All My Amazon eBooks Have Been Taken Off the Shelf!

Profile picture of brobdingnagian
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
75 replies
Just a heads-up to anyone who is using PLR to publish ebooks on Amazon: KDP is cracking down hard on anyone with duplicate content. You'll get the following email:


We're contacting you regarding books you recently submitted via Kindle Direct Publishing.

Certain of these books are either undifferentiated or barely differentiated from an existing title in the Kindle store. We remove such duplicate (or near duplicate) versions of the same book because they diminish the experience for customers. We notify you each time a book is removed, along with the specific book(s) and reason for removal.

In addition to removing duplicate books from the Kindle store, please note that if you attempt to sell multiple copies or undifferentiated versions of the same book from your account, we may terminate your account.

If you have any questions regarding the review process, you can write to

Best regards,

Kindle Direct Publishing
Lessons learned:

1. Don't believe every crap WSO that comes out about Amazon publishing! I had 22 books up, which only took a long weekend to "write" (more like format) and publish. I wasn't making a ton of money on them, maybe $60 over 2.5 months. Still, it was one of my first tastes of online success--albeit small--and to have it yanked away is a kick in the pants.

2. Of course anyone with more than half a brain (I stand disqualified, for obvious reasons) knows that you can't just take raw PLR and slap it into an ebook template and publish it.

3. Amazon is tightening up BIG TIME. This is Amazon Panda!

The takeaway? I'm going to continue to use PLR as an idea base for my ebooks. There's a lot of great PLR material out there, but you have to be a good enough writer to be able to put it all into your own words. Amazon craves unique content for its customers, not a bunch of recycled crap!

Anyway, I'm sure a bunch of us got those emails this week! Just wanted to gnash my teeth for a bit. Thanks!
#amazon #ebooks #plr #shelf
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
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    Yep - This was bound to happen.

    I couldn't believe there were people running wso's telling others to grab PLR content and throw it together and call it a book and build an "Amazon book empire".

    All the "create a book on Amazon in less than 10 minutes" crap was like lighting the touch-paper on an Amazon clamp-down.

    It's only been good for me since I always create new content for my books and don't even use PLR as a starting place, but I do feel sorry for the suckers who got told to do this by people they were regarding as experts helping them make money.

    There's certainly still scope for creating useful books and using existing material as the basis for content elements, but reprinting PLR has always been a spammy way to try and bring value to people without a lot of changes to make it unique and valuable in its own right.

    How would YOU feel if you bought 5 books on your favourite subject and found out they were all the same with different titles? Pissed off I would imagine.

    I think it's a good thing and once again should only be a concern for people who were trying to game the system rather than offer new value to people.


    nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author Nathy Curiel
    Nathy Curiel
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    I bought a WSO about and in the beginning it worked. But offcourse is was bound to happen some day
  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Profile picture of brobdingnagian
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    Hi Andy.

    Thanks for weighing in. Yep--I learned that lesson the hard way!

    Ah well, at least I'm a decent writer and, as the US Marine Force Recon is fond of saying, "Adapt! Improvise! Overcome!"

    And I digress...

    Have a nice day.
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    • Profile picture of the author cpaman
      Profile picture of cpaman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I got nailed too. I even hire a full time person for this project. Silly me! I've moved them over to writing articles for our sites.
      • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
        Profile picture of dbarnum
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        Originally Posted by cpaman View Post

        I got nailed too. I even hire a full time person for this project. Silly me! I've moved them over to writing articles for our sites.

        Have your worker write new ebooks now, not just articles. Do some research to come up with popular title topics and start cranking out your own series now.

  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Profile picture of brobdingnagian
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    I got nailed too. I even hire a full time person for this project. Silly me! I've moved them over to writing articles for our sites.
    I was less than a month from hiring a VA and scaling this up. I guess I dodged that bullet! Phew!
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  • Profile picture of the author wealthydon
    Profile picture of wealthydon
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    What else do you expect? Online business has become a
    breeding ground for mediocrity (NOT YOU IN PARTICULAR!)
    and people are becoming lazy by the day.

    NO creativity any more. Just REGURGITATION of all the old
  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Profile picture of brobdingnagian
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    +1 wealthydon.

    The whole time I was formatting those books and slapping em up on Amazon, a nagging little voice in the back of my mind kept saying, "boooooolllshiiiiiiiiiiittt. boooooolllshiiiiitt."

