Free ways to make money with Clickbank

25 replies
Ok guys, I've been looking around on clickbanks marketplace and have some digital products that I can promote but because I don't have much experience with marketing. I was wondering if I can get some information on some "FREE" ways on how to promote clickbank products. I'm broke and can only use the free methods. I've tried blogging with wordpress, blogger, classified sites, etc. that are some free methods that I know off the top with no success. I just want to make my first sale with CB and keep going with that method

ONLY reply if you can provide free methods, NO SPAMMING material such as pointing me to a squeeze page where I have to pay $47 or $19.95 to see a so-called secret method on the internet. I've seen these before and can tell some are a complete "scam".

Let me know what you guys have....
#clickbank #free #make #money #ways
  • Profile picture of the author GeToS23
    I'd recommend that you contact a few fanpages on Facebook, see if they're interested in monetizing their page (a lot of people don't know it's possible), arrange a deal with them to split the profits, and promote clickbank or anything that the fans might want to buy.

    Hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      Originally Posted by GeToS23 View Post

      I'd recommend that you contact a few fanpages on Facebook, see if they're interested in monetizing their page (a lot of people don't know it's possible), arrange a deal with them to split the profits, and promote clickbank or anything that the fans might want to buy.
      The same thing can be done with YouTube videos.

      There are tons of them who get thousands of targeted views...

      But they have absolutely no idea about how to monetize them

      (except usually for the obvious video ad)
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Why didn't blogging work for you?

    Not enough traffic, or no conversions after 1,000 visits or more?

    Blogging with social media works well. You can create some quality content that helps people in your niche and post it to your blog, then share it on social media groups of people in your niche.

    If you create content that helps people and share it on 20-50 related groups, you'll get visitors to see it. And if you get visitors looking around, they'll visit affiliate links too.

    You just can't expect to write an article and not promote it, or expect to write an article and get an immediate sale either.

    Those shares will stick around, and people coming to those groups will visit and buy a few days from now, or maybe never from one article.

    To succeed you need to create content daily and work your way up to using paid methods like your own domain and autoresponder.
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    • Profile picture of the author unbeatable45
      Originally Posted by Victor Edson View Post

      Why didn't blogging work for you?

      Not enough traffic, or no conversions after 1,000 visits or more?

      Blogging with social media works well. You can create some quality content that helps people in your niche and post it to your blog, then share it on social media groups of people in your niche.

      If you create content that helps people and share it on 20-50 related groups, you'll get visitors to see it. And if you get visitors looking around, they'll visit affiliate links too.

      You just can't expect to write an article and not promote it, or expect to write an article and get an immediate sale either.

      Those shares will stick around, and people coming to those groups will visit and buy a few days from now, or maybe never from one article.

      To succeed you need to create content daily and work your way up to using paid methods like your own domain and autoresponder.
      Blogging involves SEO and since Google has changed their search algorithms around to make it harder for bloggers to get at least on the search engine, it is almost impossible to do. You may say it is easy to create content to get on a search engine; but, it isn't especially with the low competition keywords, competition analysis, and so on. You don't have to believe me, but it is the honest truth.

      Andrew Simmons
      Author/Writer for Hammered Gaming

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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        hard work and creativity


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by unbeatable45;[QUOTE

        You may say it is easy to create content to get on a search engine; but, it isn't especially with the low competition keywords, competition analysis, and so on. You don't have to believe me, but it is the honest truth.
        Thanks funny, I do this all the time without a single back link and get traffic and sales. You don't have to believe me, but it is the honest truth

        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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      • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
        SEO still works, it's just a little different now. You don't build anchor text links now, you gotta focus on quality domain links now, but SEO isn't needed for blogging. Traffic is.

        That's why I mentioned using social media for your traffic.

        Forget about Google, they don't care about you anyway.

        Just go around it and straight to where people are at. Facebook, Youtube, Forums, G+, Twitter, LinkedIn... that's where your target market is.(or maybe yours is slightly different)

        So if you create something they care about, they'll look at it. That's all you gotta do, I know people love to make it sound more complicated, but with affiliate sites are you need is some good content and access to social media groups & you're good to go.

