Sad Truth about Making Money Online

Jeff Burritt
Profile picture of Jeff Burritt
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
45 replies
I don't mean to piss anyone off here, but a little dose of reality is good sometimes. Lots of people want to make money online. The trust is most never make a dime. Why? Because they give up and quit before they learn the skills.

It takes work. It takes skills. We can all learn, but most quit because it's not easy.

Well good. Let them quit. This means there's more buyers for those of us who do sell stuff online.

Again, I don't mean to seem down or harsh; but wake up. Did you really think it would be so quick and easy?

If you want it bad enough, you will do the work. You will find a way. And you will reap the riches.

Those who keep going, and don't quit, get the reward my friends.
#make money #making #money #online #online marketing advice #sad #truth
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Profile picture of dave_hermansen
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    I couldn't agree more. The people who succeed are those who take it seriously and put in real, prolonged effort. They have a plan that they follow and they stick to it, knowing that it may take quite awhile before they see results. They seek out answers when they are confused, they learn how to do new things that they use to better their websites. They realize that a website is never truly "done" - there are always ways to improve it; more content to add, more backlinks to get.

    Anyone can be successful if they truly apply themselves and have a little patience. Unfortunately, too may people see life as a sprint and not a a long distance race. When they don't see immediate results, they quit (which is why so many diets fail and gym memberships are canceled, I suspect).
    Signature - FREE TRAINING - Learn How to Build Your Own eCommerce Website
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well said and before the newbies starts wondering why it's so. It's because making money online needs a learning curve.
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    Profile picture of CityCowboy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very true and motivating...

    It's actually good that people quit too early because they leave it ALL for the rest of us to make some money.
  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Profile picture of EPoltrack77
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The funny part about it is you have super affiliates promoting Clickbank offers making $48,000 per day. Most people won't understand that but its 100% true.

    We also tend to over complicate things. We say to ourselvs there has to be more to it than this. Go to an affiliate network and pick a offer that is selling like hotcakes. Then send traffic which is where most people fail and the third thing is converting that traffic with your campaigns.

    I'll be honest. It takes work to get traffic. It's easy but there is no push button system. The closest you can get to that is with like PPC or banner advertising.

    Pinterest for example is a 100% free site and I am getting dozens and dozens of views and signups to my list AND sales with it. WHY? Because I am consistent and spend 15 minutes to a half hour per day using it and its driving alot of traffic.
    Working to achieve higher results...
  • Profile picture of the author youngestceo
    Profile picture of youngestceo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice one. People need to know this success generally comes with a price and you must be willing to pay it if you want to succeed

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesbartram
    Profile picture of jamesbartram
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey guys,

    Personally, i love the challenge of generating targeted traffic and using the methods i know work. It all really comes down to consistent action- whether its forum marketing, social media- facebook, instagram, compiling your email list and sending a set structure of emails out to them- whatever it is, it needs to be done consistently and with genuine value in the content. I think the myth really is that free traffic can get you results quickly. It can't, but it will do eventually providing you stick with it.

    Hope you are well guys!

  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    Profile picture of Gallag97
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    100% true. I had a couple friends who i started working online with. 2 of us made it through to making some good money online, but our third friends feel out. he just didn't have what it takes.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Profile picture of JohnVianny
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Most of people get confused in a LOT OF MESS and TOOLS and etc...


    cause there are too much opportunities over there and.... too much scam.

    Why reinvent the wheel?

    FOCUS on the basic principles.

    Stick to the plan and dont give up.

    I see lots of people who give up are doing the same thing: DABBING.

    It's better stick to the digital marketer customer value optimization: which is essentialy.

    and deliver TRAFFIC.


    Easy concepts with a lot of effort to put in.
  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    Profile picture of ProducerK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    80 hours a week of grinding for over 4 years and you can get close to making a million a year. This shit is not easy or for the weak of heart..... Otherwise we would all be millionaires already.
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Regional Warrior
      Profile picture of Regional Warrior
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ProducerK View Post

      80 hours a week of grinding for over 4 years and you can get close to making a million a year. This shit is not easy or for the weak of heart..... Otherwise we would all be millionaires already.
      100% PK

      Look at all the Warriors that have left over the last 12 months and the amount of money thrown away because they wanted it now and not tomorrow

      You really have to work hard and the three things I did learn was graphics , videos, and webdesign . Do that and you have full control of your projects
      work out what you want and do it take Action and remember this is Job and you are the boss so work hard so you don't fire your arse.

