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Unread 1st Feb 2016, 11:43 PM   #1
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[MUST READ] Explaindio Video FX – Simple Video Effects Software (EVFX review)
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What is Explaindio Video FX? How does Explaindio Video FX works? Is Explaindio Video FX good? These are some of the questions we hope to explore on this thread. Keep reading to learn more about the new video effects software by Andrew Darius along with our EVFX review and bonus.

The Explaindio brand by Andrew Darius is known for taking traditionally complex (and hence expensive) video work and make it effortless for the average person.

The History of Explaindio Brand:
Back in summer of 2015, Andrew made Explaindio to help business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, and webmasters create videos without any technical skills. It was a simple drag-and-drop solution. He has now done this again with a video effects software; Explaindio Video FX is a drag-and-drop solution to adding video effects to stock videos, making video transition better, or working with green screen videos. You can now add video effects to your videos without any hassle.

Explaindio was loved so much because of its powerful functions to increase attention, communication, and sales online for its users. ExplaindioVideoFX likewise was created to help you with increasing attention, communication and sales online by making your videos stand out with unique video effects or remixes. It is also intended to help you with video backgrounds to make your website unique.

So why do you need Explaindio VideoFX if you have Explaindio?
Video was the most effective form of content and communication online. Still, now with more people using video today, your video must be better suited. As with everything, when it becomes main stream, the audience attention tends to falter elsewhere. This is why Andrew Darius and the team at Explaindio have now released Explaindio Video FX to help you better captivate your audience and use video more effectively today.

Andrew Darius is making things fresh again with Explaindio VideoFX; Explaindio VideoFX is a video effects software that effortlessly adds video “filters” to your video. It recreates your video with the effect you choose. There are 30 different effects available on Explaindio Video FX for various purposes. It’s a must have tool for those who are video fanatics.

Yet, why should you use Explaindio Video FX over other video effects tool?
Andrew made video accessible to anyone with Explaindio 2.0. It was simple to use yet deceitfully powerful to be able to pretty much create any form of whiteboard video, animation video, and typography from scratch or template without any technical skills. Basically if you need a person to make easy, something typically complicated, Andrew’s the guy. He’s done it before and you can trust he’ll be doing it again with Explaindio VideoFX.

That concludes our 101 review of Explaindio VideoFX. If you’re interested in learning more about Explaindio Video FX and the new video effects software then keep reading. Else I recommend you jump here and get your discounted copy of ExplaindioVideoFX with our bonuses detailed bellow.

What is Explaindio Video FX
(1) Add effects to videos: Explaindio Video FX allows you to convert your video into a whole different ball game with various effects. It’s an effortless drag and drop system. Select your video and have the software do the work for you. The video effects software works easily to add various video effects to your current video simply with drag and drop editing.

You may wish to do this if you’d like to create blurred video for your website background or perhaps to fit the theme of your website/brand by making your videos more like cartoons. Even still, you may wish to make your video look old-school by taking the black and white approach.

There are numerous video effects that you can easily apply to your videos to “add some color”. Make your video seem more vibrant or perhaps make it relevant to your website. You can even stack effects if you wanted a cartoon effect onto a green screen video. ExplaindioVideoFX provides tremendous flexibility and improvements to your video with the click of a button.

Here’s the list of effects that can be done with Explaindio Video FX:
(1) Green Screen (2) Black and White (3) Blur (4) Bright (5) Cartoon (6) Chemo Borders (7) Color Balance (8) Color Overlay (9) Distort (10) Edge Detect (11) Fade In (12) Fade Out (13) Flip Horizontally (14) Flip Vertically (15) Frame Rate (16) Glow (17) Glowing Edges (18) Hue (19) Invert Colors (20) Opacity (21) Pixelate (22) Pasteurize (23) Remove Noise (24) Remove TV Logo (25) Reverse (26) Saturation (27) Sepia Tone (28) Sharpen (29) Sketch (30) Stabilize (31) Vertigo (32) Vignette (33) White Balance (34) Zoom

Some of these functions are only available under the pro version however.

(2) Create green screen videos: Explaindio Video FX also permits for you to convert green screen video background to the video backgrounds you want easily. It has a green screen feature which allows you to opt any color to be replaced. Like any good video effects software you can also set the color balance, brightness, and contrast of your video to better fine tune your green screen video output.

