned. I've also got my own web design company and have dabbled a bit in IM so that I would a) get some experience in the differences between real world IM and the DM postgrad I did last year and b) fund the day to day operation of my startup. Talking down to me about 'mindsets' and unproven claims of earnings demonstrates a lot of naivety.
          It sounds like you are being coached to be someone else's affiliate - where the product is tied up in the coaching. The business model might work fine but the industry is full of unscrupulous marketers making unfounded claims of earning potential and their own success. Personally, that's not the type of business I'm interested in.
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        • Profile picture of the author montoyaspannen
          Originally Posted by MarketingROCKSTAR View Post

          Well Flash, it appears that your the sharp one among us.?.?.?! :rolleyes: If you'll be man, woman, or it enough ... you might admit, that your trouble, is that you can't wrap your wealth lacking mind around those figures.

          Why would a 7 figure monthly earner coach newbie ...?

          VERY SIMPLE:

          The cost is between $50,000 - $100,000 plus.
          They run campaigns with their students on THEIR STUDENTS effort (while following their coaching) ... and they split the profits (sometimes 50 50).

          Has a light bulb came on yet Flash? I ONLY listed 2 benefits. Newbies and seasoned marketers both GLADLY PAY.

          Let's do the math ... If YOU were a 7 figure monthly earner, would you coach newbies to create another 7 figure income stream in your life????

          Make sense ... yeah I know.

          Keep in mind that what is possible IS NOT limited to YOUR mindset, and what you're willing or not willing to believe.

          Right now, as you're reading this, some marketer is preparing to pay some network over 1 million dollars for sending traffic ( and sometime 3 to 5 times that).

          I hope this helps your thinking.

          Cheers Mate!
          I would REALLY love that help. I actually just created this profile to respond to what you said here. I wrote about a two paragraph long message to you but then its said I had to have atleast 15 post to do. I already knew it to be a long shot but now writing this messages after one that was completely heartfelt I know this might not even get a response. I really could use some mentor ship, either way I will be successful in this industry, I really would've like to send what I wrote initially but it was a long shot anyways. Either way I am going to do major things in this industry just reading what you wrote made me say I could really used the mentorship being a newbie to the industry and 21 years old.
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  • Profile picture of the author hello1563
    Kinda sounds like a giant internet marketing ponzi scheme...
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    • Profile picture of the author themarvelous
      Originally Posted by hello1563 View Post

      Kinda sounds like a giant internet marketing ponzi scheme...

      Putting my mastercard where it belong. I knew it sound too good t be true. WOW!
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  • Profile picture of the author sunilmuse
    I am a licensee with Matt Lloyd and recently made a $1k commission, so I know this works after many other low end affiliate programs completely failed me..

    I can however understand that some of the language used in the sales letter is misleading. The word FREE is so overused in marketing that people are extremely weary of it. We know that NOTHING in IM is free especially when there is a good earning opportunity on the back of it...

    So when Matt says that he's going to give you the system for "free" I can understand how some people would find that misleading when they are then asked to pay a $49 application fee. It's not an accurate statement so maybe it could do with some revision.

    I also think that some level of pre-qualifying and preparing people for the $1997 Licensee fee would be helpful so that they aren't so shocked and surprised when they hear about cost of the $1997 upsell to become a licensee.

    Just some ideas...
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I can see where the video is very misleading, but it's really no worse than any other sales video/letter out there. I guess that's not saying too much for the idea of transparency in Internet Marketing.

    I think this program must be geared toward newbies because I find it hard to believe that any experienced IMer who is already making good money online would pay 2K just to promote someone else's products.

    I could invest 2K of my own money and make an awesome product that I could then turn around and have my affiliates sell. I would definitely be able to at least double my investment that way, maybe more if I started out launching it as a WSO first.

    Or I could take 2K and buy traffic that I could convert into subscribers who I could make money from for months or even years to come.

    All I'm saying is that I could find a lot better ways to invest 2K than to pay for some MOBE license that as far as I can see only allows me to promote a line of Matt's products. I'm not disputing that the products are good but let's face it - this is a borderline shady concept.

    Oh, and also I was very turned off by the way Matt responded. Yes, I can understand being a little defensive and maybe a little irritated, but to respond the way he did was very arrogant and unprofessional. For that reason alone I would never become a customer of his.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnbrown12
    pretty interesting.
    How to make money from $3000 to $7000 per month:

    *JOIN 900+ Warriors*
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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    I have to say that I understand holding a little back when you are romancing people into your funnel, however, $2000 is way too much to pull that sort of stunt with. The product may be awesome (I don't know), but I personally would be turned off by the huge shock of the price after I've already committed some what. Just me though.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaileshcg
    Dear Matt,

    My name is shailesh from Bombay, India. Just wanted to know few things regarding MTTB:

    1) What is the statistics of affiliates and Business licence holders from India, region/statewise.According to me not many individuals from India knows about this program.

    2) If I say I have a huge network of online business investors from India, can I be considered as your Indian business representative without actually becoming the licence holder? Please let me know if such a consideration can me made exceptionally.

    awaiting your response, Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author greenbrit
    Hi.I have spent months trying to get started in an internet business,and have come to a rather bleak conclusionFor every "fantastic"opportunity there are people shooting it down,then offering their own "superb"load of crap.As a newbie you are seen as nothing more than sharkbait and bombarded with so much duff information and backdoor scams.If a program costs another€2000 then it's NOT €49.00 and it's a lie to give the impression it is.It is also evident that a small bunch of "gurus"scratch each other's backs in their pursuit of the almighty dollar.Whilst the "high rollers"benefit the small guy pays for it.
    Reading this forum does nothing to dispell any mistrust when you get people who are trying to scam actually defending it as a legitimate business ploy.It's a sad reflection not only on internet marketing,but on those who the learner is looking up to.
    I honestly despair at ever finding a starter program that is both genuine and honest.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmil88
    Clearly the people that aren't happy with this program are the ones that didn't do their research beforehand. This program is clearly feeding on the huge amount of newbie marketers out there with a pumped up sales letter and some big name marketers promoting the heck out of it.

    If you honestly think that someone is going to give you $500 because you DIDN'T make money with their system, you are a fool and deserve to be scammed by people like this Matt Lloyd.

    He is just a clever marketer making a living scamming people into buying his system.

    Tell me Matt, how many newbies that bought your system are making a consistent $1k/month with your program? Profit.

    I just read the sales copy and nowhere does it state that you will have to buy a $2k license to complete this program, wonder why?

    Matt, you should be ashamed of yourself, but I doubt you are because of all that money you must be making from people who don't know any better. Good job buddy, you're a class act.
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  • Profile picture of the author Krstwo
    I'm with Matt, this forum is hard to post on with how many tit suckers there are. It's very clear what's going on in his system just from his replies here and the video. Use your brain big commissions they claim don't fall out of thin air they REQUIRE big purchases, which is EXACTLY what he says in the video pitch and written pitches ive seen. PLUS these costs aren't just for the rights to sell his "mobe" products, there is more where that came from.

    Don't feel duped by the way his system is setup it's no different then 20% of the systems out there,79% of the rest either blow completely or generate no real money or value I might add.

    In my opinion the internet requires money to make any form of "easy" money through outsourcing everything in general and paying commissions of your own, if your broke your gonna have to work HARD by being that outsourced worker to get the cash you need to do the above. And let's face it majority of the people crying in this thread probably will never work hard and in return will never succeed, I can say this because if they could they WOULD have either here or with a real job so they could invest on there own.

    Let me finish this by saying I don't know anyone from this system nor have I seen his product. But I can only imagine just by looking at how it's setup to sell to you and half the replies I've read here that there's plenty him and his team can teach anyone who is still looking for a system, coaching, or support.

    I'll also add that if you can afford this system you can afford your own product and will make more money in the end with that if you just watch and learn from successful people instead of paying to learn. The answers are right in front of you and you still can't see them.
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    • Profile picture of the author veritasace
      The video is very misleading. Matt Lloyd should mention that you would need to invest at least 2k$ in his business to start getting high commissions. The product may be great (I don't know), but I personally would be shocked at $2000. This is way too much for me.
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      • Profile picture of the author jmends
        I was just about to sign up for this program and decided to check this forum first. Thank you all. You just saved me $49 off money that I don't have.
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      • Profile picture of the author rrram2
        so #mattlloyd whats wrong with full disclosure in advance?!?

        anything else is going to result in endless disputes with those you defrauded.

        Obviously they feel defrauded because there wasn't full disclosure in advance.

        #mattlloyd guess what? Full disclose in advance is how the majority of the world operates a business (NOT ONLINE), and you know why right? when you have a physical store front and rip people off as a result of your failure to fully and honestly disclose in advance the details of the business transaction , somehow your windows get broke out all the time and with increasing frequency as you continue to rip more and more newbies off.

        Originally Posted by veritasace View Post

        The video is very misleading. Matt Lloyd should mention that you would need to invest at least 2k$ in his business to start getting high commissions. The product may be great (I don't know), but I personally would be shocked at $2000. This is way too much for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gomarket77
    Matts program is totally free - plus $49.00 - plus $2000

    I almost got suckered into this program as well. Just like the rest of the forum members here I wasted 30 minutes watching a youtube video where I was told by Matt Lloyd that his offer was totally free.

    Then in the last minute of the video I get a wack upside my head. Nope, its not free. Matt wants 49bucks!

    Ok so that is enough to tick anyone off. But its hardly the worst of the scam. So I head to youtube and contact an affiliate who was promoting MyTopTierBusiness.

    Hmm. The affiliate tells me they were hoodwinked into spending not just 49 bucks, but then an extra $2000. they said that if they didn’t pay the extra $2000, they were told by their coach that they had really no chance to ever make a profit.

    It gets better still. The affiliate told me that they had stopped promoting this deal because most of Matts affiliates are heading off to ethical programs because they believe that John Chow is the -real- owner and master puppeteer.

    So then I come to WF and I read a post from -- stephabel -- Which is above in this same thread. Wow each quote that is displayed written by John Chow really paints an obvious story.

    John chow is the owner. I can't verify this but the affiliate said he and several other affilliates were positive that Matt is just a title-holder and John is the real ownver. I don't call this clever marketing. I call it a scam. The former affiliate I talked to was furious and said he felt stupid for being duped.

    And to explain my personal viewpoint--Im fine with paying money to start a business - but when I read all these people referencing Matts abusive name calling---between his emails and this forum-- I have read his words calling members of this forum broke losers, morons, and idiots. He needs to seek some help.
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    • Profile picture of the author takeaction24
      Hi Everyone,

      I am so glad I research anything before I buy it lol.

      Thanks to the Warrior forum I have now found out there is a catch and the marketing tactics used is very shady.

      The reason why he claims people will make $1000.00 in 30 days is obvious. It preys on newbies, the desperate and vulnerable who don't do any research and who get sucked in by thinking in order to complete this course I have to pay the 2k to continue.

      so that means the people you refer get tricked into paying the 2k which is how you make the 1k in 30 days. It is a no Brainer and obvious it must work but a very cruel and shady way in my opinion of marketing.

      The way it gets even dirtier in my opinion is he asks you to sign an NDA the reason why is simple because he does not want it disclosed that in order to complete the 21 day course and be entitled to the guarantee you must pay the 2k. Now if that is not underhanded and dirty then people don't know the meaning of the word.

      Some may say it is smart. I personally think it is deceitful, dirty and underhanded.

      Think about this for a minute...

      Those that are not able to afford the 2k are guaranteed to lose the $49.00

      in order to get the Guarantee of $500.00 you have to complete the 21 day course.

      After 7 days someone said in order to continue you must pay the 2k so in essence this means if you do not complete the course you won't get the $500.00 guarantee. So he never has to pay the Guarantee because some people who may or may not be able to afford it will pay the 2k in order to complete the 21 day course.

      I am basing this on the second post where the Gentleman states in his first week he is told he has to pay the 2k to continue.

      Lets say this is all true just for one minute.

      If that is the case then in Matt's video he has told many lies, for example I can only do this $500.00 guarantee for a limited amount of people because otherwise my accountant will not be happy with me and words to the effect of he has already told me to stop.

      If Marketers have to sell their products and services based on lies then what kind of message is that giving to people on the net !

      Maybe the products and coaching is is excellent but the way it is presented has to be probably the most deceitful and dirtiest I have seen.

      I don't despute that no doubt everything is worth the 2k and you will make money with this. But what I do think is out of order. People think they are only going ot have to pay $49.00 and it is not fair if they are led to think this when actually they will have to come up with 2k. People that cannot raise the 2k will not be able to continue and will lose the $49.00 and that is what I think is way out of order.

      They should at least be told this all upfront when one of the Coaches calls them to see if they are suitable. Then that would make it fair.

      At least you are not then tricking people into thinking all you pay is $49.00 and they have the opportunity to make a decision based on their finances.

      I Am so thankful I did some research and found all this great information here.

      Thank you for having the courage and coming in here to expose this for what it really is.

      Again many thanks you saved me $49.00

      Think about this for a minute too.

      You are getting emails from a list you are on from a person that you thought you could trust right ?

      Why are they not divulging all the information because believe me they know all about the up sells, tricks etc.. This then makes them as shady and if not more shady.

      So ask yourself this ?

      Can I trust this person who just sent me this knowing that he knew all the deceitful tricks I was about to face ?

      Answer is obvious and I would get off that list fast.