    Shoulda listened.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Profile picture of Andyhenry
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      Originally Posted by Danielle Clarke View Post

      Considering that you've just been slapped down by Amazon, I think you've got a really good and admirable attitude.

      You're one step ahead of most in that you already know how to format for Kindle. PLUS you've figured out the correct way to use good PLR: someone else has done the research for you, but it still has to be entirely rewritten.

      In the big picture, cleaning up Amazon can only be a good thing. Good luck, brobdingnagian, in getting back up and running again with unique and valuable content.
      Amen to that.

      It's all to common to see people come here and just bitch and moan about how unfair something like this is when deep down they knew they were creating crap.

      It's refreshing to see someone who's open enough to take it on the chin and learn from it without the victim mentality.

      nothing to see here.

      • Profile picture of the author K Smith
        K Smith
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        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Amen to that.

        It's all to common to see people come here and just bitch and moan about how unfair something like this is when deep down they knew they were creating crap.

        It's refreshing to see someone who's open enough to take it on the chin and learn from it without the victim mentality.
        He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day. Good luck with your 'new and improved' kindle publishing experience!
    • Profile picture of the author ureshii
      Profile picture of ureshii
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There's a template for that? Where can i get it? =P
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Rus Sells
      Profile picture of Rus Sells
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      Next time listen and obay!

      You got outed and drew attention to this forum in a negative fashion.

      Amazon Dumping Copycat "Private-Label" Ebooks - The Consumerist

      Your forum user name is named in the post and a link to this thread is included.

      Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

      +1 wealthydon.

      The whole time I was formatting those books and slapping em up on Amazon, a nagging little voice in the back of my mind kept saying, "boooooolllshiiiiiiiiiiittt. boooooolllshiiiiitt."

      Shoulda listened.
      • Profile picture of the author eddale
        Profile picture of eddale
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        I'm glad it happened, (not personally to you of course) but it frees the market up for good quality original work.

        • Profile picture of the author foreignnative
          Profile picture of foreignnative
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          It's been said numerous times by so many people. In order to BIG, successful, and most importantly sustainable you must produce quality content. If you always have to change you strategies and tactics you're not moving away from trading hours for dollars and moving towards passive income. My favorite new term that I heard on the foolish adventure podcast is that nowadays you have to become an "entreuprdoucer." Best of luck in you endevours to create awesome ebooks that help people and sell.
    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Profile picture of petelta
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      Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

      +1 wealthydon.

      The whole time I was formatting those books and slapping em up on Amazon, a nagging little voice in the back of my mind kept saying, "boooooolllshiiiiiiiiiiittt. boooooolllshiiiiitt."

      Shoulda listened.
      You're all set now though man. You know how to get an Amazon book up there... now go write one (or even hire someone else to write it), and make it something people might enjoy. You'll end up doing way more than $60 in 2.5 months.

      Rachel Rofe has great stuff on Kindle marketing...
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    SUPER Louie
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    Lol if it didn't work on Amazon. Try Barnes and Noble, as well as iBooks, maybe they don't have much content police in their management
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
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      Originally Posted by siocowiz View Post

      Lol if it didn't work on Amazon. Try Barnes and Noble, as well as iBooks, maybe they don't have much content police in their management
      I hope you are joking.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    You won't get a lot of sympathy from a lot of people for putting garbage on Amazon and expecting them to keep it there.
    • Profile picture of the author Contentpimps
      Profile picture of Contentpimps
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      Hi Suzanne,

      I asked this in another thread, but could your "mobile site" app also be used on a laptop, desktop, etc? Also asked about .mobi, can you use this for both "formats"? Thanks, newbie questions I know...
      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by Contentpimps View Post

        Hi Suzanne,

        I asked this in another thread, but could your "mobile site" app also be used on a laptop, desktop, etc? Also asked about .mobi, can you use this for both "formats"? Thanks, newbie questions I know...
        I'll pm you with my email so we don't hijack this thread with an irrelevant topic.
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
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    Another magic pill and shortcut to success dies.

    What a shocker.

    Put up unique quality content that may involve...*gasp*...WORK and you'll be fine.

