Want to know what others are paying for clicks on facebook ads??

Nicholas William
Profile picture of Nicholas William
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
51 replies
Guys and Gals!
It's been way too long, where did 2010 go??

Just wanted to share with everyone that I'm half way through editing
a bunch of brand new video tutorials that I'm going to share in the War
Room this month on 'how to get ridiculously cheap clicks on facebook'

I'm hoping others will get some inspiration and motivation to learn more
about facebook after they see me go from paying $6/click in my first week
on facebook ads to where I'm now getting traffic for few pennies (and

For now though, I'd really like to offer a helping hand to anyone that is
having difficulty using facebook for cheap targetted traffic...

Please share your stories and let us all know what you've been paying for
clicks. You dont need to mention niches or secrets

I'll start with my first facebook advertising experience then share more
stories as everyone else joins in...

It was around the start of 2010 just before my 33rd birthday. I'd been
relying on adwords PPC and traffic sent by my affiliates for years and I
begrudgingly decided to branch out and find more traffic sources (this
was probably an embedded command from frank kern the previous year
coming to fruition).

So off I went to replicate my campaign from google adwords onto the
facebook ads platform.

fb targetting --> fb ad --> direct link to my sales page

I ran the ad for a day with a budget of around $100 if memory serves...

When I came back the next day to check stats and conversions.....


$6.90 cpc and no sales conversions for the product

I turned off the campaign, told one my IM buddies that facebook traffic
sucks then went back to adwords for profits on autopilot

But after just one day, it was niggling at me...

Effectively FB Ads had beaten me! This was after I had spent literally
years studying and perfecting adwords and wrote the manual on the new
google adwords interface...

But I'm too stubborn, I can't let technology beat me... I have to make it

So back I went into facebook ads and I studied over 100 hours each week
and paid some of the most expensive fb coaches to teach me exactly
what they know.

10 months later.... and after spending well over $20,000 refining my
facebook targetting, I'm happy to say it's now profitable and I've completely stopped using google adwords for my own websites!

No such thing as a problem, it's just an opportunity to learn

So it's all facebook ads now baby!
#ads #clicks #facebook #paying
  • Profile picture of the author aarondwyer
    Profile picture of aarondwyer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good one, look forward to hearing more info about FB ads.
    http://backup-smart.com - Automatically And Safely Backup All Your cPanel Websites To Your Local Computer, Get your Free 7 Day Trial. Windows, MAC
  • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
    Profile picture of alcarrerra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm averaging $0.16 per click ... this is my 1st campaign and very targeted audience.

    898 clicks = $135
    9 Sales = $700

    Profit: $565 in 40 days approx.

  • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
    Tony Dean
    Profile picture of Tony Dean
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Look forward to your vids in the War Room, thanks for sharing.
    I always thought Facebook was too over priced and untargeted to boot.

    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Tony Dean View Post

      Look forward to your vids in the War Room, thanks for sharing.
      I always thought Facebook was too over priced and untargeted to boot.
      Tony! I had the same impression for quite a while but now that I truly understand fb targeting I amaze myself each week with the results!
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author Warren Tibbotts
    Warren Tibbotts
    Profile picture of Warren Tibbotts
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Nicholas William View Post

    Guys and Gals!
    It's been way too long, where did 2010 go??

    Just wanted to share with everyone that I'm half way through editing
    a bunch of brand new video tutorials that I'm going to share in the War
    Room this month on 'how to get ridiculously cheap clicks on facebook'

    I'm hoping others will get some inspiration and motivation to learn more
    about facebook after they see me go from paying $6/click in my first week
    on facebook ads to where I'm now getting traffic for few pennies (and

    For now though, I'd really like to offer a helping hand to anyone that is
    having difficulty using facebook for cheap targetted traffic...

    Please share your stories and let us all know what you've been paying for
    clicks. You dont need to mention niches or secrets

    I'll start with my first facebook advertising experience then share more
    stories as everyone else joins in...

    It was around the start of 2010 just before my 33rd birthday. I'd been
    relying on adwords PPC and traffic sent by my affiliates for years and I
    begrudgingly decided to branch out and find more traffic sources (this
    was probably an embedded command from frank kern the previous year
    coming to fruition).

