Not my cup of tea but hats off to a useful poster giving away a ton of experience in great depth and helping folks with their individual sites. It's this shit that makes me still occasionally pop back on the WF. There's still a few gems within all the crap here. |
We all know how finicky Google can be. That being said, this is a FANTASTIC post with more substance than most WSO's... |
This is pure gold and you are so kind. Thank you for sharing this thread! Bless you, Engima! |
I am lucky and privileged to join Warriorforum
as it has been a catalyst to my success in Adsense.
Nowadays, most of my full time income comes from
building Adsense niche authority sites ever since
I got retrenched due to the financial crisis in 2008.
Thankfully, I managed to pick myself up and have been
dabbling in Adsense ever since and decide to contribute
to this thread since there are no updated Adsense guide
available yet to provide resource in making money from
Adsense for 2015.
Here are some screenshoot to prove that making money
from Adsense is possible even today!

Proof that the amount has been PAID into my Bank account EVERY SINGLE MONTH!.

Start by stop trying to find long tail keywords with low competition
and creating articles per keyword based on the keywords cause
you will struggle to make an income and even get ranked with in Google.
What we are building is a established business Adsense model that
can provide income on autopilot. The first place to look is usually those
well-established authority sites that has been ranking well for your niche.
From there, you can target the higher volume keywords with your long tail
content related keywords with-in your content. Essentially, creating content
that is full of targeted and related information can effectively reach out to
multiple streams of keyword volume immediately.
I always start with using google keyword planner and look for volumes of
20,000 and higher and never ever make the mistake of looking at CPC.
I break down to 20,000 into 2 or sometimes even 4 keywords depending
on the niche. Then find the related keywords (long tails) with smaller volumes
for each of the main keywords.
Self-sufficient is the keyword- volume 22,200

After you have your heading body title targeting high volume and your
sub categories, you need your long tail keywords to be constructively
placed within your article.
So Eg, self-sufficient home - is your H3 Title, let's find a few long tails.
Below you can see in google search its recommendations for the word.
You can take this a step further.

At the bottom of google search you can see more suggested keywords
related to your niche. Make sure you select from related keywords to your
title and then build on this.
Then I check out the competition on the first page for the main keywords.
I'm looking for week content sites with poor D/A and P/A using Open site explore.
Once you have found this data and you have decided you can outrank them.
It's time to build better valuable/more compelling/engaging content than your
competitions to overtake them in the serps.
I will cover more about this soon.
Hope this tip helps.

UPDATE: As much as I try my best to reply to some of your queries,
do understand some of the tasks are very time consuming and it will take
awhile for me to get back with your answer.
Do try to post it in the thread so I don't have to answer the same question
personally every time in the PM box.
Priority will always be given to the questions in the thread.
Thanks for the support and enthusiasm, I will do my best to help all of you.

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