US, Canada & UK Weekend Habit

8 replies

I have some idea of the "weekend habit" in the Middle-East, East Asia, South Asia and mainland Western Europe. Been doing some jobs in those places, physically staying a couple of weeks each time.

But I'm not so sure about 3 regions - US, Canada & UK. Did jobs on behalf of some companies from the 3 places but never stayed there.

I need an advice regarding people's weekend habits in those regions.

Simple question. When do people go online on Saturday & Sunday - morning, afternoon and evening ?

Any stats that I can refer to?

I'm assuming that some people sleep till afternoon, some go out for various hobbies or sports, some go visiting, some do shopping and some go for family outings. They log-in in the evening a bit. Later have dinner or attend evening events or go for parties. Then log-in for a short while before they sleep.

I'm assuming that most people wake up a little late except for those who attend religious services. Log-in at noon for a short while. Continue with their chores or hobbies. Do some reading or watch more TV. Go out a little bit and meet some friends or relatives or neighbours. Return early and log-in longer before they sleep.
#canada #habit #weekend
  • Profile picture of the author azmanar

    After 3 weeks doing the American market, here is my current opinion :

    - Saturday is as good as any week days or even better for CPA offers. Strange but true.

    - Sunday is not a good day for CPA offers. Pausing the campaign is better.

    I really thought people will be more offline on Saturdays. The reverse is happening. Sunday is more offline than Saturdays.

    So my next assumption is people are using office facilities to get online on week days and use mobiles or CyberCafes to be online on Saturdays ( if they dont have PCs at home ).
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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    • Profile picture of the author yukinara
      Originally Posted by azmanar View Post


      After 3 weeks doing the American market, here is my current opinion :

      - Saturday is as good as any week days or even better for CPA offers. Strange but true.

      - Sunday is not a good day for CPA offers. Pausing the campaign is better.

      this is not true in my case, I had my first big day in a dating campaign on Sunday
      also many of my campaigns convert very good on Sunday and Saturday
      so I guess depend on what you test, it can vary from offer to offer
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  • Profile picture of the author maty
    you can't box people in so much different people do different things
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  • Profile picture of the author azmanar

    What you said is true. Regarding humans, it has to be fluid.

    However, there are general patterns - no matter how fluid it is.

    Thats why we have the word "culture". So different regions different cultures.

    For example, Canadians spell "Jewellery" while Americans mostly spell "Jewelry". So this pattern is reflected in their Google Search behaviour. Therefore, we have to take this into account when deciding our keywords and target regions.

    And even in the same region, there are differences in online patterns between those living in downtown area, housing estates, surburbs and countryside.

    Further factors are age, education, ethnic, type of work, income and many more. But there are general patterns distinct to each group.

    For example, some groups spell "shoe" and others spell "shoes" when searching online.

    What I seek now is just the Saturday and Sunday general online patterns between 3 regions.
    === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author Flaura78
    I am from the UK.
    People go out on Friday and get drunk.
    Get up late and go out eating or shopping. They visit the shopping malls too.
    Sunday is family time, either going out for dinner, lunch or visiting relatives, maybe taking kids somewhere.
    Don't try to sell Brits anything on Sunday evening, they are already grumpy because Monday is coming.

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    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by Flaura78 View Post

      I am from the UK.
      People go out on Friday and get drunk.
      Get up late and go out eating or shopping. They visit the shopping malls too.
      Sunday is family time, either going out for dinner, lunch or visiting relatives, maybe taking kids somewhere.
      Don't try to sell Brits anything on Sunday evening, they are already grumpy because Monday is coming.
      Thanks Flaura.

      Yup. I have that assumption too except for the grumpy part. lol. You're so funny.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Without wanting to sound "funny", I just want to bring two things to your attention.

    (1) I don't think you'll find anyone here who has done some real research into these trends, so anyone providing answers is just going to be guessing - which isn't too helpful to you.

    (2) Even if people tell you their weekend habits, they're not going to be representative of the wider population. A lot of the people here work online, or are looking to begin working online, and as such they're likely to spend longer periods online than the "average person" (whatever/whoever that is), and at much more regular intervals.

    So no matter what people tell you, you're not getting a true (or even close) picture/representation of the weekend web surfing habits of the general population.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3193637].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

      Without wanting to sound "funny", I just want to bring two things to your attention.

      (1) I don't think you'll find anyone here who has done some real research into these trends, so anyone providing answers is just going to be guessing - which isn't too helpful to you.

      (2) Even if people tell you their weekend habits, they're not going to be representative of the wider population. A lot of the people here work online, or are looking to begin working online, and as such they're likely to spend longer periods online than the "average person" (whatever/whoever that is), and at much more regular intervals.

      So no matter what people tell you, you're not getting a true (or even close) picture/representation of the weekend web surfing habits of the general population.
      Thanks Mike for the tips. I understand fully about the inherent inaccuracy. You're so true.

      I give you an example of how true you are.

      An American University did a survey few years back. They found that 50% people being surveyed claimed they go to church every Sunday. This sample represent the nation. The researchers can't believe the result.

      What the data says just doesn't match with what the researchers personally know about their society when they were growing up.

      So last year, they did another survey using different questions. Finally they got a result that makes more sense to them. 20% people from the christian faith go to Sunday services.

      The result is almost the same as Canada. UK and mainland Europe showed much lower percentage except Italy.

      Still ... the latest data is not very accurate. But it shows a regular pattern which makes sense. It is a strategic info for NGOs, the Church, the Gov, social scientists and the industry to take the next steps.

      For me, it is the same in CPA. Using "spray and pray" does not work well. Spray Ads everywhere - every hour - everyday and pray for conversions.

      The Aff Networks want their Offers to be promoted as wide as possible. The Advertising Networks want us to spend as much as possible. What they tell me are always whats good for them.

      We're the ones who will be using our limited resources. Some basic pattern will be a sensible base to decide whats good for us. Why not.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

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