Which converts better - a book or a report?

by ncloud
6 replies
I'm giving away a free ebook to get people to sign up to my list. It is a mini ebook - about 30 pages. I'm not sure whether to call it a book or a report - has anybody tested which converts better? I can test it myself later on, but I'd rather get it right the first time.

Also I'm going to send traffic to my landing page from google adwords (display network). But I'm sure people who click on my ad will wonder why the book is being given away for free since it's associated with a paid ad. Do you think there's disconnect there? How would you deal with a what's-the-catch objection?
#book #converts #report
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi NC,

    The product does not convert because the product is inanimate

    But the person selling the product, when they are trusted by their audience by sharing valuable, free content and valued premium products and services, this guy or gal will find that their products - book or report - convert really well.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajit Khodke
    You would need to test it from your side and then you should let us know your results. It's all about split testing. I am sure after you post your results the so called experts can offer their advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doan Chi Tin
    It's hard to tell you about the conversation... It depends

    I think you are too serious just try it out by yourself and see what is better !
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by ncloud View Post

    I'm giving away a free ebook to get people to sign up to my list. It is a mini ebook - about 30 pages. I'm not sure whether to call it a book or a report - has anybody tested which converts better? I can test it myself later on, but I'd rather get it right the first time.

    Also I'm going to send traffic to my landing page from google adwords (display network). But I'm sure people who click on my ad will wonder why the book is being given away for free since it's associated with a paid ad. Do you think there's disconnect there? How would you deal with a what's-the-catch objection?
    It's impossible to tell. You'd be best to just try both and split test to see what converts better and let the data answer for you.
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  • ebook, guide, report, you wont really know until you test it. But all are proven to work. Its a time tested strategy.

    In terms of whats the catch, people will always have that. the way you can increase conversions is by have a Headline which states a problem and solution in a certain number of days/steps etc... Depends on the niche

    Then you must have a value proposition, i.e. three points on why they should optin by addressing their pain points and their solutions.

    Thirdly, a clear call to action (CTA)
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