    So off I went to replicate my campaign from google adwords onto the
    facebook ads platform.

    fb targetting --> fb ad --> direct link to my sales page

    I ran the ad for a day with a budget of around $100 if memory serves...

    When I came back the next day to check stats and conversions.....


    $6.90 cpc and no sales conversions for the product

    I turned off the campaign, told one my IM buddies that facebook traffic
    sucks then went back to adwords for profits on autopilot

    But after just one day, it was niggling at me...

    Effectively FB Ads had beaten me! This was after I had spent literally
    years studying and perfecting adwords and wrote the manual on the new
    google adwords interface...

    But I'm too stubborn, I can't let technology beat me... I have to make it

    So back I went into facebook ads and I studied over 100 hours each week
    and paid some of the most expensive fb coaches to teach me exactly
    what they know.

    10 months later.... and after spending well over $20,000 refining my
    facebook targetting, I'm happy to say it's now profitable and I've completely stopped using google adwords for my own websites!

    No such thing as a problem, it's just an opportunity to learn

    So it's all facebook ads now baby!
    Read some of the posts on your site, and FB advertising sounds like a godsend. Cant wait to see your vids
  • Profile picture of the author Ninawa
    Profile picture of Ninawa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do not use Facebook Ads for US buyers, choose third tier countries and you will huge traffic from only 0.01 clicks. For the US and other top countries, you will be charged a LOT per click and the conversion will suck!
    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ninawa View Post

      Do not use Facebook Ads for US buyers, choose third tier countries and you will huge traffic from only 0.01 clicks. For the US and other top countries, you will be charged a LOT per click and the conversion will suck!
      Thanks Nina... I've read the same article you're quoting. I do recommend that you TEST your campaigns outside of the US but dont avoid the states... heck I'm still getting tens of thousands of daily clicks in the US for 2c and under.

      ps. the conversions for US traffic ROCK! It's overseas that is sub standard, but it works out as their clicks are so cheap

      please guys! A lot of people come to the warriors to find clear advice and the honest truth... think before you post definitive, general statements as the one above could have quite easily mislead someone into thinking they should NEVER market in the USA.
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author mbeneteau0
    Profile picture of mbeneteau0
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks @ninawa, @alcarrerra. My question to the community -- are 10 cent clicks in the US a thing of the past? I understand things moving very quickly now and everyone and his brother getting into Facebook, this is bound to raise the price.
    • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
      Profile picture of alcarrerra
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

      My question to the community -- are 10 cent clicks in the US a thing of the past? I understand things moving very quickly now and everyone and his brother getting into Facebook, this is bound to raise the price.
      Lets put this way, when I bid under $0.14 ... no clicks. Also, depends on country of course, but I would imagine the U.S market must be very competitive.
    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

      Thanks @ninawa, @alcarrerra. My question to the community -- are 10 cent clicks in the US a thing of the past? I understand things moving very quickly now and everyone and his brother getting into Facebook, this is bound to raise the price.
      I can see how many people would believe this... but I refuse to pay more than 10c per click for my US traffic... the target is always 5c or under, right now most of my US campaigns are getting 2c clicks or cheaper
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Brad Gosse
    Profile picture of Brad Gosse
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    Your CPC drops hard when you buy the traffic on a CPM basis. You will pay less than $.20 per click and sometimes as low as $.05 if your ads are solid.

    My only issue is when targeting certain groups your ads get stale after 24-48 hours of display.
    • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
      Profile picture of alcarrerra
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

      My only issue is when targeting certain groups your ads get stale after 24-48 hours of display.
      Yes, the impressions/clicks are not consistent. That's why I always have 2 ads running at the same time in-case one of them is slow.
    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

      Your CPC drops hard when you buy the traffic on a CPM basis. You will pay less than $.20 per click and sometimes as low as $.05 if your ads are solid.

      My only issue is when targeting certain groups your ads get stale after 24-48 hours of display.
      Brad! Ah yes, the dreaded saturation point where our CTR suddenly drops and of course that increases our CPC

      Mate so far I put it down to literal saturation, if you have a target with a small reach of less than 50K then that stale point will indeed rear it's ugly head. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks.... I use that opportunity to switch up the ad image and get creative with the infrastructure. Got 100K fans? Why not put your money towards building them an app instead of more traffic!

