Dealing with people popping (PPV) on your landing page

9 replies
Hi everyone,

I was wondering how you PPV gurus deal with people targeting your landing page?

Someone has started doing it to me and its killed conversions .

Other than changing or rotating domains, what else can I do?

#dealing #landing #page #people #popping #ppv
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Just an odd question, how do you know people are popping on your page?
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  • Profile picture of the author QtoBrooklyn
    Change your domain every now and then. Be happy that your landers are being targeted and not your tracker. It's a much bigger pain in the butt to switch trackers than it is domains.

    "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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    • Profile picture of the author TrackingDesk
      The pops are normally triggered by either your domain (which you know already) or by keywords.
      So if you have the words "dating" on your site because you promote some dating offers, you will eventually be targeted by the ppv networks.

      One tactic is to buy a lot of cheap traffic to your page which will cost you a little, but the guys buying traffic on your domain will start loosing money and will eventually blacklist your domain from their target list.


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  • Profile picture of the author magdag4321
    how do you know they are targeting your site, they might be targeting a word that its in your landing page domain never know
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeboffer
    Thanks for the helpful replies.

    @TrackingDesk thats a great idea, never thought of doing that. Off to buy some Fiverr traffic gigs :-)

    Check out my blog -

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  • Profile picture of the author TrackingDesk
    @magdag4321 - the adware targeting happens on the user's computer. If the user lands on your page and he's got the adware installed, then this user will be targeted with the relevant ad.
    If your landing page URL doesn't contain the relevant keyword or the content of your page doesn't have the relevant keyword, then you're safe.
    An other way to prevent keyword targeting is to play with the words. For instance, writing "dating" with a spelling mistake or adding a "number" in a very small font like "Da1ting", where the number 1 will be so small that it's invisible for the human eye, but the word dating becomes incomprehensible for the "adware" and therefore, it wont be a target.


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  • Profile picture of the author blitz20
    Change your domain or path but there is code I found you can put on the page to show people the wrong keywords to help protect yourself. If I find it I will post.
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  • Profile picture of the author newideamarketing
    change you domain and it should work great
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