Jack of all Trades, Master of None?

Profile picture of kenc138
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
Hi Warriors,

Since starting CPA-PPC a few days ago, I've noticed that I've become ad crazy. I'm looking at all the offers from my networks and making tons of ads.

Does it make sense to promote a ton of offers, or simply focus on 1-2 and drive the hell out of it? What has worked best for all of you?

Thanks so much,
#jack #master #trades
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Profile picture of Kenster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your best bet is this...and it will vary depending on how much money you have to invest...

    First you want to test out different offers. You want to to try promoting various offers in different niches to find which ones seem like they have potential.

    Then you want to narrow it down and start testing that offer that had potential. This means varying your keywords, split testing ads, copy, landing pages, color, every thing you can think of starting from most general and working to most specific (first test overall landign page design before you test color of title).

    As you are split testing you will see if the offer can be made into a profitable one as you cut out keywords that arent converting and as you find the copy and landign pages that convert the best. If you decide the offer is or can be profitable, then just keep testing the heck out of it reaching for a completely optimized campaign.

    If you get to this point you will be smiling from ear to ear. This is where the good part comes in where you put in a little bit of work monitoring campaigns and reap huge rewards.

    This was a very broad answer to your question but the key is that you dont want to just randomly pick and offer and just make it work. This can break you as many many offers out there just wont work no matter how much testing you put in.

    good luck
  • Profile picture of the author TimScott
    Profile picture of TimScott
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't pick on offer first. You should do you market research and find where the current money is. Then move on to pick your offer. Unless you got A ton of money to burn through to see what works.

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