Look: LinkNYC uses Foursquare data to tell people to avoid crowds

by WF- Enzo Administrator
2 replies

Image source: Foursquare

Here's a campaign that uses user data to good use. LinkNYC is using Foursquare's location data to help New Yorkers avoid each other, through the use of digital OOH kiosks. It's pretty simple actually - LinkNYC uses that data to display average hourly traffic levels on, say, a nearby grocery store or cafe.

In a perfect sense, this means that person who happens to walk by a kiosk sees that the best time to grab a BLT at Subway is probably 3PM where there are few people lounging around.

Chime in.
#avoid #crowds #data #foursquare #linknyc #people
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  • I wonder how businesses would react to this. We're essentially telling people don't come to our business at these times. Would this really spread out the number of people coming in or discourage them altogether?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11618130].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
      Certainly good B2B advertising for Foursquare's location analytics products, too.

      I wonder how businesses would react to this.
      Interesting thought. Also wonder whether certain businesses would/will attempt to combat this effect by advertising flash sales and the like at certain times...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11618346].message }}
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