Autoblog best practice: whether to fetch partial or full content from feed?
I am not sure if I should post in this section or SEO.
I am looking for suggestion on this from sometime however not getting many.
I really need opinion and advice here. I have a website which I have started using as autoblog. I don't have time to write content so I thought of making use of autoblog. I am using Feedwordpress to fetch content from around 100 websites related to web design/development/photoshop and seo.
As I already mentioned that I don't have time and money for writing(or hire writer) own content. So want to make use of the website and if possible earn few bucks monthly. Keeping panda in mind and fear of being penalized what do you guys suggest:
Whether I should fetch full content from the rss feeds and display on my website (with link to original source off course)
Display partial/excerpts only and the title/read more link taking to the original source.
Which one is better and safe practice keeping google panda and its penalization in mind. Or both will have same impact.
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