Calling any Bing Ads Heads

Profile picture of PeckhamPirate
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
So I have a $100 credit for Bing Ads and I don't know what to do with it.

I'm also looking for a new stream after selling a couple of ecommerce sites last year.
Just wandering what if any warriors with a strong working knowledge of working with Bing Ads could make a suggestion on how I should spend the vouncher.

PPA? ClickBank?
It's been so long I'm really out of touch with what's working - but I fancy a play and if it could make me a few $$$ it may be worth working on.

Anyone got any ideas?
#ads #bing #calling #heads
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Profile picture of ChrisBa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    CPA offers an work well if you target properly and can write decent ads
  • Profile picture of the author James Clifton
    James Clifton
    Profile picture of James Clifton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ClickBank could be your answer if that is your preferred affiliate site, but I would recommend using Rakuten Marketing, Shareasale or Ebay's Partner Network. They were voted as the industry leaders in affiliate marketing for 2016.
    PPA or CPA refers to Cost Per Action, which basically means if someone clicks on the ad you created with Bing Ads (which should logically link to the landing page of the product you are selling) and they continue to buy your product, the website on which your ad was hosted will take a cut of your profit.
    I would rather go with PPC (pay per click) which, I'm assuming you understand, means that you will pay for every potential customer that clicks on your ad.
    If I had $100 to spend on PPC, I would decide on one product to sell and then create 4 different landing pages, with different keywords. Then spend 25$ towards each ad.
    That way you will see which ad has the best CTR and ideally spend all your profit on more clicks for that specific ad.
  • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
    Profile picture of Rozanne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    CB + Bing tends to work well with Bing as it's still untapped and many people are using it to their advantage. I have seen many case studies of publishers getting success when combining these two. It all comes down to split testing my friend.
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