Wait a second...What!? (Need CPA advice)

8 replies
Since I started visiting Warrior forums I feel left out every day, I feel like I'm missing in a lot of IM opportunities.

Ever since I started doing IM I only did PPD and CPA, for 4 years, never did anything similar or different, PPC,PPV,Paid traffic, adwords etc all of that stuff.

More interestingly it seems like a lot of people here are working with multiple CPA networks at a time, at first I was really confused about this because why would you split your money in different places and pay payout fees for each of them?

Then I figured out these people are actually promoting specific offers to specific audiences.

Yes, I've been working with CPA and earning thousands and I NEVER did this, I just lock my content with a link locker and post use that.., for everything. No matter what the niche every time I'd just promote all-together with a single link.

Is this completely wrong?

If someone could actually tell me their process of working with multiple networks, that would be great, also promoting specific offers -> If I find a good niche and then an offer for it, what are my options? If I make a whole site around that offer and it expires, then what?

Tips and advice like that will be greatly appreciated <3
#secondwhat #wait
  • Listen the bitter truth is no one help you on CPA
    you have to help himself only..

    Now my views:
    >Go for paid traffic
    >Stick on One particular vertical.Research on it if it returns then stick..
    >At starting time dont target hi-payout offer
    >Go for volume not mass

    foremost never give up..
    Hope you get me...
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  • Profile picture of the author creat1veone
    Thanks for posting man.

    Now, one particular vertical? What do you mean by that? Like one direction in IM or? Please expand with an example
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  • Profile picture of the author pipskok
    You can do anything that it is working for you. There is only one formula on the whole internet and this is:

    More Traffic > More Leads > More Sales

    Simple as that
    BuySellSignatureLinks.com - Marketplace for Forum signatures and Youtube description ADS space.
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    • Profile picture of the author creat1veone
      Originally Posted by pipskok View Post

      You can do anything that it is working for you. There is only one formula on the whole internet and this is:

      More Traffic > More Leads > More Sales

      Simple as that
      I can do anything that is working for me? Yes, this... isn't really advice on the subject bro, but thank you for trying to contribute, I appreciate the effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMwhatIM
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    • Profile picture of the author creat1veone
      Originally Posted by IMwhatIM View Post

      Get to a trade show or two where the networks are hungry(ASE/ASW/LeadsCon). If you've got a set and are cut out for bigger revs in the business that's as good a place as you're going to find to rub elbows with c level execs from the networks directly, all in one venue.

      The catch is that you need to be on point when meeting/socializing, you're dealing with people that see all the offers, know exactly what converts best and what everything should cost...AND they're usually world class hustlers so if you aren't on par you might not make the right impression. This is exactly how I got into the industry over a decade ago and it's still where I get all my business that isn't a referral.


      Not completely but as you've seen it's limiting. It all depends on the situation and your capabilities, and I can only speak from an agency/advertiser perspective, but having several pages is usually how all of my campaigns end up. If for no other reason that to test different page variables in the paths of different traffic(multi-var testing). Also being able to offer exclusives to a network can be advantageous to you. If they're the only place that offer can be found, the fact that the street price is the same as another offer of yours makes no difference. It really depends on how well your pages convert and whether your CPA get them excited enough to get their affiliates excited about it. Again mostly having to do with conversions and payout, but exclusivity is very attractive to affs if those two things are lined up first.

      Sometimes having different pages at different networks has more to do with the pay model. If I have a rev share with a large network for instance, I'm much more motivated to keep that offer extremely optimized while I might not have the time to give all of my offers that attention.
      Honestly I didn't understand half of what you wrote, but I get your flow with different pages and different networks. I'm currently waiting to be accepted to my 2nd CPA network where I've found one offer which suits my new niche needs.

      Originally Posted by Parry View Post

      Learn how to drive traffic and you will be successful. There are tons of offers but without traffic you cannot make conversions. If you acquire the ability to send traffic to your offers you will be able to earn money. This includes free as well as paid traffic. There is enough information on this forum that you can search for.
      Hi Parry, I know how to drive traffic, I've earned $40k+ since I started with IM. I just wanted to know could those $40k been doubled if I promoted specific, relevant offers, instead of just blasting a link with random offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Parry
    Learn how to drive traffic and you will be successful. There are tons of offers but without traffic you cannot make conversions. If you acquire the ability to send traffic to your offers you will be able to earn money. This includes free as well as paid traffic. There is enough information on this forum that you can search for.
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  • Profile picture of the author NutraCash
    Many people use multiple networks for different reasons. It is always wise to look around, compare payouts, compare payment terms and compare available offers!
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    • Profile picture of the author DarioIM
      One of the reason to be part of more than one network could be.. I would make you an example:

      Let's say that you are part of 2 networks: A and B.
      These 2 networks have both the same offer that you are interested in promoting.

      You start to promote for network A and you start to be successful, good amount of leads, converting well and o on.

      You might think at this point to talk with your affiliate manger in network A saying that you would love to have a bigger payout for that offer because...either network B would pay more for the same offer (not happening really often) or simply because you are spending a lot of traffic, you are bringing in a lot of conversions and you would love to have a bigger cut in your pocket.

      In my prospective IM is a business, a very cool business, but still it is made of people and developing relationship with people you are working with every day (AM, networks) is a good idea.

      This obviously reply to only one part of your questions, still I hope I gave you one hint :-)
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