Non US CPA Marketer Help

14 replies

Just wondering if any non US marketers use services like to get a US address, then apply to the networks using that info, making more offers available and avoid GEO targeting etc?

#cpa #marketer
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Ashbrook
    I'm from the UK and have not had any problems getting accepted.

    If they ask you about it, just say your websites get 70% US traffic (this is true in my case). You could also say that you are going to use PPC and you're going to geotarget the US.
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    • Profile picture of the author huggybear_dk
      thanks meterman, I was asking as i was being redirected when trying to look at US only offers with GEO targeting, i've no started browsing the sites through US proxies and I am fine.

      Cheers mate
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  • Profile picture of the author sannyman
    Dear huggybear_dk,

    I am exactly in the same situation as you... If you want to browse without any problems, you may consider using a VPN account. While the technical problems can be resolved, the address issue can't, because you will also need a phone number where they can reach you.
    Here there are two possibilities: to get access to a service that gives you a number in the same area as your US address, where other parties can leave voice messages (it is not good) or to get a VoIP subscription (which has no link to the address area code and so, they will figure out that it is a VoIP number).
    The big issue here is that if you start it successfully but with "inaccurate" details, you may lose your account and all the money you have made.
    You can try to speak over the phone with them and see if they will accept you for "who you are"...

    Whatever you do, I wish you success!
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by sannyman View Post

      Dear huggybear_dk,

      I am exactly in the same situation as you... If you want to browse without any problems, you may consider using a VPN account. While the technical problems can be resolved, the address issue can't, because you will also need a phone number where they can reach you.
      Here there are two possibilities: to get access to a service that gives you a number in the same area as your US address, where other parties can leave voice messages (it is not good) or to get a VoIP subscription (which has no link to the address area code and so, they will figure out that it is a VoIP number).
      The big issue here is that if you start it successfully but with "inaccurate" details, you may lose your account and all the money you have made.
      You can try to speak over the phone with them and see if they will accept you for "who you are"...

      Whatever you do, I wish you success!
      I've had no issues with the phone number.

      Here's what you do..

      Set yourself up a forwarding address, a million companies do this, then just go to a service like:

      Toll Free and Local City Phone Numbers - Worldwide

      Set yourself up a US based phone number which then rings your landline at your home in the UK - easy, job done. I have accounts with about 45+ networks and not a single one has questioned the toll free number and why would they, it's perfectly acceptable business practises to have a forwarding phone number, it's what a lot of UK based businesses do who want to make life easier for US customers.

      I also have it set so that in UK evening times , it automatically goes to voicemail and doesn't ring my home number.

      Jobs a good'un as we say over here.
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  • Profile picture of the author frank-germany

    http //
    http //

    you dont not need to login through them
    just paste the lading page url in there

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  • Profile picture of the author MeTellYou
    you could also hide your ip. it could help as far as I can tell...
    [UPDATED] FREE 1-ON-1 MENTORSHIP: Student Makes $12,000 His First Week Of Running Ads
    Skype Me! Skype: yourebookwriter
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    • Profile picture of the author huggybear_dk
      Hi guys,

      Thanks for all your suggestions, i have tried both those proxy services and find that sometimes while logged into the networks it doesn't behave as expected. Some won't log in at all so I have decided to go the VPN option for now. Dynamic US IP addresses and cheap at $18 per month. While the proxies are okay browsing if you want to do anything else it becomes tricky.

      I plan to trial it for 1 month and go from there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Originally Posted by huggybear_dk View Post


    Just wondering if any non US marketers use services like to get a US address, then apply to the networks using that info, making more offers available and avoid GEO targeting etc?

    Hi mate

    It's irrelevent where you are based as far as which offers you get accepted for, they don't give a flying monkeys. I have never had a single offer not accepted despite having a UK based address on my applications, and that's with a US based phone number, they don't blink an eye.

    You won't get turned down by any network for having a UK residential address, not even an office address, although I did choose to have a business forwarding address for convenience.

    For bypassing the Geo issues, just grab a VPN, will cost you about $10 a month or so, simple or if you want the more polished approach go grab a remote DSL service, will run you around $150 a month but offers a lot more benefits.

    As long as you are straight with them, they could care less, I have been very upfront , explained fully I'm based in the UK but have a US based phone number for convenience. It's a non issue to them.

    I've accepted you on my SKYPE now mate, so feel free to drop me a line if you can find a convenient time zone match.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimension
    As far as I know most CPA networks have a "preview" button which lets you see the landing page and avoids any geo targeting scripts that are in place. What network are you using?
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by Dimension View Post

      As far as I know most CPA networks have a "preview" button which lets you see the landing page and avoids any geo targeting scripts that are in place. What network are you using?
      Unbelievably some of those still GT.
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      • Profile picture of the author huggybear_dk
        thanks simon,

        I've gone for the VPN option for now, dynamic IP, but i will be going down the remote dsl road in the future.
        Got your skpe message so hopefully speak to you soon, look forward to it.

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  • Profile picture of the author hyp959
    i think VPN is better than proxy
    You can buy VPN if you need.
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