Need Help With PPV

by 17 replies
I had deposited some money in LeadImpact couple of months back,still have $950 un-utilized in my account.I tried some campaigns like PayDay Loan,surveys etc. but didn't see any conversion.I created an optin page and tried to get some leads,but i didn't get any conversion.If anyone here could help me what sort of campaign convert with LeadImpact,it would be a big favor.
#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #cpv #leadimpact #ppv
  • How much traffic did you bought per campaign ? How many impressions?
    Did you made your own landing pages or used already mades ones from the CPA network that provided the offers?
    What was the CPA for each offer that you promoted ?
    And finally - did you used any trakcer like voluum/cpvlab/prosper?
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    • Frankly speaking so far i have only utilized $16 of the total amount deposited.I haven't got any signup so far.Also i was thinking to refund the rest of the amount,but when i looked into their refund policy it says they will take 20% of the remaining balance.Anyways i want to give it a shot.Yes i have made simple optin-pages using Wordpress plugin Instabuilder-2.I wasn't directly promoting any CPA offer,but i would redirect them to a CPA offer, after they completed the optin.I was promoting a Payday loan offer from maxbounty.
      I am using CPV lab for tracking purpose.
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  • It seems like their traffic is not reacting well on your campaigns. It might be as popwin said lack of volumes (depends on how much you spend). Try to go slow at the beginning do the optimizations, if it is self serve platform it will be easy for you to exclude sources that not working. I thinking 2k impressions per source is enough to know its not working with your ad. Anyways always try few networks before you starting to spend big budgets. I can suggest you few such as Activerevnue, Msales, Mobusi and more.
    Good luck.
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    • Yeah you are absolutely right,need to put a good budget to test the offers first.Unfortunately i don't have a big budget to spend now,it is all that i had.I haven't seen any case study, recently where people are using LI.
  • Can you share more details on what you've tried?
    Also how much was your initial deposit? $1000?

    It sounds like you may not have tested enough, but if you can share more info, we can try to help/.
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    • Frankly speaking i haven't tested a lot,only $16.Yes my initial deposit was $1000.Now i am in a dilemna,should i try it once more or ask for a refund..
  • Most of the PPV networks failed after chrome revoked their extensions and so is Leadimpact too, I also had a bad experience with lead impact zero conversion with $2000 spent with them.
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    • So should i ask for a refund?
  • I use different PPV networks and I will tell you, Leadimpact is not my top three but it still converts. I will admit they use to be really high quality in the past but it has decreased.

    To make PPV successful, first you have to understand how it works. It is interruption marketing, if you are not able to catch the buyers attention it the first 2 seconds they will close your offer. Your landing page has to be created to get the user's attention and your targeting has to be ultra targeted, Urls instaed of keywords. Almost forgot you have to track everything. You even have to know the time of the day you get the most conversions

    I hope this helps
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    • Well i get you what are you saying,but it couldn't be that difficult either,sometimes we just try to make the things complicated, when it is simple to do.I had a system in place,and purchased BoxofAds subscription for a month to see what was running on LI,but hardly found any offer people were running there,except for, that was being promoted there.I was not really sure to run any campaign there.May be LeadImpact used to convert better in the past,but for now, it doesn't seem to be doing that great.Also i noticed that i wasn't getting much traffic volume from them,i ran some targeted high traffic volume URL's there,but volume wasn't just enough. Now i have asked for refund,it will be processed in 7-10day.If you could suggest me some good PPV traffic sources that would covert,that would be great.
  • I will Suggest you get a refund, instead if you have clean ads you should try Rapsio it is going good or try zeropark it good too.
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    • I have not used Rapsio but as for Zeropark I did not have success.

      Top PPV for me are Trafficvance(now propelmedia), 50onred and Mediatraffic.
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    • [DELETED]
  • Hi Everyone...I am new to CPV. I have taken some great Udemy courses on it and Facebook advertising as well. Which would you recommend?. I have some money saved but its dwindling...and I am getting nervous. I have to make this happen now! Which method is more profitable with a bit of effort?. I just got a domain hosted with Beyond Hosting (VPS)...I have CPV Lab installed....but I am clueless with tracking!!! Can anyone help a gal out?? Perhaps on Team viewer to help me muddle through this? pixel, vs iframe, vs. server to server...I am ready to hang myself!! UGH!
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    • Have you promoted anything yet? Are you into any cpa networks? What's your plan moving forward? What do you want to do?
  • I have asked for a refund but no reply from them so far!

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  • 18

    I had deposited some money in LeadImpact couple of months back,still have $950 un-utilized in my account.I tried some campaigns like PayDay Loan,surveys etc. but didn't see any conversion.I created an optin page and tried to get some leads,but i didn't get any conversion.If anyone here could help me what sort of campaign convert with LeadImpact,it would be a big favor.