      I plan to get off the list now who sent it to me.

      Also one last thing ?

      Why is it that we are told this is the best and only product or service you will ever need and shortly after the same marketer will send you another email claiming it again. Then they will bring out their own claiming it again and then shortly after will send you someone else's claiming it again.

      Is there any marketers out there that really want to help people make money with no catches and just focus on sharing what they have learned. Someone genuine who tells you everything upfront and is not out to trick you or rip you off.

      I am yet to see it.
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      • Profile picture of the author ganglion35
        I agree that the promoter of the list is as bad as the actual owner. I have unsubscribed from some list for this very behavior. I make a point of only buying from affiliate that I trust to promote only quality products. I quickly unsubscribe from those who sell gargbage just to rip me off. They do not have my best interest at heart and just want to make money at my expense. If everyone did this, maybe these negative tacticts would cease.
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      • Profile picture of the author Blogbods
        Originally Posted by takeaction24 View Post

        Is there any marketers out there that really want to help people make money with no catches and just focus on sharing what they have learned. Someone genuine who tells you everything upfront and is not out to trick you or rip you off.

        I am yet to see it.

        This is a good question. Are there any decent marketers who want to help? Well, I know you'll all have heard of him already, but my answer would be: Tim Ferriss.

        He is one of the few internet marketers who provides shedloads of free, mindblowing content that will help you build your OWN business rather than promote somebody elses.

        I think it is because he is endlessly inquisitive and is more keen on deconstructing how things work and finding solutions than making money (and he's pretty fond of that too, judging by the roll out of his four hour brand..). If their sole motivation is money - it shows.

        Link to his site below. It's packed full of articles and podcasts on increasing efficiency via the 80/20 rule, getting targeted traffic, etc.

        And no I'm not an affiliate. I don't think he even runs an affiliate programme. And do I agree with the premise of his books? Tim certainly doesn't work a four hour week - doesnt want to. No, I think it's too pat.

        But growing your business far more efficiently, effectively and imaginatively - he's got all that covered.

        The 4-Hour Workweek and Timothy Ferriss
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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    I do recommend the sales page to change the video to tell people it is a $2000 system. He can still talk about the sales closers and cars
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    • Profile picture of the author TanyandTony
      Originally Posted by misterkailo View Post

      I do recommend the sales page to change the video to tell people it is a $2000 system. He can still talk about the sales closers and cars
      I agree with misterkailo, this post started June 2nd and Matts video is still as deceptive as to this very day. If think the video is good but not sure why they don't fix the deception since he is already offering to fix the entire internet. LOL
      It doesn't look great that John Chow is prmoting this program like crazy and nobody has been able to find another expert prmoting it. They keep dropping names of other experts who they say are still prmoting it, but when I visit any of the experts listed websites, there story is just not true. If other experts are prmoting it why is the only proof hidden on a leaderboard owned by the company. At this point im guessing Johns role in the company is a lot more then he is publicly admitting.

      I couldn't care less if a guru prmoted this a year ago. I wish a guru will come on here and tell us the full story once and for all.

      The part that hits a nerve with me is I remember putting 3 months effort into prmoting a company in 2011 to find out that the founder had a dark under story. I felt like I was covering up his story each time I tired to recruit, this is how I think there affiliates are starting to feel.
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  • Profile picture of the author b0nkers
    I put Matt's name in the search to check him out before taking a deeper look into his program. His attitude turned me off.
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  • Profile picture of the author jobotting
    Hi Macmani - I am in MOBE and have been for 8 months now. It is working really well and I am getting good results.
    The $49 cost that you are talking about is a registration fee.
    The 21 step My Top Tier Business is FREE and yes does give the guarantees that you posted.
    The fact that you get a coach to help you, teach you and support you is something that other online business do not offer.
    At the end of the day the $49 is also FULLY refundable so if you dont like it or change your mind then you get the registration fee back no questions asked.
    So I guess you can tell that they know the offer is a good deal otherwise why the 100% refund guarantee?
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberman1956
    Hey Matt,
    After reading all of the post about this program,I request you refund my $49 deposit. Honestly I don't have the $2,000 to purchase you MOBE products. I see no value in bad mouthing your program. If you are willing to waive the $2,000 fee until I make $50,000 and instead charge me $7,000 then I would be willing to proceed. If not then just refund my deposit. Your program probably works but I don't have the 2K at this time.
    Thank you
    Jorge Padro (
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    i seem to get the impression most people detest anyone tying to sell anything to them...bit strange on an i.m. forum
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    yeah must be super high quality!

    What makes you think it takes alot of time and skill to create your own products? I create products on a DAILY basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author wpa777
    Matt, I don't even know you and I feel for you man. I have never seen so many idiotic statements and replies in one thread on this forum...ever. And it was all due to an OTO that is totally optional. Unfortunately, I think that their false pride got involved when they realized that they fell in their own you know what after all of the counterpoints that you made...and they just couldn't let it go.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    The affiliate referral tracking NEEDS A LOT OF WORK

    I lost 3 sales to Matt Lloyd or some random stranger, and support refuses to fix the issue

    Affiliates would like to get paid. I'm not a big fan of working for free!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author praveenchandra
    I too also heard this one from one of my friends. Actually, He checks out their email's then click on one email which offers the best incoming online income source at free of cost. I am not fully supporting this kind of email. At this beginning stage, They have to provide all facilities at free of cost later the actual process will be started. Whenever we have ready to continue the business then we have to buy the certain providing license at a cost and continues their services. Mostly, It will be dependable on our self-interest. Before we can enter these kind of business, We must verify their complete portfolio and move a step forward into that..
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  • Profile picture of the author elijahdean24
    I know he is a student of Daegan Smith so he has to be top notch
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  • Profile picture of the author Cam W
    How much will i get paid if i write a 800 words positive comment on Matt Lloyd? least i joined WF for a few months and have made a few other posts which makes me look genuine.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    ... supper car of my dreams for only $20,000.
    Tasty. That must be one hell of a supper car.
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  • Profile picture of the author dozened
    Hey Guys:
    This is a quintessential lesson in doing the research before jumping into a "miracle offer".
    I almost got sucked in, but, at the last second remembered the prime directive. (Always do the Research!) Thank God For Warrior!!!
    Huge commissions require substantial investment. That is the real world.

    Dozen Ed
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    • Profile picture of the author Bujuk
      can someone share how the MTTB works?

      Are we selling /promoting the MTTB licence to newcomers? or are they giving us a set of different products to sell.?
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      • Profile picture of the author tulsatech
        Originally Posted by Bujuk View Post

        can someone share how the MTTB works?

        Are we selling /promoting the MTTB licence to newcomers? or are they giving us a set of different products to sell.?
        Good question. I received an email from one of Matt's affiliates (July 4th, 2014) and I know this thread is over a year old. But apparently his business is still going strong.

        I'm almost tempted to pay the $$ just to go through all 21 steps. Unless someone has already posted those steps online somewhere. Perhaps that's why he has his affiliates sign a non-disclosure agreement.
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  • Profile picture of the author CountryFriedGuru
    Don't Waste your money. He tells you are going to get this system for free then he charges you 49 dollar to get in. Then once you get in the system they want you to buy the up sell for 2k to make this product work. Once I would not buy the up sell at that time my coach would not help me. That goes to show they are all about the money and not about helping nobody but them self. Matt willing to lie about that then you have to ask yourself what else is he not telling you. Save your money
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  • Profile picture of the author guerriere
    I just want to let everyone know that MOBE is SO NOT a scam. Many people are happy with it and I'm certainly going to join when I get that $1997.

    Yes, no one mentions the $49, or the $1997 and other higher memberships but I guess that's just part of the marketing right.

    All I know is, there are people out there making money and all your complaints won't stop them making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author larrys33
    Hi everyone,

    Ok, so much for the my top tier business, matt lloyd. I am just a regular guy trying to make an online business. I know it does take money to make money but, some times it is not that easy. Right now I am working with a program called 10K Challenge, no money to date but, it is free to work with.

    Anyone have any other suggestions as to making money online? I am a hard worker and will put in the time needed to make any program happen. Thanks for listening.

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  • Does he offer a money back guarantee, if so, you get the chance to trial the product first.
    Dallas Niche Specific PR 4 Links:
    Contact : Subject Line: Link Service
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    No I am not selling My Top Tier Biz.

    However, I do have a lot of experience in this industry.

    The products seem to offer a lot of value.
    The Payout structure is very lucrative.

    It seems very solid.

    So in a nutshell, the right marketers can market this product and make a lot of money to the tune of Millions.

    For the 'Newbies', you guys really need to understand how this industry of Biz Opps really works.

    If you can learn how to 'create' traffic to any high converting sales page (with Big Tickets Sales built in) you will be able to 'write' your own Ticket for life!

    That's just my two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author Serendipity

      Please don't chuck away a lot of money in the hope of making money fast!!! I have been trying to succeed in IM for a long time and no, I don't have tons of money to spend, but got suckered a few times.
      The moral of all this is to LEARN first. Try someone like Chris Farell's membership - a decent honest guy willing to teach you.

      Join the FREE challenges run by people like Ed Dale, Sue Worthington, Tiffany Lambert. They offer value, they teach you first and if you do want to buy their products they are sensibly priced with no hidden upsells or nasty surprises!

      It is possible to make money online, but not have to put in the work and the time. I am sorry if this not what you want to hear..the reason guys like Matt Lloyd succeed is because people want shortcuts and are desperate, so they and pay...that way leads to financial ruin..don't go there!

      PM me if you want any further info..but read the whole of this thread before signing up for this product/scheme...there are enough red flags for you to make a sensible decision..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jperez1129
    Reading a few responses... I have two Questions... Is it possible to not pay the 2000 for MOBE and still be an affiliate? and if I later decide to become MOBE licensed is it possible to do it even after I complete the 21 steps??:confused::confused::confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author RQM11
      Originally Posted by Jperez1129 View Post

      Reading a few responses... I have two Questions... Is it possible to not pay the 2000 for MOBE and still be an affiliate? and if I later decide to become MOBE licensed is it possible to do it even after I complete the 21 steps??:confused::confused::confused:
      I don't believe you can complete Steps 7-21 without the Phone Sales Guy unlocking them and the only way to unlock them to buy the License... unless I missed something...
      Partner with 2 Internet Marketing Millionaires &
      Leverage their Systems & Traffic to $100K+ a Year!
      Ignition Partner Program
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      • Profile picture of the author nnarciso
        Hi Fellow Warriors,

        I met Matt in Singapore a couple of years ago and had a very brief chat with him before he went up stage to do some IM related presentation. I can see that he is a nice guy, loves what is doing and means business.

        We just have to take note that it will take some time to make the product we will buy online to work. That includes training and digesting related information to learn.

        Sometimes the learning period will take longer than expected, that you seem to get stuck with it.

        To some, it will work well and to some it will not work at all.

        Like all of us here, I like to know exactly what product I am buying and really appreciate the "Transparency" portion of it.

        But sometimes, based on my experience, we miss the little details of the TOS/T&C due to the level of excitements at that moment.

        Hopefully, Matt, should be able answer the questions raised in this forum.
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  • Anyone have a website with these guys that I can take a look at? I like to see what I'm buying before I pay. I understand that this isnt possible with the training, but I'd love to see the website I'll get with the $2k package.
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  • Profile picture of the author geemoney
    Agree you have to spend money to make money and their is no getting around that
    if you want immediate results. But I think the problem most people are having is to
    spend 1,997 to find out if this is going to work for them or not. As human beings its in our
    nature to want some assurance of success,at times that can not be possible, especially
    with online marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamthegame12
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    • Profile picture of the author Bujuk
      Originally Posted by iamthegame12 View Post

      I have just joined My TOp Tier business and am loving it..I did not go for the 2k upgrade- It dies have its advantages but being a student I do not have the money presently. So guys..If you have ANY questions whatsoever about my top tier business just shoot me a PM.. I will clear all your doubts..and believe me this system does work!
      i'm bit concern on your claim.

      all your 13 posting are done on the same date "21 dec 2013", and referring to high ticket internet marketing. personally i dont think you claim is legit. at least that is what the impression that i get.
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  • Profile picture of the author thundergod
    Excuse me for asking but did anyone take note of the $19 recurring monthly payment mentioned on the check out page?
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    • Hello fellow warriors. I'm going to be as transparent as it gets.
      I joined My Top Tier Business about a month ago, if that, haven't made any sales yet, but that's my fault and not the systems fault except for one thing: One of the problems I did have so far is that somehow the coaches completely lost touch with me, so I couldn't get the rest of my steps unlocked for almost 2 weeks, that was REEEEALLY frustrating, especially since I'm not a man of many dollars, and I really want to make this system work out.

      The good news is I was able to keep busy, because I actually bought the $2000 License Rights program before I even continued with all the steps, so I was able to digest that content in the meantime. The coaches never did get back in touch with me, but what I did was get in touch with support, and they unlocked it right away.

      Before joined I had watched the sales video, but I know too good to be true when I see it, what do you think I did? Came to the Warrior Forum, and completely uncovered all of the surprises. Some upset customer told the entire thing off. I completely understood where that guy was coming from, the video had promised that you would make money before you have to spend money. One lie like that and I'm usually gone, however I watched as Matt came on and explained himself, did a terrible job explaining himself professionally, because he took a pretty aggressive approach and kind of attacked the guy who did the posting.
      As unprofessional as it was though, it did give me a sense of who Matt (the owner) was as a person. I could resonate with the responses that he was giving, and I could tell that his intentions were good, hes legitimately trying his best to create the best Internet Marketing experience possible. He's done a LOT, so I give him a lot of credit. I respect the grind and the effort, even though its not perfect, a hardworker can always understand another.