      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
        Jeff Burritt
        Profile picture of Jeff Burritt
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Yes, couldn't agree more. I tried outsourcing everything in the beginning. It was expensive and frustrating. Then got mad, got determined, and learned some skills myself like photoshop, premiere pro and wordpress so I could take back control over my projects!

        Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

        100% PK

        Look at all the Warriors that have left over the last 12 months and the amount of money thrown away because they wanted it now and not tomorrow

        You really have to work hard and the three things I did learn was graphics , videos, and webdesign . Do that and you have full control of your projects
        work out what you want and do it take Action and remember this is Job and you are the boss so work hard so you don't fire your arse.

        • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
          Profile picture of MikeAmbrosio
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Jeff Burritt View Post

          Yes, couldn't agree more. I tried outsourcing everything in the beginning. It was expensive and frustrating. Then got mad, got determined, and learned some skills myself like photoshop, premiere pro and wordpress so I could take back control over my projects!
          I actually did this in reverse. I taught myself the website building, graphics, etc. because I couldn't afford to hire people. Now I don't have the time, and do have the funds, so I hire it out.

          One thing I have learned in my years on line is that many who don't make it were trying to "make money on line" and many who did become successful found ways to "build a business on line". Once people learn the difference between the two, some things will change...

          One thing I don't agree with that a few people mentioned - the thought that anyone can do this. NOT everyone can do this. Hard work and determination will only get you so far.

          Not everyone is cut out to do this and there's nothing wrong with that.

          Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Profile picture of discrat
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

            One thing I have learned in my years on line is that many who don't make it were trying to "make money on line" and many who did become successful found ways to "build a business on line". Once people learn the difference between the two, some things will change...
            Yep so true. And there is nothing wrong with the former so long as you do NOT confuse to the two and think you are doing one but actually just doing the other

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

          • Profile picture of the author JbreezeA
            Profile picture of JbreezeA
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

            I actually did this in reverse. I taught myself the website building, graphics, etc. because I couldn't afford to hire people. Now I don't have the time, and do have the funds, so I hire it out.

            One thing I have learned in my years on line is that many who don't make it were trying to "make money on line" and many who did become successful found ways to "build a business on line". Once people learn the difference between the two, some things will change...

            One thing I don't agree with that a few people mentioned - the thought that anyone can do this. NOT everyone can do this. Hard work and determination will only get you so far.

            Not everyone is cut out to do this and there's nothing wrong with that.
            I think you hit the nail on the head. There is a huge difference between "making money online" and "building an online business". It takes a lot of time, several hours researching, finding your niche.

            I was solely a freelancer working online for the last several years, and I survived, but it is not consistent, unless you make it that way. I have a background in SEO, link building, copy writing, Social Media, Online Marketing, Communications, graphic and web design. I no longer do web design, because the competition is to stiff and it takes a lot of hours to build a custom site.

            So, now I use my online income as discretionary income and found a few companies that hire you as an employee to work from home. Finally, I have my full-time job where I work with people as a CSR. I love the work and I get to help others. Then I have a few companies who I consult for and work with online for extra income.

            I believe that you should have something solid, that pays regularly when trying to make money online and build your business, your brand. Whether you sell products or a service or work with an Affiliate company. You should always have a back-up, which pays your bills. This way the work you do online is more enjoyable.

            Hope this helps. Don't give up. You will find something that works for you.
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You're right Jeff, the more who quit, THANKS! More money for me, and more new customer acquisition opportunities since you abandoned them and your leads.
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Profile picture of aizaku
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    no, piss them off...

    this is true for everything

    if you cant put the work in then BYE

    Originally Posted by Jeff Burritt View Post

    I don't mean to piss anyone off here, but a little dose of reality is good sometimes. Lots of people want to make money online. The trust is most never make a dime. Why? Because they give up and quit before they learn the skills.

    It takes work. It takes skills. We can all learn, but most quit because it's not easy.

    Well good. Let them quit. This means there's more buyers for those of us who do sell stuff online.

    Again, I don't mean to seem down or harsh; but wake up. Did you really think it would be so quick and easy?

    If you want it bad enough, you will do the work. You will find a way. And you will reap the riches.

