Google Adsense Q's from a semi begginger

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Hi guys, Ive been lurking on these forums for the past 2 weeks as I prepare to start my first CPA campaign. Ive done quite alot of preperation but I find theres several questions which are not properly adressed in all the training materials ive read to date. For this thread I'd like to focus on Google Adsense and what CPA marketers think of it. My friend who does CPA raves about google adsense and taught me how it works and I must say the software is incredibly powerful. So here is my remaining Questions that I (and likely others new to CPA) probably have. Ill lay them out in numbered format so feel free to respond to any numbered point you know about, responses dont have to adress everything and are much appreciated!

1. It seems to me that google ad sense must be the premier ppc ad network with so much exposure to world wide internet users, and the ability to put you ads on google search. That being said, I have heard from some CPA marketers that Adsense is hostile towards CPA affiliates and gives them a hard time at every corner. I watched a 6 hour training video on Adsense by David Booth and he seems to be heavily pushing adsense to the actual companies doing advertising and NOT affiliate marketers. What is the deal here! Is Adsense the best option for CPA, just hoping to get a feel from those already in the field.

2.One of the great features about google adsense that i LOVE is the conversion tracking. Adsense actually creates the conversion tracking code for you and all you have to do is install it on your conversion page and its set to track your conversions. IS this something that is standard across all networks and does google adsense really stand out here. IF this is possible on other networks does it work the same way? Also im not quite sure how installing the tracking code on your thank you page works. I was told its not overly technichal so if i could get confirmation on that it would be great!

3.If im not actually using the Adsense platform to promote my ads, do all the great features from adsense used for keyword research and search volume, apply to the other networks (can i still use adsense for research purposes if im not actually advertising on adsense at all) or are these features standard across all ad networks ie every ad platform has similar research tools that apply specificly to that platform.

4. IS the competition on adsense simple too much, to draw an analogy i used to play poker proffesionally and every online pros know there are huge differnce in tougness across the different poker networks. The best site with the best software and most players (pokerstars ) is also by far the most competitive and toughest to get started at, and im wondering if such a trend would apply to google adsense. Is this a place for seasoned pros where the newbie fish get eat up real quick, or is this the ideal place to start and get used to CPA marketing. Keeping in mind i DO have money to spend on my campaigns im not trying to get started on the cheap.

5. From what I learnt from my friend, It seems to me the clear choice is to adervertise on the google search network with text ads only. My gut feeling is the google display network would have a much lower CTR and higher cost per conversion than the search network, (since users are not actively searching for our product , but rather just browsing related content) and also it seems the GDN has more stringent guidelines on creating ads so i think i should start on text ads on the GSN for now, am i on track with this idea or am i wrong?

6.I heard that Quality score on adsense is a key part to your cost per click. Also i heard that your "historical" quality score is ALWAYS considered on adsense so if you get your account off to a really bad start that can dog you forever. IF this was to happen to me on my first few campaigns, can and SHOULD i just create a new account to re set my Q score once i get good at things?

7.Last Question or more of an offer : if any of you Pro CPA guys are interested in poker as a hobby or alternate income stream Id be more then happy to exchange pro poker coaching for pro CPA coaching! FWIW im quitting poker because it has become boring and monotonous but its still an easy 3 figures an hour. I played for a living for the last 7 years and I still enjoy the game but I want to move into somthing more challenging! If your interested in making $ or just for having some fun Im the guy to ask about anything Poker related.

Again i know my post is long but i think the answers could go along way to helping alot of aspiring CPA marketers get started!
#adsense #begginer #begginger #google #semi

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