Do you think, this plan can make me rich?

by 52 replies

I am CPA marketer & web programmer. What I am planning to do is to offer a high value product that has huge demand (like free e-book, free software built by me, etc) for people and add this product to a content locker. To get the product, people need to fill a CPA survey ($3 payout incentive) to be able to download it.

Do you think this method can work well? I plan to run it on Facebook paid ads. If I get 300 leads daily, then the daily earnings = $900, profit might be $300 to $500.

Your advice is much appreciated.

#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #make #plan #rich
  • Banned
    Have you considered that Facebook might charge you $1-$2.50 per click? And this could mean $3-$7.50 per lead if you're getting 33% conversion - which is very hard considering that the CPA offer could be asking for more than just an email from your visitor at $3 per lead.

    I'm not saying this to discourage you, but you'd do better with a different traffic source or a different game plan.

    Best of Luck!
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks for your feedback Actually I have experienced the Facebook ads before, when you make a hot post that attracts the audience & get high CTR like 10% and above, then then the CPC will go down. I tried different niches and the maximum was $0.9 when the CTR was too low. The issue if the people will accept to make the survey? Will it be a good deal for them? I never experienced this model.
    • I agree, and if I was to work with Facebook advertising for this, it would be per 1000 impressions with targeting to peoples interests.
  • Honestly: horrible plan. CPA is not very likely to be profitable. Even if you manage to eek out a small profit though there are much better monatization methods. Expecting people to complete a CPA survey on a squeeze page AND give your email is silly (you might get a 10% conversion rate that way).Also the math does not work out.

    If you are paying 75 cents per click on FB (which is realistic) and your page has a 10-15% conversion (it will get an unusually low conversion since they have to do two things) that means your paying a $5-$7 per conversion and then monatizing it once for $3 = lost money.

    Giving something cool away especially a software is a great tactic but forget CPA all together.

    As a side note: $500 a day is only $182,500 which is a decent income but hardly 'getting rich'. Think bigger than that Being a software developer you can do much more if you do it right (I am a developer and earn around $1500 a day in net profit from my work, and I still dont consider that 'getting rich')
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. Actually web programming is awesome when you do a trendy solution and offer it for sale in the Envato (CodeCanyon), I developed a couple of solutions but till now I didn't get trendy sales, so I am now doing CPA to survive until I get enough time to think about a killer solution. I agree with you about the software, I don't like the Freelance work unfortunately, I just like to sell the service/product.

      I will re-think about this model and might try to find other CPA offers that pay more or build a list and work from there.
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    • "forget CPA all together"
      Say wut?
      On the netwerk i am i see a couple people making $500,- ish a day with cpa.
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  • The only way you are going to know for sure is test it first no one has a crystal ball

    Your niche is not the same as the others
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks, you are right, I just wanted to get some insights from the professors here
  • Banned
    If the CPA offers are irrelevant odds are you'll drive traffic away.
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    • Sorry, I didn't get your point.
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  • @ moderns, Your method is quite famous and lots of success stories are their in the market. But remember content is the king ...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • It could work. The only way to know to know for sure is to try. Let us know how it goes!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Just build a FREE MEMBERSHIP site to share your stuff (ebook/software/etc) while you collect/build your list (registered members). Then do your CPA with that list out of your membership site. Good luck!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks, such a great idea! But I need quick income at the moment, so I will be doing this after grabbing some cash.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Most here said don't do it, the numbers are bad, etc. Well, just do it! It's your turn. You may fail but you'll get a nice lesson to be your successful than just doing nothing because of they said don't.

    I wish you'll get lucky.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks a lot, you are motivating me! I might adjust this plan to get other offers with higher payouts and more related to the niche I will work on.
  • I'm not a big fan of content lockers to start with, just so you know. My normal response is to hit the back button and avoid that site altogether in the future.

    While your plan might sound good scribbled on a cocktail napkin, I don't think it will pass muster in the real world. For a start, there are a lot of people who are just plain scared of surveys by anonymous companies, due to warnings about phishing and identity theft. A lot more are like me, and simply can't stand them.

    I really can't imagine what content you could create that would inspire people to jump through multiple hoops just to read/view/listen to.

    If you insist on using a content locker strategy, I would use it as a list builder. Once someone opts in, use a short sequence to build a case in favor of whatever the topic of the survey is. Then send them to the survey with the promise of your reward. This assumes the CPA network allows incentivized leads.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Many thanks, I do greatly appreciate your inputs! You are correct, I am thinking of adding them to list or to get a higher payout offer that's related to the product in the niche I will work on.
  • The problem is the lack of consistency between the list and the cpa offer. Why build a list if you don't have other products to sell people?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • You are right and thanks for this important point, I found some surveys for charity so I can ask them to help the community. One more thing, I will try to find other CPA offers that are more related to the niche I will work on.
  • Dears, I do greatly appreciate your inputs, they helped me a lot. At the moment, I got great insights and I am thinking to adjust this plan a bit like:

    1. To have a blog and build a list to keep the members in the loop to use them for more than one CPA offer or to sell them my products.

