Watch me get 50 people to an SEO Seminar... and turn 5 into high paying clients

62 replies
Hopefully you can watch this work and implement it in your own business (even if you aren't SEO focussed). I know there's a lot of action takers on here, so this should be easy for you to implement.

Here's the 7 step action plan:

1. Choose a date and time
I will go through how I do this in a bit.

2. Book a venue

This can cost or you can barter one for free.

3. Create a sales page
I'll be doing this on my current company site. This will include a vid and some reasons why they should come along. Also a sign up form.

4. Email my list
I have been capturing emails via a free book all about SEO.

5. Use LinkedIn
Add it as an event on there and invite local people I am already connected to.

6. Get referrals
I'll be calling people I know to see who they know that I should be inviting along.

7. Cold Calls
There you go, I went and said it... i'll be calling people as well. I'll explain later how I go about doing this too.

I shall document this from now until the event, which will be on the 8th November.

The GOAL... is to get 50 people there and at least 5 of them will become monthly paying clients that I will keep for a long time.

I have a criteria for what makes a good client and that will influence who I call and invite in the various steps above.

Here we go ...
#clients #high #paying #people #seminar #seo #turn #watch
  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    Step 1. Choose a date and time

    I have already completed this step, so i'll write this one down.

    I have found (from doing many of these) that in my area, people are more likely to come out for a morning than they are for an evening. We do ours from 9.30am till 1pm.. that's quite a while, but you'd be surprised how quick the time goes.

    This may be different for you, so it's worth either testing or speaking to someone that has run events in your area.

    We have also had a free room in the past but we choose to spend £150 on the venue we have because it looks great and the parking is easy.

    If people get annoyed with the parking, you have a job then to get them ok before the event starts. I don't want that hassle.

    We also get coffee and biscuits for that.
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    • Profile picture of the author moneyglue
      This is great, I'll be following with interest. It's something that I've been meaning to do to get a few more seo clients. Dealing with small business I'm suprised that you've chosen that time. I would have thought an early morning start (a breakfast) or a evening event was the way to go?
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      • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
        Originally Posted by moneyglue View Post

        This is great, I'll be following with interest. It's something that I've been meaning to do to get a few more seo clients. Dealing with small business I'm suprised that you've chosen that time. I would have thought an early morning start (a breakfast) or a evening event was the way to go?
        We tried breakfast, evening and morning. For us, the morning has been the best. But as I say, you need to test this out yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pawlett
    Chris, this is a method I use all the time and could help you get your 50 clients in one go, this method also gives you instant credibility and tons of new clients.

    First of all you need to find one potential partner (does not even have to be a client) that is in the professional service industry like an accountant (CPA), lawyer, financial services etc.

    Your partner/client needs to be established with a list of their own clients.
    You approach your client with an offer to run an inexpensive marketing campaign to bring in new business this campaign will do 4 things for them:

    1. Get them back in front of their clients
    2. Attract new clients
    3. Add value for their clients
    4. Introduce new ideas and update the clients on the company.

    Most professionals are always looking for ways to interact more with their clients (or should be!), and are more than happy to put on a presentation.

    So if for example you went with an accountant and they hosted a presentation you would have them book the venue and mail their clients an email you have written for them, the name of the presentation needs to be something that peaks the interest of the client base.

    So for small businesses, something like "10 Ways to Get More New Business Than You Can Handle In 2011". Sponsored by (Name of Accountant).

    I would also tell them that although I would charge for the marketing I would waver my speaking fee! (You could do it all for free)

    I tend to focus on social media because most businesses don't get it!

    When you are speaking you are perceived as the expert, you also have the expert status thrust upon you because they all trust the company that has sponsored the event.

    Once you have done one of these it's easy to get other people in the audience to book you to speak in front of their clients, kind of self perpetuating lead generation.

    This method works and cuts your costs to zero.

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Jude.A
      Originally Posted by John Pawlett View Post

      Chris, this is a method I use all the time and could help you get your 50 clients in one go, this method also gives you instant credibility and tons of new clients.

      First of all you need to find one potential partner (does not even have to be a client) that is in the professional service industry like an accountant (CPA), lawyer, financial services etc.