  • Profile picture of the author nnsjw702
    Profile picture of nnsjw702
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    There are many more options available other than amazon. My advice, just don't stick to what everyone do, try each and everything.
  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    Christophe Young
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    I just got that email yesterday. Funny, I noticed that the other listing for one of my ebooks was taken down off of Kindle. That's good because it was someone else's listing for my ebook. Now, only my listing is up there which is the official copy of my book.

    I applaud what they are doing over there on Amazon!
    Under Construction
  • Profile picture of the author David Chung
    David Chung
    Profile picture of David Chung
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    What's to stop someone from swiping your (non-Amazon-listed) ebook and listing it on Amazon as their own ebook though? If they do that before you do, does theirs become the 'official' listing? How does Amazon tell who's the real author?
    • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
      Christophe Young
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      Originally Posted by David Chung View Post

      What's to stop someone from swiping your (non-Amazon-listed) ebook and listing it on Amazon as their own ebook though? If they do that before you do, does theirs become the 'official' listing? How does Amazon tell who's the real author?
      That's a good question. I actually contacted them a while back telling them that the other listing was not mine and they have to remove it. Amazon only recently removed it so I'm glad they zapped the right listing.

      Also, I have the words "Official Copy" in my description. I don't know if that helped or not.

      My author name matches my Amazon username which is on the ebook cover, so I'm assuming they put two and two together.
      Under Construction
  • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
    Heidi White
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    Is it possible to have your eBook on Amazon published under your name (first)- and then sell it as PLR as well.

    Can you have your cake and eat it too?
  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Profile picture of brobdingnagian
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    Congratulations on getting on the front page of arstechnica now if only you could have had a link in there
    Wonderful, now my idiocy is truly on parade. LOL. Oh well.

    I have since added a link to my sig.
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      M Thompson
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      Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

      Wonderful, now my idiocy is truly on parade. LOL. Oh well.

      I have since added a link to my sig.
      I was too polite to say that ... but it did cross my mind!

      hmmm is a PLR product quite the right sig link in the circumstances

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      • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
        Profile picture of kindsvater
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        I have never understood the desire to publicly post: I spammed [pick your service] and was banned.

        But since you're apparently just going to rewrite the PLR, the lessons about quality and unique content (not just quickly rewritten content) has apparently not been learned.

        It is truly amazing how much time people spend on something that (1) does not have a high profit opportunity to begin with, and (2) carries a high risk of having all that time simply being deleted.

  • Profile picture of the author sadiecopywriter
    Profile picture of sadiecopywriter
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    As a ghostwriter for years (and a newbie to Internet marketing) I must say I'm little stunned. I was under the impression you're always supposed to rewrite PLR. In fact, unless I'm doing a specific paragraph by paragraph rewrite for a client, I just treat it like research and ideas and rewrite from the ground up.

    Some PLR articles are very good. They're a great starting point. But you have to assume everybody's already using these exact same articles. It's better to combine them from multiple sources to create one good piece of work.

    In fact, one of my biggest writing jobs right now is rewriting PLR for my clients so it's not even identifiable as the article it started with. People choose me because they know I can produce a brand-new interesting article from a pretty common PLR.

    Mercedes online writing services

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    • Profile picture of the author Doot
      Profile picture of Doot
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      The main thing is to keep your head up and keep trying Your attitude after you got slapped is very good, don't let this get you down just keep pushing
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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        Here's another thing about using PLR for the 'research'...

        You may want to do some fact-checking of your own. More than a few PLR providers consider reading and rewriting a few articles from directories as "research".

        I have more than a few PLR products on my hard drive which sound perfectly reasonable if you're totally ignorant of a subject. To anyone with even half a clue about the subject, the factual errors are glaring.

        Ignorance of a subject is to expected from the buyer of a basic text on a subject. It's unforgivable from the so-called expert author peddling the "booollshiiittt".

        With a few notable exceptions, my only use for PLR is to suggest a basic structure for a book and to point to possible areas of interest for further research. I don't rely on PLR authors to provide accurate information.
  • Profile picture of the author sifiauthor
    Profile picture of sifiauthor
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    I've had people using this program STEAL from me by taking sections of my books and posting them as their own. Why not do something unique-- write your own damn book? Amazon may just kick you off, but I've retained a lawyer. If someone copies any of my books beyond fair use, you'll be paying in court. Already got one down. Going after the rest.
  • Profile picture of the author Link
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    I agree that producing your own high quality content is the way to go. I also agree that using PLR material for ideas, concepts, and even good phrases and titles can work great.

