CPA Part I: The Basics

233 replies
#cpa #millionaire
  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    Hey Kenster,

    Thank you for initiating such a nice thread.

    Let be complement ...

    I agree with you that CPA is one of the few IM areas where people can become Millionaires. But, I want to stress that being Millionaire with CPA is not as simple as it sounds.

    You need to a proper plan, strategy, commitment, patience and discipline to win in this highly lucrative money maker.

    Let me make it clear...

    The first thing that you need to have to become a millionaire is the proper mindset. You have to believe that becoming millionaires with CPA is doable. Also, you need to have a strong commitment of becoming a millionaire.

    You also need to know that you can't be rich with CPA overnight. Becoming rich with CPA is a process. You need some time to know and master how to do CPA the right way, the strategies, techniques, tools - Everything. So, be patient and get focused.
    If you are ready to become a millionaire, first, you need to learn and master CPA.
    Particular areas that you need to know about CPA are:
    1.Promoting the right CPA offers from Trusted CPA Networks
    2.Selecting Profitable CPA offers
    3.Driving highly targeted and efficient traffic
    4.Converting your traffic effectively
    5.Testing and Tracking
    6.Using Proper Automation tools.
    Then once you learn all the strategies and techniques of doing CPA the right way, you need to have A Plan. You need to organize things, Have a Plan - Work a Plan.

    Next, You Need To Take Action. This is critical; having knowledge by itself will not make you a millionaire, unless otherwise you apply it. The beauty of this is that, action by itself will teach you lots of things. So do things strategically and do not afraid to make mistakes, but make sure that you learn from every mistake you commit.

    The other important thing people afraid to do are outsourcing. Focus on your strong areas and outsource your weak areas. Always focus on the keys. For instance, if you can't design powerful and compelling landing page for your PPC campaign, just give to someone who can do it efficiently and perfectly.

    Another important point is to focus on areas that can make you really a millionaire, areas such as PPC, PPV, etc. The beauty of these systems is very flexible once you get the Master KEY.

    Being a millionaire is also thinking out side of the box. Beware that you will not be a millionaire if you do things like what everyone is doing. Be creative and think outside of the box.

    To wrap up ...

    Being a millionaire is a combination and coordination of lots of things.
    · Commitment to succeed , patience and discipline
    · Proper mindset
    · Getting focused
    ·Learning and mastering the critical areas of CPA
    · Having a Plan - Working a Plan
    · Taking Action
    ·Focusing on your strong areas and outsource your weak areas
    ·Focus on easily expandable areas such as PPC and PPV
    ·Being creative and think outside the box.
    I think this is the Mater KEY TO A MILLIONAIRES GATE. So Go and Get the KEY.

    One more point ...

    Do not reinvent the wheel
    . If you are new to something, then find an expert and try to learn from the expert. And then you can tweak, add your mint and improve in a way that can get you most success.

    One more thing ...

    If you are completely new to CPA, make sure to check the following thread

    Hope it helps.

    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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    • Profile picture of the author shyspy
      Wow, nice sharing *Kenster.
      Since i'm still new with this CPA thing, this is very valuable information to me.
      I read this post / thread twice!, and now i do understand how to begin my CPA journey.
      What a greats people here! Thanks to you...
      Wish me luck guys.

      Bing Advertising Coupon $100 For Sale! Valid World Wide, For Just $30. PM Me For More Details.

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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    Hey Ken,

    If you filled that post with some useless fluff, you'd have a best selling Ebook!!!

    Great stuff!!!.........right to the point!!!!

    PS.How much snow do you have in Jersey?................NYC, its still pretty light, as far as whats on the ground
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    • Profile picture of the author TE2

      Good post and I commend you for it!

      However, I noticed one critical piece that was missing - the very first piece...


      Internet marketing, CPA included, requires the right mindset.

      Here's my success formula:

      Mindset + Action + System(s) = Success

      Mindset is the very first piece of the equation, without it, you just have A+S=S. Notice anything about the shortened equation? :p

      Mindset, is critical. You have to be focused, able to handle failure, and motivated to take action.

      How many times is this question repeated in the forum?

      "So why am I not successful?"

      Well, I can almost guarantee that mindset is missing from your equation.

      If you follow the experts, the guru's, and the wannabe's too closely, you lose your ability to think for yourself. You start looking for the magic bulet, the latest gimmick, technique, etc... and lose your way.

      The sooner you start thinking for yourself, the sooner you will reach success.


      Get your head straight first or everything else will be for naught.


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  • Profile picture of the author Tajine
    Well done Kenster & thanks for another valuable article!

    I'm new here but already I seem to be a fan of yours. (bought one of your products already!)

    I'm gonna have to keep looking for more of your nuggets in these postings.

    Keep up the good work
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    TE2 - you absolutely correct. Mindset is very very powerful in this industry. Sometimes I laugh because I go to shows and masterminds and there are soo many marketers out there that are brilliant, making me feel like an adiot, but they just dont have the mindset and personality to get stuff done.

    But then again, mindset is critical in every personal and professional endeavor you pursue!
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    • Profile picture of the author gotdmw
      Awesome Post Kenster very informative

      how long would it take to become a cpa millionaire with this technique?(approximately)?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Millionaire, with this technique...a very very very long time. This is just a very basic framework. Going to need a lot more than the aforementioned to make a million. But ther great thing about internet marketing is that hit one thing great and it can catapult your income.

    Put it this way, I'm not going to disclose how much I make and I never will, but I've made more in Jan and Feb of this year than all of 2009. The only reason I mention this is not illustrate the fact that things build on each other in IM it seems. The learning curve is tough but when you find things that work, the rewards and eually rewarding.

    but by absolutely no stretch of the imagination is becoming a millionaire any line of business
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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Millionaire, with this technique...a very very very long time. This is just a very basic framework. Going to need a lot more than the aforementioned to make a million. But ther great thing about internet marketing is that hit one thing great and it can catapult your income.

      Put it this way, I'm not going to disclose how much I make and I never will, but I've made more in Jan and Feb of this year than all of 2009. The only reason I mention this is not illustrate the fact that things build on each other in IM it seems. The learning curve is tough but when you find things that work, the rewards and eually rewarding.

      but by absolutely no stretch of the imagination is becoming a millionaire any line of business
      Hi Kenster & Mike,

      Precisely - > Things built on each other to see results.
      Exactly - > The learning curve is a tough one.
      No doubt about it -> It is not easy to reach megabucks.

      So I have to start from somewhere. You've shown the path. Me as a newbie, will follow through the path. Make a hell lot of mistakes in the process and learnt a lot from it.

      For the past 4 weeks, I was like spending 12 hours a day doing nothing but scouring, learning, analyzing, testing and applying things to fit into the IM mindset.

      1. Know where the money is.
      2. Know how to get that money.
      3. What people buy.
      4. Why people buy.
      5. How to find a niche.
      6. How to set up shop. (platform)
      7. Where to get the products. (offers)
      8. How to get buyers to come. (traffic )
      9. How to write & communicate well. (content)
      10. How to convert into sales.
      11. How to analyze performance and improve
      12. How to maintain and get loyal clients

      EACH OF THOSE 12 THINGS, have their own deeeeep sub-topics ... wheww .... My head was about to explode. Almost ... but I'm steadfast. hehehe.

      I was like very confused at first and then slowly slowly things began to settle a bit. I began to see things clearer as the knowledge sink in to its places.

      From the list, there are Know How, Know Where, What, Why and 8 Hows.

      Now is a matter of WHEN will the efforts start showing results. I don't even deserve to ask WHEN if I haven't done the prior moves through tips from WSOs. At least I know more is coming, because its trickling in bit by bit already. So, there's light at the end of the CPA page funnel. ( lol ).

      Thanks Kenster and Mike. You Warriors are awesome.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
        Originally Posted by azmanar View Post

        Hi Kenster & Mike,

        Precisely - > Things built on each other to see results.
        Exactly - > The learning curve is a tough one.
        No doubt about it -> It is not easy to reach megabucks.

        So I have to start from somewhere. You've shown the path. Me as a newbie, will follow through the path. Make a hell lot of mistakes in the process and learnt a lot from it.

        For the past 4 weeks, I was like spending 12 hours a day doing nothing but scouring, learning, analyzing, testing and applying things to fit into the IM mindset.

        1. Know where the money is.
        2. Know how to get that money.
        3. What people buy.
        4. Why people buy.
        5. How to find a niche.
        6. How to set up shop. (platform)
        7. Where to get the products. (offers)
        8. How to get buyers to come. (traffic )
        9. How to write & communicate well. (content)
        10. How to convert into sales.
        11. How to analyze performance and improve
        12. How to maintain and get loyal clients

        EACH OF THOSE 12 THINGS, have their own deeeeep sub-topics ... wheww .... My head was about to explode. Almost ... but I'm steadfast. hehehe.

        I was like very confused at first and then slowly slowly things began to settle a bit. I began to see things clearer as the knowledge sink in to its places.

        From the list, there are Know How, Know Where, What, Why and 8 Hows.

        Now is a matter of WHEN will the efforts start showing results. I don't even deserve to ask WHEN if I haven't done the prior moves through tips from WSOs. At least I know more is coming, because its trickling in bit by bit already. So, there's light at the end of the CPA page funnel. ( lol ).

        Thanks Kenster and Mike. You Warriors are awesome.
        Hey Azmanar,

        Nice comment .
        CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3030634].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by azmanar View Post

        Hi Kenster & Mike,

        Precisely - > Things built on each other to see results.
        Exactly - > The learning curve is a tough one.
        No doubt about it -> It is not easy to reach megabucks.

        So I have to start from somewhere. You've shown the path. Me as a newbie, will follow through the path. Make a hell lot of mistakes in the process and learnt a lot from it.

        For the past 4 weeks, I was like spending 12 hours a day doing nothing but scouring, learning, analyzing, testing and applying things to fit into the IM mindset.