      This didn't make the blatant lie in the video OK, but I took an understanding to why that lie was over there too. I figured this man wasn't stupid, he knew what he was doing when he made the video, and he doesn't really seem like he wants to deceive people, but he did what he felt was necessary to get the business going, and it had definitely worked.

      So I asked myself, why did the system work? And what about those people who signed up anyway? Did they not see the same lie? That's why I joined. People signed up anyway, and you get $1000 each time someone signs up, will people just stop signing up all of a sudden? No, if you advertise correctly, people will always sign up. What's important to me is that the end product that the user receives, is not only valuable as a resell product. I must be able to buy the product and receive the entire value of my purchase. And after using the course, and comparing with other similar courses, I say you receive well over $2000 worth of value from the$2000 purchase. As long as that is true, you have a business.

      The products are a bit outdated, some information has changed from a year or 2 ago, I would appreciate it if the products were on Youtube where the changes could be annotated, so that someone who is following the system the wrong way (word for word) can still succeed. If you know how the internet works , you know how quickly things can become old. The good thing is that if you have half a brain, you will understand that change is the only guarantee, and work your way around whatever you see changed. Things change, but not that much that you should be completely thrown off course.

      I have not used the support except one time to unlock the steps which they got to right away. The support from the coaches I would give probably a 1/10 for the coach that I was transferred to, and an 8/10 from the coach I was transferred from. This is because the coach I was transferred to completely NEVER responded to me. All of the coaches are very wealthy, and very experienced, personally, I don't believe they should be coaches. In my experience with customer service, responsiveness beats everything else.

      When dealing with a momentum based business like this, lack of responsiveness from those that are supposed to help you is the number one cause of buzzkill. I have to wonder, I have business experience already, and I'm a very understanding guy, not the complaining type. If I was a complete newbie, I would probably be screaming for a refund at that point. So anyone that I recruit, I will make sure that I can always be there to support them personally, in case that same situation happens to them.

      They seem like really genuine people, and very pleasant to talk to, but that all goes out the window when the coach completely quits responding to you. I know its probably a misunderstanding, but man that frustration is a bad one.

      Anyway I don't really have time for proofreading, I feel like I may have made some typos, but feel free to ask me any questions if you wish, I will give you 100% transparent answers. I'm not posting any links, I'm not asking anyone to join, I just believe transparency is a customer right, and if you're here, the truth is what you're looking for.
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      • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
        Originally Posted by jeffsolochek View Post

        The only problem I see here is the Mobe License part. I'm on a very low fixed income so the $1997 is not possible for someone like me. I know a lot of retired people are always looking for something to do and IM could be very good for them but I am positive there are some that cannot afford to spend a lot.
        That is correct. Take a look at the 2 sections in BLUE letters here: Kim and I have been talking about what we're going to put together for the retiired, fixed income and newbies and then I read your comment. There will be plenty of ways to make money online without spending any money until you make some to spend. If you want to make any money, listen for 69 seconds to this priceless advice: Steve Jobs Secret to Success RIP

        Originally Posted by thundergod View Post

        Excuse me for asking but did anyone take note of the $19 recurring monthly payment mentioned on the check out page?
        There's another similar program that charges $5,000 total and $34/mo but they're very clear and upfront about the cost, practically beating it into your head that it's NOT free and it's NOT cheap. It's expensive and not for everyone. If you can't afford it,then here's another option better suited for you. Simple. The truth works.

        I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

        When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
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      • Profile picture of the author terry79
        Why does $49 NOT allow to learn 21 Steps before deciding MOBE?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Wilson
    And with a knowing smile the cynic began his parable:

    The enthusiastic, but naive young man listened with growing uncertainty to his new boss, as he said…

    "Welcome to Downtown Mercedes Dealership, we're delighted to have you aboard as the newest member of our Sales Team. By the way, thank you for paying our $49 Interview Fee last week. We can't have any Tom, Dick or Harry selling our fine luxury cars now can we? I knew you'd understand.

    Now, the reason I've asked to speak to you today is to let you know that before we continue any further with your complimentary Vehicle Sales Training, we will need you to buy one of our cars.

    I know, I know, it seems like a strange request, but how can you possibly sell a Mercedes if you don't own a Mercedes? Huh? Exactly! Don't worry, we have some older models out back that I can let you have for, let's say $2000. Once you hand me a check the car is yours and we can continue your training.

    Well no, you are not 'required' to buy one of our cars, but I should tell you that we will withhold 40% of any commission you make until such time as you do buy one. That's fair isn't it?

    Of course it goes without saying that if you want to be able to sell our fabulous, high-ticket 2014 models and earn big commissions, you will need to trade in your POS Merc for a new model first.

    Who knows, by this time next year you could be owning … and selling … our top of the range AMGs. Imagine that!"
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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by Mark Wilson View Post

      And with a knowing smile the cynic began his parable:

      The enthusiastic, but naive young man listened with growing uncertainty to his new boss, as he said...

      "Welcome to Downtown Mercedes Dealership, we're delighted to have you aboard as the newest member of our Sales Team. By the way, thank you for paying our $49 Interview Fee last week. We can't have any Tom, Dick or Harry selling our fine luxury cars now can we? I knew you'd understand.

      Now, the reason I've asked to speak to you today is to let you know that before we continue any further with your complimentary Vehicle Sales Training, we will need you to buy one of our cars.

      I know, I know, it seems like a strange request, but how can you possibly sell a Mercedes if you don't own a Mercedes? Huh? Exactly! Don't worry, we have some older models out back that I can let you have for, let's say $2000. Once you hand me a check the car is yours and we can continue your training.

      Well no, you are not 'required' to buy one of our cars, but I should tell you that we will withhold 40% of any commission you make until such time as you do buy one. That's fair isn't it?

      Of course it goes without saying that if you want to be able to sell our fabulous, high-ticket 2014 models and earn big commissions, you will need to trade in your POS Merc for a new model first.

      Who knows, by this time next year you could be owning ... and selling ... our top of the range AMGs. Imagine that!"
      Brilliant! You guys need to take this in before parting with your money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Archimedes
    Jeez, and for once I thought I found a straight-forward marketer. I almost bought into the program, but the $49 "Application Fee," triggered warning signs, as I knew immediately that was the Front End, which meant the ample use of the term "FREE" was a convenient lie. O.K., maybe it was to weed out the tire-kickers but at that point, I was wondering then what the OTO or backend was... and after having read this thread, it is pretty clear that the STEEP $2K MOBE license fee comes into play. Frankly, an "upsell" of $2K for an affiliate license to sell an IM product is pretty ridiculous, but Matt's gotta somehow make back the 90% he is dishing out to sales of his MOBE product, right? I guess that is what covers the expenses of having a phone sales team do the work of closing the sale as well? I know it takes money to make money, but it should have been disclosed upfront. If it was, I probably would have gone ahead considering the 90% commission rate. But, alas, Matt chose the convenient way out to keep it well hidden until the newcomer has nibbled the cheese before springing the trap, so to speak. For me... NOT INTERESTED. If I cant trust a person to begin with, then I am not comfortable dishing out my hard earned $2000 plus ongoing monthly $19 fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    License for $1997? Wow...that is some high ticket product!!!
    I wonder how many people do buy such stuff???

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author h20sdavid
    Hi I took the plunge and very happy to have taken up the offer. It is an amazing experience. The training is very details and precise. Any questions are answered. The best part is we have a private FB page where others like me talk to each other from newly signed up to the top players and Matt.

    Of all the systems I've looked at, how can you go past making a profit or $1k - 5K without making a sale. The longer you leave it the longer it will take you to make your first $1,000

    The training the detail is 2nd to none. But then again if you don't want to make big money each sale and just a few dollars a sale that's cool.

    Why not sign up its only $49 to look, you get to see the quality of the training. Then you know you will be looked after.

    I've paid similar amounts to others and had very little help.

    Till next time
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcel Pamphile
    Questions for the Anti-MTTB crowd....

    Do you guys actually know how to drive qualified traffic to a good offer ?
    Have you tried sending qualified traffic to MTTB ?
    What was your cost per customer ?

    If you can't say "Yes" to the first two questions, you really have no business reviewing MTTB.

    From what I head, a successful MTTB only requires Traffic. They take care of everything else.
    If you don't like the upsell process, presell your customers and explain how the process actually works in advance.

    Business Funnels -

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    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      Originally Posted by crashenburner View Post

      I had serious concerns about getting into another mlm or online marketing venture.
      Frankly it became apparent to me that most of them were dysfunctional for the inexperienced.
      Also, I was willing to except my failings as my own and not pass them on.
      So what happens? Another shiny object pops up and I am hooked...
      I had to have more info and I needed it from the horse's mouth.
      I went to a super charge summit where I would meet the owner and other big earners as well as those just getting started.
      So here is my report.
      These people were some of the most genuine down to earth folks I have ever seen gathered in one location. Three days I spent picking their minds and feeling their pocket books.
      In the last 10 days I have not found anything illegal or shameful about MTTB / MOBE.
      Exactly the opposite.
      This is a business for people that understand it takes money to make money and that the right mind set to make the kind of money these folks are making requires firm discipline.
      90% of the people going through their funnel do not....the good news is that the "know how" to create the mindset for the desire is built into the training, coaching and events.
      I had to go through a little bit of hell to change my old way of thinking.
      Scam? No. Scam is the cop out phrase for those who live their lives based on fear.
      Sorry, but the truth will sting before it purifies. Can you get passed the pain is the question?
      Originally Posted by Marcel Pamphile View Post

      Questions for the Anti-MTTB crowd....

      Do you guys actually know how to drive qualified traffic to a good offer ?
      Have you tried sending qualified traffic to MTTB ?
      What was your cost per customer ?

      If you can't say "Yes" to the first two questions, you really have no business reviewing MTTB.

      From what I head, a successful MTTB only requires Traffic. They take care of everything else.
      If you don't like the upsell process, presell your customers and explain how the process actually works in advance.
      If you know how to drive traffic to an offer, then you don't need MTTB. Just use your brain, pick out some good selling offers on ClickBank and make money with ZERO investment (or whatever you pay for traffic if you do).

      This whole MTTB thing sounds like just another empower network type of deal: Make money by convincing others you're going to help them make money.

      "Live and let live".

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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by ScrooG View Post

        If you know how to drive traffic to an offer, then you don't need MTTB. Just use your brain, pick out some good selling offers on ClickBank and make money with ZERO investment (or whatever you pay for traffic if you do).
        If it's that easy then why isn't everyone doing it? The reason is because driving traffic to a simple affiliate offer will put you broke fairly quickly. Some people can make that work but they are the people who first send leads to their own site, build a list, then recommend products to those leads over and over agaib. You'll never get rich just sending people to Clickbank affiliate products because most of them have poor sales funnels and so you end up spending more money on advertising than you make on sales.

        THIS is why MTTB is a great option for beginners. It not only has low and mid ticket items but it has the big upsells on the backend and that is what sets it apart. You need high ticket sales in your funnel if you want to compete in this day and age. Today it's all about who can afford to spend the most on traffic. If your business can't afford to spend much then you won't last long. The more money you make per customer, the more you can afford to spend to get each customer. Those businesses who can afford to spend more than others will succeed and that is why high ticket sales funnels are a must these days. All the top marketers are doing them. The problem is there are very few (if any) good and proven high ticket sales funnels that affiliates can promote these days and that is why people can't just 'do it themselves'.

        I have to stick up for Matt in this thread because as a vendor myself who has dealt with many ungrateful customers in this market, it is very easy to get fed up, especially when people who haven't even bought a product are talking crap about it sight unseen -- which is exactly what is happening in this thread.

        There is a terrible attitude in this industry (especially amongst beginner marketers) that the world owes them everything. I don't blame people though. It is myself and other marketers who caused this attitude the last few years by spoiling the market. We have been selling products and services for way under price for years now because marketers all started competing on prices. So the same thing has happened as when you spoil a child. They get greedy and expect everything for nothing and I've noticed this attitude is now rife in this market.

        Luckily things are slowly starting to change. Many marketers have stopped selling their products for $7 and prices are starting to go back up to where they were always supposed to be. But it's still going to take a while to retrain the market who has been spoilt for years and get them to realize that the world doesn't owe them everything and they are lucky to have many of the opportunities presented to them nowadays. You'll find many marketers are fed up dealing with the spoilt customers and that's why we are all increasing our prices so we only deal with people who are serious about making money online.

        Here's a tip. You will never get rich by looking for every reason why something will not work. That's what losers do and it's exactly why statistics have shown that 97% of beginner marketers fail to ever make any money online. Winners are the ones who run with something and make it work at all costs. The people making thousands of dollars using MTTB (myself included) are really not at all concerned by all the mistruths being spread about this system in this thread because the less of you people in MTTB, the more room for us to keep on making lots of sales. It's also important in programs like this that everyone is only surrounding themselves with positive people who have the same go-get 'em attitude... not those looking to always blame everyone else for their lack of success... so a lot of you guys wouldn't really fit in anyway.