    These products take longer to create, but hopefully that will make you think more about the niche you're in, the customers you're targeting, and the product you're delivering before you put it up. Getting all these things right, plus high quality content, will translate to much better results anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author Christian Chan
    Christian Chan
    Profile picture of Christian Chan
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    Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

    Just a heads-up to anyone who is using PLR to publish ebooks on Amazon: KDP is cracking down hard on anyone with duplicate content. You'll get the following email:

    Lessons learned:

    1. Don't believe every crap WSO that comes out about Amazon publishing! I had 22 books up, which only took a long weekend to "write" (more like format) and publish. I wasn't making a ton of money on them, maybe $60 over 2.5 months. Still, it was one of my first tastes of online success--albeit small--and to have it yanked away is a kick in the pants.
    You should ask for refunds. These WSO sellers clearly have no interest in your success. They resort to outright lies.
  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Profile picture of waken
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    Congratulations for discovering it that early. Failure is roadblock that you have to pass before reaching success.
  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Profile picture of brobdingnagian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations for discovering it that early. Failure is roadblock that you have to pass before reaching success.
    You said a mouthful there, bud. It was a harsh lesson, but I'm glad I learned it before I was too invested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shane Bryan
    Shane Bryan
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    I'm fairly new to publishing to Kindle but have had some successes.

    I do buy almost everything available about publishing to Kindle. While I have learned a lot, there is an awful lot of crap being peddled out there too. I knew from beginning that publishing a quality Kindle book "in 30 minutes" was total BS. I stayed far away from most of the questionable methods promoted.

    I do however use quite a bit of PLR in my Kindle publishing and I thought I'd share my experiences with that.

    I like PLR. I'm not much of a writer so I find this a great starting place. I look for quality PLR. I spend a lot of money on it and sort a few gems out of piles of crap. I have published a few pieces unaltered - I thought they were great as is. But I do tend to add to most of my PLR. I don't do a lot of rewriting but I do add more relevant content to improve the book. I also usually come up with my own titles and cover art.

    I too have received a letter like that above on one of my projects. I put an unaltered PLR up that had been floating around for awhile. I didn't realize til after the fact. That letter kinda scared me.

    Later I published a new PLR book I obtained off the WF. Turns out I wasn't the only one. But instead of blocking it, they wrote to me and asked for clarification or proof that I was either the real author or that I had publishing rights to the book. I wrote back and explained to them that it was PLR off the WF. I gave them the link, a copy of my receipt and a copy of PLR license. They published my book 2 days later. At the time there were only 2 other copies up and they both were too lazy to even change the cover art! I just checked again - now there are 5 different copies up! Mine is the only one with original artwork and a print edition available thru CreateSpace! They are letting some duplicate stuff thru. I'm guessing eventually they will evaluate for quality and knock several of these off.

    After this experience I wrote back to them with some questions. And I even got a reply back! First I was worried about getting my account banned trying to publish duplicate content, ie PLR. They assured me that wouldn't happen. What they meant in this warning was something different. - "In addition to removing duplicate books from the Kindle store, please note that if you attempt to sell multiple copies or undifferentiated versions of the same book from your account, we may terminate your account." This was directed to the idiots who try to publish same book to different audiences - ie: Taxes for Doctors, Taxes for Handymen, Taxes for Taxidermists, etc. - where all same other than minor changes. Run into few WSOs advocating doing just this and knew were crap!

    They wouldn't really say but I think the fact that I also publish some physical books with CreateSpace also makes a difference. They have never had a problem associating my Kindle edition with my print book; even when Kindle copies exist. This is just my thoughts based on my experience. I'm not sure is actually valid.

    My adventures with PLR have educated me a lot on publishing. I'm likely to continue using some but do recognize the importance of branching out and creating my own material too.

    I'm not just a publisher. I have always been an avid reader and buy a lot of books - both print and digital. I love my Kindle! I spend a lot of time carefully formatting my books; making them look good and making sure the content is good. Before publishing anything I ask myself if I would be a happy customer after buying this book? Or would I feel ripped off buying a load of crap? I won't publish anything I wouldn't be happy to buy and own. Quality comes first.