      Your partner/client needs to be established with a list of their own clients.
      You approach your client with an offer to run an inexpensive marketing campaign to bring in new business this campaign will do 4 things for them:

      1. Get them back in front of their clients
      2. Attract new clients
      3. Add value for their clients
      4. Introduce new ideas and update the clients on the company.

      Most professionals are always looking for ways to interact more with their clients (or should be!), and are more than happy to put on a presentation.

      So if for example you went with an accountant and they hosted a presentation you would have them book the venue and mail their clients an email you have written for them, the name of the presentation needs to be something that peaks the interest of the client base.

      So for small businesses, something like "10 Ways to Get More New Business Than You Can Handle In 2011". Sponsored by (Name of Accountant).

      I would also tell them that although I would charge for the marketing I would waver my speaking fee! (You could do it all for free)

      I tend to focus on social media because most businesses don't get it!

      When you are speaking you are perceived as the expert, you also have the expert status thrust upon you because they all trust the company that has sponsored the event.

      Once you have done one of these it's easy to get other people in the audience to book you to speak in front of their clients, kind of self perpetuating lead generation.

      This method works and cuts your costs to zero.

      Good luck
      Thank you John. You just got my mind racing with some great ideas to help my business with this method. I have been trying to figure out a way to gain credibility in my locality as an offline/online marketing expert, you've just showed me how. Now all i need to do is to stay focused and TAKE ACTION on what you've just shared here.
      Thanks again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jan Hurst
    You can also offer to speak to Rotary Clubs and the like. They are full of business owners and professionals who could be potential partners.

    You can also get two businesses with similar target markets but that don't have the same clients, like an attorney and an accountant, to jointly sponsor a program. They get exposure to each other's clients and can split the cost of sponsoring. That works well if you want to be paid something as well.

    I'll be following this thread as well. Thanks for sharing your tips!
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Ben
    Chris, I'm excited to follow this thread! It might even be cool if you could videotape the final seminar and share it with us here! I obviously understand if you don't want to, but that would be a very cool thing to cap off this thread!

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by Warrior Ben View Post

      Chris, I'm excited to follow this thread! It might even be cool if you could videotape the final seminar and share it with us here! I obviously understand if you don't want to, but that would be a very cool thing to cap off this thread!

      This is a great idea mate. I'll see if I can get a friend of mine (who has an expensive looking camera) to come and film it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JToneyUK
    Chris best of luck, this is very similar to something I read that Warrior Ben (I think it was your post anyway) posted about initially helping out a local charity with their online, social and mobile marketing and then set up a charity seminar for local businesses (that hopefully the charity can recruit).

    It's definately something I'd consider doing in the future if I get up off my arse and start taking action. A quick look at my online banking earlier has done just that!!
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  • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
    I really like this idea and will be eagerly following as you update us on your progress.

    I'm working on ideas of how to establish myself as an authority and also establish a customer base in a city that is about 3 hours away(I live in a really rural area). So I need an efficient way that I can drive up to the city and make contact with as many potential clients as possible. This would accomplish that, and if I use the idea of teaming up with an accountant or some other business that already has an established customer base and push it to them as a way to keep their name in front of their clients and add value to their own services, then I will also be overcoming my lack of existing clients as I ride on the coat tails of their authority.

    Instead of having to convince all of my clients that I am worth trying out without any history, I would only have to convince the initial business that I'd partner with to set up the seminar and then suddenly I'm an expert in the field and people are less likely to question my credentials.

    I can see a lot of people not wanting to do this since public speaking is supposedly the #1 thing people fear (just above death, I guess...) but it sounds like it could be a really effective strategy to me. I look forward to hearing how this goes.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jan Hurst
      Originally Posted by oogyboogawa View Post

      I really like this idea and will be eagerly following as you update us on your progress.

      I'm working on ideas of how to establish myself as an authority and also establish a customer base in a city that is about 3 hours away(I live in a really rural area). So I need an efficient way that I can drive up to the city and make contact with as many potential clients as possible. This would accomplish that, and if I use the idea of teaming up with an accountant or some other business that already has an established customer base and push it to them as a way to keep their name in front of their clients and add value to their own services, then I will also be overcoming my lack of existing clients as I ride on the coat tails of their authority.