        1. Know where the money is.
        2. Know how to get that money.
        3. What people buy.
        4. Why people buy.
        5. How to find a niche.
        6. How to set up shop. (platform)
        7. Where to get the products. (offers)
        8. How to get buyers to come. (traffic )
        9. How to write & communicate well. (content)
        10. How to convert into sales.
        11. How to analyze performance and improve
        12. How to maintain and get loyal clients

        EACH OF THOSE 12 THINGS, have their own deeeeep sub-topics ... wheww .... My head was about to explode. Almost ... but I'm steadfast. hehehe.

        I was like very confused at first and then slowly slowly things began to settle a bit. I began to see things clearer as the knowledge sink in to its places.

        From the list, there are Know How, Know Where, What, Why and 8 Hows.

        Now is a matter of WHEN will the efforts start showing results. I don't even deserve to ask WHEN if I haven't done the prior moves through tips from WSOs. At least I know more is coming, because its trickling in bit by bit already. So, there's light at the end of the CPA page funnel. ( lol ).

        Thanks Kenster and Mike. You Warriors are awesome.


        It's this kind of systematic approach and organization that really helps in this IM world. There is just so much information and so many different directions to take that its important to come up with your own plan of attack...nice work!

        For you, the important thing now is implementation...action. In your words...

        "a hell lot of mistakes in the process and learnt a lot from it"

        Awesome stuff and that's exactly how you grow in this business, by taking action and making mistakes. I still make mistakes every single day and I am okay with that. The moment I am not okay is the moment I am not making mistakes. That either means I am not learning or not expanding my business. Both are equally bad as you really need to be resilient in this business.

        Thank you for the great comments.
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      • Profile picture of the author John David
        Originally Posted by azmanar View Post

        1. Know where the money is.
        2. Know how to get that money.
        3. What people buy.
        4. Why people buy.
        5. How to find a niche.
        6. How to set up shop. (platform)
        7. Where to get the products. (offers)
        8. How to get buyers to come. (traffic )
        9. How to write & communicate well. (content)
        10. How to convert into sales.
        11. How to analyze performance and improve
        12. How to maintain and get loyal clients
        What an Awesome list !
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  • Profile picture of the author raj5
    hey kenster, nice thread, good grounding information for CPA marketers.
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    • Profile picture of the author dle45

      I always enjoy seeing your threads or things that you have posted cause they seem to always spark and idea or get my brain racing.

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  • Profile picture of the author dmarek87
    Kenster, you are the man! Thanks for the two sites which show the affiliate offers that sites have. That is exactly why I visited this thread because I knew you'd have something like that
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  • Profile picture of the author ocean80
    i see many of us are making pennies like $5 to $10 per day on CPA networks. I guess many people just gave up too easily.
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    • Profile picture of the author Flaura78
      Originally Posted by ocean80 View Post

      i see many of us are making pennies like $5 to $10 per day on CPA networks. I guess many people just gave up too easily.
      First of all, Thanks for Kenster for sharing...

      As always you did show that you're not cut out of the usual "selfish guru giant".

      Yes, Ocean, it is really hard to get further with CPA unless you do it long enough. At least 8 out of 10 campaigns won't work out, and to convert higher paying offers you will need much more traffic, as the conversion is lower, although the EPC might be 10 times higher. So if somebody is not determined enough to turn the money they earned back into testing, they will never get there. It all comes down to testing different offers, niches and keywords.
      And it is also easy to sit there thinking: I'm OK because I was only using free traffic, so I made 100% profit. But I cannot get more free traffic, and am not prepared to lose on PPC, so I am OK.
      That's what I think is holding people back.

      By the way, I just read about a guy who became a famous writer in the 12th year of his career.
      He spent over $7000 on writing resources training and coaching, and 5000 hours writing the first 11 years.
      At the end of his 10th year he was earning -$45 per hour with writing.
      At the end of the 12th year his hourly rate worked out £425 per every hour spent.
      So do you want to stay in deficit or keep on going?

      Online Marketing Agencies let you down? Leave it to Laura!
      Customized automated online marketing sales funnels for your business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Colton
    Nice write up, thanks. Hopefully I can get going in CPA as I've known about it for a while now and have only made small amounts thus far. Thanks, again!
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  • Profile picture of the author kimmer551
    Great post Kenster, love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author leri
    thanks, interesting information.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
    Diversify your traffic sources!!! Never allow one company (google adwords) to be able to shut off your entire traffic source on a whim.

    Thanks for the tips Kenster

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by mikkosant View Post

      Diversify your traffic sources!!! Never allow one company (google adwords) to be able to shut off your entire traffic source on a whim.

      Thanks for the tips Kenster
      I definitely agree diversification is one of the few points that every successful CPA marketer should be aware-off.

      Just diversify your traffic sources , but make sure that you focus on the most effective once like PPC , PPV , etc .so as to get the most money from your efforts.

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author macchiavelli
    Thats a great post.

    One this about cpa is that it converts almost every traffic source out there.
    The main point is to know what offers convert the best and drive all sorts of traffic to it.

    PPC PPV etc.
    Once you find that hot offer you can send avalanches of traffic to it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Just want to stress, there are many more failures than millionaires made my CPA offers, but it is possible Just gotta find strategies and keep applying yourself. It's you that will make or break it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathi Fakudze
    Nice thread Kenster, very encouraging...
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster

    Yes, becoming a millionaire is very hard and a real lot of work. In my opinion, it seems much much more easy to become a millionaire online than it is offline, but the amount of work required shouldnt be underestimated.

    And many people aren't even looking to become millionaires online. Some people just want to make that extra $100 per day to help pay the bills. That is okay as well!
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    • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post


      Yes, becoming a millionaire is very hard and a real lot of work. In my opinion, it seems much much more easy to become a millionaire online than it is offline, but the amount of work required shouldnt be underestimated.

      And many people aren't even looking to become millionaires online. Some people just want to make that extra $100 per day to help pay the bills. That is okay as well!
      You hit the nail right on the head here!

      The have yet to make any money with CPA because I have just gotten started. But the difference for me is the online the playing field is level.

      All it really takes is my desire to learn and apply that knowledge. If someone is willing to do that, then they can be successful in IM. Offline it is much harder and there are more hoops to jump through.

      Online, everyone has an equal chance based on their willingness to learn and apply. Not if they have a degree, or based on their job history, or their lot in life.

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  • Profile picture of the author John David.
    Hey Kenster ,

    Which traffic source is making you the most money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    ppc at the moment but its a little biased because of one sizable campaign. Have a hand in just about everything though...huge believer in diversifying.
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    • Profile picture of the author John David.
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      ppc at the moment but its a little biased because of one sizable campaign. Have a hand in just about everything though...huge believer in diversifying.
      Thanks ken.

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      • Profile picture of the author
        Let me share my story with you. Maybe I ask for a little help to get better.

        Its been 2 weeks. I signed up with ClickBooth.

        Now the offer I am using has around $100 per lead.

        Example yesterday: I spent $89 on Adword campaign, and it got me 3 leads, which is $300.

        It was a good day, but I want to double that. I want to keep going, make more.

        Do you have any pointers? I have a great source of money to use on adwords, but I want to bring in more money. Do you know any offers that do well with Adword campaigns???

        Any help would be great!
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        • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
          Originally Posted by View Post

          Let me share my story with you. Maybe I ask for a little help to get better.

          Its been 2 weeks. I signed up with ClickBooth.

          Now the offer I am using has around $100 per lead.

          Example yesterday: I spent $89 on Adword campaign, and it got me 3 leads, which is $300.

          It was a good day, but I want to double that. I want to keep going, make more.

          Do you have any pointers? I have a great source of money to use on adwords, but I want to bring in more money. Do you know any offers that do well with Adword campaigns???

          Any help would be great!
          Hey ,

          First I want to remind you that ….

          I think you have done great work; you spent $89 and got $300 which is really great.

          The point that you need to note here is that you have got a sort of winner campaign.

          Now, check your tracking tool to identify which keywords have brought you these 3 leads.

          Once you identify the keywords, just analyze and scale your campaign based on these winning keywords.

          I think you already have got a winner campaign, all you need to do is scale your campaign based on the winner keywords.

          This is how PPC works, you test few campaigns until you get a winner and that winner campaign is usually turned into six figure income generator machine through the techniques of scaling.

          So, I highly recommend that you analyze the winner keywords and scale your campaign based on the winning keywords. Make also sure to delete the loser keywords.

          I hope it helps.

          CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
    thanks for providing the great info. sure it will help out alot of folks on here =)
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  • Profile picture of the author agha
    thank for sharing the information about CPA.
    But what do you think about affiliate ? is it in CPA category ?
    I Got $3193 per month with this (laziness don't click it)
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    • Profile picture of the author TE2
      Originally Posted by agha View Post

      thank for sharing the information about CPA.
      But what do you think about affiliate ? is it in CPA category ?
      CPA is a form of affiliate marketing.

      In CPA you are getting paid to provide leads or sales to someone else.
      Hence, you are an affiliate.

      CPA stands for "Cost Per Acquisition". Some say it is "Cost Per Action".


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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    No problem guys.

    Affiliate marketing is a broad category. I consider CPA to be sort of under the affiliate marketing umbrella. Similar in many ways but the concept of only needing to generate leads, not sales, makes CPA unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author harpreetrock
    Thanks usual always good and valuable information to the warriros..just bookmared it...
    Mike thanks you tooo for sharing ur information.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Agreed. The great thing about making money online as well is that YES there are a lot of people who attempt to make money online, but when you weed out the people who aren't willing to put in an ounce of effort to get there, the playing field becomes a lot smaller meaning the opportunity is greater.

    There are a lot of unknowns out there and you need to be willing to take the dive. What feels like not to long ago, I downloaded a Microsoft Expressions free trial and had no idea what the heck I was looking at. I had zero idea what I was doing or how to even start to build a web site. Instead of giving up, I sat all day just messing around with stuff and by the end of the day I had a very basic understanding of html. The same thing with PPC, and Wordpress and everything. Everything looks like jibberish when you first learn something. So many people just give up right there in the IM world. You've got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone to learn new things.

