What am i doing wrong? any help appreciate

8 replies
Hello fellow warriors,

I need some help and pointers with my my cpa campaigns,
I use neverblue and in one year i have earned not even $100 with my campaigns. some off the money was from paid signups, but it is really expensive to get a good amount.

I have used several marketing options. my latest is that i have build a website with a poll and questions people can enter to get a free gift card if they enter zip. It is from a ebook i found here.

I have promoted this with article marketing, adwords and ad companies.
the site has only pulled a few bucks in a couple of months.
It gets like 14 to 50 uq visitors a day.

Because i live in Europe and have a small budget i can not invest a lot in targeted marketing, but i really want to know what i'm doing wrong or what more i can do with the neverblue campaigns.

So i really looking for a good help in the right direction, tips and tricks are appreciated. So what are your secrects. pm if you like it better.
I don't have to earn much, if a start is $50/ $100 per month then it would be great.

So for my bad english by the way.

Thank you for your help.
  • Profile picture of the author Geekery
    try to stay away from zip and email subs, they scrub those big time IMHO. try some other offers and find out what sticks...
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  • Profile picture of the author monitorit
    tried and tested email and zips. Waste of time they just make your users sign up to there affiliate oofers to get the gift card or whatever.
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  • Profile picture of the author pikachu
    Email submits do scrup really hard. If you're really dying to push them check out fluxads.com (always can send out link if you PM ) for some more zip submits. I'm from the USA so I'm not sure how registering will go if you're in Europe.

    I know this is a really blanket statement but if you're looking to save money you should really take a look into SEO techniques as they are free traffic. You'll have to go through a lot more grunt work till you see a profit, but it is more free hehe.

    If you're really trying to push email subits, I'd recommend possibly trying to combine them with current events topics.
    AffiliIt - Before joining I knew nothing about Affiliate Marketing. Now it's my Full time Job.
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    • Profile picture of the author shoarma
      Thank you all for your honest replies.

      i use current event to market the zip and mail campaign, but it seems nobody shows any interest in this. but some here at wf have hade a small fortune out of this. So therefor i was wondering why no me.

      Got the domain now so i want to make something out of it. i will look closer into the entertainment business. maybe there is a pot of gold for me waiting.
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  • Profile picture of the author pikachu
    Your technique is a great way to work zip submits but if you want to stick to it then you will most likely "have" to pay for some traffic. (I put "have" in quotes because there could be a way for free, I just don't know of it) Using this technique with google content can be really great. Zip/email submits are good because you can run them on a lower budget on ppc networks. If you really need to go the completely free route, learning SEO and article marketing is prally the way to get started. I'm relatively to that though, as I've done a lot more through PPC.
    AffiliIt - Before joining I knew nothing about Affiliate Marketing. Now it's my Full time Job.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I've been teaching that very technique since september of 2007 on my site.

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    • Profile picture of the author trafficguru
      I started heavily pushing zip submits, spent time creating nice landing pages for these offers. Did the whole nine yards including articles, inbound and outbound links, clean looking landing page, using similar colors and images from offer. At best I broke even. I was pushing a lot of money on the free grocery offers (zip and email) and 1 of the CPA networks didn't pay me in the end because of some bull about the leads didn't work out for the advertiser. The effed up part was that I was using keywords like 'free grocery', 'grocery for free', etc. Cost me a lot of money. I guess if you get the right niche and know what you are doing, you can do well.
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  • Profile picture of the author brp002
    I have had the same experience with email submits. I built SEO for a website and got some money.... But i think the best is to build a list and send the submits to your list. You can get a few hundred bucks that way. SEO made me penuts lol

    If you want a link here please email me!

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