Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Total Success! I give away my subliminal software for free
Please excuse me for my English, it is not perfect at all.
I have created this subliminal software several years ago, and I sell it for $39.95 from its official website and thousands of copies are being sold yearly. I first created it for using by myself. One of my friends was helping me in coding, but the idea of creating this software was of mine
I give this software for free to those Warriorforum members who are interested in self-improvement and personal development. I have discovered this forum not so far ago. At first I was simply reading topics, but later I decided to register and join this community that includes so many extraordinary people who share their experience and ideas related to the internet marketing.
The software is based on the subliminal effect and it affects your subconscious mind, imprinting there affirmations related to anything you want- self-esteem, positive thinking, building charisma, quitting bad habits and many more.
With its help I have:
*Stopped smoking and drinking- it is not so easy task .
*Improved my self-confidence
*Lost some weight
*Developed creative thinking: now I have tons of ideas that work in business and in personal life. I will share some of them here at the forum later.
*Became more charismatic and attractive to women
What are subliminal messages?
Here's history:
"In the 1950s, a frightening rumor originated that has never died down. Our decisions can be influenced without our knowledge or control through “subliminal” messages—words or pictures presented in such a way that we don’t consciously notice them. For instance, an advertiser might flash words such as “drink Coke” on a movie screen too briefly for conscious notice, with the result that cola sales go up at the popcorn counter." |
The idea is that you run the Subliminal Flash software in the background on your PC and it runs through lists of predefined subliminal messages to slip into your subconscious.
You just use your computer as normal (play games, read mail, post your topics to the WarriorForum ) and subliminal messages pop up at your screen without you noticing them consciously and they change your beliefs, get you more motivated, boost your self-esteem etc. without ANY effort whatsoever on your part.
The messages that get displayed depend on the categories you have selected.
The software comes with more than ten predefined subliminal sets with titles such as Creative Thinking Mindset, Quit Smoking, Lose Weight Fast and so on.
The entire set covers a wide range of issues that you might want to deal with.
Examples of displayed messages might be: "My creativity flows freely", "I combine old thoughts to make new ideas", "Inspiration is all around me", "I am charismatic" and so on.
You can add your own affirmations (remember, affirmations must be in the present tense and don't be negative).
You can find some additional information about that at the Subliminal Messages official page. But don't buy it from there, as it is free for you!
Here is a screenshot:
Just post anything in this tread (so I can make sure you're a member of the forum), and after that send to me email containing your Warrior Forum nickname to . Don't PM, it seems like I have not enough posts yet to use PM at Warrior Forum.
Please take in mind that there may be a difference between our timezones, but I'll do my best to send you the link to the full version of Subliminal Flash within 24 hours after you contact me.
Currently the program works at Windows systems only.
Please don't share this software with anybody else, as it's cost for those who are not members of this forum is $39.95.
Offer is valid till July 25, 2011. And I think I will make such free giveaways to the forum members on a regular basis.
If you have any questions, you can ask me by email, or post your questions here.
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Check download link (only for current members)
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Check download link (only for current members)
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