        I have absolutely no dog in this fight but just thought it was fair to give the point of view from someone who is actually USING the system successfully and actually UNDERSTANDS exactly how the system works (which I outlined in my previous post)... as opposed to all of the other points of views from people who are either not a member at all or clearly do not understand how the system works.

        Those who can actually see the benefit in this system are welcome to private message me and I'll walk you through how I've had my own success with MTTB. I do things a little differently from others and that sure helps. But you need to be prepared to take massive action, otherwise nothing works.

        $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9025890].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tulsatech
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          If it's that easy then why isn't everyone doing it? The reason is because driving traffic to a simple affiliate offer will put you broke fairly quickly. Some people can make that work but they are the people who first send leads to their own site, build a list, then recommend products to those leads over and over agaib. You'll never get rich just sending people to Clickbank affiliate products because most of them have poor sales funnels and so you end up spending more money on advertising than you make on sales.

          THIS is why MTTB is a great option for beginners. It not only has low and mid ticket items but it has the big upsells on the backend and that is what sets it apart. You need high ticket sales in your funnel if you want to compete in this day and age. Today it's all about who can afford to spend the most on traffic. If your business can't afford to spend much then you won't last long. The more money you make per customer, the more you can afford to spend to get each customer. Those businesses who can afford to spend more than others will succeed and that is why high ticket sales funnels are a must these days. All the top marketers are doing them. The problem is there are very few (if any) good and proven high ticket sales funnels that affiliates can promote these days and that is why people can't just 'do it themselves'.

          I have to stick up for Matt in this thread because as a vendor myself who has dealt with many ungrateful customers in this market, it is very easy to get fed up, especially when people who haven't even bought a product are talking crap about it sight unseen -- which is exactly what is happening in this thread.

          There is a terrible attitude in this industry (especially amongst beginner marketers) that the world owes them everything. I don't blame people though. It is myself and other marketers who caused this attitude the last few years by spoiling the market. We have been selling products and services for way under price for years now because marketers all started competing on prices. So the same thing has happened as when you spoil a child. They get greedy and expect everything for nothing and I've noticed this attitude is now rife in this market.

          Luckily things are slowly starting to change. Many marketers have stopped selling their products for $7 and prices are starting to go back up to where they were always supposed to be. But it's still going to take a while to retrain the market who has been spoilt for years and get them to realize that the world doesn't owe them everything and they are lucky to have many of the opportunities presented to them nowadays. You'll find many marketers are fed up dealing with the spoilt customers and that's why we are all increasing our prices so we only deal with people who are serious about making money online.

          Here's a tip. You will never get rich by looking for every reason why something will not work. That's what losers do and it's exactly why statistics have shown that 97% of beginner marketers fail to ever make any money online. Winners are the ones who run with something and make it work at all costs. The people making thousands of dollars using MTTB (myself included) are really not at all concerned by all the mistruths being spread about this system in this thread because the less of you people in MTTB, the more room for us to keep on making lots of sales. It's also important in programs like this that everyone is only surrounding themselves with positive people who have the same go-get 'em attitude... not those looking to always blame everyone else for their lack of success... so a lot of you guys wouldn't really fit in anyway.

          I have absolutely no dog in this fight but just thought it was fair to give the point of view from someone who is actually USING the system successfully and actually UNDERSTANDS exactly how the system works (which I outlined in my previous post)... as opposed to all of the other points of views from people who are either not a member at all or clearly do not understand how the system works.

          Those who can actually see the benefit in this system are welcome to private message me and I'll walk you through how I've had my own success with MTTB. I do things a little differently from others and that sure helps. But you need to be prepared to take massive action, otherwise nothing works.

          $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
          Just an FYI, but a .png or any image file for that matter, can be edited. As a matter of fact, there is a little java script trick that allows people to edit their PayPal or ClickBank Payments received page to reflect ANY amount they want. So, again, an image is not "PROOF"!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9332106].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author heavysm
            Originally Posted by tulsatech View Post

            Just an FYI, but a .png or any image file for that matter, can be edited. As a matter of fact, there is a little java script trick that allows people to edit their PayPal or ClickBank Payments received page to reflect ANY amount they want. So, again, an image is not "PROOF"!
            I've actually seen Will's funnel so I can attest to its effectiveness. There's little reason for him to fake a screen or whatever but this just proves my point a bit more...

            Will has been around before, he's not new to marketing online by any means. But I also think it's his caliber of marketer that MTTB is largely ideally targeted at; those who can easily afford the $2k fees because his skillset allows him to make his money back 10x (in his case it looks like 30x plus).

            I only see MTTB as something to add-on for stronger growth in an already thriving business. I can't really recommend MTTB for brand new people, even if they have their 21 step videos or whatever.

            You need that marketing skill and mindset down 1000% before you dive into a high level product like this. If not you might be taken aback by how difficult things can be marketing a high ticket product while only having a minimal marketing background.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9332138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      its real simple Marcel, spare us the BS, below that isn't relevant, what is relevant is that the sales pitch is full of lies and deception and Matt seems to have a sever issue with providing full COMPLETE HONEST disclosure in advance which always equals scam & fraud,
      trickery and deception is no way to get business, and taking advantage of the ignorance of others is a hellacious way to make DISHONEST money which BTW comes with HUGE karmic debt that must be repaid at some point, spare us the smokescreen and deal with the REAL issues
      Originally Posted by Marcel Pamphile View Post

      Questions for the Anti-MTTB crowd....

      Do you guys actually know how to drive qualified traffic to a good offer ?
      Have you tried sending qualified traffic to MTTB ?
      What was your cost per customer ?

      If you can't say "Yes" to the first two questions, you really have no business reviewing MTTB.

      From what I head, a successful MTTB only requires Traffic. They take care of everything else.
      If you don't like the upsell process, presell your customers and explain how the process actually works in advance.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110563].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jamjar107
        Originally Posted by rrram2 View Post

        its real simple Marcel, spare us the BS, below that isn't relevant, what is relevant is that the sales pitch is full of lies and deception and Matt seems to have a sever issue with providing full COMPLETE HONEST disclosure in advance which always equals scam & fraud,
        trickery and deception is no way to get business, and taking advantage of the ignorance of others is a hellacious way to make DISHONEST money which BTW comes with HUGE karmic debt that must be repaid at some point, spare us the smokescreen and deal with the REAL issues
        To rrram2. Yes, I agree. I tell my personal prospects that it is a group of people who help others by bringing them in and through training they will make money and sell other products. I show them a copy of the Commission and business plan showing their investment and income level. Its not for everyone, but investing a few grand in a small business is no big deal as they will have to do it sometime. This way they get training and a coach to reduce risks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127477].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SteveKis
    I am unsure about how else it can be said.

    You DO NOT need to purchase the license ($1997) to make the $1000 guaranteed as part of the 21 steps.

    You DO NOT need to purchase the license ($1997) to make the $1000 guaranteed as part of the 21 steps.

    This is not a scam as it is being falsely reported by some people.

    The people who are suggesting this, should really get their facts straight before smearing people and/or products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8888660].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author moofish
      Originally Posted by SteveKis View Post

      I am unsure about how else it can be said.

      You DO NOT need to purchase the license ($1997) to make the $1000 guaranteed as part of the 21 steps.

      You DO NOT need to purchase the license ($1997) to make the $1000 guaranteed as part of the 21 steps.

      This is not a scam as it is being falsely reported by some people.

      The people who are suggesting this, should really get their facts straight before smearing people and/or products.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8932833].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author egyboy
    this system is converting really well for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Handsdown
    I have an email list I would like to market something like this to. I don't want to go through and join myself but just offer it up to my list, anyone else have any ideas on how this can be done and tracked?
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  • Profile picture of the author CtrlAltRage
    There's always a legit and valid reason for skepticism. This all boils down to people who have been scammed in the past over other ventures.

    It's a statistical fact that there are people who have joined My Top Tier Business but haven't had any results.

    But it's also a statistical fact that there are people who have joined making money.

    Is everyone making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month? Of course not. But at the end of the day, how much money have most of us made on 99% of the WSOs that get released here every day?

    How many of us have tried reaching out to some of the authors for help only to come up empty handed?

    When it comes to MTTB, whether you want to believe in it or not, whether you think it's a scam or not. There are people who are successful in it and if you network and reach out to the right ones, you can be successful too as long as you take action.

    It's cheap to get started, it's not cheap to get fully leveraged. But ultimately, it's a system that DOES work.

    If you want to make money on Teespring, Shoot me a PM.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8930868].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author moofish
      Originally Posted by CtrlAltRage View Post

      There's always a legit and valid reason for skepticism. This all boils down to people who have been scammed in the past over other ventures.

      It's a statistical fact that there are people who have joined My Top Tier Business but haven't had any results.

      But it's also a statistical fact that there are people who have joined making money.

      Is everyone making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month? Of course not. But at the end of the day, how much money have most of us made on 99% of the WSOs that get released here every day?

      How many of us have tried reaching out to some of the authors for help only to come up empty handed?

      When it comes to MTTB, whether you want to believe in it or not, whether you think it's a scam or not. There are people who are successful in it and if you network and reach out to the right ones, you can be successful too as long as you take action.

      It's cheap to get started, it's not cheap to get fully leveraged. But ultimately, it's a system that DOES work.
      Lets see to start with there is an offer of make a guaranteed $100 or we pay you $500, no more fees apart from the $50 as seen on the john chow site. after step 7 the coach guy then tries to trick you into paying $2000.

      Even if you do pay that amount of money your then given access to some exclusive products (that are likely worthless info products) as well as the ability to sell the rights to sell the rights again.

      This is where you then spend money promoting their program all over again to scam others, the coach is there not to coach you but is part of the phone team to make the sale on the resale rights again.

      I can't see this being around for long it is nothing but a publicly advertised scam.

      The people trying to promote it are saying is that it works for some people and not for everyone, avoiding the fact that your not actually selling anything with ANY VALUE TO ANYONE.

      What he talks all makes sense and is good information but doesn't apply to his products or system as its a complete scam.

      Its a system that works but it ONLY WORKS FOR THE OWNERS!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8932792].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Archimedes
      CtrlAltRage, speaking of WSOs released here everyday, I found most of them to be junk. A few were good, but most were junk or had little to no follow up support or updates. What do you expect for a few bucks? The world?

      That is why I have stopped purchasing WSOs and visiting this forum for a long while because I was busy on another forum where the members were "in the know" about so many of the junk systems and products offered up for sale to the neophyte masses.... I learned to let go of the "shiny new object" syndrome. Really, I purchased WSOs just to satisfy my curiosity and for the few bucks I paid each time, my curiosity was satisfied.

      REAL CUTTING-EDGE INFO and PRODUCTS WILL TYPICALLY COST A HANDSOME FEE, MY FRIENDS. Don't expect too much for $7 to $100 for the products and services offered in WSOs.

      But, in regards to MOBE and MTTB... my personal opinion is that it is designed to work on your greed and desperation factor so that the originators can get their hands into your wallet. The system is just another system designed to work primarily for the originators... and a hard working few who didn't know they could set up the same type of funnels and have PLR rights purchased for a fraction of the price and asked for in MOBE and MTTB. There ARE many systems that actually work, my friends... for far LE$$.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9032610].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by Archimedes View Post

        CtrlAltRage, speaking of WSOs released here everyday, I found most of them to be junk. A few were good, but most were junk or had little to no follow up support or updates. What do you expect for a few bucks? The world?

        That is why I have stopped purchasing WSOs and visiting this forum for a long while because I was busy on another forum where the members were "in the know" about so many of the junk systems and products offered up for sale to the neophyte masses.... I learned to let go of the "shiny new object" syndrome. Really, I purchased WSOs just to satisfy my curiosity and for the few bucks I paid each time, my curiosity was satisfied.

        REAL CUTTING-EDGE INFO and PRODUCTS WILL TYPICALLY COST A HANDSOME FEE, MY FRIENDS. Don't expect too much for $7 to $100 for the products and services offered in WSOs.

        But, in regards to MOBE and MTTB... my personal opinion is that it is designed to work on your greed and desperation factor so that the originators can get their hands into your wallet. The system is just another system designed to work primarily for the originators... and a hard working few who didn't know they could set up the same type of funnels and have PLR rights purchased for a fraction of the price and asked for in MOBE and MTTB. There ARE many systems that actually work, my friends... for far LE$$.
        You kind of contradicted yourself there a few times.

        You said...

        Originally Posted by Archimedes View Post

        REAL CUTTING-EDGE INFO and PRODUCTS WILL TYPICALLY COST A HANDSOME FEE, MY FRIENDS. Don't expect too much for $7 to $100 for the products and services offered in WSOs.
        yet then you turn around and say...

        Originally Posted by Archimedes View Post

        There ARE many systems that actually work, my friends... for far LE$$.
        So which one is it? Should people be spending decent money on good products or should they be looking for things that are 'far less'? Honestly, if you think $49 is a lot of money to get started in a business then you are in the totally wrong industry and you may as well leave now. Simple as that.

        You then said...

        Originally Posted by Archimedes View Post

        so that the originators can get their hands into your wallet.
        Any business out there is designed to make money for the creators. If you don't have that as one of your plans then you won't last long in business. You don't think people selling WSO's, courses, softwares, templates are doing so to make money? Hmmm, ok.

        The difference is in how many other people (besides) the originators, can make money from that same system.

