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PaulCounts.com War Room Member Join Date: 2007 Location: Greater Seattle Area
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| ![]() Grab Private Label Rights to a Proven 6 Figure Product Totaling Over 1,328 Minutes (Over 22 Hours) Hands Down The Largest PLR Video Course Ever Sold On The Warrior Forum! Grab Private Label Rights to a Proven 6 Figure Product Totaling Over 1,328 Minutes (Over 22 Hours) & Over 450 PowerPoint Slides Teaching People Everything the Gurus Know To Make Money Online! Own a Full 12 Month Membership Site In A Box or Your Own Massive Home Study Course! Top 5 Reasons To Secure PLR To This Brand New Easy Sales Blueprint Package * Instant ownership to a proven 6 figure selling product. * All the content you need to setup a 12 month membership site easy! * Over 450 PowerPoints loaded with content so you can produce your own live trainings and webinars to presell this course or create videos to drive traffic! * All Templates: Sales page, Squeeze page, Download Page, Thank You Page, 7 Series Email Follow Up Messages * The ability to quickly turn this course into a physical package and make $497 to $997 per sale! ***Offer Being Pulled Soon*** (Only 14 PLR Copies Left!)
Hello, This is a rare and powerful opportunity for you to pick up Private Label Rights to a fully redone home study course that sold for $497 and was part of an actual 6 figure launch! Well a few months back my business partner Jeff Wellman decided it was time to completely redo this course and he got a wild idea to create it unbranded so he could sell you the private label rights to it! More Content In This Course Than a $1,997 Guru Product Launch! ![]() Literally you can walk away from this page with PLR to an unbranded course that easily rivals many of the $1,997 guru product launches going on out there in terms of content! Don't believe me on this? Just read what some of those that have gone through this training and had to say about it.
What You Can Do With This Amazing PLR Opportunity You know by now that having your own product is one of the best things that you can do for your business. Not only does it increase your credibility, but it also allows you to sell a product that you can make 100% profits on! Well this package is truly special because you are getting the rights to an entire year long membership or enormous home study course that you can package as a physical product even and sell to your customers. You are getting PLR to over 20 hours of intense online business training plus over 450 PowerPoint slides that you can use to conduct your own webinar trainings and more. ![]() With this one of a kind PLR package you can: * Setup a 12 month fixed term membership that you make monthly residual income on! Drive traffic to one page each day and generate income for up to a year from customers you worked to get one time! * Package this product onto multiple DVDs and sell it as a home study course for $497 to $997 or more! Net hundreds of dollars in profits with each and every sale! * Sell this entire course as is...simply add your name to the sales page, add your payment button, and upload the files and you are ready to cash in selling this entire package in digital downloadable format for $97 to $497 per sale! * Break each 1 of the 12 modules into a separate product and upload it to Clickbank so you have over 10 product live on Clickbank so you can cash in with massive commissions and generate a huge subscriber base with an exit pop on each one of these product pages. * Transcribe the audio from the videos and create your own ebook to complement the videos you already have the rights to! Make your package completely desirable to the market so they can’t help, but give you the money for your new products! * Sell On Auction Sites – Burn the video files to a DVD and sell the course on eBay or other auction websites to tap into a huge influx of new interested buyers! Believe it, or not people buy information products on eBay all the time! Simply upload your sales letter and start potentially profiting like crazy! Just sell the DVDs for a price that does not devalue them at $97 or more! * Turn Into A Massive Home Study Course – Convert all of the training over to DVDs, transcribe the audios into physical workbooks, and now you have a “thud factor” physical home study course that can net you even more per sale! * Increase Affiliate Profits for Yourself – Simply use elements of this course as a bonus, or parts of it, as a bonus for higher end affiliate offers and make people want to buy through your link! Make it a no brainer for them to give you the commission instead of going to the competition. * Bring On Affiliates To Launch These Products for You – Turn this course into your own package and sell it through affiliates by doing your own launch with it! Remember this course has already proven to produce a 6 figure launch already! * Learn From The Products Yourself – These 12 modules are absolutely jam packed with information on how to list build, how to drive targeted traffic to your website, how to make more money online, and how to run a successful online business. Even if you don't sell these products, but just go through the training you can gain a ton of value! People paid $497 when this product first came out on the market just for the training with no PLR or resell rights at all! * You Keep 100% of the Profits! You keep all the profits from every sale you make of these products! They are 100% yours now, and you get the money instantly instead of having to wait to get paid as an affiliate! What Does This New Training Course With PLR Cover? Here is a breakdown of what you will find inside each of the 12 modules. Module 1: Getting Started & A Winning Mindset (Total Running Time: 115:08) * Questions to ask before getting started * Setting goals that will get results * Overcoming your mind traffic Part 1: “Getting Started Online - What’s First" (Running Time: 53:02) Everyone needs to start somewhere and the last thing we want is confusion! Learn how to conquer making money online once and for all! Know what questions to ask yourself before you start up an online business and discover your answers. Learn and understand that the process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go with your business. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Part 2: “A Winning Mindset” (Running Time: 62:06) Your Mind Is Your Strongest Weapon! - You may think you have this one under control. Let me show you how this is the single biggest problem that keep so many people from ever getting the results they are really capable of getting, and how you can live in your greatness! You are about to discover a brand new way of thinking as you turn those “I Cant’s” into “I Can’s” Find out how to get in the right mindset and exercise it regularly Module 2: "Passion to Profits Niche Discovery” (Running Time: 86:32) Finding a niche seems easy right? So many struggle with this simple step and in this module you'll learn how to find Niche Markets and know that your targeted market will be eager to buy your Niche targeted products that ensure you reaping the benefits. Learn how specializing your marketing efforts will actually bring you more business and higher conversions. Understand the market's "hot buttons" and be prepared to communicate with the target market as an understanding member---not as an outsider. Module 3: “Your Backend Products to Create Lifetime Customers" (Running Time: 88:45) Understand what your One Time Offer will be, learn how to create a down sell or up sell. Coming up with new products and services is a lot of work but it provides you with a great return on your investment; besides, if you don't create new products and services for your customers, your competition will. You do not want to just think "let's make a sale…You have to see the sale as the start of a relationship. You need to plan ahead and ask "What's next?" "Where do I go from here?" We will get you thinking, supplementary products, complementary products, and upgrades to existing products. Module 4: "Setting Up A Business System" (Running Time: 77:37) Support, finding a good system to use, what to look for, our favorites, and the positives and negatives to them. Module 5: “The Irresistible Offer - Creating & Positioning Your Signature Product" (Running Time: 102:10) Learn how to become the next hard hitting Info-preneur and easily dominate any red hot niche just by creating and selling information. Understand what makes a TOP quality Info Product and how YOU can achieve those elements in a zap! Know how to “Make them an offer they can’t refuse”. Know how proper relationships with your list will help you create the products they crave. Module 6: "Interviewing the Guru - Transfer of Power & Credibility” (Running Time: 82:07) You need credibility and you need to establish yourself as the expert in your chosen niche if you want people to believe and trust in you enough to buy from you. This one method allowed Jeff to create a product in 3 weeks, generate over $100,000 in 30 days, and build a list of over 10,000 subscribers and helped him become the expert in a niche he knew nothing about. Module 7: "Lucrative List Building - From Scratch to Millions" (Running Time: 129:42) Step-by-Step instructions explaining exactly what you need to do to START, BUILD and MANAGE your own opt-in mailing list. This e-mail course takes you by the hand and guides you thru the very basics of list building then unto some Advanced Business Models you can follow to build your list. Module 8: "Traffic Secrets Revealed - Your Internet Traffic Jam” (Running Time: 94:17) You have built your website and waited for people to see your website, but your main problem is getting customers in the door. The very first step to making a sale is to let your customers know that you exist and letting them know where they can find you. Once you know how, where, when and why you should do things…You will begin to see amazing results Module 9: "Email Relationship Mastery - Emails That Get Results” (Running Time: 105:10) You get the emails every day from marketers selling you on programs... there's a method to the madness and a way to write that will get your emails opened and get you more sales with every email. Know how to properly start using Email to Reach Your Target Audience and build and manage strong customer relationships with your list of subscribers. Understand how to, and actually write your first follow-up "Autoresponder Message" so that you can send out to your list on autopilot. Start sending email to your entire list at the same time with the click of a mouse. You will walk away knowing why 2-way communication is a must with your list. Module 10: "Joint Ventures Nothing More Than A Win-Win” (Running Time: 97:05) JV’s (Joint Ventures) are always a source of discussion. The JV Partner is the secret to generating thousands of the most qualified "cash-in-hand" prospects to your offer. Find out what they want from you, how to contact them, and how persistence will pay off. Module 11: "Psychology In Marketing - The Launch Process" (Running Time: 105:12) You'll find out methods to pulling in more sales and getting prospects to say YES to you when it comes to pulling out their wallet and handing you money! Discover how to get your JV’s fighting to get out a promotion for you and driving massive traffic to your sites during the launch process. Find out what drives people to got to have when reading your sales pages… It is all in the psychology and getting inside the mind of the customer. Module 12: "Affiliate Marketing Survival - Beating the Beast” (Running Time: 248:33) This 3 part training will give you all the information you need to start making money online and give you the info you need to become a successful affiliate. Find out how those affiliate marketing experts are making thousands of dollars online every year. When you know why they are highly successful, you can begin to replicate their success. Find out how you can get access to thousands of affiliate programs in your niche, and so much more. Sample Videos It is one thing to read about all the content being offered here in these modules, so we decided to provide a link so you can actually watch one of the modules. Click below to watch the module 3 training on backend marketing strategies and the module 6 training on interviewing the guru in your niche for fast product creation. Click Here To Watch Module 3 Sample Click Here To