Facebook - If I change the text in my page post (which is now boosted), will I lose comments?

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If I change the text in my post (which is now boosted), will i lose comments?

I have a post on my Facebook page. I've boosted it. It has 90 comments I don't want to lose.

However, I want to change the main text.

If i do so, will i lose the comments and likes?
#boosted #change #comments #facebook #lose #page #post #text
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  • Profile picture of the author adrianpag
    Hi! I'm assuming you're the one who created the boosted post, in that case you're allowed to edit the post and it won't affect at all your comments or anything, it will only be reviewed again just like when you boosted it for the first time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11200432].message }}

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