Getting clicks for offers I'm NOT promoting

6 replies
I'm currently promoting offers on Maxbounty. When I check my stats, I see clicks for offers I'm not promoting. Has this happened to anyone else? I contacted my AM for an explanation. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.
#clicks #offers #promoting
  • Profile picture of the author kchui1028
    most likely because the offer you selected is only for a certain country like "US only" so when other people from different countries click it, they get redirected to different offers.
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    • Profile picture of the author rambrose
      Ok, thanks. Makes sense.
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      • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
        Yes it can for countries that the offer doesn't support or it can also be from an expired offer.

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    • Profile picture of the author Affiliit
      Originally Posted by kchui1028 View Post

      most likely because the offer you selected is only for a certain country like "US only" so when other people from different countries click it, they get redirected to different offers.

      are you targeting only the country that the offer accepts traffic for?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yep, I think everybody hit the nail on the head here.

    Most likely you are getting traffic outside of the geographic constraint of the offer and those people are automatically getting redirected to an offer that does allow international traffic like Smiley or something!
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    • Profile picture of the author rambrose
      One of my offers targets US only. I guess other countries are being redirected from that offer. Thanks for the replies.
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