Any tips for successful media buying?

by 31 replies
I am newly started on doing media buying, but I am total blank on it. Please help me out. Thanks!
#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #buying #media #successful #tips
  • Man got 7 days so I can explain it all?

    What do you want to promote, your stuff or someone elses?

    You really need to know your demographic.
  • Media buying is kind of advanced method! Have had any success with other sources of traffic? I'd stay away from media buying until I mastered at least 2 sources of paid traffic!

    ~ Omid
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  • Profile picture of the author raven2424
    what exactly are media buys compared to PPC
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    • Profile picture of the author COPEAC Steve
      PPC is keyword based, paying per click to appear when certain keywords are being searched for.

      Media Buying is a more detailed as far as targeting. You can purchase media on a per click basis, per impression basis, ETC. You're usually placing media based on the demographic you're targeting.

      So for example, if you want your ad to be presented to makes, 18-34 that live in NY, you will have to do research to determine which keywords will yield that type of visitor for PPC. Compared to media buying where you're actually laying out the demo to the ad-network and from there they are presenting your ad on websites that fit that demo.
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  • Profile picture of the author JunoDMP
    I may focus on diet category. I am more confused about the technic part. How to do the preliminary data analysis and how to do the post-test. I would appreciate it a lot if there is any advice.
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  • If you have at least $500 a month to spend on media buys, there is a guy you can learn from who's REALLY good at it, his name is Scott Rewick (google him).

    However, If you do not have that budget it would be better to start with facebook and try and build up from there. Recommended to me personally by Mr Rewick alst month of April
  • Media buys is a bit advanced like Omid said. It requires a lot of attention and can easily turn ugly. I would pick a source you would like you use, learn all you can about it, and go from there. It's the best way to avoid losing money.

    ;; Matt P
  • Profile picture of the author COPEAC Steve
    Yea i probably should have posted something along the lines of what Matthew wrote. Media buying is one of the fastest ways to lose money in this industry. You're most likely better off using PPV traffic. Buying traffic in bulk at a much lower rate compared to media buys, work on optimization techniques, day parting, ETC. Those elements will help you greatly if and when you do decide to transition into media buying.
    • [2] replies
    • Well said. If you can convert through ****ty PPV traffic, you could most likely convert anywhere as long as you're targeted.

    • Profile picture of the author manzippo
      where did u buy traffic, Steve?
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  • The biggest reason people fail with media buys is they don't have a big enough budget to get real data. You have to have a ton of different banner variations and a large budget to figure out what works. It's constant tweaking and adjusting.

    You can start small, but odds are you'll quit long before seeing any return.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I agree with all of the above, but also, you need to identify your competitors. See what's out there in the space. This will help you figure out where you need to be in order to keep up with the game. Best of luck!
  • I learned a lot from your talks, however, I am kind of going to do even more homework before I start it. Thanks a lot.
  • I would recommend you first start with other display advertising platforms like Facebook.

    Once you have a good understanding of the critical components, then you can slowly more to media buys . I would even advice that you start with direct media buys .
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Good "practice" grounds before buying banner-ad space

      1. Facebook
      2. PPV
      3. Plenty of Fish
      4. Google Display

      Or you can "tweak" ads you see on a consistent basis and model after their components. Then, as ChadH states, you go directly to the webmaster and try to make a deal.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Well, what experience do you have? Where are you planning on buying traffic from? Do you have any experience creating banner ads?
  • Looks like everyone is bringing up the right points. Media buy is pretty advance so you definitely want to have a plan.
  • Media Buying = Big Spender

    If you have the money then this is a great way to go, but be prepared to spend a lot and test a lot

  • The #1 way to start media buying is:

    1) Get an offer from a CPA network
    2) Google the top keywords in that niche
    3) Look for websites that accept advertising
    4) Email them or buy ads on their site if they have an "advertise" link
    5) Test your offer and optimise
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Biggest tip - Be prepared to lose money.

      Media buying is generally a pretty big gamble, it's always a case of throwing as much as you can out there, tracking EVERYTHING and see what sticks. Then ramp up the ads/placements that are doing well and cut the losers.

      The payoff is definately worth it though. Media buys are one of the few tactics that can net you 4 figures in a single day when you get it right. The downside is they can also suck your bank account dry when you get it wrong lol.
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  • successful media buying tip: don't do it unless you know the offers, traffic, page stats, and have $5000 to sink in. (yes, five thousand)
  • yes.

    media buying is the big category.

    ppc is a subset of media buying.

    they are not different.

    and yes ppc u need a big budget.

    ppv are harder and more things to worry though.

    u have to make sure ur page loads up fast because if it doesnt 99% of the time people will close it before it opens up.

    only 1% will wait for ur ads to show.

    ppc are people who are interested in ur ad thus they click. so its higher quality traffic.

    ppv are people who are forced to see ur ads so the quality is not as good.

    just keep that in mind.
  • If you could spend $50,000 per day, you would find enough winning ad variations to pay for your future ad spend. Unfortunately most start with $5 per day and are just setting themselves up for failure.

    You're buying data, tweaking it and profitting. Most don't get past the first step.

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    • LOL yea don't we all wish we had 50K to blow right away

  • Banned
    For the start...
    try buying an adspace through Buy Sell Ads.
  • Banned
  • If a media property claims to be sold out of the inventory you need to secure for a client, try having the site create a button placement for you. Creation of a new ad position is often a possibility and can help you get around inventory problems.
  • Banned

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