      FB is a world of endless opportunities! pages and cpm ads are ONLY the start!!!
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Profile picture of marketwarrior06
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks... waiting for your videos. i think they will be great. plz share them as soon as possible.
  • Profile picture of the author Hexor
    Profile picture of Hexor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing your Brilliant idea. Hope to watch your video soon. Keep up the good work on faceook and other social networking sites advertising. Continue your sucess. Have a nice day!
  • Profile picture of the author ~Davor Debrecin~
    ~Davor Debrecin~
    Profile picture of ~Davor Debrecin~
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I do a lot of FB advertising, driving traffic to products (from ClickBank for example).

    Right now I'm able to pay small amounts of money per click because just like you after testing a lot of stuff I learned what works best.

    The most important part of Facebook everybody should know is that people on Facebook are not in the buying mode. So you need to create your ads and your funnel according to that fact.

    So, to me, the first most important part are the images. Because if you don't grab attention - you're s*rewed. In my test, girls, logos, red arrows pointing right always work best.

    The ad copy and headline are always with a strong call to action and a promise to receive and answer to a problem, question on the next page.

    I do a lot of testing and as each product passes a test, I invest more into building a more powerful funnel.

    My most advanced funnel is the following:

    ad > first part of the useful content > next part of useful content + optin box with promises of more free stuff > free stuff download page > free stuff 3 day email sequence > 4 day promotion sequence

    Very powerful and it works for facebook perfectly.

    Another preselling stuff I do, especially when I'm not sure if how well the product converts, is that I link my ads to a simple one question survey asking them to ask me anything they need help with about a certain subject.

    I wrote about in more details in some of my other threads.

    You can read about my "finding a jackpot of FB" strategy along with the advanced preselling strategy here: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...-facebook.html

    Wish you all the best with Facebook and the upcoming product, interested to see how our strategies differ from one another, my dear competitor.

    MY CV ❱❱❱ 12+ yrs exp, 7-fig revenues, 40 employees.. 39 actually, someone just left the company, f**k!
    I like to innovate stuff and babble IM stuff into a camera:
    I do this on the side, will try to sell you something, be sure of it!
    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ~Davor Debrecin~ View Post

      I do a lot of FB advertising, driving traffic to products (from ClickBank for example).

      Right now I'm able to pay small amounts of money per click because just like you after testing a lot of stuff I learned what works best.

      The most important part of Facebook everybody should know is that people on Facebook are not in the buying mode. So you need to create your ads and your funnel according to that fact.

      So, to me, the first most important part are the images. Because if you don't grab attention - you're s*rewed. In my test, girls, logos, red arrows pointing right always work best.

      The ad copy and headline are always with a strong call to action and a promise to receive and answer to a problem, question on the next page.

      I do a lot of testing and as each product passes a test, I invest more into building a more powerful funnel.

      My most advanced funnel is the following:

      ad > first part of the useful content > next part of useful content + optin box with promises of more free stuff > free stuff download page > free stuff 3 day email sequence > 4 day promotion sequence

      Very powerful and it works for facebook perfectly.

      Another preselling stuff I do, especially when I'm not sure if how well the product converts, is that I link my ads to a simple one question survey asking them to ask me anything they need help with about a certain subject.

      I wrote about in more details in some of my other threads.

      You can read about my "finding a jackpot of FB" strategy along with the advanced preselling strategy here: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...-facebook.html

      Wish you all the best with Facebook and the upcoming product, interested to see how our strategies differ from one another, my dear competitor.

      Buddy, thanks for stopping by the thread... a HUGE thanks for sharing your tips and funnel with everyone. I read every single word, great stuff my man!!

      I'll send you a PM dude, we need to chat
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
    • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
      Profile picture of PPC-Coach
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ~Davor Debrecin~ View Post

      ad > first part of the useful content > next part of useful content + optin box with promises of more free stuff > free stuff download page > free stuff 3 day email sequence > 4 day promotion sequence
      That is gold for anyone struggling with facebook ads. Building a list and working your funnel the right way will lead to profits.

