Google Content Network slap

4 replies
Hi All,

How do i know if a content network campaign is being slapped by google?
The quality score?

Thank you
#content #google #network #slap
  • Profile picture of the author Thumoney
    You cant see the Content Network QS in the interface. I recently discussed this with a Google Rep. It's really a bit frustrating right now.

    Basically you know it if your campaign doesnt get enough impressions.
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  • Profile picture of the author vinlulvie
    what about i get a lot of impression on the first day the campaign start, and then getting zero impression on the following days? does it mean it is slapped?
    I tried to double the bid and it won't work.
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  • Profile picture of the author shab
    you can view your QS for the content network using Adwords Editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author vinlulvie
    Hi shab,

    Are you referring the QS for each keyword?
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