If you’re looking for an easy to use green screen video software then ExplaindioVideoFX will serve the purpose well. You can even stack effects on top your green screen videos!

(3) Do video transitions effortlessly: Next, Explaindio Video FX serves as an easy way to merge your videos together. If you have a video based in whiteboard style but need to make it work with another video in animation style, Explaindio Video FX can help you piece the two together.

The feature works like most other video effects software allowing you to place video transition slides between your two different video styles allowing for effortless transition.

This will mean that you’re able to make your videos flow together better and get more creative with different video styles in one video. This is a feature that will be liked by those who already own Explaindio Video Creator.

Explaindio in Summary:
What Andrew is doing with Explaindio Video FX is to make video effective again in a few clicks with his video effects software. Sales pages that had videos typically converted better than those which didn’t. Websites that had video, typically had lower bounce rate than those that didn’t.

People who used video marketing on Youtube tapped into mass audience of highly targeted traffic. You get the point, video was powerful, video worked and now with video effects software you can make it work even better by making your video stand out.

Beyond video effects, the tool also helps you with creating video backgrounds. Many websites are also now updating to include video backgrounds to their website which captivates their attention – it’s different and it works especially with video being so widely used today. These are typically videos of the product/service and the operation that goes behind the product/service; it’s then blurred to ensure that users can still be attentive to the content on the page in front of the videos.

ExplaindioVideoFX can help you to convert any video into a blurred video to be used for your background video. It also features a host of other video effects that can suite your utilization in any way you might like whether to make something slightly different or to make a great video with cool effects in your intro and outro.

In summary, Explaindio Video FX is a video effects software. It’s not as complex as other video effects software although it serves the basic functions of adding video effects, green screen video software, and video transitions. It allows for easy drag and drop usage without the typical learning curve with most other video effects software. It’s flexible enough for multi-uses and simple enough for quick usage.

Who is Explaindio VideoFX for?
Video Marketers – Video marketers will appreciate the simple and easy to use video effects software. Explaindio Video FX allows video marketers to do more with their video creator. ExplaindioVideoFX is not a video editor or a video creator; Andrew made that clear – it is however a very niche product with versatile uses that allows for efficiency and simplicity.

You can make your video transitions better to merge two video together. Perhaps you want an Intro and Outro in presentation/interview form with a whiteboard sketch in the meat of the content. You can make your video fit together without much work or thought by simply using video transition with Explaindio Video FX. Perhaps, you have a live video but it’s a bit too formal, make it more friendly to your niche with a cartoon effect.

Maybe still, you have a perfect video that you want to make it as a memory or reflective look within your presentation (or your transition) then you can easily turn the video to black and white with the ExplaindioVideoFX video effects software. (Have a video presenting the present, jumping back to the past with black and white using a transition in between).

There are many possibilities that are opened with this simple video effects software. While it’s basic and simple, it opens a lot that can be done with three major functions done well. It also is a huge time saver because of the niche based product (when a product gets too many function it usually gets too complicated to use – most of which you won’t use anyways.)

Webmasters – Webmasters will appreciate Explaindio Video FX to captivate your audience. Take green screen videos and wow your website audience with attractive and attention getting videos that communicate your message. It makes video creation easy by being able to record your narrative video and then overlay with an interesting background to create a professional presentation video for your website.

Create a welcome video for your Hawaii vacation site with a background of the Hawaii beaches. Take the opportunity to introduce your audience to your website features and services (article content, forum community, or link resource) and finish your video with a call to action for what you would want your traffic to do – book their Hawaii vacation or sign up for more information? This will definitely reduce your bounce rate. It will also increase your conversion rate!

Search engine optimization – Search engine optimizers will LOVE Explaindio Video FX. Turn your PLR videos into unique looking videos with ExplaindioVideoFX, video effects software and get a link back to your website.

(1) Find a niche relevant video. (2) Swap your video to a black and white or cartoon effect, maybe merge a few videos together. (3) upload your video with a backlink. Then promote that video for more link juice towards your website. It’s an easy way to get more backlinks to your website effortlessly that will get you more traffic as well.

Video backlinks are great for link juice and traffic (regardless of do follow or no follow)

How does Explaindio Video FX work?
Don’t be deceived by the simple looking video effects software. While the user interface is simple for you, it’s actually a really complex piece of software to make your video effects throughout.