    For those of you interested: I have only been publishing to Kindle for about 6 weeks. I have 16 titles up. 8 of those titles are also available as print editions thru CreateSpace as well. I haven't done any promotion. So far royalties from both sources add up to a little over $200. Its not a lot yet but I do see this as a success and will continue building my publishing empire.

    Hope my experiences will help someone else out there.

    • Profile picture of the author mounds
      Profile picture of mounds
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      *Not roasting you here; this is more of a general post*

      Sadly, you see a lot of this kind of stuff on WarriorForum.

      Take a second and imagine YOU are the CEO of Amazon. You set up this great self-publishing platform that could potentially make people a lot of money. Then, some people looking for a cheap fix start uploading garbage, effectively ruining your marketplace. These people begin to threaten your company's income and reputation. You squash them like insects, and your company rolls on.

      Now look at it from the other end. You've heard IM is a great way to make money. After spending some time in the WSO section, you deduce that by purchasing PLR and self-publishing it to Kindle, you can clean up. Lots of people are doing it, but hey, Amazon won't catch on... right?

      Take the following two sentences and brand them into your mind: Amazon and Google are well-managed companies that are not going to allow a bunch of yahoos to ruin their business. If it doesn't look like a good business decision for them, don't expect it to work out for you.

      I learned that lesson when I was 10 years old. I found a guy in Texas who bought and sold dead bugs. I sent him a box of about 500 specimens, most of them ruined. I didn't think he'd ever notice. He did. I got about 400 specimens back, along with a meagre check. Never heard from him again. That's cold, hard reality right there. When you're dealing with real business people, don't pedal BS.

  • Profile picture of the author ocean80
    Profile picture of ocean80
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Looks like it is indeed getting harder and harder to sell at KINDLE...
  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Profile picture of onegoodman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This have been going for a while PLR or MRR, they both going down on kindle, they are not happy with duplicate ebooks over there
  • Profile picture of the author luvtrees
    Profile picture of luvtrees
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can't believe they ever accepted all the duplicate and PLR books in the first place. Slapping a new title and cover image on content that has been floating around for ages was never going to last.
    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Profile picture of salegurus
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      Originally Posted by Louie Sioco View Post

      Lol if it didn't work on Amazon. Try Barnes and Noble, as well as iBooks, maybe they don't have much content police in their management
      You obviously don't get it.

      Originally Posted by luvtrees View Post

      Slapping a new title and cover image on content that has been floating around for ages was never going to last.
      LOL, i thought you were going to add WSO section at the end of your sentence...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
  • Profile picture of the author becanada
    Profile picture of becanada
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    PLRs are great for bonuses, building opt in listing and of course passive selling with your links in the PLRs [you give away!]...

    Perhaps use the PLRs as a starting point; update the info / add to it ; or even merge multiple PLRs together [and update content]... if you plan to sell / resell...


    David Belton , CEO, Becanada Internet Marketing Center, Since 1995, Over 50,000 How To Marketing Resources; Tools, and Software to automate internet marketing and increase sales/traffic:

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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Profile picture of YasirYar
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    I noticed this as well. The only real solution is to take PLR books and rewrite them so that they really are your own unique creation. Not the easy money that it used to be, but I knew those so called courses were a waste of time and money.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

  • Profile picture of the author Robin3972
    Profile picture of Robin3972
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I thought I'd give the Kindle PLR book business a try and upload some ebooks, too. I put three up there sometime in June. I have many plr books on my hard drive and thought this might be a good use for them and a way to make some easy money. It was worth a shot I thought. I was too busy with my other biz at that time to put up anymore though right then so I didn't get around to uploading anymore.

    About a month after I put those three up I got a similar email from Amazon saying that they had taken down 2 of the books because they were the same as many others.

    However, they still have the third one up there even though it is the same as others. Probably a matter of time before it gets taken down, too.

    So, any more that I put up in the future will definitely be rewritten considerably.

