2 replies
So it's like this, I once had a thriving business selling TLA through a non-interlinked network of websites with high pageranks on unique c-class IP's with different premium wordpress themes and unique content. I have about 20 or so of them left. I am still doing some ad sales for them, but for a long while I have put no effort into adding new content or strengthening DA/PA.

I am so out of touch with the industry now, I was wondering if someone can tell me what's going on underground? Has it all died?
#dead #text link ads #text link advertising #tla
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I do not even know what TLA stands for. I really do not understand what the problem with using whole words is. Are we all really that lazy?


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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