        Share the content, get the views. Get the views, get the sales.

        Originally Posted by unbeatable45 View Post

        Blogging involves SEO and since Google has changed their search algorithms around to make it harder for bloggers to get at least on the search engine, it is almost impossible to do. You may say it is easy to create content to get on a search engine; but, it isn't especially with the low competition keywords, competition analysis, and so on. You don't have to believe me, but it is the honest truth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    All kinds of free ways to make money with Clickbank. Probably in your best interest to put up squeeze page, and market to leads in email marketing funnel. Make sure the commission rate makes it worth while. Simplest way to do it. Hope you know how to drive traffic to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author egoldzone
    I use facebook group to promote and I made some sales
    > Instant Traffic Formula : Top Affiliate Make $568K in 30 days
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  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    Establish an online presence. Start with a Tumblr blog? Use your signature in this forum to point to your 'online presence'. Get some social media up and running. Prove your authority in a chosen niche and build an email list off the back of your expertise.
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonvthomas
    My suggestion as follows

    Get an Free Amazon S3 account as now you can host complete websites and pages there. They will do a $1 transaction on your credit card, so you better have one.
    Get Plr content edit them and then put up the complete package there. I meant the upsells, the downsells, oto's etc.

    You need a pro auto responder like Getresponse or Aweber and then can either automate it send all your subscribers to a main list of yours, once they reach the free downl;oad page - or manually move them to your main campain list when they are finished with all the promotions on that particular campaign when they joined your list. These other free product you can even offer them within your main list too.

    If you want a totally free email system then either get Listwire or you can also use mailchimp, but its only for for 2k customers. But the main drawback with the free ones is that you wont be able to setup autoresponder messages. But then you can always send a broadcast message.

    The point is make money free and then upgrade your service providers.

    Promote promote..
    On your main list you promote and also give enough helpful material like good products, how to information etc so that they continue remaining in your list.

    And finally when a good product arrives you send a broadcast message. Thats where the main money is.

    Video marketing
    And also dont forget Youtube which is a very good / the best platform to promote good products. make a review or show them a Camtasia recording of how that product works and will benefit them. Your video and affiliate links will be there forever, someday it will make a sale.

    Why just Clickbank? they are over prized, and most of them start their trial with wso's to find the conversion ratios. Signup with warriorplus and see if you like promoting these products. They tend to convert more.

    Social Marketing.
    I [refer mainly Facebook only. If you are a produict creator, then build a Facebook page. Put up the same S3 squeeze pages on your Pacebook page tabs. PS: Facebook iframe tab will only display secured webpages. so Amazon S3 pages is just perfect for that.

    Display the likes on your sales page of your Facebook page and maybe add Facebook comments on your sales page so direct Facebook Feedback's can be given by your visitors or buyers.

    Use a reveal tab where you give the free ebook or videos in exchange for a FB LIKE.

    Eventually these techniques will make sales. Trust me.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    Here is a post I made previously with free ways to make money on Clickbank.

    Twitter and Facebook are great too...
    Free 40-page eBook "How To Earn With CPA Offers"
    + 14 Free Traffic Training Videos -
    Click here now. (no opt-in required)

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  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    Search buyer keywords. Match to a product. Make a video. Perhaps add a bonus and host on your Wordpress site.

    Of course there are details that can be added to each, but all can be done for free (apart form the obvious costs related to hosting etc).

    Discover the only A-Z of Video Marketing and for your content, check this out: Premium Video and Full PLR Packs - Free $4,961 case study

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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    Traffic Exchanges: Probably it seems to be time wasting, but definately the most effective. Most forums I have visited have said in many posts that they received a lot of their sales from traffic exchanges websites. In case that you don`t have the time surfing for credits for advertizing your website, you do have the option of buying them or upgrading and my best one website called "Traffic Swarm"
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    use google alerts, with keywords in your niche.

    Then comment on blogs where terms around your niche show up.

    You could make $200 a day doing this in the right niche.

