PPC Testing Questions

10 replies
Hi everyone,
My name's Matt.
I've been researching ppc/cpa for months now.
Despite all my research I'm just now discovering the true "gems" that I needed before I wanted to start ppc & I still have a few unanswered questions, I was hoping you warriors could help me out. First off, I'm wondering if it's a bad idea to bid on relevant keywords that aren't in my ad-copy or landing page? Also I'm wondering what are sub domain keywords? & from your experiences, is it better to test or optimize a ppc campaign using the default landing page that is already associated with the offer then create your or is it better to create your own from the start?
#ppc #questions
  • Profile picture of the author Filter
    Hey Matt, welcome to WF

    Bit of a loaded question there. If you're talking about Google Adwords, then bidding on keywords that your landing page isn't optimized for could very well affect your QS (quality score) and hence your CPC bids, or even get your ad disapproved by the big G before it even gets off the ground.

    But if you're talking about a CPV/PPV network, then normally, no problem at all (within limits) - bid on whatever keywords/URL's you want, your lander won't make a bit of difference (again, up to a point of course).

    Not sure what you mean about sub domain keywords....???? Are you talking about deep domain URL's with CPV? Can you elaborate?

    As far as the split testing goes, it's always best to test as many as you can. It really depends on what ad network you're advertising on and the type of offers.

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    • Profile picture of the author DivineD
      Originally Posted by Filter View Post

      Hey Matt, welcome to WF

      Bit of a loaded question there. If you're talking about Google Adwords, then bidding on keywords that your landing page isn't optimized for could very well affect your QS (quality score) and hence your CPC bids, or even get your ad disapproved by the big G before it even gets off the ground.

      But if you're talking about a CPV/PPV network, then normally, no problem at all (within limits) - bid on whatever keywords/URL's you want, your lander won't make a bit of difference (again, up to a point of course).

      Not sure what you mean about sub domain keywords....???? Are you talking about deep domain URL's with CPV? Can you elaborate?

      As far as the split testing goes, it's always best to test as many as you can. It really depends on what ad network you're advertising on and the type of offers.


      Thanks for the warm welcome, Filter.
      I really appreciate your help
      I saw the phrase sub domain keywords on a thread on another forum, someone suggested using them, I wish I could elaborate more but unfortunately I have no idea what they are. I have a few more questions, I'm hoping someone might be able to answer. Firstly, are there any tools like PPC Bully, that are rather inexpensive & work? Secondly, is $1400 a good budget to start a ppc campaign with on adwords taking into account that I may need landing pages, hosting, & possibly programs/subscriptions in addition to clicks? Thirdly, would it be a bad idea to run a campaign with only one landing page that is very high quality that you haven't tested but split test more ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author kyubei
    How is PPC Bully? Anyone have any experience with it?
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    • Profile picture of the author mtmjohn
      Originally Posted by kyubei View Post

      How is PPC Bully? Anyone have any experience with it?
      I've never used PPC Bully myself but have heard of it here and there. It looks like a good ppc spy tool.
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      • Profile picture of the author RichardHK
        Originally Posted by mtmjohn View Post

        I've never used PPC Bully myself but have heard of it here and there. It looks like a good ppc spy tool.
        Not sure if you know but there is a free PPC Bully toolbar you can install which gives you lots of useful information. Like Spyfu you get the first 10 results for free, and that is really quite good.

        Richard, Hong Kong
        Business Consulting

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    • Profile picture of the author williamrs
      Originally Posted by kyubei View Post

      How is PPC Bully? Anyone have any experience with it?
      I had PPC Bully and I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner. If you're not making money with PPC now it probably won't change this fact.

      It can be a good tool for more advanced marketers to spy on the competition, but if you can't build your own successful campaigns spying on others won't help a lot.

      It's just my opinion, though. Also, it was a long time ago since I cancelled my PPC-Bully account, so it can be very different now.

      @OP - Bidding on too many keywords that are not related to your site or offer may get you into troubles. Google may pause your campaign or even frozen your account.

      However, bidding on just few terms that are not directly related to your site won't be a problem. The QS considers the landing page, but it's not the major factor, the CTR is much more important. So if you can get a high CTR you should be ok.

      Regarding landing pages, it depends a lot on the offer, keywords, niche, etc... but if you're working with Google I'd recommend you to stay away from direct linking. Some offers may pass, but you will be taking the risk of having your account slapped. So, if you can, use AdWords friendly landing pages.

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      >> Download Now <<
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  • stay away from ppc bully waste of money

    peak short video - Im ready...are you?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3817835].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jimfurr
      Originally Posted by AllThingsArePossible View Post

      stay away from ppc bully waste of money

      Thant kind of post does not do anybody any good.

      Unless you go into some detail, the statement is void.

      Jim ><>
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by DivineD View Post

    Hi everyone,
    My name's Matt.
    I've been researching ppc/cpa for months now.
    Despite all my research I'm just now discovering the true "gems" that I needed before I wanted to start ppc & I still have a few unanswered questions, I was hoping you warriors could help me out. First off, I'm wondering if it's a bad idea to bid on relevant keywords that aren't in my ad-copy or landing page? Also I'm wondering what are sub domain keywords? & from your experiences, is it better to test or optimize a ppc campaign using the default landing page that is already associated with the offer then create your or is it better to create your own from the start?
    Honestly, we would need to know what specific ppc advertiser you are using to give the best answer
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  • what is a google friendly landing pages? Do anyone have an example of one they would like to share.
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