    The potential is enormous, its not rocket science, but its not a Sunday stroll in the park! Work hard, think hard, so you can enjoy hard in the future!
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    • Profile picture of the author stokielad
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Agreed. The great thing about making money online as well is that YES there are a lot of people who attempt to make money online, but when you weed out the people who aren't willing to put in an ounce of effort to get there, the playing field becomes a lot smaller meaning the opportunity is greater.

      There are a lot of unknowns out there and you need to be willing to take the dive. What feels like not to long ago, I downloaded a Microsoft Expressions free trial and had no idea what the heck I was looking at. I had zero idea what I was doing or how to even start to build a web site. Instead of giving up, I sat all day just messing around with stuff and by the end of the day I had a very basic understanding of html. The same thing with PPC, and Wordpress and everything. Everything looks like jibberish when you first learn something. So many people just give up right there in the IM world. You've got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone to learn new things.

      The potential is enormous, its not rocket science, but its not a Sunday stroll in the park! Work hard, think hard, so you can enjoy hard in the future!
      Amen Kenster,

      I purchased your wso on cpa the other day and have been inspired into getting my arse in gear and getting some campaigns off the ground

      I've been accepted into a few of the big 9 and i'm gonna start with some video marketing, i'll let you kow how i get on
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      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by stokielad View Post

        Amen Kenster,

        I purchased your wso on cpa the other day and have been inspired into getting my arse in gear and getting some campaigns off the ground

        I've been accepted into a few of the big 9 and i'm gonna start with some video marketing, i'll let you kow how i get on

        Hey there!

        Great to see your initial success! I think I just read that you got into neverblue already so hooray! They are one of the better networks.

        So for video marketing, I would suggest letting your creativity run free. Think of extremely creative headlines that are catchy, and perhaps even controversial!!!!

        Glad to see you starting with free methods!!!

        Best, Ken
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  • Profile picture of the author dropship
    The best way I've found to learn is just try something out. As many have already said before, expect to fail! You're not going to find every single campaign you setup to be a winner. The majority I setup are losers, but it once you find that winner after testing, testing, and more testing, it can be profitable for some time or forever!
    **The #1 Secret & Strategies Used by SUPER AFFILIATES** [FREE BLUEPRINT DOWNLOAD HERE]
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Exactly. Especially if you are doing something like ppc, I dont know a single person that doesnt fail more than they succeed with campaigns. The trick is making sure that you fail small meaning turn off losing campaigns early. The whole point is trying to find those good campaigns that you can build up and dominate and thats where the money comes in.

    Being able to use these small failures to motivate you to push harder is so important. I used to get frustrated at every failure. Now I look as each failure as being one step closer to success
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  • Profile picture of the author numba8
    thanks kenster!
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    • Profile picture of the author Gyroballer
      Ken, I purchased your guide Sunday night, read it over 2x (you said 4x but I need to act quickly on an offer - see below) and a big THANKS for clearly outlining what I need to do to succeed in CPA. I am very excited and insanely jacked up after reading the mindset section. Let's do it!

      Okay...breathing much slower now. I've got 5 minutes to write the rest before I leave the house but here's the deal: Newbie here and it's my first CPA offer. I need some feedback on what I've been working on today. Can you spare a few minutes people? Really appreciate it. I'll divulge all I've done so far and feel free to critique. Thanks!

      I got an email this morning from my AM over at Max Bounty. I've been getting emails from her almost every day, and never acted on them. Today I decided to act. Thank you again, Kenster. There's a new offer for the soon to be released game God of War 3. $2.60 paid per lead. I don't plan to do PPC, but I could as I have an acct and funds already setup.

      I went over to YouTube, found a God of War 3 Trailer downloaded and remixed it with Camtasia Studio 6, adding a pulsating track for more heartpounding flavor. After tinkering for a couple hours(including adding text tiles with my url), I uploaded the video to YouTube, set the keywords the same as the downloaded video, then posted on a site of mine I have not used, but has been around for about a year.

      At this point I went over to LinkedTube and added the CPA link to the destination URL.

      After creating a couple of posts on my website, including adding the video I uploaded, I hired someone for $30 to submit my site to 1000 directories and social bookmarking sites. 7 days is when I've been told it will be finished.

      After polishing off the posts a little, adding banners and links and such, I was hoping for a little feedback from the community. Here's my website:

      Now this is the extent of my work so far. What would you recommend I do at this point? The game is released worldwide in 2 weeks so my guess is this offer may see a slow death soon after. I want to act quickly, and can, but I want to minimize mistakes. Above all, though, I want to learn how to do things the right way.

      Thanks for your input, I'll be looking forward to your comments.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Glad you like the guide so much and glad its getting you pumped up!

    Your landing page is pretty good, based on being a newb I thought I was going to visit a piece of dog doo doo, but it has a good feel for the target audience.

    Now that you have a good landing page and video, now the trick is pimping a lot of traffic to the site. I know nothing about games but my guess is that this will get huge views for a limited time like you said and then slowly level back out.

    1. as the guide points out, a lot of youtube strategy is about volume. Start "making videos like bunnies make babies" Im sure you know what I mean. One video probably wont cut it. You can use that same video and change things up like the title, the length and snapshot picture. You can literally use the same video over and over again and monetize different titles. People search for different things. If it were me, I would have 100-200 videos up. You can use software or powerpoint, whatever you need to scrape as much traffic as you can.

    2. try using cl. My bet is that there will be tons of people out there during release week that will be looking for copies on cl. Monetize that traffic. Read up about classifieds marketing so you know what your doing and can get good traffic. Its a lot of work but the traffic can be large if its a popular game (again not really my niche but from what I see and read, games are huge)

    3. check out gaming forums that allow signature do follow links. You can even start posting now and in your signature tell people you have an offer and you will email them back the day the game is released. Essentially building a manual list. My bet is that if people will convert well this way. Again its a lot of work.

    Better yet, gaming forums may be saturated. Try dofollow forums non gaming related but the same target audience. If the game is popular a lot of people will be interested there with little to no competition.

    4. I assume you are a 'gamer'. As you lie in bed tonight think creatively about the places you visit on the web and then find out hwo to monetize that place with your offer. Thinking creatively like this is huge.

    And then again you can try paid traffic as well. For a lower payout like that, you need volume to make the large money. Although my bet is right now you just want to see some profit even if it isnt ginormous. Yes I made up that word, deal with it!

    Anyway, you seem to be off to a good start. Hopefully some of my thoughts give you some useful ideas you can run with. If anything works well, be sure to let the whole forum know when the offer dies down. Always great to have people come back and let others know what worked well.

    check out tubemogul as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Gyroballer
    This is good info. I've been taking action all night!

    Craigslist for this offer is not allowed. I had thought about that though; maybe there's a way around it? I might give it some more thought, but I like your suggestion about posting an ad on CL with a pic of an old weight bench, then when you receive responses offer them a different product? Would that be unethical? Suppose I offer the Playstation 3 for sale, then redirect the responses to the CPA offer with a blurb along the lines that I '...sold the PS3 but here's a link to sign up for a free PS3 with the God of War 3 game!" But maybe tone down the sales pitch. Thoughts?

    I have a 2,000+ member World of Warcraft group on Facebook and the wall is littered with complaints about buggy patches, accounts hacked, stuff like that. I get the feeling peeps are losing their love for the game a bit (like me). Maybe I'll toss a link there or start a discussion about this new game.

    Great tip! I've signed up for tubemogul and 9 other video sites so far and currently uploading that video to them all. Much easier to upload all at once than one at a time.

    So far I've had 44 clicks on the CPA offer...0 sales.

    Ah...feels good to have setup an offer and taken action. Tomorrow I'll crank on the videos big time. Thanks again for the great advice and I'll update the thread again soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gyroballer
    I added a PPC campaign to that CPA offer and got 5 extra clicks last night. Do you like stats?

    5 Impressions
    4,052 CTR
    0.12% Avg. CPC
    $0.39 Avg. CPM
    $0.48 Total Cost
    The CPA offer is $3.00 per lead (previously mentioned it was $2.60) so I have realized a $1.05 profit. Guys, I am elated that I made a little money last night, plus getting my first CPA action is just...awesome. I feel good today!

    I highly recommend Kenster's "Rags to Riches" guide as it is living proof that a beginner like me can implement his strategies quickly, easily and effectively.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    First, Congrats on the profit and thanks much for the compliments on my guide. That is soo awesome that you have already made profit!

    As for classifieds, there are many many many unethical and deceptive methods that are out there. I wouldnt recommend doing anything blackhat because its not right and worse off, it wont make you feel great or sleep well. With that said, there is a whole spectrum of methods that arent blackhat but arent white. They are more grey. I will tell you the same thing I tell everybody else, ONLY do what makes you comfortable. Everybody has a different on what is or isnt ethical, everybody has their own moral fiber. That is fine. So, stay away from black and only do what you are comfortable doing.

    Video marketing is super, I dont do a ton of it anymore because im too busy with other things, but I am still reaping the benefits from past work and will continue to reap these benefits for a long time, thats whats great.

    As for ppc, be sure to keep tracking as deep as possible. Find the winning keywords and expand on those. Turn off the losers. If the offer converts well, start testing some broader keywords and see if you can convert them. By going broader, you can get a lot more traffic so its worth testing.

    Best man, keep plugging away!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I would focus on the current offer for now. It seems to have great potential so start optimizing the heck out of that campaign. Be sure to track well and keep slit testing. When you think you are done split testing, then do it some more!!
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  • Profile picture of the author paytonlowe
    You forgot the most important step... Tracking!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yes, I didnt do a comprehensive post (obviously) but you are absolutely correct. Tracking is probably the one aspect that newbs dont do and then complain that none of their campaigns are making money.

    For tracking you can do anything from basic sub-id tracking to more reliable and safe Prosper or Tracking 202. Alternatively you can do statsjunky or other comprehensive tracking systems.