    It is too bad that I missed out on the easy money but this is a good thing for consumers that they are cleaning house and getting rid of a lot of the spam / duplicate stuff that is out there.
  • Profile picture of the author georgebush
    Profile picture of georgebush
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    i have 2 books on kindle - one has sold none, the other has sold 4 in 3 months, both took me about 3 months to write each! i can see why people opt for the easy route, however, having said that. john locke made £1 million with only 9 books!!!!! so i figure you do not need hundreds of books in the first place -- you just need a few really good ones that people will appreciate -- i think maybe the other problem is finding the right niche.
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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      Originally Posted by georgebush View Post

      i have 2 books on kindle - one has sold none, the other has sold 4 in 3 months, both took me about 3 months to write each! i can see why people opt for the easy route, however, having said that. john locke made £1 million with only 9 books!!!!! so i figure you do not need hundreds of books in the first place -- you just need a few really good ones that people will appreciate -- i think maybe the other problem is finding the right niche.
      If you look into the story (which Locke sells on the Kindle platform), he sold a million books by doing the work to market them and build his audience. He didn't get there by slapping some PLR up and waiting for the checks to roll in...
      • Profile picture of the author georgebush
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        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you look into the story (which Locke sells on the Kindle platform), he sold a million books by doing the work to market them and build his audience. He didn't get there by slapping some PLR up and waiting for the checks to roll in...
        i did not say he got there by "slapping some PLR up and waiting for the checks to roll in" - neither was i suggesting it --- if you reread what i said i am saying that a few good quality books are better than many cheaply/quickly produced "plr" products!!!!!!

        i have to assume you are agreeing with me
        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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          Originally Posted by georgebush View Post

          i did not say he got there by "slapping some PLR up and waiting for the checks to roll in" - neither was i suggesting it --- if you reread what i said i am saying that a few good quality books are better than many cheaply/quickly produced "plr" products!!!!!!

          i have to assume you are agreeing with me
          Pretty much...

          The "slapping some PLR" remark was directed back to the folks who seemed to believe that having tons of crappy books, loading them onto the platform, and sitting back to wait for the sales to roll in were misled.

          Locke learned his market, created products that appealed to them at a price they couldn't resist, and did the work to connect with them. Sounds like a pretty sound plan to me.
      • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
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        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you look into the story (which Locke sells on the Kindle platform), he sold a million books by doing the work to market them and build his audience. He didn't get there by slapping some PLR up and waiting for the checks to roll in...
        I know this is an older post...but I have to add that what many people don't realize is Locke did not quite follow what he says he did in his book to build his eBook business. He was busted for buying tons of good book reviews

        Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

  • Profile picture of the author Lambert Klein
    Lambert Klein
    Profile picture of Lambert Klein
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    Thank Goodness Amazon is doing this. It only makes sense.

    Why would they want to give their customers bad service?

    You should write your own unique books or hire someone to do it for you. Let's clean up the internet garbage.

    Wish PLR didn't exist.

    WordPress Domination: from Beginner to Ninja in 7 Days

  • Profile picture of the author focused
    Profile picture of focused
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    This is a good move by amazon.
    It not only protects its brand.
    it removes all that duplicate content that diminishes
    the buying experience on amazon.
    Kindle success will now require more originality
    and continued marketing efforts.
    • Profile picture of the author marco005
      Profile picture of marco005
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      It will be far more better than these amazon plr ebook business, you find new good affiliate products (ebooks or physical products) with low competition, set up a good written micro site about that topic,invest little bit in seo, rank and make money with commissions up to 20$ per sale (with or without a list-you must test it).

      there are affiliates who makes banks every months.

  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Profile picture of seobro
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    Hey, amazon is just not the same company even. There have been a lot of changes guys. For example, people are claiming that they are removing reviews. It gets worse. Accounts are being taken away. Still remember liking the old amazon. Yeah, that was a very long time ago.
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      Hey, amazon is just not the same company even. There have been a lot of changes guys. For example, people are claiming that they are removing reviews. It gets worse. Accounts are being taken away. Still remember liking the old amazon. Yeah, that was a very long time ago.
      **Changes like removing reviews they feel are "gamed" - which truthfully would be quite a few these days.

      **Changes like requiring ebook writers to actually "write" rather than lump together some old PLR and call it a "book"?

      How dare Amazon make changes to improve the QUALITY of their brand?:rolleyes:

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author kimfal
    Profile picture of kimfal
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    I had planned on doing the "easy, fast" way myself, but I definitely won't do it now.......hehehe
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Dawidowicz
    Paul Dawidowicz
    Profile picture of Paul Dawidowicz
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    I'm not so sure Amazon is acting as suggested above: look at this author Mike Morley: Kindle Store

    He has 236 book and most are PLR..he has done this all of 2013 and is still there
    • Profile picture of the author marketingva
      Profile picture of marketingva
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      Originally Posted by Paul Dawidowicz View Post

      I'm not so sure Amazon is acting as suggested above: look at this author Mike Morley: Kindle Store

      He has 236 book and most are PLR..he has done this all of 2013 and is still there
      That is odd Paul. I just sent an e-mail to a customer service rep asking why this person is allowed to publish public works but yet they stop me from doing it.


      Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

      • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
        Profile picture of GarrieWilson
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        Originally Posted by marketingva View Post

        That is odd Paul. I just sent an e-mail to a customer service rep asking why this person is allowed to publish public works but yet they stop me from doing it.

        Boy that was nice you. :rolleyes:

        I'm sure either he hasn't been caught yet or he had the first ones there.

        Screw You, NameCheap!
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        • Profile picture of the author onSubie
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          Originally Posted by GarrieWilson View Post

          Boy that was nice you. :rolleyes:

          I'm sure either he hasn't been caught yet or he had the first ones there.

          Actually he published PLR just the last couple of days as well as all last year with barely any changes. I was able to find many books (all the ones I checked) at PLR sites just by Googling the Title or information in the preview footer he didn't change.

          His Kettle Bell Training book is retitled and credits him as Author in the Amazon listing but he did not bother to change the original title, author or even the original 3D plr ebook cover on the actual Kindle book.

          Just scrolling down his list you can see he didn't change many book covers if you have been to any PLR sites.

          I have no idea how he flies under the radar.
        • Profile picture of the author GlobalTrader
          Profile picture of GlobalTrader
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          Originally Posted by GarrieWilson View Post

          I'm sure either he hasn't been caught yet or he had the first ones there.

          I looked over several of the books he has listed and then did some minor research on when they were released and I believe that your 2nd conclusion is correct - he is the first person to publish the PLR book upon it's initial release on Amazon Kindle, thus it is considered new material to them and they do not ban him?


  • Profile picture of the author joshril
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    Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

    Just a heads-up to anyone who is using PLR to publish ebooks on Amazon: KDP is cracking down hard on anyone with duplicate content. You'll get the following email:

    Lessons learned:

    1. Don't believe every crap WSO that comes out about Amazon publishing! I had 22 books up, which only took a long weekend to "write" (more like format) and publish. I wasn't making a ton of money on them, maybe $60 over 2.5 months. Still, it was one of my first tastes of online success--albeit small--and to have it yanked away is a kick in the pants.

    2. Of course anyone with more than half a brain (I stand disqualified, for obvious reasons) knows that you can't just take raw PLR and slap it into an ebook template and publish it.

    3. Amazon is tightening up BIG TIME. This is Amazon Panda!

    The takeaway? I'm going to continue to use PLR as an idea base for my ebooks. There's a lot of great PLR material out there, but you have to be a good enough writer to be able to put it all into your own words. Amazon craves unique content for its customers, not a bunch of recycled crap!

    Anyway, I'm sure a bunch of us got those emails this week! Just wanted to gnash my teeth for a bit. Thanks!

    It was really just a matter of time before this happened...

    Amazon was originally in search of content, so they were pretty relaxed about the content they got... (Not saying your content was necessarily bad, just not overly unique)

    Now they have more than enough quality, UNIQUE content, so they are doing this.

    Good post, and again the moral of the story is that there aren't a lot of shortcuts out there that work for the long haul. When you produce quality (UNIQUE) content that benefits others, you'll have success.


  • Profile picture of the author Joshnano
    Profile picture of Joshnano
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    To be honest, the only way PLR content can really be utilized in a Kindle situation is NOT by
    posting up some mediocre PLR book.

    You can use PLR content, but don't copy paste 'your entire book into microsoft word' kinda thing. Use it for ideas/content/etc.

    You could honestly use an entire bit of PLR for a chapter or what parts your book is appropriate for it, UNDER 2 CONDITIONS
    It has to be good, and flow together. If you were to buy this, would you feel ripped off? can you stand by the eBook yourself?

    and you need to either A) Reword/Rewrite it or B) Expand upon it by writing more with it.

    Atleast this way, you can still tuck in the PLR while having a GOOD QUALITY product. You just have to make sure you're not sticking up a steaming pile of crap and expecting people to buy it.

    Yes, you can put hard work in and create an awesome quality ebook using PLR. You just gotta think outsite the box, only use PLR for parts of it and be expansive on it.

