Non-Porn ads on Porn Websites - allowed?

2 replies
I was going through some articles where it said that some food ordering sites like eat24 and zomato had good success advertising themselves on porn websites.

Zomato Advertises on Porn Sites With Stunning Results!

Their logic was simple - those who watch porn, get hungry as well.

So this made me wonder; is this something that could be tried with affiliate offers or would the networks not allow offers not related to porn, to be placed on porn websites.

Anyone had any experience with this? i.e. - placing an unrelated affiliate offer on a porn website?

#ads #allowed #nonporn #websites
  • Profile picture of the author yup
    Yes, I have experience with this. Adult sites are in it too make money. And if a non-adult related ad generates them an good eCPM, then yes, they will be OK with it.

    There are some sites out there that only one adult related ads for there adult site, but I have an inventory of publishers who can run both mainstream and adult on their site

    Please contact me - or by SKYPE: kerwinleong1

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  • Profile picture of the author lrs1995
    Yes it is allowed on most adult sites.

    The thing is offer needs to be ready to accept adult traffic.
    I have promoted mainstream gaming offers on adult traffic sources with no problems.
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