Imagine having to convert a video entirely frame by frame? The software does a lot of work while you simply have to click a few buttons and drag your video. This is tremendous value and time saver for you. Let’s take a look at how the software works.

(1) Select your video: Drag and drop one of the videos you’d like to use into the Explaindio Video FX software to apply effects to. The software will load the video into the software and then allow you to watch a preview of the video before and after any edits. This helps you understand what may work best for your video in terms of effects.

(2) Choose your video effects: Next, it’s simply clicking which effects you want. If you want to “cartoonify” your video or if you want to make your video less edgy. Click the corresponding effect and clicking apply to get Explaindio Video FX to work for you.
Here are some things to note:
- You can apply more than one effects.
- You can also undo the effects applied if you don’t like the pre-view with a click of a button.
It makes it easy to use. It’s a very good video effects software by allowing you to preview, stack, and undo video effects conveniently.
If you want to choose the effect pertaining to contrast and color balance then you have to choose your % selection leaving you the flexibility to see what you like best with the software preview. This is where video review comes in very useful.

(3) Save your video: Finally, once you’ve found the effect set that you like, the software has done the work for you of converting the video with the new video effects. All you have to do now is export your video file for use!

The Explaindio Video FX software does the video processing for you and spits out a ready to use video applied with your desired video effects.
Using Explaindio Video FX is simple in 3 easy steps. There’s still actually a lot more to the software.

What I really like about Explaindio VideoFX is the simplicity of use for the users and yet the complexity of function the software does to provide flexibility and multi-functions; this is what most good software do – taking complex tasks, break it down, and automating while ensuring it’s easy to use by people. (Making hard things easy for people). It also opens a lot of possibility of use for this video effects software.

I hope you enjoyed our Explaindio VideoFX review and if you have any question or comments please respond bellow the thread! Don’t forget to check out our special Explaindio Video FX bonus bellow to get some extras with your EVFX purchase.

Explaindio Video FX Bonus:
Humble SEO Book ($17 Value): Get a digital and print copy (with free shipping worldwide) of our latest Humble SEO Book.
This is a useful resource for SMB owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up enthusiasts. We go through the basics of onsite optimization and creative ways to promote your business or website online for traffic.

Video starter package ($27 Value): We’ll help you send some minimal but natural traffic to your video along with social bookmarks and social signals.
It’s a very basic package to get your video flowing. This is an excellent Explaindio Video FX bonus for those wanting to get more from their video. Use this to get more people viewing your video and more traffic to your website!

Click here to get Explaindio Video FX with bonuses.

We hope you enjoyed our Explaindio Video FX thread and take advantage of our special bonus. If you need a simple video effects software then EVFX is definitely the tool you’re looking for!

Please comment and share; thanks for reading our Explaindio Video FX review & bonus thread.

More Product Information:
Vinci3D Bonus - Grab the special launch bonuses on this Vinci3D thread. Vinci3D is a new product also by the Explaindio team and Andrew Darius who brought you Explaindio Video Creator. This cool software helps you create intro videos in 3D. We've created a lengthy Vinci3D review and tagged along some incredibly cool bonuses. We have the BEST bonus for Vinci3D hands down. (slightly bias but it's true. Grab it from us while it's still here)

YouZign 2.0 - YouZign 2 is now here. | MemberFactory - Read our Member Factory review and bonus. Don't miss it. SEO Small Business Package!|SyncLeads review - Read our Sync Leads bonus and review. |VidProtect
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Unread 3rd Feb 2016, 12:21 AM   #2
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Re: [MUST READ] Explaindio Video FX – Simple Video Effects Software (EVFX review)
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Unread 21st Oct 2016, 12:39 AM   #3
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Re: [MUST READ] Explaindio Video FX – Simple Video Effects Software (EVFX review)
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Method 1. Create Effects in Videos with Video Converter Ultimate
Enhance Videos with Special Effects
Step 1. Add video to the program after launching it
Step 2. Create special effects in video
  • Add Filters to Video
  • Adjust Volume/Brightness/Contrast/Saturation
Step 3. Apply effects to video
Step 4. Convert and save video on PC

Method 2. How to Add Effect to Video with Video Editor
Step 1. Import video file
Step 2. Add effects to video
  • Add Music
  • Add Filters
  • Add Overlays
  • Add Transitions
Step 3. Export video to computer
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