Not sure where to put these?

10 replies
I went to answer a post on this thread earlier today... and got typing... and typing... and typing... and typing...

All in all, I now have 39 pages of money theory

I'm a huge fan of PDFs, which is why they're PDFs. Sometimes I'll even convert long, good Forum posts to PDFs on my computer and keep them personally because they're easier for me to read than forum posts, which is why these ended up as PDFs. They don't quite fit the 'free PDFs' section, and they're not 'products' either.

Mostly what I want out of this is to start a conversation about what I wrote. If you're into 'big picture theory on how money and society works', read 'em and tell me what you think.

I suppose I should 'dedicate' them to JamesBuk. Answering his post got me typing 39 pages today...
#money theory #put
  • Profile picture of the author JoeDRL
    Wow you clearly are a writer!
    39 pages just to answer a question on a forum , congrats!

    I might just read it if I get some time, I'll give you my feedback!
    Be happy, be successful,
    ~ JoeDRL
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  • Profile picture of the author webworm
    Great article! I appreciate your hard work and thinking.
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    • Profile picture of the author WilsonJ
      39 pages
      almost 20,000 word count..How on earth did you write that much while replying to a simple forum thread..Unbelievable..
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      • Profile picture of the author DGFletcher
        Originally Posted by WilsonJ View Post

        39 pages
        almost 20,000 word count..How on earth did you write that much while replying to a simple forum thread..Unbelievable..
        Not sure on the word count bit. According to the programs I was using, it's 18 pages of 'raw text', which when formatted out, ended up with 39 pages.

        I checked word count, it's about half that.

        Originally Posted by Matt Red View Post


        You should definitely open a for hire service where you write ebooks and stuff, i cannot believe you just did that on a whim.

        Good stuff too...

        I do freelancing, doing it on WF would be fun. Not 100% sure how to advertise is. (Do I do it as a WSO and get flooded? Do I do it as a Warrior for Hire? etc)
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Red

    You should definitely open a for hire service where you write ebooks and stuff, i cannot believe you just did that on a whim.

    Good stuff too...

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Red
    edit: double post.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBuk
    DGFLETCHER: WOW, i feel truely humbled to be the cause or inspiration for such a response I have downloaded your 39pages and as soon as im free will sit and read it diligently...thank you so much
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  • Profile picture of the author tamiro1992
    wooooooo thats gotta be a record here lol good job. might read it when i get a lot of time on my hands.... prob never
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  • Profile picture of the author shaynjordan
    Wow, thank you for that. I love how you explained it and were so thorough!
    Are You Working In Your Passion?
    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." - Albert Einstein
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