    HOWEVER, Like always it's best to rewrite the PLR content entirely. Those that are lazy are going to want to stuff their books full of different PLR content but the more unique, the better!

    I'm curious, has anyone every taken DIFFERENT PLR content and put it into a QUALITY ebook with their own writing changes/additions? I could totally see this is a faster way to produce a optimum quality product. You just have to make sure the PLR isn't old, used everywhere and isn't crappy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Tom Addams
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    I'm so sorry to hear this, brobdingnagian; and for everyone else that it's happened to, as well. It was bound to happen, but still an awful blow.. I've given your initial post a well-deserved thanks, because I'm sure you'll have given a heads-up to many people in a similar boat. I hope you can turn things around quickly; losing an income stream - something that's happened to me, too, on occasion - is always very painful.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Profile picture of nicheblogger75
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    PLR has it's place and it's uses. Simply slapping a bunch of PLR articles into an ebook and then having a $5 ebook cover made up on Fiverr is not a good way to use PLR IMO. I've always just used it for ideas. I've rebranded PLR video products in the past, but I've always added my own content as well and my rule is that if I'm going to use PLR to create a new info product, then it has to be rewritten and must be less than 50% of the product. And as for using PLR videos in your info product, I only use videos that are on general topics and that are exactly like the video I would have made myself. It's a time saver.

    For instance, let's say I wanted to create a basic affiliate marketing product for newbies. It's perfectly OK to include PLR videos that demonstrate things like how to buy a domain, set up a hosting account, set up a WordPress blog, etc. However, when it comes to the actual meat of the product, I believe that the customers want to hear my voice and see me doing it and speaking to them in the videos.

    I have personally purchased info products before only to open the videos and see that I have the product already and it's just a 2 or 3-year old PLR video course that someone made up a new sales page & graphics for. Not a good feeling. And it ends up in me asking for a refund immediately.

    Like I said, PLR is great and has its uses, but it's important to know just what the uses are and not to go too far with it.
    • Profile picture of the author Joshnano
      Profile picture of Joshnano
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      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      PLR has it's place and it's uses. Simply slapping a bunch of PLR articles into an ebook and then having a $5 ebook cover made up on Fiverr is not a good way to use PLR IMO. I've always just used it for ideas. I've rebranded PLR video products in the past, but I've always added my own content as well and my rule is that if I'm going to use PLR to create a new info product, then it has to be rewritten and must be less than 50% of the product. And as for using PLR videos in your info product, I only use videos that are on general topics and that are exactly like the video I would have made myself. It's a time saver.

      For instance, let's say I wanted to create a basic affiliate marketing product for newbies. It's perfectly OK to include PLR videos that demonstrate things like how to buy a domain, set up a hosting account, set up a WordPress blog, etc. However, when it comes to the actual meat of the product, I believe that the customers want to hear my voice and see me doing it and speaking to them in the videos.

      I have personally purchased info products before only to open the videos and see that I have the product already and it's just a 2 or 3-year old PLR video course that someone made up a new sales page & graphics for. Not a good feeling. And it ends up in me asking for a refund immediately.

      Like I said, PLR is great and has its uses, but it's important to know just what the uses are and not to go too far with it.
      That's why you use cohesive, relevant and quality articles to use for your ebooks in addition to reworking them a bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author popstocks
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    you know the drill. w.s.o. about method = death just around the corner.
  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    Ricardo Furtado
    Profile picture of Ricardo Furtado
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    I was wondering how Amazon was allowing PLR to be sold. Well that settles it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    All the best. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Profile picture of schttrj
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    Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

    The takeaway? I'm going to continue to use PLR as an idea base for my ebooks. There's a lot of great PLR material out there, but you have to be a good enough writer to be able to put it all into your own words. Amazon craves unique content for its customers, not a bunch of recycled crap!
    Now you are talking!

    Although it is not a good idea to base your eBook on the PLR structure since they are too rehashed and unoriginal for the purpose, you can still get the fundamental list of topics to write about.

    So yeah, it is good.

    And I always believe, it is always better to write ONE awesome eBook than to crank out a hundred CRAPPY ones.

    What say?
  • Profile picture of the author amark12
    Profile picture of amark12
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    Thank God I Found this Thread. I was Actually Planning to start Publishing PLR Ebooks on amazon.
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