    Those who keep going, and don't quit, get the reward my friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvidass
    Profile picture of gvidass
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Actually it's great that it's not easy. Lots of people start IM hoping to make some good and quick cash, but reality is different, because it's not quick or easy, so lots of them are going to quit as well. Someone have to succeed, while someone have to give up.

    Not all people can be entrepreneurs, because someone has to do the dirty job as well...
  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    Profile picture of ivanadee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes. It's all about taking action and being patience. Also learn from mistakes. Dont give up if you fail at the first time. It's not a failure, it's just a feedback
  • Profile picture of the author angelap999
    Profile picture of angelap999
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is why it's vital to work in a niche that you have strong interest in. There will be some bumps and obstacles, but you'll get passed them and they are there in order to cultivate understanding and to prepare you for something bigger.
    Winning Facebook (Free) Marketing Strategies
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Brent Stangel
    Profile picture of Brent Stangel
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    It's really not "difficult" but does require focus and persistence.

    I could teach a really smart monkey to do what I do, but they would still have to do it to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author chippen2188
    Profile picture of chippen2188
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    Something I have seen much of is that there are so many beginners that start with affiliate marketing since there is so much talk about it, myself included. I was told that doing affiliate marketing is where "the big money is".

    I would suggest beginners to really think about what they should do online, there are so many ways to make money! In my case, it was online courses. I might not make tens of thousands (yet lol) but I really enjoy it and that's what I think it's the most important. If you do something you enjoy doing you will have an easier time getting through the hard parts. Don't do affiliate marketing just because everyone else is doing it!
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
      Jeff Burritt
      Profile picture of Jeff Burritt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I agree. Probably the easiest place to start is creating your own 'how to' product. What do you know? Write it down. Do a little research and add to what you've written. Hire a graphics guy to make it look pretty. Then sell it on the WF, or your own website. Or turn what you've written into a series of videos, and then sell it as a course. The point is people pay to have you teach them stuff. Sure, they could find this out themselves by searching the internet, but since you already put it together for them, it's easier for them to just pay you for the info.

      Originally Posted by chippen2188 View Post

      Something I have seen much of is that there are so many beginners that start with affiliate marketing since there is so much talk about it, myself included. I was told that doing affiliate marketing is where "the big money is".

      I would suggest beginners to really think about what they should do online, there are so many ways to make money! In my case, it was online courses. I might not make tens of thousands (yet lol) but I really enjoy it and that's what I think it's the most important. If you do something you enjoy doing you will have an easier time getting through the hard parts. Don't do affiliate marketing just because everyone else is doing it!
  • Profile picture of the author ramblinman
    Profile picture of ramblinman
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    Got to agree, too many just give up when they don't make money straight away, there is so much to learn and so much to put into practice. Four things you need, you need to like what you are doing, you need to be willing to learn new things, you need to be patient and you need to take consistent action. It is a business, so work at it!
  • Profile picture of the author William Waltham
    William Waltham
    Profile picture of William Waltham
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    There's always a learning curve when starting anything new. Too many people want instant cash, like a push-button way of getting money online. But, to make real money online and keep it coming in, you have to invest the time, energy, work, and everything else into building a legitimate online business. You also have to be patient while you learn, and roll with your inevitable mistakes. Most people who want to make money online aren't willing to take the time to learn, or work, or any of that. They lack the patience. And, that is why most people give it up too quickly, when, if they'd just treated it like a real business and took the time to learn, they could have been successful. I see it all the time.
  • Profile picture of the author Alex July
    Alex July
    Profile picture of Alex July
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    Originally Posted by Jeff Burritt View Post

    I don't mean to piss anyone off here, but a little dose of reality is good sometimes. Lots of people want to make money online. The trust is most never make a dime. Why? Because they give up and quit before they learn the skills.

    It takes work. It takes skills. We can all learn, but most quit because it's not easy.

    Well good. Let them quit. This means there's more buyers for those of us who do sell stuff online.

    Again, I don't mean to seem down or harsh; but wake up. Did you really think it would be so quick and easy?

    If you want it bad enough, you will do the work. You will find a way. And you will reap the riches.

