NEED advice for FB traffic

1 replies
Hi I need help or any advice on how to target properly with my facebook ads> I don't mind getting (paid coaching with a reasonable price) from anyone, as long as they can prove to me they are getting the results I am looking for. I keep seing people having 3,4,5 cents per click to what their are promoting. I dont know how to target properly to have those results. I am having 17 cents PPE so I stop posting them. If you can teach me properly I will be glad. I even see people having 0.0003 cents per PPE. I am trying to sale teespring t shirts.
#advice #facebook ad #facebook ad expert #pay per click add #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    I know quite a lot of other affiliates who do Facebook marketing, but they all promote Lead based CPA products and nothing "per sale".

    That way, they can bid a few dollars per click and still make a profit, as by bidding higher they get a lot of traffic and CPA products convert a lot higher as well, so works out for them ROI wise.

    If you want to sell Teespring shirts you may be better off creating a brand first, and then selling your t-shirts on the side. Think Youtube videos to get the traffic in, etc.

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