        The latest MOBE contest has over 40 DIFFERENT people who have made $1,997 sales within the last week. Please can you show me your fantastic programs that are producing similar results? Yeah, I didn't think so.

        Just so sick of all the crap that gets posted around this forum. You clearly haven't even joined MOBE yet you are here talking crap about it. I don't know you from a bar of soap, so how would you feel if I started making assumptions about you? Exactly.

        If you haven't given MOBE a go then you have nothing to say in this thread that is worthy of people listening to. That's the reality.

        $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
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  • Profile picture of the author ManAPV
    If you have to spend that amount of money why not start your own business and face RISK on your own ? you trust more when giving your money away to a guy's business you don't know ??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8934090].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seedude
      I recently received an email from being on John Chow's subscriber list and was introduced to this program. I, like many people, considered the "if I can get all my money back after trying the 21 steps in 30 days why not try it" though, but after reading this thread (which I appreciate very much) I'm going to pass.

      In large part, this program is without a doubt a MLM, and in of itself there's nothing wrong with that. Of course, no one actually tells you that up front or you wouldn't get many takers. Big thanks to ManAPV for providing the pyramid payout structure for this program.

      Originally Posted by ManAPV View Post

      If you have to spend that amount of money why not start your own business and face RISK on your own ? you trust more when giving your money away to a guy's business you don't know ??
      I don't doubt that a motivated person could make money from this, but as far as I can tell the money is made off of other people signing up for this program, or after you pay your $1997 to get as many other people as possible to pay the $1997. What's even more interesting are the higher tiers of membership to earn even more for signing people up those very higher levels.

      So again, the true money's not coming from the sale of products, it's the sale of memberships or in their terms "licenses". But also again, I say there's nothing wrong with that.

      Originally Posted by mattlloyd View Post

      Define pyramid scheme please Curtis.

      By your comment... all McDonalds franchises are pyramid schemes.

      I'm pretty sure that when you invest in a McDonalds Franchise, that is a huge part of what you're buying: the rights to sell their products.

      I'm sorry for making you look stupid... but, that was just way too easy!
      No offense to Matt, but people who go all in on a MLM are like being in a cult. The very first response to someone calling it a pyramid scheme is to say "well, you work in a corporation and all you're doing is enriching the person above you all the way up to the CEO, it's the exact same thing". It makes me laugh.

      But what the heck, more power to you. I suppose if you're going to make this your life you need to defend against something that has a bad connotation to it. But I digress...
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  • Profile picture of the author totalnewbie
    Wow...interesting customer service skills
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  • Profile picture of the author WFDUDE
    Empower Network = MTTB

    Dave and Dave = Matt Lloyd

    Inner Circle = 2,000 upsell

    Same pig, different makeup

    Don't Dream It, Be It.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8937021].message }}
  • I believe this program would be awesome to join. I'm going to do some more searching and reading and try it soon! I know that with any business, there is always an investment of some sorts, and risks! Heck, I'm not trying to get rich over night, there is no such thing unless you have won the lottery...but over time, it looks like the program DOES work, and the sales or commissions I will receive will allow for me to make my money back. I wish everyone else success online!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8939666].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cgqwest
      lol maybe the best forum name of alltime
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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by warwatsitgud4abslutlynutn View Post

      I believe this program would be awesome to join. I'm going to do some more searching and reading and try it soon! I know that with any business, there is always an investment of some sorts, and risks! Heck, I'm not trying to get rich over night, there is no such thing unless you have won the lottery...but over time, it looks like the program DOES work, and the sales or commissions I will receive will allow for me to make my money back. I wish everyone else success online!!
      Oh look - two posts. Another shill? Reads like a Fiverr "review". There's something not right here. This whole thread is seeded with posts like this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111704].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      2 posts in two years? Yeah you are a "real" user, it would be awesome to join, if only Matt told us the truth the WHOLE truth and nothing but the TRUTH. it would also be awesome if Matt believed like 99% or real warriors that full disclosure in advance is critical to long term success.

      Originally Posted by warwatsitgud4abslutlynutn View Post

      I believe this program would be awesome to join. I'm going to do some more searching and reading and try it soon! I know that with any business, there is always an investment of some sorts, and risks! Heck, I'm not trying to get rich over night, there is no such thing unless you have won the lottery...but over time, it looks like the program DOES work, and the sales or commissions I will receive will allow for me to make my money back. I wish everyone else success online!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9114075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SuperAffiliate
    Hey Matt,

    As a professional marketer - I'm here to always improve and grow. I'm constantly taking one subject (i.e. facebook marketing) and spending months learning and perfecting it. As a result, I make six figures per month online working from home.. averaging 1.4 million visitors per year to my websites. (TEN YEARS RUNNING!)

    I'd gladly pay $2,000 for the training if it worked... AND then, I'd eat it up and implement and master.. Training, Implement, Master!

    For beginners out there:


    The difference between school and real life is that now you get to implement what you learn and profit big time!

    It's there for the taking - go get it!!!

    My question is:

    1. What training do you get for the $49? Or is that just a "application fee" to work with a coach.. or do you get something in return?

    2. Then, how do you make money with the system? - just reselling the training?

    3. Then, what does the $2,000 fee get you? More access to training?

    I'm looking to go through the 21 steps and then, the traffic training..

    How do I do that?

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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    This is really getting out of hand. Some people on here are just getting flat out emotional and throwing rocks without reason. The truth is that you can become a regular MOBE affiliate for free. Here is the free signup page, and even though it shouldn't need to be said: there is no $49 application fee or anything. It's free. And you can promote the MOBE product line and earn some pretty good commissions compared to regular affiliate programs.

    But, since all the buzz seems to be about the MTTB system, I'd like to clear up the air because I am a licensee. First of all, like Matt and others have said, nobody holds a gun to your head to invest $2,000 to become a licensee. It's completely your choice. Secondly, when have you ever bought a product, assuming you have invested in yourself, where there were no upsells or OTO's?

    Go to the WSO section here, and any thread with a high view count I guarantee has at least 1 upsell. Go to McDonald's and get a burger, what will they say?

    "Would you like fries with that?"

    So now you're telling me that because you got a burger and they didnt tell you that you would have the chance to get fries afterwards, that McDonalds is a scam?

    This skewed logic makes no sense. And as far as licensing goes, it's one of the most popular high ticket revenue models in online marketing. Many well known information marketers license their products because they can create a high ticket offer with little additional work, and it gives all their licensees massive value because they dont have to create any offers to sell themselves. No sales pages, landing pages, order pages, no payment merchant, you don't have to pay a phone sales team, and the list of benefits goes on.

    So to anyone on here who remains skeptical, I urge you to take a look at your mental state in general because it's possible you are holding yourself back from achieving what you think you truly want. That's the reason I came on here for the first time years ago, and that's the reason most people are on here. They want clarity about online marketing, and they want to be successful, right?

    If that's true for you then I suggest you stop wasting your time posting and start implementing. And if you don't know what to implement... that's what this forum is for. Enjoy all the free content. But if you don't have $2,000 to spend to open your own online franchise, then there's no need to bash it for others who aren't negative. Who are willing to work for their dreams.

    Anyways, this has gone on too long. I'll leave you with this: if you want honest answers about anything, feel free to message me. But save your negative statements. I come on here about once a week and I'll try to get back to you asap if you ask me a legitimate question.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malteaser
    With any internet marketing product or internet marketer (in this case MTTB and Matt Lloyd) someone will say that it is doesn't work and is a waste of your time. I must point out before I move forward that Matt has created a done for you marketing system that will get people results if they follow it, but the reality is that most so called marketers won't even follow the program before they see results, in this case the 21 steps. When going through the 21 steps there will always be a mentor there to guide you and make sure you understand... on TOP of that you will have a traffic coach who will show you how to generate leads etc. Furthermore, you will have a sales partner in the back end closing any sales with people who opt in through your page which makes it even easier for you to make a commission.... can anyone name a system as genius as this?
    Unfortunately people are not willing to put in the hard work and expect to pay for systems that spit out money through a computer, yet the reality is that like a physical business you need to invest money to make BIG money and you need to bust your ass to see the money pour in your bank account! Has anyone heard of a business that doesn't require, work, passion, dedication or an investment? If you did please PM by the way

    Another sad reality is that people are unfortunate enough to sign up under a mentor who is only after their money and who is not willing to show them how s/he made the results in order to make a number of sales in a given month! it is important to have a mentor who is willing to share traffic generation methods and who will show you how to build long lasting relationships with people which will result in LONG TERM success in this wealthy industry although I must admit that MTTB does focus on these aspects.

    Considering many people are biased after reading posts which speak against the system, I decided that as a newbie in this program as I strongly believe this will bring success and wealth to my future, I have created a Facebook group in which people can request to join and follow my success with MTTB/MOBE. As a newbie I will be following in the footsteps of a successful online marketer and follow his traffic generation methods in order to be successful; my results will be posted in the group and you can see for yourself whether it is worth joining the system or not! I do not aim at posting affiliate links or cause any hype. The reason I am doing this is because I want people to see a real person produce results without having to pay a dime before they try it and not to have a face behind a pen If you are happy with my results you can then choose to get in touch with me and together we can work to have you duplicate my results using the MOBE system. I only ask that you give me 90 days from the day of posting this in order to see results!

    To follow me please click here and send me a request to join:
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    • Profile picture of the author allnitelong
      Anyone promoting proven shady offers are capable of everything.
      Back in the days I was basically homeless and working for food and had enablers telling me I could make hundreds a day selling drugs,never did and feel great about it.

      The internet is awesome and cruel at the same time,you can earn for free with many affiliate programs,Offervault has worked for me.
      Cruel because there are those that know can getaway with scamming ignorant and desperate people.
      Patsies are alive and well it seems just about in every forum.

      A few weeks back I was offered a huge discount on a mobile program,I could've bought it for $9,the original price was about $50,well I didn't.

      Stop dreaming,no one will sell you the Holy Grail,I wouldn't.
      I usually don't post when I come here cause it's the usual thing,sellers and promoters so I just read and research,WF is awesome but it won't make miracles.

      Try trial and error,I did and it worked,it took me a long while but I'm glad I didn't listen to common scammers.

      Scrapebox has no affiliate program so when I tell you is a good program is because it is and there are others right here on Warrior Forum.

      Just don't go falling for MLM type scams,there don't care about you and will sell you dirt for 1000x the value.

      I don't care what anyone has to say,if the shoes fit bite me.
      You know who you are.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9010761].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bertviln
        I like the analogy with drug sellers, as most of us newbies are looking desperatly for a "quick-fix"...and they know it.

        Originally Posted by allnitelong View Post

        Anyone promoting proven shady offers are capable of everything.
        Back in the days I was basically homeless and working for food and had enablers telling me I could make hundreds a day selling drugs,never did and feel great about it.

        The internet is awesome and cruel at the same time,you can earn for free with many affiliate programs,Offervault has worked for me.
        Cruel because there are those that know can getaway with scamming ignorant and desperate people.
        Patsies are alive and well it seems just about in every forum.

        A few weeks back I was offered a huge discount on a mobile program,I could've bought it for $9,the original price was about $50,well I didn't.

        Stop dreaming,no one will sell you the Holy Grail,I wouldn't.
        I usually don't post when I come here cause it's the usual thing,sellers and promoters so I just read and research,WF is awesome but it won't make miracles.

        Try trial and error,I did and it worked,it took me a long while but I'm glad I didn't listen to common scammers.

        Scrapebox has no affiliate program so when I tell you is a good program is because it is and there are others right here on Warrior Forum.

        Just don't go falling for MLM type scams,there don't care about you and will sell you dirt for 1000x the value.

        I don't care what anyone has to say,if the shoes fit bite me.
        You know who you are.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9094689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    In the interest of full disclosure, I must say do NOT believe everything you read online.

    I have been part of MTTB and MOBE for sometime now and many people in this thread are simply spreading mistruths.

    Just because you do not have the dedication to make something work does not make it a scam. Sadly though that is what most beginner marketers do. They like to blame their lack of success on everything but themselves... because it's easier to do than to accept responsibility.

    For the people reading this thread who are genuinely interested in joining MOBE, let me explain how it works in lamens terms. It is no different to any other affiliate program. So if you claim MOBE is a scam then you may as well go and claim any other product using an affiliate program is a scam... which clearly they are not.

    First of all you join the My Top Tier Business course for $49. This is a 21 step course where you get personal one on one coaching. You are taught how to and then able to promote a range of products where you are paid 50% commissions on each sale.

    Those products are:

    - My Email Marketing Empire $197
    - How to Build a Funded Proposal $197
    - Affiliate Bonus Domination $197
    - IM Revolution Handbook $9.95
    - MTTB 21 Step System $49

    There is an OPTIONAL upgrade (notice I said optional because it is... contrary to what others are claiming in this thread) of a resell license for $1,997. This gives you the rights to resell those products above as your own so instead of getting 50% commissions, you are getting 90% commissions -- 10% commissions go on fees and technology for all the funnels, etc. These are fees you would have to pay yourself if they were your own products.

    If anyone who purchases one of the products above through your referral link then goes on to also upgrade to the resell license for $1,997, you will be paid a $1,000 commission. This is no different to referring someone to any other affiliate product and them purchasing an upgrade or one time offer on the backend where you would also receive a commission.