    Those who keep going, and don't quit, get the reward my friends.
    There are no distinctions between the online and the offline world. Most new businesses fail during the first year. And more than 95% of them disappera within the next 5 years.
    Why on the earth would all newbies succeed in online marketing?
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Profile picture of DIABL0
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I remember reading some stats a couple years ago regarding people trying to make money online. It was something along the lines that 90% completely failed or fail to make more than $1000 per month.and 99% fail to make a living at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ReubenAmos
    Profile picture of ReubenAmos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah, I needed to hear that Jeff. You have to get past that learning curve and stay working until you get to that point of freedom.
  • Profile picture of the author angelazar7
    Profile picture of angelazar7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Absolutely agree with Jeff. I think often traffic is a huge stumbling block for beginners, but we can't dismiss over complicating things, and of course, the shiny object syndrome.
  • Profile picture of the author ksurivan
    Profile picture of ksurivan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Agreed with OP! and here's something I learned. Find a problem a lot of people have and work on finding a solution to this problem within a specific niche. Create a product or service to solve the problem and market it to this target audience. Test your sales funnel, optimize it until profitability.

    Check out this free tool to help you make money online!

  • Profile picture of the author serekesh
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Profile picture of Chris-
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, some good points on both sides of the argument

    Yes, it will typically take time to learn a bunch of things and make a good online business.

    Making cash online as a JOB, can be done a lot more quickly . . . for example, join Fiverr, continually scan the "wanted" sections and reply to any request that you can do, with a custom-worded Gig (use their exact words) as quickly as you can. You'll make some cash in a few hours, doing that, and do it a few times and that will improve your reputation so you can get more sales etc. But it's still a JOB (something that, usually, cannot be outsourced nor sold).

    For a real business, time is usually required to learn things and get experience etc. But that is certainly possible to do.

    And yes, on the other side of this thread . . . the WF has changed a lot in the last 10 years. Still, I'm still learning things here, and that's what matters to me

  • Profile picture of the author theoperator
    Profile picture of theoperator
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    Here's my formula, and I know this is taught at many top internet conferences:


    1) A website, that includes everything including the payment processor ie: paypal or something simple
    2) a well refined offer meeting a pressing need. needs to be razor targetted meeting the need with an amazing offer.
    3) a product or service that meets that need. It doesn't have to be great until you know it's working. Then upgrade it later.
    4) Traffic

    You need those 4 ingredients. Fail to get any one of them right and you'll fail. But again there's probably a ton of easier ways, but I'm just saying if you wanna build a site/company online that you can grow and maybe one day sell.
  • Profile picture of the author netmaster33
    Profile picture of netmaster33
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    Of course you need to work hard, the only difference is that in "real life" you don't have an option to start from scratch and make big bucks in a couple of months. Well, in most cases you don't.
    So, internet is always better for me than real life work.
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Chisom
    Frank Chisom
    Profile picture of Frank Chisom
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    Very true pal...
    Sticking around to learn and apply the skills does matter a great deal.

    In fact, the reason it usually take that long to learn the skills and to start making money online is because most spend all their first few month chasing after the short-cuts that were never there.

    When they finally wake up to reality and accept to do the work involved, they have already wasted so much time...
  • Profile picture of the author SigmaTrace
    Profile picture of SigmaTrace
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    • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
      George Schwab
      Profile picture of George Schwab
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      Originally Posted by SigmaTrace View Post

      Rightly said, Jeff.

      Persistence is the key to success. Quitting is easy, moving on takes courage.
      Well said as well,

      Work and acquire and thou hast chained the wheel of Chance

      Dream manfully and nobly and thy dreams shall be prophets

      All speech is vain and empty unless it be accompanied by action

  • Profile picture of the author jcmunoz
    Profile picture of jcmunoz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is so true.

    The problem is that people get into this industry for the wrong reasons.
    They are tricked into thinking that it will be easy and that in a few months they will be millionaires.

    In my opinion, there is obviously lots to learn; but the reason that most people fail is not because of not learning what they have to learn.

    The problem is information overload. There is too much information online and some people do not know what path to take, so they are stuck in learning mode.

    In order to be successful in this industry you have to:

    1. Learn the basics
    2. Choose your strategy (there are several but stick to 1-2 at first.)
    3. Take action: Stick to those methods until you start generating a descent amount of leads per day.
    4. Once the methods start to work you can expand your horizons and learn about more in the industry.

    Focus on generating daily leads at first, that should be your only goal after learning the basics.