Watch Module 6 Sample Notice how much detail and content is provided with just this one training. Now imagine you will have the PLR to 12 modules just like this! What Is Your Time Worth? We all know that one of the most valuable resources we have is time so you know creating a course of this magnitude would take a ton of time and cost you a lot of money because time is money. So let's just imagine for a moment that you know everything we have compiled in this course so you could train on it and you value your time at just $15 per hour which is very conservative. If you add up the 22 hours of training alone that would cost you $330 worth of time just for recording. Now for each 1 hour of training there is easily 3 hours of preparation (PowerPoints) and another 1 hour of rendering the videos and working with the recordings. So that is an additional 4 hours per hour of recording or another 88 hours of time on this training! So in total you could easily put in 110 hours of your time into this course. At just $15 per hour it would cost you $1,650 to create this course! Now, most of you value your time at $50 to $100 per hour or more so just continue doing the math and you can see that conservatively for PLR to this turnkey course you should pay around $1,500! Stay tuned because you won't pay close to that! Completely No Risk Investment - 100% Money Back Guarantee Policy Offering a refund on a product like this is risky simply because it involves PLR and it is easy for someone to rip us off. Well, we decided that we would still offer people a 7 day refund on this which gives you a full week to check out the product in full. We are doing this because we know the value of this course and we are fully confident that you won't even consider refunding this after you get it, but the refund is here to prove that we are willing to remove all risk for you! So What's Included Again In This Amazing Turnkey PLR Package ![]() Over 22 hours of video content you can Re-brand & sell for 100% profits online and have your own massive product or membership! (These recordings come with an editable source file available for each!) PowerPoint Presentations that go with the training course. You have the right to Brand as your own and add even more content and record your own live presentations or workshops with these. In total there is over 450 content rich slides in this package! Squeeze Page Template Download Page Template Thank You Page Template Sales Page 7 Series Follow Up Presell Messages (7 Emails) How Much for All of This? As outlined above you know it could easily be justified that in time alone this course could cost you well over $1,500! Also, remember earlier when I mentioned people have paid $497 just for the training alone with no rights? Well, you won't have to pay either of those figures! You can easily sell a course of this magnitude for $297 in just one shot, but we aren't even going to make you pay this price! Right here and right now you can grab private label rights to your own turnkey home study package for a ridiculous price of only $147! ***Final Chance For Right Now - Offer Being Pulled Thursday, October 14th*** Limited Copies - Only 200 PLR Licenses Will Be Sold (14 PLR Copies Left) In order to keep the value high with this series I have put in special rights that you have. You can brand the videos and edit them however you like though, and of course sell the package as-is, or create your own hot product from the content. Please note that you can include this in paid membership sites with personal use only. We do not want people buying this and putting it into mass resell rights memberships for $4.95, $9.95, or $19.95. * Suggested Selling Price: $197 * Minimum Selling Price $97 * If you set up a monthly membership with each module, all the monthly payment should be added up for at least $97 or more for the year or term. (Example: $9.97/month for 12 months is $119.64 for the year = OK and $4.97/month for 12 months is $59.64 for the year = Not OK) [Yes] Can be sold [Yes] Can be edited [Yes] Can be offered as a bonus for high end paid products [Yes] Can be included in "paid" membership sites only with Personal Use Only (No Resell Rights Memberships) [Yes] Can Sell Resale Rights - Only can pass rights to your customers. Your customers cannot pass on any rights. They can only sell the course. No MRR. [Yes] Can be combined with other offers. [Yes] Can be turned into DVDs. [Yes] Can claim yourself as the author or producer of the videos. [Yes] Can sell on eBay.com. [Yes] Includes Sales Page [No] Can pass Private Label Rights [No] Can Pass Master Resale Rights [No] Can be used as free web content [No] Can be given away free [No] Can be uploaded to YouTube or other video hosting sites. [No] Can be sold as a WSO. [No] Can offer as a bonus to a WSO, or resell on the Warrior Forum as a Classified [No] Can pass the editable source video files and PowerPoints along to customers. If you are still on the fence here just remember that you are getting rights to a massive course that you can sell for more than what we are asking for the one time PLR payment! Also, we are backing this up with a 100% money back guarantee. This is truly an insane deal and one of the top offers yet to be offered in 2010. Take action on this before you forget and grab ownership to your own membership or course!
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Paul Counts, Host of the "Count On Us Internet Profits Radio Show" | ||||||||||||
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| ![]() Re: Grab Private Label Rights to a Proven 6 Figure Product Totaling Over 1,328 Minutes (Over 22 Hour
Alright Paul I hope you are having a brilliant 2011! I have just PM you because I am need on your urgent assistance please ![]() ![]() |
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Renaissance Warrior War Room Member | ![]() Re: Grab Private Label Rights to a Proven 6 Figure Product Totaling Over 1,328 Minutes (Over 22 Hour
Do you have an example site this is being used on
**************************** Buy a benefit, live your dreams. Never buy a dream to get a benefit. Am I the only person not allowed links to his sites in his signature. ***************************** | |
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