      Guys that are direct linking and paying huge prices for clicks that don't convert aren't getting it.
  • Profile picture of the author jeremysteam
    Profile picture of jeremysteam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've Used Facebook ads with very very good results! I've learned after a week or so of your add being and running you can dramatically drop your bid prices to near $.30-$.20 After the second week I was paying $.11 per click easily and still getting 100,000 impressions daily!
    Need Help In Your Business?

    Grab amazing tips, tricks, techniques and systems from my blog
  • Profile picture of the author mbeneteau0
    Profile picture of mbeneteau0
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    THanks @alcarrera, @davor for your comments and also for Davor's very good article:


    I have increased my bid to $0.25 and now getting about 50 impressions a day, no clicks yet so so far this is a waste of time and leads me to the conclusion that THE ERA OF 10 CENT FACEBOOK CLICKS IN THE US IS GONE, DESPITE WHAT ANY EXPERT SAYS.

    Of course if I could monetize a $0.25 to $1.00 click scenario (which I might), or monetize an offer to a third-tier country, this could still work, but it's going to be some work (ie. the gold rush is over).

    Due to time constraints right now I am thinking of just switching to a CPM model and blowing my $50 free facebook ad credits before giving up the game (If you are just getting started Google "Facebook ad coupon" you will find some)

    thanks to all and will continue following the thread.
    • Profile picture of the author FormFactor
      Profile picture of FormFactor
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Same here. Had a campaign run, tons of impressions, few clicks and the CPC was floating around $0.36. Pulled it down after about 3 weeks.
      • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
        Nicholas William
        Profile picture of Nicholas William
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by FormFactor View Post

        Same here. Had a campaign run, tons of impressions, few clicks and the CPC was floating around $0.36. Pulled it down after about 3 weeks.
        Form! Thanks for sharing your results...

        Mate without knowing the details of that campaign, it's hard to comment but tell you what.... I know how it feels to be defeated by facebook, so send me yr details and I'll show you exactly how to get that campaign working and generating cheap clicks.

        When you know the system, this stuff is SUPER easy and literally takes 10 mins
        Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
    • Profile picture of the author ~Davor Debrecin~
      ~Davor Debrecin~
      Profile picture of ~Davor Debrecin~
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

      THanks @alcarrera, @davor for your comments and also for Davor's very good article:

      Thanks, glad it helped.

      I have increased my bid to $0.25 and now getting about 50 impressions a day, no clicks yet so so far this is a waste of time and leads me to the conclusion that THE ERA OF 10 CENT FACEBOOK CLICKS IN THE US IS GONE, DESPITE WHAT ANY EXPERT SAYS.

      Of course if I could monetize a $0.25 to $1.00 click scenario (which I might), or monetize an offer to a third-tier country, this could still work, but it's going to be some work (ie. the gold rush is over).

      Due to time constraints right now I am thinking of just switching to a CPM model and blowing my $50 free facebook ad credits before giving up the game (If you are just getting started Google "Facebook ad coupon" you will find some)

      thanks to all and will continue following the thread.
      Bare in mind that I'm going to say the following without knowing anything about your campaign, offer, etc.

      But bidding CPC so low to get only 50 impressions is not the best strategy you can go for. Because if your ad is average at best it will get 0,05%, that means that on average you'll get 1 click out of 2000 impressions!

      I wrote a very detailed guide about proper bidding on Facebook so you might check it out as well.

      As anything in business or marketing, you need to test stuff and you have to be prepared to spend some money on it.

      I agree with you that it's not possible to get cheap clicks on Facebook anymore by just creating 1 ad variation and hoping it will work.

      There are factors you need to take account of like proper targeting. If you target too broad, even the best possible ad won't have an above average CTR.

      If you target too specific then you'll get cheap clicks but won't get much volume.

      But it's much better to target a more small but specific segment that to go for a large one.

      Also, creating at least 4 ad variations to test is crucial.

      I understand that you don't rely much hope to Facebook after experiencing this, but I think you just haven't yet found the right strategy to follow.

      To me, Facebook is still great, I'm able to get cheap clicks and I'm able to take targeted people from a non-buying mode to buying mode. That's the simplest Facebook philosophy if you will.