      Instead of having to convince all of my clients that I am worth trying out without any history, I would only have to convince the initial business that I'd partner with to set up the seminar and then suddenly I'm an expert in the field and people are less likely to question my credentials.

      I can see a lot of people not wanting to do this since public speaking is supposedly the #1 thing people fear (just above death, I guess...) but it sounds like it could be a really effective strategy to me. I look forward to hearing how this goes.
      Here's what I would recommend: See if you can find someone here on the WF, on Facebook, or through Google that offers services that would be complimentary to yours (not a competitor) in that area. Contact him/her to see if (s)he would like to do an event with you. That way, you have a local person in the area who can help find a place to hold this first event.

      I would recommend doing a preview seminar that presents the exact presentation you want to do. You can invite different categories of potential sponsors: attorneys, accountants, banks, insurance agents, etc. At the end, indicate you can only work with one company in each category at this time, first come first served. It works best if there are competitors in the room. Save the others for later, but stay in touch with them.

      This is a great way for companies to add value to their customers.

      If you are dealing with big law firms or accounting firms, be sure to talk to their business development manager.
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  • Profile picture of the author godinu
    to those using this method and getting others (attorneys, accountants), to sponsor, are such people open to fronting the money for something that doesn't specifically get them more clients? at the end of the day, they want to know what's in it for them. Sure it makes them look good but what else?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4900576].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
      Originally Posted by godinu View Post

      to those using this method and getting others (attorneys, accountants), to sponsor, are such people open to fronting the money for something that doesn't specifically get them more clients? at the end of the day, they want to know what's in it for them. Sure it makes them look good but what else?

      As long as you do a good job with it and are delivering information that will be valuable whether the businesses take your services or not, then the accountant (or whoever) will be increasing the perceived value of the services they offer as well as keeping their name out in front of their clients.

      I used to work for a trailer manufacturer, and every time we sent a load of trailers to a dealer, we sent about 3 ball caps with our logo on them. Did those caps directly make us any sales? No, not directly, but it was a great value because people love free caps and when the owner of the dealership is walked around the shop where they work on the trailers and he saw his workers wearing our cap, it keeps us fresh in his mind. He was more likely to recommend and sell our trailer to a customer, and then order more trailers from us.

      With an accountant or similar service, I would say it is more about adding value so that they don't even consider switching to someone else and are more likely to recommend the accountant to others. If a business owner realizes that their accountant does more than just file their taxes but actually provides information at no cost that can actually help add money to the business's bottom line, then they will want to stay with that accountant and tell all their friends about how great their accountant is.

      That's what's in it for them.

      Bottom line though is for it to be good for them in those ways then YOU have to be good. You can't just go in there and sell, sell, sell... at least not directly.

      I'm thinking you need to provide information in a way that it can be valuable even if they don't decide to use your services. However, you also want to do it in a way that makes it clear that it takes more time than most of the business owners have to do all of the things you're talking about - and that YOU are THE person to come to for these services.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jan Hurst
      Originally Posted by godinu View Post

      to those using this method and getting others (attorneys, accountants), to sponsor, are such people open to fronting the money for something that doesn't specifically get them more clients? at the end of the day, they want to know what's in it for them. Sure it makes them look good but what else?
      It's called business development outreach. You need to stop thinking about what's in it for you and think about what's in it for them. Usually a sponsor gets mentioned in press releases; does a welcome to those attending; may sponsor a reception at the end and send their "sales team" to work the room; provide an offer to those attending; etc.

      It's best to give sponsors a "menu" of opportunities. That way, they can match their goals and budget to the event.
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      • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen

        1. Choose a date and time - DONE
        Chose the 8th November. A Tuesday morning which has proved a good time.

        2. Book a venue
        - DONE
        The venue will cost us £150 for room and coffees etc.

        3. Create a sales page - MOSTLY DONE
        Here is the page on my site: Traffic Unleashed | SEO Event | Get More Traffic to Your Website
        People can book directly and I use Infusionsoft (no affiliate link) to track the people that have booked. Oh.. The page still needs a video.

        4. Email my list
        I have been capturing emails via a free book all about SEO. (To be done - waiting till nearer the time)

        5. Use LinkedIn - DONE SOME
        I have contacted some of the key business owners in my city and invited them along through LinkedIn.