    I hope that clears things up. So to those spreading mistruths, please get your facts correct before doing so. Just because you have no intention of ever making anything work doesn't mean you should ruin it for others. There are plenty of people making their first sales online using the MTTB system because it completely removes all of the road blocks that usually stop most beginners from succeeding. Take it from someone who has been marketing online for 8+ years. This is one of the better opportunities I've ever come across for newbies to get their feet wet and start earning real money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9025763].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cayne
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      In the interest of full disclosure, I must say do NOT believe everything you read online.

      I have been part of MTTB and MOBE for sometime now and many people in this thread are simply spreading mistruths.

      Just because you do not have the dedication to make something work does not make it a scam. Sadly though that is what most beginner marketers do. They like to blame their lack of success on everything but themselves... because it's easier to do than to accept responsibility.

      For the people reading this thread who are genuinely interested in joining MOBE, let me explain how it works in lamens terms. It is no different to any other affiliate program. So if you claim MOBE is a scam then you may as well go and claim any other product using an affiliate program is a scam... which clearly they are not.

      First of all you join the My Top Tier Business course for $49. This is a 21 step course where you get personal one on one coaching. You are taught how to and then able to promote a range of products where you are paid 50% commissions on each sale.

      Those products are:

      - My Email Marketing Empire $197
      - How to Build a Funded Proposal $197
      - Affiliate Bonus Domination $197
      - IM Revolution Handbook $9.95
      - MTTB 21 Step System $49

      There is an OPTIONAL upgrade (notice I said optional because it is... contrary to what others are claiming in this thread) of a resell license for $1,997. This gives you the rights to resell those products above as your own so instead of getting 50% commissions, you are getting 90% commissions -- 10% commissions go on fees and technology for all the funnels, etc. These are fees you would have to pay yourself if they were your own products.

      If anyone who purchases one of the products above through your referral link then goes on to also upgrade to the resell license for $1,997, you will be paid a $1,000 commission. This is no different to referring someone to any other affiliate product and them purchasing an upgrade or one time offer on the backend where you would also receive a commission.

      I hope that clears things up. So to those spreading mistruths, please get your facts correct before doing so. Just because you have no intention of ever making anything work doesn't mean you should ruin it for others. There are plenty of people making their first sales online using the MTTB system because it completely removes all of the road blocks that usually stop most beginners from succeeding. Take it from someone who has been marketing online for 8+ years. This is one of the better opportunities I've ever come across for newbies to get their feet wet and start earning real money.
      Well I gotta say, this was a solid reply. It tells people the full story (if that's the case - which I hope) - without other bullshit.

      This still remains a bad pyramid scheme, which only will work for people who already have some kind of traffic source (and are willing to scam it - like JohnChow), but at least people learn what they signed up for. THIS should be the advertisement for his product and not those useless 10 pages of marketing yada-yada, which probably don't even tell you that you have to pay $49, but only talk about your "eMail".

      Bottom line. Solid post.
      1kSociety - Your friendly Internet Marketing community and blog!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9044418].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rrram2
      do you work for them sir? if not your post is 100% for sure a violation of their terms and conditions that you had to agree to if you joined them, so you either work for them, or you just violated the TOS, kindly be honest and tell us which is the case?
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  • Profile picture of the author samueloppong
    Hi Will, you do not know me but I have great respect for you and your minute mobile mockup tool you created. I have actually taken this tool to the next level and designed templates that will blow your mind. The attached image is my basic template. See what you think and do get back to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
      Originally Posted by samueloppong View Post

      Hi Will, you do not know me but I have great respect for you and your minute mobile mockup tool you created. I have actually taken this tool to the next level and designed templates that will blow your mind. The attached image is my basic template. See what you think and do get back to me.
      Now that's what I like to see , creativity action taker, not a whiner, kudos
      to you Samuel

      @WillR you really have given a marketing mindset lesson that can
      make money for any adopter , but we both know, complainers will always
      just complain...

      So if people want to create their own funnels and do split tests on all their
      creatives to see what works, and pay for the graphics they need created, and
      program the plugins, or purchase those created by someone else,
      and establish a telemarketing group to close their sales ,hey let 'em...roflmao :p

      Me, I know what I would do...

      Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
      You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
      DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9059184].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Teaclipper
        Bravo Mate!!!
        I received an email from a "Guru" with Matt LLoyd's offer.
        I was favourably impressed. From the outset, it was obvious that his offer was far more generous than most. It was also obvious that the $49 was to weed out the tyre-kickers.
        Before buying into anything, as part of my self-protecting Due Diligence, I like to read a few reviews. This led me to this Forum, of which I had read some good reports. I had presumed, wrongfully it turns out, that intelligent and factual opinions and reviews would be presented.
        Starting at the first post, I proceeded through the first page.
        Unaccustomed to this type of site, I was pleased to see the honest questions asked by some, but amazed at the garbage presented by so many self-opinionated, hollow-headed numbskulls.
        Fortunately, Matt offered answers to the questions raised in some of the more serious posts – including that the $2K payment is an optional, but highly recommended extra.
        FACT is evidently not considered relevant. Even after Matt himself had, in exasperation, presented the FACTS, the incorrigible ignoramuses could not help themselves. They continued, ad infinitum with their whinges and misrepresentations, completely ignoring the clarifying Facts and logical arguments which already had been presented in explanation.
        I feel very frustrated that the quality of the Forum's discussions is so low.
        In future, I shall think twice before coming here for anything but entertainment.
        If the quality of their online money-making endeavours is as low as that of their comments, it is no wonder that they never succeeded in online business – and resorted to whinging instead!!!
        I'll take your hint Steve and get back to my split tests etc.
        All power to you, Mate.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9061247].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
          Originally Posted by Teaclipper View Post

          Bravo Mate!!!
          I received an email from a "Guru" with Matt LLoyd's offer.
          I was favourably impressed. From the outset, it was obvious that his offer was far more generous than most. It was also obvious that the $49 was to weed out the tyre-kickers.
          Before buying into anything, as part of my self-protecting Due Diligence, I like to read a few reviews. This led me to this Forum, of which I had read some good reports. I had presumed, wrongfully it turns out, that intelligent and factual opinions and reviews would be presented.
          Starting at the first post, I proceeded through the first page.
          Unaccustomed to this type of site, I was pleased to see the honest questions asked by some, but amazed at the garbage presented by so many self-opinionated, hollow-headed numbskulls.
          Fortunately, Matt offered answers to the questions raised in some of the more serious posts - including that the $2K payment is an optional, but highly recommended extra.
          FACT is evidently not considered relevant. Even after Matt himself had, in exasperation, presented the FACTS, the incorrigible ignoramuses could not help themselves. They continued, ad infinitum with their whinges and misrepresentations, completely ignoring the clarifying Facts and logical arguments which already had been presented in explanation.
          I feel very frustrated that the quality of the Forum's discussions is so low.
          In future, I shall think twice before coming here for anything but entertainment.
          If the quality of their online money-making endeavours is as low as that of their comments, it is no wonder that they never succeeded in online business - and resorted to whinging instead!!!
          I'll take your hint Steve and get back to my split tests etc.
          All power to you, Mate.
          Mister ONE POST - you don't have ANY credibility around here. I'm HIGHLY suspicious when I see One Posters giving glowing reviews of products here. Now why do you think that is huh? (I'd be interested to know what IP you're posting from - and yeah, the Moderators have access to that)
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  • Profile picture of the author Eyonathan
    I'm a MOBE licensee myself, but I have to agree with a lot of you who expected FREE training! I really think that MTTB needs to get rid of the word FREE because it attracts a lot of freebie seekers. I'm quite sure that even if they're upfront about their prices there will still be a lot of interests. Nowadays, people look for reviews before they buy anything anyway. No matter what they'll still see the $49 and $1997 costs.
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    • Profile picture of the author foodstr2
      I'm VERY relieved to have found this info ... I'm on Social Security and looking for a reasonably-priced sales opportunity to make ends meet, which I thought MTTB was. I'm guessing that, if all I paid was the $49, I'd end up "on my own, in the street" with a "get by" product and no support.

      I guess I'll sit MTTB out. <sigh>

      Freshwater Diatomaceous Earth, better insect/pest control! (if you've got bugs or your dog has fleas....)
      19-year-old Food Company is going Affiliate-based. Huge variety of dry foods, canned meats (no water added), canned cheese, canned butter, cooked canned bacon, delivered steaks, and more. All product is dropshipped for you. Low fees. Sample meals available. Try one!
      Click Here to check it out.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9105038].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Ok, so what if I have way more posts and way more 'thanks' on this forum than any of you guys? Does that mean my review above gets more credibility? I should hope not.

    Post count is irrelevant to anything. There are plenty of people in this forum with huge post counts that are earning zero dollars and don't know the first thing about marketing. There are plenty of other people in this forum with tiny post counts who linger and don't post and are earning a ton of money and know way more about marketing than any of you. So stop looking for conspiracy theories. Stop looking for why things won't or don't work. That's what mugs do and you'll still be here earning nothing in a years time. I guarantee it. What I prefer to do is use systems that have been proven and tested and take massive action. Complaining gets you nowhere. Only action does.

    I've made $30,000 with MTTB in just the last month. So does it work? Yes. Is it a scam? No. I know that because I am a member and have been through all the training whereas most of the people here calling it a scam have never even joined and basically have no idea what they are talking about. I know that for fact because I know exactly how MTTB works and nothing beats proof. It is working for a ton of people right now. If you don't want to be part of it then move on. No one cares. More sales for us!

    You want proof? You can't handle the proof...

    As I said previously, those who can actually see the benefit in this system are welcome to private message me and I'll walk you through how I've had my own success with MTTB. I do things a little differently from others and that sure helps. But you need to be prepared to take massive action, otherwise nothing works.

    $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
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  • Profile picture of the author J.Agnew.JD

    Scams - My Top Tier Business

    Jack Agnew, JD, PhD

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    • Profile picture of the author bizwebman
      These types of selling strategies are always controversial, because many people can be very successful and many can and will fall by the wayside (not always through inaction).

      As to the scam side of things:
      Yes in the true context of offering something for free and then asking for $49 it is.
      No in the context of offering solid products, support and training it is not a scam, as they do exist and are being sold by licensed MOBE members ( I am not one of them ). A little bit of due diligence quickly reveals this to be the case.

      I am not so sure about the McDonalds analogy as much of the monies seems to come from selling others into the idea of getting MOBE licenses, rather than just selling the products themselves.
      I know someone who operates a franchise and he is not out trying to get others to buy into the franchise - he is busy selling products and making it into a business that works and pays to feed his family.

      The fact is this style of selling really needs to appeal to you and if you apply the methodology and enjoy doing it rather than going through the motions, you have a far higher chance of succeeding.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127156].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by J.Agnew.JD View Post


      Scams - My Top Tier Business
      1. That blog post is over half a year old.

      2. That blog post is written by someone, who self admittedly, isn't even a member of My Top Tier Business. Tell me this. If you were going to buy a brand new toaster would you listen to reviews by people who had never even purchased the toaster and thus had no actual experience with it... or would you listen to those who are actually using the toaster. Only idiots would do the first one.

      It really is no wonder 99% of you guys will fail to ever make a dollar online. It's because you are just a herd of sheep with no ability to think for yourselves. It really amazes me.

      If you want to make $30,000/month like I did last month using this system, shoot me a PM and I'll help you out. I'm only ever interested in helping action takers because the rest of you are your own worst enemies. True story. I've been marketing online for 10+ years now and I have seen thousands of you guys come and go... and so the cycle continues.

      So tired of all the online complainers who think the world is out to get them. Much easier to blame everything else for your own lack of success isn't it? Go jump in front of the mirror and you'll instantly see the reason why you have not had any success on line as yet.

      YAWN YAWN YAWN. Back to making money. Bye.

      $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9136870].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author beasty513
        Originally Posted by WillR View Post

        1. That blog post is over half a year old.

        2. That blog post is written by someone, who self admittedly, isn't even a member of My Top Tier Business. Tell me this. If you were going to buy a brand new toaster would you listen to reviews by people who had never even purchased the toaster and thus had no actual experience with it... or would you listen to those who are actually using the toaster. Only idiots would do the first one.

        It really is no wonder 99% of you guys will fail to ever make a dollar online. It's because you are just a herd of sheep with no ability to think for yourselves. It really amazes me.

        If you want to make $30,000/month like I did last month using this system, shoot me a PM and I'll help you out. I'm only ever interested in helping action takers because the rest of you are your own worst enemies. True story. I've been marketing online for 10+ years now and I have seen thousands of you guys come and go... and so the cycle continues.

        So tired of all the online complainers who think the world is out to get them. Much easier to blame everything else for your own lack of success isn't it? Go jump in front of the mirror and you'll instantly see the reason why you have not had any success on line as yet.

        YAWN YAWN YAWN. Back to making money. Bye.

        $28,752.10 in 30 Days PROOF:
        I coudn't even get access the page...

        Is something wrong with the hosting?
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  • Profile picture of the author CharlotteKnight
    Message to Matt Lloyd:

    I received an email today linking me to your video presentation. It sounded good and definitely doable. I would have had no problem paying the initial $49, nor would I have had a problem paying as much as $2,000 for the MOBE license so many people have complained about.

    That said, I do have a problem with being in business or even working for someone who responds to criticism the way you have in this forum. Calling people stupid, moron, idiot, etc. and generally insulting people for not taking your presentation at face value, or daring to question you at all is extremely unprofessional, and doing so in a public setting such as this demonstrates poor character and judgment in my opinion.