    To your success,
    7 Day Free Video Series - Build your own online business from scratch!
  • Profile picture of the author Cookej2
    Profile picture of Cookej2
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    I completely agree! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was any online business. Unfortunately, most people see those who succeed with online marketing as an "over night success" but we know the truth!

    Dig your well before you are thirsty my friends and sow, sow, sow! The benefits always come back to those who were willing to stick it through as a lifestyle.

    Keep pushing forward and eventually it will all connect!

    "Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine."Www.JamesDCooke.Com

  • Profile picture of the author Sapphire Louise
    Sapphire Louise
    Profile picture of Sapphire Louise
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    I agreed with you. But many ignorant people are not aware of that.

    When they listen to the seminar salesperson who gave them the impression that making money is so easy, they paid up and then they realised they were lied to.

    They thought there is a magic button. They had to pay so much to learn the sad truth.
  • Profile picture of the author haboutaha
    Profile picture of haboutaha
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with the OP. I'm what you call a NEWBIE. 3-4 weeks ago I knew absolutely NOTHING about digital marketing. Had no website, didn't know the difference between AdWords and AdSense, or how to even post anything on facebook. But I was determined. In the last few weeks I've spent literally hundreds of hours reading, learning, watching, experimenting, up late at night. I think I'm at a point of no return (which is a good thing). And most importantly, one has to have a longer term view. I might only be getting 500 visitors a day today, but I'm thinking where will I be in 6 months? maybe 5000? in a year? It's only up from here.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Jeff Schuman
    Profile picture of Jeff Schuman
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    Skills, application, and sustained effort. College takes a 4 year degree. Trade schools take 18 months. Internet marketing is no different except you can trade money for time to get the knowledge you need. The make money 2 hours a day in your underwear doesn't work right away for most of us.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
    • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
      Edwin Torres
      Profile picture of Edwin Torres
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      Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

      Skills, application, and sustained effort. College takes a 4 year degree. Trade schools take 18 months. Internet marketing is no different except you can trade money for time to get the knowledge you need. The make money 2 hours a day in your underwear doesn't work right away for most of us.
      110% agree! All these IM products promise you'll be a millionaire in 2 weeks and when you don't get those results you think somethings wrong with you.

      That's why many people think IM doesn't work because they see all these income proof and crazy claims and feel like if they don't achieve that in their first month online they're a failure.

      It takes years of studying, learning, applying for you to figure out what works and what doesn't.
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

      Skills, application, and sustained effort. College takes a 4 year degree. Trade schools take 18 months. Internet marketing is no different except you can trade money for time to get the knowledge you need. The make money 2 hours a day in your underwear doesn't work right away for most of us.
      How about a jockstrap?? You know like an athlete getting prepared to take Action

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author easy video player flv
    easy video player flv
    Profile picture of easy video player flv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    RE: "Many give up and quit before they learn the skills"

    I think many quit because they don't see money for months. My advice is to make money online by being a freelancer first. You can ghostwrite, do web research, do seo tasks for marketing agencies, do VA jobs and etc. so you have a weekly income.

    Then you can work on your online business (blog) which you have to realistically expect will take several months or over a year to make money. Look at it this way, even if you were building a traditional business, you can't expect to be profitable and earn back your investment within weeks!
  • Profile picture of the author tomako
    Profile picture of tomako
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The irony is, the first time they hear about making money online many of them say;

    "If it is that easy (in fact nobody says that, they somehow connect the word online to easy in their mind so that is their assumption) why all don't all people get rich." -> don't believe it is possible.

    Then after trying a few weeks, they say "it is not impossible (because it is not that easy, their assumption again) to make money online".

    You know the rest of the story, they quit before any serious effort.

    Now here is the shocking truth, to make money online you should work too, at least till you convince people to give you their hard-earned money.
  • Profile picture of the author yellowmedia
    Profile picture of yellowmedia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think many quit not because of the difficulty but because they lack systems that would help them continue with their online business. These people would quit even if their business is traditional or offline.

    If you are building a business, you need a schedule. You have to set an hour each day to work on your business. If you don't show up in a company you get fired--if you don't show up for your online business you don't get to have a business. If you don't produce/write anything "useful" nobody would care.
  • Profile picture of the author David Rosa
    David Rosa
    Profile picture of David Rosa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ya daaaaamn right. You gotta acquire the skills to help someone or something get a result.

    Whether it be writing copy, generating leads, or building a site. Once you can do that WELL... then it's not nearly as hard after that.

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