    2. To get a higher payout for the CPA offer and more related to the niche I am working on.

    3. To provide the audience 24/7 support, to answer all their inquiries and care about them like babies! So they can obey me when I push any CPA offer for them

    4. To build a brand for myself, to make it a long-term business instead of just getting people into a single CPA offer and to run away after that.

    I have a more than one blog, might use one of them for this purpose and create a squeeze page with a beautiful locker.

    Many thanks again!!!
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    • Moderns, your plan looks fine, but you should take into account most of the objections expressed above, and not be disheartened in case you fail.

      The actual secret to succeed in IM is never give up.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I'm going to be blunt.

    You shouldn't ask this question on this forum.

    Not because it's a bad question, but because from what I know from my experience here is most people have no clue about CPA marketing or Affiliate marketing.

    They are more entrenched in selling info products, doing content marketing, doing SEO, etc. The main audience here on the WF is and always has been 2-3 years behind the more advanced forums. It's the reason why this place gets a bad rep among the elite in the industry.

    Now with that being said you're better off asking this question on a private forum dedicated to CPA marketing.

    However I can tell you that content locking does work and it's a huge business.

    You would be better off doing it with cheaper traffic sources. It can work with facebook, because if you know what you're doing you can get facebook clicks for as little as 2-5 cents a click.

    But there are a lot of factors that go into content locking. It's pretty advanced and there are unique ways of doing it and promoting certain offers. So you'll find more help on a more advanced forum or talking to someone who knows about this business.

    Good luck.
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    • I am going to be blunt too , your full of it ! there are some great CPA warriors on here you just have not seen them reply to threads and BTW you should look up Shaun B has more cred then you will ever had in the Affiliate Marketing field

      Most of the senior warriors on here have given the right advice so come on here and make a blanket statement is foolish

      • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    If you're really bent on CPA (I can see you are), then research Andrew Fox, Peter Parks and Greg Davies. You will learn a ton of things from them.
  • if you simply have to try CPA offers then why not try PPV as your paid traffic source..

    it's a lot cheaper..

    another thing, you're going to lose money in the beginning just finding the best converting offer and squeeze page..

    then you have to constantly test against that.

    you think your winning squeeze page and offer are going to perform the same forever...

    its a constant battle..

    -Ike Paz
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • OK this might sound harsh but I am pretty sure you won't be able to pull that off.

    This is because there are too many variables you aren't looking at.

    Firstly, Facebook Ads have become much more competitive over time so unless you have a really, really successful campaign, the numbers probably won't work.

    I think you would have a lot more success if you start offering services.

    I have been doing so the last 7 years and it has been rewarding.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Probably would depend on how good the copy is and how targeted the traffic is

    To make it work they'd need to watch some type of video or read some type of sales letter to convince them 'Hey this is worth spending $3 on'.

    Especially if it's software you wrote... you need to convince people that what you made is worth it, that you're trustworthy, and that they should take action on it.
  • My sincere opinion nothing its easy ,you must work hard and embrace failure .If you expect you will became righ fast i think you will get disapointed
  • Any time you can get money out of visitors which exceeds your advertising cost it has a strong chance of being successful, especially if you can scale the profit out to mass amounts of visitors. Think of it like a machine you put $2 in and get $3 out, you can see that obviously if you can do this it is a good thing....if you can do it... most can't.

    Overconfidence, optimism and hope sadly will not pay the bills.
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  • Just spend $100 and see what happens.

    Your Experience is Your Best Teacher.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers for over 16 years.

    Your plan does not thrill me at all and I would expect it to be very hard to pull off profitably. I will say that I have never tried what you are suggesting. So there is the possibility that I am wrong.

    I mainly promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete that offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher than offers that require a sale to be made.

    Granted, what you are wanting to do, just requires the user to fill out a form as well. But you are advertising one thing and then trying to force the survey (which they may have no interest in) on them and it only pays $3.

    The bulk of the offers I promote pay $20-$40 per lead. I also promote other offers that pay more and less. However, the payout is not the sole key factor. How well the offer converts is just as important, if not more. If I have a $9 offer that converts at 2x or so of a $20 offer, it will perform about the same or possibly better, depending on how well it converts. At the same time, I could have an offer that pays $90 and if it converts poorly, it may not even be worth running.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them. This is what has overall worked the best and tends to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience). So the potential exist to produce high volume and the offers are fairly easy to cross promote.

    Some of the verticals that I have done extremely well with are: insurance, education, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, homeowner offers, etc...

    To drive traffic, I acquire fresh / targeted data(email) in that I know what the users are interested in and that a PPL offer exists that matches their interest.

