adsense denied my request two times

5 replies
hey dudes,
i have built a website using Newspaper themes. i put like 17 articles and got rejected two times.
what can i do to make my website compatible with adsense.
please i really need help.
i have a domain name and bought host from blue host. rewrite articles myself. shall i build my website from scratch again
#adsense #denied #request #times
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
    I don't think anyone can help much without seeing the site. Can you post a link?
    What did Google say in their rejection?

    Suggest thorough read of AdSense T7Cs
    Also Google issue. There are plenty offering advice (can't guarantee all is good advice though).

    Here is a basic one

    FYI: I have nothing to do with the above site.

    If I had to guess.
    1. about, privacy policy
    2. Poor content.

    If Google think it is a 'made for AdSense' you won't get approved.
    You said you rewrote the articles. If they were PLR rubbish to start with then even a rewrite may not improve them.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11295974].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by NMED View Post

    hey dudes,
    i have built a website using Newspaper themes. i put like 17 articles and got rejected two times.
    what can i do to make my website compatible with adsense.
    please i really need help.
    i have a domain name and bought host from blue host. rewrite articles myself. shall i build my website from scratch again
    What's the niche?
    Keep adding content. Is the current content unique?
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    Before I put adsense on my blogs, I start with affiliate banners and text. I do use plr and original content. I do scrap videos from YT to reinforce my content.
    I really should do my own videos, but that isn't here or there.
    Track clicks from your affiliate banners and text. When you start getting really good traffic, and you are making some money from affiliate programs, that is when you want to start applying for adsense.

    If you don't get approved, you have the traffic, give Google a call and talk with an adsense tech. They will tell you what is wrong, and what you can do to improve your site.
    Check out Adsense secrets by Joel Comm, on kindle. And if you are a member of the war room there are a few pretty good adsense books in there as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    You may not be getting enough traffic yet. Keep building up your readership and then try again a couple months.
    Domains for sale - see
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  • Profile picture of the author AdNetsReview
    nobody can help you until you disclose your domain. But still here are some quick suggestions:
    - first your website must look professional, newspaper theme is good enough for that but it totally depends on the website owners that how good they can make their websites to look.
    - Get a few more articles at least 50-60. As far as i know Google doesn't want tons of traffic but what it need is a content rich website with good quality content. Write articles with good images, graphs etc.
    - Make sure that your website is not infringing any copyrights, and never post copied content from other websites.

    The other thing that i want to say apply for adsense when you have enough traffic as on low traffic website you will not earn good income from adsense and also, google might ban you if you get higher number of clicks on your ads. In simple words google adsense is like baby, that you need to care much and that is the reason why i don't like it very much. I got adsense approved on my second attempt and soon after months i got banned because my visitors wanted me to earn more. They were trying to help me. They usually do it haha but they didn't know that's google. I hope this will help !
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