        6. Get referrals
        I'll be calling people I know to see who they know that I should be inviting along. (To be done, starting today)

        7. Cold Calls
        There you go, I went and said it... i'll be calling people as well. I'll explain later how I go about doing this too. (To be done, starting today).

        12 People Booked So Far!!

        From the activities above I have 12 people coming along so far. It hasn't been a big time expense so far, that might happen when I start doing the calls, but they will be to people that I have already connected with on LinkedIn.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    @ godinu theyd be using their client lists so theyre adding value to their clients as youre delivering quality info to them (and then selling at the end)


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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    I hear what you guys are saying about teaming up with people, but for this exercise I am following the plan above that anyone can do.

    Today's activity was inviting some people on LinkedIn.

    From the invites, I had two bookings today.

    These people I will follow up and see who else they know that wants to come.
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  • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
    In your experience, when people book on LinkedIn do they normally follow through? I don't have any personal experience with it, so I'm just wondering if that has a lower level of commitment from the people booking. Then again if you're following up with people that will probably solidify it more.

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by oogyboogawa View Post

      In your experience, when people book on LinkedIn do they normally follow through? I don't have any personal experience with it, so I'm just wondering if that has a lower level of commitment from the people booking. Then again if you're following up with people that will probably solidify it more.
      They do yeah. They are people I am already connected with and I get them to book through my site. Then I send them a confirmation and another email a few days before the event.

      The 'touches' help make sure people turn up.
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  • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
    I'm pretty excited about this idea. I have to admit I'd never looked at LinkedIn at all, and just set up my account today as a result of your posts.

    I have a feeling at this point I would have to primarily use other techniques to book a seminar since I am just starting up my business and have no clients or connections. But I like the idea of potentially using it for future seminars so I might as well start building the connections on there now.

    For this seminar you are booking right now, did you start promoting it the same day you posted this thread or had you already done some promotion?

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  • Profile picture of the author iwillbeontop
    I wish you well brother. I will be following this thread closely...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dylan K
    this is lookin good man, Ill be following along.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    Just checking in guys, glad this is useful to some of you.

    I just sent an email to my list that I have been building up.

    Another four people have booked on within an hour...

    That's a total of 16 at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    I love that someone who said they are going to keep updating us with their progress has actually updated us with their progress!! haha

    This is great stuff man. Looks like you already have a decent amount of attendees and plenty of time to get a bunch more.

    Good luck and be sure to keep us updated!

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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen

    21 People coming so far... one week to go!!

    I created a video today that I will be trying out tomorrow (would love your feedback guys)

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    Could you please write more about how you've got people to sign up for your seminar?

    -25% WF PROMO CODE: "WFPROMO911" (expires on 1.1.2012)
    - High search volume keywords , high CPC keywords, easy to rank keywords
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  • Profile picture of the author 9999
    I like your website. Is this your sales website that you are going to be using for the future?

    Could you please let me know what theme this website is, assuming it is wordpress?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4975179].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by 9999 View Post

      I like your website. Is this your sales website that you are going to be using for the future?

      Could you please let me know what theme this website is, assuming it is wordpress?
      It's a hybrid of wordpress and another CMS.

      I am looking at creating a new site though in the new year.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustMint
    Nice Video Chris - putting myself in your potential clients' shoes I would be very happy to find out more. A good video, well produced and on message, can do a lot of selling for you. Good luck with the event.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrench
    People go to your site to hire you for Search Engine Optimization and... You spell Search Engine Optimization wrong..

    <title>Web Design | Website Design Birmingham | Search Engine Optimisation</title>

    although - nice site, nice vid though!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4975902].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
      Originally Posted by wrench View Post

      People go to your site to hire you for Search Engine Optimization and... You spell Search Engine Optimization wrong..

      <title>Web Design | Website Design Birmingham | Search Engine Optimisation</title>

      although - nice site, nice vid though!
      Hi Wrench, Chris, like me is in the UK, and over here thats how we spell optimisation, you guys replace esses with zeds in a lot of words like this but Chris has it right for the UK market.


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      • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
        Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

        Hi Wench, Chris, like me is in the UK, and over here thats how we spell optimisation, you guys replace esses with zeds in a lot of words like this but Chris has it right for the UK market.
        Thoughts elsewhere?