      Will it work forever? Probably not, but (a) who knows and (b) who cares?? It works right now and that's all that matters.

      Will it work for you? IMHO if you follow some proven steps and principles, I don't see why not. But - nobody can guarantee you anything before you try it yourself.

      My advice to you is that you find good and solid information about how people that are successful with it are doing it and then use that information to create ads which you'll promote with your free $50 credit.

      Then you'll know if this is something worthwhile for you or not.

      Hope this helps and take care!

      MY CV ❱❱❱ 12+ yrs exp, 7-fig revenues, 40 employees.. 39 actually, someone just left the company, f**k!
      I like to innovate stuff and babble IM stuff into a camera:
      I do this on the side, will try to sell you something, be sure of it!
      • Profile picture of the author mbeneteau0
        Profile picture of mbeneteau0
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ~Davor Debrecin~ View Post

        Thanks, glad it helped.


        I agree with you that it's not possible to get cheap clicks on Facebook anymore by just creating 1 ad variation and hoping it will work.


        I understand that you don't rely much hope to Facebook after experiencing this, but I think you just haven't yet found the right strategy to follow.

        Thanks Davor for your feedback. Yes I am sure you are right and that it's possible to get value out of this. What I wanted to find out (and clear up) is the number of people who are promoting Facebook who are advertising 10 cent, 7 cent, even 1 cent clicks. Based on what I am hearing and even on what you are sharing this seems to be a fantasy. I am not getting any impressions at those bid levels and if you can't get any impressions obviously you can't get any clicks. Right or wrong?
        • Profile picture of the author mbeneteau0
          Profile picture of mbeneteau0
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Oh an update I have now changed to CPM and getting impressions at average of $0.14 per thousand but very very low CTR. If I could get 0.1% CTR then a $.14 CPM bid would give 14 cent clicks which would work. Does Facebook use the same placement for CPC bids as it does for CPM (it does it put CPM at the end of the page or what)
          • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
            Profile picture of alcarrerra
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

            Oh an update I have now changed to CPM and getting impressions at average of $0.14 per thousand but very very low CTR. If I could get 0.1% CTR then a $.14 CPM bid would give 14 cent clicks which would work.
            I would suggest testing different images and ad titles. A targeted images can make a big difference for CTR.
        • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
          Profile picture of alcarrerra
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

          Thanks Davor for your feedback. Yes I am sure you are right and that it's possible to get value out of this. What I wanted to find out (and clear up) is the number of people who are promoting Facebook who are advertising 10 cent, 7 cent, even 1 cent clicks. Based on what I am hearing and even on what you are sharing this seems to be a fantasy. I am not getting any impressions at those bid levels and if you can't get any impressions obviously you can't get any clicks. Right or wrong?
          You are right ... I wasn't able to get any clicks below $0.14, but again it may really depends on what your targeting.

          $0.01 per click :confused: ? I don't think so
    • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
      Profile picture of alcarrerra
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mbeneteau0 View Post

      I have increased my bid to $0.25 and now getting about 50 impressions a day, no clicks yet so so far this is a waste of time and leads me to the conclusion that THE ERA OF 10 CENT FACEBOOK CLICKS IN THE US IS GONE, DESPITE WHAT ANY EXPERT SAYS.
      Must be a very very competitive market, I'm guessing. It really depends on what your marketing, for example ... If I bid $0.25 I would probably be getting 100 clicks a day ! Make sure you target the gender, age, country, etc. to make it as targeted as possible ....
  • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
    IM Lover
    Profile picture of IM Lover
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow first of all Congratulations on cracking it I love your attitude based on not letting anything beat you right on!, I have been thinking about getting into the whole 'Facebook Ads' however after reading you spent > '10 months later.... and after spending well over $20,000' the only issue I would have with this is I do not have that kind of money to spend out on it I do have the time though, however I will wait and see what other replys you get on here, thanks for creating the thread one last thing I think sometimes I get confused between Facebook pages and Ads, hopefully I will get some answers out of the replys. I am looking at what to focus all my attention on right now and start a carer maybe this could be for me.

