Where to start with pay per call?

3 replies
I've got more of a background with Facebook and other niches. But have been seriously looking at Pay per call advertising.

I've been accepted in a pretty good affiliate network based on previous experience.

The key seems to be adwords to start with. But how do you start, or the process..

Most of the offers are for very high keyword cost niches. Tax debt relief, addiction recovery, life insurance Etc.

If anyone could provide some steps they take from keyword research to campaigns that would be great! (I'd be open to paying someone, granted they know what they're doing)

Best regards,
#call #pay #start
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  • Profile picture of the author geoffcrain87
    Hi Wounded,

    I have been in the pay per call space for the better part of 5 years.

    It is tough to make pay per call campaigns work with affiliate networks (better to go right to advertiser) because the payouts are low but it can still be done.

    My advice would be to start with a auto insurance campaign. Try and get something that accepts nationwide traffic.

    In terms of keyword research, spyfu is a great tool. It is only $30 a month and gives you access to view all of the top pay per call affiliate search terms. All you need to do is find their URL (can be done my searching a top term on google and seeing what ads come up).

    Happy to discuss in more detail with you. I have worked with all of the following networks: Palo, aragon, astoria, lead gian, ank media, ring partner and mpire.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
      Originally Posted by geoffcrain87 View Post

      Hi Wounded,

      I have been in the pay per call space for the better part of 5 years.

      It is tough to make pay per call campaigns work with affiliate networks (better to go right to advertiser) because the payouts are low but it can still be done.

      My advice would be to start with a auto insurance campaign. Try and get something that accepts nationwide traffic.

      In terms of keyword research, spyfu is a great tool. It is only $30 a month and gives you access to view all of the top pay per call affiliate search terms. All you need to do is find their URL (can be done my searching a top term on google and seeing what ads come up).

      Happy to discuss in more detail with you. I have worked with all of the following networks: Palo, aragon, astoria, lead gian, ank media, ring partner and mpire.

      How many of the above networks that you are part of pay on a weekly basis?

      Do I need to use a tracker for Pay Per call?
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  • Profile picture of the author geoffcrain87
    None pay on a weekly basis. They are all on net 30 payment terms. If you do a high volume with them than you may be able to negotiate net 15.

    If you are using google adwords to drive the calls than you do not need a tracker. Also, all of the pay per call networks are integrated with invoca which is a pay per call tracking platform where you can track all the details of the calls you generate.

    Do you need help with keyword research or anything else pay per call related? I will send you a direct message. If you give me your skype we can talk in more detail as to what you are looking to achieve.
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