"The Traffic Myth" - Get Over it.
The "Myth" is that search traffic is the "only" benefit to being on the web.
This is an important understanding, because you are not , in every case, going to be able to use that as your main sales point, if you are honest.
But that doesnt mean you shouldnt make a sale, or that a site cant be valuable to the business owner. This will help alot of people from smaller areas that arent buzzing with activity necessarily.
Here's a shocker:
If I was selling site to a client in a town like "dover arkansas" which is out in the middle of nowhere and has all of 2000 residents...
Dont you think the business owners there still want to be number one?
Dont you think, even though there's no traffic, they still want to participate in the web?
Even though being number one means virtually NOTHING, and they dont even get searched, if they were SEO'd?
Dont you think they want to beat each other in the serps, even though they are all rebels without a cause?
Dont you think they want a web address on their busines cards?
What are you gonna sell them on?
All the traffic?
No reason to point out the obvious that everyone wants traffic, that would be superfluous at best. We all know it.
And ...
Im may be hated for this, because I have sold websites ALL OVER AMERICA... and if you have never left the forum world you wont understand it...
To summarize- If you want to get off the hamster wheel and separate your self you have got to start thinking of more hot buttons than just "traffic", because alot of people who will never get any (I dont care how good you are) still want websites.
I am a guitar player, and I will tell you that if your guitar is made of pine and not spruce , its worthless...just like an seo person would about a website- saying that it has no value to a business owner - unless the search traffic itself creates an ROI.
I might even tell you that you got ripped off on your favorite guitar...lol
Simply not true. Its just me seeing the world through my own eyes and having a shallow perspective.
If you want to get off the hamster wheel, and quit KILLING yourself trying to get a sale...you had better find more than one reason in your arsenal for business people to have web pages.
Take it or leave it.

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âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho