{Free Download} More Powerful Than Email Marketing? - Get Electric

10 replies

Hope you guy are having an awesome, electric day.

So as we know email marketing is an awesome... Incredible way way to make a passive income, there's no denying that but as of late there has been a little confusion on how the impact of Google's new layout will affect us marketers. I've gotten this week over 50 emails talking about this very subject. Mainly emails like,

Hey Daniel, have you been getting less opens for your campaigns?

My answer is no?

Here's why.

As most successful marketers tell you, it's not always about "the money is in the list"

It's about what's in the list.

Remember there has to be a foundation built "inside" of the list, as well as the outside (which lots of people have a great opt in method).

My goal was to find a way to not have to worry about email marketing so much. Email marketing will always be successful but when a major change comes we either adapt or drown in the pond of the less creative.

So, you guys can download my solution called

Email Marketing Timeless (no opt in)

#dannygnenerate #download #electric #email #free #marketing #powerful
  • Profile picture of the author kimlinnh
    I can not believe the way to make a passive income, can not deny it, but as of late have been a little confused about the impact of Google's new layout will affect our marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by kimlinnh View Post

      I can not believe the way to make a passive income, can not deny it, but as of late have been a little confused about the impact of Google's new layout will affect our marketing

      This is a natural transition to blend one marketing format with another. There is really nothing to believe or not believe, I'm telling you facts. Google Plus is being used by businesses all over the world in different ways, I"m just presenting one of those ways.

      The new layout is nothing big in my opinion. I'm on my phone 99% of the day like most people are and I get ALL my alert as if they come to my inbox. This is just something to alleviate the worry of Google's change. We as marketers need not to spend time worrying and use that time and energy for coming up with new ways to adapt.

      Ask whatever questions you'd like. Any conversation we have on the Warrior Forum allows us expanded ideas as a whole.

      Warm Regards,


      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

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  • Profile picture of the author ralphragew
    downloading bro..

    thnx for sharing this electric thing..
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  • Profile picture of the author stofrof
    thanx sur for hard work
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  • Profile picture of the author alir500
    Thank you for sharing this guide.
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  • Profile picture of the author webrankingseoservices2000
    You are underestimating the potential of email marketing. Most of the people do not use very high speed internet to support download a meaningful stuff. And useless things do not sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author nhozhuy
    thank you so much
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    • Profile picture of the author dannygnenerate
      Originally Posted by nhozhuy View Post

      thank you so much
      No, problem.

      "How To Get Clients Begging To Pay For Your Services... And Close More Deals FAST!" Get Clients Now

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  • Profile picture of the author RWBiggs
    What a wonderful idea. I absolutely love this.
    Something I didn't think of and I've been
    marketing online since 1995. Learning new things
    everyday. Ain't this great.
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  • Profile picture of the author veekay31
    Some new learning's for me. This helps me in adding new ideas to my marketing arsenal. thanks.
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