    I would also add that one must be very diligent about tracking as deep as possible. Tracking results mean nothing unless you do something with the results, set up paramaters, or some other system. Everybody has different parameters and metrics they rely on but the point is to develop a system on your own.

    Feel free to add your own insights everybody! Very helpful thread so far
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    • Profile picture of the author
      Kenster, can you please email me. I have a couple things I want to ask you, in hopes you can help me out. Thanks

      forex316 @

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  • Profile picture of the author damham
    so google adwords is the way to go if you wanna make a million ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by damham View Post

      so google adwords is the way to go if you wanna make a million ?
      Not necessarily. You can do well with almost any traffic source. Some people kill it with ppc, others with video, others with classifieds, others with offline, others with media or social. A lot of the big big dogs stick with paid traffic but don't limit yourself.

      Like I said you have to get to a hundred and thousand dollars before getting to anything higher. Trying to jump right to the top is detrimental in many circumstances. There is a progression so don't limit yourself.
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      • Profile picture of the author sceptic
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        • Profile picture of the author lilgrace
          Originally Posted by sceptic View Post

          I bet there is no single guy/gall in the whole of the Warrior forum who made a million in a strong currency, from Internet marketing. The best ones are most likely struggling to just make an average living.

          I bet you are wrong!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1847592].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mark Owens
          Originally Posted by sceptic View Post

          I bet there is no single guy/gall in the whole of the Warrior forum who made a million in a strong currency, from Internet marketing. The best ones are most likely struggling to just make an average living.
          I'm surprised to hear that from someone who's joined since 2008... I guess that's why you chose that name :p

          People are making much more than $1m+ a year. Let's just look at the Warrior Forum for instance. I think there's 60 threads per page on the WSO section which is around 150 bumps more or less in that section alone each day (a bit over 2 pages every 24 hours from what I've seen). This isn't including Products/Services and War room membership. 150*20 = $3k a day which is over $1m a year. And that's just the start.

          There's so many ways to make 7 figures online I don't why so many people are struggling. All you have to do is invest, take action and test. Sure you may lose some money at the start, but you find some killer campaigns. Even though I essentially had a -500% ROI yesterday (was only a tiny bit of money as a test), but I now know what I did wrong and I'm confident this campaign will be extremely profitable within a few weeks.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1847692].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by sceptic View Post

          I bet there is no single guy/gall in the whole of the Warrior forum who made a million in a strong currency, from Internet marketing. The best ones are most likely struggling to just make an average living.

          Yep, you're wrong. Seems like you have been around here a long time and you are still convinced the best of Warriors are "struggling to just make an average living"?
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      • Profile picture of the author Lisasmoney
        Does anyone know of some good CPA company's. I have been trying to find one? Also how do I get myself accepted if I've never done it before?
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        • Profile picture of the author Fox30
          Originally Posted by Lisasmoney View Post

          Does anyone know of some good CPA company's. I have been trying to find one? Also how do I get myself accepted if I've never done it before?

          Great info Kenster. Thanks!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1902707].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
          Originally Posted by Lisasmoney View Post

          Does anyone know of some good CPA company's. I have been trying to find one? Also how do I get myself accepted if I've never done it before?
          I suggest reading Kensters WSO. Explains the basics of CPA IM and also helped me greatly get accepted into 5 CPA networks easily. I'm still fairly new to CPA (2 months now) but reading his WSO helped greatly.

          These are the ones that i think are easy to get accepted..
          google affiliate network
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      • Profile picture of the author jayesser
        Nice post telling it like it is - somethiing that many people inthe CPA game DONT DO!!
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      • Profile picture of the author gmiller
        Hi kenster, I have seen your effort regarding to CPA marketing. very good information. Can you tell me on how much traffic volume, how much we can earn.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928599].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by gmiller View Post

          Hi kenster, I have seen your effort regarding to CPA marketing. very good information. Can you tell me on how much traffic volume, how much we can earn.

          Thanks man. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. You can have a lot of traffic volume but if its not converting, you wont make a lot or if its paid traffic, than you can actually lose a lot.

          Or you can have a little bit of traffic and it can convert like crazy. Ive done some campaigns that had phenomenal conversions and made me a decent amount of money without a lot of volume.

          Of course optimally you want lots of traffic that is cheap and converts like crazy. Find that and let me know!!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1930821].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bluekoala
        Very informative. Thnx
        best affiliate programs review

        Post all your back-links here: Backlink Me
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1934258].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author chinmokuyuuki
        I would definitely recommend PeerFly & Adscend for CPA Starters. Both are great helpful networks which are relatively easy to get accepted into.

        Just my 2 cents.
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      • Profile picture of the author Housestacks
        Success starts with an idea - and Kester has opened my mind and creativity
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        • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
          Originally Posted by tonycre View Post

          Success starts with an idea - and Kester has opened my mind and creativity
          I agree , Kenster has started and gave brilliant ideas .

          The rest is to understand how things work and take action . Unless you take an action , nothing would be changed .

          CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2898373].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by tonycre View Post

          Success starts with an idea - and Kester has opened my mind and creativity

          This is the brilliance of entrepreneurship. It starts with that little idea. People call you crazy when you tell them, yrou family and friends may or may not support you, there are normally more doubters than supporters, but you hold onto that idea. Start putting together a plan and incubating that idea. Work your freaking tail off and you can turn that idea into something tangible...a business. Its magical, its brilliant, and its why I love entrepreneurship. It all starts with an idea.

          Think about Google
          Think about Facebook
          Think about any successful business

          -it starts as an idea
          -the person who started it is breathing the same air as you and I are
          -the person who started it are walking on the same earth as you and I
          -the person who started it eat the same things and so similar to us

          Be that person. Work as hard as that person and you can turn your own creative idea into an empire. I'm not there yet, but I'm working my butt off to get there!

          To each of our success
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      • Profile picture of the author Putra Galuh
        Thanks for your note! It really help me.

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      • Profile picture of the author jobchix
        Hallo. Would you please PM me on jobchix@gmail. Need to start a website with a squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author bioshift
    I think the overall takeaway is that you have to work your way to the top of the ladder... congrats on taking action and seeing results!
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  • Profile picture of the author roilion
    thanks, interesting information.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Good information Mike. I would be hesitant in making it seem like a winner campaign can easily be scaled to six figures but it does happen.

    And I agree, I hope he is optimizing and scaling the freak out of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author ILUVCA$H
    You will notice on the site that there are a ton of different offers. Some are short forms, some long, some email submits, some free trials. Now your best bet here is to give your affiliate manager a call and explain to him how you plan on promoting and he will give you some good offers that the network carries. This is a good place to start.
    If you are searching for a specific type of offer or in a specific niche but don't know what network it is carried on, then go to the following two sites.
    You can also normally search on each network and it will give you the offers that convert the best on the network, have the highest EPC (earning per click), network wide earnings etc. This is a good place to start if you have no idea what to promote or how you are going to promote.

    Great advice as always !!

    If anyone needs to brainstorm some ideas on what CPA offer would work for them I can send you a list (free) of offers I think would be great ...

    Right now : Debt , Insurance, Games are looking really good !

    Luke Smith | Affiliate Manager
    (858) 848-LUKE
    IM: LukeMotive
    SKYPE : lukejSmith1

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1857676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by ILUVCA View Post

      Step 2: PICKING AN OFFER
      You will notice on the site that there are a ton of different offers. Some are short forms, some long, some email submits, some free trials. Now your best bet here is to give your affiliate manager a call and explain to him how you plan on promoting and he will give you some good offers that the network carries. This is a good place to start.
      If you are searching for a specific type of offer or in a specific niche but don't know what network it is carried on, then go to the following two sites.
      You can also normally search on each network and it will give you the offers that convert the best on the network, have the highest EPC (earning per click), network wide earnings etc. This is a good place to start if you have no idea what to promote or how you are going to promote.

      Great advice as always !!

      If anyone needs to brainstorm some ideas on what CPA offer would work for them I can send you a list (free) of offers I think would be great ...

      Right now : Debt , Insurance, Games are looking really good !
      Hey luke ,

      It is really great advice .

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1899913].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ILUVCA$H
        Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

        Hey luke ,

        It is really great advice .

        Thanks Mike - glad to help out any time !

        Luke Smith | Affiliate Manager
        (858) 848-LUKE
        IM: LukeMotive
        SKYPE : lukejSmith1

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Good stuff Luke, wonderful supplement there!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1859431].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ILUVCA$H
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Good stuff Luke, wonderful supplement there!
      Thanks glad to help !

      Luke Smith | Affiliate Manager
      (858) 848-LUKE
      IM: LukeMotive
      SKYPE : lukejSmith1

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  • Profile picture of the author stephane
    Great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author stephane
    Does anyone know DirectCPV? Is it a good CPV company? What is their media source ?
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  • Profile picture of the author SmartyD
    Hi Kenster if you could please email me at studentdse @ So I could ask you some questions you could help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Condorina
    Useful info. I bought "Rags to Riches" (R2R) a few days ago and still had some newbie questions relating how to get started with CPA. R2R was inspirational and gave pointers on how to be creative in approaching CPA; what's appears to be missing for newbies is a guide to the basic mechanics of CPA - tracking, testing, etc. *hint* :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1901056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by SmartyD View Post

      Hi Kenster if you could please email me at studentdse @ So I could ask you some questions you could help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

      Originally Posted by Condorina View Post

      Useful info. I bought "Rags to Riches" (R2R) a few days ago and still had some newbie questions relating how to get started with CPA. R2R was inspirational and gave pointers on how to be creative in approaching CPA; what's appears to be missing for newbies is a guide to the basic mechanics of CPA - tracking, testing, etc. *hint* :-)

      If I can muster the energy to create another even more comprehensive guide I will include a ton of videos to show rather than tell how things like tracking are done. Can't say for certain that this will happen anytime soon...the weather is getting too nice outside!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shazza101
    This is excellent thanks, i think callin ghtem straight away, if you can get through is a great tactic, it has worked for me most of the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author osazzz
    thank kenster for the post, but cant a newbie strike gold without ppc?, just got accepted into 5 cpa networks now but the issue is i cant afford ppc for now, so what do u advise?
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
      Originally Posted by osazzz View Post

      thank kenster for the post, but cant a newbie strike gold without ppc?, just got accepted into 5 cpa networks now but the issue is i cant afford ppc for now, so what do u advise?
      Yes you can without PPC. They have "free" methods of traffic. I am still on this route and still not seeing progress. Just got to keep at it I guess and keep working hard with the free methods.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1903303].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
        Originally Posted by honestbizpro View Post

        Hi Micheal,

        Free methods should be making you all the budget you need for PPC and even more.

