Does direct linking with bing and clickbank still work?

Profile picture of bhaitain
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
12 replies
And do video sales pages work better than text and video?
#bing #clickbank #direct #linking #work
  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Profile picture of shaunybb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by bhaitain View Post

    And do video sales pages work better than text and video?

    in some niches yes direct linking does work, but here is a fact for you...people that direct link only see a typical conversion rate of 1-3%. so only 1-3 people out of 100 will buy from direct linking (on a good day). People will keep wasting money this way and keep going around in circles.

    A much better way is to use a funnel (as most of you guys know) because conversions rates can increase from 3% to 10 or even 20 %. This is the way smart and profitable marketers make money.

    VSL (video sales letter) works a lot better, just look at all the top products in clickbank and you will see they all use some form of VSL!!

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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Profile picture of Enfusia
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      What Shaun says is correct.

      Send that traffic to your lead capture page, get them om your list and then give them the 7 to 20 impressions that it takes for the average person to make a buying decision.

      If you direct link about 97% to 99% of those people are gone, poof never market to them again.

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  • Profile picture of the author r10gordon90
    Profile picture of r10gordon90
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    most people don't buy the 1st time they see a product, so the "smart" thing to do is to capture their email and send them into your funnel(could be a redirect to affiliate page or autoresponder sequence).

    However try to build a relationship with them and don't blast them with promo's all the time. 80% content, 20% promo's.

    Direct linking doesn't work in 2015 and beyond!
  • Profile picture of the author brieunier
    Profile picture of brieunier
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is really interesting, do you have an example of a conversion funnel for an Online Saas with a monthly subscription business model? (Or an example period)
  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Profile picture of cooler1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my experience, the problem with direct linking with Bing and Clickbank is-

    a) Niche related keywords convert poorly even if there is obvious intent in the keyword that the searcher is looking to solve a particular problem i.e. how to cure heartburn fast. It can take 500+ clicks just to make one sale. Also, when you do eventually make a sale, it often comes from a random keyword, so you can't really optimize the campaign and hone in on converting keywords.

    b) Product name related keywords are highly targeted so have a higher chance of conversion, but the CPC for them is high unless the product is very obscure with next to nothing in terms of search volume. So it can cost over $1 just to get 1 click, which means the cost of the campaign ads up quickly so you need to get very good conversion rates to even break even.

    • Profile picture of the author webbizgold
      Profile picture of webbizgold
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Direct linking with Bing and Clickbank can still work, but based on my recent experience, subject to observing the following editorial guidelines:

      1) No auto-playing videos on the VSLs
      2) No exit-popups
      3) A disclaimer/privacy policy (usual legal stuff) that's visible above the fold (without scrolling)

      Hence, as discussed above, it would make much more sense to promote using your own landing pages, be it blog reviews or squeeze pages. Basically, you should be in control of the landing page to be not only compliant to their guidelines, but also more profitable!
  • Profile picture of the author TG2015
    Profile picture of TG2015
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It does indeed still work but Bing has very low search volume for many keywords.
    • Profile picture of the author Iamthetwo
      Profile picture of Iamthetwo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Did it ever work? Not sure about that one. Don't mean to be rude but it's often a lazy approach (direct linking) that creates a self fulfilling prophecy. If you approach it half heartedly, you tend to get half hearted results. IMHO the best approach is a funnel with a free give away pdf. It only has to be a few pages as long as it gives value. Then have the thankyou (after they add their email) land on a highly recommended (by you) product. Then setup your autoresponder sequence to keep hammering on about that product for a few days, then another and another all in the same niche.

      Yes it takes time to set this up. But it works FAR better than direct linking. At least you will have a chance at success this way.
  • Profile picture of the author williamstraus
    Profile picture of williamstraus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with Shaun 100%.

    I have a few direct linking campaigns up in Bing and they do work and turn me a profit. I don't care enough about the niche to build a list in it and scale it up.

    The niches I do care about I always target it to get optins and sell a series of products to.

    Promote my ClickBank Product - The Gut Health Solution - 75% Commissions. Converts 1-2% on PPC traffic. Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Digestive Distress Remedy from a Legit Doctor!.

  • Profile picture of the author moneyroad
    Profile picture of moneyroad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've read several posts about bing and clickbank, so decided to try.
    I thought bing ads may have more benefit if direct links can be placed.
    Unfortunately it did not work well.
    Yes, I've made a research on money keywords, found a really good deal, made ads, but after spending 50 pounds and analysing my mistakes I realised,- it does not convert at all from my perspective.
    Rather to drive traffic to blog or landing page instead of direct deal on clickbank.
    People buy from you when they trust and trust comes during time.
    peakminute - blog about marketing and online business
  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    Profile picture of solarwarrior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    They still works if no one is competing with you in that niche.

    But with landers, you can increase conversion with a lower advertising expenses.

    If you care to visit my thread, you can see many examples on how people are
    succeeding with this method.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!

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