How to use Internet Marketing to Duplicate MLM

4 replies
How can Internet Marketing be used effectively and efficiently to Duplicate your MLM business? What are your strategies, tactics, and methods to successfully reach the goal of ultilizing Internet Marketing MLM cloning?
#duplicate #internet #marketing #mlm
  • Profile picture of the author TheNewJames
    Email automation ... all the way! Gain leads, build trust, get paid!

    Seriously tho, I don't really understand your question ... what do you mean "Duplicate your MLM Business?"
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    • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
      Originally Posted by TheNewJames View Post

      Email automation ... all the way! Gain leads, build trust, get paid!

      Seriously tho, I don't really understand your question ... what do you mean "Duplicate your MLM Business?"
      What I mean by Duplicating my MLM Business is being able to use Internet Marketing effectively to coach, train, educate, recruit and mentor others on how to be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    open a site/blog is the first step.
    You should connect it with a Facebook/Twitter Page and then you must start a PPC campaign !

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      For over 16 years, my approach was to use article syndication in online/offline publications for driving traffic of targeted groups of people with whom my style resonates and I can develop a connection. There's something like 15 million people in the US and roughly 60 million worldwide involved in MLM, so this market is huge and growing rapidly.

      As this traffic opted into my funnel system, prospects were first presented with niche-relevant affiliate products (ie Clickbank, Amazon, etc). After a series of transactions, additional communication channels were added such as social media, telephone, postal mail, webinars, local seminars, and face-to-face or one-on-one sessions. Of course, not everyone joined my MLM company, but those that didn't often continued to buy progressively higher end affiliate products and/or my marketing consultation services.

      My downline is trained regularly to use my marketing system every week through conference calls, webinars, podcasts, videos, website tools, local offline seminars, and for the most promising leaders they are provided with more extensive one-on-one attention through various online/offline communication channels. It is absolutely essential for success in MLM that your downline at all levels can duplicate your marketing system.
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