    Otherwise build your list. Listbuilding with clicbank go together like a honey and a bee, they stick and work like a champ.
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  • Profile picture of the author lukeblower
    You tube would be the obvious choice for me. Pick a product, pick a connected keyword, and give an authentic review.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ihate9to5
    'Free' really means use have to invest time in it to make it happen.

    Life is for living

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  • Profile picture of the author unbeatable45
    I do appreciate all the responses, there is some ideas that have come to mind that I can use based off the responses. The only thing that worries me the most anytime I'm trying to get traffic is accidentally spamming. I don't want to get into trouble...but I believe I just keep my nose pointed straight and not go off-topic, then I think I'll be fine. I just don't need to duplicate content that can set off any red-flags. I've heard many rumors and have seen that are some sites that you can't even promote clickbank products...Why is this?

    Anyways, thanks for the intel that you guys have given...If there is anyone else out there that has some ideas, post them on here.

    Andrew Simmons
    Author/Writer for Hammered Gaming

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  • Profile picture of the author danmatic
    I need the secret method to sell products on clickbank
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    • Profile picture of the author unbeatable45
      Originally Posted by danmatic View Post

      I need the secret method to sell products on clickbank
      the problem is that there is a secret, just no one wants to share...The only truthful marketing system is your own. Any marketing video that you find on youtube is by other amateurs that get very little traffic or none at all or for some marketing gurus that are really making money but they are putting the headline that reads "How to make money on Clickbank" or "How to make money on Amazon" and all it shows is the so-called successful marketer showing off how much money they are making instead of their secret behind the income. or showing you what you can be doing to make money--instead saying you'll have to buy their e-book, software, whatever to make money to see results...this is false marketing and is a bunch of lies.

      Andrew Simmons
      Author/Writer for Hammered Gaming

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  • Profile picture of the author yohn1985
    I have no clue with everyone is always asking for FREE this and FREE that if you dont put some money into it, it wont work, but anyways some ideas are to make a free page on and optimize it for certain keywords, or perhaps use youtube and make a video, the same could be done there.
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    • Profile picture of the author unbeatable45
      Originally Posted by yohn1985 View Post

      I have no clue with everyone is always asking for FREE this and FREE that if you dont put some money into it, it wont work, but anyways some ideas are to make a free page on and optimize it for certain keywords, or perhaps use youtube and make a video, the same could be done there.
      When some people don't have the resources, then the only way is a free way. Free ways work, you just got to put some effort into it and besides if you start spending money on programs are sometimes worthless, then you'll have to make a profit. I've tried PPC before to put $25 for advertising and never got one sale, you can lose money than make it back.

      Andrew Simmons
      Author/Writer for Hammered Gaming

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      • Profile picture of the author taxtorpedo
        Establish yourself as an authority figure around your
        chosen niche.

        In order to do this set up a free account at a social
        bookmarking/content curation site like Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation. |

        This is a site where YOU control the content. It has
        an extraordinarily good set of search resources that
        will suggest content around keywords of your selection.

        When you decide to publish (weekly is good), ALWAYS
        ADD VALUE by making some informative analysis on
        any curated content you publish. You can extract quotes
        as a means of provoking further reading.

        You can populate your curated content with affiliate
        sales pages (limited in number). As long as the
        affiliate products are highly relevant, you will definitely
        make sales.

        Obviously, as has been stated by many above, you can
        drive traffic to your site through social media.

        However, a powerful alternative is blog comments. Use
        Google Blog Search which is Google's search
        engine for blogs. Do a daily search for your most valuable

        When you make a blog comment, put your url
        in the website box. If your comment is meaningful and
        adds value, people will click on your name and be taken
        to your curated content.

        TEST the strategic placement of your affiliate page(s)
        in different locations.

        Sometimes you may want to include a link to your url directly in the blog comment (with a variety
        of anchor text). has an RSS feed that you can promote for your
        individual pages. Very powerful.

        Start today!! Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author unbeatable45

    Andrew Simmons
    Author/Writer for Hammered Gaming

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