    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Lee789 View Post

      Wow first of all Congratulations on cracking it I love your attitude based on not letting anything beat you right on!, I have been thinking about getting into the whole 'Facebook Ads' however after reading you spent > '10 months later.... and after spending well over $20,000' the only issue I would have with this is I do not have that kind of money to spend out on it I do have the time though, however I will wait and see what other replys you get on here, thanks for creating the thread one last thing I think sometimes I get confused between Facebook pages and Ads, hopefully I will get some answers out of the replys. I am looking at what to focus all my attention on right now and start a carer maybe this could be for me.

      Lee! Thanks for the feedback, for starters... you dont need to spend $20k. I've already done that and learned the lessons to create these systems

      Facebook pages are kinda like webpages or mini websites that are hosted on facebook.

      facebook ads are the little ads you see on the right of your facebook page, which are kinda like google adwords

      If you're looking at getting into IM next year then I highly recommend you get into social media, mobile internet or a combination of both
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
      • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
        IM Lover
        Profile picture of IM Lover
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Nicholas William View Post

        Lee! Thanks for the feedback, for starters... you dont need to spend $20k. I've already done that and learned the lessons to create these systems

        Facebook pages are kinda like webpages or mini websites that are hosted on facebook.

        facebook ads are the little ads you see on the right of your facebook page, which are kinda like google adwords

        If you're looking at getting into IM next year then I highly recommend you get into social media, mobile internet or a combination of both
        Hi Nicholas

        Funny you should mention about getting into Social Media I just started a new business based on it. We offer Mobile Website creations etc.. also the Facebook, Twitter, account setups it has just started to get me some clients.

        Social Media is going to be fantastic for 2011, I am lucky enough to have a friend of mine introduce our services to his friends which I have gained as clients, so far so good
        time will tell right now I am slightly annoyed becuse we just purchased an application called The Article Tool 2.0.

        They are not helping us with the errors we have and are ignoring our tickets on the support system, I have explained what the situation is but no joy.

        Looks like we are $150 out of pocket on this tool not good.

        • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
          Nicholas William
          Profile picture of Nicholas William
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I have a saying... "the internet wasn't the gold rush, social media is!"

          words can't explain how much free/cheap traffic is flying around on a daily basis. I've got a list of campaigns on facebook that reaches OVER 110M per day for less than 5c per click.

          Can you make it to the Ultimate Facebook Marketing Summit in London this month (27 - 30)

          Lets meet up there and chat, I'm flying over from Australia just for it

          PM me and we can talk more.... let's CRUSH IT this year buddy!!

          Originally Posted by Lee789 View Post

          Hi Nicholas

          Funny you should mention about getting into Social Media I just started a new business based on it. We offer Mobile Website creations etc.. also the Facebook, Twitter, account setups it has just started to get me some clients.

          Social Media is going to be fantastic for 2011, I am lucky enough to have a friend of mine introduce our services to his friends which I have gained as clients, so far so good
          time will tell right now I am slightly annoyed becuse we just purchased an application called The Article Tool 2.0.

          They are not helping us with the errors we have and are ignoring our tickets on the support system, I have explained what the situation is but no joy.

          Looks like we are $150 out of pocket on this tool not good.

          Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author Gewdo
    Profile picture of Gewdo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will keep an eye out for your posts and anything about FB marketing. Currently at 100 users, in 3 days and not one sale yet. Could be my niche though.

    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Gewdo View Post

      I will keep an eye out for your posts and anything about FB marketing. Currently at 100 users, in 3 days and not one sale yet. Could be my niche though.
      100 users sounds a bit low to be honest Gewdo... in my methods I teach how to get your fan list over 10k within a couple of days. When you have that many people listening to your marketing message, it's much easier to convert and make money (it's a numbers game after all)
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
    Nicholas William
    Profile picture of Nicholas William
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay so a big thanks to everyone that contributed to this post!
    After listening to your comments, whats clear to me is that most people want to know HOW to get super cheap clicks on facebook with US traffic

    So I think I'll use that for my war room video tutorial. I'll setup a new page from scratch right now and demonstrate at least one way to get clicks in the US for under 5c

    It's 11am now, I'll report back in about 12 hours with the results and a video
    well in the war room that is... if you dont have access yet, I highly recommend you join us in there!
    Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
  • Profile picture of the author lesterlim85
    Profile picture of lesterlim85
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Nicholas

    I was also thinking of venturing into Facebook for CPA offers, and your post and confirmation that placing ads of $0.20 is possible brings me so much joy! For people with limited budget, this is such a welcome news!

