Any Other Brian Tracy Fans Here?

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Well besides me? My first experience with Personal Development was the Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracy. Changes my life forever. It is truly amazing that now I work for him as his Business Development Director. It's pretty sweet how this universe works.

Anywho, We would love your feedback. I would love for you to email me direct with your thoughts. For the last few months the Brian Tracy Team has been working hard to launch a new program... we basically put everything Brian has ever done over the past 30 years online.

So here is the deal, we just launched last week. Would love to get some feedback from any early adopters. Right now we are offering the business assessment for free (usually $295), giving a free Teleseminar with Brian (usually $149), and unlimited access for only $1 to the new program called Business Growth Strategies. If you have ever purchased anything from Brian Tracy you know this is one heck of a deal!

I ask is that when you get into the system you set up your profile, watch your first lesson at least the very least, and go ahead and comment. Then send me an email and let me know what you think! In doing so I will be happy to send you one of Brian's best selling e-books.

Business Profitability Assessment by Brian Tracy

I hope you enjoy the value and it helps you find more success in your life!

"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'" - Brian Tracy


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