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        • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
          Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

          Thoughts elsewhere?

          haha yes clearly thanks (changed it now)


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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Hi Chris, like the vid mate looks good and your voice is clear and concise, good work.


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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      Hi Chris, like the vid mate looks good and your voice is clear and concise, good work.
      Cheers. The one inside is a bit "tinny" so I am getting a clip mike.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen

    26 People coming...
    2 days to go!!

    Just a couple of days to go and I have 26 people. Not really the 50 I wanted, but still a good number for the size of room we have.

    One of the people coming is desperate to get their SEO sorted, so that should be one great meeting after the seminar. I'll keep you informed how the rest go.
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  • Profile picture of the author ktmakwana
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for starting this thread. I am following with great interest. Like your website and video. Straight to the point.

    You have proved that with a good strategy and taking action, you can achieve positive results.

    Best wishes for the event.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Chris your video makes me wish I had a UK accent, so polished!

    Well done, look forward to seeing your results from the turnout

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      Chris your video makes me wish I had a UK accent, so polished!

      Well done, look forward to seeing your results from the turnout

      Over here, my accent is classed as 'not so polished'

      Thanks for the encouragement. I'll let you know how we get on.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5003044].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
        Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

        Over here, my accent is classed as 'not so polished'

        Thanks for the encouragement. I'll let you know how we get on.
        HAHAHA glad you said it before I got the chance Chris

        Its a quality localised accent that will reasonate with your local target businesses


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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    Great video Chris. And thanks for keeping us updated. Looking forward to hearing more about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Hey Chris all the best for this today mate. Look forwards to hearing of your success .


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  • Profile picture of the author JToneyUK
    Good luck today, Chris!! 26 people is a great result. 50 was ambitious, but it's always good to aim high. Let's hope you drum up some business out of today. And if not, you've reached out to 26 people who undoutbedly will know of other business owners who need your exact services.
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  • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
    How the seminar goes well today - looking forward to hearing about the results!

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  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur

    I can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm excited for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    Curious how things go.

    My boss and me went to a facebook seminar yesterday and I was surprised that there wasn't an upself of them offering us a service.

    Appears the seminar itself was the plan. Of course it was paid but most we go to have some kind of upsell.
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by oogyboogawa View Post

      How the seminar goes well today - looking forward to hearing about the results!
      Originally Posted by Seantrepreneur View Post


      I can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm excited for you!
      Originally Posted by lordauric View Post

      Curious how things go.
      Originally Posted by JToneyUK View Post

      Good luck today, Chris!! 26 people is a great result. 50 was ambitious, but it's always good to aim high. Let's hope you drum up some business out of today. And if not, you've reached out to 26 people who undoutbedly will know of other business owners who need your exact services.
      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      Hey Chris all the best for this today mate. Look forwards to hearing of your success .

      Thank you for all the encouragement guys!!

      About 20 of the 26 people turned up today. Which I was pretty happy with.

      Two people who called beforehand to say they couldn't come set up meetings with me for next week to discuss their SEO.

      I decided today to make an offer to the room:

      "We will create a report of your site, where it's at compared to your competitors and what you would need to do to rank above them."

      Normally £400, today for £200!!

      3 People bit my hand of for this. These are the people that I know are serious about their business. The £200 gets them a report, but it will be a great opportunity for me to see whether they want SEO based on that report as well.

      Other people in the room, I will follow up with emails to see if they want to take action as well.
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      • Profile picture of the author ktmakwana
        Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

        Thank you for all the encouragement guys!!

        About 20 of the 26 people turned up today. Which I was pretty happy with.

        Two people who called beforehand to say they couldn't come set up meetings with me for next week to discuss their SEO.

        I decided today to make an offer to the room:

        "We will create a report of your site, where it's at compared to your competitors and what you would need to do to rank above them."

        Normally £400, today for £200!!

        3 People bit my hand of for this. These are the people that I know are serious about their business. The £200 gets them a report, but it will be a great opportunity for me to see whether they want SEO based on that report as well.

        Other people in the room, I will follow up with emails to see if they want to take action as well.
        Hi Chris,

        Thanks for sharing your results. What a cool result!

        You have certainly inspired me to take action!


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  • Profile picture of the author Seantrepreneur
    Well I'd say that's pretty good all around. I would guess that you're going to get some interest from a few other ppl as well that just didn't speak up at the event.