    I look forward to your video in the war room!

    • Profile picture of the author Nicholas William
      Nicholas William
      Profile picture of Nicholas William
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by lesterlim85 View Post

      Hi Nicholas

      I was also thinking of venturing into Facebook for CPA offers, and your post and confirmation that placing ads of $0.20 is possible brings me so much joy! For people with limited budget, this is such a welcome news!

      I look forward to your video in the war room!

      Lester! Apa macam?

      Man I can show you how to get super cheap traffic in your country! Look at this test campaign I did about 2 weeks ago...

      Getting clicks for 2c right off the bat, I used a CPA offer that paid just over $1 per action. I have a database of countries around the world where we can get traffic for under 10c per click... thats a reach of 110 million people PER DAY.

      facebook rocks!!
      Words can't explain how excited I am with facebook advertising... I promise to share more in the new year! www.enicholas.com
      • Profile picture of the author lesterlim85
        Profile picture of lesterlim85
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Nicholas! Bagus!

        Eh.. But anyway I don't live in Malaysia so I have to google what is "apa macam" to understand its meaning. Lol.

        Having 2cents per click traffic is definitely intriguing and mouth dropping. I don't know for you, but I'm still not very sure how the market will be like for Singapore (ya ya, I'm a local Singaporean).

        I would really love to learn from you the tactics you use for your fb ads so far! Haha!


        Originally Posted by Nicholas William View Post

        Lester! Apa macam?

        Man I can show you how to get super cheap traffic in your country! Look at this test campaign I did about 2 weeks ago...

        Getting clicks for 2c right off the bat, I used a CPA offer that paid just over $1 per action. I have a database of countries around the world where we can get traffic for under 10c per click... thats a reach of 110 million people PER DAY.

        facebook rocks!!
  • Profile picture of the author lesterlim85
    Profile picture of lesterlim85
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Nicholas!

    I have not seen your video in the war room yet.. Too swamped with other work eh? ;D

  • Profile picture of the author ameerulislam10
    Profile picture of ameerulislam10
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    I'm still paying pennies/click when I target My country (Bangladesh). Usually from 3-5 cents. Not a lot of competition yet.
  • Profile picture of the author masterofinternate
    Profile picture of masterofinternate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Firstly thanks to you for sharing such kind of experience to everyone.Plz share some videos to make a clear concept.Requesting you to post everytime such kind of thread to inspire people.
    Thanks again.

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  • Profile picture of the author timeclicker
    Profile picture of timeclicker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    in past i did advertisment in facebook via coupon it did,nt worked for me .
    Get high traffic to your website 25,000 visit per day for 30days = $45 Improve your alexa ranking and increase your site value contact me at payptc@live.com for payment detail http://everydaytraffic.info/
  • Profile picture of the author kaytav
    Profile picture of kaytav
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    it rocks i really like fb
  • Profile picture of the author sandrax
    Profile picture of sandrax
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Facebook is the best ! If you get a high CTR you are golden, they will reward you with really cheap but highly targeted traffic. I always suggest to build a large fan base and target them with an ad via the email option. Is like having a huge Aweber list but not paying their fees
  • Profile picture of the author blogdecor
    Profile picture of blogdecor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't pay for facebook ads, its of no use as I have tried them. They generally send targeted traffic but the visitors don't stay on your site until it is extraordinary So it may adversely increase your bounce rate.
    • Profile picture of the author uzair21
      Profile picture of uzair21
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by blogdecor View Post

      Don't pay for facebook ads, its of no use as I have tried them. They generally send targeted traffic but the visitors don't stay on your site until it is extraordinary So it may adversely increase your bounce rate.
      Not to sound like a troll but, I have seen enough people earning thousands per day from FaceBook alone. The trick is in doing something out of ordinary.
      People just spend a 100 dollars copying someone else's campaign and then when their ad doesn't work, they claim Facebook is a ****ty traffic source (this is infact same with all traffic sources.). I have myself made some good money with facebook, so I know it works.

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