Yippee! I figured out how to save .gif images from Copeac

1 replies
This was quite a hurdle for me. But now I can upload
banner .gif images to the ad network where I'm running my offers.

Here's how I do it.

Once I deploy the creative with my little tracking info,
Copeac will open a page with that .gif image and your
affiliate code.

Right mouse button click and select "save image as."
Next you'll get a pop-up asking for a file name/type
to save the image as. You need to change the file extension
to .gif instead of .htm. I change the image name to match
the creative offer name.

You can double-check your work for free here:
GIFWorks.com! Free Online GIF Tools

Hope this helps someone!

#banners #copeac #figured #gif #images #save #yippee
  • Profile picture of the author smaxor
    With directtrack you should see the code for the img right in the directtrack system. So if you look in the <img src=URL FOR IMAGES IS HERE. You can just go to that url and hit save image. Also I think that image shows in the copeac system, just right click on the image and hit save file.

    Jason Akatiff, CEO, A4D Performance
    Skype: smaxoro, twitter: http://www.twitter.com/smaxor, blog: http://oooff.com/php-affiliate-seo-blog

    Join A4D, Now Accepting experienced PPC, Display, PPV, Email affiliates. http://www.a4d.com

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