    Even after reading some of the bad reviews, I was still willing to drop $49 (even if it went straight down the toilet) to see how far it would take me. If it turned out that I had to invest another $2,000 to continue and make the kind of money you talk about in your video presentation, well, I would have crossed that bridge when I got there. But I realize that $2,000 is a relatively small investment in any business, so it would not necessarily be a deal-breaker.

    Your conduct here? That was an absolute deal-breaker! You come across as someone who cannot accept criticism and who lashes out at anyone who dares to question him. In response to being called "arrogant" by one member, you said that you weren't trying to be. If that is the case, I would hate to see you when you were trying!

    I'm glad I found this discussion and that you made an appearance as well. Your unprofessional, hostile responses to people helped me make up my mind. Even if people were "bashing" you without having all the facts, a true professional and person of good character and sound judgment does not respond the way you did.

    Bottom line: A business partner's character and the ability to exercise self-control and remain civil even when he feels he's been insulted or disrespected is more important to me than making tons of money.


    Edit to add: The same sentiment applies to your "affiliates" who have posted here in a similar manner.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpgaga
    I only want to know if the 21 steps for $49 really teach to drive massive traffic to any website, blog, etc... can someone guide me with this?. Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author nhathaitrieu5
    Aaaaaaaand This is one of the reasons I hardly visit the Warrior Forum. Listen. Closely. If you actually think you're going to join a program and earn 1K,3K,5K commisions without investing some money into it and treating it like a real business, you're obviously fairly new to the IM Niche and need to further educate yourself in the field. Just being blunt about it.

    To enter a program like this, and maximize results, you're going to need around $3049 in my opinion. $2049 for affiliate/licensing fees, and $1000 for traffic generation. I wouldn't enter unless I had that kind of capital ready to invest.

    Just my opinion... But an experienced one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9163691].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by nhathaitrieu5 View Post

      Aaaaaaaand This is one of the reasons I hardly visit the Warrior Forum. Listen. Closely. If you actually think you're going to join a program and earn 1K,3K,5K commisions without investing some money into it and treating it like a real business, you're obviously fairly new to the IM Niche and need to further educate yourself in the field. Just being blunt about it.

      To enter a program like this, and maximize results, you're going to need around $3049 in my opinion. $2049 for affiliate/licensing fees, and $1000 for traffic generation. I wouldn't enter unless I had that kind of capital ready to invest.

      Just my opinion... But an experienced one.

      You don't need to repeat exactly what someone said earlier.

      Originally Posted by Kevin Alexander View Post

      Aaaaaaaand This is one of the reasons I hardly visit the Warrior Forum. Listen. Closely. If you actually think you're going to join a program and earn 1K,3K,5K commisions without investing some money into it and treating it like a real business, you're obviously fairly new to the IM Niche and need to further educate yourself in the field. Just being blunt about it.

      To enter a program like this, and maximize results, you're going to need around $3049 in my opinion. $2049 for affiliate/licensing fees, and $1000 for traffic generation. I wouldn't enter unless I had that kind of capital ready to invest.

      Just my opinion... But an experienced one.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9167768].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post


        You don't need to repeat exactly what someone said earlier.
        Possibly a paid Fiverr "reviewer". Too dumb or too lazy to write something original so just swipes something posted way back on 27/8/2013 (Post #52) by a real member - not a paid shill.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9177374].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eyonathan

    There are always two sides of the coins. Before you joined MTTB, people always do their due diligence by researching, and there's always two sides.

    Now, please be objective and observe closely. Those people who said that MTTB is scam never passed step 6. They saw the $1997 and backed off. Then they said the program is a scam.

    On the other hand, if you see anyone who actually took the risk and purchase the $1997 MLR, they only have good things to say about the system. And it's not just one or ten people who said good things about MTTB, if you do your research you'll find hundreds if not thousands of it.

    Those who never tried passed step 6 and called it scam, they're definitely saying it without any proof. They never crossed the sea, but they dare to call the paradise island across the ocean a scam. These people will never accomplish anything with that kind of mindset.
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  • Profile picture of the author huester
    omg this thread really does suck. guys why don't you all just buy the $49 program. sure you won't get the big commissions but save the little payments up and then buy the $2k license and throw more traffic at it. whoop whoop chaching or you can carry on reading more threads.....good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oleg Martynov
    My friends, you all idiots! Matt Lloyd sells one single product: HOPE.
    It is pure pyramid. If you do not join, his pyramid no longer works.

    Matt sold me traffic packages a few years ago.

    1 year later he was not able to deliver.

    What? Matt sold me traffic and was not able to deliver? No way!
    Yes, my friends. I talk with him personally a few times, I met him , I have pictures with the dude. He is awesome seller of HOPE and nothing else. O, yes he has convincing voice and he knows how to tell you a story.

    All his marketing materials available out there for a fraction of the cost. The biggest problem is that he makes you believe that you need to learn how to become a marketer.

    That is what 98% of WF believe - they must learn marketing. Ha ha ha! That is lie! You don't have to become a marketer to make tons of cash!!!!! They make you believe so that you involve in the LONG PROCESS and LARGE COURSES and pay him again and again.

    I documented all he promised me, all my requests, emails and so. Let me tell you - I am the ONLY person he returned money. And he was angry beast when he did so. Matt Lloyd has big problems with getting traffic. For years. that is why he needs you - a naive source of fresh traffic.

    If you already has large network under you - you will make money by telling your friends join you with Matt , but they will never make a penny!

    By the way. Let me say something about Brian Price. He was Matt's right hand in office. May be he is still working with him, I don't know.

    Brian was managing Matt's traffic and sitting on the phone. He personally promised me (he lives 2 hours from me) to deliver me my traffic. He told me that I will make about ....HUGE NUMBER ....180K in next 3- 4 month and if I am NOT , then he, Brian personally reimburse me what I paid to Matt from HIS OWN ( Brian) PACKET.

    And, he did. Brian paid me 1k out of his own money because Matt was not able to deliver me on services.

    If you ever get to work with BRIAN PRICE - he is the solid gold men with real INTEGRITY that Matt does not have.
    Matt is a marketer and all marketers know who.

    Why I am telling you so? Because most people on WF looking in a 180 degree wrong direction!

    1) Stop chasing big names - they are experienced sharks!
    2) Money can be generated from pure NOTHING! Yep. From NOTHING! This is absolutely true and you are blind if you do not see how big names do it every single day.

    I started making cash only after focusing on what is the shortest way I can make money, until discovered what is that shortest easiest and simple stupid easy way.

    You do the same. Stop reading manuals and courses. Focus like a maniac - what it is for you.

    Hint- the absolute easiest and shortest - is stealing. That is ultimate leverage. I don't recommend stealing. But Matt is doing something very close to it. This is his business model - you get HOPE and he get CASH multiple times. He built his empire - and you can be smarter - you don't have to build an empire. You can quietly make tons of cash day after day without being in a public too much. Good lack.
    I just let you know- you do not need any guru. Learn how to make money from NOTHING. This is the best way.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9203896].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jkgultimate
      Right on Brother!

      Big marketers don't talk about ALL the trials they have been there to get to where they are.

      They might make it look easy, but they have a TON of experience.

      Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

      Focus on YOUR goals.. Don't focus on the "HOW", focus on the "WHY".

      Originally Posted by Oleg Martynov View Post

      My friends, you all idiots! Matt Lloyd sells one single product: HOPE.
      It is pure pyramid. If you do not join, his pyramid no longer works.

      Matt sold me traffic packages a few years ago.

      1 year later he was not able to deliver.

      What? Matt sold me traffic and was not able to deliver? No way!
      Yes, my friends. I talk with him personally a few times, I met him , I have pictures with the dude. He is awesome seller of HOPE and nothing else. O, yes hi has convincing voile and he knows how to tell you a story.

      All his marketing materials available out there for a fraction of the cost. The biggest problem is that he makes you believe that you need to learn how to become a marketer.

      That is what 98% of WF believe - they must learn marketing. Ha ha ha! That is lie! You don't have to become a marketer to make tons of cash!!!!! They make you believe so that you involve in the LONG PROCESS and LARGE COURSES and pay him again and again.

      I documented all he promised me, all my requests, emails and so. Let me tell you - I am the ONLY person he returned money. And he was angry beast when he did so. Matt Lloyd has big problems with getting traffic. For years. that is why he needs you - a naive source of fresh traffic.

      If you already has large network under you - you will make money by telling your friends join you with Matt , but they will never make a penny!

      By the way. Let me say something about Brian Price. He was Matt's right hand in office. May be he is still working with him, I don't know.

      Brian was managing Matt's traffic and sitting on the phone. He personally promised me (he lives 2 hours from me) to deliver me my traffic. He told me that I will make about ....HUGE NUMBER ....180K in next 3- 4 month and if I am NOT , then he, Brian personally reimburse me what I paid to Matt from HIS OWN ( Brian) PACKET.

      And, he did. Brian paid me 1k out of his own money because Matt was not able to deliver me on services.

      If you ever get to work with BRIAN PRICE - he is the solid gold men with real INTEGRITY that Matt does not have.
      Matt is a marketer and all marketers know who.

      Why I am telling you so? Because most people on WF looking in a 180 degree wrong direction!

      1) Stop chasing big names - they are experienced sharks!
      2) Money can be generated from pure NOTHING! Yep. From NOTHING! This is absolutely true and you are blind if you do not see how big names do it every single day.

      I start making cash only after I start focusing on what is the shortest way I can make money, until discovered what is that shortest easiest and simple stupid easy way.

      You do the same. Stop reading manuals and courses. Focus like a maniac - what it is for you.

      Hint- the absolute easiest and shortest - is stealing. That is ultimate leverage. I don't recommend stealing. But Matt is doing something very close to it. This is his business model - you get HOPE and he get CASH multiple times. He built his empire - and you can be smarter - you don't have to build an empire. You can quietly make tons of cash day after day without being in a public too much. Good lack.
      I just let you know- you do not need any guru. Learn how to make money from NOTHING. This is the best way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikaedi
    I finally got an email from someone offering me Matt Lloyds MTTB..I read the sales page and the testimonials of a number of members that Matt had given a brand new Mercedes get this new car they would have to be the top sellers..or as already mentioned on this thread it's all just a scam.

    My thoughts were on new Mercedes given to MTTB members!
    "If it's too good to be true, it usually is"
    Decision easily made after reading all the reviews on this product..stay away is the best bet.
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  • Profile picture of the author edwin3145
    You have to drill down in the search results to find an honest review of MTTB... but there are some out there...

    My Top Tier Business Review – Is It Worth The Money? | Avoid Online Marketing Scams

    I am not affiliated in any way with the above link.

    My Top Tier Business review is an actual review not a squeeze page. Matt Lloyd’s Top Tier Business program is all over the net but you will not find an honest review of Matt Lloyd’s program like this one! If you look around you will see other reviews of My Top Tier Business Program aka, mttp, mobe but they are affiliate sales pages not actual reviews, their intent is to draw you in and make a sale! I have a few different headings for my ranking system on this one, I am going to make my mentor pull his hair out on this review! I am going outside the box. I think you will understand why at the end of the review!

    My Top Tier Business Review – Transparency Ranking: 0/10


    The setup is a multitude of sales pages that litter the Internet.You can see that all these sales pages are very positive re-enforcements of how successful Matt’s top tier business program is. It is almost impossible to find anything negative about MOBE. There is a reason for that! I will explain, they have a no fail system that encourages only the positive remarks and stifles the bad. It’s called a non disclosure contract! The Top Tier Business Program deserves a 100% mark for how they designed and market their program. Ok! I am joking, pleases read on.

    My Top Tier Business Review- Integrity: 0/10

    The bait for Top Tier Business is their promotional video that is very good, no it’s damn good! I almost pushed the bloody button myself. Yeh! you watch and listen to Matt’s voice which is very re-assuring throughout the video, I liked the guy, just from listening to his promo tape. Nice guy, pleasant voice and he only ever mentions a small registration fee of $49, refundable if you don’t pass their entry interview. You take a guess, how many people do you think don’t pass the entrance interview? My guess “ZERO”. Hey my spidey senses are tingling right about now.

    Just A quick note, on the nice guy “thing a ma jig” I eluded to, strike that sentence! If you go to the warrior forum you can view a rant by Matt Lloyd after a few forum users posted some negative comments regarding his MTTB program, off the fricken Richter scale Matt!. WOW! where did the nice guy go!

    The next thing that makes you sit up in your lazy boy is the $500 dollar incentive if you take the top tier businesses 21 day training program and you don’t make $1,000 in 30 days. Sound good so far! Not so fast! You can’t deviate from this 21 day program or you lose the $500 bucks! For all you know step 21 might be give Matt $5000 dollars, how do you know ?

    My Top Tier Business Review- The Value 0/10big_red_button

    Well, now that MOBE has your attention with a $500 bonus, you are instructed to push the big red button to redeem it! quick push the big red button! AH! come on you know you want to! who doesn’t want to push the big red button?

    Unless you have some marketing background and a sense of what you are going to sell and a whole lot of street smarts then I wouldn’t push no big red button for anyone. Once you push that button you risk loosing your $49 and maybe a hell of a lot more. The next step is to sign a non disclosure document. This seals the deal. Once you sign on the dotted line you are gagged! You can leave but you could face legal action if you divulge info regarding the inner workings of the Top Tier Business Program, good or bad.

