Feel Good or Bad With These Quotes
I made up some quotes, modified some and took some without changing.
Could be useful for IMers.
So here they are:
The Best Ad
A good Ad is like someone who just saw a girl in a bikini.
It's very hard to stop thinking about it.
The Guru Pitch
I'm not telling you it is going to be easy. I'm telling you
it's going to be worth it.
Your Direction
When nothing goes right .... go left. Or go anywhere except right.
The Mindset
You have a whole eternity to think inside the box ( coffin .. when you're dead ).
So, while you're still living, think outside that box.
Great Marketers
Selling products is not about selling perfect products. It is about how
to make customers see an imperfect product as perfectly fine.
Customers Are Always Right
When you do right, they will not remember.
When you do wrong, they never forget.
Einstein Creative Theory
If you want to look creative to your friends and family members,
know how to hide your sources.
Getting Rich Online
Internet Marketing is about making physical out of digital.
How To Fail
How to fail perfectly well? Based your career entirely on a single project.
The 80-20 Theory
Never tell your problems to anyone. 20% don't care and
the other 80% are glad you have them.
Direct Response Formula
The only way to accept an insult is to ignore it. If you can't ignore it,
TOP it. If you can't top it, LAUGH at it. If you can't laugh at it,
you probably deserve it.
Hope you liked them.
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