Trafficvance-Is it any Good

by l23bc
18 replies
Ok hello Warrior forum.
Just a couple of questions i need to ask
  • Is anyone a member of Trafficvance,
  • Is it a good network,
  • Is it worth the 1000 investment they require to join and how much traffic do you need to send each month.
just asking this because im thinking about signing up and using email marketing for offers and other methods since cpa Related such as Cpalead have dropped the hammer on tv and movie sites. Has anyone had any luck using this network.

#good #trafficvanceis
  • Profile picture of the author mtmjohn
    Traffic Vance is the best PPV network with the most quality traffic IMHO. If you already have some knowledge and experience of ppv marketing, TV is the right place for you.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author bbrock32
    Another vote for TrafficVance. They have the best quality and most US traffic, so if you have $1k , TV is the way to go
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  • Profile picture of the author Kwin
    Third vote for Traffic Vance, I started with Media Traffic since it was only 200 or so to start and then moved on up to Traffic Vance. They are IMO the best PPV network out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author axina
    But the bid is so high in TV. You will never be the top of the bid. Because there are always some people biding more than you.
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    • Profile picture of the author ben565
      Originally Posted by axina View Post

      But the bid is so high in TV. You will never be the top of the bid. Because there are always some people biding more than you.
      not true i have many campaigns running right now where i am the number 1 bidder.
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  • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
    Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

    Ok hello Warrior forum.
    Just a couple of questions i need to ask
    • Is anyone a member of Trafficvance,
    • Is it a good network,
    • Is it worth the 1000 investment they require to join and how much traffic do you need to send each month.
    just asking this because im thinking about signing up and using email marketing for offers and other methods since cpa Related such as Cpalead have dropped the hammer on tv and movie sites. Has anyone had any luck using this network.

    Yes I am.

    Yes - TrafficVance is a great PPV network.

    Yes it's worth the $1000 investment and there is no minimum spend each month.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

    Ok hello Warrior forum.
    Just a couple of questions i need to ask
    • Is anyone a member of Trafficvance,
    • Is it a good network,
    • Is it worth the 1000 investment they require to join and how much traffic do you need to send each month.
    just asking this because im thinking about signing up and using email marketing for offers and other methods since cpa Related such as Cpalead have dropped the hammer on tv and movie sites. Has anyone had any luck using this network.

    Trafficevance is hands down the best CPV network..
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  • Profile picture of the author 2pacisreal
    they are one of the best out here Worth your investment if your serious
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  • Profile picture of the author Agent007
    Just be careful with the bidding. They charge whatever you bid is. Not just .1 cent above the next highest bidder like Adwords does.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    They are great people over there, I suggest all my guys over there to start off as the traffic quality is so much better than the other networks. Top not quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    Wow so many Responces from Great known Warriors on the forum. Thank you all again for your comments and i will be joining up now. I have some experience with cpv already and in reply to Agent007 Thanks again for that tip.I'll wait for the approval and get started and keep you all posted.


    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • Profile picture of the author loxllxol
    How does Trafficvance convert so well if they use pop-unders? Anyone care to enlighten me?
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  • Profile picture of the author cantfigureout
    it's pretty game related... I don't know if it's any good.
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  • Profile picture of the author herms
    Is the traffic at TV any good when it comes to health and beauty products?
    "Don't ban me, bro!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
      Yes Trafficvance is a superb network with the best quality traffic in my opinion.

      It's very wise to start your campaigns off there.

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  • Profile picture of the author TruisticMedia
    TrafficVance has got to be the best PPV network out there. If you want to be successful with PPV you should sign up with them.
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