Fixing a massive traffic drop after rebranding

by Administrator
2 replies
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Rebranding happens for various reasons -- it could an M&A, PR problems, or perhaps investor demands that warrant a brand change.

If you're launching a completely new site design with the rebrand, it's gonna take a long time to recover, if you recover at all.

What are some of the challenges you've encountered after a rebrand?
#drop #fixing #massive #rebranding #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    This is,absolutely true .Rebranding is the same as,pivoting so when businesses do make that move it shows that their business IQ is high .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11791040].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author evilclown
    Brand search is a strong signal, it's very important that people start searching for the new brand rather than the old. Extra marketing making sure that the new brand searches overtake the old brand searches is imperative!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11791344].message }}
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