        Sending you a PM.
        Yeah I got it, thanks Dave. Thats pretty much my goal route is to gain some profit from free traffic methods and then work my way to PPC. For some reason they are not converting. I am getting tons of responses from CL and I'll send them a nice note with my CPA offer but still nothing. Almost 500 clicks with no leads on my RFT offer. I do, however am starting to feel a bit confident knowing I'm getting bunch of targeted traffic though . I am interested in weight loss RFT's but my networks don't have any. Not even Google Affiliate Network.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1903618].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
        Originally Posted by Michael Hastings View Post

        Yes you can without PPC. They have "free" methods of traffic. I am still on this route and still not seeing progress. Just got to keep at it I guess and keep working hard with the free methods.
        If you don't have money to invest in powerful traffic sources such as PPC, PPV or media buys, you can start it with free traffic sources like articles or videos.

        CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1925536].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
          Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

          If you don't have money to invest in powerful traffic sources such as PPC, PPV or media buys, you can start it with free traffic sources like articles or videos.

          Hey Mike,
          I want to post up some articles, but am fairly new to it. So basically write an article about my niche, say a video game, then at the bottom of the article i can put my hyperlink to my aff site?, and just post that article up to different article sites? Thanks
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926382].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

          If you don't have money to invest in powerful traffic sources such as PPC, PPV or media buys, you can start it with free traffic sources like articles or videos.


          Mike is absolutely correct. Most people go this route when they first start. If not, you can really take a beatdown in the paid traffic world if you aren't sure what youre doing.

          as mike said, articles videos, but also forums, organic traffic, offline, etc
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by osazzz View Post

      thank kenster for the post, but cant a newbie strike gold without ppc?, just got accepted into 5 cpa networks now but the issue is i cant afford ppc for now, so what do u advise?

      Yes, a newbie SHOULD try striking gold without PPC at first. Too many people jump into paid traffic too soon and get eaten alive. Ok, maybe a little dramatic but you get the point.

      Learn by playing with the guppies and coy fish. Once you get the hang of the basics like tracking, testing, then start messing around with the sharks.

      i think my analogies get worse by the week :p
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  • Profile picture of the author vigneshrajesh
    Nice post.......

    Great information for newbies......
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  • Profile picture of the author vamsi
    thanks for very useful information..
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Good stuff guys. Make sure we are all taking continual action. Develop momentum and then ride it to victory lane!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
    Did you mention that your new WSO is coming out with videos? That would so helpful insteado just text.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Michael Hastings View Post

      Did you mention that your new WSO is coming out with videos? That would so helpful insteado just text.

      No, the upcoming WSO is text and there is no reason for it to be video once you see what its about. If I do another comprehensive guide I will think about using video. I've been quite busy so not sure I will actually get the time to sit down and get it done anytime in the near future :confused:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1908957].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
        Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

        No, the upcoming WSO is text and there is no reason for it to be video once you see what its about. If I do another comprehensive guide I will think about using video. I've been quite busy so not sure I will actually get the time to sit down and get it done anytime in the near future :confused:
        Oh ok I see. I remember you mentioned something about videos. I know your busy, by any chance you get my email?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926372].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by Michael Hastings View Post

          Oh ok I see. I remember you mentioned something about videos. I know your busy, by any chance you get my email?

          Yes sir...and replied.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1927166].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author altercate

            I just bought your Rags 2 Riches WSO late last week which was one of the best ebooks I've ever purchased. I read it a couple of times and made a commitment to start taking action ASAP. I put up a simple site for applying to the CPA networks last night, applied to a couple of networks today, have my Q&A prepared and ready for calls out to them tomorrow to get the ball rolling and get accepted. Once that's done I'll pick an offer, go the free traffic route to start (Youtube), do some testing and tracking. Once I get a good understanding of all those basics steps and feel comfortable with the process then I'll starting spending some $ on PPC. I'm basically just following your blueprint. I look forward to showing you my positive results in the near future. Thanks again for putting together a great ebook and also all feedback and knowledge you've provided in this forum.


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  • Profile picture of the author joshrodrigue
    Looking forward to it Kenster. Nice info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
    Recieved your email. Thanks makes sense how you explained it that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Henry Blignaut
    thank you for the info, I tried to join a CPA network, and told them that I did no have much traffic. they refused my application. What should I do to get accepted? they do not want newbies. are there any CPA networks that accept newbies? Thanking you.
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  • Profile picture of the author lrl
    Great posts.
    I purchased your "Rags to Riches" book. Information on ways to use Craig's List were creative.
    The whole book is excellent.

    I have made limited small amount so far (certainly not in profit). Of course, have lost a fair amount of advertising budget on CPVdirect and Leadimpact and others. So I am planning to use more of your creative methods.

    I did post a question regarding Offervault's Affiliate Certification Program, but haven't found comments.

    Do you think it is wise to go through the certification to get accepted faster into CPA networks, or will limited success be a deterent since it seems that info could be shared with potential networks?

    Anyway, thanks for your ongoing great input.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1934022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Henry Blignaut View Post

      thank you for the info, I tried to join a CPA network, and told them that I did no have much traffic. they refused my application. What should I do to get accepted? they do not want newbies. are there any CPA networks that accept newbies? Thanking you.
      There are some good threads on this forum if you do a search. Make sure you call them first of all. Then learn enough about CPA so you can tell them exactly and confidently how you will drive traffic to their offers. If you are doing PPC, tell them you will be setting up landing pages for the individual offers.

      and read the threads here!

      Originally Posted by lrl View Post

      Great posts.
      I purchased your "Rags to Riches" book. Information on ways to use Craig's List were creative.
      The whole book is excellent.

      I have made limited small amount so far (certainly not in profit). Of course, have lost a fair amount of advertising budget on CPVdirect and Leadimpact and others. So I am planning to use more of your creative methods.

      I did post a question regarding Offervault's Affiliate Certification Program, but haven't found comments.

      Do you think it is wise to go through the certification to get accepted faster into CPA networks, or will limited success be a deterent since it seems that info could be shared with potential networks?

      Anyway, thanks for your ongoing great input.

      Good stuff. As I mention in the guide, be careful with craigslist. As a beginner, most networks will not be pleased if you are doing craigslist unless you add a few layers in between. It can be done but isnt ideal for the novice. If you are dead set on craigslist, you can try clickbank products, I did that a long time ago with success.

      be creative
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1936182].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
      Originally Posted by lrl View Post

      Great posts.
      I purchased your "Rags to Riches" book. Information on ways to use Craig's List were creative.
      The whole book is excellent.

      I have made limited small amount so far (certainly not in profit). Of course, have lost a fair amount of advertising budget on CPVdirect and Leadimpact and others. So I am planning to use more of your creative methods.

      I did post a question regarding Offervault's Affiliate Certification Program, but haven't found comments.

      Do you think it is wise to go through the certification to get accepted faster into CPA networks, or will limited success be a deterent since it seems that info could be shared with potential networks?

      Anyway, thanks for your ongoing great input.
      It is not hard to get accepted into major CPA networks. Just be prepared with your Questions and answers, the call will be 3 mins long and boom your done.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1955153].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JosephCosgrave
        I don't know about you guys, but I got accepted into cpalead without a call. my application was super detailed, maybe that helped.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1955365].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John David.
          Originally Posted by JosephCosgrave View Post

          I don't know about you guys, but I got accepted into cpalead without a call. my application was super detailed, maybe that helped.

          It hapeens with cpalead.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1956754].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
          Originally Posted by JosephCosgrave View Post

          I don't know about you guys, but I got accepted into cpalead without a call. my application was super detailed, maybe that helped.
          Yes, you are correct. You can get accepted into various CPA networks without a call at all. I got accepted into CPAlead, commissionjunction, linkshare, clickbank, and google affiliate network without a call. I DID need a site to submit for review tho. But I put one together in less than an hour.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1957006].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kenster
            Originally Posted by Michael Hastings View Post

            Yes, you are correct. You can get accepted into various CPA networks without a call at all. I got accepted into CPAlead, commissionjunction, linkshare, clickbank, and google affiliate network without a call. I DID need a site to submit for review tho. But I put one together in less than an hour.

            Yes normally traditional affiliate networks like cj and clickbank dont require phone interviews, but most of the traditional CPA networks do have phone interviews. Some networks pick who they with to call and other call everybody.

            Dont fear the call though, its not tough and its only 2 minutes long. Just know basics of CPA and you should be okay!

            Best, Ken
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1958494].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    hey ken any E.T.A on the new WSO?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Sorry, I've been trying to think of something fun to do with it but no fun creative ideas yet. Maybe I will just plop it out there as is.

