Is there any site which pays for sign up refferal under me.

2 replies
I wanted to know the site which pays just to sign up with my ref. link. Or to visit my ref. link. and click adv.
#pays #refferal #sign #site
  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    Lots of sites offer affiliate signup opportunities or MLM. It depends what you're interested in promoting. Firstly you need to define exactly what you want to earn an affiliate commission on.

    You could become a website reseller or an online cloud storage reseller to name just two. The potential is endless but you need to be clear about what affiliate aspect you intend to promote.

    If you re-post clearly stating your preferred niche then other members may be able to assist you further.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    I mean sign up not for buying anything just to be member. I have some idea. let I have some worker who can sign up to any site I tell them. just sign up and confirm with mail.
    I think this might be clear.
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