    So if I get life insurance data, I send the users a life insurance offer. If it's education data, then I send them an education offer, etc... Fresh / targeted data matched to a relevant PPL offer = conversions / $$$.

    I buy data and I also get rev-share data. Rev-share is where you get the data upfront at no cost and then split the revenue generated from sending it with the list owners / providers.

    I also generate real-time co reg that targets a specific PPL offer. This is more expensive per lead, but is more responsive. I also buy aged / domain targeted data, but this requires additional resources tp do it profitably.

    This is how I have always done it, because by acquiring data I'm building assets that I then own and can market to over and over at low cost. But, there are those that buy traffic and are successful, it's just not my preferred method.

    Essentially, I'm monetizing the data using PPL offers, because they offer the the path of least resistance to generating conversions and converting the data into cash producing assets.

    Obviously there is far more to it, but done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part due 6-7 figures. While that is a huge range, much depends on ones ability to scale and effectively build/manage the infrastructure required to scale.

    Anyway, something to think about.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • You cannot fully determine the profitability or otherwise of your CPA niche until you generate results that can be analyzed and results can only come when you take action.
    The comment by Diablo seems to me to be the most well informed so far.
    Work with it and then make adjustments based on the results you get.

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    • Thanks a lot, actually I wanted to do something in non traditional way.

      Yes, but for the quick income, CPA is the best. Working with the software is awesome but you need time to get clients and be known.

      I just wanted to take insights and new ideas/suggestions and at the end, I will do testing and see the results Sometimes you get hints from new marketers and they can be helpful.

      Many thanks! Yes, because it's quick and can bring income in short-term. I Will search about them and follow their guides.

      Many thanks, I am planning on trying the Propellerads in the near future.

      Thanks, yes I know, nothing happens as the expectation and I am used to that, I don't get upset and I don't give up

      Thank you! I will do. Today will be full day to watch more about FB Ads.

      I understand, you are right! Thanks.

      Thanks a lot, really the comments here are too helpful and they helped me to think about tweaks to this method.

      Yes, I agree with you. Thanks!

      Many thanks for this awesome comment! I do greatly appreciate it and respect the time spent here! You are absolutely right, but my problem is the lead reversal which happens same day of the payment, I got leads for tax services, lawyers services, etc.and the lead reversal happened in weird way. I am afraid to invest too much in the lead generation offers specially the offers which pay more than $10. Your guide is useful and encourages me to explore more the lead offers. Thanks!

      I am always interested in a short-term income but the blogging will be for the long-term business. Thanks for passing by

      Thanks, yes! Diablo killed it I am taking all opinions in consideration and I will tweak my plan accordingly.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Banned
  • I would like to say that now you have enough thoughts and ideas so better can perform test for few days, that will give you an estimated data for further work.
  • Banned
  • I am surprised that in two days no one has mentioned this... You should have researched and then posted this thread in the CPA sub-forum. There are a lot of very informative threads in there and some that have discussed similar strategies.

    Anyway... wish you the best.
  • Banned
    CPA marketing isn't as lucrative as it used to be. Do you'd better look elsewhere
  • I find the internet is constantly changing.
    The one thing that always works is direct email markeing.
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    • Yes, I got some results by testing and I need to do some tweaks. Thanks for participating.

      Thanks a lot, actually I didn't try the PPV yet, now I am doing PPC and Facebook Ads but will move to PPV soon.

      I have some blogs but I need to discover the best niche I should work on, I tried to write about web development but till now I don't have enough services to offer for sale, so I will keep this long-term blogging a bit later as am so busy I need quick income. I wish you the best with your blogging, do you mind sharing your blog URL?

      Thanks a lot, am sorry I got too busy couldn't update this thread. Actually no secret in CPA, testing, testing & testing to know what works and what doesn't work. I wish you the best too!

      Who told you this? When you make $3,000 weekly, not lucrative?

      Thanks but also depends on how the list has been created and how relevant the audience to the offer you are promoting.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • Dear respected warriors,

    I don't know how to thank you all, I got too busy with the testing and I got some positive results but they are not what I am looking for 100%, but I think I need to do some tweaks.

    Even if you offer a high demand product, strangers won't feel comfortable to take a survey for someone they meet for the first time, so the mistake is to offer the survey at the first time, instead, I should have given them this product for FREE and take their email and get closer to them by emails and other products/hints. After that, I can get higher conversion rate when I offer them a survey or related a service to the product I provide to subscribe with.

    I will keep this as a long-term business and will work on it in parallel with the other CPA offers to focus on more than one vertical.

    Thank you all once again for the positive participation and the valuable hints!
  • Banned

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    Hello, I am CPA marketer & web programmer. What I am planning to do is to offer a high value product that has huge demand (like free e-book, free software built by me, etc) for people and add this product to a content locker. To get the product, people need to fill a CPA survey ($3 payout incentive) to be able to download it.