    The other reason I am holding back is because normally when you release a WSO there is a lot of customer service related stuff that goes behind it and so it's a lot of work. Being that I need to run my business and that I like to personally respond to Warriors as opposed to having that outsourced, I have been hesitating until things settle down here. It's a fair amount of work and I've been trying to work less, not more haha.

    will keep you posted though!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1938437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dandingo
    A lot of helpful tips in there. You should seriously consider reading it if you are into affiliate marketing with networks or you want to make a serious income from home.
    Biz Opps, Dating, Email/Zip submit, Free Trial , Mobile, Education , Insurance and more
    BI WEEKLY Payments On Time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1938689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author okeytex4real
    Good post and I commend you for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author mariahm
    Thanks for this. It is so true about holding onto that glimmer of hope and not giving up.
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  • Profile picture of the author mpbiz
    One of the best threads on this forum by far. I definitely agree that even if you do have some cash flow, learn the game of free traffic FIRST. It will help you get inside your users mind. When using youtube, articles, etc you are creating tags, targeting niches, keywords, and you will soon learn why certain videos or articles are getting more interest then the others. To get this kind of testing for free is a goldmine of information. I am new to IM and have been at this for only 3 months and now have a website on pg1 of google for the best keywords possible. This site makes me about $300+ a month now, and I did it all with free traffic. Now, I am obsessed with learning more about PPC. I am definitely using things that I learned with free traffic in my PPC journey now as well, and it has definitely saved me a lot of time. Free traffic will teach you basically what people are looking for and what is attractive to them, and this will most definitely carry over into your ppc or whatever other paid traffic you use. One of the final points id like to make is that IM is very much a building block type thing. Probably 90% of people that want to make money online do a search on google, and they find a forum and see that people are making money. They try some things and dont make much money or dont make anything at all, and then they leave and are convinced that you cannot make money, or you need to be some type of genius and you really dont have to be. All of the gurus out there right now that really do make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, and millions every year, they all started with nothing. The reason they are where they are now is because when they made that first $5 or $10 they realized if they could do that, they could most definitely go from $10 to $50, and then $50 to $100, and then $100 to $1,000. This is a learning process people, and if you dont get a riding on a rollercoaster feeling when you think about having a successful campaign or being successful on the net with cpa, then you are here for the wrong reasons. For those of you who are here and really really want it badly, keep going and we can all do it I have no doubt about it. Good luck to everyone
    Signature > Offers massive savings, usually more than 75% off, on bundles of internet marketing stuff. Tools, landing pages, tracking software, courses, you name it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953221].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    I'd say about half the networks I am now a member of had phone interviews. They are pretty easy, you just have to talk like you're serious about marketing, even if you don't know much. Not too much to worry about. Some of the networks just automatically approved me and a few others just just asked me to email them my experience, etc.

    But the ones who call you, it's no problem. You almost want them to call you because you know these networks are serious.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1958910].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      I'd say about half the networks I am now a member of had phone interviews. They are pretty easy, you just have to talk like you're serious about marketing, even if you don't know much. Not too much to worry about. Some of the networks just automatically approved me and a few others just just asked me to email them my experience, etc.

      But the ones who call you, it's no problem. You almost want them to call you because you know these networks are serious.

      Precisely! Another good hint is that if you are completely new but have done other IM related stuff, let them know that. When I applied I let them know I was doing well with clickbank but heard there was a lot of potential in CPA so that's why I was joining their network.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1960279].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Rodriguez
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961817].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Hastings
          Originally Posted by Daniel Rodriguez View Post

          Theres the spirit, stay positive and keep driven!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961955].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by Daniel Rodriguez View Post


          Hoorahhh!!! Be sure to set some middle goals and milestones first. Like any business, its a process to build anything to million+

          Attack it like you would any business, you can even build a traditional business plan around your CPA business
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966339].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John David.
          Originally Posted by Daniel Rodriguez View Post


          Me too.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2007029].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author daalle
            Me too !!!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2007035].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kenster
              I'm going to be a CPA millionaire...

              Originally Posted by John David. View Post

              Me too.

              Originally Posted by daalle View Post

              Me too !!!

              Two things....

              1. Have you written this goal down :confused:
              2. Have you developed a plan and set of milestones :confused:

              Writing your goals down is very important. Without writing your goals down, you are like everybody else. Everybody wants to be a millionaire (well, almost everybody). Write it down, memorialize it, remind yourself of it daily, think like a millionaire, put in the work, and you will be on the right track to achieve it. Almost every successful person I have met (especially in the CPA world) has written down goals from the very beginning and attacked each with persistence.

              Milestones are very important. This is closely related to coming up with a plan. Becoming a millionaire isnt a plan, its a result. Its a result of a plan. When you sit down and map out how you are going to achieve your goal, it is important to set milestones along the way. This helps keep us on course and keep us working to achieve that next milestone. If you are completely new to CPA and set your one and only goal to be making $1,000,000, chances are you wont get there. The gap is too wide to give your current actions urgency. Setting one very far off goal will likely lead to procrastination and idolness.

              Set huge goals, but make sure you have milestones along the way to keep you on track to achieving the grand goal! :p

              Get er done!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2008805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Affiliit
    just found this thread now, should be a good read for anyone new to this
    Learn Affiliate Marketing - Affiliit - Learn How to Make money with Facebook, POF, CPV/PPV, PPC, SEO, etc!
    Try Out Affiliit Now And See How Hundreds are Making Money Online!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2007088].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by Affiliit View Post

      just found this thread now, should be a good read for anyone new to this
      I definitely agree . This thread has got lots of infomation .

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2178690].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by stokielad View Post

        Amen Kenster,

        I purchased your wso on cpa the other day and have been inspired into getting my arse in gear and getting some campaigns off the ground

        I've been accepted into a few of the big 9 and i'm gonna start with some video marketing, i'll let you kow how i get on
        How are you progressing, any updates? If you need any help, reach out to me/us!

        Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

        I definitely agree . This thread has got lots of infomation .


        Thanks man! Being a CPA millionaire aint easy but its far easier than most business models!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2187169].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kunlemainland
    thanks for that awesome post!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2012124].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by kunlemainland View Post

      thanks for that awesome post!

      No problem. Hopefully people actually do instead of just read and move on!!!

      CPA is about doing

      CPA millionaires DO and DO alot...lots of action

      So just DO

      ...thats what she said....ehhhh not a good one :p
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2016609].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kunlemainland
    thanks for that nice thread
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  • Profile picture of the author cool_78
    Nice tips and congrats on your success, I hope I can duplicate it someday.
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  • Profile picture of the author BILLSBILLION
    Kenstar motivates and inspires lot of warriors.
    "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." True, or true?!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2187570].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2189653].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author harro1
      Originally Posted by RyanEagle View Post

      1 Question Ken: Are you a CPA millionaire?
      Yeah, i thought of asking this question ,
      waiting for the answer
      should be a detailed answer from ken as always........
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2190377].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by RyanEagle View Post

      1 Question Ken: Are you a CPA millionaire?
      Its funny how the more people make the more they are normally quiet about it.

      I do just fine for myself (and those around me), much of which comes from CPA!! :p
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2191974].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nicadwordss
    Be a cpa millionnaire sound great! Everyone want that of course! Including me!
    But making between 150 and 250$ a day and have no boss around is all i ask lol! I need it to say that Hope it will happen one day!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2191889].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nicadwordss
      thanks for the info ken i liked to read it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2191893].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BILLSBILLION
    I am $ 999999 short to be millionaire.!!!
    "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." True, or true?!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2193263].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by BILLSBILLION View Post

      I am $ 999999 short to be millionaire.!!!
      You are closer than most newbies than who never take action to earn that first dollar. Hurdle one cleared, on to hurdle two!

      Earnings can grow rapidly and exponentially in this industry so you may be closer than you think!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2194406].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Toby.T
    I really owe you Ken, this thread and your knowledge here is the reason I signed up to a few CPA companies. Consistantly for the last 5 days made rougly 20-50 dollars a day. Hoping this luck continues. I find that the techniques the majority use just end up failing but if you couple it with some SEO knowledge, you can be a cut above the rest. Time to think of more ideas before the current one goes stale (as this one will in the next week or two, as it's time sensitive)

    And you are exactly right about failing. 14 articles with less than 80 views, 1 article with less than 150 after several weeks(if not months). Then 1 article 500 views in 4 days and a tonne of clicks and the views still increasing.

    Best of luck to you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2200072].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Toby.T View Post

      I really owe you Ken, this thread and your knowledge here is the reason I signed up to a few CPA companies. Consistantly for the last 5 days made rougly 20-50 dollars a day. Hoping this luck continues. I find that the techniques the majority use just end up failing but if you couple it with some SEO knowledge, you can be a cut above the rest. Time to think of more ideas before the current one goes stale (as this one will in the next week or two, as it's time sensitive)

      And you are exactly right about failing. 14 articles with less than 80 views, 1 article with less than 150 after several weeks(if not months). Then 1 article 500 views in 4 days and a tonne of clicks and the views still increasing.

      Best of luck to you.

      Toby, you owe me nothing. I love hearing great success stories and the only thing you owe is yourself and use it as motivation to grow your income.

      I am really glad you have seen the magic of CPA. Failure is inevitable and pervades most of what we do, unfortunately. But its part of the process. The point is weeding through the failures to find those gems. Keep digging for more gems buddy!

      And report back with your results!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2203649].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheBryan
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2330685].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by TheBryan View Post

      Great stuff everyone. After reading through this thread it seems like once you understand the steps, take action, track where you can improve and narrow in on the profits.

      Thats a good generalization of the process...

      Get a base understanding -- take action and start implementing -- optimize (refine, split test, track) - PROFIT

      Optimization is the step that involves the work and that seperates the big dogs from the small puppies. Its the work and meat of building a campaign
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2332161].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stevephan
    Nice guide for newbie . Keep it up mate

    My travel Blog :

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2352420].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by BILLSBILLION View Post

      Kenstar motivates and inspires lot of warriors.
      Hehe...except that Ken Star is a lawyer. Im just Ken Ster

      Originally Posted by stevephan View Post

      Nice guide for newbie . Keep it up mate

      I can make a Part III if you all want??

      Let me know
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2356670].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Devilishboy
    Great Stuff!! thanks for sharing

    I can design professional logos, banners, headers, business cards etc.

    Portfolio Link

    Place an Order Now

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2357012].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ukJoe
    I get it... you have to keep stepping up to the plate and keep swinging, and if you do it enough eventually you will hit the home run.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2441394].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by ukJoe View Post

      I get it... you have to keep stepping up to the plate and keep swinging, and if you do it enough eventually you will hit the home run.