    If you make it passed the disclosure contract Matt and his team sets the hook! A $1997 dollar hook to be exact. I am going to call it $2000 for the right to sell what, “SOMETHING”. Yep! you heard me right “SOMETHING”. Even at this stage you have no idea what products you will be asked to sell or the support material at your disposal. The only thing you will know is you can earn commissions of $1,000, $30000 and $5,000 . The only thing you know for sure is you have to learn to trust strangers!

    If you will pay $2,000 to a stranger for a package labeled SOMETHING, leave me your phone number please!

    ...and yes, there are some product creators that will tell you upfront if there are any OTO's and what they are. People buying affiliate products should not have to take this crap "just because it's the way it's done", there are lots of things going on in the world that are very wrong, but they are also 'SOP'.

    I personally am not gonna take it anymore!
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    • Profile picture of the author surfdan
      Once again, the Warrior Forum comes through with good info and I'm glad I came here first to dig up facts for my review.

      Aside from Matt's ad-hominem attacks on anyone who questions the integrity of his pitch video's integrity, the simple (not even subtle) bait and switch is what most of these WF members are pointing out.

      Personally, I love it though, the sales copy is great and the business model is innovative. It's just a shame that you didn't slip in some disclosure about the greater opportunities earlier on.

      Fact is, when your sales pitch claims you will never NEVER be asked for a credit card for your "free" system and you are asked for $49 within minutes of the first claim, people think that's sketchy. Sorry sir, but that is how your sales pitch plays out and you designed it.

      My .02
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by surfdan View Post

        Fact is, when your sales pitch claims you will never NEVER be asked for a credit card for your "free" system and you are asked for $49 within minutes of the first claim, people think that's sketchy. Sorry sir, but that is how your sales pitch plays out and you designed it.
        The salespage for MTTB clearly has $49 on it and an order form... so not sure what system you are referring to but that is not the case with MTTB.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9280063].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author surfdan
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          The salespage for MTTB clearly has $49 on it and an order form... so not sure what system you are referring to but that is not the case with MTTB.
          WillR - After you go through the "everything's free" squeeze page and halfway through the sales video where "you never have to pay anything" is repeated a number of times, it is mentioned that this isn't actually free.
          I agree that the sales page for MTTB is very clear you have to pay for it, but that wasn't my point.

          I'm not the only one in here who saw the 'bait and switch' I mentioned and I'd say aside from this one point my comments were pretty positive. I liked the concept as well as the horizontal integration of other affiliate/MLM products (pure leverage irc) to diversify income streams.

          Not sure if we saw the same video...

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  • Profile picture of the author MrAlvin
    I started MTTB a few weeks back and have slowly been going through the 21 step program.

    So far, to be honest... i actually have enjoyed every minute of it. Even though, at one point I had a hard time getting in touch with my coach to unlock certain steps within the backoffice. (you don't have access to the complete step list, your coach unlocks them as you progress upon speaking with them at the end of every two chapters), but he called me back after a few days and explained he had been busy with other new members. No problem, he got me caught up and we have had constant contact since then, he actually makes more attempts to contact me than I do him! (i work everyday a j.o.b so im often in the office while he calls or sends me a skype message just saying whats up? which i thought was cool)

    I have seen mannyy sales pages/ funnels and quite frankly, i think the approach the mttb system takes is an interesting and refreshing one. At this point, I don't go into any business with the mindset of getting something that can potentially change my life financially, for free... so i was more than happy to see the transparency around the $49 "application fee" and thought it was a clever way of packaging the front end offer.

    MY ONLY GRIPE! SO FAR.... is that I literally have been trying to access the website for about 30 minutes and nothing is happening. I don't know how often they have website maintenance or experience hiccups in their system, but I called off of work today specifically to get caught up with the lessons and now I can't log in. Lol... kinda fidgetty right now about that, but whatever... i'm sure it'll load up eventually.

    As far as what I have learned this far, I would easily say my $49 has paid for itself and im only on the 5th/6th step... I can't wait until I've gone through the entire thing and to get access to the rest of this system and start promoting it. I consider myself a hard sell, so the fact I was inclined to get involved was enough proof of conversion for me.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author YannickvdBos
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    • Profile picture of the author nmchant
      Hi Yannick,

      Statements like the one jodyheath made should be forbidden by the company. MOBE's reputation is controversial, and I understand from watching some of the videos that Matt is a big believer in polarization. So i realize that controversy is not necessarily something he wants to avoid- an interesting approach but if it works for him, cool.

      All the more reason why it behooves the company to make sure their members don't give out or imply false information. It reflects poorly on MOBE/ MTTB and sets up unrealistic expectations for new recruits.

      It's probably the reason she removed her post, but it should have never been posted in the first place. What does she tell people about the company in non-public conversations?

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      • Profile picture of the author YannickvdBos
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        • Profile picture of the author nmchant
          Hi Yannick,

          Perhaps things have changed since I joined 4 months ago in Feb (i'm no longer with the company). At that time the 7-21 steps were all about getting fully positioned with titanium and platinum, you could only do those steps if you signed up at basic level (1997).

          Although Ive heard that as of 2 weeks ago or so they came out with a new product for 297. Perhaps that was what Jody was referring to but she removed the post and didn't reply or clarify so whose to know? I had asked when I first joined MTTB if I could make commissions with the $49 product and was told no.

          If it's the 297 product you're referring to that you can now make commissions on, then that certainly makes it more accessible to more people.

          I glanced at your rev but it was longer than I'm willing to read just because I'm not looking at this as an opportunity to join. However I think yours is a more helpful approach to those interested in the business. I am wary of anyone who makes far out sounding claims without clarifying when asked or backing it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author YannickvdBos
    Not sure why, but my posts keep disappearing...

    It really are 4 different products; MTTB, MLR, Titanium and Platinum.

    Personally I don't mind if someone that I work with stays MTTB, because I know the system works and converts... I give them the full scoop and they can make their decisions based on the facts.

    I've had people that stayed MTTB and promoted the products, when they see the commissions they missed out on they quickly positioned themselves.

    Not too sure about the $297. Matt Lloyd seems to be working on a new traffic product which should be really good!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9319491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nmchant
      Originally Posted by YannickvdBos View Post

      Not sure why, but my posts keep disappearing...

      It really are 4 different products; MTTB, MLR, Titanium and Platinum.

      Personally I don't mind if someone that I work with stays MTTB, because I know the system works and converts... I give them the full scoop and they can make their decisions based on the facts.

      I've had people that stayed MTTB and promoted the products, when they see the commissions they missed out on they quickly positioned themselves.

      Not too sure about the $297. Matt Lloyd seems to be working on a new traffic product which should be really good!

      Huh, I guess I'm genuinely confused.
      Here's an excerpt of customer service exchange where i asked about what Matt had posted on WF (see below)-
      Either Matt and customer service are contradicting each other here or I am missing something-

      My email to customer service-
      I saw in the WF where Matt Lloyd said that if you sign up just as an affiliate, you still can receive $1,000 commissions on the basic licensing program. Is this correct?

      Response from customer service-
      This statement is not correct, in order to get $1k in comms on MOBE Licensing program, they need to be a licensee himself, thanks

      (excerpted from this thread, Aug 2013)
      Originally Posted by RobertoM

      Hey Matt,

      Thank you for your answer, but my question still stands.

      You see, I'd never ever enter into a brand new system to earn a lousy $500 guarantee.
      I'm too tired, too stressed and too disappointed losing time money and effort to make a decent living with IM, so the $500 doesn't mean nothing to me. If I enter to MTTB just for the guarantee, I would feel like a thief (a stupid one though).

      So here I go again:
      *Is it possible to make those $1.000 within 30 days after completing the MTTB 21 steps WITHOUT purchasing MOBE initially, and buying it afterwords when your budget allows it?*

      I'm sure you'll shoot an honest answer.

      Matt Lloyd' response-
      Here's the deal: I have over 37 different products... that teach IM topics like email marketing, to affiliate marketing, outsourcing, phone sales, product creation, etc...

      When you go through MTTB, you automatically become a MOBE affiliate. That means you can promote the majority of our MOBE products.

      Granted, you get smaller commissions than what the MOBE Licensee's get... but, compared to any other affiliate program out there, you're still paid well.

      MTTB is one of the funnels you can promote - there's over a dozen others you can choose from.

      So can you make $1000 in commissions without becoming a MOBE Licensee? Yes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9320343].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author YannickvdBos
        Originally Posted by nmchant View Post

        Huh, I guess I'm genuinely confused.
        Here's an excerpt of customer service exchange where i asked about what Matt had posted on WF (see below)-
        Either Matt and customer service are contradicting each other here or I am missing something-

        My email to customer service-
        I saw in the WF where Matt Lloyd said that if you sign up just as an affiliate, you still can receive $1,000 commissions on the basic licensing program. Is this correct?

        Response from customer service-
        This statement is not correct, in order to get $1k in comms on MOBE Licensing program, they need to be a licensee himself, thanks

        (excerpted from this thread, Aug 2013)
        Originally Posted by RobertoM

        Hey Matt,

        Thank you for your answer, but my question still stands.

        You see, I'd never ever enter into a brand new system to earn a lousy $500 guarantee.
        I'm too tired, too stressed and too disappointed losing time money and effort to make a decent living with IM, so the $500 doesn't mean nothing to me. If I enter to MTTB just for the guarantee, I would feel like a thief (a stupid one though).

        So here I go again:
        *Is it possible to make those $1.000 within 30 days after completing the MTTB 21 steps WITHOUT purchasing MOBE initially, and buying it afterwords when your budget allows it?*

        I'm sure you'll shoot an honest answer.

        Matt Lloyd' response-
        Here's the deal: I have over 37 different products... that teach IM topics like email marketing, to affiliate marketing, outsourcing, phone sales, product creation, etc...

        When you go through MTTB, you automatically become a MOBE affiliate. That means you can promote the majority of our MOBE products.

        Granted, you get smaller commissions than what the MOBE Licensee's get... but, compared to any other affiliate program out there, you're still paid well.

        MTTB is one of the funnels you can promote - there's over a dozen others you can choose from.

        So can you make $1000 in commissions without becoming a MOBE Licensee? Yes.
        Yes the above is correct.

        As MTTB you become a "Standard Affiliate" with MOBE, which allows you to promote a diverse range of products that Matt Lloyd created.

        To date it's 50% commissions on the front-end products (that retail up to $500), and you wouldn't get the back-end commissions.

        So yes you can still make $1000 in commissions without becoming a MOBE Licensee by selling these front-end products (that retail up to $500).

        But as a MTTB you won't be able to receive commissions on the MOBE License Rights Programs you sell.

        Did that make sense?
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  • Profile picture of the author nmchant
    Yes! That does make perfect sense. Thank you for the clarification Yannick, much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author raunekk
    Enrolled for the program with $49...

    The coach they assigned to me was too rude to tell me indirectly that "We do not want people who cannot invest more money". All I asked him was can I promote the product with the enrolment fee of $49 I paid or was the fees just to listen about "White mercs given to random people or the lucky ones having vacations at exotic locations..." The whole series of introductory videos seemed like one long sales pitch with a few methods every IMer who is on warrior forum is aware of.

    Finally asked for a refund...Haven't received it yet!!

    If nothing else, I expected the coaches to answer politely. All they did was direct me to a new video and say this will answer your questions.

    It might have worked for few people, but honestly I cannot think of putting in such huge money when I am not even getting proper reply from their people.

    Staying away from it...
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I won't be touching MTTB any time soon since I personally would not lay down $2k just to promote something. That's just a personal belief that i have. Regardless of how amazing or effective the program is I am not paying for the privilege to promote it.

      I would think (just thinking out loud) that the initial $49 fee would be used more as a weeding out process to see who really has the skill set and/or ambition/motivation to promote the program.

      That seems far more effective is narrowing down those who have the best ability and energy to put into the program.

      Just saying...but i know of other programs who give their reseller license away as long as a certain number of sales/traffic is thrown at their tracked links within a certain period. The barrier to entry to the program in this way is simply that the marketer knows how to drive targeted traffic quickly and effectively, and he's able to prove that he can do so.

      However, it appears that with the current setup of MTTB is centered around pulling in the most $$ out of buyers as possible prior to allowing them to promote the program.

      Not saying that's unethical or bad. Just a curious observation.
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Wow. That was a very educational thread!

        Someone sent me an email about this, and so I went to investigate. I'm very happy to have stumbled upon this thread.

        Thanks so much for all the info.

        P.S.: I kind of had a question - how long after you "earn" the commission do they actually show up in your PayPal or bank account?

        But once I discovered the details and the need to buy a 2k mysterious MOBE thing, I know I'm not signing up even if the commissions were instant (and somehow I doubt that they are, what with all the restrictions).

        Also, I would never want to promote something that isn't upfront about ALL the requirements and wouldn't let me disclose the exact details of what's inside.

        FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

        Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9347249].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author cct097
          Thanks WF for such an in depth info on MOBE. I think MOBE lies in a grey area btw being a legitimate scheme and an illegal pyramid scheme. It has a product which members get by paying 2k, though is the product really worth 2k? If the commission earnt are solely from the 2k paid by new members then it is definitely an illegal pyramid scheme. Nevertheless asking member to pay additional 2k before being able to continue the steps is very dishonest. They should have marketed as basic 6 steps for $49 and $2k for advance steps. Still up selling but more transparent.
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