    Also, thanks again for keeping up with this thread. It will encourage others to do events like these which can be gold mines! Also, it just goes to show how doable it is if you put a little effort into it.

    Great job!

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  • Profile picture of the author JToneyUK
    Chris, that's a great result!! Would love to know how long your presentation lasted and what were some or all of the topics you discussed?

    At least with some of the no shows, they want a private meeting, so that in itself is a result rather than a lost cause.

    Following up is a great idea. Assuming you came across professionally and shed some new light on what these people can do with their business, they will not treat your e-mails as spam and may want some follow up involvement with you.

    Great work in getting out there, taking action and making things happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    600.00 for three weeks of planning...

    I would say this was an "Awesome Effort" Chris totally commend it...However it appears that cold calling would still be more effective based on these results.

    Still, excellent initiative. Bravo. Loved seeing you talk on VID BTW.

    However the endeavor went, I would say the "man" (Chris) is highly successful and should be commended for doing something most would only TALK about trying! Good for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      600.00 for three weeks of planning...

      Hi John.

      I hear what you are saying, but that was £600 on the day.

      I have a meeting with each of these once they pay their £200 each. These could all be full time clients. Plus two people that booked that didn't come I am meeting next week.

      I know that you can't take a meeting to the bank, so i'll report back next week and tell you how these have gone on.
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      600.00 for three weeks of planning...

      I would say this was an "Awesome Effort" Chris totally commend it...However it appears that cold calling would still be more effective based on these results.
      That will be my December challenge John.

      I'm pleased to have followed a complete thread through on here, I think it's valuable to follow a process from start to finish, so i'll plan and do the same with the cold calling.

      Then compare the two methods, see which one was more effective for the amount of time put in.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Well done Chris, great to see someone start a thread saying theyre going to do XYZ so follow me, and lo and behold they actually do XYZ and we can follow them all the way and not be left dangling after a too tough day for them.

    Feel free without spilling the beans to tell us more about how the day went ie whether you enjoyed it or endured it , what the general energy was like in the room, was there some interaction or was it all you presenting etc.

    be sure to ask all the attendees and especially those taking you up on the offer, for 5 solid contact details of business owners they know of that could also benefit from your services (I meant to say this before and slipped through the net but you can still pull some in)

    Kudos to you for delivering on the opening posts promises, other warriors please note, no massively OTT BS promises that were never going to be kept, no pie in the sky figures or predictions, good honest British business being done.


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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Hey Chris, I sometimes come across the wrong way in let me clarify in case that came across the wrong way, although your responses dont indicate that...

    That was not meant to say it was a bad effort, or to sound less than encouraging... just an observation, more objective. I still think it was a great effort, and highly commendable, wasnt meaning to be discouraging, its obvious that your hopes were higher...I was just commenting on the experiment like one scientist to another... Nothing demeaning meant by it. I launched something yesterday that flopped miserably myself... and I said "Okay that didnt work like a planned..." back to the drawing board.

    Just observing the process with you. $600 isnt bad but it was more than a days work and it wasnt all you had hoped for... Im just saying "Oh well, back to the drawing board". I was hoping it would blow up and make you 10k in a day.

    That would be great news for all of us.

    We all have projects that work out, and ones that didnt work out as well as we planned, the thing is to discover what the best method is for you, and the one that delivers what you want. The process of finding that may require going back to the drawing board a few times...or you just throw an idea out and say "I could get more results with less effort another way".

    Hope this straightens out any potential confusion about my post. Just keeping it real with you because I dont see you as a newbie but rather a comrad in arms.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5020387].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Hey Chris, I sometimes come across the wrong way in let me clarify in case that came across the wrong way, although your responses dont indicate that...

      That was not meant to say it was a bad effort, or to sound less than encouraging... just an observation, more objective. I still think it was a great effort, and highly commendable, wasnt meaning to be discouraging, its obvious that your hopes were higher...I was just commenting on the experiment like one scientist to another... Nothing demeaning meant by it. I launched something yesterday that flopped miserably myself... and I said "Okay that didnt work like a planned..." back to the drawing board.

