Using ads and internet marketing to promote your blog

2 replies
To promote your blog or website,all you need to do is to join internet marketing forums,warriorforum is one of them,paste a relevant information that people would like to read about on your blog then advertise it on these forums.You can also monetize your blog or website by joining google adsense or bidvertiser.
#ads #blog #internet #marketing #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Banks
    That is what I am doing and getting about 10-20 subscribers per day!

    For some reason though I think you are just posting this to build your post count
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3943129].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nikomia
    Originally Posted by owoadephilip View Post

    To promote your blog or website,all you need to do is to join internet marketing forums,warriorforum is one of them,paste a relevant information that people would like to read about on your blog then advertise it on these forums.You can also monetize your blog or website by joining google adsense or bidvertiser.
    You posted in the wrong section!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3943301].message }}

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