      Yep, all you can do is keep practicing and working on your form. Then just keep swinging and success is inevitable.

      Hitting a home run is within everybodys reach. Millionairedom is also within EVERYBODYS reach!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2471538].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Qualibid
    If you are looking for a good traffic source, you should definitely try

    - High traffic quality
    - Low bids (from 1 cent per click)
    - Advanced bidding tools

    In average, with Qualibid you will pay 10-20 times less compared to Google and 2-3 times less compared to 2 tier PPCs for the same traffic quality.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2467939].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author roy chambers
    good stuff. There are a few more things to be discussed such as rotating offers. You know, that's when a campaign shuts down and the network rotates a different offer without updating the publishers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2468398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bsb85my
    Thanks for the info.
    SENuke Lifetime License for sale (1 PC license) at $666. PM me for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2471570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nicholasedward
    Nice thread Kenster, very encouraging..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2476500].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author techinik
    Although I have been doing affiliate marketing for quite a long time but I am bit new to cpa. Things are way much faster in CPA but I kinda like its whole business model. Its risky but fun and if done things right it won't take much long to become millionaire.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2476605].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster

    It can be risky but can be done with ZERO monetary risk. I find this part absolutely fascinating. You can build a million dollar business without ever riskign a penny of your own or of others. How freaking cool is that!

    And YES, CPA can be fast. PPC and many other traffic sources have almost instant traffic. CPA is very wide and there are many long term plays you can do as well like SEO, video, article, etc. Its sometimes good to have a good split of long term and short term plays!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2479911].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    This looks like something good.. will have a read through.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2480415].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by missmystery View Post

      This looks like something good.. will have a read through.

      It is interesting with lots of valuable information on CPA .

      Good Job Ken .

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2495423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author frontline
    Hi Ken
    Am unable to download the pdf at the website mentioned. It does not take the password mentioned above - can u pls confirm

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2503566].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by frontline View Post

      Hi Ken
      Am unable to download the pdf at the website mentioned. It does not take the password mentioned above - can u pls confirm


      Will have somebody take a look this afternoon. I apologize if its not working in advance! Will keep you updated!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2506237].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by frontline View Post

      Hi Ken
      Am unable to download the pdf at the website mentioned. It does not take the password mentioned above - can u pls confirm


      Try using lowercase!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2510342].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Venediel
    Nice share! It's good info for me, thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2515443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author janice98
    thanks Kenster!
    I'm a newbie here, but as I browse over posts, so far I was able to pick up a lot of motivations and useful infos about your posts and comments.
    keep it up!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2523038].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    You got it Janice, remember you can use the search feature here to find posts/threads about a certain topic or posts/threads by a specific Warrior.

    You can download the CPA millionaire Part I and Part II at the location in the original post above.

    PM me if you have any specific questions and most of all...good luck on your CPA journey!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2524508].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tgglenn
    Thanks Kenster for both Parts I & II. Lots of valuable info. Look forward to getting more involved with CPA due to your WSOs. Thanks again!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2533896].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by tgglenn View Post

      Thanks Kenster for both Parts I & II. Lots of valuable info. Look forward to getting more involved with CPA due to your WSOs. Thanks again!!!
      Kenster deserve it .

      He is contributing lots of valuable information to the community .

      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2535542].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Tgglen ~ Thanks mate. CPA is a great place to be! Put the work in NOW, its worth it!

    Mike ~ Likewise my friend. You are the proud OP of some of my favorite threads here!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2538227].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Eliteworks
    excellent post thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster

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  • Profile picture of the author harro1
    why this thread has poor rating? its worth 4 or more : p
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2545283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I think its only been voted by one person who was probably frustrated that the download link to the pdf version wasnt working (even though that isnt even part of the thread!)

    Feel free to vote higher though! I won't complain!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2545541].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      I think its only been voted by one person who was probably frustrated that the download link to the pdf version wasnt working (even though that isnt even part of the thread!)

      Feel free to vote higher though! I won't complain!
      Hey Ken,

      When people are frustrated, they take unjustifiable action.
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2567667].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Your Lover
    thank u
    it was very helpful
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2558118].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    No worries here! Somebody else voted a 5 so its now right down the middle at 4. At the end of the day, all that matters is that value is added, people are learning, and ultimately people are making money.

    I get many PMs from people referencing the thread so I know its of value!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2569184].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amy Wu
    Just got here and reading it right now.

    Thank you first for sharing it...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2570055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author poojagoyal
      This is a brilliant thread ... a big thank you to kenster and others for contributing ... there so much for newbies such as myself ... i'm voting 5*
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      • Profile picture of the author Enrico
        Great article Kenster. I bought your guide and have already been accepted into some CPA networks and taking action.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2626128].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by poojagoyal View Post

          This is a brilliant thread ... a big thank you to kenster and others for contributing ... there so much for newbies such as myself ... i'm voting 5*
          Hooray!!! Glad you like it. Time to put to action!

          Originally Posted by Enrico View Post

          Great article Kenster. I bought your guide and have already been accepted into some CPA networks and taking action.


          Sweet stuff and congrats on getting into the networks. Not as bad as everybody makes it out to be huh!!!

          See you in the winners circle!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2630246].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shamabamma
    Great post. One of the things people new to IM don't realize is that you're going to fail more often than succeed, but if you keep at it long enough, you will find that magic combination that will hit and start bringing in the cash. I keep a spreadsheet of all of my campaigns (success and failures) and track as many factors as I can down to even the colors in the ads. That way when something does hit I can look for common factors that are shared by my other money making campaigns and incorporate them into my next one.
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  • Profile picture of the author ghostcash
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2663680].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by ghostcash View Post

      You just need to find ways to generate large amounts of targeted traffic, the source doesn't really matter.

      You are correct that traffic is the most important part of any campaign. Without traffic, you can't make money. Of course there are other factors needed, but traffic is the most important my opinion.

      You also mention "targeted" traffic. Especially if you are working with paid traffic, just having traffic alone doesn't ensure profitability. Targeted traffic is traffic that will more likely convert, which of course is hugely important if doing aid traffic.

      Now the "source" of traffic, is somewhat important because different sources of traffic tend to respond differently to different types of sales funnels, so knowing the source of traffic will help you on the conversion end. For example, if your traffic is coming from a PPC search engine, there is a much more likely chance that the visitor is ready and willing to buy (depending on the keywords). People go on search engines to find answers and find products and find reviews of products they wish to buy. On the other hand, if your traffic is using the same keywords but from Youtube or video marketing, the traffic is in a different mindset and you need to reflect that in your video marketing sales funnel. Thus, equally targeted traffic from different traffic sources may still bahave very differently.

      So, traffic is the most important element, targeted traffic si the next, then understanding the traffic source will help you better set up your sales strategy. If you can understand all three of those, you are ready to collect!
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  • Profile picture of the author spyoftheworld
    Thank you guys for sharing the information

    Coming Soon

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  • Profile picture of the author LarryWestner
    Do you think its easier to make big money online than it is to make big money actually working for a living?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by LarryWestner View Post

      Do you think its easier to make big money online than it is to make big money actually working for a living?

      In my personal opinion, absolutely yes.

      If you go the traditional "workign for a living" think about most of the high paying jobs....doctors, lawyers, developers, etc

      Most of these require substantial schooling (years of study) substantial money (tuitions, real estate developers normally need a lot of capital) nevermind the opportunity cost of this schooling. At the end of the day, you are talking about maany many years of study to really get into a high paying job and subtantial capital in terms of schooling, the opportunity cost of salary forgone due to schooling, etc

      Even offline entrepreneurship in my opinion is tougher to take to a large level because its normally capital intensive to start an offline business and you normally need lots of education etc.

      Online, you can start with $0, and work your tail off with no experience and make it big in short time. Look at the CPA Millionaire II thread. Its all in the numbers. I think the reason more people dont make it big online is because they dont take is as seriously as they would an offline business.

      Think about the money spent and time to become a doctor. Lets throw out some conservative numbers for here in the US. Maybe 8-10 years of schooling, 500k in tuition and opportunity cost of salary is VERY VERY conservative. After 10 years what does the average doctor make, 200k-300k maybe??? This is really jsut a guess

      What if you spent 10 years putting in just as much time as doctors put into education classes, labs, internships, etc and what if you had 500k to invest over this 10 years. In my mind, the internet guy would win the income race 95% of the time.

      Of course this is my opinion here
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    • Profile picture of the author KevScarb
      Originally Posted by LarryWestner View Post

      Do you think its easier to make big money online than it is to make big money actually working for a living?
      Making money online DOES require working for a living. I don't see any difference. To be a success online also requires hard work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2733157].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by KevScarb View Post

        Making money online DOES require working for a living. I don't see any difference. To be a success online also requires hard work.

        Yep..its easy looking at the product of hard work (a big list, a successful site, a successful campaign) and think that IM requires no work!

        Getting to the point where you can relax a lot takes work. I mean I think its more than worth it but Kev brings up a great point that work is involved
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
        Originally Posted by KevScarb View Post

        Making money online DOES require working for a living. I don't see any difference. To be a success online also requires hard work.

        I can't agree more .

        The only difference is ...the possibilities and earning potential of online business is huge .

        CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2760584].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by Mike Morgan. View Post

          I can't agree more .

          The only difference is ...the possibilities and earning potential of online business is huge .


          and faster compared to growing an offline biz
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  • Profile picture of the author John David
    This post has gone beyond what I thouhgt .

    Nice resource .

