Stepping into CPA. Need help

by Jawshh
13 replies

I have decided to try to make some money with CPA leads. I can see a huge list of CPA networks in this forum. I will only be using email marketing, which network should I join?

#cpa #stepping
  • Profile picture of the author butters
    You should post this in the CPA forum :p
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  • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
    Yeah you'd be better off looking in the CPA section of the forum, due to the fact you'll probably get more answers from in there than up in this main section. I'm mostly in that section and I just started working w/ CPA leads not too long ago.

    I HIGHLY recommend you download this free "CPA Marketing" (<--- click that) ebook by Gauher Chaudhry. It's 89 pages FULL of cpa techniques and marketing and that good stuff. Trust me, I dub it the CPA Bible.

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    • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
      Originally Posted by honestbizpro View Post

      Yep good place to start TVChatten. I would also suggest using a blog to direct vistors to that way you will have much more flexibility with any offers you choose and you never get accused of spamming that way.
      You're right on the blog thing...I wouldn't suggest it...I would HIGHLY require it because it will save your butt! I own which is basically my personal blog, BUT to stay on the safe side, I got You don't really need a personal blog, but get a blogspot blog at least because Google owns it and they wouldn't penalize themselves for using it to get traffic (or as you can see from my blogspot how I'm using it).

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    • Profile picture of the author sligon00
      Originally Posted by honestbizpro View Post

      Yep good place to start TVChatten. I would also suggest using a blog to direct vistors to that way you will have much more flexibility with any offers you choose and you never get accused of spamming that way.
      Glad you addressed this subject. I have been wondering how do you
      save on having to have so many different domains for different offers ?

      Say you are promoting health, weight loss offers. Would you use a
      generic name for the blog, just as long as it was concerned with health
      or losing weight in the title of the blog.

      for example ( already taken ) :rolleyes:

      and then promote all weight loss or health offers


      No Sig Free Zone

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  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    the blog thing is gold^ tvchatten has the right idea...

    I think making a particular niche blog will work more effectively than a Free stuff blog though..just to mask the fact that your trying to give all this stuff away for free, which sometimes can seem suspicious to some..

    My girl has a pregnancy/baby related blog and it works so well because people are happy about reading some of the content she has and the free stuff is just a still needs some work, but you guys can check it out, Welcome to Love The Kick's!
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  • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
    Areevez is right...I forgot to mention in my previous post that my blog (gettingfreeitems) is tied to an article that I wrote. Just focus on a particular niche and basically you should be set.

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    I would love for you to join my affiliate network! I personally do not promote email marketing as something to get started with. Without prior experience it's harder to build significant enough lists.

    I personally suggest starting on Facebook, hit me up if you have any questions!
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  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Originally Posted by Jawshh View Post


    I have decided to try to make some money with CPA leads. I can see a huge list of CPA networks in this forum. I will only be using email marketing, which network should I join?

    A lot are good. Go ahead and pick a few and try it out
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1560463].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jawshh
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I was wondering, is COPEAC a scam? I don't see it in the list.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1570599].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
      Originally Posted by Jawshh View Post

      Thanks everyone for your replies. I was wondering, is COPEAC a scam? I don't see it in the list.
      I don't believe they are. I think Amish Shah (well known CPA marketer) uses that network, along with some others.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jawshh
    Thanks a lot guys

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