      Just observing the process with you. $600 isnt bad but it was more than a days work and it wasnt all you had hoped for... Im just saying "Oh well, back to the drawing board". I was hoping it would blow up and make you 10k in a day.

      That would be great news for all of us.

      We all have projects that work out, and ones that didnt work out as well as we planned, the thing is to discover what the best method is for you, and the one that delivers what you want. The process of finding that may require going back to the drawing board a few times...or you just throw an idea out and say "I could get more results with less effort another way".

      Hope this straightens out any potential confusion about my post. Just keeping it real with you because I dont see you as a newbie but rather a comrad in arms.

      Hi John

      Sorry, I think I sounded a little sharp as well.

      Feel really honored that you see me as a "comrad in arms".

      I'm happy to take what i've learned from this, scrap it if need be and find the best way for me to really kill it with my business.

      I think if I people combine some quality cold calling to get the right people to a seminar, they could do really well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Hey Chris -

    Would be great to get an update too on those additional prospects to hear that you closed them and at what price. That would be the difference between a "$600 seminar" and "$x,xxx seminar"!
    Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
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  • Profile picture of the author StepAhead
    yes, this is i was looking up to make more sco or clients. Soon i will share my success story here. Thanks to make my way easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jude.A
    Thank you Chris for starting this thread and for going all the way as promised. I learnt a lot here, and you really inspired me to take action too. I'm happy for the success you achieved, i believe it's going to be much more than the initial $600. I'm sure you'll get more deals in the future even from those who didn't buy now.
    All in all, i think you did very well, and the best lesson i've learnt from you today is to 'take action'.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
    Chris, Thank you for recording your experience. Opening this subject was a great idea and I commend you for it. I too am not considered polished in my speech by many, though some compliment me on the subject. Luckily for us content is more important than polished speech.

    Chris, I like the fact that you did do this on your own without a partner. I actually book a workshop every three months to offer my services to my clients. I have learned several lessons over the past few years that may be able to help your next workshop booked. I will have to give a condensed version for now.

    1. How to increase the number of potential clients you want at the workshop
    2. How to close the gap of those signed up and those who attend
    3. How to get paid for the workshop as well as your services after

    How to increase the number of attendees

    I do a lot of cold calling on the actual businesses. I offer a free 20-30 minute meeting to give a sample of what the workshop is going to be like.

    This meeting does not obligate them to come to the workshop. It is merely and sample of what they will receive at the workshop and a few free nuggets of what they can do. I give something they can use that will help their business regardless if they come to the workshop or not. Doing so adds value and creates a higher number of small meetings.

    The 20 minute meeting, give two of your best nuggets that you are going to give at the workshop. Trust me in this, the giving your best nuggets upfront dramatically increases workshop attendance, and provides one of the reasons you can do number 3.

    How to close the gap of sign ups to attendees

    The change made here is, when pitching the workshop you limit the number of seats and let it be known that it is limited. Thus, creating a since of urgency to get their seat reserved. Also, present each client with a ticket for their seat.

    When there is limited number of seats to which one has a special reserved ticket for it increases obligation. This principle is use at sports games, concerts etc. It works!

    Get paid for the workshop

    When one is marketing a workshop of valuable information it is hard for clients to see its value in the beginning if it is free. Often when people are told about a free seminar they often think “Ok what is the scam here? How much is this really going to cost me when I get there? Probably way more than I want to spend.”

    You are giving a free 20 min meeting where you give free nuggets. Since they are your best nuggets you are excited about, the chances they will be excited also increases. At that point they are ready to pay to hear more. You charge for the limited number of seats to receive this valuable info, that WILL help their business grow.

    Chris to give an example, I charge $200 per ticket for a half day workshop and $350 a ticket for a full day workshop. That is just the workshop. For a day of my services after the workshop I charge a minimum of $2,000. You may be thinking goodness that is a lot, but trust me Chris no matter what you charge per ticket they are receiving much more value than the cost of the ticket. Also, charging a price lets them know that you have something worth paying for, as well as there is no wondering how much its really going to cost in the end as is often the thought of a free workshop.

    Now that they have spent money with you already the likely hood they will after the workshop also increases. Implement what numbers you are comfortable with, but sir you are a professional and all the work you have done deserves pay. People still believe that “You get what you pay for”

    I hope you find my experiences in this field helpful….
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