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  • Profile picture of the author Millerking
    learned, thank for the share

    "Copy Cat: There are many affiliates out there spending insane amounts of money on optimizing and testing campaigns. Take a look at them, at your competitors, and use the same ideas they are. Their ideas work, that's why they are still up and running. No sense spending money yourself on all that testing. "

    mind specific a bit how to find "them", your competitors?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2820607].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by Millerking View Post

      learned, thank for the share

      "Copy Cat: There are many affiliates out there spending insane amounts of money on optimizing and testing campaigns. Take a look at them, at your competitors, and use the same ideas they are. Their ideas work, that's why they are still up and running. No sense spending money yourself on all that testing. "

      mind specific a bit how to find "them", your competitors?
      I want to complement that once you analyze and identify your competitors weak and strong points, you need to avoid the weak points and add you mints so as to be more stronger than your competitor.
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    It depends what you are doing. Normally you can do a search for yoru competitors or you can do some "spying" or at least work backwards into what your competitors are doing. As I said it really depends what you are doing, but perhaps checking out their backlinks, their keywords, their landing page design and sales funnel etc you can get a lot of good info.

    For better or worse, if you know how and where to look (and in some cases have enough money for or personnel) you can look at a lot of what your competitors are doing.

    But keep in mind that working WITH yoru competitors is many times a good strategy so its not all about undercutting them or squeezing them out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Wizze
    Hello everyone,

    I'm writing an ebook called 'My Biggest Mobile Marketer Regret' mainly coz I've made a few and it's always helpful to learn from others.

    Would anybody be prepared to share some of their mistakes from your early days in this bizz. Maybe you are still in your early days and you have made a few errors along the way that you'd be prepared to share?

    I will gladly included your link in the ebook from any quote/anecdote you can provide.

    Thank you all very much.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2829022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Wizze View Post

      Hello everyone,

      I'm writing an ebook called 'My Biggest Mobile Marketer Regret' mainly coz I've made a few and it's always helpful to learn from others.

      Would anybody be prepared to share some of their mistakes from your early days in this bizz. Maybe you are still in your early days and you have made a few errors along the way that you'd be prepared to share?

      I will gladly included your link in the ebook from any quote/anecdote you can provide.

      Thank you all very much.

      Oh man, I can write a novel about my mistakes :p Let me know if you want me to share a story!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2830628].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Wizze
        Hey Kenster,

        That would be great if you would share some of your experiences.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2830773].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by Wizze View Post

          Hey Kenster,

          That would be great if you would share some of your experiences.


          Sent you a pm with my email address!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2838619].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
            Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

            Sent you a pm with my email address!
            I am sure Ken would help you a lot .
            CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author BXPS
    Awesome Post Kenster very informative
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  • Profile picture of the author nisha16
    good information dude
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  • Profile picture of the author shabach
    Just got here and listening it right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Flaura78
    I always track my traffic and that helps a lot tweaking campaigns. (And getting rid of traffic sources that do not convert)

    Online Marketing Agencies let you down? Leave it to Laura!
    Customized automated online marketing sales funnels for your business.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3308226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by Flaura78 View Post

      I always track my traffic
      That is clever .

      Always, test and track .
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3323772].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Flaura78 View Post

      I always track my traffic and that helps a lot tweaking campaigns. (And getting rid of traffic sources that do not convert)

      Tracking is a huge MUST when it comes to optimizing campaigns. Track traffic sources, track keywords, track sales copy, track anything and everything.

      Of course tracking goes hand in hand with testing. In fact, tracking pretty much supports testing, which in my opinion, is the biggest different between the big dogs and the really big dogs in internet marketing. The different between a $100 a day campaign and a $1,000 or $5,000 marketer is not that much. Normally the person doing the bigger campaign just split test and tracked more (or more effectively) than the smaller guide.

      Everybody knows the basics of campaign building. Building a PPC isn't rocket science, so testing and tracking becomes the main variable in determining who makes it big and who doesnt.

      Of course these are just my 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author tcmite
    AMAZING STUFF we've got pros here
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
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  • Profile picture of the author jeepguy1977
    Excellent read. I would argue that some of this applies to other industries as much as it does to CPA.

    I'm curious as to how you get the funnel page worked out if you're using wordpress. Any thoughts?

    I'm a bit short in the coding department
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by jeepguy1977 View Post

      Excellent read. I would argue that some of this applies to other industries as much as it does to CPA.

      I'm curious as to how you get the funnel page worked out if you're using wordpress. Any thoughts?

      I'm a bit short in the coding department

      Generally the funnel refers to the sales funnel which is sometimes a single lander, but many times a series of pre-sale pages. It really depends on your offer and traffic source how this is set up.

      As for actual implementation, if you aren't able to put a lander together, you can outsource this at odesk or something pretty inexpensively. Once you have the main page developed, then you can probably do the split testing yourself by tweaking here and there!
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  • Profile picture of the author flippianstar12
    1)Can you suggest some good CPA networks?
    2)What do you mean by media buys?
    3)Can you give examples of sites designed as per your instructions?
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by flippianstar12 View Post

      1)Can you suggest some good CPA networks?
      2)What do you mean by media buys?
      3)Can you give examples of sites designed as per your instructions?
      If you are new Peerfly and Maxbounty are good options .

      And , Media buys is defined as buying advertising space from other sites . It could be in the form of banner ads or text ads .
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4060815].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by flippianstar12 View Post

      1)Can you suggest some good CPA networks?
      2)What do you mean by media buys?
      3)Can you give examples of sites designed as per your instructions?

      I would start with For newbies, Wolfstorm, Peerfly, and networks like that are killer! If you have any questions about the process, just visit a thread I did a while ago...

      And as per media buys, as mentioned above, its just a general term normally related to buying space (normally banner space) on other sites. This can be done through a network, through a broker, or directly depending on the size and type of site you are targeting.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenhat
    wow thanks a lot man. a have what to read this day
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    great Putra...keep working hard working smart and taking action...there's no "trick" to this business but live by those words and things will become much easier
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  • Profile picture of the author crysper
    I took a look, you put up some nice info here. Good job
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmoud Selman
    Thank you for this great share Ken.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlisonTaylor
    I have bookmarked this thread for later. I think i'm personally going to make a few million from CPA eventually as an advertiser rather than an affiliate/publisher. I just feel by being a publisher you are too dependent on the network and the offer too.

    Once I get a hold of how to do mediabuying, testing and all that other stuff. It's a wrap!

    Great share btw
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6120329].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by AlisonTaylor View Post

      I have bookmarked this thread for later. I think i'm personally going to make a few million from CPA eventually as an advertiser rather than an affiliate/publisher. I just feel by being a publisher you are too dependent on the network and the offer too.

      Once I get a hold of how to do mediabuying, testing and all that other stuff. It's a wrap!

      Great share btw

      Thanks Alison. YES, there is a lot of money on the merchant end and it's a completely different model. There are lots of merchants out there doing some pretty big things so work hard and get into the winners circle! Best of luck girl

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  • Profile picture of the author tutunuku
    Good thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author shubh9795
    I didn't found CPA ads very much profitable. I do not know how to make money with it. They are just too slow in making revenue. Specially in India.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnOnFire
    Thank u for this post and for informing us to be prepared to lose $ at first

    I am just starting out with cpa so i need that.

    Can u recommend some good networks that are easier to get accepted into?
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  • Profile picture of the author koppster
    Promoting the right CPA offers from Trusted CPA Networks
    Which one do you prefer?
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  • Profile picture of the author galore7
    Thanks for this Kenster! I also downloaded your Rags to Riches ebook and it's been great for learning about CPA.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Thanks guys, really appreciate it!

    And yes Gotti...almost everybody loses at first when dealing with paid strategies. You can do with free methods and not lose anything but in general, free methods are a bit slower!
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  • Profile picture of the author kwamster
    Great information!
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  • Profile picture of the author wildster
    What a nice contribution to the community Kenster.
    Thx a ton, will be looking forwards to your next posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Waiting for part two,
    Nice guide for CPA an d also for the newbie,
    as a newbie I am very happy with that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981486].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by kwamster View Post

      Great information!
      Thanks the "ster" at the end of your name!!!

      Originally Posted by wildster View Post

      What a nice contribution to the community Kenster.
      Thx a ton, will be looking forwards to your next posts.
      Appreciate it Wildster....again, love the "ster" at the end of your name!!!!

      Originally Posted by rising_sun View Post

      Waiting for part two,
      Nice guide for CPA an d also for the newbie,
      as a newbie I am very happy with that.
      Check the original post in this thread and there will be links to the other parts!!
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  • Profile picture of the author theimbible
    Nice thread, CPA is definitely one of my favourite ways to earn money, having tried a few different areas in my time, content locking, blogging, and various others I find CPA marketing really suits me best, that and email lists, which I actually quite enjoy doing, the relationship building side can be quite rewarding
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Great stuff IMBible!! What type of CPA are you focusing on these days?
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  • Profile picture of the author Iza Kidist
    I am just getting started with CPA and this article offered a lot of new information for me. Thank you for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author swm
    thanks Kenster nice thread
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  • Profile picture of the author mcain
    is this method still working?
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Awesome thread. Dude Do you have any private service to teach?
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  • Profile picture of the author sachin3
    This really is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author richbabe
    Thanks, Kenster will download your info take a read, but my opion is try to build your cash! try not to think of the million, think of making 1000USd then 10,000 USD build it .
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by mcain View Post

      is this method still working?
      All methods in CPA work. Little things get modified as the market changes but the core of almost any "method" stays the same.

      Originally Posted by marketwarrior06 View Post

      Awesome thread. Dude Do you have any private service to teach?
      I have done private coaching but nothing is available right now...for CPA. Sorry...lots of great stuff and info on the forums here though...that's how I learned!

      Originally Posted by richbabe View Post

      Thanks, Kenster will download your info take a read, but my opion is try to build your cash! try not to think of the million, think of making 1000USd then 10,000 USD build it .
      Absolutely. I believe you absolutely positively need to have a large end goal in mind but absolutely attack that end goal with intermediate milestones!
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  • Profile picture of the author sniger
    Thanks good job man.
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  • Profile picture of the author adryans
    Good Job Ken...
    I'm newbie and i have purchase the CPA cours from the someone at WF. Now, i looking for many resource to learn about the CPA. I come to your thread, and found the great idea here..

    Thank you Ken
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